Minutes from 80th OpenVDB TSC meeting, Feb 16th, 2021, (EDT) Attendees: *Nick* A., *Jeff* L., *Ken* M., *Dan* B, *Andre* P. Additional Attendees: Johannes Meng (Intel), JT Nelson (Blender), Bruce Chernaik (Intel), Laura Lediaev (ImageWorks), Richard Jones (DNeg) Regrets: none Agenda: 1) Confirm Quorum 2) Secretary 3) TBB PR 4) Siggraph Course 5) Inline Half 6) TAC Survey Results 7) GSOC 8) Blender Update 9) Morphology PR 10) CI Throughput 11) Jeff Budsberg Extrapolate SOP Feedback 12) Next meeting 1) Confirm Quorum Quorum is present. 2) Secretary Secretary is Dan Bailey. 3) TBB PR External contributor PR 969 for migrating away from TBB mutex and TBB atomics. Ken to try and build this against TBB 2021. Any changes can be pushed directly to this PR. Main area of caution is around memory ordering between tbb::atomic and std::atomic. Since C++11, implementation of std::atomic now supports different memory orders so possible to match behavior with tbb::atomic. Deprecation of TBB constructs is discussed here: https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/tbb-revamp.html 4) Siggraph Course All intending to present need to send Ken a brief bio and description of topics to talk about. 5) Inline Half Dan submitted a PR to test USE_IMATH_HALF in CI, now approved and merged. As soon as CI checks pass, good to merge this PR. 6) TAC Survey Results Not a huge sample size (40-50 respondees). Main feedback is that people are happy with the library, but would like it to be easier to build - we should continue to remove, embed and/or make dependencies optional. A few people indicated the flexible tree configuration is useful, but not enough detail to draw out from that whether that means value type configuration of tree configuration. 7) GSOC Some changes to the GSOC program this year, notably reducing the student contribution time. There is also an ASWF outreach program that will be coming that we can target. General feeling is that the ASWF outreach might be more suitable this year and we should skip the GSOC application this time around. PyBind11 migration and general python library improvements could be a good project. 8) Blender Update There is a Blender update coming from JT. 9) Morphology PR Some late feedback from Dan (sorry Nick). Decision on whether to simplify API is probably the most important before we merge. There are some vendors very interested in this change. Aim to merge next week. 10) CI Throughput CI needs to be faster, should consider all routes to achieve this. 11) Jeff Budsberg Extrapolate SOP Feedback Jeff provided some feedback on the Extrapolate SOP. Some thoughts on renaming UI elements. A question about whether unsigned level sets are supported - not currently but can be added later, should be simple to treat as density extrapolation. A question about resampling - perhaps sampling the mask is more appropriate, but provided functionality doesn't exist at all in this first version, ok to proceed with merging and address this point later. 12) Next meeting Next meeting is Feb 23rd, 2021. 12pm-1pm EST (GMT-5).