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58 0 78 17C
-- Version 010 -- -- Load WinAPI library local winapi = require('winapi') scriptConnected = false --[[ Utility Functions --]] -- Debug Logger debug_log_visible = false function DebugLog(sLog, sLevel) if not sLog or not trim(sLog) then return end if not debug_log_visible then form_show(DebugWindow) debug_log_visible = true end if not sLevel or sLevel == 0 then memo_append(DebugWindow_Log, trim(sLog)) end if sLevel == DebugLevel then memo_append(DebugWindow_Log, trim(sLog)) end end Log = DebugLog function DebugMessage(sMessage) if not sMessage or not trim(sMessage) then return end sMessage = trim(sMessage) DebugLog(sMessage); showMessage(sMessage) end function clearDebugLog() strings_clear(memo_getLines(DebugWindow_Log)) end function trim(s) return s:find'^%s*$' and '' or s:match'^%s*(.*%S)' end -- Process handling function getProcessNameFromProcessID(iProcessID) if iProcessID < 1 then return 0 end local plist = createStringlist() getProcesslist(plist) for i=1, strings_getCount(plist)-1 do local process = strings_getString(plist, i) local offset = string.find(process,'-') local pid = tonumber('0x'..string.sub(process,1,offset-1)) local pname = string.sub(process,offset+1) if pid == iProcessID then return pname end end return 0 end function getOpenedProcessName() local process = getOpenedProcessID() if process ~= 0 and getProcessIDFromProcessName(DefaultProccessName) == getOpenedProcessID() then if checkOpenedProcess(DefaultProccessName) == true then return DefaultProccessName end return 0 end return getProcessNameFromProcessID(getOpenedProcessID()) end function checkOpenedProcess(process) if process == nil or process == 0 or process == false then process = getOpenedProcessID() if process ~= 0 and getProcessIDFromProcessName(DefaultProccessName) == process then process = DefaultProccessName end end if type(process) == "number" then process = getProcessNameFromProcessID(process) end if process ~= nil and process ~= 0 then if readInteger(process) then return true end end return false end -- DebugLevel if checkbox_getState(DebugWindow_DebugMode) == 0 then DebugLevel = 0 DebugLog('!DebugMode Disabled') end if checkbox_getState(DebugWindow_DebugMode) == 1 then DebugLevel = 1 DebugLog('!DebugMode Enabled') end clearDebugLog() control_setCaption(DebugWindow, "FushBot by Cellux - Cheat Engine "..getCEVersion()) DebugLog('* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *') DebugLog('* Trove Fishing Bot by Cellux') DebugLog('* Version 010') DebugLog('* GitHub:') DebugLog('* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *') -- Clear Auto-Attach List errorOnLookupFailure(false) local ceSettings = winapi.open_reg_key([[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cheat Engine]], true) if(ceSettings:get_value('AutoAttach') ~= '') or (ceSettings:getValue('AutoAttach') ~= nil) then ceSettings:set_value('AutoAttach', '') ceSettings:close() reloadSettingsFromRegistry() DebugLog('AutoAttach list cleared.', 1) end --[[ Testing saving to registry --]] -- Disable Auto-attach when already attached to process -- local settingRegistry = winapi.open_reg_key([[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cheat Engine]], true) -- if settingRegistry:get_value('Always AutoAttach') == 0 then -- DebugLog('!Disabling Always AutoAttach', 1) -- settingRegistry:set_value('Always AutoAttach', 0, REG_DWORD) -- This doesn't actually save as REG_DWORD - don't ask me why. -- settingRegistry:close() -- reloadSettingsFromRegistry() -- end function configureWindow() if (fbSession == nil) or (fbSession == 0) then fbSessionShared = allocateSharedMemory('fbSessionSharedInt', 1024) troveWindow = winapi.find_window_match('Trove') -- Finds original Trove window troveProcess = troveWindow:get_process() if (getProcessNameFromProcessID(troveProcess:get_pid()) ~= 'Trove.exe') then DebugLog('Trove.exe not found correctly. Check no other window titles have the name Trove in it.') return end openProcess(troveProcess:get_pid()) -- Connects CheatEngine to window via Process ID if (fbSessionShared == nil) or (fbSessionShared < 1) or (readInteger(fbSessionShared) < 1) then writeInteger(fbSessionShared, 1) local troveWindowTitle = 'FushBot 1' troveWindow:set_text(troveWindowTitle) troveWindow = winapi.find_window_match(troveWindowTitle) fbSession = 1; DebugLog('!FushBot session ID: 1', 1) elseif (fbSessionShared > 1) or (readInteger(fbSessionShared) > 1) then writeInteger(fbSessionShared, readInteger(fbSessionShared)+1) local troveWindowTitle = 'FushBot ' ..readInteger(fbSessionShared) troveWindow:set_text(troveWindowTitle) troveWindow = winapi.find_window_match(troveWindowName) fbSession = readInteger(fbSessionShared); DebugLog('!FushBot session ID = ' ..readInteger(fbSessionShared), 1) else DebugLog('## Failed to create FushBot session, please try again.') end elseif (fbSession > 0) then troveWindow = winapi.find_window_match('FushBot ' ..fbSession) DebugLog('Existing Fushbot session found -- Session: '..fbSession, 1) else DebugLog('Something dun goof\'d') end end local OpenedProcess = getOpenedProcessName() if OpenedProcess ~= 0 then DebugLog("~Hooked Process: "..OpenedProcess..' ('..getOpenedProcessID()..')') end -- Debug Mode defaults function DebugModeChange(sender) if checkbox_getState(DebugWindow_DebugMode) == 0 then DebugLevel = 0 DebugLog('!DebugMode Disabled') end if checkbox_getState(DebugWindow_DebugMode) == 1 then DebugLevel = 1 DebugLog('!DebugMode Enabled') end end function ConnectClick(sender) if (scriptConnected == false) then configureWindow() scriptConnected = true end end