#!/bin/sh ############################################################################################################# # # # ███████╗██╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗███████╗████████╗ ██╗ ██╗███████╗ # # ██╔════╝██║ ██╔╝╚██╗ ██╔╝████╗ ██║██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝ ██║ ██║╚════██║ # # ███████╗█████╔╝ ╚████╔╝ ██╔██╗ ██║█████╗ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██╔╝ # # ╚════██║██╔═██╗ ╚██╔╝ ██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝ ██║ ╚██╗ ██╔╝ ██╔╝ # # ███████║██║ ██╗ ██║ ██║ ╚████║███████╗ ██║ ╚████╔╝ ██║ # # ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═╝ # # # # Router Firewall And Security Enhancements # # By Adamm - https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS # # 17/04/2024 - v7.5.9 # ############################################################################################################# export PATH="/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:$PATH" printf '\033[?7l' clear sed -n '2,14p' "$0" export LC_ALL=C mkdir -p /tmp/skynet/lists mkdir -p /jffs/addons/shared-whitelists ntptimer="0" while [ "$(nvram get ntp_ready)" = "0" ] && [ "$ntptimer" -lt "300" ] && ! echo "$1" | grep -qE "(uninstall|disable)"; do ntptimer="$((ntptimer + 1))" if [ "$ntptimer" = "60" ]; then echo; logger -st Skynet "[*] Waiting For NTP To Sync"; fi sleep 1 done if [ "$ntptimer" -ge "300" ]; then logger -st Skynet "[*] NTP Failed To Start After 5 Minutes - Please Fix Immediately!"; echo; exit 1; fi skynetloc="$(grep -ow "skynetloc=.* # Skynet" /jffs/scripts/firewall-start 2>/dev/null | grep -vE "^#" | awk '{print $1}' | cut -c 11-)" skynetcfg="${skynetloc}/skynet.cfg" skynetlog="${skynetloc}/skynet.log" skynetevents="${skynetloc}/events.log" skynetipset="${skynetloc}/skynet.ipset" stime="$(date +%s)" if [ -z "${skynetloc}" ] && tty >/dev/null 2>&1; then set "install" fi ############### #- Functions -# ############### Kill_Lock() { if [ -f "/tmp/skynet.lock" ] && [ -d "/proc/$(sed -n '2p' /tmp/skynet.lock)" ]; then logger -st Skynet "[*] Killing Locked Processes ($(sed -n '1p' /tmp/skynet.lock)) (pid=$(sed -n '2p' /tmp/skynet.lock))" logger -st Skynet "[*] $(ps | awk -v pid="$(sed -n '2p' /tmp/skynet.lock)" '$1 == pid')" kill "$(sed -n '2p' /tmp/skynet.lock)" rm -rf /tmp/skynet.lock echo fi } Check_Lock() { if [ -f "/tmp/skynet.lock" ] && [ -d "/proc/$(sed -n '2p' /tmp/skynet.lock)" ] && [ "$(sed -n '2p' /tmp/skynet.lock)" != "$$" ]; then if [ "$(($(date +%s) - $(sed -n '3p' /tmp/skynet.lock)))" -gt "1800" ]; then Kill_Lock else logger -st Skynet "[*] Lock File Detected ($(sed -n '1p' /tmp/skynet.lock)) (pid=$(sed -n '2p' /tmp/skynet.lock)) - Exiting (cpid=$$)" echo; exit 1 fi fi echo "$@" > /tmp/skynet.lock echo "$$" >> /tmp/skynet.lock date +%s >> /tmp/skynet.lock lockskynet="true" } if [ ! -d "${skynetloc}" ] && ! echo "$@" | grep -wqE "(install|uninstall|disable|update|restart|info)"; then Check_Lock "$@" usbtest="0" if [ -z "${skynetloc}" ]; then usbtest="10"; fi while [ ! -d "${skynetloc}" ] && [ "$usbtest" -le "10" ]; do usbtest="$((usbtest + 1))" logger -st Skynet "[*] USB Not Found - Sleeping For 10 Seconds ( Attempt $usbtest Of 10 )" sleep 10 done if [ ! -d "${skynetloc}" ] || [ ! -w "${skynetloc}" ]; then logger -st Skynet "[*] Problem With USB Install Location - Please Fix Immediately!" logger -st Skynet "[*] To Change Install Location Run - ( sh $0 install )" echo; exit 1 fi fi if [ "$(nvram get wan0_proto)" = "pppoe" ]; then iface="ppp0" else iface="$(nvram get wan0_ifname)" fi Red() { printf -- '\033[1;31m%s\033[0m\n' "$1" } Grn() { printf -- '\033[1;32m%s\033[0m\n' "$1" } Blue() { printf -- '\033[1;36m%s\033[0m\n' "$1" } Ylow() { printf -- '\033[1;33m%s\033[0m\n' "$1" } Check_Swap() { grep -qF "file" "/proc/swaps" } Check_Settings() { if [ ! -f "$skynetcfg" ]; then logger -st Skynet "[*] Configuration File Not Detected - Please Use ( sh $0 install ) To Continue" echo; exit 1 fi unset "swaplocation" if grep -qE "^swapon " /jffs/scripts/post-mount; then if Check_Swap; then swaplocation="$(grep -m1 -F "file" "/proc/swaps" | awk '{print $1}')" if [ "$(grep -E "^swapon " /jffs/scripts/post-mount | awk '{print $2}')" != "$swaplocation" ] && echo "$swaplocation" | grep -E "/..*/"; then logger -st Skynet "[*] Restoring Missing Swap File Entry ( $swaplocation )" sed -i '\~swapon ~d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount if [ "$(wc -l < /jffs/scripts/post-mount)" -lt "2" ]; then echo >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount; fi sed -i "2i swapon $swaplocation # Skynet" /jffs/scripts/post-mount fi else sleep 10 swapon "$(grep -E "^swapon " /jffs/scripts/post-mount | awk '{print $2}')" 2>/dev/null fi else logger -st Skynet "[*] Scanning /tmp/mnt For Swap Files" findswap="$(find /tmp/mnt -name "myswap.swp")" if [ -n "$findswap" ] && [ -f "$findswap" ]; then logger -st Skynet "[*] Restoring Damaged Swap File Entry ( $findswap )" sed -i '\~swapon ~d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount if [ "$(wc -l < /jffs/scripts/post-mount)" -lt "2" ]; then echo >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount; fi sed -i "2i swapon $findswap # Skynet" /jffs/scripts/post-mount if ! Check_Swap; then swapon "$findswap"; fi swaplocation="$findswap" elif Check_Swap; then findswap="$(grep -m1 -F "file" "/proc/swaps" | awk '{print $1}')" if [ -n "$findswap" ] && [ -f "$findswap" ]; then logger -st Skynet "[*] Restoring Missing Swap File Entry ( $findswap )" sed -i '\~swapon ~d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount if [ "$(wc -l < /jffs/scripts/post-mount)" -lt "2" ]; then echo >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount; fi sed -i "2i swapon $findswap # Skynet" /jffs/scripts/post-mount swaplocation="$findswap" fi fi fi if [ -n "$swaplocation" ] && [ ! -f "$swaplocation" ]; then logger -st Skynet "[*] SWAP File Missing ( $swaplocation ) - Fix This By Running ( $0 debug swap uninstall ) Then ( $0 debug swap install )" echo; exit 1 elif grep -m1 -qF "partition" "/proc/swaps"; then logger -st Skynet "[*] SWAP Partitions Not Supported - Please Use SWAP File" echo; exit 1 elif [ -z "$swaplocation" ] && ! Check_Swap; then logger -st Skynet "[*] Skynet Requires A SWAP File - Install One By Running ( $0 debug swap install )" echo; exit 1 fi if [ -n "$swaplocation" ] && [ "$(du "$swaplocation" | awk '{print $1}')" -lt "1048576" ]; then logger -st Skynet "[*] SWAP File Too Small - 1GB Minimum Required - Please Fix Immediately!" fi if [ "$(nvram get fw_log_x)" != "drop" ] && [ "$(nvram get fw_log_x)" != "both" ]; then nvram set fw_log_x=drop nvram commit restartfirewall="1" fi localver="$(Filter_Version < "$0")" if [ "$banmalwareupdate" = "daily" ]; then Load_Cron "banmalwaredaily" elif [ "$banmalwareupdate" = "weekly" ]; then Load_Cron "banmalwareweekly" fi if [ "$autoupdate" = "enabled" ]; then Load_Cron "autoupdate" else Load_Cron "checkupdate" fi if [ -d "/opt/bin" ] && [ ! -L "/opt/bin/firewall" ]; then ln -s /jffs/scripts/firewall /opt/bin fi if ! grep -F "sh /jffs/scripts/firewall" /jffs/configs/profile.add; then echo "alias firewall=\"sh /jffs/scripts/firewall\" # Skynet" >> /jffs/configs/profile.add fi if [ "$(nvram get jffs2_scripts)" != "1" ]; then nvram set jffs2_scripts=1 nvram commit logger -st Skynet "[*] Custom JFFS Scripts Enabled - Please Manually Reboot To Apply Changes" fi if [ "$(nvram get fw_enable_x)" != "1" ]; then nvram set fw_enable_x=1 nvram commit restartfirewall="1" fi if [ -f "/opt/var/log/dnsmasq.log" ]; then extendedstats="enabled" else extendedstats="disabled" fi if [ -z "$iotlogging" ]; then iotlogging="enabled" fi if ps | grep -F "/sbin/syslogd" | grep -qF "/jffs/syslog.log" && [ "$syslogloc" = "/tmp/syslog.log" ]; then syslogloc="/jffs/syslog.log" # Fix syslog location on newer random models syslog1loc="/jffs/syslog.log-1" fi if [ -f "/opt/bin/scribe" ] && [ ! -f "/opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/skynet" ] && [ -f "/opt/share/syslog-ng/examples/skynet" ]; then logger -st Skynet "[i] Installing Scribe Plugin" rm -rf "/opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/firewall" "/opt/etc/logrotate/firewall" cp -p "/opt/share/syslog-ng/examples/skynet" "/opt/etc/syslog-ng.d" syslogloc="$(grep -m1 "file(" "/opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/skynet" | awk -F "\"" '{print $2}')" killall -HUP syslog-ng elif [ -f "/opt/bin/scribe" ] && [ -f "/opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/skynet" ] && [ "$syslogloc" = "/tmp/syslog.log" ]; then syslogloc="$(grep -m1 "file(" "/opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/skynet" | awk -F "\"" '{print $2}')" fi if nvram get wan0_ipaddr | Is_PrivateIP; then logger -st Skynet "[*] Private WAN IP Detected $(nvram get wan0_ipaddr) - Please Put Your Modem In Bridge Mode / Disable CG-NAT" fi } Check_Connection() { livecheck="0" websites="google.com github.com snbforums.com" while [ "$livecheck" -lt 4 ]; do for website in $websites; do if ping -q -w3 -c1 "$website" >/dev/null 2>&1; then return 0 fi done livecheck=$((livecheck + 1)) if [ "$livecheck" -lt 4 ]; then echo "[*] Internet Connectivity Error" sleep 10 else return 1 fi done } Check_Files() { if [ ! -f "/jffs/scripts/firewall-start" ]; then echo "#!/bin/sh" > /jffs/scripts/firewall-start echo >> /jffs/scripts/firewall-start elif [ -f "/jffs/scripts/firewall-start" ] && ! head -1 /jffs/scripts/firewall-start | grep -qE "^#!/bin/sh"; then sed -i '1s~^~#!/bin/sh\n~' /jffs/scripts/firewall-start fi if [ ! -f "/jffs/scripts/services-stop" ]; then echo "#!/bin/sh" > /jffs/scripts/services-stop echo >> /jffs/scripts/services-stop elif [ -f "/jffs/scripts/services-stop" ] && ! head -1 /jffs/scripts/services-stop | grep -qE "^#!/bin/sh"; then sed -i '1s~^~#!/bin/sh\n~' /jffs/scripts/services-stop fi if [ ! -f "/jffs/scripts/service-event" ]; then echo "#!/bin/sh" > /jffs/scripts/service-event echo >> /jffs/scripts/service-event elif [ -f "/jffs/scripts/service-event" ] && ! head -1 /jffs/scripts/service-event | grep -qE "^#!/bin/sh"; then sed -i '1s~^~#!/bin/sh\n~' /jffs/scripts/service-event fi if ! grep -vE "^#" /jffs/scripts/service-event | grep -qF "sh /jffs/scripts/firewall debug genstats"; then cmdline="if [ \"\$1\" = \"start\" ] && [ \"\$2\" = \"SkynetStats\" ]; then sh /jffs/scripts/firewall debug genstats; fi # Skynet" sed -i '\~# Skynet~d' /jffs/scripts/service-event echo "$cmdline" >> /jffs/scripts/service-event fi if [ ! -f "/jffs/scripts/post-mount" ]; then echo "#!/bin/sh" > /jffs/scripts/post-mount echo >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount elif [ -f "/jffs/scripts/post-mount" ] && ! head -1 /jffs/scripts/post-mount | grep -qE "^#!/bin/sh"; then sed -i '1s~^~#!/bin/sh\n~' /jffs/scripts/post-mount fi if [ ! -f "/jffs/scripts/unmount" ]; then echo "#!/bin/sh" > /jffs/scripts/unmount echo >> /jffs/scripts/unmount elif [ -f "/jffs/scripts/unmount" ] && ! head -1 /jffs/scripts/unmount | grep -qE "^#!/bin/sh"; then sed -i '1s~^~#!/bin/sh\n~' /jffs/scripts/unmount fi if ! grep -qE "^swapoff " /jffs/scripts/unmount; then sed -i '\~swapoff ~d' /jffs/scripts/unmount echo "swapoff -a 2>/dev/null # Skynet" >> /jffs/scripts/unmount fi if ! grep -vE "^#" /jffs/scripts/services-stop | grep -qF "sh /jffs/scripts/firewall save"; then echo "sh /jffs/scripts/firewall save # Skynet" >> /jffs/scripts/services-stop fi if [ "$(wc -l < /jffs/scripts/post-mount)" -lt "2" ]; then echo >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount; fi chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/firewall" "/jffs/scripts/firewall-start" "/jffs/scripts/services-stop" "/jffs/scripts/service-event" "/jffs/scripts/post-mount" "/jffs/scripts/unmount" } Check_Security() { if [ "$securemode" = "enabled" ]; then if [ "$(nvram get sshd_enable)" = "1" ] && [ "$(uname -o)" = "ASUSWRT-Merlin" ]; then logger -st Skynet "[!] Insecure Setting Detected - Disabling WAN SSH Access" nvram set sshd_enable="2" nvram commit restartfirewall="1" fi if [ "$(nvram get sshd_wan)" = "1" ] && [ "$(uname -o)" = "ASUSWRT-Merlin-LTS" ]; then logger -st Skynet "[!] Insecure Setting Detected - Disabling WAN SSH Access" nvram set sshd_wan="0" nvram commit restartfirewall="1" fi if [ "$(nvram get misc_http_x)" = "1" ]; then logger -st Skynet "[!] Insecure Setting Detected - Disabling WAN GUI Access" nvram set misc_http_x="0" nvram commit restartfirewall="1" fi fi if [ "$(nvram get pptpd_enable)" = "1" ] && nvram get pptpd_clientlist | grep -qE 'i[0-9]{7}|p[0-9]{7}'; then logger -st Skynet "[!] PPTP VPN Server Shows Signs Of Compromise - Investigate Immediately!" nvram set pptpd_enable="0" nvram set pptpd_broadcast="0" nvram commit echo "[i] Stopping PPTP Service" service stop_pptpd echo "[i] Restarting Samba Service" service restart_samba restartfirewall="1" fi if [ -e "/var/run/tor" ] || [ -e "/var/run/torrc" ] || [ -e "/var/run/tord" ] || [ -e "/var/run/vpnfilterm" ] || [ -e "/var/run/vpnfilterw" ]; then logger -st Skynet "[!] Suspected VPNFilter Malware Found - Investigate Immediately!" logger -st Skynet "[!] Caching Potential VPNFilter Malware: ${skynetloc}/vpnfilter.tar.gz" tar -czf "${skynetloc}/vpnfilter.tar.gz" "/var/run/tor" "/var/run/torrc" "/var/run/tord" "/var/run/vpnfilterm" "/var/run/vpnfilterw" >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf "/var/run/tor" "/var/run/torrc" "/var/run/tord" "/var/run/vpnfilterm" "/var/run/vpnfilterw" restartfirewall="1" fi if [ -f "/jffs/chkupdate.sh" ] || [ -f "/tmp/update" ] || [ -f "/tmp/.update.log" ] || [ -f "/jffs/runtime.log" ] || grep -qF "upgrade.sh" "/jffs/scripts/openvpn-event" 2>/dev/null; then logger -st Skynet "[!] Warning! Router Malware Detected (chkupdate.sh) - Investigate Immediately!" grep -hoE '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}' "/jffs/chkupdate.sh" "/tmp/update" "/tmp/.update.log" "/jffs/runtime.log" "/jffs/scripts/openvpn-event" 2>/dev/null | awk '!x[$0]++' | while IFS= read -r "ip"; do echo "add Skynet-Blacklist $ip comment \"Malware: chkupdate.sh\"" done | ipset restore -! fi if [ -f "/jffs/updater" ] || [ -f "/jffs/p32" ] || [ -f "/tmp/pawns-cli" ] || [ -f "/tmp/updateservice" ] || nvram get "jffs2_exec" | grep -qF "/jffs/updater" || nvram get "script_usbmount" | grep -qF "/jffs/updater" || nvram get "script_usbumount" | grep -qF "/jffs/updater" || nvram get "vpn_server_custom" | grep -qF "/jffs/updater" || nvram get "vpn_server1_custom" | grep -qF "/jffs/updater" || cru l | grep -qF "/jffs/updater" 2>/dev/null; then logger -st Skynet "[!] Warning! Router Malware Detected (/jffs/updater) - Investigate Immediately!" logger -st Skynet "[!] Caching Potential Updater Malware: ${skynetloc}/malwareupdater.tar.gz" nvram savefile "/tmp/nvramoutput.txt" tar -czf "${skynetloc}/malwareupdater.tar.gz" "/jffs/updater" "/jffs/p32" "/tmp/pawns-cli" "/tmp/updateservice" "/tmp/nvramoutput.txt" "/root/.profile" >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf "/jffs/updater" "/jffs/p32" "/tmp/pawns-cli" "/tmp/updateservice" "/tmp/nvramoutput.txt" echo > "/root/.profile" cru d updater nvram unset jffs2_exec nvram unset script_usbmount nvram unset script_usbumount nvram unset vpn_server_custom nvram unset vpn_server1_custom nvram set vpn_server_state=0 nvram set vpn_server1_state=0 nvram commit restartfirewall="1" fi } Clean_Temp() { rm -rf /tmp/skynet/* mkdir -p /tmp/skynet/lists } Unload_IPTables() { iptables -t raw -D PREROUTING -i wgs+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null iptables -t raw -D PREROUTING -i tun2+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null iptables -t raw -D PREROUTING -i "$iface" -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL src -m set --match-set Skynet-Master src -j DROP 2>/dev/null iptables -t raw -D PREROUTING -i br+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null iptables -t raw -D OUTPUT -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null iptables -D logdrop -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix "DROP " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null ip6tables -D logdrop -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix "DROP " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null iptables -D logdrop -m state --state NEW -m limit --limit 4/sec -j LOG --log-prefix "DROP " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null ip6tables -D logdrop -m state --state NEW -m limit --limit 4/sec -j LOG --log-prefix "DROP " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null } Load_IPTables() { if [ "$(nvram get wgs_enable)" = "1" ]; then iptables -t raw -I PREROUTING -i wgs+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null fi if [ "$(nvram get vpn_server1_state)" != "0" ] || [ "$(nvram get vpn_server2_state)" != "0" ]; then iptables -t raw -I PREROUTING -i tun2+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null fi if [ "$filtertraffic" = "all" ] || [ "$filtertraffic" = "inbound" ]; then iptables -t raw -I PREROUTING -i "$iface" -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL src -m set --match-set Skynet-Master src -j DROP 2>/dev/null fi if [ "$filtertraffic" = "all" ] || [ "$filtertraffic" = "outbound" ]; then iptables -t raw -I PREROUTING -i br+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null iptables -t raw -I OUTPUT -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null fi } Unload_LogIPTables() { iptables -t raw -D PREROUTING -i wgs+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null iptables -t raw -D PREROUTING -i tun2+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null iptables -t raw -D PREROUTING -i "$iface" -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL src -m set --match-set Skynet-Master src -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - INBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null iptables -t raw -D PREROUTING -i br+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null iptables -t raw -D OUTPUT -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null iptables -D logdrop -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - INVALID] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null iptables -D FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - IOT] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null } Load_LogIPTables() { if [ "$logmode" = "enabled" ]; then if [ "$(nvram get wgs_enable)" = "1" ]; then pos1="$(iptables --line -vnL PREROUTING -t raw | grep -F "Skynet-Master dst" | grep -F "DROP" | grep -F "wgs" | awk '{print $1}')" iptables -t raw -I PREROUTING "$pos1" -i wgs+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null fi if [ "$(nvram get vpn_server1_state)" != "0" ] || [ "$(nvram get vpn_server2_state)" != "0" ]; then pos2="$(iptables --line -vnL PREROUTING -t raw | grep -F "Skynet-Master dst" | grep -F "DROP" | grep -F "tun" | awk '{print $1}')" iptables -t raw -I PREROUTING "$pos2" -i tun2+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null fi if [ "$filtertraffic" = "all" ] || [ "$filtertraffic" = "inbound" ]; then pos3="$(iptables --line -nL PREROUTING -t raw | grep -F "Skynet-Master src" | grep -F "DROP" | awk '{print $1}')" iptables -t raw -I PREROUTING "$pos3" -i "$iface" -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL src -m set --match-set Skynet-Master src -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - INBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null fi if [ "$filtertraffic" = "all" ] || [ "$filtertraffic" = "outbound" ]; then pos4="$(iptables --line -vnL PREROUTING -t raw | grep -F "Skynet-Master dst" | grep -F "DROP" | grep -vF "tun" | grep -vF "wgs" | awk '{print $1}')" iptables -t raw -I PREROUTING "$pos4" -i br+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null pos5="$(iptables --line -nL OUTPUT -t raw | grep -F "Skynet-Master dst" | grep -F "DROP" | awk '{print $1}')" iptables -t raw -I OUTPUT "$pos5" -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null fi if [ "$(nvram get fw_log_x)" = "drop" ] || [ "$(nvram get fw_log_x)" = "both" ] && [ "$loginvalid" = "enabled" ]; then pos6="$(iptables --line -nL logdrop | grep -F "DROP" | awk '{print $1}')" iptables -I logdrop "$pos6" -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - INVALID] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null fi if [ "$iotblocked" = "enabled" ] && [ "$iotlogging" = "enabled" ]; then pos7="$(iptables --line -nL FORWARD | grep -F "Skynet-IOT" | grep -F "DROP" | awk '{print $1}')" iptables -I FORWARD "$pos7" -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - IOT] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null fi fi } Unload_IOTTables() { if [ "$iotblocked" = "enabled" ]; then iptables -D FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o wgs+ -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null iptables -D FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o tun2+ -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null iptables -D FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -j DROP 2>/dev/null if [ -n "$iotports" ]; then if [ "$iotproto" = "all" ] || [ "$iotproto" = "udp" ]; then iptables -D FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o "$iface" -p udp -m udp -m multiport --dports "$iotports" -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null fi if [ "$iotproto" = "all" ] || [ "$iotproto" = "tcp" ]; then iptables -D FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o "$iface" -p tcp -m tcp -m multiport --dports "$iotports" -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null fi else if [ "$iotproto" = "all" ] || [ "$iotproto" = "udp" ]; then iptables -D FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o "$iface" -p udp -m udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null fi if [ "$iotproto" = "all" ] || [ "$iotproto" = "tcp" ]; then iptables -D FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o "$iface" -p tcp -m tcp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null fi fi iptables -D FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o "$iface" -p icmp -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null fi } Load_IOTTables() { if [ "$iotblocked" = "enabled" ]; then iptables -I FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -j DROP 2>/dev/null if [ "$(nvram get vpn_server1_state)" != "0" ] || [ "$(nvram get vpn_server2_state)" != "0" ]; then iptables -I FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o tun2+ -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null fi if [ "$(nvram get wgs_enable)" = "1" ]; then iptables -I FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o wgs+ -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null fi if [ -n "$iotports" ]; then if [ "$iotproto" = "all" ] || [ "$iotproto" = "udp" ]; then iptables -I FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o "$iface" -p udp -m udp -m multiport --dports "$iotports" -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null fi if [ "$iotproto" = "all" ] || [ "$iotproto" = "tcp" ]; then iptables -I FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o "$iface" -p tcp -m tcp -m multiport --dports "$iotports" -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null fi else if [ "$iotproto" = "all" ] || [ "$iotproto" = "udp" ]; then iptables -I FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o "$iface" -p udp -m udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null fi if [ "$iotproto" = "all" ] || [ "$iotproto" = "tcp" ]; then iptables -I FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o "$iface" -p tcp -m tcp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null fi fi iptables -I FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o "$iface" -p icmp -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null fi } Check_IPSets() { ipset -L -n Skynet-MasterWL >/dev/null 2>&1 || fail="${fail}#1 " ipset -L -n Skynet-Blacklist >/dev/null 2>&1 || fail="${fail}#2 " ipset -L -n Skynet-BlockedRanges >/dev/null 2>&1 || fail="${fail}#3 " ipset -L -n Skynet-Master >/dev/null 2>&1 || fail="${fail}#4 " ipset -L -n Skynet-IOT >/dev/null 2>&1 || fail="${fail}#5 " if [ -n "$fail" ]; then return 1; fi } Check_IPTables() { if [ "$(nvram get wgs_enable)" = "1" ]; then iptables -t raw -C PREROUTING -i wgs+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#6 " fi if [ "$(nvram get vpn_server1_state)" != "0" ] || [ "$(nvram get vpn_server2_state)" != "0" ]; then iptables -t raw -C PREROUTING -i tun2+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#7 " fi if [ "$filtertraffic" = "all" ] || [ "$filtertraffic" = "inbound" ]; then iptables -t raw -C PREROUTING -i "$iface" -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL src -m set --match-set Skynet-Master src -j DROP 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#8 " fi if [ "$filtertraffic" = "all" ] || [ "$filtertraffic" = "outbound" ]; then iptables -t raw -C PREROUTING -i br+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#9 " iptables -t raw -C OUTPUT -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#10 " fi if [ "$iotblocked" = "enabled" ]; then if [ "$(nvram get wgs_enable)" = "1" ]; then iptables -C FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o wgs+ -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#11 " fi if [ "$(nvram get vpn_server1_state)" != "0" ] || [ "$(nvram get vpn_server2_state)" != "0" ]; then iptables -C FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o tun2+ -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#12 " fi iptables -C FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -j DROP 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#13 " if [ -n "$iotports" ]; then if [ "$iotproto" = "all" ] || [ "$iotproto" = "udp" ]; then iptables -C FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o "$iface" -p udp -m udp -m multiport --dports "$iotports" -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#14 " fi if [ "$iotproto" = "all" ] || [ "$iotproto" = "tcp" ]; then iptables -C FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o "$iface" -p tcp -m tcp -m multiport --dports "$iotports" -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#15 " fi else if [ "$iotproto" = "all" ] || [ "$iotproto" = "udp" ]; then iptables -C FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o "$iface" -p udp -m udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#16 " fi if [ "$iotproto" = "all" ] || [ "$iotproto" = "tcp" ]; then iptables -C FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -o "$iface" -p tcp -m tcp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#17 " fi fi fi if [ "$logmode" = "enabled" ]; then if [ "$(nvram get vpn_server1_state)" != "0" ] || [ "$(nvram get vpn_server2_state)" != "0" ]; then iptables -t raw -C PREROUTING -i tun2+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#18 " fi if [ "$(nvram get wgs_enable)" = "1" ]; then iptables -t raw -C PREROUTING -i wgs+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#19 " fi if [ "$iotblocked" = "enabled" ] && [ "$iotlogging" = "enabled" ]; then iptables -C FORWARD -i br+ -m set --match-set Skynet-IOT src -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - IOT] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#20 " fi if [ "$filtertraffic" = "all" ] || [ "$filtertraffic" = "inbound" ]; then iptables -t raw -C PREROUTING -i "$iface" -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL src -m set --match-set Skynet-Master src -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - INBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#21 " fi if [ "$filtertraffic" = "all" ] || [ "$filtertraffic" = "outbound" ]; then iptables -t raw -C PREROUTING -i br+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#22 " iptables -t raw -C OUTPUT -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - OUTBOUND] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#23 " fi if [ "$(nvram get fw_log_x)" = "drop" ] || [ "$(nvram get fw_log_x)" = "both" ] && [ "$loginvalid" = "enabled" ]; then iptables -C logdrop -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix "[BLOCKED - INVALID] " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options 2>/dev/null || fail="${fail}#24 " fi fi if [ -n "$fail" ]; then return 1; fi } Unload_IPSets() { ipset -q destroy Skynet-Master ipset -q destroy Skynet-MasterWL ipset -q destroy Skynet-Blacklist ipset -q destroy Skynet-BlockedRanges ipset -q destroy Skynet-Whitelist ipset -q destroy Skynet-WhitelistDomains ipset -q destroy Skynet-IOT } Unload_Cron() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then set "all"; fi for cron in "$@"; do case "$cron" in save) cru d Skynet_save ;; banmalware) cru d Skynet_banmalware ;; autoupdate) cru d Skynet_autoupdate ;; checkupdate) cru d Skynet_checkupdate ;; genstats) cru d Skynet_genstats ;; all) cru d Skynet_save cru d Skynet_banmalware cru d Skynet_autoupdate cru d Skynet_checkupdate cru d Skynet_genstats ;; *) echo "[*] Error - No Cron Specified To Unload" ;; esac done } Load_Cron() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then set "all"; fi for cron in "$@"; do case "$cron" in save) cru a Skynet_save "0 * * * * sh /jffs/scripts/firewall save" ;; banmalwaredaily) hour=$(Generate_Random_Number 1 23) cru a Skynet_banmalware "25 $hour * * * sh /jffs/scripts/firewall banmalware" ;; banmalwareweekly) hour=$(Generate_Random_Number 1 23) cru a Skynet_banmalware "25 $hour * * Mon sh /jffs/scripts/firewall banmalware" ;; autoupdate) min=$(Generate_Random_Number 3 23) cru a Skynet_autoupdate "$min 1 * * Mon sh /jffs/scripts/firewall update" ;; checkupdate) min=$(Generate_Random_Number 3 23) cru a Skynet_checkupdate "$min 1 * * Mon sh /jffs/scripts/firewall update check" ;; genstats) min=$(Generate_Random_Number 28 57) cru a Skynet_genstats "$min */12 * * * sh /jffs/scripts/firewall debug genstats" ;; *) echo "[*] Error - No Cron Specified To Load" ;; esac done } Generate_Random_Number() { awk -v min="$1" -v max="$2" -v freq=1 'BEGIN{"tr -cd 0-9 /dev/null | awk '/^Address[[:space:]][0-9]*\:[[:space:]]/{if($3 ~ /^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}/ && NR > 2)print $3}' } LAN_CIDR_Lookup() { if [ "$(echo "$1" | cut -c1-8)" = "192.168." ]; then echo "" elif [ "$(echo "$1" | cut -c1-4)" = "172." ]; then echo "" elif [ "$(echo "$1" | cut -c1-3)" = "10." ]; then echo "" fi } Extended_DNSStats() { case "$1" in 1) if [ "$lookupcountry" = "enabled" ]; then country="($(curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors -A "ASUSWRT-Merlin $model v$(nvram get buildno)_$(nvram get extendno) / $(tr -cd 0-9 /tmp/skynet/spinstart } Save_IPSets() { if Check_IPSets; then { ipset save Skynet-Whitelist; ipset save Skynet-WhitelistDomains; ipset save Skynet-Blacklist; ipset save Skynet-BlockedRanges; ipset save Skynet-Master; ipset save Skynet-MasterWL; ipset save Skynet-IOT; } > "$skynetipset" 2>/dev/null fi } Unban_PrivateIP() { if [ "$unbanprivateip" = "enabled" ] && [ "$logmode" = "enabled" ]; then grep -F "INBOUND" "$syslogloc" | Filter_PrivateSRC | grep -oE 'SRC=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 5- | awk '!x[$0]++' | while IFS= read -r "ip"; do echo "add Skynet-Whitelist $ip comment \"Private IP\"" echo "del Skynet-Blacklist $ip" done | ipset restore -! grep -F "OUTBOUND" "$syslogloc" | Filter_PrivateDST | grep -oE 'DST=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 5- | awk '!x[$0]++' | while IFS= read -r "ip"; do echo "add Skynet-Whitelist $ip comment \"Private IP\"" echo "del Skynet-Blacklist $ip" done | ipset restore -! fi } Refresh_AiProtect() { if [ "$banaiprotect" = "enabled" ] && [ -s /jffs/.sys/AiProtectionMonitor/AiProtectionMonitor.db ]; then sed '\~add Skynet-Blacklist ~!d;\~BanAiProtect~!d;s~ comment.*~~;s~add~del~g' "$skynetipset" | ipset restore -! sqlite3 /jffs/.sys/AiProtectionMonitor/AiProtectionMonitor.db "SELECT src FROM monitor;" | awk '!x[$0]++' | Filter_IP | Filter_PrivateIP | awk '{printf "add Skynet-Blacklist %s comment \"BanAiProtect\"\n", $1 }' | ipset restore -! sqlite3 /jffs/.sys/AiProtectionMonitor/AiProtectionMonitor.db "SELECT dst FROM monitor;" | awk '!x[$0]++' | Filter_OutIP | grep -v ":" | while IFS= read -r "domain"; do for ip in $(Domain_Lookup "$domain" | Filter_PrivateIP); do echo "add Skynet-Blacklist $ip comment \"BanAiProtect: $domain\"" done & done | ipset restore -! fi } Refresh_MBans() { if grep -qF "[Manual Ban] TYPE=Domain" "$skynetevents"; then awk '/\[Manual Ban\] TYPE=Domain/{if(!x[$9]++)print $9}' "$skynetevents" | sed 's~Host=~~g' > /tmp/skynet/mbans.list sed -i '\~\[Manual Ban\] TYPE=Domain~d;' "$skynetevents" sed '\~add Skynet-Blacklist ~!d;\~ManualBanD~!d;s~ comment.*~~;s~add~del~g' "$skynetipset" | ipset restore -! while IFS= read -r "domain"; do for ip in $(Domain_Lookup "$domain" | Filter_PrivateIP); do echo "add Skynet-Blacklist $ip comment \"ManualBanD: $domain\"" echo "$(date +"%b %d %T") Skynet: [Manual Ban] TYPE=Domain SRC=$ip Host=$domain " >> "$skynetevents" done done < /tmp/skynet/mbans.list | ipset restore -! rm -rf /tmp/skynet/mbans.list fi } Refresh_MWhitelist() { if grep -qE "Manual Whitelist.* TYPE=Domain" "$skynetevents"; then awk '/Manual Whitelist.* TYPE=Domain/{if(!x[$9]++)print $9}' "$skynetevents" | sed 's~Host=~~g' > /tmp/skynet/mwhitelist.list sed -i '\~\[Manual Whitelist\] TYPE=Domain~d;' "$skynetevents" sed '\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~!d;\~ManualWlistD~!d;s~ comment.*~~;s~add~del~g' "$skynetipset" | ipset restore -! while IFS= read -r "domain"; do for ip in $(Domain_Lookup "$domain"); do echo "add Skynet-Whitelist $ip comment \"ManualWlistD: $domain\"" echo "$(date +"%b %d %T") Skynet: [Manual Whitelist] TYPE=Domain SRC=$ip Host=$domain " >> "$skynetevents" done done < /tmp/skynet/mwhitelist.list | ipset restore -! cat /tmp/skynet/mwhitelist.list >> /jffs/addons/shared-whitelists/shared-Skynet2-whitelist rm -rf /tmp/skynet/mwhitelist.list fi } Whitelist_Extra() { echo "ipdeny.com ipapi.co api.db-ip.com api.bgpview.io asn.ipinfo.app speedguide.net otx.alienvault.com github.com raw.githubusercontent.com iplists.firehol.org astrill.com strongpath.net snbforums.com bin.entware.net nwsrv-ns1.asus.com $(nvram get "firmware_server") $(nvram get "ntp_server0") $(nvram get "ntp_server1")" | tr -d "\t" > /jffs/addons/shared-whitelists/shared-Skynet2-whitelist } Whitelist_CDN() { if [ "$cdnwhitelist" = "enabled" ]; then { # Apple AS714 | Akamai AS12222 AS16625 | HighWinds AS33438 AS20446 | Fastly AS54113 | GitHub AS36459 printf "AS714\nAS12222\nAS16625\nAS33438\nAS20446\nAS54113\nAS36459" | xargs -I {} sh -c "curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://asn.ipinfo.app/api/text/list/{} | awk -v asn={} '/^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf \"add Skynet-Whitelist %s comment \\\"CDN-Whitelist: %s\\\"\\n\", \$1, asn }'" curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v4 | awk '/^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "add Skynet-Whitelist %s comment \"CDN-Whitelist: CloudFlare\"\n", $1 }' curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json | awk 'BEGIN{RS="(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)"}{if(RT)printf "add Skynet-Whitelist %s comment \"CDN-Whitelist: Amazon\"\n", RT }' curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://api.github.com/meta | awk 'BEGIN{RS="(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)"}{if(RT)printf "add Skynet-Whitelist %s comment \"CDN-Whitelist: Github\"\n", RT }' curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://endpoints.office.com/endpoints/worldwide?clientrequestid="$(awk '{printf "%s", $1}' /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid)" | awk 'BEGIN{RS="(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)"}{if(RT)printf "add Skynet-Whitelist %s comment \"CDN-Whitelist: Microsoft365\"\n", RT }' } | awk '!x[$0]++' > /tmp/skynet/cdnwhitelist.list fi sed '\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~!d;\~CDN-Whitelist~!d;s~ comment.*~~;s~add~del~g' "$skynetipset" | ipset restore -! if [ -f "/tmp/skynet/cdnwhitelist.list" ]; then awk '{print $0}' /tmp/skynet/cdnwhitelist.list | ipset restore -! rm -rf "/tmp/skynet/cdnwhitelist.list" fi } Whitelist_VPN() { echo "add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get vpn_server1_sn)/24 comment \"nvram: vpn_server1_sn\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get vpn_server2_sn)/24 comment \"nvram: vpn_server2_sn\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get vpn_server_sn)/24 comment \"nvram: vpn_server_sn\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get vpn_client1_addr)/24 comment \"nvram: vpn_client1_addr\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get vpn_client2_addr)/24 comment \"nvram: vpn_client2_addr\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get vpn_client3_addr)/24 comment \"nvram: vpn_client3_addr\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get vpn_client4_addr)/24 comment \"nvram: vpn_client4_addr\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get vpn_client5_addr)/24 comment \"nvram: vpn_client5_addr\"" | tr -d "\t" | Filter_IPLine | ipset restore -! 2>/dev/null if [ -f "/dev/astrill/openvpn.conf" ]; then ipset -q -A Skynet-Whitelist "$(sed '\~remote ~!d;s~remote ~~' "/dev/astrill/openvpn.conf")/24" comment "nvram: Astrill_VPN"; fi } Whitelist_Shared() { echo "add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get wan0_ipaddr) comment \"nvram: wan0_ipaddr\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(LAN_CIDR_Lookup "$(nvram get "lan_ipaddr")") comment \"nvram: lan_ipaddr\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get wan_dns1_x) comment \"nvram: wan_dns1_x\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get wan_dns2_x) comment \"nvram: wan_dns2_x\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get wan0_dns1_x) comment \"nvram: wan0_dns1_x\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get wan0_dns2_x) comment \"nvram: wan0_dns2_x\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get wan_dns | awk '{print $1}') comment \"nvram: wan_dns\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get wan_dns | awk '{print $2}') comment \"nvram: wan_dns\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get wan0_dns | awk '{print $1}') comment \"nvram: wan0_dns\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get wan0_dns | awk '{print $2}') comment \"nvram: wan0_dns\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get wan0_xdns | awk '{print $1}') comment \"nvram: wan0_xdns\" add Skynet-Whitelist $(nvram get wan0_xdns | awk '{print $2}') comment \"nvram: wan0_xdns\" add Skynet-Whitelist comment \"nvram: Github Content Server\" add Skynet-Whitelist comment \"nvram: Localhost\"" | tr -d "\t" | Filter_IPLine | ipset restore -! 2>/dev/null ipset flush Skynet-WhitelistDomains sed -i '\~# Skynet~d' /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add grep -hvF "#" /jffs/addons/shared-whitelists/shared-*-whitelist | Strip_Domain | xargs -n 20 | sed 's~^~ipset=/~g;s~ ~/~g;s~$~/Skynet-WhitelistDomains # Skynet~g' >> /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add chmod +x /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add service restart_dnsmasq >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$(uname -o)" = "ASUSWRT-Merlin" ]; then dotvar="dnspriv_rulelist"; else dotvar="stubby_dns"; fi for ip in $(nvram get "$dotvar" | grep -oE '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}'); do echo "add Skynet-Whitelist $ip comment \"nvram: $dotvar\"" done | ipset restore -! if [ -f "/jffs/dnscrypt/public-resolvers.md" ] && [ -f "/jffs/dnscrypt/relays.md" ]; then grep -hoE '^sdns:.*' /jffs/dnscrypt/public-resolvers.md /jffs/dnscrypt/relays.md | sed "s~'~~g;s~sdns://~~g;s~-~+~g;s~_~/~g" | while read -r stamp; do echo "${stamp}$(echo '====' | cut -c-$(($(printf '%s' "${stamp}" | wc -m) % 4)))" | openssl enc -base64 -d -A done | strings | grep -oE '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}' | awk '{printf "add Skynet-Whitelist %s comment \"nvram: DNSCrypt Stamp\"\n", $1 }' | ipset restore -! fi if [ -f "/opt/var/lib/unbound/root.hints" ]; then grep -oE '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}' /opt/var/lib/unbound/root.hints | while read -r roothint; do echo "add Skynet-Whitelist $roothint comment \"nvram: Root DNS Server\"" done | ipset restore -! fi Strip_Domain < /jffs/addons/shared-whitelists/shared-Skynet2-whitelist | while IFS= read -r domain; do nslookup "$domain" >/dev/null 2>&1 done & } WriteStats_ToJS() { { echo "function ${3}() {" printf '\tdocument.getElementById("%s").innerHTML = "%s"\n' "$4" "$(if [ -f "$1" ]; then cat "$1"; else echo "$1"; fi)" echo "}" echo } >> "$2" } WriteData_ToJS() { inputfile="$1" outputfile="$2" shift 2 i="0" for var in "$@"; do i="$((i + 1))" { echo "var $var;" echo "$var = [];" echo "${var}.unshift('$(awk -F "~" -v i="$i" '{printf t $i} {t=","}' "$inputfile" | sed "s~,~\\', \\'~g")');" echo } >> "$outputfile" done } Generate_Stats() { if nvram get rc_support | grep -qF "am_addons"; then if [ "$displaywebui" = "enabled" ]; then mkdir -p "${skynetloc}/webui/stats" true > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" if [ -f "/opt/var/log/dnsmasq.log" ]; then grep -hE 'reply.* is ([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$' /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{printf "%s %s\n", $(NF-2), $NF}' | awk '!x[$0]++' | Strip_Domain > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/skynetstats.txt" else touch "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/skynetstats.txt" fi if iptables -t raw -C PREROUTING -i "$iface" -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL src -m set --match-set Skynet-Master src -j DROP 2>/dev/null; then hits1="$(iptables -xnvL PREROUTING -t raw | grep -Fv "LOG" | grep -F "Skynet-Master src" | awk '{print $1}')" else hits1="0" fi if iptables -t raw -C PREROUTING -i br+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null; then hits2="$(($(iptables -xnvL PREROUTING -t raw | grep -Fv "LOG" | grep -F "Skynet-Master dst" | grep -vF "tun"| grep -vF "wgs" | awk '{print $1}') + $(iptables -xnvL OUTPUT -t raw | grep -Fv "LOG" | grep -F "Skynet-Master dst" | awk '{print $1}')))" if iptables -t raw -C PREROUTING -i wgs+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null; then hits2="$((hits2 + $(iptables -xnvL PREROUTING -t raw | grep -Fv "LOG" | grep -F "Skynet-Master dst" | grep -F "wgs" | awk '{print $1}')))" fi if iptables -t raw -C PREROUTING -i tun2+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null; then hits2="$((hits2 + $(iptables -xnvL PREROUTING -t raw | grep -Fv "LOG" | grep -F "Skynet-Master dst" | grep -F "tun" | awk '{print $1}')))" fi else hits2="0" fi WriteStats_ToJS "$blacklist1count" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "SetBLCount1" "blcount1" WriteStats_ToJS "$blacklist2count" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "SetBLCount2" "blcount2" WriteStats_ToJS "$hits1" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "SetHits1" "hits1" WriteStats_ToJS "$hits2" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "SetHits2" "hits2" WriteStats_ToJS "Monitoring From $(grep -m1 -F "BLOCKED -" "$skynetlog" | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}') To $(grep -F "BLOCKED -" "$skynetlog" | tail -1 | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}')" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "SetStatsDate" "statsdate" WriteStats_ToJS "Log Size - ($(du -h "$skynetlog" | awk '{print $1}')B)" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "SetStatsSize" "statssize" # Inbound Ports grep -F "INBOUND" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE 'DPT=[0-9]{1,5}' | cut -c 5- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -10 | sed "s~^[ \t]*~~;s~ ~\~~g" > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/iport.txt" WriteData_ToJS "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/iport.txt" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "DataInPortHits" "LabelInPortHits" # Source Ports grep -F "INBOUND" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE 'SPT=[0-9]{1,5}' | cut -c 5- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -10 | sed "s~^[ \t]*~~;s~ ~\~~g" > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/sport.txt" WriteData_ToJS "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/sport.txt" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "DataSPortHits" "LabelSPortHits" # last 10 Connections Blocked Inbound true > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/liconn.txt" grep -F "INBOUND" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE ' SRC=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' | awk '!x[$0]++' | head -10 | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do banreason="$(grep -F " ${statdata} " "$skynetipset" | grep -m1 -vF "Skynet-Whitelist" | awk -F '"' '{print $2}' | sed "s~BanMalware: ~~g")" if [ -z "$banreason" ]; then banreason="$(grep -E "$(echo "$statdata" | cut -d '.' -f1-3)\..*/" "$skynetipset" | grep -m1 -vF "Skynet-Whitelist" | awk -F '"' '{print $2}' | sed "s~BanMalware: ~~g")*" fi if [ "${#banreason}" -gt "45" ]; then banreason="$(echo "$banreason" | cut -c 1-45)"; fi alienvault="https://otx.alienvault.com/indicator/ip/${statdata}" if [ "$lookupcountry" = "enabled" ]; then country="$(curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors -A "ASUSWRT-Merlin $model v$(nvram get buildno)_$(nvram get extendno) / $(tr -cd 0-9 > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/liconn.txt" done WriteData_ToJS "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/liconn.txt" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "LabelInConn_IPs" "LabelInConn_BanReason" "LabelInConn_AlienVault" "LabelInConn_Country" "LabelInConn_AssDomains" # Last 10 Connections Blocked Outbound true > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/loconn.txt" grep -F "OUTBOUND" "$skynetlog" | grep -vE 'DPT=80 |DPT=443 ' | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' | awk '!x[$0]++' | head -10 | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do banreason="$(grep -F " ${statdata} " "$skynetipset" | grep -m1 -vF "Skynet-Whitelist" | awk -F '"' '{print $2}' | sed "s~BanMalware: ~~g")" if [ -z "$banreason" ]; then banreason="$(grep -E "$(echo "$statdata" | cut -d '.' -f1-3)\..*/" "$skynetipset" | grep -m1 -vF "Skynet-Whitelist" | awk -F '"' '{print $2}' | sed "s~BanMalware: ~~g")*" fi if [ "${#banreason}" -gt "45" ]; then banreason="$(echo "$banreason" | cut -c 1-45)"; fi alienvault="https://otx.alienvault.com/indicator/ip/${statdata}" if [ "$lookupcountry" = "enabled" ]; then country="$(curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors -A "ASUSWRT-Merlin $model v$(nvram get buildno)_$(nvram get extendno) / $(tr -cd 0-9 > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/loconn.txt" done WriteData_ToJS "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/loconn.txt" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "LabelOutConn_IPs" "LabelOutConn_BanReason" "LabelOutConn_AlienVault" "LabelOutConn_Country" "LabelOutConn_AssDomains" # Last 10 HTTP Connections Blocked Outbound true > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/lhconn.txt" grep -E 'DPT=80 |DPT=443 ' "$skynetlog" | grep -F "OUTBOUND" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' | awk '!x[$0]++' | head -10 | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do banreason="$(grep -F " ${statdata} " "$skynetipset" | grep -m1 -vF "Skynet-Whitelist" | awk -F '"' '{print $2}' | sed "s~BanMalware: ~~g")" if [ -z "$banreason" ]; then banreason="$(grep -E "$(echo "$statdata" | cut -d '.' -f1-3)\..*/" "$skynetipset" | grep -m1 -vF "Skynet-Whitelist" | awk -F '"' '{print $2}' | sed "s~BanMalware: ~~g")*" fi if [ "${#banreason}" -gt "45" ]; then banreason="$(echo "$banreason" | cut -c 1-45)"; fi alienvault="https://otx.alienvault.com/indicator/ip/${statdata}" if [ "$lookupcountry" = "enabled" ]; then country="$(curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors -A "ASUSWRT-Merlin $model v$(nvram get buildno)_$(nvram get extendno) / $(tr -cd 0-9 > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/lhconn.txt" done WriteData_ToJS "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/lhconn.txt" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "LabelHTTPConn_IPs" "LabelHTTPConn_BanReason" "LabelHTTPConn_AlienVault" "LabelHTTPConn_Country" "LabelHTTPConn_AssDomains" # Top 10 HTTP Connections Blocked Outbound true > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/thconn.txt" grep -E 'DPT=80 |DPT=443 ' "$skynetlog" | grep -F "OUTBOUND" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -10 | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do hits="$(echo "$statdata" | awk '{print $1}')" ipaddr="$(echo "$statdata" | awk '{print $2}')" if [ "$lookupcountry" = "enabled" ]; then country="$(curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors -A "ASUSWRT-Merlin $model v$(nvram get buildno)_$(nvram get extendno) / $(tr -cd 0-9 > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/thconn.txt" done WriteData_ToJS "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/thconn.txt" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "DataTHConnHits" "LabelTHConnHits_IPs" "LabelTHConnHits_Country" # Top 10 Inbound Connections Blocked true > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/ticonn.txt" grep -F "INBOUND" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE ' SRC=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -10 | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do hits="$(echo "$statdata" | awk '{print $1}')" ipaddr="$(echo "$statdata" | awk '{print $2}')" if [ "$lookupcountry" = "enabled" ]; then country="$(curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors -A "ASUSWRT-Merlin $model v$(nvram get buildno)_$(nvram get extendno) / $(tr -cd 0-9 > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/ticonn.txt" done WriteData_ToJS "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/ticonn.txt" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "DataTIConnHits" "LabelTIConnHits_IPs" "LabelTIConnHits_Country" # Top 10 Outbound Connections Blocked true > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/toconn.txt" grep -F "OUTBOUND" "$skynetlog" | grep -vE 'DPT=80 |DPT=443 ' | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -10 | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do hits="$(echo "$statdata" | awk '{print $1}')" ipaddr="$(echo "$statdata" | awk '{print $2}')" if [ "$lookupcountry" = "enabled" ]; then country="$(curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors -A "ASUSWRT-Merlin $model v$(nvram get buildno)_$(nvram get extendno) / $(tr -cd 0-9 > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/toconn.txt" done WriteData_ToJS "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/toconn.txt" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "DataTOConnHits" "LabelTOConnHits_IPs" "LabelTOConnHits_Country" # Top 10 Clients Blocked true > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/tcconn.txt" true > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/tcconn2.txt" grep -F "OUTBOUND" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE ' SRC=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -10 | sed "s~^[ \t]*~~;s~ ~\~~g" > "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/tcconn.txt" while IFS= read -r "line"; do ipaddr="$(echo "$line" | awk -F "~" '{print $2}')" macaddr="$(ip neigh | grep -E '^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3} ' | grep -F "$ipaddr " | awk '{print $5}')" Get_LocalName if [ "${#localname}" -gt "20" ]; then localname="$(echo "$localname" | cut -c 1-20)" fi echo "$line ($localname)" >> "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/tcconn2.txt" done < "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/tcconn.txt" WriteData_ToJS "${skynetloc}/webui/stats/tcconn2.txt" "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "DataTCConnHits" "LabelTCConnHits" rm -rf "${skynetloc}/webui/stats" fi fi } Get_WebUI_Page() { if nvram get rc_support | grep -qF "am_addons" && [ "$displaywebui" = "enabled" ]; then MyPage="none" for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20; do page="/www/user/user$i.asp" if [ -f "$page" ] && [ "$(md5sum < "$1")" = "$(md5sum < "$page")" ]; then MyPage="user$i.asp" return elif [ "$MyPage" = "none" ] && [ ! -f "$page" ]; then MyPage="user$i.asp" fi done fi } Install_WebUI_Page() { if [ "$logmode" = "enabled" ]; then if nvram get rc_support | grep -qF "am_addons"; then if [ "$displaywebui" = "enabled" ]; then Get_WebUI_Page "${skynetloc}/webui/skynet.asp" if [ "$MyPage" = "none" ]; then logger -t Skynet "[*] Unable To Mount Skynet Web Page - No Mount Points Avilable" && echo "[*] Unable To Mount Skynet Web Page - No Mount Points Avilable" else logger -t Skynet "[i] Mounting Skynet Web Page As $MyPage" && echo "[i] Mounting Skynet Web Page As $MyPage" cp -f "${skynetloc}/webui/skynet.asp" "/www/user/$MyPage" if [ "$(uname -o)" = "ASUSWRT-Merlin" ]; then if [ ! -f "/tmp/menuTree.js" ]; then cp -f "/www/require/modules/menuTree.js" "/tmp/" fi sed -i "\\~$MyPage~d" /tmp/menuTree.js sed -i "/url: \"Advanced_Firewall_Content.asp\", tabName:/a {url: \"$MyPage\", tabName: \"Skynet\"}," /tmp/menuTree.js umount /www/require/modules/menuTree.js 2>/dev/null mount -o bind /tmp/menuTree.js /www/require/modules/menuTree.js else MyPageTitle="$(echo "$MyPage" | sed 's~.asp~~g').title" echo "Skynet" > "/www/user/$MyPageTitle" fi mkdir -p "/www/user/skynet" ln -s "${skynetloc}/webui/chart.js" "/www/user/skynet/chart.js" 2>/dev/null ln -s "${skynetloc}/webui/chartjs-plugin-zoom.js" "/www/user/skynet/chartjs-plugin-zoom.js" 2>/dev/null ln -s "${skynetloc}/webui/hammerjs.js" "/www/user/skynet/hammerjs.js" 2>/dev/null ln -s "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" "/www/user/skynet/stats.js" 2>/dev/null Unload_Cron "genstats" Load_Cron "genstats" fi fi fi else logger -t Skynet "[*] WebUI Integration Requires Logging To Be Enabled"; echo "[*] WebUI Integration Requires Logging To Be Enabled" fi } Uninstall_WebUI_Page() { Get_WebUI_Page "${skynetloc}/webui/skynet.asp" if [ -n "$MyPage" ] && [ "$MyPage" != "none" ]; then if [ -f "/tmp/menuTree.js" ]; then sed -i "\\~$MyPage~d" /tmp/menuTree.js umount /www/require/modules/menuTree.js mount -o bind /tmp/menuTree.js /www/require/modules/menuTree.js else MyPageTitle="$(echo "$MyPage" | sed 's~.asp~~g').title" rm -rf "/www/user/$MyPageTitle" fi rm -rf "/www/user/$MyPage" "/www/user/skynet" Unload_Cron "genstats" fi } Download_File() { if [ "$(curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "${remotedir}/${1}" | md5sum | awk '{print $1}')" != "$(md5sum "$2" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}')" ] || [ "$3" = "-f" ]; then if curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "${remotedir}/${1}" -o "$2"; then echo "[i] Updated $(echo "$1" | awk -F / '{print $NF}')" else logger -t Skynet "[*] Updating $(echo "$1" | awk -F / '{print $NF}') Failed"; echo "[*] Updating $(echo "$1" | awk -F / '{print $NF}') Failed" fi fi } Get_LocalName() { localname="$(nvram get custom_clientlist | grep -ioE "<.*>$macaddr" | awk -F ">" '{print $(NF-1)}' | tr -d '<')" if [ -z "$localname" ]; then localname="$(grep -F "$ipaddr " /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases | awk '{print $4}')"; fi if [ -z "$localname" ] || [ "$localname" = "*" ]; then if [ -n "$macaddr" ]; then macaddr2="$(echo "$macaddr" | sed 'y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/' | tr -d ':' | cut -c 1-6)" localname="$(grep "$macaddr2" /www/ajax/ouiDB.json | sed 's/.*"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/')" fi if [ "$ipaddr" = "$(nvram get wan0_ipaddr)" ]; then localname="$model"; fi if [ "$ipaddr" = "$(nvram get wgs1_addr | cut -d'/' -f1)" ]; then localname="Wireguard VPN Server"; fi if [ "$ipaddr" = "$(nvram get vpn_server1_remote)" ] || [ "$ipaddr" = "$(nvram get vpn_server2_remote)" ]; then localname="OpenVPN Server"; fi if [ -z "$localname" ] || [ "$localname" = "*" ]; then localname="Unknown"; fi fi if [ "${#localname}" -gt "40" ]; then localname="$(echo "$localname" | cut -c 1-40)" fi } Manage_Device() { echo "Looking For Available Partitions" i="1" IFS=" " for mounted in $(/bin/mount | grep -E "ext2|ext3|ext4|tfat|exfat" | awk '{printf "%s - (%s)\n", $3, $1}'); do echo "[$i] --> $mounted" eval mounts$i="$(echo "$mounted" | awk '{print $1}')" i="$((i + 1))" done unset IFS if [ "$i" = "1" ]; then echo "[*] No Compatible ext* USB Partitions Found - Exiting!" echo; exit 1 fi Select_Device() { echo echo "Please Enter Partition Number Or e To Exit" printf "[0-%s]: " "$((i - 1))" read -r "partitionNumber" echo if [ "$partitionNumber" = "e" ] || [ "$partitionNumber" = "exit" ]; then echo "[*] Exiting!" echo; exit 0 elif [ -z "$partitionNumber" ] || [ "$partitionNumber" -gt "$((i - 1))" ] 2>/dev/null || [ "$partitionNumber" = "0" ]; then echo "[*] Invalid Partition Number!" Select_Device elif [ "$partitionNumber" -eq "$partitionNumber" ] 2>/dev/null; then true else echo "[*] $partitionNumber Isn't An Option!" Select_Device fi } Select_Device device="" eval device=\$mounts"$partitionNumber" touch "${device}/rwtest" if [ ! -w "${device}/rwtest" ]; then echo "[*] Writing To $device Failed - Exiting!" Manage_Device else rm -rf "${device}/rwtest" fi } Create_Swap() { while true; do echo "Select SWAP File Size:" echo "[1] --> 1GB" echo "[2] --> 2GB (Recommended)" echo echo "[e] --> Exit Menu" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu" echo case "$menu" in 1) swapsize=1048576 break ;; 2) swapsize=2097152 break ;; e|exit) echo "[*] Exiting!" echo; exit 0 ;; *) echo "[*] $menu Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done swaplocation="${device}/myswap.swp" if [ -f "$swaplocation" ]; then swapoff -a 2>/dev/null; rm -rf "$swaplocation"; fi if [ "$(df "$device" | xargs | awk '{print $11}')" -le "$swapsize" ]; then echo "[*] Not Enough Free Space Available On $device"; Create_Swap; fi echo "[i] Creating SWAP File" echo dd if=/dev/zero of="$swaplocation" bs=1k count="$swapsize" mkswap "$swaplocation" swapon "$swaplocation" sed -i '\~swapon ~d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount if [ "$(wc -l < /jffs/scripts/post-mount)" -lt "2" ]; then echo >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount; fi sed -i "2i swapon $swaplocation # Skynet" /jffs/scripts/post-mount if [ -f "/jffs/scripts/unmount" ] && ! grep -qE "^swapoff " /jffs/scripts/unmount; then sed -i '\~swapoff ~d' /jffs/scripts/unmount echo "swapoff -a 2>/dev/null # Skynet" >> /jffs/scripts/unmount fi echo echo "[i] SWAP File Located At $swaplocation" echo } Purge_Logs() { sed '\~BLOCKED -~!d' "$syslog1loc" "$syslogloc" 2>/dev/null >> "$skynetlog" sed -i '\~BLOCKED -~d' "$syslog1loc" "$syslogloc" 2>/dev/null if [ "$(du "$skynetlog" | awk '{print $1}')" -ge "10240" ] || [ "$1" = "force" ]; then Generate_Stats sed -i '\~BLOCKED -~d' "$skynetlog" sed -i '\~Skynet: \[#\] ~d' "$skynetevents" iptables -Z PREROUTING -t raw if [ "$(du "$skynetlog" | awk '{print $1}')" -ge "3000" ]; then true > "$skynetlog" fi fi if [ "$1" = "all" ] || [ "$(grep -cE "Skynet: [#] " "$syslogloc" 2>/dev/null)" -gt "24" ] 2>/dev/null; then sed '\~Skynet: \[#\] ~!d' "$syslog1loc" "$syslogloc" 2>/dev/null >> "$skynetevents" sed -i '\~Skynet: \[#\] ~d;\~Skynet: \[i\] ~d;\~Skynet: \[\*\] Lock ~d' "$syslog1loc" "$syslogloc" 2>/dev/null fi if [ -f "/opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/skynet" ]; then killall -HUP syslog-ng; fi } Print_Log() { oldips="$blacklist1count" oldranges="$blacklist2count" blacklist1count="$(grep -Foc "add Skynet-Black" "$skynetipset" 2> /dev/null)" blacklist2count="$(grep -Foc "add Skynet-Block" "$skynetipset" 2> /dev/null)" unset fail if Check_IPTables; then if [ "$filtertraffic" != "outbound" ]; then hits1="$(iptables -xnvL PREROUTING -t raw | grep -Fv "LOG" | grep -F "Skynet-Master src" | awk '{print $1}')" else hits1="0" fi if [ "$filtertraffic" != "inbound" ]; then hits2="$(($(iptables -xnvL PREROUTING -t raw | grep -Fv "LOG" | grep -F "Skynet-Master dst" | grep -vF "tun"| grep -vF "wgs" | awk '{print $1}') + $(iptables -xnvL OUTPUT -t raw | grep -Fv "LOG" | grep -F "Skynet-Master dst" | awk '{print $1}')))" if iptables -t raw -C PREROUTING -i wgs+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null; then hits2="$((hits2 + $(iptables -xnvL PREROUTING -t raw | grep -Fv "LOG" | grep -F "Skynet-Master dst" | grep -F "wgs" | awk '{print $1}')))" fi if iptables -t raw -C PREROUTING -i tun2+ -m set ! --match-set Skynet-MasterWL dst -m set --match-set Skynet-Master dst -j DROP 2>/dev/null; then hits2="$((hits2 + $(iptables -xnvL PREROUTING -t raw | grep -Fv "LOG" | grep -F "Skynet-Master dst" | grep -F "tun" | awk '{print $1}')))" fi else hits2="0" fi fi ftime="$(($(date +%s) - stime))" if ! echo "$((blacklist1count - oldips))" | grep -qF "-"; then newips="+$((blacklist1count - oldips))"; else newips="$((blacklist1count - oldips))"; fi if ! echo "$((blacklist2count - oldranges))" | grep -qF "-"; then newranges="+$((blacklist2count - oldranges))"; else newranges="$((blacklist2count - oldranges))"; fi if [ "$1" = "minimal" ]; then Grn "$blacklist1count IPs (${newips}) -- $blacklist2count Ranges Banned (${newranges}) || $hits1 Inbound -- $hits2 Outbound Connections Blocked!" else logz="[#] $blacklist1count IPs (${newips}) -- $blacklist2count Ranges Banned (${newranges}) || $hits1 Inbound -- $hits2 Outbound Connections Blocked! [$1] [${ftime}s]" logger -t Skynet "$logz"; echo "$logz" fi } Write_Config() { { printf '%s\n' "################################################" printf '%s\n' "## Generated By Skynet - Do Not Manually Edit ##" printf '%-45s %s\n\n' "## $(date +"%b %d %T")" "##" printf '%s\n' "## Installer ##" printf '%s="%s"\n' "model" "$model" printf '%s="%s"\n' "localver" "$localver" printf '%s="%s"\n' "autoupdate" "$autoupdate" printf '%s="%s"\n' "banmalwareupdate" "$banmalwareupdate" printf '%s="%s"\n' "forcebanmalwareupdate" "$forcebanmalwareupdate" printf '%s="%s"\n' "logmode" "$logmode" printf '%s="%s"\n' "filtertraffic" "$filtertraffic" printf '%s="%s"\n' "swaplocation" "$swaplocation" printf '\n%s\n' "## Counters / Lists ##" printf '%s="%s"\n' "blacklist1count" "$blacklist1count" printf '%s="%s"\n' "blacklist2count" "$blacklist2count" printf '%s="%s"\n' "customlisturl" "$customlisturl" printf '%s="%s"\n' "customlist2url" "$customlist2url" printf '%s="%s"\n' "countrylist" "$countrylist" printf '%s="%s"\n' "excludelists" "$excludelists" printf '\n%s\n' "## Settings ##" printf '%s="%s"\n' "unbanprivateip" "$unbanprivateip" printf '%s="%s"\n' "loginvalid" "$loginvalid" printf '%s="%s"\n' "banaiprotect" "$banaiprotect" printf '%s="%s"\n' "securemode" "$securemode" printf '%s="%s"\n' "extendedstats" "$extendedstats" printf '%s="%s"\n' "fastswitch" "$fastswitch" printf '%s="%s"\n' "syslogloc" "$syslogloc" printf '%s="%s"\n' "syslog1loc" "$syslog1loc" printf '%s="%s"\n' "iotblocked" "$iotblocked" printf '%s="%s"\n' "iotlogging" "$iotlogging" printf '%s="%s"\n' "iotports" "$iotports" printf '%s="%s"\n' "iotproto" "$iotproto" printf '%s="%s"\n' "lookupcountry" "$lookupcountry" printf '%s="%s"\n' "cdnwhitelist" "$cdnwhitelist" printf '%s="%s"\n' "displaywebui" "$displaywebui" printf '\n%s\n' "################################################" } > "$skynetcfg" } ########## #- Menu -# ########## Load_Menu() { . "$skynetcfg" Display_Header "9" echo "Router Model; $model" echo "Skynet Version; $localver ($(Filter_Date < "$0")) ($(md5sum "$0" | awk '{print $1}'))" echo "$(iptables --version) - ($iface @ $(nvram get lan_ipaddr))" ipset -v 2>/dev/null echo "IP Address; ($(if nvram get wan0_ipaddr | Is_PrivateIP; then Red "$(nvram get wan0_ipaddr)"; else nvram get wan0_ipaddr; fi))$(if [ "$(nvram get ipv6_service)" != "disabled" ]; then echo " - ($(nvram get ipv6_prefix)/$(nvram get ipv6_prefix_length))"; fi)" echo "FW Version; $(nvram get buildno)_$(nvram get extendno) ($(uname -v | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $5, $6, $9}')) ($(uname -r))" echo "Install Dir; ${skynetloc} ($(df -h "${skynetloc}" | xargs | awk '{printf "%s / %s\n", $11, $9}') Space Available)" if [ -n "$swaplocation" ]; then echo "SWAP File; $swaplocation ($(du -h "$swaplocation" | awk '{print $1}'))" if [ "$(du "$swaplocation" | awk '{print $1}')" -lt "1048576" ]; then Red "SWAP File Too Small - 1GB Minimum Required - Please Fix Immediately!" fi fi if [ -n "$countrylist" ]; then echo "Banned Countries; $countrylist"; fi if [ -f "/tmp/skynet.lock" ] && [ -d "/proc/$(sed -n '2p' /tmp/skynet.lock)" ]; then echo Red "[*] Lock File Detected ($(sed -n '1p' /tmp/skynet.lock)) (pid=$(sed -n '2p' /tmp/skynet.lock))" Ylow '[*] Locked Processes Generally Take 1-2 Minutes To Complete And May Result In Temporarily "Failed" Tests' fi echo if ! Check_Connection >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Internet-Connectivity" "$(Red "[Failed]")" fi if ! grep -E "start.* # Skynet" /jffs/scripts/firewall-start 2>/dev/null | grep -qvE "^#"; then printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Firewall-Start Entry" "$(Red "[Failed]")" fi if ! [ -w "${skynetloc}" ]; then printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Write Permission" "$(Red "[Failed]")" fi if ! Check_Swap; then printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "SWAP" "$(Red "[Failed]")" fi if [ "$(cru l | grep -c "Skynet")" -lt "2" ]; then printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Cron Jobs" "$(Red "[Failed]")" fi if ! Check_IPSets; then printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "IPSets" "$(Red "[Failed]")"; nolog="1"; unset fail fi if ! Check_IPTables; then printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "IPTables Rules" "$(Red "[Failed]")"; nolog="1"; unset fail fi if [ "$fastswitch" = "enabled" ]; then Ylow "Fast Switch List Is Enabled!" fi if [ "$nolog" != "1" ]; then Print_Log "minimal"; fi unset "nolog" unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" reloadmenu="1" Purge_Logs echo while true; do echo "Select Menu Option:" echo "[1] --> Unban" echo "[2] --> Ban" echo "[3] --> Malware Blacklist" echo "[4] --> Whitelist" echo "[5] --> Import IP List" echo "[6] --> Deport IP List" echo "[7] --> Save" echo "[8] --> Restart Skynet" echo "[9] --> Temporarily Disable Skynet" echo "[10] --> Update Skynet" echo "[11] --> Settings" echo "[12] --> Debug Options" echo "[13] --> Stats" echo "[14] --> Install Skynet" echo "[15] --> Uninstall" echo echo "[r] --> Reload Menu" echo "[e] --> Exit Menu" echo printf "[1-15]: " read -r "menu" echo case "$menu" in 1) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; Load_Menu; break; fi option1="unban" while true; do echo "What Type Of Input Would You Like To Unban:" echo "[1] --> IP" echo "[2] --> Range" echo "[3] --> Domain" echo "[4] --> Comment" echo "[5] --> Country" echo "[6] --> ASN" echo "[7] --> Malware Lists" echo "[8] --> Non Manual Bans" echo "[9] --> All" echo printf "[1-9]: " read -r "menu2" echo case "$menu2" in 1) option2="ip" echo "Input IP To Unban:" echo printf "[IP]: " read -r "option3" echo if ! echo "$option3" | Is_IP; then echo "[*] $option3 Is Not A Valid IP"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; 2) option2="range" echo "Input Range To Unban:" echo printf "[Range]: " read -r "option3" echo if ! echo "$option3" | Is_Range; then echo "[*] $option3 Is Not A Valid Range"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; 3) option2="domain" echo "Input Domain To Unban:" echo printf "[URL]: " read -r "option3" echo if [ -z "$option3" ]; then echo "[*] URL Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; 4) option2="comment" echo "Remove Bans Matching Comment:" echo printf "[Comment]: " read -r "option3" echo if [ "${#option3}" -gt "255" ]; then echo "[*] $option3 Is Not A Valid Comment. 255 Chars Max"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi if [ -z "${option3}" ]; then echo "[*] Comment Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; 5) option2="country" break ;; 6) option2="asn" echo "Input ASN To Unban:" echo printf "[ASN]: " read -r "option3" echo if ! echo "$option3" | Is_ASN; then echo "[*] $option3 Is Not A Valid ASN"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; 7) option2="malware" break ;; 8) option2="nomanual" break ;; 9) option2="all" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu2 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 2) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; Load_Menu; break; fi option1="ban" while true; do echo "What Type Of Input Would You Like To Ban:" echo "[1] --> IP" echo "[2] --> Range" echo "[3] --> Domain" echo "[4] --> Country" echo "[5] --> ASN" echo printf "[1-5]: " read -r "menu2" echo case "$menu2" in 1) option2="ip" echo "Input IP To Ban:" echo printf "[IP]: " read -r "option3" echo if ! echo "$option3" | Is_IP; then echo "[*] $option3 Is Not A Valid IP"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi echo "Input Comment For Ban:" echo printf "[Comment]: " read -r "option4" echo if [ "${#option4}" -gt "244" ]; then echo "[*] $option4 Is Not A Valid Comment. 244 Chars Max"; echo; unset "option2" "option3" "option4"; continue; fi break ;; 2) option2="range" echo "Input Range To Ban:" echo printf "[Range]: " read -r "option3" echo if ! echo "$option3" | Is_Range; then echo "[*] $option3 Is Not A Valid Range"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi echo "Input Comment For Ban:" echo printf "[Comment]: " read -r "option4" echo if [ "${#option4}" -gt "243" ]; then echo "[*] $option3 Is Not A Valid Comment. 243 Chars Max"; echo; unset "option2" "option3" "option4"; continue; fi break ;; 3) option2="domain" echo "Input Domain To Ban:" echo printf "[URL]: " read -r "option3" echo if [ -z "$option3" ]; then echo "[*] URL Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; 4) option2="country" if [ -n "$countrylist" ]; then echo "Countries Currently Banned: (${countrylist})"; fi echo "Input Country Abbreviations To Ban:" echo printf "[Countries]: " read -r "option3" echo if [ -z "$option3" ]; then echo "[*] Country Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi if echo "$option3" | grep -qF "\""; then echo "[*] Country Field Can't Include Quotes - Please Try Again"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; 5) option2="asn" echo "Input ASN To Ban:" echo printf "[ASN]: " read -r "option3" echo if ! echo "$option3" | Is_ASN; then echo "[*] $option3 Is Not A Valid ASN"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu2 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 3) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; Load_Menu; break; fi option1="banmalware" while true; do echo "Select Option:" echo "[1] --> Update" echo "[2] --> Change Filter List" echo "[3] --> Reset Filter List" echo "[4] --> Exclude Individual Lists" echo "[5] --> Reset Exclusion List" echo printf "[1-5]: " read -r "menu2" echo case "$menu2" in 1) break ;; 2) echo "Input Custom Filter List URL:" printf "[URL]: " read -r "option2" echo if [ -z "$option2" ]; then echo "[*] URL Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; unset "option2"; continue; fi break ;; 3) option2="reset" break ;; 4) option2="exclude" echo "Input Names Of Lists To Exclude Seperated By Pipes" echo "Example - list1.ipset|list2.ipset|list3.ipset" echo printf "[Lists]: " read -r "option3" echo if [ -z "$option3" ]; then echo "[*] Exclusion List Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; 5) option2="exclude" option3="reset" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu2 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 4) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; Load_Menu; break; fi option1="whitelist" while true; do echo "Select Whitelist Option:" echo "[1] --> IP/Range" echo "[2] --> Domain" echo "[3] --> ASN" echo "[4] --> Refresh VPN Whitelist" echo "[5] --> Remove Entries" echo "[6] --> Refresh Entries" echo "[7] --> View Entries" echo printf "[1-7]: " read -r "menu2" echo case "$menu2" in 1) option2="ip" echo "Input IP Or Range To Whitelist:" echo printf "[IP/Range]: " read -r "option3" echo if ! echo "$option3" | Is_IPRange; then echo "[*] $option3 Is Not A Valid IP/Range"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi echo "Input Comment For Whitelist:" echo printf "[Comment]: " read -r "option4" echo if [ "${#option4}" -gt "242" ]; then echo "[*] $option4 Is Not A Valid Comment. 242 Chars Max"; echo; unset "option2" "option3" "option4"; continue; fi break ;; 2) option2="domain" echo "Input Domain To Whitelist:" echo printf "[URL]: " read -r "option3" echo if [ -z "$option3" ]; then echo "[*] URL Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; 3) option2="asn" echo "Input ASN To Whitelist:" echo printf "[ASN]: " read -r "option3" echo if ! echo "$option3" | Is_ASN; then echo "[*] $option3 Is Not A Valid ASN"; echo; unset "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; 4) option2="vpn" break ;; 5) option2="remove" while true; do echo "Remove From Whitelist:" echo "[1] --> All Non-Default Entries" echo "[2] --> IP/Range" echo "[3] --> Entries Matching Comment" echo printf "[1-3]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="all" break ;; 2) option3="entry" echo "Input IP Or Range To Remove:" echo printf "[IP/Range]: " read -r "option4" echo if ! echo "$option4" | Is_IPRange; then echo "[*] $option4 Is Not A Valid IP/Range"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue; fi break ;; 3) option3="comment" echo "Remove Entries Based On Comment:" echo printf "[Comment]: " read -r "option4" echo if [ "${#option4}" -gt "255" ]; then echo "[*] $option4 Is Not A Valid Comment. 255 Chars Max"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue; fi if [ -z "${option4}" ]; then echo "[*] Comment Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue; fi break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 6) option2="refresh" break ;; 7) option2="view" while true; do echo "Select Entries To View:" echo "[1] --> All" echo "[2] --> Manually Added IPs" echo "[3] --> Manually Added Domains" echo "[4] --> Imported Entries" echo printf "[1-4]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) break ;; 2) option3="ips" break ;; 3) option3="domains" break ;; 4) option3="imported" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu2 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 5) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; Load_Menu; break; fi option1="import" while true; do echo "Select Where To Import List:" echo "[1] --> Blacklist" echo "[2] --> Whitelist" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option2="blacklist" break ;; 2) option2="whitelist" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done echo "Input URL/Local File To Import:" echo printf "[File]: " read -r "option3" echo if [ -z "$option3" ]; then echo "[*] File Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; unset "option1" "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; 6) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; Load_Menu; break; fi option1="deport" while true; do echo "Select Where To Deport List From:" echo "[1] --> Blacklist" echo "[2] --> Whitelist" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option2="blacklist" break ;; 2) option2="whitelist" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done echo "Input URL/Local File To Deport" echo printf "[File]: " read -r "option3" echo if [ -z "$option3" ]; then echo "[*] File Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; unset "option1" "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; 7) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; Load_Menu; break; fi option1="save" break ;; 8) option1="restart" break ;; 9) option1="disable" break ;; 10) option1="update" while true; do echo "Select Update Option:" echo "[1] --> Check For And Install Any New Updates" echo "[2] --> Check For Updates Only" echo "[3] --> Force Update Even If No Updates Detected" echo printf "[1-3]: " read -r "menu2" echo case "$menu2" in 1) break ;; 2) option2="check" break ;; 3) option2="-f" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu2 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 11) option1="settings" while true; do echo "Select Setting To Toggle:" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[1] --> Skynet Auto-Updates" "$(if [ "$autoupdate" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Red "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[2] --> Malware List Auto-Updates" "$(if [ "$banmalwareupdate" = "daily" ] || [ "$banmalwareupdate" = "weekly" ]; then Grn "[$banmalwareupdate]"; else Red "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[3] --> Logging" "$(if [ "$logmode" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Red "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[4] --> Filter Traffic" "$(Grn "[$filtertraffic]")" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[5] --> Unban PrivateIP" "$(if [ "$unbanprivateip" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Red "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[6] --> Log Invalid Packets" "$(if [ "$loginvalid" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Grn "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[7] --> Import AiProtect Data" "$(if [ "$banaiprotect" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Red "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[8] --> Secure Mode" "$(if [ "$securemode" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Red "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[9] --> Fast Switch List" "$(if [ "$fastswitch" = "enabled" ]; then Ylow "[Enabled]"; else Grn "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[10] --> Syslog Location" "$(if { [ "$syslogloc" = "/tmp/syslog.log" ] && [ "$syslog1loc" = "/tmp/syslog.log-1" ]; } || { [ "$syslogloc" = "/jffs/syslog.log" ] && [ "$syslog1loc" = "/jffs/syslog.log-1" ]; } then Grn "[Default]"; else Ylow "[Custom]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[11] --> IOT Blocking" "$(if [ "$iotblocked" != "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Disabled]"; else Ylow "[Enabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[12] --> IOT Logging" "$(if [ "$iotlogging" != "enabled" ]; then Red "[Disabled]"; else Grn "[Enabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[13] --> Stats Country Lookup" "$(if [ "$lookupcountry" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Ylow "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[14] --> CDN Whitelisting" "$(if [ "$cdnwhitelist" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Red "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-40s\n' "[15] --> Display WebUI" "$(if [ "$displaywebui" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Ylow "[Disabled]"; fi)" echo printf "[1-15]: " read -r "menu2" echo case "$menu2" in 1) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="autoupdate" while true; do echo "Select Skynet Autoupdate Option:" echo "[1] --> Enable" echo "[2] --> Disable" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="enable" break ;; 2) option3="disable" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 2) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="banmalware" while true; do echo "Select Malware Blacklist Updating Frequency:" echo "[1] --> Daily" echo "[2] --> Weekly" echo "[3] --> Disable" echo printf "[1-3]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="daily" break ;; 2) option3="weekly" break ;; 3) option3="disable" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 3) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="logmode" while true; do echo "Select Logging Option:" echo "[1] --> Enable" echo "[2] --> Disable" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="enable" break ;; 2) option3="disable" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 4) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="filter" while true; do echo "Select Filter Option:" echo "[1] --> All Traffic" echo "[2] --> Inbound" echo "[3] --> Outbound" echo printf "[1-3]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="all" break ;; 2) option3="inbound" break ;; 3) option3="outbound" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 5) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="unbanprivate" while true; do echo "Select Filter PrivateIP Option:" echo "[1] --> Enable" echo "[2] --> Disable" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="enable" break ;; 2) option3="disable" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 6) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="loginvalid" while true; do echo "Select Invalid Packet Logging Option:" echo "[1] --> Enable" echo "[2] --> Disable" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="enable" break ;; 2) option3="disable" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 7) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="banaiprotect" while true; do echo "Select Ban AiProtect Option:" echo "[1] --> Enable" echo "[2] --> Disable" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="enable" break ;; 2) option3="disable" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 8) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="securemode" while true; do echo "Select Secure Mode Option:" echo "[1] --> Enable" echo "[2] --> Disable" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="enable" break ;; 2) option3="disable" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 9) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option1="fs" while true; do echo "Select Fast Switch List Option:" echo "[1] --> Enable" echo "[2] --> Disable" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) echo "Input Custom Filter List URL:" printf "[URL]: " read -r "option2" echo if [ -z "$option2" ]; then echo "[*] URL Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; unset "option2"; continue; fi break break ;; 2) option2="disable" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 10) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi while true; do echo "Select Syslog To Configure:" echo "[1] --> syslog.log" echo "[2] --> syslog.log-1" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option2="syslog" while true; do echo "Select Syslog Location:" echo "[1] --> Default" echo "[2] --> Custom" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="/tmp/syslog.log" break ;; 2) echo "Input Custom Syslog Location:" echo printf "[File]: " read -r "option3" echo if [ -z "$option3" ]; then echo "[*] File Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; unset "option1" "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break break ;; 2) option2="syslog1" while true; do echo "Select Syslog Location:" echo "[1] --> Default" echo "[2] --> Custom" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="/tmp/syslog.log-1" break ;; 2) echo "Input Custom Syslog-1 Location:" echo printf "[File]: " read -r "option3" echo if [ -z "$option3" ]; then echo "[*] File Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; unset "option1" "option2" "option3"; continue; fi break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 11) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi while true; do option2="iot" echo "Select IOT Option:" echo "[1] --> Unban Devices" echo "[2] --> Ban Devices" echo "[3] --> View Blocked Devices" echo "[4] --> Add Custom Allowed Ports" echo "[5] --> Reset Custom Port List" echo "[6] --> Select Allowed Protocols" echo printf "[1-6]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="unban" echo "Input Local IP(s) To Unban:" echo "Seperate Multiple Addresses With A Comma" echo printf "[IP]: " read -r "option4" echo if echo "$option4" | grep -q ","; then for ip in $(echo "$option4" | sed 's~,~ ~g'); do if ! echo "$ip" | Is_IPRange; then echo "[*] $ip Is Not A Valid IP/Range"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue 2; fi done else if ! echo "$option4" | Is_IPRange; then echo "[*] $option4 Is Not A Valid IP/Range"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue; fi fi break ;; 2) option3="ban" echo "Input Local IP(s) To Ban:" echo "Seperate Multiple Addresses With A Comma" echo printf "[IP]: " read -r "option4" echo if echo "$option4" | grep -q ","; then for ip in $(echo "$option4" | sed 's~,~ ~g'); do if ! echo "$ip" | Is_IPRange; then echo "[*] $ip Is Not A Valid IP/Range"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue 2; fi done else if ! echo "$option4" | Is_IPRange; then echo "[*] $option4 Is Not A Valid IP/Range"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue; fi fi break ;; 3) option3="view" break ;; 4) option3="ports" if [ -n "$iotports" ]; then echo "Current Custom Ports Allowed: $(Grn "$iotports")"; echo; fi echo "Input Custom Ports(s) To Allow:" echo "Seperate Multiple Ports With A Comma" echo printf "[Ports]: " read -r "option4" echo if echo "$option4" | grep -q ","; then for port in $(echo "$option4" | sed 's~,~ ~g'); do if ! echo "$port" | Is_Port; then echo "[*] $port Is Not A Valid Port"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue 2; fi done else if ! echo "$option4" | Is_Port; then echo "[*] $port Is Not A Valid Port"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue; fi fi break ;; 5) option3="ports" option4="reset" break ;; 6) while true; do option3="proto" echo "Select Port Protocol To Allow:" echo echo "[1] --> UDP" echo "[2] --> TCP" echo "[3] --> Both" echo printf "[1-3]: " read -r "menu4" echo case "$menu4" in 1) option4="udp" break ;; 2) option4="tcp" break ;; 3) option4="all" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu4 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 12) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="iotlogging" while true; do echo "Select IOT Logging Option:" echo "[1] --> Enable" echo "[2] --> Disable" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="enable" break ;; 2) option3="disable" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 13) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="lookupcountry" while true; do echo "Select Country Lookup For Stats Option:" echo "[1] --> Enable" echo "[2] --> Disable" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="enable" break ;; 2) option3="disable" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 14) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="cdnwhitelist" while true; do echo "Select CDN Whitelisting Option:" echo "[1] --> Enable" echo "[2] --> Disable" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="enable" break ;; 2) option3="disable" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 15) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="webui" while true; do echo "Select WebUI Option:" echo "[1] --> Enable" echo "[2] --> Disable" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="enable" break ;; 2) option3="disable" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; fs) option1="fs" break ;; 12) option1="debug" while true; do echo "Select Debug Option:" echo "[1] --> Show Log Entries As They Appear" echo "[2] --> Print Debug Info" echo "[3] --> Cleanup Syslog Entries" echo "[4] --> SWAP File Management" echo "[5] --> Backup Skynet Files" echo "[6] --> Restore Skynet Files" echo printf "[1-6]: " read -r "menu2" echo case "$menu2" in 1) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="watch" while true; do echo "Select Watch Option:" echo "[1] --> All" echo "[2] --> IP" echo "[3] --> Port" echo printf "[1-3]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) break ;; 2) option3="ip" printf "[IP]: " read -r "option4" echo if ! echo "$option4" | Is_IP; then echo "[*] $option4 Is Not A Valid IP"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue; fi break ;; 3) option3="port" printf "[Port]: " read -r "option4" echo if ! echo "$option4" | Is_Port || [ "$option4" -gt "65535" ]; then echo "[*] $option4 Is Not A Valid Port"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue; fi break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 2) option2="info" break ;; 3) option2="clean" break ;; 4) option2="swap" while true; do echo "Select SWAP Option:" echo "[1] --> Install" echo "[2] --> Uninstall" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="install" break ;; 2) option3="uninstall" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 5) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="backup" break ;; 6) if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi option2="restore" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu2 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 13) option1="stats" while true; do echo "Select Stat Option:" echo "[1] --> Display" echo "[2] --> Search" echo "[3] --> Remove" echo "[4] --> Reset" echo printf "[1-4]: " read -r "menu2" echo case "$menu2" in 1) while true; do echo "Show Top x Results:" echo "[1] --> 10" echo "[2] --> 20" echo "[3] --> 50" echo "[4] --> Custom" echo printf "[1-4]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="10" break ;; 2) option3="20" break ;; 3) option3="50" break ;; 4) echo "Enter Custom Amount:" echo printf "[Number]: " read -r "option3" echo if ! [ "$option3" -eq "$option3" ] 2>/dev/null; then echo "[*] $option3 Isn't A Valid Number!"; echo; unset "option3" continue; fi break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break 2 ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done while true; do echo "Show Packet Type:" echo "[1] --> All" echo "[2] --> TCP" echo "[3] --> UDP" echo "[4] --> ICMP" echo printf "[1-4]: " read -r "menu4" echo case "$menu4" in 1) break ;; 2) option2="tcp" break ;; 3) option2="udp" break ;; 4) option2="icmp" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu4 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 2) option2="search" while true; do echo "Search Options:" echo "[1] --> Based On Port x" echo "[2] --> Entries From Specific IP" echo "[3] --> Search Malwarelists For IP" echo "[4] --> Search Manualbans" echo "[5] --> Search For Outbound Entries From Local Device" echo "[6] --> Hourly Reports" echo "[7] --> Invalid Packets" echo "[8] --> Active Connections" echo "[9] --> IOT Packets" echo printf "[1-9]: " read -r "menu4" echo case "$menu4" in 1) option3="port" printf "[Port]: " read -r "option4" echo if ! echo "$option4" | Is_Port || [ "$option4" -gt "65535" ]; then echo "[*] $option4 Is Not A Valid Port"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue; fi break ;; 2) option3="ip" printf "[IP]: " read -r "option4" echo if ! echo "$option4" | Is_IPRange; then echo "[*] $option4 Is Not A Valid IP/Range"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue; fi break ;; 3) option3="malware" printf "[IP]: " read -r "option4" echo if ! echo "$option4" | Is_IPRange; then echo "[*] $option4 Is Not A Valid IP/Range"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue; fi break ;; 4) option3="manualbans" break ;; 5) option3="device" printf "[Local IP]: " read -r "option4" echo if ! echo "$option4" | Is_IP; then echo "[*] $option4 Is Not A Valid IP"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue; fi break ;; 6) option3="reports" break ;; 7) option3="invalid" break ;; 8) option3="connections" while true; do echo "Search Options:" echo "[1] --> All Results" echo "[2] --> Search By IP" echo "[3] --> Search By Port" echo "[4] --> Search By Protocol" echo "[5] --> Search By Identification" echo printf "[1-5]: " read -r "menu5" echo case "$menu5" in 1) break ;; 2) option4="ip" printf "[IP]: " read -r "option5" echo if ! echo "$option5" | Is_IP; then echo "[*] $option5 Is Not A Valid IP"; echo; unset "option4" "option5"; continue; fi break ;; 3) option4="port" printf "[Port]: " read -r "option5" echo if ! echo "$option5" | Is_Port || [ "$option5" -gt "65535" ]; then echo "[*] $option5 Is Not A Valid Port"; echo; unset "option4" "option5"; continue; fi break ;; 4) option4="proto" printf "[Protocol]: " read -r "option5" echo if [ "$option5" != "tcp" ] && [ "$option5" != "udp" ] && [ "$option5" != "icmp" ]; then echo "[*] $option5 Is Not A Valid Protocol"; echo; unset "option4" "option5"; continue; fi break ;; 5) option4="id" printf "[Identification]: " read -r "option5" echo break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu5 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 9) option3="iot" break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break 2 ;; *) echo "[*] $menu4 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done if [ "$option3" != "connections" ]; then while true; do echo "Show Top x Results:" echo "[1] --> 10" echo "[2] --> 20" echo "[3] --> 50" echo "[4] --> Custom" echo printf "[1-4]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) if [ -n "$option4" ]; then option5="10" else option4="10" fi break ;; 2) if [ -n "$option4" ]; then option5="20" else option4="20" fi break ;; 3) if [ -n "$option4" ]; then option5="50" else option4="50" fi break ;; 4) echo "Enter Custom Amount:" echo printf "[Number]: " read -r "optionx" echo if ! [ "$optionx" -eq "$optionx" ] 2>/dev/null; then echo "[*] $optionx Isn't A Valid Number!"; echo; unset "optionx"; continue; fi if [ -n "$option4" ]; then option5="$optionx" else option4="$optionx" fi break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done fi break ;; 3) option2="remove" while true; do echo "Search Options:" echo "[1] --> Logs Containing Specific IP" echo "[2] --> Logs Containing Specific Port" echo printf "[1-2]: " read -r "menu3" echo case "$menu3" in 1) option3="ip" printf "[IP]: " read -r "option4" echo if ! echo "$option4" | Is_IP; then echo "[*] $option4 Is Not A Valid IP"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue; fi break ;; 2) option3="port" printf "[Port]: " read -r "option4" echo if ! echo "$option4" | Is_Port || [ "$option4" -gt "65535" ]; then echo "[*] $option4 Is Not A Valid Port"; echo; unset "option3" "option4"; continue; fi break ;; e|exit|back|menu) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break 2 ;; *) echo "[*] $menu3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 4) option2="reset" break ;; e|exit) unset "option1" "option2" "option3" "option4" "option5" clear Load_Menu break ;; *) echo "[*] $menu2 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done break ;; 14) option1="install" break ;; 15) option1="uninstall" break ;; r|reload) clear Load_Menu break ;; e|exit) echo "[*] Exiting!" echo; exit 0 ;; *) echo "[*] $menu Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done } if [ -z "$1" ]; then Load_Menu fi if [ -n "$option1" ]; then set "$option1" "$option2" "$option3" "$option4" "$option5" stime="$(date +%s)" echo "[$] $0 $*" | tr -s " " fi trap 'Spinner_End' EXIT if [ -f "$skynetcfg" ]; then . "$skynetcfg" fi Display_Header "9" ############## #- Commands -# ############## case "$1" in unban) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs case "$2" in ip) if ! echo "$3" | Is_IP; then echo "[*] $3 Is Not A Valid IP"; echo; exit 2; fi echo "[i] Unbanning $3" ipset -D Skynet-Blacklist "$3" sed -i "\\~\\(BLOCKED.*=$3 \\|Manual Ban.*=$3 \\)~d" "$skynetlog" "$skynetevents" ;; range) if ! echo "$3" | Is_Range; then echo "[*] $3 Is Not A Valid Range"; echo; exit 2; fi echo "[i] Unbanning $3" ipset -D Skynet-BlockedRanges "$3" sed -i "\\~\\(BLOCKED.*=$3 \\|Manual Ban.*=$3 \\)~d" "$skynetlog" "$skynetevents" ;; domain) if ! Check_Connection; then echo "[*] Connection Error Detected - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if [ -z "$3" ]; then echo "[*] Domain Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; exit 2; fi domain="$(echo "$3" | Strip_Domain)" echo "[i] Removing $domain From Blacklist" for ip in $(Domain_Lookup "$domain"); do echo "[i] Unbanning $ip" ipset -D Skynet-Blacklist "$ip" sed -i "\\~\\(BLOCKED.*=$ip \\|Manual Ban.*=$ip \\)~d" "$skynetlog" "$skynetevents" done ;; comment) if [ -z "$3" ]; then echo "[*] Comment Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; exit 2; fi echo "[i] Removing Bans With Comment Containing ($3)" sed "\\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~d;\\~$3~!d;s~ comment.*~~;s~add~del~g" "$skynetipset" | ipset restore -! echo "[i] Removing Old Logs - This May Take Awhile (To Skip Type ctrl+c)" trap 'break; echo' 2 sed "\\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~d;\\~$3~!d;s~ comment.*~~" "$skynetipset" | cut -d' ' -f3 | while IFS= read -r "ip"; do sed -i "\\~\\(BLOCKED.*=$ip \\|Manual Ban.*=$ip \\)~d" "$skynetlog" "$skynetevents" done ;; country) echo "[i] Removing Previous Country Bans (${countrylist})" sed '\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~d;\~Country: ~!d;s~ comment.*~~;s~add~del~g' "$skynetipset" | ipset restore -! unset "countrylist" ;; asn) if [ -z "$3" ]; then echo "[*] ASN Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; exit 2; fi if ! echo "$3" | Is_ASN; then echo "[*] $3 Is Not A Valid ASN"; echo; exit 2; fi asnlist="$(echo "$3" | awk '{print toupper($0)}')" echo "[i] Removing Previous $asnlist Bans" sed "\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~d;\~$asnlist ~!d;s~ comment.*~~;s~add~del~g" "$skynetipset" | ipset restore -! ;; malware) echo "[i] Removing Previous Malware Blacklist Entries" sed '\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~d;\~BanMalware~!d;s~ comment.*~~;s~add~del~g' "$skynetipset" | ipset restore -! ;; nomanual) echo "[i] Removing All Non-Manual Bans" sed -i '\~Manual ~!d' "$skynetlog" ipset flush Skynet-Blacklist ipset flush Skynet-BlockedRanges sed '\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~d;\~Manual[R]*Ban: ~!d' "$skynetipset" | ipset restore -! iptables -Z PREROUTING -t raw ;; all) echo "[i] Removing All $((blacklist1count + blacklist2count)) Entries From Blacklist" ipset flush Skynet-Blacklist ipset flush Skynet-BlockedRanges iptables -Z PREROUTING -t raw true > "$skynetlog" sed -i '\~Manual Ban~d' "$skynetevents" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets ;; ban) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if ! Check_Connection; then echo "[*] Connection Error Detected - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs case "$2" in ip) if ! echo "$3" | Is_IP; then echo "[*] $3 Is Not A Valid IP"; echo; exit 2; fi if [ "${#4}" -gt "244" ]; then echo "[*] $4 Is Not A Valid Comment. 244 Chars Max"; echo; exit 2; fi echo "[i] Banning $3" desc="$4" if [ -z "$4" ]; then desc="$(date +"%b %d %T")" fi ipset -A Skynet-Blacklist "$3" comment "ManualBan: $desc" && echo "$(date +"%b %d %T") Skynet: [Manual Ban] TYPE=Single SRC=$3 COMMENT=$desc " >> "$skynetevents" ;; range) if ! echo "$3" | Is_Range; then echo "[*] $3 Is Not A Valid Range"; echo; exit 2; fi if [ "${#4}" -gt "243" ]; then echo "[*] $4 Is Not A Valid Comment. 243 Chars Max"; echo; exit 2; fi echo "[i] Banning $3" desc="$4" if [ -z "$4" ]; then desc="$(date +"%b %d %T")" fi ipset -A Skynet-BlockedRanges "$3" comment "ManualRBan: $desc" && echo "$(date +"%b %d %T") Skynet: [Manual Ban] TYPE=Range SRC=$3 COMMENT=$desc " >> "$skynetevents" ;; domain) if [ -z "$3" ]; then echo "[*] Domain Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; exit 2; fi domain="$(echo "$3" | Strip_Domain)" echo "[i] Adding $domain To Blacklist" for ip in $(Domain_Lookup "$domain" | Filter_PrivateIP); do echo "[i] Banning $ip" ipset -A Skynet-Blacklist "$ip" comment "ManualBanD: $domain" && echo "$(date +"%b %d %T") Skynet: [Manual Ban] TYPE=Domain SRC=$ip Host=$domain " >> "$skynetevents" done ;; country) if [ -z "$3" ]; then echo "[*] Country Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; exit 2; fi if echo "$3" | grep -qF "\""; then echo "[*] Country Field Can't Include Quotes - Please Try Again"; echo; exit 2; fi countrylinklist="$(echo "$3" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" if [ -n "$countrylist" ]; then echo "[i] Removing Previous Country Bans (${countrylist})" sed '\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~d;\~Country: ~!d;s~ comment.*~~;s~add~del~g' "$skynetipset" | ipset restore -! fi if [ "${#3}" -gt "246" ]; then countrylist="Multiple Countries"; else countrylist="$countrylinklist"; fi echo "[i] Banning Known IP Ranges For (${3})" echo "[i] Downloading Lists" for country in $countrylinklist; do curl -fskL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://ipdeny.com/ipblocks/data/aggregated/"$country"-aggregated.zone >> /tmp/skynet/countrylist.txt done echo "[i] Filtering IPv4 Ranges & Applying Blacklists" grep -F "/" /tmp/skynet/countrylist.txt | sed -n "/^[0-9,\\.,\\/]*$/s/^/add Skynet-BlockedRanges /;s/$/& comment \"Country: $countrylist\"/p" | ipset restore -! rm -rf "/tmp/skynet/countrylist.txt" ;; asn) if [ -z "$3" ]; then echo "[*] ASN Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; exit 2; fi if ! echo "$3" | Is_ASN; then echo "[*] $3 Is Not A Valid ASN"; echo; exit 2; fi asnlist="$(echo "$3" | awk '{print toupper($0)}')" echo "[i] Adding $asnlist To Blacklist" curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "https://asn.ipinfo.app/api/text/list/$asnlist" | awk -v asn="$asnlist" '/^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "add Skynet-BlockedRanges %s comment \"ASN: %s \"\n", $1, asn }' | awk '!x[$0]++' | ipset restore -! ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets ;; banmalware|fs) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if ! Check_Connection; then echo "[*] Connection Error Detected - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Spinner_Start Purge_Logs if [ "$2" = "disable" ] && [ "$fastswitch" = "disabled" ] && [ "$1" = "fs" ]; then echo "[*] Fast Switch List Already Disabled - Stopping Banmalware" echo; exit 1 fi if [ "$fastswitch" = "enabled" ] && [ "$1" = "fs" ] && [ -z "$2" ] || [ "$2" = "disable" ]; then echo "[i] Fast Switch List Disabled" fastswitch="disabled" set "banmalware" fi if [ "$fastswitch" = "enabled" ] && [ "$1" = "banmalware" ]; then set "fs" fi if [ "$2" = "exclude" ]; then if [ "$3" = "reset" ] || [ -z "$3" ]; then echo "[i] Exclusion List Reset" unset "excludelists" else excludelists="$3" fi set "banmalware" fi if [ -n "$excludelists" ]; then echo "[i] Excluding Lists Matching The Words; $excludelists"; fi if [ "$2" = "reset" ]; then echo "[i] Filter URL Reset" unset "customlisturl" fi if [ -n "$2" ] && [ "$2" != "reset" ] && [ "$1" != "fs" ]; then customlisturl="$2" listurl="$customlisturl" echo "[i] Custom Filter Detected: $customlisturl" elif [ "$1" = "fs" ]; then if [ -z "$2" ] && [ -z "$customlist2url" ]; then logger -st Skynet "[*] Fast Switch List URL Not Configured - Stopping Banmalware" echo; exit 1 else fastswitch="enabled" echo "[i] Fast Switch List Enabled" if [ -z "$customlist2url" ] || [ -n "$2" ]; then customlist2url="$2" listurl="$customlist2url" else listurl="$customlist2url" fi echo "[i] Custom Filter Detected: $customlist2url" fi else if [ -n "$customlisturl" ]; then listurl="$customlisturl" echo "[i] Custom Filter Detected: $customlisturl" else listurl="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/master/filter.list" fi fi curl -fsSI "$listurl" >/dev/null || { echo "[*] Stopping Banmalware"; echo; exit 1; } Display_Message "[i] Downloading filter.list" if [ -n "$excludelists" ]; then curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "$listurl" | dos2unix | grep -vE "($excludelists)" > /jffs/addons/shared-whitelists/shared-Skynet-whitelist && Display_Result else curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "$listurl" | dos2unix > /jffs/addons/shared-whitelists/shared-Skynet-whitelist && Display_Result fi sed -i '\~^http[s]*://\|^www.~!d;' /jffs/addons/shared-whitelists/shared-Skynet-whitelist Display_Message "[i] Refreshing Whitelists" Whitelist_Extra Whitelist_VPN Spinner_End Whitelist_CDN Whitelist_Shared Refresh_MWhitelist Spinner_Start Display_Result Display_Message "[i] Consolidating Blacklist" mkdir -p "${skynetloc}/lists" cwd="$(pwd)" cd "${skynetloc}/lists" || exit 1 awk -F / '{print $NF}' /jffs/addons/shared-whitelists/shared-Skynet-whitelist > /tmp/skynet/skynet.manifest while IFS= read -r "list"; do if [ ! -f "$list" ]; then rm -rf "${skynetloc}"/lists/* break fi done < /tmp/skynet/skynet.manifest awk -F/ '{print $0" -Oz "$NF}' /jffs/addons/shared-whitelists/shared-Skynet-whitelist | xargs "curl" -fsLZ dos2unix "${skynetloc}"/lists/* 2>/dev/null for file in *; do grep -qF "$file" /tmp/skynet/skynet.manifest || rm -rf "$file" done if ! grep -qE '^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)$' "${skynetloc}"/lists/* 2>/dev/null; then result="$(Red "[$(($(date +%s) - btime))s]")" printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf '%-35s\n' "[*] List Content Error Detected - Stopping Banmalware" nocfg="1" result="1" fi if [ "$result" != "1" ]; then awk '/^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{if(!x[$1]++)print $1 " " FILENAME}' -- * | Filter_PrivateIP > /tmp/skynet/malwarelist.txt cd "$cwd" || exit 1 Display_Result Display_Message "[i] Filtering IPv4 Addresses" sed -i '\~comment \"BanMalware: ~d' "$skynetipset" awk '/^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(32))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "add Skynet-Blacklist %s comment \"BanMalware: %s\"\n", $1, $2 }' /tmp/skynet/malwarelist.txt >> "$skynetipset" Display_Result Display_Message "[i] Filtering IPv4 Ranges" awk '/^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-1])){1})([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "add Skynet-BlockedRanges %s comment \"BanMalware: %s\"\n", $1, $2 }' /tmp/skynet/malwarelist.txt >> "$skynetipset" Display_Result Display_Message "[i] Applying New Blacklist" ipset flush Skynet-Blacklist; ipset flush Skynet-BlockedRanges ipset restore -! -f "$skynetipset" >/dev/null 2>&1 Display_Result Display_Message "[i] Refreshing AiProtect Bans" Spinner_End Refresh_AiProtect Spinner_Start Display_Result Display_Message "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets Display_Result unset "forcebanmalwareupdate" echo echo "[i] For Whitelisting Assistance -" echo "[i] https://www.snbforums.com/threads/release-skynet-router-firewall-security-enhancements.16798/#post-115872" fi Clean_Temp ;; whitelist) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs case "$2" in ip|range) if ! echo "$3" | Is_IPRange; then echo "[*] $3 Is Not A Valid IP/Range"; echo; exit 2; fi if [ "${#4}" -gt "242" ]; then echo "[*] $4 Is Not A Valid Comment. 242 Chars Max"; echo; exit 2; fi echo "[i] Whitelisting $3" desc="$4" if [ -z "$4" ]; then desc="$(date +"%b %d %T")" fi ipset -A Skynet-Whitelist "$3" comment "ManualWlist: $desc" && sed -i "\\~=$3 ~d" "$skynetlog" "$skynetevents" && echo "$(date +"%b %d %T") Skynet: [Manual Whitelist] TYPE=Single SRC=$3 COMMENT=$desc " >> "$skynetevents" ipset -q -D Skynet-Blacklist "$3" ipset -q -D Skynet-BlockedRanges "$3" ;; domain) if ! Check_Connection; then echo "[*] Connection Error Detected - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if [ -z "$3" ]; then echo "[*] Domain Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; exit 2; fi domain="$(echo "$3" | Strip_Domain)" echo "[i] Adding $domain To Whitelist" for ip in $(Domain_Lookup "$domain"); do echo "[i] Whitelisting $ip" ipset -A Skynet-Whitelist "$ip" comment "ManualWlistD: $domain" && sed -i "\\~=$ip ~d" "$skynetlog" "$skynetevents" && echo "$(date +"%b %d %T") Skynet: [Manual Whitelist] TYPE=Domain SRC=$ip Host=$domain " >> "$skynetevents" ipset -q -D Skynet-Blacklist "$ip" done if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then echo "$domain" >> /jffs/addons/shared-whitelists/shared-Skynet2-whitelist; fi ;; vpn) echo "[i] Updating VPN Whitelist" Whitelist_VPN ;; asn) if [ -z "$3" ]; then echo "[*] ASN Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; exit 2; fi if ! echo "$3" | Is_ASN; then echo "[*] $3 Is Not A Valid ASN"; echo; exit 2; fi asnlist="$(echo "$3" | awk '{print toupper($0)}')" echo "[i] Adding $asnlist To Whitelist" curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "https://asn.ipinfo.app/api/text/list/$asnlist" | awk -v asn="$asnlist" '/^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "add Skynet-Whitelist %s comment \"ASN: %s \"\n", $1, asn }'| awk '!x[$0]++' | ipset restore -! ;; remove) case "$3" in entry) if ! echo "$4" | Is_IPRange; then echo "[*] $4 Is Not A Valid IP/Range"; echo; exit 2; fi echo "[i] Removing $4 From Whitelist" ipset -D Skynet-Whitelist "$4" sed -i "\\~=$4 ~d" "$skynetlog" "$skynetevents" ;; comment) if [ -z "$4" ]; then echo "[*] Comment Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again"; echo; exit 2; fi echo "[i] Removing All Entries With Comment Matching \"$4\" From Whitelist" sed "\\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~!d;\\~$4~!d;s~ comment.*~~;s~add~del~g" "$skynetipset" | ipset restore -! echo "[i] Removing Old Logs - This May Take Awhile (To Skip Type ctrl+c)" trap 'break; echo' 2 sed "\\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~!d;\\~$4~!d" "$skynetipset" | cut -d' ' -f3 | while IFS= read -r "ip"; do sed -i "\\~=$ip ~d" "$skynetlog" "$skynetevents" done ;; all) if ! Check_Connection; then echo "[*] Connection Error Detected - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi echo "[i] Flushing Whitelist" ipset flush Skynet-Whitelist echo "[i] Adding Default Entries" true > "$skynetipset" sed -i '\~Manual Whitelist~d' "$skynetevents" Whitelist_Extra Whitelist_CDN Whitelist_VPN Whitelist_Shared ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; refresh) if ! Check_Connection; then echo "[*] Connection Error Detected - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi echo "[i] Refreshing Shared Whitelist Files" Whitelist_Extra Whitelist_CDN Whitelist_VPN Whitelist_Shared Refresh_MWhitelist ;; view) case "$3" in ips) sed '\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~!d;\~ManualWlist:~!d;s~add Skynet-Whitelist ~~' "$skynetipset" ;; domains) sed '\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~!d;\~ManualWlistD:~!d;s~add Skynet-Whitelist ~~' "$skynetipset" ;; imported) sed '\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~!d;\~Imported:~!d;s~add Skynet-Whitelist ~~' "$skynetipset" ;; *) sed '\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~!d;s~add Skynet-Whitelist ~~' "$skynetipset" ;; esac echo ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets ;; import) Spinner_Start case "$2" in blacklist) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if ! Check_Connection; then echo "[*] Connection Error Detected - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs echo "[i] This Function Extracts All IPs And Adds Them ALL To Blacklist" if [ -f "$3" ]; then echo "[i] Local Custom List Detected: $3" grep -E '^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)$' "$3" > /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt elif [ -n "$3" ]; then echo "[i] Remote Custom List Detected: $3" curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "$3" | dos2unix | grep -E '^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)$' > /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt || { echo "[*] 404 Error Detected - Stopping Import"; rm -rf /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt; echo; exit 1; } else echo "[*] URL/File Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again" echo; exit 2 fi dos2unix /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt if ! Is_IPRange < /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt; then echo "[*] No Content Detected - Stopping Import"; rm -rf /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt; echo; exit 1; fi echo "[i] Processing List" if [ -n "$4" ] && [ "${#4}" -le "245" ]; then Filter_PrivateIP < /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt | awk -v desc="Imported: $4" '/^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(32))?)$/{printf "add Skynet-Blacklist %s comment \"%s\"\n", $1, desc }' > /tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt Filter_PrivateIP < /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt | awk -v desc="Imported: $4" '/^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-1])){1})$/{printf "add Skynet-BlockedRanges %s comment \"%s\"\n", $1, desc }' >> /tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt else imptime="$(date +"%b %d %T")" Filter_PrivateIP < /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt | awk -v desc="Imported: $imptime" '/^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(32))?)$/{printf "add Skynet-Blacklist %s comment \"%s\"\n", $1, desc }' > /tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt Filter_PrivateIP < /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt | awk -v desc="Imported: $imptime" '/^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-1])){1})$/{printf "add Skynet-BlockedRanges %s comment \"%s\"\n", $1, desc }' >> /tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt fi echo "[i] Adding IPs To Blacklist" ipset restore -! -f "/tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt" rm -rf /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt /tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets ;; whitelist) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if ! Check_Connection; then echo "[*] Connection Error Detected - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs echo "[i] This Function Extracts All IPs And Adds Them ALL To Whitelist" if [ -f "$3" ]; then echo "[i] Local Custom List Detected: $3" grep -E '^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)$' "$3" > /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt elif [ -n "$3" ]; then echo "[i] Remote Custom List Detected: $3" curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "$3" | dos2unix | grep -E '^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)$' > /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt || { echo "[*] 404 Error Detected - Stopping Import"; rm -rf /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt; echo; exit 1; } else echo "[*] URL/File Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again" echo; exit 2 fi dos2unix /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt if ! Is_IPRange < /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt; then echo "[*] No Content Detected - Stopping Import"; rm -rf /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt; echo; exit 1; fi echo "[i] Processing List" if [ -n "$4" ] && [ "${#4}" -le "245" ]; then Filter_PrivateIP < /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt | awk -v desc="Imported: $4" '{printf "add Skynet-Whitelist %s comment \"%s\"\n", $1, desc }' > /tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt else imptime="$(date +"%b %d %T")" Filter_PrivateIP < /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt | awk -v desc="Imported: $imptime" '{printf "add Skynet-Whitelist %s comment \"%s\"\n", $1, desc }' > /tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt fi echo "[i] Adding IPs To Whitelist" ipset restore -! -f "/tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt" rm -rf /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt /tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; deport) Spinner_Start case "$2" in blacklist) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if ! Check_Connection; then echo "[*] Connection Error Detected - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs echo "[i] This Function Extracts All IPs And Removes Them ALL From Blacklist" if [ -f "$3" ]; then echo "[i] Local Custom List Detected: $3" grep -E '^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)$' "$3" > /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt elif [ -n "$3" ]; then echo "[i] Remote Custom List Detected: $3" curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "$3" | dos2unix | grep -E '^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)$' > /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt || { echo "[*] 404 Error Detected - Stopping Import"; rm -rf /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt; echo; exit 1; } else echo "[*] URL/File Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again" echo; exit 2 fi dos2unix /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt if ! Is_IPRange < /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt; then echo "[*] No Content Detected - Stopping Deport"; rm -rf /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt; echo; exit 1; fi echo "[i] Processing IPv4 Addresses" Filter_PrivateIP < /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt | awk '/^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(32))?)$/{printf "del Skynet-Blacklist %s\n", $1}' > /tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt echo "[i] Processing IPv4 Ranges" Filter_PrivateIP < /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt | awk '/^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-1])){1})$/{printf "del Skynet-BlockedRanges %s\n", $1}' >> /tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt echo "[i] Removing IPs From Blacklist" ipset restore -! -f "/tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt" rm -rf /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt /tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets ;; whitelist) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if ! Check_Connection; then echo "[*] Connection Error Detected - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs echo "[i] This Function Extracts All IPs And Removes Them ALL From Whitelist" if [ -f "$3" ]; then echo "[i] Local Custom List Detected: $3" grep -E '^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)$' "$3" > /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt elif [ -n "$3" ]; then echo "[i] Remote Custom List Detected: $3" curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "$3" | dos2unix | grep -E '^(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)$' > /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt || { echo "[*] 404 Error Detected - Stopping Import"; rm -rf /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt; echo; exit 1; } else echo "[*] URL/File Field Can't Be Empty - Please Try Again" echo; exit 2 fi dos2unix /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt if ! Is_IPRange < /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt; then echo "[*] No Content Detected - Stopping Deport"; rm -rf /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt; echo; exit 1; fi echo "[i] Processing IPv4 Addresses" Filter_PrivateIP < /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt | awk '{printf "del Skynet-Whitelist %s\n", $1}' > /tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt echo "[i] Removing IPs From Whitelist" ipset restore -! -f "/tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt" rm -rf /tmp/skynet/iplist-unfiltered.txt /tmp/skynet/iplist-filtered.txt echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; save) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then logger -st Skynet "[*] Rule Integrity Violation - Restarting Firewall [ ${fail}]" unset fail restartfirewall="1" nolog="2" else Unban_PrivateIP Purge_Logs echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets Check_Security fi ;; start) Check_Lock "$@" logger -t Skynet "[i] Startup Initiated... ( $(echo "$@" | sed 's~start ~~g') )"; echo "[i] Startup Initiated... ( $(echo "$@" | sed 's~start ~~g') )" Unload_Cron "all" Check_Settings Check_Files "verify" Clean_Temp if ! Check_Connection; then logger -st Skynet "[*] Connection Error Detected - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Load_Cron "save" modprobe xt_set if [ -f "$skynetipset" ]; then ipset restore -! -f "$skynetipset"; else logger -st Skynet "[i] Setting Up Skynet"; touch "$skynetipset"; fi if ! ipset -L -n Skynet-Whitelist >/dev/null 2>&1; then ipset -q create Skynet-Whitelist hash:net hashsize 64 maxelem "$((65536 * 6))" comment; fi if ! ipset -L -n Skynet-WhitelistDomains >/dev/null 2>&1; then ipset -q create Skynet-WhitelistDomains hash:ip hashsize 64 maxelem "$((65536 * 8))" comment timeout 86400; fi if ! ipset -L -n Skynet-Blacklist >/dev/null 2>&1; then ipset -q create Skynet-Blacklist hash:ip hashsize 64 maxelem "$((65536 * 16))" comment; fi if ! ipset -L -n Skynet-BlockedRanges >/dev/null 2>&1; then ipset -q create Skynet-BlockedRanges hash:net hashsize 64 maxelem "$((65536 * 6))" comment; fi if ! ipset -L -n Skynet-Master >/dev/null 2>&1; then ipset -q create Skynet-Master list:set; ipset -q -A Skynet-Master Skynet-Blacklist; ipset -q -A Skynet-Master Skynet-BlockedRanges; fi if ! ipset -L -n Skynet-MasterWL >/dev/null 2>&1; then ipset -q create Skynet-MasterWL list:set; ipset -q -A Skynet-MasterWL Skynet-Whitelist; ipset -q -A Skynet-MasterWL Skynet-WhitelistDomains; fi if ! ipset -L -n Skynet-IOT >/dev/null 2>&1; then ipset -q create Skynet-IOT hash:net hashsize 64 maxelem "$((65536 * 6))" comment; fi Unban_PrivateIP Purge_Logs "all" Whitelist_Extra Whitelist_CDN sed '\~add Skynet-Whitelist ~!d;\~nvram: ~!d;s~ comment.*~~;s~add~del~g' "$skynetipset" | ipset restore -! Whitelist_VPN Whitelist_Shared Refresh_MWhitelist Refresh_MBans Refresh_AiProtect Check_Security echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets Generate_Stats Install_WebUI_Page while [ "$(($(date +%s) - stime))" -lt "20" ]; do sleep 1 done Unload_IPTables Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Load_IPTables Load_IOTTables Load_LogIPTables sed -i '\~DROP IN=~d' "$syslog1loc" "$syslogloc" 2>/dev/null if [ "$forcebanmalwareupdate" = "true" ]; then Write_Config; rm -rf "/tmp/skynet.lock"; exec "$0" banmalware; fi ;; restart) Check_Lock "$@" Purge_Logs echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets echo "[i] Unloading Skynet Components" Unload_Cron "all" Unload_IPTables Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Unload_IPSets Uninstall_WebUI_Page iptables -t raw -F logger -t Skynet "[i] Restarting Firewall Service"; echo "[i] Restarting Firewall Service" restartfirewall="1" nolog="2" ;; disable) Check_Lock "$@" echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets echo "[i] Unloading Skynet Components" Unload_Cron "all" Unload_IPTables Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Unload_IPSets Uninstall_WebUI_Page logger -t Skynet "[i] Skynet Disabled"; echo "[i] Skynet Disabled" Purge_Logs "all" nolog="2" ;; update) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_Connection; then echo "[*] Connection Error Detected - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi remotedir="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/master" remotever="$(curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "${remotedir}/firewall.sh" | Filter_Version)" localmd5="$(md5sum "$0" | awk '{print $1}')" remotemd5="$(curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "${remotedir}/firewall.sh" | md5sum | awk '{print $1}')" if [ "$localmd5" = "$remotemd5" ] && [ "$2" != "-f" ]; then logger -t Skynet "[i] Skynet Up To Date - $localver (${localmd5})"; echo "[i] Skynet Up To Date - $localver (${localmd5})" nolog="2" elif [ "$localmd5" != "$remotemd5" ] && [ "$2" = "check" ]; then logger -t Skynet "[i] Skynet Update Detected - $remotever (${remotemd5})"; echo "[i] Skynet Update Detected - $remotever (${remotemd5})" nolog="2" elif [ "$2" = "-f" ]; then echo "[i] Forcing Update" fi if [ "$localmd5" != "$remotemd5" ] || [ "$2" = "-f" ] && [ "$nolog" != "2" ]; then logger -t Skynet "[i] New Version Detected - Updating To $remotever (${remotemd5})"; echo "[i] New Version Detected - Updating To $remotever (${remotemd5})" echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets echo "[i] Unloading Skynet Components" Unload_Cron "all" Unload_IPTables Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Unload_IPSets iptables -t raw -F Uninstall_WebUI_Page mkdir -p "${skynetloc}/webui" Download_File "webui/chart.js" "${skynetloc}/webui/chart.js" "$2" Download_File "webui/chartjs-plugin-zoom.js" "${skynetloc}/webui/chartjs-plugin-zoom.js" "$2" Download_File "webui/hammerjs.js" "${skynetloc}/webui/hammerjs.js" "$2" Download_File "webui/skynet.asp" "${skynetloc}/webui/skynet.asp" "$2" Download_File "firewall.sh" "$0" "$2" logger -t Skynet "[i] Restarting Firewall Service"; echo "[i] Restarting Firewall Service" service restart_firewall echo; exit 0 fi ;; settings) case "$2" in autoupdate) case "$3" in enable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs autoupdate="enabled" Unload_Cron "checkupdate" Load_Cron "autoupdate" echo "[i] Skynet Auto-Updates Enabled" ;; disable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs autoupdate="disabled" Unload_Cron "autoupdate" Load_Cron "checkupdate" echo "[i] Skynet Auto-Updates Disabled" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; banmalware) case "$3" in daily) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs banmalwareupdate="daily" forcebanmalwareupdate="true" Unload_Cron "banmalware" Load_Cron "banmalwaredaily" echo "[i] Daily Malware Blacklist Updates Enabled" ;; weekly) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs banmalwareupdate="weekly" forcebanmalwareupdate="true" Unload_Cron "banmalware" Load_Cron "banmalwareweekly" echo "[i] Weekly Malware Blacklist Updates Enabled" ;; disable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs banmalwareupdate="disabled" Unload_Cron "banmalware" echo "[i] Malware Blacklist Updates Disabled" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; logmode) case "$3" in enable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs logmode="enabled" Unload_LogIPTables Load_LogIPTables echo "[i] Logging Enabled" ;; disable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs logmode="disabled" Unload_LogIPTables echo "[i] Logging Disabled" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; filter) case "$3" in all) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs filtertraffic="all" Unload_IPTables Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Load_IPTables Load_IOTTables Load_LogIPTables echo "[i] Inbound & Outbound Filtering Enabled" ;; inbound) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs filtertraffic="inbound" Unload_IPTables Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Load_IPTables Load_IOTTables Load_LogIPTables echo "[i] Inbound Filtering Enabled" ;; outbound) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs filtertraffic="outbound" Unload_IPTables Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Load_IPTables Load_IOTTables Load_LogIPTables echo "[i] Outbound Filtering Enabled" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; unbanprivate) case "$3" in enable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs unbanprivateip="enabled" echo "[i] Unban Private IP Enabled" ;; disable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs unbanprivateip="disabled" echo "[i] Unban Private IP Disabled" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; loginvalid) case "$3" in enable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs loginvalid="enabled" Unload_LogIPTables Load_LogIPTables echo "[i] Invalid IP Logging Enabled" ;; disable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs loginvalid="disabled" Unload_LogIPTables Load_LogIPTables echo "[i] Invalid IP Logging Disabled" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; banaiprotect) case "$3" in enable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if ! Check_Connection; then echo "[*] Connection Error Detected - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs banaiprotect="enabled" Refresh_AiProtect echo "[i] Import AiProtect Data Enabled" ;; disable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs banaiprotect="disabled" sed '\~add Skynet-Blacklist ~!d;\~BanAiProtect~!d;s~ comment.*~~;s~add~del~g' "$skynetipset" | ipset restore -! echo "[i] Import AiProtect Data Disabled" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets ;; securemode) case "$3" in enable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs securemode="enabled" Check_Security echo "[i] Secure Mode Enabled" ;; disable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs securemode="disabled" echo "[i] Secure Mode Disabled" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; syslog) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if [ -z "$3" ]; then echo "[*] Sysloc Location Not Specified - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi case "$3" in default) syslogloc="/tmp/syslog.log" ;; *) syslogloc="$3" ;; esac echo "[i] Syslog Location Set To $syslogloc" ;; syslog1) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if [ -z "$3" ]; then echo "[*] Syslog-1 Location Not Specified - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi case "$3" in default) syslog1loc="/tmp/syslog.log-1" ;; *) syslog1loc="$3" ;; esac echo "[i] Syslog-1 Location Set To $syslog1loc" ;; iot) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if [ -z "$3" ]; then echo "[*] Option Not Specified - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi case "$3" in unban) if [ -z "$4" ]; then echo "[*] Device(s) Not Specified - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi oldiotblocked="$(ipset -L -t Skynet-IOT | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}')" if echo "$4" | grep -q ","; then for ip in $(echo "$4" | sed 's~,~ ~g'); do if ! echo "$ip" | Is_IPRange; then echo "[*] $ip Is Not A Valid IP/Range" echo else ipset -D Skynet-IOT "$ip" fi done else if ! echo "$4" | Is_IPRange; then echo "[*] $4 Is Not A Valid IP/Range" echo else ipset -D Skynet-IOT "$4" sed -i "\\~BLOCKED - IOT.*=$4 ~d" "$skynetlog" fi fi if [ "$(ipset -L -t Skynet-IOT | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}')" -gt "0" ]; then iotblocked="enabled" if [ "$oldiotblocked" = "0" ]; then Load_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Load_LogIPTables fi else Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables iotblocked="disabled" Load_LogIPTables fi ;; ban) if [ -z "$4" ]; then echo "[*] Device(s) Not Specified - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi oldiotblocked="$(ipset -L -t Skynet-IOT | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}')" desc="$(date +"%b %d %T")" if echo "$4" | grep -q ","; then for ip in $(echo "$4" | sed 's~,~ ~g'); do if ! echo "$ip" | Is_IPRange; then echo "[*] $ip Is Not A Valid IP/Range" echo else ipset -A Skynet-IOT "$ip" comment "IOTBan: $desc" fi done else if ! echo "$4" | Is_IPRange; then echo "[*] $4 Is Not A Valid IP/Range" echo else ipset -A Skynet-IOT "$4" comment "IOTBan: $desc" fi fi if [ "$(ipset -L -t Skynet-IOT | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}')" -gt "0" ]; then iotblocked="enabled" if [ "$oldiotblocked" = "0" ]; then Load_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Load_LogIPTables fi else Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables iotblocked="disabled" Load_LogIPTables fi ;; view) Display_Header "6" ip neigh | grep -E '^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3} ' | sort -n -t . -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4 | while IFS= read -r "ip"; do ipaddr="$(echo "$ip" | awk '{print $1}')" macaddr="$(echo "$ip" | awk '{print $5}')" Get_LocalName state="$(echo "$ip" | awk '{print $6}')" if ! echo "$macaddr" | Is_MAC; then macaddr="Unknown" state="$(Red Offline)" fi if ipset test Skynet-IOT "$ipaddr" >/dev/null 2>&1; then state="$(Ylow Blocked)" else state="$(Grn Unblocked)" fi printf '%-40s | %-16s | %-20s | %-15s\n' "$localname" "$ipaddr" "$macaddr" "$state" done echo;echo echo "Allowed Traffic Protocols: $(Grn "$iotproto")" if [ -z "$iotports" ]; then echo "Allowed Ports: $(Grn 123)" else echo "Allowed Ports: $(Grn "123,${iotports}")" fi ;; ports) if [ -z "$4" ]; then echo "[*] Ports(s) Not Specified - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if [ "$4" != "reset" ]; then if echo "$4" | grep -q ","; then for port in $(echo "$4" | sed 's~,~ ~g'); do if ! echo "$port" | Is_Port; then echo "[*] $port Is Not A Valid Port - Exiting" echo exit 1 fi done else if ! echo "$4" | Is_Port; then echo "[*] $4 Is Not A Valid Port" echo exit 1 fi fi fi Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables if [ "$4" != "reset" ]; then iotports="$4" else iotports="" fi Load_IOTTables Load_LogIPTables ;; proto) if [ -z "$4" ]; then echo "[*] Proto Not Specified - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi case "$4" in udp) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs Unload_IOTTables iotproto="udp" Load_IOTTables echo "[i] Allowing UDP Proto" ;; tcp) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs Unload_IOTTables iotproto="tcp" Load_IOTTables echo "[i] Allowing TCP Proto" ;; all) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs Unload_IOTTables iotproto="all" Load_IOTTables echo "[i] Allowing UDP & TCP Proto" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac if [ "$3" != "view" ]; then if [ "$iotblocked" = "enabled" ]; then echo "[i] IOT Blocking List Updated" else echo "[i] IOT Blocking List Cleared" fi echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets fi ;; iotlogging) case "$3" in enable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs iotlogging="enabled" Unload_LogIPTables Load_LogIPTables echo "[i] IOT Logging For Protected Devices Enabled" ;; disable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs iotlogging="disabled" Unload_LogIPTables Load_LogIPTables echo "[i] IOT Logging For Protected Devices Disabled" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; lookupcountry) case "$3" in enable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs lookupcountry="enabled" echo "[i] Country Lookups For Stat Data Enabled" ;; disable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs lookupcountry="disabled" echo "[i] Country Lookups For Stat Data Disabled" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; cdnwhitelist) case "$3" in enable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs cdnwhitelist="enabled" Whitelist_CDN echo "[i] CDN Whitelisting Enabled" ;; disable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs cdnwhitelist="disabled" Whitelist_CDN echo "[i] CDN Whitelisting Disabled" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; webui) case "$3" in enable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs if nvram get rc_support | grep -qF "am_addons"; then displaywebui="enabled" Install_WebUI_Page echo "[i] WebUI Enabled" echo "[i] Generating Stats" Generate_Stats else echo "[*] Firmware Version Not Supported - Please Update To Use This Feature" fi ;; disable) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs Uninstall_WebUI_Page displaywebui="disabled" echo "[i] WebUI Disabled" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; debug) case "$2" in watch) Spinner_Start if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if [ "$logmode" = "disabled" ]; then echo "[*] Logging Is Disabled - Exiting!"; echo; exit 2; fi trap 'echo;echo; echo "[*] Stopping Log Monitoring"; Purge_Logs; Spinner_End' 2 echo "[i] Watching Syslog For Log Entries (ctrl +c) To Stop" echo Purge_Logs case "$3" in ip) if ! echo "$4" | Is_IP; then echo "[*] $4 Is Not A Valid IP"; echo; exit 2; fi echo "[i] Filtering Entries Involving IP $4" echo tail -F "$syslogloc" | while read -r logoutput; do if echo "$logoutput" | grep -qE "INVALID.*=$4 "; then Blue "$logoutput" if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ]; then domainlist="$(grep -E "reply.* is $(echo "$logoutput" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]* ' | cut -c 6- | sed 's/.$//' | sed 's~\.~\\.~g')" /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | Strip_Domain | Filter_OutIP | xargs)" [ -n "$domainlist" ] && Blue "Associated Domain(s) - [$domainlist]" fi elif echo "$logoutput" | grep -qE "INBOUND.*=$4 "; then Ylow "$logoutput" if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ]; then domainlist="$(grep -E "reply.* is $(echo "$logoutput" | grep -oE ' SRC=[0-9,\.]* ' | cut -c 6- | sed 's/.$//' | sed 's~\.~\\.~g')" /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | Strip_Domain | Filter_OutIP | xargs)" [ -n "$domainlist" ] && Red "Associated Domain(s) - [$domainlist]" fi elif echo "$logoutput" | grep -qE "OUTBOUND.*=$4 "; then Red "$logoutput" if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ]; then domainlist="$(grep -E "reply.* is $(echo "$logoutput" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]* ' | cut -c 6- | sed 's/.$//' | sed 's~\.~\\.~g')" /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | Strip_Domain | Filter_OutIP | xargs)" [ -n "$domainlist" ] && Red "Associated Domain(s) - [$domainlist]" fi elif echo "$logoutput" | grep -qE "IOT.*=$4 "; then Red "$logoutput" if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ]; then domainlist="$(grep -E "reply.* is $(echo "$logoutput" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]* ' | cut -c 6- | sed 's/.$//' | sed 's~\.~\\.~g')" /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | Strip_Domain | Filter_OutIP | xargs)" [ -n "$domainlist" ] && Red "Associated Domain(s) - [$domainlist]" fi fi done ;; port) if ! echo "$4" | Is_Port || [ "$4" -gt "65535" ]; then echo "[*] $4 Is Not A Valid Port"; echo; exit 2; fi echo "[i] Filtering Entries Involving Port $4" echo tail -F "$syslogloc" | while read -r logoutput; do if echo "$logoutput" | grep -qE "INAVLID.*PT=$4 "; then Blue "$logoutput" if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ]; then domainlist="$(grep -E "reply.* is $(echo "$logoutput" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]* ' | cut -c 6- | sed 's/.$//' | sed 's~\.~\\.~g')" /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | Strip_Domain | Filter_OutIP | xargs)" [ -n "$domainlist" ] && Blue "Associated Domain(s) - [$domainlist]" fi elif echo "$logoutput" | grep -qE "INBOUND.*PT=$4 "; then Ylow "$logoutput" if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ]; then domainlist="$(grep -E "reply.* is $(echo "$logoutput" | grep -oE ' SRC=[0-9,\.]* ' | cut -c 6- | sed 's/.$//' | sed 's~\.~\\.~g')" /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | Strip_Domain | Filter_OutIP | xargs)" [ -n "$domainlist" ] && Red "Associated Domain(s) - [$domainlist]" fi elif echo "$logoutput" | grep -qE "OUTBOUND.*PT=$4 "; then Red "$logoutput" if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ]; then domainlist="$(grep -E "reply.* is $(echo "$logoutput" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]* ' | cut -c 6- | sed 's/.$//' | sed 's~\.~\\.~g')" /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | Strip_Domain | Filter_OutIP | xargs)" [ -n "$domainlist" ] && Red "Associated Domain(s) - [$domainlist]" fi elif echo "$logoutput" | grep -qE "IOT.*PT=$4 "; then Red "$logoutput" if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ]; then domainlist="$(grep -E "reply.* is $(echo "$logoutput" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]* ' | cut -c 6- | sed 's/.$//' | sed 's~\.~\\.~g')" /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | Strip_Domain | Filter_OutIP | xargs)" [ -n "$domainlist" ] && Red "Associated Domain(s) - [$domainlist]" fi fi done ;; *) tail -F "$syslogloc" | while read -r logoutput; do if echo "$logoutput" | grep -q "INVALID"; then Blue "$logoutput" if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ]; then domainlist="$(grep -E "reply.* is $(echo "$logoutput" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]* ' | cut -c 6- | sed 's/.$//' | sed 's~\.~\\.~g')" /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | Strip_Domain | Filter_OutIP | xargs)" [ -n "$domainlist" ] && Blue "Associated Domain(s) - [$domainlist]" fi elif echo "$logoutput" | grep -q "INBOUND"; then Ylow "$logoutput" if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ]; then domainlist="$(grep -E "reply.* is $(echo "$logoutput" | grep -oE ' SRC=[0-9,\.]* ' | cut -c 6- | sed 's/.$//' | sed 's~\.~\\.~g')" /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | Strip_Domain | Filter_OutIP | xargs)" [ -n "$domainlist" ] && Red "Associated Domain(s) - [$domainlist]" fi elif echo "$logoutput" | grep -q "OUTBOUND"; then Red "$logoutput" if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ]; then domainlist="$(grep -E "reply.* is $(echo "$logoutput" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]* ' | cut -c 6- | sed 's/.$//' | sed 's~\.~\\.~g')" /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | Strip_Domain | Filter_OutIP | xargs)" [ -n "$domainlist" ] && Red "Associated Domain(s) - [$domainlist]" fi elif echo "$logoutput" | grep -q "IOT"; then Red "$logoutput" if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ]; then domainlist="$(grep -E "reply.* is $(echo "$logoutput" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]* ' | cut -c 6- | sed 's/.$//' | sed 's~\.~\\.~g')" /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | Strip_Domain | Filter_OutIP | xargs)" [ -n "$domainlist" ] && Red "Associated Domain(s) - [$domainlist]" fi fi done ;; esac nocfg="1" ;; info) echo "Router Model; $model" echo "Skynet Version; $localver ($(Filter_Date < "$0")) ($(md5sum "$0" | awk '{print $1}'))" echo "$(iptables --version) - ($iface @ $(nvram get lan_ipaddr))" ipset -v 2>/dev/null echo "IP Address; ($(if nvram get wan0_ipaddr | Is_PrivateIP; then Red "$(nvram get wan0_ipaddr)"; else nvram get wan0_ipaddr; fi))$(if [ "$(nvram get ipv6_service)" != "disabled" ]; then echo " - ($(nvram get ipv6_prefix)/$(nvram get ipv6_prefix_length))"; fi)" echo "FW Version; $(nvram get buildno)_$(nvram get extendno) ($(uname -v | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $5, $6, $9}')) ($(uname -r))" echo "Install Dir; ${skynetloc} ($(df -h "${skynetloc}" | xargs | awk '{printf "%s / %s\n", $11, $9}') Space Available)" if [ -n "$swaplocation" ]; then echo "SWAP File; $swaplocation ($(du -h "$swaplocation" | awk '{print $1}'))" if [ "$(du "$swaplocation" | awk '{print $1}')" -lt "1048576" ]; then Red "SWAP File Too Small - 1GB Minimum Required - Please Fix Immediately!" fi fi if [ "$syslogloc" != "/tmp/syslog.log" ] || [ "$syslog1loc" != "/tmp/syslog.log-1" ]; then echo "Syslog Location; ($syslogloc) ($syslog1loc)" fi if [ -n "$countrylist" ]; then echo "Banned Countries; $countrylist"; fi echo "Uptime; $(uptime | awk -F'( |,|:)+' '{if ($7=="min") m=$6; else {if ($7~/^day/) {d=$6;h=$8;m=$9} else {h=$6;m=$7}}} {print d+0,"days,",h+0,"hours,",m+0,"minutes."}')" if grep -qF "MemAvailable" /proc/meminfo; then memavailable="$(($(grep -F "MemAvailable" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') / 1024))" else memavailable="$(($(grep -F "MemFree" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') / 1024))" fi echo "Ram Available; (${memavailable}M / $(($(grep -F "MemTotal" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') / 1024))M)" if [ -f "/tmp/skynet.lock" ] && [ -d "/proc/$(sed -n '2p' /tmp/skynet.lock)" ]; then echo Red "[*] Lock File Detected ($(sed -n '1p' /tmp/skynet.lock)) (pid=$(sed -n '2p' /tmp/skynet.lock))" Ylow '[*] Locked Processes Generally Take A Few Minutes To Complete And May Result In Temporarily "Failed" Tests' fi passedtests="0" totaltests="18" Display_Header "6" ip neigh | grep -E '^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3} ' | sort -n -t . -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4 | while IFS= read -r "ip"; do ipaddr="$(echo "$ip" | awk '{print $1}')" macaddr="$(echo "$ip" | awk '{print $5}')" Get_LocalName state="$(echo "$ip" | awk '{print $6}')" if ! echo "$macaddr" | Is_MAC; then macaddr="Unknown" state="$(Red Offline)" elif [ "$state" = "STALE" ]; then state="$(Grn Inactive)" elif [ "$state" = "REACHABLE" ]; then state="$(Grn Online)" else state="$(Grn "$state")" fi printf '%-40s | %-16s | %-20s | %-15s\n' "$localname" "$ipaddr" "$macaddr" "$state" done Display_Header "7" printf "%-35s | " "Internet-Connectivity" if Check_Connection >/dev/null 2>&1; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "Write Permission" if [ -w "${skynetloc}" ]; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "Config File" if [ -f "${skynetcfg}" ]; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "Firewall-Start Entry" if grep -E "start.* # Skynet" /jffs/scripts/firewall-start | grep -qvE "^#"; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "Services-Stop Entry" if grep -F "# Skynet" /jffs/scripts/services-stop | grep -qvE "^#"; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "Service-Event Entry" if grep -F "# Skynet" /jffs/scripts/service-event | grep -qvE "^#"; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "Profile.add Entry" if grep -F "# Skynet" /jffs/configs/profile.add | grep -qvE "^#"; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "SWAP File" if Check_Swap; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "Cron Jobs" if [ "$(cru l | grep -c "Skynet")" -ge "2" ]; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "NTP Sync" if [ "$(nvram get ntp_ready)" = "1" ]; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "IPSet Comment Support" if [ -f /lib/modules/"$(uname -r)"/kernel/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipmac.ko ]; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "Log Level $(nvram get message_loglevel) Settings" if [ "$(nvram get message_loglevel)" -le "$(nvram get log_level)" ]; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "Duplicate Rules In RAW" if [ "$(iptables-save -t raw | sort | uniq -d | grep -c " ")" = "0" ]; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "IPSets" if Check_IPSets; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "IPTables Rules" if Check_IPTables; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" if [ "$displaywebui" = "enabled" ]; then printf "%-35s | " "Local WebUI Files" [ -f "${skynetloc}/webui/chart.js" ] || localfail="${localfail}chart.js " [ -f "${skynetloc}/webui/chartjs-plugin-zoom.js" ] || localfail="${localfail}chartjs-plugin-zoom.js " [ -f "${skynetloc}/webui/hammerjs.js" ] || localfail="${localfail}hammerjs.js " [ -f "${skynetloc}/webui/skynet.asp" ] || localfail="${localfail}skynet.asp " [ -f "${skynetloc}/webui/stats.js" ] || localfail="${localfail}stats.js " if [ -z "$localfail" ]; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "Mounted WebUI Files" Get_WebUI_Page "${skynetloc}/webui/skynet.asp" 2>/dev/null [ -f "/www/user/skynet/chart.js" ] || mountedfail="${mountedfail}chart.js " [ -f "/www/user/skynet/chartjs-plugin-zoom.js" ] || mountedfail="${mountedfail}chartjs-plugin-zoom.js " [ -f "/www/user/skynet/hammerjs.js" ] || mountedfail="${mountedfail}hammerjs.js " [ -f "/www/user/${MyPage}" ] || mountedfail="${mountedfail}skynet.asp " [ -f "/www/user/skynet/stats.js" ] || mountedfail="${mountedfail}stats.js " if [ -z "$mountedfail" ]; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" printf "%-35s | " "MenuTree.js Entry" if grep -qF "Skynet" "/www/require/modules/menuTree.js"; then result="$(Grn "[Passed]")"; passedtests="$((passedtests + 1))"; else result="$(Red "[Failed]")"; fi printf '%-8s\n' "$result" else totaltests="$((totaltests - 3))" fi Display_Header "8" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Skynet Auto-Updates" "$(if [ "$autoupdate" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Red "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Malware List Auto-Updates" "$(if [ "$banmalwareupdate" = "daily" ] || [ "$banmalwareupdate" = "weekly" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Red "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Logging" "$(if [ "$logmode" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Red "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Filter Traffic" "$(if [ "$filtertraffic" = "all" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Ylow "[Selective]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Unban PrivateIP" "$(if [ "$unbanprivateip" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Ylow "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Log Invalid Packets" "$(if [ "$loginvalid" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Grn "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Import AiProtect Data" "$(if [ "$banaiprotect" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Red "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Secure Mode" "$(if [ "$securemode" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Red "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Fast Switch List" "$(if [ "$fastswitch" = "enabled" ]; then Ylow "[Enabled]"; else Grn "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Syslog Location" "$(if { [ "$syslogloc" = "/tmp/syslog.log" ] && [ "$syslog1loc" = "/tmp/syslog.log-1" ]; } || { [ "$syslogloc" = "/jffs/syslog.log" ] && [ "$syslog1loc" = "/jffs/syslog.log-1" ]; } then Grn "[Default]"; else Ylow "[Custom]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "IOT Blocking" "$(if [ "$iotblocked" != "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Disabled]"; else Ylow "[Enabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "IOT Logging" "$(if [ "$iotlogging" != "enabled" ]; then Red "[Disabled]"; else Grn "[Enabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Country Lookup For Stats" "$(if [ "$lookupcountry" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Ylow "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "CDN Whitelisting" "$(if [ "$cdnwhitelist" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Ylow "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '%-35s | %-8s\n' "Display WebUI" "$(if [ "$displaywebui" = "enabled" ]; then Grn "[Enabled]"; else Ylow "[Disabled]"; fi)" printf '\n%-35s\n' "${passedtests}/${totaltests} Tests Sucessful" if [ -n "$fail" ]; then echo; echo "[*] Rule Integrity Violation - [ ${fail}]"; unset fail; fi if [ -n "$localfail" ]; then echo; echo "[*] Local File Missing - [ ${localfail}]"; fi if [ -n "$mountedfail" ]; then echo; echo "[*] Mounted File Missing - [ ${mountedfail}]"; fi if [ "$3" = "extended" ]; then echo; echo; cat "$skynetcfg"; fi nocfg="1" ;; genstats) Check_Lock "$@" Purge_Logs "all" if nvram get rc_support | grep -qF "am_addons"; then if [ "$displaywebui" = "enabled" ]; then echo "[i] Generating Stats For WebUI" Generate_Stats else echo "[*] WebUI Is Currently Disabled - To Enable Use ( sh $0 settings webui enable )" fi fi ;; clean) echo "[i] Cleaning Syslog Entries" Purge_Logs "all" sed -i '\~Skynet: \[%\] ~d' "$syslog1loc" "$syslogloc" 2>/dev/null echo "[i] Complete!" echo nolog="2" nocfg="1" ;; swap) case "$3" in install) Check_Lock "$@" Check_Files swaplocation="$(grep -E "^swapon " /jffs/scripts/post-mount | awk '{print $2}')" findswap="$(find /tmp/mnt -name "myswap.swp")" if [ -z "$findswap" ]; then findswap="$(grep -m1 -F "file" "/proc/swaps" | awk '{print $1}')" fi if [ -z "$swaplocation" ] && [ -z "$findswap" ] && ! Check_Swap; then Manage_Device Create_Swap echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets echo "[i] Unloading Skynet Components" Unload_Cron "all" Unload_IPTables Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Unload_IPSets logger -t Skynet "[i] Restarting Firewall Service"; echo "[i] Restarting Firewall Service" restartfirewall="1" nolog="2" elif [ -z "$swaplocation" ] && [ -n "$findswap" ]; then echo "[*] Restoring Missing Swap File Entry ( $findswap )" sed -i '\~swapon ~d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount if [ "$(wc -l < /jffs/scripts/post-mount)" -lt "2" ]; then echo >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount; fi sed -i "2i swapon $findswap # Skynet" /jffs/scripts/post-mount swapon "$findswap" 2>/dev/null swaplocation="$findswap" echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets echo "[i] Unloading Skynet Components" Unload_Cron "all" Unload_IPTables Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Unload_IPSets logger -t Skynet "[i] Restarting Firewall Service"; echo "[i] Restarting Firewall Service" restartfirewall="1" nolog="2" elif [ -n "$swaplocation" ] && [ ! -f "$swaplocation" ]; then echo "[*] SWAP File Missing ( $swaplocation ) - Fix This By Running ( $0 debug swap uninstall ) Then ( $0 debug swap install )" nolog="2" else echo "[*] Pre-existing SWAP File Detected - Exiting!" fi ;; uninstall) Check_Lock "$@" if ! grep -qE "^swapon " /jffs/scripts/post-mount; then findswap="$(find /tmp/mnt -name "myswap.swp")" if [ -n "$findswap" ]; then swaplocation="$findswap" elif [ -z "$findswap" ]; then findswap="$(grep -m1 -F "file" "/proc/swaps" | awk '{print $1}')" if [ -n "$findswap" ]; then swaplocation="$findswap" else echo "[*] No SWAP File Detected - Exiting!"; echo; exit 1 fi fi else swaplocation="$(grep -E "^swapon " /jffs/scripts/post-mount | awk '{print $2}')" fi echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets echo "[i] Unloading Skynet Components" Unload_Cron "all" Unload_IPTables Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Unload_IPSets echo "[i] Removing SWAP File ($swaplocation)" if [ -f "$swaplocation" ]; then sed -i '\~swapon ~d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches swapoff -a if rm -rf "$swaplocation"; then echo "[i] SWAP File Removed"; else "[*] SWAP File Partially Removed - Please Inspect Manually"; fi else sed -i '\~swapon ~d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount echo "[*] SWAP File Partially Removed - Please Inspect Manually" fi sed -i '\~swapoff ~d' /jffs/scripts/unmount logger -t Skynet "[i] Restarting Firewall Service"; echo "[i] Restarting Firewall Service" restartfirewall="1" nolog="2" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; backup) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi Purge_Logs echo "[i] Saving Changes" Save_IPSets echo "[i] Backing Up Skynet Related Files" echo tar -czvf "${skynetloc}/Skynet-Backup.tar.gz" -C "${skynetloc}" skynet.ipset skynet.log events.log skynet.cfg echo echo "[i] Backup Saved To ${skynetloc}/Skynet-Backup.tar.gz" echo "[i] Copy This File To A Safe Location" ;; restore) Check_Lock "$@" if ! Check_IPSets || ! Check_IPTables; then echo "[*] Skynet Not Running - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi backuplocation="${skynetloc}/Skynet-Backup.tar.gz" if [ ! -f "$backuplocation" ]; then echo "[*] Skynet Backup Doesn't Exist In Expected Path, Please Provide Location" echo printf "[Location]: " read -r "backuplocation" echo if [ ! -f "$backuplocation" ]; then echo "[*] Skynet Backup Doesn't Exist In Specified Path - Exiting" echo; exit 2 fi fi echo "[i] Restoring Skynet Backup" echo Purge_Logs Unload_IPTables Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Unload_IPSets tar -xzvf "$backuplocation" -C "${skynetloc}" echo echo "[i] Backup Restored" logger -t Skynet "[i] Restarting Firewall Service"; echo "[i] Restarting Firewall Service" restartfirewall="1" nolog="2" ;; run) Check_Lock if grep -qE "^${3}()" "$0"; then printf '[i] Running Function %s()\n\n' "$3" "$3" printf '\n[i] Complete\n' else printf "%s() Doesn't Exist\\n" "$3" fi ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; stats) Purge_Logs Spinner_Start nocfg="1" if [ "$logmode" = "disabled" ]; then echo Red "[*] !!! Logging Is Disabled !!!" Red "[*] To Enable Use ( sh $0 settings logmode enable )" echo fi if [ ! -s "$skynetlog" ] && [ ! -s "$skynetevents" ]; then echo "[*] No Logging Data Detected - Give This Time To Generate" echo; exit 0 else echo "[i] Logging Data Detected in $skynetlog - $(du -h "$skynetlog" | awk '{print $1}')" fi echo "[i] Monitoring From $(grep -m1 -F "BLOCKED -" "$skynetlog" | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}') To $(grep -F "BLOCKED -" "$skynetlog" | tail -1 | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}')" echo "[i] $(wc -l < "$skynetlog") Block Events Detected" echo "[i] $({ grep -E 'INBOUND|INVALID' "$skynetlog" | grep -oE ' SRC=[0-9,\.]* ' | cut -c 6-; grep -F "OUTBOUND" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]* ' | cut -c 6-; } | awk '!x[$0]++' | wc -l) Unique IPs" echo "[i] $(grep -Fc "Manual Ban" "$skynetevents") Manual Bans Issued" echo counter="10" case "$2" in reset) Purge_Logs "force" echo "[i] Stat Data Reset" ;; remove) case "$3" in ip) if ! echo "$4" | Is_IP; then echo "[*] $4 Is Not A Valid IP"; echo; exit 2; fi logcount="$(grep -c "=$4 " "$skynetlog")" sed -i "\\~=$4 ~d" "$skynetlog" echo "[i] $logcount Log Entries Removed Containing IP $4" ;; port) if ! echo "$4" | Is_Port || [ "$4" -gt "65535" ]; then echo "[*] $4 Is Not A Valid Port"; echo; exit 2; fi logcount="$(grep -c "PT=$4 " "$skynetlog")" sed -i "\\~=$4 ~d" "$skynetlog" echo "[i] $logcount Log Entries Removed Containing Port $4" ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; search) if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ]; then grep -hE 'reply.* is ([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$' /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{printf "%s %s\n", $(NF-2), $NF}' | awk '!x[$0]++' | Strip_Domain > /tmp/skynet/skynetstats.txt printf ' \b\b\b' else touch "/tmp/skynet/skynetstats.txt" fi case "$3" in port) if ! echo "$4" | Is_Port || [ "$4" -gt "65535" ]; then echo "[*] $4 Is Not A Valid Port"; echo; exit 2; fi if [ "$5" -eq "$5" ] 2>/dev/null; then counter="$5"; fi echo "[i] Port $4 First Tracked On $(grep -m1 -F "PT=$4 " "$skynetlog" | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}')" echo "[i] Port $4 Last Tracked On $(grep -F "PT=$4 " "$skynetlog" | tail -1 | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}')" echo "[i] $(grep -Foc "PT=$4 " "$skynetlog") Attempts Total" echo "[i] $(grep -F "PT=$4 " "$skynetlog" | grep -oE ' SRC=[0-9,\.]* ' | awk '!x[$0]++' | wc -l) Unique IPs" echo Red "First Block Tracked On Port $4;" grep -m1 -F "PT=$4 " "$skynetlog" echo Red "$counter Most Recent Blocks On Port $4;" grep -F "PT=$4 " "$skynetlog" | tail -"$counter" echo ;; ip) if ! Check_Connection; then echo "[*] Connection Error Detected - Exiting"; echo; exit 1; fi if ! echo "$4" | Is_IP; then echo "[*] $4 Is Not A Valid IP"; echo; exit 2; fi if [ "$5" -eq "$5" ] 2>/dev/null; then counter="$5"; fi ipset test Skynet-Whitelist "$4" && found1=true ipset test Skynet-Blacklist "$4" && found2=true ipset test Skynet-BlockedRanges "$4" && found3=true echo if [ -n "$found1" ]; then Red "Whitelist Reason;"; grep -F "add Skynet-Whitelist $(echo "$4" | cut -d '.' -f1-3)." "$skynetipset" | awk '{$1=$2=$4=""; print $0}' | tr -s " "; echo; fi if [ -n "$found2" ]; then Red "Blacklist Reason;"; grep -F "add Skynet-Blacklist $4 " "$skynetipset" | awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4=""; print $0}' | tr -s " "; echo; fi if [ -n "$found3" ]; then Red "BlockedRanges Reason;"; grep -F "add Skynet-BlockedRanges $(echo "$4" | cut -d '.' -f1-3)." "$skynetipset" | awk '{$1=$2=$4=""; print $0}' | tr -s " "; fi echo ip="$(echo "$4" | sed 's~\.~\\.~g')" if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ] && grep -qE "reply.* is $ip" /opt/var/log/dnsmasq*; then Red "Associated Domain(s);" assdomains="$(grep -E "reply.* is $ip" /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | Strip_Domain | Filter_OutIP)" for domain in $assdomains; do if grep -qE " (www.)?${domain}$| (www.)?${domain} " /opt/share/diversion/list/blockinglist /opt/share/diversion/list/blacklist 2>/dev/null; then echo "$domain (Flagged By Diversion)" else echo "$domain" fi done echo; echo fi echo "[i] IP Location - $(curl -fsL --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors -A "ASUSWRT-Merlin $model v$(nvram get buildno)_$(nvram get extendno) / $(tr -cd 0-9 /dev/null; then echo "$domain (Flagged By Diversion)" else echo "$domain" fi done echo; echo fi printf ' \b\b\b' Display_Header "10" Red "Exact Matches;" Display_Header "5" cwd="$(pwd)" cd "${skynetloc}/lists" || exit 1 grep -HE "^$ip$" -- * | while IFS= read -r "list" && [ -n "$list" ]; do printf '%-20s | %-40s\n' "$(echo "$list" | cut -d ':' -f2-)" "$(grep -F "$(echo "$list" | cut -d ':' -f1)" /jffs/addons/shared-whitelists/shared-Skynet-whitelist)" done printf ' \b\b\b\n\n' Red "Possible CIDR Matches;" Display_Header "5" grep -HE "^$(echo "$ip" | cut -d '.' -f1-3)\..*/" -- * | while IFS= read -r "list" && [ -n "$list" ]; do printf '%-20s | %-40s\n' "$(echo "$list" | cut -d ':' -f2-)" "$(grep -F "$(echo "$list" | cut -d ':' -f1)" /jffs/addons/shared-whitelists/shared-Skynet-whitelist)" done printf ' \b\b\b' cd "$cwd" || exit 1 ;; manualbans) if [ "$4" -eq "$4" ] 2>/dev/null; then counter="$4"; fi echo "First Manual Ban Issued On $(grep -m1 -F "Manual Ban" "$skynetevents" | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}')" echo "Last Manual Ban Issued On $(grep -F "Manual Ban" "$skynetevents" | tail -1 | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}')" echo Red "First Manual Ban Issued;" grep -m1 -F "Manual Ban" "$skynetevents" echo Red "$counter Most Recent Manual Bans;" grep -F "Manual Ban" "$skynetevents" | tail -"$counter" ;; device) if ! echo "$4" | Is_IP; then echo "[*] $4 Is Not A Valid IP"; echo; exit 2; fi if [ "$5" -eq "$5" ] 2>/dev/null; then counter="$5"; fi echo "[i] $4 First Tracked On $(grep -m1 -E "OUTBOUND.* SRC=$4 " "$skynetlog" | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}')" echo "[i] $4 Last Tracked On $(grep -E "OUTBOUND.* SRC=$4 " "$skynetlog" | tail -1 | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}')" echo "[i] $(grep -Eoc -E "OUTBOUND.* SRC=$4 " "$skynetlog") Blocks Total" echo Red "Device Name;" if grep -qF " $4 " "/var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases"; then grep -F " $4 " "/var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases" | awk '{print $4}'; else echo "Unknown"; fi echo Red "First Block Tracked From $4;" grep -m1 -E "OUTBOUND.* SRC=$4 " "$skynetlog" echo Red "$counter Most Recent Blocks From $4;" grep -E "OUTBOUND.* SRC=$4 " "$skynetlog" | tail -"$counter" echo; echo Red "Top $counter HTTP(s) Blocks (Outbound);" Display_Header "2" grep -E 'DPT=80 |DPT=443 ' "$skynetlog" | grep -E "OUTBOUND.*$proto" | grep -F "SRC=${4} " | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -"$counter" | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do Extended_DNSStats "2" done echo; echo Red "Top $counter Blocks From (Outbound);" Display_Header "2" grep -E "OUTBOUND.*$proto" "$skynetlog" | grep -vE 'DPT=80 |DPT=443 ' | grep -F "SRC=${4} " | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -"$counter" | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do Extended_DNSStats "2" done ;; reports) if [ "$4" -eq "$4" ] 2>/dev/null; then counter="$4"; fi sed '\~Skynet: \[#\] ~!d' "$syslog1loc" "$syslogloc" 2>/dev/null >> "$skynetevents" sed -i '\~Skynet: \[#\] ~d' "$syslog1loc" "$syslogloc" 2>/dev/null echo "[i] First Report Tracked On $(grep -m1 -F "Skynet: [#] " "$skynetevents" | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}')" echo "[i] Last Report Tracked On $(grep -F "Skynet: [#] " "$skynetevents" | tail -1 | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}')" echo Red "First Report Tracked;" grep -m1 -F "Skynet: [#] " "$skynetevents" echo Red "$counter Most Recent Reports;" grep -F "Skynet: [#] " "$skynetevents" | tail -"$counter" ;; invalid) if [ "$4" -eq "$4" ] 2>/dev/null; then counter="$4"; fi echo "[i] First Invalid Block Tracked On $(grep -m1 -F "BLOCKED - INVALID" "$skynetlog" | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}')" echo "[i] Last Invalid Block Tracked On $(grep -F "BLOCKED - INVALID" "$skynetlog" | tail -1 | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}')" echo Red "First Report Tracked;" grep -m1 -F "BLOCKED - INVALID" "$skynetlog" echo Red "$counter Most Recent Reports;" grep -F "BLOCKED - INVALID" "$skynetlog" | tail -"$counter" ;; connections) if [ -f "/proc/bw_cte_dump" ] && [ -f "/tmp/bwdpi/bwdpi.app.db" ]; then Display_Header "11" while IFS= read -r "logs"; do mark="$(echo "$logs" | awk '{printf $8}' | sed 's~mark=~~g')" mark="$(printf '%d\n' "0x${mark}")" mark2="$(printf '%X\n' "$((mark & 0x3F0000))")" mark2="0x${mark2}" id="$(awk -v mark="$mark2" 'BEGIN {printf "%.3f\n", mark / 65535}' | sed 's~\..*~~g')" hex="$(printf '%X\n' "$((mark & 0xFFFF))")" cat="$(printf '%d\n' "0x${hex}")" proto="$(echo "$logs" | awk '{print $2}')" sourceip="$(echo "$logs" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d '=' -f2)" if echo "$sourceip" | grep -q ":"; then sourceip="IPv6 Address"; fi destip="$(echo "$logs" | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d '=' -f2)" if echo "$destip" | grep -q ":"; then destip="IPv6 Address"; fi sport="$(echo "$logs" | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d '=' -f2)" dport="$(echo "$logs" | awk '{print $6}' | cut -d '=' -f2)" if [ "$cat" = "0" ] && [ "$id" = "0" ]; then reason="Unidentified" else reason="$(grep -E "^${id},${cat},0" "/tmp/bwdpi/bwdpi.app.db" | cut -d ',' -f4)" fi if [ "$4" = "ip" ] && [ -n "$5" ] && [ "$5" != "$sourceip" ] && [ "$5" != "$destip" ]; then true elif [ "$4" = "port" ] && [ -n "$5" ] && [ "$5" != "$sport" ] && [ "$5" != "$dport" ]; then true elif [ "$4" = "proto" ] && [ -n "$5" ] && [ "$5" != "$proto" ]; then true elif [ "$4" = "id" ] && [ -n "$5" ] && [ "$5" != "$reason" ]; then true else printf '%-10s | %-18s | %-10s | %-18s | %-10s | %-18s\n' "$proto" "$sourceip" "$sport" "$destip" "$dport" "$reason" fi done < /proc/bw_cte_dump else echo "Please Enable AiProtect To Use This Feature" fi ;; iot) if [ "$4" -eq "$4" ] 2>/dev/null; then counter="$4"; fi echo "[i] First IOT Block Tracked On $(grep -m1 -F "BLOCKED - IOT" "$skynetlog" | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}')" echo "[i] Last IOT Block Tracked On $(grep -F "BLOCKED - IOT" "$skynetlog" | tail -1 | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3}')" echo Red "First IOT Block Tracked;" grep -m1 -F "BLOCKED - IOT" "$skynetlog" echo Red "$counter Most Recent IOT Blocks;" grep -F "BLOCKED - IOT" "$skynetlog" | tail -"$counter" echo;echo Red "Top $counter IOT Blocks (Outbound);" Display_Header "2" grep -E "IOT.*$proto" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -"$counter" | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do Extended_DNSStats "2" done ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo; exit 2 ;; esac ;; *) if [ "$2" -eq "$2" ] 2>/dev/null; then counter="$2" elif [ "$3" -eq "$3" ] 2>/dev/null; then counter="$3" fi case "$2" in tcp) proto="TCP" ;; udp) proto="UDP" ;; icmp) proto="ICMP" ;; esac if [ "$extendedstats" = "enabled" ]; then grep -hE 'reply.* is ([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$' /opt/var/log/dnsmasq* | awk '{printf "%s %s\n", $(NF-2), $NF}' | awk '!x[$0]++' | Strip_Domain > /tmp/skynet/skynetstats.txt printf ' \b\b\b' else touch "/tmp/skynet/skynetstats.txt" fi Display_Header "10" Red "Top $counter Targeted Ports (Inbound);" Display_Header "3" grep -E "INBOUND.*$proto" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE 'DPT=[0-9]{1,5}' | cut -c 5- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -"$counter" | awk '{printf "%-10s | %-10s | %-60s\n", $1 "x", $2, "https://www.speedguide.net/port.php?port=" $2 }' Display_Header "9" Red "Top $counter Attacker Source Ports (Inbound);" Display_Header "3" grep -E "INBOUND.*$proto" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE 'SPT=[0-9]{1,5}' | cut -c 5- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -"$counter" | awk '{printf "%-10s | %-10s | %-60s\n", $1 "x", $2, "https://www.speedguide.net/port.php?port=" $2 }' Display_Header "9" Red "Last $counter Unique Connections Blocked (Inbound);" Display_Header "1" grep -E "INBOUND.*$proto" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE ' SRC=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' | awk '!x[$0]++' | head -"$counter" | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do Extended_DNSStats "1" done Display_Header "9" Red "Last $counter Unique Connections Blocked (Outbound);" Display_Header "1" grep -E "OUTBOUND.*$proto" "$skynetlog" | grep -vE 'DPT=80 |DPT=443 ' | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' | awk '!x[$0]++' | head -"$counter" | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do Extended_DNSStats "1" done if [ "$loginvalid" = "enabled" ]; then Display_Header "9" Red "Last $counter Unique Connections Blocked (Invalid);" Display_Header "1" grep -E "INVALID.*$proto" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE ' SRC=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' | awk '!x[$0]++' | head -"$counter" | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do Extended_DNSStats "1" done fi Display_Header "9" Red "Last $counter Manual Bans;" Display_Header "1" grep -F "Manual Ban" "$skynetevents" | grep -oE ' SRC=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | tail -"$counter" | awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do Extended_DNSStats "1" done Display_Header "9" Red "Last $counter Unique HTTP(s) Blocks (Outbound);" Display_Header "1" grep -E 'DPT=80 |DPT=443 ' "$skynetlog" | grep -E "OUTBOUND.*$proto" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' | awk '!x[$0]++' | head -"$counter" | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do Extended_DNSStats "1" done Display_Header "9" Red "Top $counter HTTP(s) Blocks (Outbound);" Display_Header "2" grep -E 'DPT=80 |DPT=443 ' "$skynetlog" | grep -E "OUTBOUND.*$proto" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -"$counter" | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do Extended_DNSStats "2" done Display_Header "9" Red "Top $counter Blocks (Inbound);" Display_Header "2" grep -E "INBOUND.*$proto" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE ' SRC=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -"$counter" | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do Extended_DNSStats "2" done Display_Header "9" Red "Top $counter Blocks (Outbound);" Display_Header "2" grep -E "OUTBOUND.*$proto" "$skynetlog" | grep -vE 'DPT=80 |DPT=443 ' | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -"$counter" | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do Extended_DNSStats "2" done if [ "$loginvalid" = "enabled" ]; then Display_Header "9" Red "Top $counter Blocks (Invalid);" Display_Header "2" grep -E "INVALID.*$proto" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE ' SRC=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -"$counter" | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do Extended_DNSStats "2" done fi if [ "$iotblocked" = "enabled" ]; then Display_Header "9" Red "Top $counter IOT Blocks (Outbound);" Display_Header "2" grep -E "IOT.*$proto" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE ' DST=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -"$counter" | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do Extended_DNSStats "2" done fi Display_Header "9" Red "Top $counter Blocked Devices (Outbound);" Display_Header "4" grep -E "OUTBOUND.*$proto" "$skynetlog" | grep -oE ' SRC=[0-9,\.]*' | cut -c 6- | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -"$counter" | while IFS= read -r "statdata"; do hits="$(echo "$statdata" | awk '{print $1}')" ipaddr="$(echo "$statdata" | awk '{print $2}')" macaddr="$(ip neigh | grep -F "$ipaddr " | awk '{print $5}')" Get_LocalName printf '%-10s | %-16s | %-60s\n' "${hits}x" "${ipaddr}" "$localname" done ;; esac rm -rf /tmp/skynet/skynetstats.txt ;; install) Check_Lock "$@" if ! ipset -v 2>/dev/null | grep -qE 'v6|v7'; then echo "[*] IPSet Version Not Supported - Please Update To Latest Firmware" echo; exit 1 fi if [ ! -f /lib/modules/"$(uname -r)"/kernel/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipmac.ko ]; then echo "[*] IPSet Extensions Not Supported - Please Update To Latest Firmware" echo; exit 1 fi if [ "$(nvram get jffs2_scripts)" != "1" ]; then nvram set jffs2_scripts=1 nvram commit forcereboot=1 fi if [ "$(nvram get fw_enable_x)" != "1" ]; then nvram set fw_enable_x=1 nvram commit fi if [ "$(nvram get fw_log_x)" != "drop" ] && [ "$(nvram get fw_log_x)" != "both" ]; then nvram set fw_log_x=drop nvram commit fi if nvram get wan0_ipaddr | Is_PrivateIP; then echo "[*] Private IP Detected - Please Put Your Modem In Bridge Mode / Disable CG-NAT" echo fi echo "[i] Installing Skynet $(Filter_Version < "$0")" echo Manage_Device mkdir -p "${device}/skynet" echo while true; do echo "What Type Of Traffic Do You Want To Filter?" echo "[1] --> All - (Recommended)" echo "[2] --> Inbound" echo "[3] --> Outbound" echo echo "[e] --> Exit Menu" echo echo "Please Select Option" printf "[1-3]: " read -r "mode1" echo case "$mode1" in 1) echo "[i] All Traffic Selected" filtertraffic="all" break ;; 2) echo "[i] Inbound Traffic Selected" filtertraffic="inbound" break ;; 3) echo "[i] Outbound Traffic Selected" filtertraffic="outbound" break ;; e|exit) echo "[*] Exiting!" echo; exit 0 ;; *) echo "[*] $mode1 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done echo echo while true; do echo "Would You Like To Enable Logging?" echo "Logging Is Used For Generating Stats And Monitoring Blocked IP's" echo "[1] --> Yes - (Recommended)" echo "[2] --> No" echo echo "[e] --> Exit Menu" echo echo "Please Select Option" printf "[1-2]: " read -r "mode3" echo case "$mode3" in 1) echo "[i] Logging Enabled" logmode="enabled" iotlogging="enabled" break ;; 2) echo "[i] Logging Disabled" logmode="disabled" iotlogging="disabled" break ;; e|exit) echo "[*] Exiting!" echo; exit 0 ;; *) echo "[*] $mode3 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done echo echo while true; do echo "Would You Like To Enable Malware Blacklist Auto-Updates?" echo "[1] --> Yes (Daily) - (Recommended)" echo "[2] --> Yes (Weekly)" echo "[3] --> No" echo echo "[e] --> Exit Menu" echo echo "Please Select Option" printf "[1-3]: " read -r "mode4" echo case "$mode4" in 1) echo "[i] Malware Blacklist Updating Enabled & Scheduled Every Day" banmalwareupdate="daily" forcebanmalwareupdate="true" break ;; 2) echo "[i] Malware Blacklist Auto-Updates Enabled & Scheduled For Every Monday" banmalwareupdate="weekly" forcebanmalwareupdate="true" break ;; 3) echo "[i] Malware Blacklist Auto-Updates Disabled" banmalwareupdate="disabled" break ;; e|exit) echo "[*] Exiting!" echo; exit 0 ;; *) echo "[*] $mode4 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done echo echo while true; do echo "Would You Like To Enable Weekly Skynet Updating?" echo "[1] --> Yes - (Recommended)" echo "[2] --> No" echo echo "[e] --> Exit Menu" echo echo "Please Select Option" printf "[1-2]: " read -r "mode5" echo case "$mode5" in 1) echo "[i] Skynet Auto-Updates Enabled & Scheduled For 1.25am Every Monday" autoupdate="enabled" break ;; 2) echo "[i] Skynet Auto-Updates Disabled" autoupdate="disabled" break ;; e|exit) echo "[*] Exiting!" echo; exit 0 ;; *) echo "[*] $mode5 Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done echo Check_Files if ! grep -qE "^swapon " /jffs/scripts/post-mount; then Create_Swap; fi if [ -f "$skynetlog" ]; then mv "$skynetlog" "${device}/skynet/skynet.log"; fi if [ -f "$skynetevents" ]; then mv "$skynetevents" "${device}/skynet/events.log"; fi if [ -f "$skynetipset" ]; then mv "$skynetipset" "${device}/skynet/skynet.ipset"; fi if [ -f "${skynetloc}/Skynet-Backup.tar.gz" ]; then mv "${skynetloc}/Skynet-Backup.tar.gz" "${device}/skynet/Skynet-Backup.tar.gz"; fi if [ "${skynetloc}" != "${device}/skynet" ]; then rm -rf "${skynetloc}"; fi skynetloc="${device}/skynet" skynetcfg="${device}/skynet/skynet.cfg" touch "${device}/skynet/events.log" touch "${device}/skynet/skynet.log" remotedir="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/master" mkdir -p "${skynetloc}/webui" Download_File "webui/chart.js" "${skynetloc}/webui/chart.js" Download_File "webui/chartjs-plugin-zoom.js" "${skynetloc}/webui/chartjs-plugin-zoom.js" Download_File "webui/hammerjs.js" "${skynetloc}/webui/hammerjs.js" Download_File "webui/skynet.asp" "${skynetloc}/webui/skynet.asp" [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && model="$(nvram get productid)" || model="$(nvram get odmpid)" if [ -z "$loginvalid" ]; then loginvalid="disabled"; fi if [ -z "$unbanprivateip" ]; then unbanprivateip="enabled"; fi if [ -z "$banaiprotect" ]; then banaiprotect="enabled"; fi if [ -z "$securemode" ]; then securemode="enabled"; fi if [ -z "$fastswitch" ]; then fastswitch="disabled"; fi if [ -z "$syslogloc" ]; then syslogloc="/tmp/syslog.log"; fi if [ -z "$syslog1loc" ]; then syslog1loc="/tmp/syslog.log-1"; fi if [ -z "$iotblocked" ]; then iotblocked="disabled"; fi if [ -z "$iotproto" ]; then iotproto="udp"; fi if [ -z "$lookupcountry" ]; then lookupcountry="enabled"; fi if [ -z "$cdnwhitelist" ]; then cdnwhitelist="enabled"; fi if [ -z "$displaywebui" ]; then displaywebui="enabled"; fi Write_Config cmdline="sh /jffs/scripts/firewall start skynetloc=${device}/skynet # Skynet" if grep -qE "^sh /jffs/scripts/firewall .* # Skynet" /jffs/scripts/firewall-start; then sed -i "s~sh /jffs/scripts/firewall .* # Skynet .*~$cmdline~" /jffs/scripts/firewall-start else echo "$cmdline" >> /jffs/scripts/firewall-start fi cmdline="sh /jffs/scripts/firewall save # Skynet" if grep -qE "^sh /jffs/scripts/firewall .* # Skynet" /jffs/scripts/services-stop; then sed -i "s~sh /jffs/scripts/firewall .* # Skynet .*~$cmdline~" /jffs/scripts/services-stop else echo "$cmdline" >> /jffs/scripts/services-stop fi Clean_Temp echo nvram commit if [ "$forcereboot" = "1" ]; then echo "[i] Reboot Required To Complete Installation" printf "[i] Press Enter To Confirm..." read -r "continue" service reboot exit 0 fi Unload_Cron "all" Unload_IPTables Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Unload_IPSets iptables -t raw -F echo "[i] Restarting Firewall Service To Complete Installation" restartfirewall="1" nolog="2" ;; uninstall) echo "If You Were Experiencing Issues, Try Update Or Visit SNBForums/Github For Support" echo "https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS" echo while true; do echo "[!] Warning - This Will Delete All Files In The Skynet Directory" echo "Are You Sure You Want To Uninstall?" echo echo "[1] --> Yes" echo "[2] --> No" echo echo "Please Select Option" printf "[1-2]: " read -r "continue" echo case "$continue" in 1) if grep -qE "^swapon .* # Skynet" /jffs/scripts/post-mount; then while true; do echo "Would You Like To Remove Skynet Generated Swap File?" echo "[1] --> Yes" echo "[2] --> No" echo echo "Please Select Option" printf "[1-2]: " read -r "removeswap" echo case "$removeswap" in 1) echo "[i] Removing Skynet Generated SWAP File" sed -i '\~ Skynet ~d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount /jffs/scripts/unmount sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches swapoff -a rm -rf "$swaplocation" break ;; 2) break ;; e|exit) echo "[*] Exiting!" echo; exit 0 ;; *) echo "[*] $removeswap Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done fi echo "[i] Unloading Skynet Components" Purge_Logs "all" Unload_Cron "all" Kill_Lock Unload_IPTables Unload_IOTTables Unload_LogIPTables Unload_IPSets Uninstall_WebUI_Page nvram set fw_log_x=none nvram commit echo "[i] Deleting Skynet Files" sed -i '\~# Skynet~d' /jffs/scripts/firewall-start /jffs/scripts/services-stop /jffs/scripts/service-event /jffs/configs/profile.add /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add service restart_dnsmasq >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf "/jffs/addons/shared-whitelists/shared-Skynet-whitelist" "/jffs/addons/shared-whitelists/shared-Skynet2-whitelist" "${skynetloc}" "/jffs/scripts/firewall" "/opt/bin/firewall" "/tmp/skynet.lock" "/tmp/skynet" if [ -f "/opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/skynet" ]; then rm -rf "/opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/skynet" cp -p "/opt/share/syslog-ng/examples/firewall" "/opt/etc/syslog-ng.d" cp -p "/opt/share/logrotate/examples/firewall" "/opt/etc/logrotate" killall -HUP syslog-ng fi iptables -t raw -F echo "[i] Restarting Firewall Service" service restart_firewall exit 0 ;; 2|e|exit) echo "[*] Exiting!" echo; exit 0 ;; *) echo "[*] $continue Isn't An Option!" echo ;; esac done ;; *) echo "Command Not Recognized, Please Try Again" echo "For Help Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS#help" echo "For Common Issues Check https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS/wiki#common-issues" echo ;; esac Spinner_End Display_Header "9" if [ "$nolog" != "2" ]; then Print_Log "$@"; echo; fi if [ "$nocfg" != "1" ]; then Write_Config; fi if [ "$lockskynet" = "true" ]; then rm -rf "/tmp/skynet.lock"; fi if [ "$restartfirewall" = "1" ]; then service restart_firewall; echo; fi if [ -n "$reloadmenu" ]; then echo; echo; printf "[i] Press Enter To Continue..."; read -r "continue"; exec "$0"; fi printf '\033[?7h'