openapi: 3.0.3 info: title: Catalog Data Ingestion API description: | The Catalog Data Ingestion API allows you to create and manage products and price books and directly integrate catalog data with the Commerce catalog service. This API provides the following resource collections to create and update catalog data: - **Metadata**—define and manage product attribute display on the storefront, define search characteristics, and so on - **Products**—define and manage items to include in a commerce catalog. Each product can have multiple attributes like name, description, SKU, images, etc. - **Price books**—define and manage unique scopes that can be used to manage product price discounts across customer tiers - **Prices**—define and manage the prices associated with product SKUs and assign the pricing scope where the price is used version: 1.0.0 servers: - url:<DATA_SPACE_ID>/api/ description: Production endpoint. The DATA_SPACE_ID value is the ID for the data space where commerce catalog data is stored. See [SaaS configuration]( in Adobe Experience League. tags: - name: Metadata description: | Product attribute metadata allows you to define how to display product attributes on the storefront, define search characteristics, and so on. - name: Products description: Product API to manage product data - name: Price Books description: | Price books define a unique scope that can be used to manage product price discounts across customer tiers. You can also specify the currency to use for product prices in the specified price book. The catalog data model provides a default price book with id `main` and currency in US dollars (`USD`). - name: Prices description: | Define prices for product SKUs. The scope identifies the price books and price tiers where the price is used. is used. paths: /v1/catalog/products/metadata: post: tags: - Metadata summary: Create product attribute metadata. description: | Create or replace existing product attribute metadata resources. To update existing product attribute metadata, use the update operation. operationId: ProductMetadataPut parameters: - name: Content-Type in: header required: true schema: type: string enum: [application/json] - name: x-api-key in: header required: true schema: type: string description: Production public API key - name: x-gw-signature in: header required: true schema: type: string description: JWT generated for Production public API key - name: Content-Encoding in: header required: false schema: type: string enum: [gzip] description: Use this header if the payload is compressed with gzip. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedMetadata' examples: FeedWithMetadataInformation: summary: Example of product attributes metadata description: Add product attribute information to a product. value: [ { "code": "name", "scope": { "locale": "en" }, "label": "Product Name", "dataType": "TEXT", "visibleIn": ["PRODUCT_DETAIL"], "filterable": false, "sortable": false, "searchable": true, "searchWeight": 55, "searchTypes": ["AUTOCOMPLETE"] } ] responses: '200': description: All items in the request are accepted for further processing. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProcessFeedResponse' '400': description: Request rejected. Some of the received items are invalid. Check the "message" and "errors" fields for details. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/400ProcessFeedResponse' '403': description: Unauthorized request. Verify the `x-api-key` and make sure that the JWT in `x-gw-signature` is still valid. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/403Response' patch: tags: - Metadata summary: Update product attribute metadata. description: | Update existing product attribute metadata with new values. When the update is processed, the merge strategy is used to apply changes to `scalar` and `object` type fields. The replace strategy is used to apply changes for fields in an `array`. operationId: ProductMetadataPatch parameters: - name: Content-Type in: header required: true schema: type: string enum: [application/json] - name: x-api-key in: header required: true schema: type: string description: Production public API key - name: x-gw-signature in: header required: true schema: type: string description: JWT generated for Production public API key. - name: Content-Encoding in: header required: false schema: type: string enum: [gzip] description: Use this header if the payload is compressed with gzip. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedMetadataUpdate' examples: FeedWithMetadataInformation: summary: Example of product attribute metadata description: | Update existing product attribute metadata with new values. Note that fields with the `array` type will replace existing data. Example bellow updates the following attributes: * `label` - Change the product attribute label. * `visibleIn` - Add `PRODUCT_LISTING` role to the product attribute. value: [ { "code": "name", "scope": { "locale": "en" }, "label": "Updated - Product Name", "visibleIn": ["PRODUCT_DETAIL", "PRODUCT_LISTING"] } ] responses: '200': description: All items in the request are accepted for further processing. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProcessFeedResponse' '400': description: Request rejected. Some of the received items are invalid. Check the "invalidFeedItems" node for specific errors. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/400ProcessFeedResponse' '403': description: Unauthorized request. Verify the `x-api-key` and make sure that the JWT in `x-gw-signature` is still valid. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/403Response' /v1/catalog/products/metadata/delete: post: tags: - Metadata summary: Delete product attributes metadata. description: Remove product attribute metadata resources from the catalog data. operationId: ProductMetadataDelete parameters: - name: Content-Type in: header required: true schema: type: string enum: [application/json] - name: x-api-key in: header required: true schema: type: string description: Production public API key. - name: x-gw-signature in: header required: true schema: type: string description: JWT generated for Production public API key. - name: Content-Encoding in: header required: false schema: type: string enum: [gzip] description: Use this header if the payload is compressed with gzip. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedMetadataDelete' examples: FeedWithMetadataInformation: summary: Delete product attribute metadata. description: Marks existing product attribute metadata as deleted. value: [ { "code": "name", "scope": { "locale": "en" } } ] responses: '200': description: All items in the request are accepted for further processing. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProcessFeedResponse' '400': description: Some received items are invalid. Check the ‘invalidFeedItems’ node for specific errors. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/400ProcessFeedResponse' '403': description: Unauthorized request. Verify the ‘x-api-key’ and make sure that the JWT in ‘x-gw-signature’ is still valid. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/403Response' /v1/catalog/products: post: tags: - Products summary: Create products. description: | <h3>Simple Products</h3> Create products or replace existing products with a specified `sku` and `scope`. If a product with the same data exists with the same SKU and scope, the product update request is ignored. Use the [update operation](#operation/ProductsPatch) to modify values for an existing product. <h3>Configurable Products</h3> A configurable product is a product that offers multiple options, such as color and size. Each unique combination of these options, like 'color green' and 'size large,' defines a product variant. This variant is an independent product with its own SKU, price, and inventory. The configurable product acts as a container for these product variants. To create a configurable product, you need the following: - [Product attributes](#operation/ProductMetadataPut): Define the product attributes used to define a configurable product, such as "color", "size", etc. - [Configurable product](#operation/ProductsPost): Define the configurable product. [Options](#operation/ProductsPost!path=options&t=request) is a required field. It defines the choices that a shopper can select. - [Product variant](#operation/ProductsPost): Define a product variant for a configurable product. ["Attributes"](#operation/ProductsPost!path=attributes) with ["variantReferenceId"](#operation/ProductsPost!path=attributes/variantReferenceId&t=request) and ["links"](#operation/ProductsPost!path=links&t=request) of type `VARIANT_OF` must be defined for product variants. Each product variant links back to the configurable product through its `variantReferenceId`, which corresponds to specific `options[].values[].id` in the configurable product. To unassign a product variant from a configurable product, do one of the following: - Use [Delete Product API](#operation/ProductsDelete) to delete the product variant. - Use [Update Product API](#operation/ProductsPatch) to set the ["variantReferenceId"](#operation/ProductsPost!path=attributes/variantReferenceId&t=request) to `null` and unassign the product variant from the configurable product by removing the ["links"](#operation/ProductsPost!path=links&t=request) association. operationId: ProductsPost parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ContentType' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/xApiKey' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/xGwSignature' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ContentEncoding' responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/AcceptedResponse' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidItemsResponse' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedResponse' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedProduct' examples: SimpleProductWithImages: summary: Create a simple product. description: > Create a simple product with required and optional fields. value: [ { "sku": "red-pants", "scope": { "locale": "en" }, "name": "red pants", "slug": "red-pants.html", "status": "ENABLED", "description": "long description about red pants", "shortDescription": "just pants", "visibleIn": [ "CATALOG", "SEARCH" ], "metaTags": { "title": "Yoga pants ", "description": "Climb with Zeppelin Yoga Pant", "keywords": [ "pants", "yoga" ] }, "attributes": [ { "code": "cost", "type": "NUMBER", "values": [ "10.5" ] }, { "code": "states", "type": "ARRAY", "values": [ "TX", "CA" ] } ], "images": [ { "url": "", "label": "photo of my pants!", "roles": [ "BASE", "SMALL" ], "customRoles": [ "widget" ] } ], "routes": [ { "path": "red-pants" }, { "path": "pants/red-pants", "position": 1 } ] } ] ConfigurableProductWithVariants: summary: Create a configurable product with four product variants. description: > Create a configurable product `pants` with four product variants: `pants-red-32`, `pants-red-44`, `pants-green-32` and `pants-green-44`. value: [ { "sku": "pants", "scope": { "locale": "en" }, "name": "Yoga pants", "slug": "zeppelin-yoga-pant", "status": "ENABLED", "visibleIn": [ "CATALOG" ], "options": [ { "id": "color", "label": "Pants color", "required": true, "defaultValueId": "pants-color-red", "type": "SWATCH", "values": [ { "id": "pants-color-red", "label": "Red", "colorHex": "#ff0000" }, { "id": "pants-color-green", "label": "Green", "imageUrl": "" } ] }, { "id": "size", "label": "Pants size", "required": true, "defaultValueId": "pants-size-32", "type": "CONFIGURABLE", "values": [ { "id": "pants-size-32", "label": "32" }, { "id": "pants-size-44", "label": "44" } ] } ] }, { "sku": "pants-red-32", "scope": { "locale": "en" }, "name": "Zeppelin Yoga Pant Red 32 size", "slug": "pants-red-32", "status": "ENABLED", "attributes": [ { "code": "color", "type": "STRING", "values": [ "Red Pants" ], "variantReferenceId": "pants-color-red" }, { "code": "size", "type": "STRING", "values": [ "32" ], "variantReferenceId": "pants-size-32" } ], "links": [ { "type": "variant_of", "sku": "pants" } ] }, { "sku": "pants-red-44", "scope": { "locale": "en" }, "name": "Zeppelin Yoga Pant Red 44 size", "slug": "pants-red-44", "status": "ENABLED", "attributes": [ { "code": "color", "type": "STRING", "values": [ "Red Pants" ], "variantReferenceId": "pants-color-red" }, { "code": "size", "type": "STRING", "values": [ "44" ], "variantReferenceId": "pants-size-44" } ], "links": [ { "type": "VARIANT_OF", "sku": "pants" } ] }, { "sku": "pants-green-32", "scope": { "locale": "en" }, "name": "Zeppelin Yoga Pant Green 32 size", "slug": "pants-green-32", "status": "ENABLED", "attributes": [ { "code": "color", "type": "STRING", "values": [ "Green Pants" ], "variantReferenceId": "pants-color-green" }, { "code": "size", "type": "STRING", "values": [ "32" ], "variantReferenceId": "pants-size-32" } ], "links": [ { "type": "variant_of", "sku": "pants" } ] }, { "sku": "pants-green-44", "scope": { "locale": "en" }, "name": "Zeppelin Yoga Pant green 44 size", "slug": "pants-green-44", "status": "ENABLED", "attributes": [ { "code": "color", "type": "STRING", "values": [ "Green Pants" ], "variantReferenceId": "pants-color-green" }, { "code": "size", "type": "STRING", "values": [ "44" ], "variantReferenceId": "pants-size-44" } ], "links": [ { "type": "variant_of", "sku": "pants" } ] } ] patch: tags: - Products summary: Update products. description: | Update products with specified "sku" and "scope" to replace existing field data with the data supplied in the request. When the update is processed, the merge strategy is used to apply changes to `scalar` and `object` type fields. The replace strategy is used to apply changes for fields in an `array`. operationId: ProductsPatch parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ContentType' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/xApiKey' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/xGwSignature' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ContentEncoding' responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/AcceptedResponse' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidItemsResponse' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedResponse' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedProductUpdate' examples: SimpleProductWithImages: summary: Update a simple product. description: | Update a simple product with the values provided in the request. On update, changes to `scalar` and `object` type fields are applied using the merge strategy. The replace strategy is used to apply changes for fields in an `array`. In the example below, the following attributes are updated. * `name` - Change the product name. * `metaTags.title` - Change the title of the product detail page. * `attributes` - Add a new state, `NM` to the `states` attribute. value: [ { "sku": "red-pants", "scope": { "locale": "en" }, "name": "Red pants - discounts!", "metaTags": { "title": "Updated - Red" }, "attributes": [ { "code": "cost", "type": "NUMBER", "values": [ "10.5" ] }, { "code": "states", "type": "ARRAY", "values": [ "TX", "CA", "NM" ] } ] } ] UnassignProductVariant: summary: Unassign product variant `pants-red-32` from configurable product `pants`. description: | To unassign product variant `pants-red-32` from configurable product `pants` you need: * remove the `variantReferenceId` from the `attributes` field * remove the `links` association value: [ { "sku": "pants-red-32", "scope": { "locale": "en" }, "attributes": [ { "code": "color", "type": "STRING", "values": [ "Red Pants" ], "variantReferenceId": null }, { "code": "size", "type": "STRING", "values": [ "32" ], "variantReferenceId": null } ], "links": [] } ] /v1/catalog/products/delete: post: tags: - Products summary: Delete products. description: > Delete products with specified "sku" and "scope". operationId: ProductsDelete parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ContentType' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/xApiKey' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/xGwSignature' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ContentEncoding' responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/AcceptedResponse' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidItemsResponse' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedResponse' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedProductDelete' examples: DeleteSimpleProduct: summary: Delete product. description: > Delete a simple product with a specified `sku` and `scope`. value: [ { "sku": "red-pants", "scope": { "locale": "en" } } ] /v1/catalog/price-books: post: tags: - Price Books summary: Create price books. description: | Create or replace existing price books. Use the update operation to modify values for existing price books. operationId: PriceBooksPut parameters: - name: Content-Type in: header required: true schema: type: string enum: [application/json] - name: x-api-key in: header required: true schema: type: string description: Production public API key - name: x-gw-signature in: header required: true schema: type: string description: JWT generated for Production public API key - name: Content-Encoding in: header required: false schema: type: string enum: [gzip] description: Use this header if the payload is compressed with gzip. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedPricebook' examples: FeedWithPricebookInformation: summary: Create a price book. description: Create a price book and specify the currency for prices. value: [ { "priceBookId": "dealer-north", "name": "Dealer North price book name", "currency": "USD" }, { "priceBookId": "VIP", "currency": "USD" } ] responses: '200': description: All items in the request are accepted for further processing. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProcessFeedResponse' '400': description: Request rejected. Some of the received items are invalid. Check the "invalidFeedItems" node for specific errors. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/400ProcessFeedResponse' '403': description: Unauthorized request. Verify the `x-api-key` and make sure that the JWT in `x-gw-signature` is still valid. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/403Response' patch: tags: - Price Books summary: Update price books. description: |- Update existing price books to change the name or the currency used for pricing. When the update is processed, the merge strategy is used to apply changes to `scalar` and `object` type fields. The replace strategy is used to apply changes for fields in an `array`. To update the currency for the default price book, use the price book id `main`. operationId: PriceBooksPatch parameters: - name: Content-Type in: header required: true schema: type: string enum: [application/json] - name: x-api-key in: header required: true schema: type: string description: Production public API key. - name: x-gw-signature in: header required: true schema: type: string description: JWT generated for Production public API key. - name: Content-Encoding in: header required: false schema: type: string enum: [gzip] description: Use this header if the payload is compressed with gzip. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedPricebook' examples: FeedWithPriceBookInformation: summary: Update existing price books. description: Update the "dealer-north" and default "main" price books to change the currency. value: [ { "priceBookId": "dealer-north", "currency": "EUR" }, { "priceBookId": "main", "currency": "EUR" } ] responses: '200': description: All items in the request are accepted for further processing. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProcessFeedResponse' '400': description: Request rejected. Some of the received items are invalid. Check the `invalidFeedItems` node for specific errors. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/400ProcessFeedResponse' '403': description: Unauthorized request. Verify the `x-api-key` and make sure that the JWT in `x-gw-signature` is still valid. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/403Response' /v1/catalog/price-books/delete: post: tags: - Price Books summary: Delete price books. description: | Delete existing price books. Note that you cannot delete the default price book with id `main`. operationId: PriceBooksDelete parameters: - name: Content-Type in: header required: true schema: type: string enum: [application/json] - name: x-api-key in: header required: true schema: type: string description: Production public API key. - name: x-gw-signature in: header required: true schema: type: string description: JWT generated for Production public API key. - name: Content-Encoding in: header required: false schema: type: string enum: [gzip] description: Use this header if the payload is compressed with gzip. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedPricebook' examples: DeleteExistingPricebook: summary: Delete price book "dealer-north". description: Delete the "dealer-north" price book. value: [ { "priceBookId": "dealer-north" } ] responses: '200': description: All items in the request are accepted for further processing. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProcessFeedResponse' '400': description: Request rejected. Some of the received items are invalid. Check the "invalidFeedItems" node for specific errors. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/400ProcessFeedResponse' '403': description: Unauthorized request. Verify the `x-api-key` and make sure that the JWT in `x-gw-signature` is still valid. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/403Response' /v1/catalog/products/prices: post: tags: - Prices summary: Create prices. description: | <h3>Simple Products</h3> Create or replace existing product prices. A price must be associated with at least the default price book with id `main`. <h3>Configurable Products</h3> Because configurable product price is calculated based on the price of the selected product variant, you don't need to send price data for configurable product skus. Sending price data for these skus can cause incorrect price calculations. operationId: PricesPut parameters: - name: Content-Type in: header required: true schema: type: string enum: [application/json] - name: x-api-key in: header required: true schema: type: string description: Production public API key - name: x-gw-signature in: header required: true schema: type: string description: JWT generated for Production public API key - name: Content-Encoding in: header required: false schema: type: string enum: [gzip] description: Use this header if the payload is compressed with gzip requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedPrices' examples: FeedWithNewProductPrice: summary: Add product price information. description: Add product price information to the catalog data. value: [ { "sku": "red-pants", "priceBookId": "main", "regular": 20 }, { "sku": "red-pants", "priceBookId": "VIP", "regular": 19.9, "discounts": [ {"code": "discount", "percentage": 10} ] }, { "sku": "red-pants", "priceBookId": "dealer-north", "regular": 20.5, "discounts": [ {"code": "fixed", "price": 18} ] } ] responses: '200': description: All items in the request are accepted for further processing. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProcessFeedResponse' '400': description: Request rejected. Some of the received items are invalid. Check the "invalidFeedItems" node for specific errors. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/400ProcessFeedResponse' '403': description: Unauthorized request. Verify the `x-api-key` and make sure that the JWT in `x-gw-signature` is still valid. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/403Response' patch: tags: - Prices summary: Update prices. description: | Change existing product prices. When the update is processed, the merge strategy is used to apply changes to `scalar` and `object` type fields. The replace strategy is used to apply changes for fields in an `array`. operationId: PricesPatch parameters: - name: Content-Type in: header required: true schema: type: string enum: [application/json] - name: x-api-key in: header required: true schema: type: string description: Production public API key - name: x-gw-signature in: header required: true schema: type: string description: JWT generated for Production public API key. - name: Content-Encoding in: header required: false schema: type: string enum: [gzip] description: Use this header if the payload is compressed with gzip. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedPricesUpdate' examples: FeedWithProductPricesInformation: summary: Product prices update. description: Update existing product prices for the given SKU ("red-pants") and price book id ("dealer-north"). value: [ { "sku": "red-pants", "priceBookId": "dealer-north", "discounts": [ {"code": "discount", "percentage": 30} ] } ] responses: '200': description: All items in the request are accepted for further processing. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProcessFeedResponse' '400': description: | Request rejected. Some of the received items are invalid. Check the "invalidFeedItems" node for specific errors. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/400ProcessFeedResponse' '403': description: | Unauthorized request. Verify the `x-api-key` and make sure that the JWT in `x-gw-signature` is still valid. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/403Response' /v1/catalog/products/prices/delete: post: tags: - Prices summary: Delete prices. description: > Delete existing product prices operationId: PricesDelete parameters: - name: Content-Type in: header required: true schema: type: string enum: [application/json] - name: x-api-key in: header required: true schema: type: string description: Production public API key - name: x-gw-signature in: header required: true schema: type: string description: JWT generated for Production public API key - name: Content-Encoding in: header required: false schema: type: string enum: [gzip] description: Use this header if the payload is compressed with gzip. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedPricesDelete' examples: FeedWithProductPricesInformation: summary: Product prices delete. description: > Delete the existing product prices information value: [ { "sku": "red-pants", "priceBookId": "dealer-north", } ] responses: '200': description: All items in the request are accepted for further processing. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProcessFeedResponse' '400': description: Request rejected. Some of the received items are invalid. Check the "invalidFeedItems" node for specific errors. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/400ProcessFeedResponse' '403': description: Unauthorized request. Verify the `x-api-key` and make sure that the JWT in `x-gw-signature` is still valid. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/403Response' components: responses: AcceptedResponse: description: All items accepted and will be processed asynchronously content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProcessFeedResponse' InvalidItemsResponse: description: One or all received items are invalid. Check the "invalidFeedItems" node for details content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/400ProcessFeedResponse' UnauthorizedResponse: description: Unauthorized request. Verify the `x-api-key` value is correct and ensure the JWT is not expired in `x-gw-signature`. content: application/json;charset=UTF-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/403Response' parameters: DATA_SPACE_ID: name: DATA_SPACE_ID in: path description: | Data Space ID. See [SaaS data space provisioning]( in Adobe Experience League. required: true style: simple schema: type: string ContentType: name: Content-Type in: header required: true schema: type: string enum: [application/json] xApiKey: name: x-api-key in: header required: true schema: type: string description: Production public API key xGwSignature: name: x-gw-signature in: header required: true schema: type: string description: JWT generated for Production public API key. ContentEncoding: name: Content-Encoding in: header required: false schema: type: string enum: [gzip] description: Use this header if the payload is compressed with gzip. schemas: FeedItemFailedValidationResult: title: FeedItemFailedValidationResult type: object properties: code: type: string description: Code name of invalid field. itemIndex: type: integer format: int32 description: Reference to the line item with an invalid payload. The line count begins at 0. message: type: string description: Error description value: type: string description: Original value passed in the request. FeedMetadata: title: FeedMetadata description: Metadata information for a product attribute. required: - code - scope - label - dataType type: object properties: code: type: string description: Attribute code scope: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Scope' visibleIn: type: array description: | Determines how the attribute is used on the storefront. * `PRODUCT_DETAIL`: Product attribute is visible on the Product Detail Page. * `PRODUCT_LISTING`: Product attribute is visible on Product Listing Page. * `SEARCH_RESULTS`: Product attribute is visible on Search Results Page. * `PRODUCT_COMPARE`: Product attribute is visible on Product Compare Page. items: enum: - PRODUCT_DETAIL - PRODUCT_LISTING - SEARCH_RESULTS - PRODUCT_COMPARE label: type: string description: Label for the attribute that is displayed in user interfaces. example: Attribute Name dataType: type: string description: Data type example: TEXT enum: - TEXT - DECIMAL - INTEGER - BOOLEAN filterable: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the attribute can be used to filter products. example: true sortable: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the attribute can be used to sort products. example: true searchable: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the attribute value can be used in search queries to filter results. example: true searchWeight: type: number description: | The weight associated with a searchable attribute. Attributes with a greater weight are returned before attributes with a lower weight. format: float searchTypes: type: array description: > Search types associated with this attribute, for example: `autocomplete`, `starts_with`, and so on. items: type: string enum: - AUTOCOMPLETE - CONTAINS - STARTS_WITH FeedMetadataUpdate: title: FeedMetadataUpdate description: Metadata information for a product attribute. required: - code - scope type: object properties: code: type: string description: Attribute code scope: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Scope' visibleIn: type: array description: | Determines how the attribute is used on the storefront. * `PRODUCT_DETAIL`: Product attribute is visible on the Product Detail Page. * `PRODUCT_LISTING`: Product attribute is visible on Product Listing Page. * `SEARCH_RESULTS`: Product attribute is visible on Search Results Page. * `PRODUCT_COMPARE`: Product attribute is visible on Product Compare Page. items: enum: - PRODUCT_DETAIL - PRODUCT_LISTING - SEARCH_RESULTS - PRODUCT_COMPARE label: type: string description: Label for the attribute that is displayed in user interfaces. example: Attribute Name dataType: type: string description: Data type example: TEXT enum: - TEXT - DECIMAL - INTEGER - BOOLEAN filterable: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the attribute can be used to filter products. example: true sortable: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the attribute can be used to sort products. example: true searchable: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the attribute value can be used in search queries to filter results. example: true searchWeight: type: number description: | The weight associated with a searchable attribute. Attributes with a greater weight are returned before attributes with a lower weight. format: float searchTypes: type: array description: > Search types associated with this attribute, for example: `autocomplete`, `starts_with`, and so on. items: type: string enum: - AUTOCOMPLETE - CONTAINS - STARTS_WITH FeedMetadataDelete: title: Delete metadata attribute description: Delete metadata information for a product attribute. required: - code - scope type: object properties: code: type: string description: Attribute code scope: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Scope' FeedProduct: title: Catalog Product payload type: object required: - sku - scope - name - slug - status properties: sku: type: string description: SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) is a unique identifier for a product. example: MH01 scope: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Scope' name: type: string description: Product name example: Kangaroo Hoodie slug: type: string description: The URL key for the product. example: kangaroo-hoodie.html description: type: string description: The main description for the product example: A kangaroo hoodie for all seasons shortDescription: type: string description: A short description of the product example: A hoodie for all seasons with a kangaroo pocket status: type: string description: | Indicates whether the product is visible on the storefront. The value is "Enabled" if it is visible, and "Disabled" if it is not visible. example: ENABLED enum: - ENABLED - DISABLED visibleIn: type: array description: | Storefront area where the product is visible. An empty list means that it is not visible as a stand alone product. * `CATALOG`: Product is visible on Product Listing Page and Product Detail Page. * `SEARCH`: Product is visible on Search Results Page and Product Detail Page. example: [CATALOG] items: enum: - CATALOG - SEARCH metaTags: type: object description: Meta attributes that are specified in <meta> tags. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductMetaAttribute' attributes: type: array description: A list of product attributes. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductAttribute' images: type: array description: A list of product images. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductImage' links: type: array description: A list of linked SKUs. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductLink' routes: type: array description: A list of product routes. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductRoutes' options: type: array description: Composite products, such as configurable products, must provide a list of product options that a shopper can select (for example, "color", "size", etc.). items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductOption' FeedProductUpdate: title: Catalog Product payload type: object required: - sku - scope properties: sku: type: string description: SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) is a unique identifier for a product. example: MH01 scope: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Scope' name: type: string description: Product name example: Kangaroo Hoodie slug: type: string description: The URL key for the product. example: kangaroo-hoodie.html description: type: string description: The main description for the product example: A kangaroo hoodie for all seasons shortDescription: type: string description: A short description of the product example: A hoodie for all seasons with a kangaroo pocket status: type: string description: | Indicates whether the product is visible on the storefront. The value is "Enabled" if it is visible, and "Disabled" if it is not visible. example: ENABLED enum: - ENABLED - DISABLED visibleIn: type: array description: | Storefront area where the product is visible. An empty list means that it is not visible as a stand alone product. * `CATALOG`: Product is visible on Product Listing Page and Product Detail Page. * `SEARCH`: Product is visible on Search Results Page and Product Detail Page. example: [CATALOG] items: enum: - CATALOG - SEARCH metaTags: type: object description: Meta attributes that are specified in <meta> tags. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductMetaAttribute' attributes: type: array description: A list of product attributes. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductAttribute' images: type: array description: A list of product images. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductImage' links: type: array description: | A list of linked SKUs. For product variants, this is a required field that establishes a link between a product variant and the corresponding configurable product. `VARIANT_OF` link type must be specified to establish a connection to the configurable product SKU. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductLink' routes: type: array description: A list of product routes. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductRoutes' options: type: array description: Options associated with the product. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductOption' FeedProductDelete: title: Catalog Product delete payload type: object required: - sku - scope properties: sku: type: string description: Product unique identifier example: MH01 scope: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Scope' FeedPricebook: title: FeedPricebook description: Price book information required: - priceBookId type: object properties: priceBookId: type: string description: Price book id name: type: string description: Price book name currency: type: string description: Price book currency minLength: 1 maxLength: 5 FeedPrices: title: FeedPrices description: Product price information. required: - sku - priceBookId - regular type: object properties: sku: type: string description: Product SKU priceBookId: type: string description: Price book id regular: type: number format: float description: Regular price discounts: type: array description: Active discounts items: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/DiscountsFinalPrice' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/DiscountsPercentage' FeedPricesUpdate: title: FeedPrices description: Product price information. required: - sku - priceBookId type: object properties: sku: type: string description: Product SKU priceBookId: type: string description: Price book id regular: type: number format: float description: Regular price discounts: type: array description: Active discounts items: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/DiscountsFinalPrice' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/DiscountsPercentage' FeedPricesDelete: title: FeedPricesDelete description: Delete product price information. required: - sku - priceBookId type: object properties: sku: type: string description: Product SKU priceBookId: type: string description: Price book id DiscountsFinalPrice: title: Final Price type: object properties: code: type: string price: type: number format: float DiscountsPercentage: title: Discount type: object properties: code: type: string percentage: type: number format: float Scope: title: Scope description: Scope of the entity. For example it's locale "English" type: object required: - locale properties: locale: type: string description: A single value that represents content locale, for example, English. example: English ProductMetaAttribute: title: Meta Attributes type: object properties: title: type: string description: A meta title keywords: type: array description: A meta keywords items: type: string description: type: string description: A meta description ProductAttribute: title: Product Attribute type: object required: - code - type - values properties: code: type: string description: Product Attribute Code type: enum: - BOOLEAN - NUMBER - STRING - ARRAY - OBJECT description: | Type of attribute value to be applied during the rendering phase. Validation occurs only when the code is rendered. Invalid values are ignored. - `BOOLEAN`: Accept single value: "true" or false - `NUMBER`: Accept single number,e.g. "85", "0.42", etc. - `STRING`: Accept single string,e.g. "Great day, yall!" - `ARRAY`: Accept list of strings ,e.g. ["red", "green", "blue"] - `OBJECT`: Accept JSON object `"{"name": "swatch", "color": "red"}"` values: type: array description: A list of value(s) associated with a specified attribute code. items: type: string variantReferenceId: type: string nullable: true description: | The variant reference ID establishes a link between a product variant and the corresponding [Option Value ID](#operation/ProductsPost!path=options/values/id&t=request) in a configurable product. Variant reference ID must be defined only for a product that represents a variant of a configurable product. ProductRoutes: title: Routes type: object required: - path properties: path: type: string description: URL path position: type: integer description: Position of a product in the URL path. The default value is 0. format: int32 ProductImage: title: Product Image type: object required: - url properties: url: type: string description: Media resource URL label: type: string description: Media resource label roles: type: array description: | Roles associated with this image that determine how the image is used on the storefront. - `BASE`: Product image is visible as a main image on the Product Detail Page. - `SMALL`: Product image is visible as a main image on the Category or search result page or other product listing pages. - `THUMBNAIL`: Thumbnail images appear in the thumbnail gallery, shopping cart, etc. - `SWATCH`: A swatch can be used to illustrate the color, pattern, or texture. items: enum: - BASE - SMALL - THUMBNAIL - SWATCH customRoles: type: array description: > Custom image role. Merchants can define custom roles in addition to the predefined values. items: type: string ProductOption: title: ProductOption type: object required: - id - type - values properties: id: type: string description: | Product option ID. For `CONFIGURABLE` or `SWATCH` option types, this ID must be match the ["attribute code"](#operation/ProductsPost!path=attributes/code&t=request) used for the configurable product (for example, "color"). label: type: string description: Option label required: type: boolean description: Indicates whether selecting the option is required by a shopper to add a product to the shopping cart. example: false defaultValueId: type: string description: Specifies the pre-selected value id of the current option. type: type: string enum: - CONFIGURABLE - SWATCH description: | Option type. Indicates the product type the option can be assigned to. - `CONFIGURABLE`: Configurable product option - `SWATCH`: Swatch product option. Must be used for color or text swatches attributes values: type: array description: A list of option values. Defines option values available to shoppers (for example, "red" color or "large" size). items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductOptionValue' ProductOptionValue: title: ProductOptionValue type: object required: - id properties: id: type: string description: | Option value ID. For `CONFIGURABLE` or `SWATCH` option types, this ID must match the ["variantReferenceId"](#operation/ProductsPost!path=attributes/variantReferenceId&t=request) defined in the product variant. label: type: string description: Option value label colorHex: type: string description: A hex representation of the color of the option value. Can be used for option with a SWATCH type. imageUrl: type: string description: Image URL of the option value. Can be used for option with a SWATCH type. # Reason for hiding: it's relevant only for Bundle Product which is not yet supported by CCDM API # sku: # type: string # description: Product SKU associated with the option value. ProductLink: title: Links required: - type - sku type: object properties: type: type: string description: | Product link type. Merchants can define custom types in addition to the predefined values. `VARIANT_OF` link type must be specified to establish a connection to the configurable product SKU. sku: type: string description: Product SKU description: Product association ItemFailedValidationResult: title: ItemFailedValidationResult type: object properties: code: type: string description: Code for the validation error. itemIndex: type: integer description: Index of the conflicting item format: int32 message: type: string description: Validation error message for the item. value: type: string description: The value supplied to the API. ProcessFeedResponse: title: Response payload type: object properties: status: type: string description: Request status. default: ACCEPTED acceptedCount: type: integer description: The number of received and accepted items. format: int32 example: { "status": "ACCEPTED", "acceptedCount": 4 } 400ProcessFeedResponse: title: Response payload type: object properties: status: type: string description: Request status. default: FAILED message: type: string description: Error summary. errors: type: array description: List of items that did not pass validation. Fix the payload for invalid items before resubmitting the request. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedItemFailedValidationResult' example: { "status": "FAILED", "message": "Items validation failed for 2 items", "errors": [ { "itemIndex": 0, "code": "status", "message": "status: does not have a value in the enumeration [\"ENABLED\", \"DISABLED\"]", "value": "active" }, { "itemIndex": 1, "code": "scope", "message": "required property 'scope' not found", "value": "" } ] } 403Response: title: 403 Forbidden type: object oneOf: - title: 403 Unauthorized - invalid JWT type: object properties: error_code: type: string description: Error code message: type: string description: Error message example: { "error_code":"403053", "message":"JWT is invalid" } - title: 403 Unauthorized type: object properties: error: type: object properties: code: type: string description: Error code message: type: string description: Error message details: type: object properties: error_code: type: string description: Error code example: { "error": { "code": "Forbidden", "message": "Client ID is missing", "details": { "error_code": "403000" } } }