openapi: 3.0.0 info: description: Using this REST API, you can create and manage content templates and fragments, which are entities that allow you to easily reuse custom content across Journey Optimizer campaigns and journeys. To learn more about content templates and fragments, refer to <a href="">Journey Optimizer documentation</a>. version: 0.0.1 title: Content API. security: - imsUserToken: [] servers: - url: paths: /templates: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/APIKeyParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ImsOrgIdParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/SandboxNameParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/RequestIdParam' post: operationId: createTemplate summary: Create New Content Template. description: >- This API could be used for creating a new content template<br> <b>subType</b> field is only supported for content template with code channel tags: - Content template API requestBody: description: API to create a new Content Template. content: 'application/vnd.adobe.ajo.template.v1+json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-template' required: true responses: 201: $ref: '#/components/responses/201' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' get: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/orderBy' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/limit' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/start' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/property' operationId: getTemplates summary: List Content Templates. description: >- <ol> Content Templates Listing API. There are few attributes which are filterable. <li> id - Supported operations are equals and not equals. </li> <li> name - Supports operations are regex and contains. </li> <li> templateType - Supported operations are equal and not equals, and allowed values are [ "html", "html_primary_page", "html_sub_page", "content"] </li> <li> channels - Supported operations are equals and not equals. </li> <li> createdAt - Supported operations are less-than, less-than-equal-to, greater-than, greater-than-equal-to, equals-to. </li> <li> createdBy - Supported operations are equals, not equals and regex. </li> <li> modifiedAt - Supported operations are less-than, less-than-equal-to, greater-than, greater-than-equal-to, equals-to. </li> <li> modifiedBy - Supported operations are equals, not equals and regex. </li> <li> origin - Supported operations are equals and not equals. </li> </ol> tags: - Content template API responses: 200: description: Content Template Listing API response. content: application/vnd.adobe.ajo.template-list.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-page-response' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' /templates/{templateId}: parameters: - name: templateId in: path description: Content Template id required: true schema: type: string - name: Accept in: header schema: type: string enum: - 'application/vnd.adobe.ajo.template.v1+json' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/APIKeyParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ImsOrgIdParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/SandboxNameParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/RequestIdParam' get: operationId: getTemplate summary: Fetch Content Template By Id. description: Fetch Content template detail with given id. tags: - Content template API responses: 200: description: Successful operation content: application/vnd.adobe.ajo.template.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-template-with-audit' headers: etag: $ref: '#/components/headers/etag' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' put: operationId: putTemplate summary: Update Content Template By Id. description: >- API to update Content Template By Id.<br> <b>subType</b> field is only supported for content template with code channel tags: - Content template API parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/IfMatchParam' requestBody: description: New/Updated Content Template Payload. content: 'application/vnd.adobe.ajo.template.v1+json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-template' required: true responses: 204: $ref: '#/components/responses/204' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' 409: $ref: '#/components/responses/409' delete: operationId: deleteTemplate summary: Delete Content Template By Id. description: Delete Content Template by Id. tags: - Content template API responses: 204: $ref: '#/components/responses/204DELETE' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' patch: operationId: patchTemplate summary: Patch Content Template By Id. description: >- Patch Content Template with given id. Expects Patch request in JSON-patch format (RFC 6902)<br> <a href="">JSON Patch guidelines</a> Supported paths are ["/name", "/description" ] tags: - Content template API parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/IfMatchParam' requestBody: content: 'application/json-patch+json': schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/patch-request" required: true responses: 200: description: Successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-template-with-audit' headers: etag: $ref: '#/components/headers/etag' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' 409: $ref: '#/components/responses/409' /fragments: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/APIKeyParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ImsOrgIdParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/SandboxNameParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/RequestIdParam' post: operationId: createFragment summary: Create New Content Fragment. description: >- This API could be used for creating a new content fragment<br> tags: - Content fragment API requestBody: description: new fragment content: 'application/vnd.adobe.ajo.fragment.v1.0+json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-fragment' required: true responses: 201: $ref: '#/components/responses/201' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' get: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/orderBy' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/limit' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/start' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/property' operationId: getFragments summary: List Content Fragments. description: <ol> Content Fragment Listing API. There are few attributes which are filterable. <li> id - Supported operations are equals and not equals. </li> <li> name - Supports operations are regex and contains. </li> <li> type - Supported operations are equal and not equals, and allowed values are [ "html"] </li> <li> channels - Supported operations are equals and not equals. </li> <li> createdAt - Supported operations are less-than, less-than-equal-to, greater-than, greater-than-equal-to, equals-to. </li> <li> createdBy - Supported operations are equals, not equals and regex. </li> <li> modifiedAt - Supported operations are less-than, less-than-equal-to, greater-than, greater-than-equal-to, equals-to. </li> <li> modifiedBy - Supported operations are equals, not equals and regex. </li> <li> origin - Supported operations are equals and not equals. </li> </ol> tags: - Content fragment API responses: 200: description: Content Fragment Listing API response. content: application/vnd.adobe.ajo.fragment-list.v1.0+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-page-response' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' /fragments/{fragmentId}: parameters: - name: fragmentId in: path description: Content fragment id required: true schema: type: string - name: Accept in: header required: true schema: type: string enum: - 'application/vnd.adobe.ajo.fragment.v1.0+json' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/APIKeyParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ImsOrgIdParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/SandboxNameParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/RequestIdParam' get: operationId: getFragment summary: Fetch Content Fragment By Id. description: Fetch Content Fragment detail by Id. tags: - Content fragment API responses: 200: description: Successful operation content: application/vnd.adobe.ajo.fragment.v1.0+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-fragment-with-audit' headers: etag: $ref: '#/components/headers/etag' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' put: operationId: putFragment summary: Update Content Fragment By Id. description: >- API to update Content Fragment By Id. tags: - Content fragment API parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/IfMatchParam' requestBody: description: New/Updated Content Fragment Payload. content: 'application/vnd.adobe.ajo.fragment.v1.0+json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-fragment' required: true responses: 204: $ref: '#/components/responses/204' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' 409: $ref: '#/components/responses/409' patch: operationId: patchFragment summary: Patch Content Fragment By Id. description: >- Patch fragment with given id. Expects Patch request in JSON-patch format (RFC 6902)<br> Path supported: "/name", "/description" tags: - Content fragment API parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/IfMatchParam' requestBody: content: 'application/json-patch+json': schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/patch-request" required: true responses: 204: $ref: '#/components/responses/204' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' /fragments/publications: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/APIKeyParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ImsOrgIdParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/SandboxNameParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/RequestIdParam' post: operationId: publishFragment summary: Publish Content Fragment. description: >- API to publish fragment.<br> Publishing a content fragment will freeze the content of the fragment. Notably, it is a pre-requisite to publish a fragment before activating / publishing a campaign / journey. Fragment Publication is an async process under the hood which can take a few seconds. The status of the fragment publication can be fetched by lastPublicationStatus API whereas the content of the last successful publication of a fragment can be fetched by the liveFragment API. tags: - Content fragment API requestBody: description: publish request body content: 'application/vnd.adobe.ajo.fragment.publication.request.v1.0+json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/publish-fragment-request' required: true responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/202' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' /fragments/{fragmentId}/liveFragment: parameters: - name: fragmentId in: path description: Content fragment id required: true schema: type: string - $ref: '#/components/parameters/APIKeyParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ImsOrgIdParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/SandboxNameParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/RequestIdParam' get: operationId: getLiveFragment summary: Fetch content of fragment's last successful publication description: >- Fetch content of fragment's last successful publication. A fragment can have multiple publications. A publication can either be successful, in progress or can error out. This API will be responsible for fetching the content of the last successful publication for a fragment. tags: - Content fragment API responses: 200: description: Successful operation content: application/vnd.adobe.ajo.fragment.publication.v1.0+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/live-fragment-content' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' /fragments/{fragmentId}/lastPublicationStatus: parameters: - name: fragmentId in: path description: Content fragment id required: true schema: type: string - $ref: '#/components/parameters/APIKeyParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ImsOrgIdParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/SandboxNameParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/RequestIdParam' get: operationId: getLastPublicationStatus summary: Fetch status of last publication description: >- Fetch the status of last publication request for a content fragment by Id. A fragment can have multiple publications. A publication can either be successful, in progress or can error out. This API will be responsible for fetching the status of the last issued publication request for a fragment. tags: - Content fragment API responses: 200: description: Successful operation content: application/vnd.adobe.ajo.fragment.publication.v1.0+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/publishing-job-status' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' components: securitySchemes: imsUserToken: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT imsServiceToken: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT parameters: RequestIdParam: in: header name: x-request-id description: A unique string to identify the request, MUST be unique for each request required: false schema: type: string APIKeyParam: name: x-api-key in: "header" description: "API Key" required: true schema: type: "string" x-example: "cjm client" ImsOrgIdParam: name: x-gw-ims-org-id in: header description: Your Identity Management Services (IMS) Organization id required: true schema: type: string ImsUserTokenParam: name: x-user-token in: header description: Your valid Identity Management Services (IMS) user token. required: true schema: type: string SandboxIdParam: name: x-sandbox-id in: header description: Filter on platform sandbox id (required with service token) required: false schema: type: string SandboxNameParam: name: x-sandbox-name in: header description: Filter on platform sandbox name required: true schema: type: string IfMatchParam: name: If-Match in: header required: true description: etag of resource to match before update of resource. schema: type: string OptionalIfMatchParam: name: If-Match in: header required: false description: etag to match before update of resource. schema: type: string SandboxName: name: sandboxName in: query required: false schema: type: string orderBy: name: orderBy description: >- Sort parameter and direction for sorting the response. Add the prefix as -/+ for desc/asc. If unspecified, the response will be sorted in desc order. in: query schema: type: string default: -modifiedAt required: false example: orderBy=%2BmodifiedAt. limit: name: limit description: >- Limit response to a specified positive number of objects. Ex. limit=10 in: query schema: type: integer default: 20 minimum: 1 maximum: 1000 required: false start: name: start description: >- Used for pagination. Specifies the criteria for next page with respect to the property specified in orderBy. in: query schema: type: string format: byte required: false example: start=eyJtb2RpZmllZEF0IjoxNjA2OTc2NzI3NTQ5fQ== property: name: property description: >- <p>Optional property filters. Filtering is supported on following properties: id, name, status, description, fragmentType, templateType, modifiedAt, createdAt, createdBy and modifiedBy Ex. property=id==31e62feb-69b7-4e7b-8065-a921455c2c15&property=name~^test</p> in: query schema: items: type: string type: array required: false example: property=name~^test schemas: headers: title: Headers description: List containing custom headers(key-value pair). additionalProperties: true content-template-with-audit: title: Content Template with audit fields. type: object discriminator: propertyName: templateType mapping: "html": '#/components/schemas/email-html-template-with-audit' "html_primary_page": '#/components/schemas/primary-page-email-html-template-with-audit' "html_sub_page": '#/components/schemas/sub-page-email-html-template-with-audit' "content": '#/components/schemas/channel-template-with-audit' required: - name - templateType - channels properties: id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/id' name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/name' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/description' templateType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-type' channels: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-channel-enum' labels: $ref: '#/components/schemas/olac-labels' source: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-source' subType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-sub-type-enum' content-template-metadata: title: Content Template metadata. type: object required: - name - templateType - channels properties: id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/id' name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/name' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/description' templateType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-type' channels: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-channel-enum' labels: $ref: '#/components/schemas/olac-labels' source: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-source' content-template-listing-response: title: Content Template type: object properties: subType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-sub-type-enum' allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-template-metadata' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/entity-audit-fields' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/self-href' content-template: description: Content templates allow us to easily reuse custom content, facilitating accelerated and improved design process.<br> <b>subType</b> field is only supported for content template with code channel title: Content Template type: object discriminator: propertyName: templateType mapping: "html": '#/components/schemas/email-html-template' "html_primary_page": '#/components/schemas/primary-page-email-html-template' "html_sub_page": '#/components/schemas/sub-page-email-html-template' "content": '#/components/schemas/channel-template' required: - name - templateType - channels properties: name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/name' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/description' templateType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-type' channels: type: array title: Channels minItems: 1 maxItems: 1 items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-channel-enum' source: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-source' subType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-sub-type-enum' olac-labels: title: OLAC Label Details type: array items: type: string example: 'custom/sensitive-data' id: type: string title: Content Template Id. description: Content Template Id. example: 'b6d70a45-a149-453b-85ba-809a5d40066d' name: type: string title: Content Name description: Content Name example: "Cyber Monday Sale - Header !!" minLength: 1 description: type: string title: Description description: Description example: "Cyber Monday Sale - Header Banner!!" template-type: type: string title: Template Type description: Template Type example: 'html' enum: [ "html", "html_primary_page", "html_sub_page", "content" ] template-source: title: Template Source. type: object nullable: true required: - origin properties: origin: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-origin' metadata: title: MetaData description: List containing custom properties(key-value pair). additionalProperties: true template-origin: type: string title: Origin description: Content Template Origin/Source system. enum: - ajo - aem - external html: type: string title: Email html description: Email HTML example: '<html> Hi {{}} its a great day to shop !! </html>' editor-context: title: Editor Context description: Map containing custom properties(key-value pair). additionalProperties: true email-html: description: Email HTML. title: Email HTML type: object required: - html properties: html: $ref: '#/components/schemas/html' editorContext: $ref: '#/components/schemas/editor-context' email-html-template: description: Email HTML Template title: Email HTML Template type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-template' - type : object properties: template: $ref: '#/components/schemas/email-html' required: - template email-html-template-with-audit: description: Email HTML Template With Audit Fields title: Email HTML Template With Audit Fields type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-template-with-audit' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/entity-audit-fields' - type: object properties: template: $ref: '#/components/schemas/email-html' required: - template channel-template: description: Content Template title: Content Template type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-template' - type: object properties: template: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/email-variant-detail' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/in-app-variant-detail' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/push-variant-detail' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/sms-variant-detail' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/direct-mail-variant-detail' required: - template channel-template-with-audit: description: Content Template With Audit Fields title: Content Template With Audit Fields type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-template-with-audit' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/entity-audit-fields' - type: object properties: template: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/in-app-variant-detail' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/push-variant-detail' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/email-variant-detail' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/sms-variant-detail' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/direct-mail-variant-detail' required: - template primary-page-email-html: description: Primary Page Email HTML. title: Primary Page Email HTML. type: object required: - html properties: html: $ref: '#/components/schemas/html' editorContext: $ref: '#/components/schemas/editor-context' example: html: '<html> Hi {{}}, Here is your Primary page Content Template !! </html>' editorContext: { } primary-page-email-html-template-with-audit: description: Email HTML Template with Audit Fields title: Email HTML Template with Audit Fields type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-template-with-audit' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/entity-audit-fields' - type: object properties: template: $ref: '#/components/schemas/primary-page-email-html' required: - template primary-page-email-html-template: description: Email HTML Template title: Email HTML Template type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-template' - type: object properties: template: $ref: '#/components/schemas/primary-page-email-html' required: - template sub-page-email-html: description: Sub Page Email HTML. title: Sub Page Email HTML. type: object required: - html properties: html: $ref: '#/components/schemas/html' editorContext: $ref: '#/components/schemas/editor-context' example: html: '<html> Hi {{}}, Here is your Sub page Content Template !! </html>' editorContext: { } sub-page-email-html-template-with-audit: description: Email HTML Template title: Email HTML Template type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-template-with-audit' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/entity-audit-fields' - type: object properties: template: $ref: '#/components/schemas/sub-page-email-html' required: - template sub-page-email-html-template: description: Email HTML Template title: Email HTML Template type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-template' - type: object properties: template: $ref: '#/components/schemas/sub-page-email-html' required: - template landing-page-html-primary-page-template: title: Landing Page Primary-Page HTML Template type: object properties: html: type: string title: primary page description: Primary page HTML example: '<html></html>' editorContext: $ref: '#/components/schemas/editor-context' required: - html landing-page-html-sub-page-template: title: Landing Page Sub-Page HTML Template type: object properties: html: type: string title: sub page description: Sub page HTML example: '<html></html>' editorContext: $ref: '#/components/schemas/editor-context' required: - html in-app-variant-detail: type: object properties: editorContext: $ref: '#/components/schemas/editor-context' mobileParameters: $ref: '#/components/schemas/mobile-parameters' body: $ref: '#/components/schemas/in-app-body' additionalProperties: false required: - body mobile-parameters: title: Message Setting description: List containing custom properties(key-value pair) from ACRITE. nullable: true additionalProperties: true in-app-body: type: object oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/in-app-html-body' in-app-html-body: type: object title: Html Body properties: html: type: string description: 'HTML/Text body string' example: '<html>Hello {{}} </html>' required: - html sms-variant-detail: type: object properties: text: type: string messageType: type: string default: sms nullable: true enum: - sms - mms title: type: string description: subject or title of the mms message nullable: true mediaUri: type: string description: Media url nullable: true example: maxLength: 2000 additionalProperties: false required: - text push-variant-detail: type: object properties: pushType: type: string nullable: true enum: - message - silent default: message title: type: string description: push title nullable: true example: New Offers for you message: type: string description: push message nullable: true example: Winter is here, Have you checked new offers on our latest collections. appNames: type: array readOnly: true items: type: string ios: description: Properties specific to ios devices only allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/push-os-properties' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/push-ios-specific-properties' android: description: Properties specific to Android devices only allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/push-os-properties' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/push-android-specific-properties' additionalProperties: false push-os-properties: type: object description: common properties for both android and ios. properties: interaction: type: object nullable: true required: - type properties: type: $ref: "#/components/schemas/push-interaction-type" uri: $ref: "#/components/schemas/push-link-uri" collapsibleKey: title: Collapsible type: string nullable: true description: Custom String used to collapse push notifications. example: live_scoreboard minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 soundName: title: Sound type: string nullable: true example: birdchirp description: Custom Sound Filename. This file is a resource inside app. minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 badge: title: Badge type: string nullable: true description: An Integer value or expression which evaluates to Integer. example: "1" minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 customProperties: title: Custom Push Payload nullable: true description: List containing custom properties (key-value pair) example: accept: Accept Invite decline: Decline Invite additionalProperties: type: string push-interaction-type: type: string title: On Click Behavior description: On Click Interaction of Push Notification enum: - OPENAPP - DEEPLINK - WEBURL default: OPENAPP example: WEBURL push-link-uri: type: string nullable: true description: External Link OR Deeplink example: maxLength: 2000 push-ios-specific-properties: type: object properties: media: type: object nullable: true minProperties: 1 properties: uri: $ref: "#/components/schemas/push-media-uri" notificationGroup: title: Notification Group type: string nullable: true description: Custom String to group Notifications, In apns term this is thread-id. example: electionResult minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 mutableContent: type: boolean default: false nullable: true title: mutable-content flag description: Modify the push content before delivering in ios. contentAvailable: type: boolean default: false nullable: true title: content-available flag description: Flag to do background processing, This flag can now be used with Alert as well. actions: type: object nullable: true required: - category properties: category: type: string title: iOS Category description: App Specific Category for creating Actionable push notification. example: Offers minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 buttons: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/push-button-ios' minItems: 1 maxItems: 4 push-media-uri: type: string description: External Link OR Adobe Asset ID nullable: true example: medialib://urn:aaid:sc:US:aece0145-bf61-44e3-ae08-c1daa04d1396 minLength: 5 maxLength: 2000 push-button-ios: type: object nullable: true required: - customId allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/push-button-common' properties: customId: title: Custom ID description: Push Button Custom ID type: string example: offers minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 push-button-common: type: object description: Exclusive button properties for open, deeplink, web and dismiss. For other actionable button usecase, use custom properties. required: - label - type properties: label: title: Label description: Push Button Custom Label type: string example: Offer minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 type: $ref: "#/components/schemas/push-button-interaction-type" uri: $ref: "#/components/schemas/push-link-uri" push-button-interaction-type: type: string title: On Click Behavior description: Button Type enum: - OPENAPP - DEEPLINK - WEBURL - DISMISS example: WEBURL push-android-specific-properties: type: object properties: media: type: object nullable: true minProperties: 1 properties: uri: $ref: "#/components/schemas/push-media-uri" iconUri: $ref: "#/components/schemas/push-media-uri" channelId: type: string title: Channel nullable: true description: Channel on which notification is sent. minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 visibility: $ref: "#/components/schemas/push-android-visibility" notificationPriority: $ref: "#/components/schemas/push-android-notification-priority" deliveryPriority: $ref: "#/components/schemas/push-android-delivery-priority" actions: type: object nullable: true required: - buttons properties: buttons: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/push-button-common' minItems: 1 maxItems: 3 push-android-visibility: type: string title: Lockscreen Visibility description: Set visibility of push notifications on android screen. nullable: true enum: - PUBLIC - PRIVATE - SECRET default: PUBLIC push-android-notification-priority: type: string title: Priority description: | Set the notification priority of push notifications, this priority is governed by app developer. Read here - nullable: true enum: - PRIORITY_MIN - PRIORITY_LOW - PRIORITY_DEFAULT - PRIORITY_HIGH - PRIORITY_MAX default: PRIORITY_DEFAULT push-android-delivery-priority: type: string title: Message Priority description: | Optimization done by FCM level for battery power optimization, Read here nullable: true enum: - HIGH - NORMAL default: NORMAL direct-mail-variant-detail: type: object properties: fileName: title: fileName type: string description: File name which needs to be used while exporting profile attributes. appendTimeStamp: title: appendTimeStamp type: boolean description: whether timestamp to be appended to filename. notes: type: string title: notes description: Notes/instructions for print partners. notesPosition: description: Include Notes in Header or Footer. type: string enum: - header - footer sortBy: type: string description: Label on which actual data needs to be stored while generating file for direct mail. attributes: type: array nullable: true description: List representing content of direct mail. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/direct-mail-content' min: 1 additionalProperties: false required: - fileName direct-mail-content: type: object properties: label: description: Label for field. type: string data: description: Data with/without personlization attributes. type: string required: - label - data email-variant-detail: type: object properties: subject: type: string title: Subject description: Subject of Mail example: "Your test score" html: $ref: '#/components/schemas/email-body' x-amp-html: $ref: '#/components/schemas/email-body' text: $ref: '#/components/schemas/email-text-body' editorContext: $ref: '#/components/schemas/editor-context' headers: $ref: '#/components/schemas/email-headers' required: - subject - html additionalProperties: false email-body: type: object title: Email Body description: Content of email for one mime type properties: body: type: string description: HTML/Text body string example: '<html>Hello {{}} </html>' required: - body email-text-body: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/email-body' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/email-text-body-attributes' email-text-body-attributes: type: object title: Email Text Body Attributes properties: syncFromHtml: type: boolean default: true description: Whether to sync text from HTML body. email-headers: title: Headers description: List containing custom headers(key-value pair). additionalProperties: true self-href: title: Self-Href type: object properties: self: type: object properties: href: type: string example: '/templates/b6d70a45-a149-453b-85ba-809a5d40066d' template-channel-enum: type: string title: channel description: Supported channels for Content Template. example: email enum: - email - push - inapp - sms - code - directMail - landingpage - shared template-sub-type-enum: title: Template sub type description: Sub type. This is only enabled for Content templates with code channel. type: string enum: - HTML - JSON example: HTML entity-audit-fields: title: Entity Audit Fields. type: object properties: createdAt: type: string format: date-time example: '2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z' createdBy: type: string example: '4c0190e5d702748f0931@AdobeId' modifiedAt: type: string format: date-time example: '2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z' modifiedBy: type: string example: '4c0190e5d702748f0931@AdobeId' href-link: title: Href-link type: object required: - href properties: href: type: string page: title: Page type: object properties: orderBy: type: string enum: - modifiedAt - createdAt - name example: '-modifiedAt' start: type: string format: byte example: eyJtb2RpZmllZEF0IjoxNjA2OTc2NzI3NTQ5fQ== next: type: string format: byte example: eyJtb2RpZmllZEF0IjoxNjA2OTc2NzI3NTQ5fQ== count: type: integer example: 10 template-page-response: title: Content Template Page Response type: object properties: _page: $ref: '#/components/schemas/page' items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-template-listing-response' _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-list-link' template-list-link: title: Content Template List Link. type: object required: - self properties: next: $ref: '#/components/schemas/href-link' page: $ref: '#/components/schemas/href-link' example: next: href: '/templates?start=eyJtb2RpZmllZEF0IjoxNjA2OTc2NzI3NTQ5fQ==&limit=20&orderBy=%2BmodifiedAt' page: href: '/templates?orderBy={orderBy}&start={start}&limit={limit}' html-fragment: description: Email HTML Description. title: Email HTML type: object required: - content properties: content: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-content' editorContext: $ref: '#/components/schemas/editor-context' fragment-content: type: string title: Html Fragment Content description: Html Fragment Content example: '<div> Hi {{}} its a great day to shop !! </div>' content-fragment: title: Content Fragment type: object discriminator: propertyName: type mapping: "html": '#/components/schemas/email-html-fragment' required: - name - type - channels properties: name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/name' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/description' type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-type' channels: type: array title: Channels minItems: 1 maxItems: 1 items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-channel-enum' source: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-source' fragment-status: type: string title: Fragment Status description: Fragment Status example: 'DRAFT' enum: [ "DRAFT", "PUBLISHING", "PUBLISHED" ] fragment-type: type: string title: Fragment Type description: Fragment Type example: 'html' enum: [ "html" ] fragment-channel-enum: type: string title: channel description: Supported channels for Content Fragment. example: email enum: - email - shared fragment-source: title: Fragment Source. type: object nullable: true required: - origin properties: origin: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-origin' metadata: title: MetaData description: Map containing custom properties(key-value pair). additionalProperties: true fragment-origin: type: string title: Origin description: Content Fragment Origin/Source system. enum: - ajo - external email-html-fragment: description: Email HTML Fragment title: Email HTML Fragment type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-fragment' - type: object properties: fragment: $ref: '#/components/schemas/html-fragment' required: - fragment publish-fragment-request: type: object properties: fragmentId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/id' required: - fragmentId publishing-job-status: type: object properties: status: type: string enum: - complete - inProgress - error errors: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse' error-chain: properties: serviceId: type: string errorCode: type: string invokingServiceId: type: string unixTimeStampMs: type: integer format: int64 live-fragment-content: title: Published Content Fragment type: object required: - type - fragment properties: type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-type' fragment: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/published-html-fragment-content' content-fragment-with-audit: title: Content Fragment with audit fields. type: object discriminator: propertyName: type mapping: "html": '#/components/schemas/html-fragment-with-audit' required: - name - type - channels properties: id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/id' name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/name' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/description' type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-type' status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-status' channels: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-channel-enum' labels: $ref: '#/components/schemas/olac-labels' source: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-source' content-fragment-metadata: title: Content Fragment metadata. type: object required: - name - type - channels properties: id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/id' name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/name' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/description' type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-type' status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-status' channels: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-channel-enum' labels: $ref: '#/components/schemas/olac-labels' source: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-source' content-fragment-listing-response: title: Content Fragment type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-fragment-metadata' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/entity-audit-fields' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-self-href' fragment-page-response: title: Content Fragment Page Response type: object properties: _page: $ref: '#/components/schemas/page' items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-fragment-listing-response' _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-list-link' fragment-list-link: title: Content Fragment List Link. type: object required: - self properties: next: $ref: '#/components/schemas/href-link' page: $ref: '#/components/schemas/href-link' example: next: href: '/fragments?start=eyJtb2RpZmllZEF0IjoxNjA2OTc2NzI3NTQ5fQ==&limit=20&orderBy=%2BmodifiedAt' page: href: '/fragments?orderBy={orderBy}&start={start}&limit={limit}' fragment-self-href: title: Self-Href type: object properties: self: type: object properties: href: type: string example: '/fragments/b6d70a45-a149-453b-85ba-809a5d40066d' html-fragment-with-audit: description: HTML Fragment With Audit Fields title: HTML Fragment With Audit Fields type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/content-fragment-with-audit' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/entity-audit-fields' - type: object properties: fragment: $ref: '#/components/schemas/html-fragment' required: - fragment published-html-fragment-content: description: Published HTML Fragment content title: Published HTML Fragment content. type: object required: - content properties: content: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fragment-content' errorResponse: title: Error Response type: object properties: path: type: string title: Path example: /templates description: API path request-id: type: array title: Request ID items: type: string example: 9db4dd09-455f-44eb-a0e3-aca3342745d2 description: Request ID type: type: string title: Type example:* description: Error type title: type: string title: Title example: Error Title description: Title of Error status: type: integer title: Status description: HTTP status report: type: object title: report description: Error Report properties: tenantInfo: type: object example: sandboxName: cjm-team sandboxId: 70f58060-5d47-11ea-bdff-a5384333ff34 imsOrgId: 745F37C35E4B776E0A49421B@AdobeOrg additionalContext: type: object example: detailedMessage : templates description: Additional Context of Error error-chain: type: array title: Error Chain description: Error Chain items: type: object example: serviceId: contentservice errorCode: CJMMAS-* invokingServiceId: cjm-content-service unixTimeStampMs: 1610446917396 patch-request: title: Patch Request type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/patch-document" patch-document: title: Patch Document description: A JSONPatch document as defined by RFC 6902 required: - "op" - "path" properties: op: type: string description: The operation to be performed enum: - "add" - "remove" - "replace" path: type: string description: A JSON-Pointer value: type: object description: The value to be used within the operations. from: type: string description: A string containing a JSON Pointer value. validationResponse: title: Validation Response type: object properties: type: type: string title: type example:* description: Error type title: type: string title: Title example: Error Title description: Title of Error status: type: integer title: Status description: HTTP status example: 200 report: type: object description: Validation Error Report properties: additionalContext: type: object properties: errorLevel: type: string enum: - ERROR - WARNING - INFO example: ERROR description: Error level in decreasing order of severity - ERROR WARNING INFO variantId: type: string example: c9e3f73b-c01d-4651-8099-25bb63021b5a description: Content Template ID in which validation error found source: type: string example: TEMPLATE channel: $ref: '#/components/schemas/template-channel-enum' headers: x-resource-id: schema: type: string description: id of resource Location: schema: type: string description: URL of resource retry-after: schema: type: integer description: polling retry interval etag: schema: type: string description: etag of resource responses: 201: description: Resource successfully created headers: x-resource-id: $ref: '#/components/headers/x-resource-id' Location: $ref: '#/components/headers/Location' etag: $ref: '#/components/headers/etag' 202: description: Request successfuly accepted headers: Retry-After: $ref: '#/components/headers/retry-after' Location: $ref: '#/components/headers/Location' 204: description: No content headers: etag: $ref: '#/components/headers/etag' 204DELETE: description: No content 400: description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse' 401: description: Not Authorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse' 403: description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse' 404: description: Resource Not found 409: description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse'