################################################################################################################ # Name: Module-vCloud-Extender.psm1 # Date: 21/05/2018 (v0.1) # Author: Adrian Begg (adrian.begg@ehloworld.com.au) # # Purpose: PowerShell modules to expose API functions for vCloud Extender v1.1 via PowerShell. # # WARNING: This work is all derived from monitoring API calls between UI and the service and guessing operations # based on other VMWare APIs. There is no public documentation on the API available so be aware that this is a # hack. This has been designed for lab work only and you should always test yourself extensively before deploying # in Production. # # Tested on vCloud Extender v1.0, 1.1, v1.1.0.1 GA ################################################################################################################ # Change Log # v0.1 - Inital Release (Alpha) 21/05/2018 # - Created functions for authentication with the CX Cloud Service # - Created functions for API CRUD Operations # - Created basic management and configuration functions for a CX Cloud Service deployment # - Created functions for basic Certificate Chain and Certificate Trust Store Operations # v0.2 - Updated functions for CCM/CCE activation for Public Release ################################################################################################################ # To Do: # 1. Add handlers for 204 Return codes for GET methods in API # 2. Add documentation for all methods (currently only basic) # 3. Develop methods for all client-side operations # 4. Convert to SecureStrings all the passwords ################################################################################################################ ### Ignore TLS/SSL errors and set to TLS 1.2 add-type @" using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy { public bool CheckValidationResult( ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) { return true; } } "@ [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 #region: Support-Functions function Get-SHA2CertificateThumbprint(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Function to calculate the SHA256 Thumbprint of a provided PEM Certificate. .DESCRIPTION Function to calculate the SHA256 Thumbprint of a provided PEM Certificate. .PARAMETER PEMCertificate A PEM encoded Certificate (loaded as a string) .EXAMPLE Get-SHA2CertificateThumbprint -PEMCertificate (Get-Content D:\vcdextender.crt | Out-string) Returns the SHA-256 Thumbprint for the Certificate in file D:\vcdextender.crt #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $PEMCertificate ) # Need to save the Certificate as a file and load the Certificate using the primateive and extract the certificate data Out-File -InputObject $PEMCertificate -FilePath "TempCertificate.pem" -Force $PEMCertificateRaw = Get-PfxCertificate "TempCertificate.pem" [Byte[]] $certificateBytes = $PEMCertificateRaw.GetRawCertData() # Now use the SHA256 Provider to Calculate the Hash and format it in the require format $objSHA256Provider = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256CryptoServiceProvider $byteHash = $objSHA256Provider.ComputeHash($certificateBytes) [string]$strCertificateHash = [BitConverter]::Tostring($byteHash) -replace '[^0-9a-f]' $strCertificateHash = $strCertificateHash -replace '(..(?!$))','$1:' $strCertificateHash Remove-Item -Path "TempCertificate.pem" -Force -Confirm:$false } function Test-ValidIPString(){ <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet returns true if a provided string matches a valid pattern for a single IP .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns true if a provided string matches a valid pattern for a single IP .PARAMETER IPAddress The IP address to test against .EXAMPLE Test-ValidIPString "" Returns a true as the provided value is in the correct format .NOTES NAME: Test-ValidIPString AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2017-10-06 STATE: Alpha (Testing) #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string[]] $IPAddress ) [bool] $boolValid = $true foreach($objIP in $IPAddress){ if(!($objIP -match "([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$")){ $boolValid = $false } } $boolValid } #endregion #region: Common-API-Methods-Mobility-Service function Connect-CXService(){ <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet establishes a connection to the REST API of a Mobility Service (CX Cloud Service or CX Cloud Connector) and caches the credentials or a session token .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet establishes a connection to the REST API of a Mobility Service (CX Cloud Service or CX Cloud Connector) and caches the credentials or a session token. The service allows two authentication methods; Local and vCenter SSO. If Local authentication is used the credentials need to be sent in Plain-Text for every API call (which is not ideal). if vCenter SSO authentication is used a Session Token can be used for subsiquent API calls. .PARAMETER Server Specifies the IP address or Hostname of the Mobility Service Server .PARAMETER Port Specifies the TCP Port for the connection; the Default is TCP 443 (Authenticated) .PARAMETER Credentials Specifies a PSCredential object that contains credentials for authenticating with the server. NOTE: The username is also case-sensative (eg. administrator) .PARAMETER AuthProvider The Authentication Provider which should be used to connect (Local or SSO). The default is Local authentication .EXAMPLE Connect-CXService -Server "vcdextender.pigeonnuggets.com" Connects to the Cloud Mobility Service (CX Cloud Service) server at https://vcdextender.pigeonnuggets.com:443 and prompts for Credentials .EXAMPLE Connect-CXService -Server "vcdextender.pigeonnuggets.com" -Credentials $Cred Connects to the Cloud Mobility Service (CX Cloud Service) server at https://vcdextender.pigeonnuggets.com:443 using the Credentials in the PSCredential object $Cred .EXAMPLE Connect-CXService -Server "vcdextender.pigeonnuggets.com" -Credentials $Cred -Port 19821 Connects to the Cloud Mobility Service (CX Cloud Service) server at https://vcdextender.pigeonnuggets.com:19821 using the Credentials in the PSCredential object $Cred .NOTES NAME: Connect-CXService AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-06 STATE: Alpha (Testing) #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $Server, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("Local","SSO")] [string] $AuthProvider="Local", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateRange(1,65536)] [int] $Port=443, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [PSCredential] $Credentials = $Host.ui.PromptForCredential("Enter credentials for $Server", "Please enter your user name and password for the CX Cloud Service/CX Connector Service.", "", "") ) # TO DO: Check if already connected and warn if already connected to a server if($global:DefaultCXServer.IsConnected){ Write-Warning "You are currently already connected to the CX Service $($global:DefaultCXServer.Server). Your existing session will be disconnected if you continue." -WarningAction Inquire Disconnect-CXService } # Attempt to connect to the CX Cloud Service and return the deployment info [string] $InfoURI = "https://" + $Server + ":" + $Port + "/mobility/info" $InfoHeaders = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/json' } try{ $JSONDeploymentInfoRequest = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $InfoURI -Method Get -Headers $InfoHeaders) | ConvertFrom-Json } catch { throw "A connection to the Mobility Service for $Server was unsuccessful. Please check the Server Name and Port and that the Server is currently online." } # Next we need to create the header for an authentication request to check if the provided credentials are valid [string] $authToken = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Credentials.UserName+':'+$Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password)) if($AuthProvider -eq "Local"){ $URIHeaders = @{ 'Authorization' = "Basic $authToken" 'Content-Type' = "application/json" 'x-mobility-authenticator' = "LOCAL_MACHINE" } } elseif($AuthProvider -eq "SSO"){ $URIHeaders = @{ 'Authorization' = "Basic $authToken" 'Content-Type' = "application/json" 'x-mobility-authenticator' = "VCENTER" } } # Now make the call to the Logon Service [string] $AuthURI = "https://" + $Server + ":" + $Port + "/mobility/mgmt/login" try{ $JSONAuthRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $AuthURI -Method Get -Headers $URIHeaders } catch { if($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "Unauthorized"){ throw "An error occured connecting to $AuthURI with the provided credentials. Please check the Server Name, Port and Credentials" } } # If 204 No Content is returned Authentication has succeeded; set the variables $objCXService = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objCXService | Add-Member Note* Name $Server $objCXService | Add-Member Note* ServiceURI ("https://" + $Server + ":" + $Port + "/mobility") $objCXService | Add-Member Note* Port $Port $objCXService | Add-Member Note* User $Credentials.UserName $objCXService | Add-Member Note* AuthenticationProvider $AuthProvider if($AuthProvider -eq "SSO"){ $objCXService | Add-Member Note* AccessToken $JSONAuthRequest.Headers.'x-mobility-authorization' } elseif($AuthProvider -eq "Local"){ $objCXService | Add-Member Note* AccessToken "Basic $authToken" } $objCXService | Add-Member Note* DeploymentType $JSONDeploymentInfoRequest.deploymentType $objCXService | Add-Member Note* DeploymentEnvironment $JSONDeploymentInfoRequest.deploymentEnv $objCXService | Add-Member Note* Version $JSONDeploymentInfoRequest.version $objCXService | Add-Member Note* DatabaseUri $JSONDeploymentInfoRequest.dbUrl $objCXService | Add-Member Note* IsConnected $true Set-Variable -Name "DefaultCXServer" -Value $objCXService -Scope Global } function Disconnect-CXService(){ <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet disconnects the session from the connected CX Service. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet disconnects the session from the connected CX Service. .EXAMPLE Disconnect-CXService Disconnects/ends the currently connected session to the CX Service. .NOTES NAME: Disconnect-CXService AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-06 #> Set-Variable -Name "DefaultCXServer" -Value $null -Scope Global } function Test-CXServiceEnvironment(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Performs some basic checks against the currently connected CX Service to determine if the current version is greater than the required version by a cmdlet and that there is a current connection active. .DESCRIPTION Performs some basic checks against the currently connected CX Service to determine if the current version is greater than the required version by a cmdlet and that there is a current connection active. Returns true if the test passes .PARAMETER Version The Minimum Version required by the cmdlet. .PARAMETER RequiredDeploymentType The CX Deployment Type (cx-cloud-service or cx-cloud-connector) .EXAMPLE Test-CXServiceEnvironment -Version 1.00 Will return true if connected to a CX Service with a Version greater then "1.00" .EXAMPLE Test-CXServiceEnvironment Will return true if connected to a CX Server (any version). .EXAMPLE Test-CXServiceEnvironment -RequiredDeploymentType "cx-cloud-connector" Will return true if connected CX Server is of type CX Cloud Connector (on-premise component) .EXAMPLE Test-CXServiceEnvironment -RequiredDeploymentType "cx-cloud-service" Will return true if connected CX Server is of type CX Cloud Service (provider side component) .NOTES NAME: Test-CXServiceEnvironment AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-06 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [double] $Version, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("cx-cloud-service","cx-connector")] [string] $RequiredDeploymentType ) if(!$global:DefaultCXServer.IsConnected){ throw "You are not currently connected to any servers. Please connect first using a Connect-CXService cmdlet." $false Break } elseif((!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Version))) -and (!($global:DefaultCXServer.Version -gt $Version))){ throw "The executing cmdlet requires the vCloud Extender environment to be greater then $Version. The version of the connected server is $($global:DefaultCXServer.Version)" $false Break } elseif((!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($RequiredDeploymentType))) -and ($RequiredDeploymentType -ne $global:DefaultCXServer.DeploymentType)){ throw "The executing cmdlet is not supported on the current deployment type: $($global:DefaultCXServer.DeploymentType)" $False Break } else { $true } } function Out-CXServiceAuthenticationHeader(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the required HTTP Headers for the API calls based on the authentication method. .DESCRIPTION Creates the required HTTP Headers for the API calls based on the authentication method. .EXAMPLE Out-CXServiceAuthenticationHeader Returns a well formed set of headers for authentication against the API .NOTES NAME: Out-CXServiceAuthenticationHeader AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-06 #> # Check if vCenter SSO or Local Authentication is being used if($global:DefaultCXServer.AuthenticationProvider -eq "SSO"){ $URIHeaders = @{ 'Authorization' = "$($global:DefaultCXServer.AccessToken)" 'Content-Type' = "application/json" 'x-mobility-authenticator' = "VCENTER" 'x-mobility-userName' = "$($global:DefaultCXServer.User)" } } elseif($global:DefaultCXServer.AuthenticationProvider -eq "Local"){ $URIHeaders = @{ 'Authorization' = "$($global:DefaultCXServer.AccessToken)" 'Content-Type' = "application/json" 'x-mobility-authenticator' = "LOCAL_MACHINE" } } # Return the correct header for the request $URIHeaders } function Invoke-CXServiceAPIGet(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Wrapper function which returns the JSON response from a vCloud Extender (CX Service) API Call. .DESCRIPTION Wrapper function which returns the JSON response from a vCloud Extender (CX Service) API Call. .PARAMETER URI The URI of the vCloud Extender API object to perform the GET request against .EXAMPLE Invoke-CXServiceAPIGet -URI "https://vcdextender.pigeonnuggets.com/mobility/mgmt/vc/" Returns the JSON response from a HTTP GET to the /mobility/mgmt/vc/ API call using the connection attributes from the current connection .NOTES NAME: Invoke-CXServiceAPIGet AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-06 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $URI ) # First check if there is a connection to the service if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Setup Authentication Headers for the API call to retireve the data from CX Service $AuthenticationHeaders = Out-CXServiceAuthenticationHeader try{ $Request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI -Method Get -Headers $AuthenticationHeaders if($Request.Content -ne $null){ ConvertFrom-Json $Request.Content } } catch { throw "An error occured attempting to make HTTP GET against $URI" } } function Invoke-CXServiceAPIPut(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Wrapper function which performs a HTTP PUT of a JSON payload to the currently connected vCloud Extender (CX Service) API Service. .DESCRIPTION Wrapper function which performs a HTTP PUT of a JSON payload to the currently connected vCloud Extender (CX Service) API Service. .PARAMETER URI The URI to make the API PUT Request against .PARAMETER Data JSON Payload to PUT to the API URI .EXAMPLE Invoke-CXServiceAPIPut -Uri "https://vcdextender.pigeonnuggets.com/mgmt/security/certificatechain" -Data ($objCertificateChain | ConvertTo-JSON) Performs a HTTP PUT request against https://vcdextender.pigeonnuggets.com/mgmt/security/certificatechain with the JSON payload in the object $objCertificateChain .NOTES NAME: Invoke-CXServiceAPIPut AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-06 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $URI, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Data ) # First check if there is a connection to CX service if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Setup Authentication Headers for the API call to retireve the data from CX Service $AuthenticationHeaders = Out-CXServiceAuthenticationHeader try{ $Request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI -Method Put -Headers $AuthenticationHeaders -Body $Data if($Request.Content -ne $null){ ConvertFrom-Json $Request.Content } } catch { throw "An error occured attempting to make a HTTP PUT against $URI" } } function Invoke-CXServiceAPIPost(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Wrapper function which performs a HTTP POST of a JSON payload to the currently connected vCloud Extender (CX Service) API Service. .DESCRIPTION Wrapper function which performs a HTTP POST of a JSON payload to the currently connected vCloud Extender (CX Service) API Service. .PARAMETER URI The URI to make the API POST Request against .PARAMETER Data JSON Payload to POST to the API URI .EXAMPLE Invoke-CXServiceAPIPost -Uri "https://vcdextender.pigeonnuggets.com/mobility/mgmt/security/certificatechain" -Data ($objCertificateChain | ConvertTo-JSON) Performs a HTTP POST request against https://vcdextender.pigeonnuggets.com/mobility/mgmt/security/certificatechain with the JSON payload in the object $objCertificateChain .NOTES NAME: Invoke-CXServiceAPIPost AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-06 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $URI, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Data ) # First check if there is a connection to CX Service if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Setup Authentication Headers for the API call to retireve the data from CX Service $AuthenticationHeaders = Out-CXServiceAuthenticationHeader try{ $Request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI -Method Post -Headers $AuthenticationHeaders -Body $Data -ContentType "application/json" if($Request.Content -ne $null){ ConvertFrom-Json $Request.Content } } catch { throw "An error occured attempting to make a HTTP Post against $URI" } } function Invoke-CXServiceAPIDelete(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Wrapper function which performs a HTTP DELETE with an optional JSON Payload against the currently connected vCloud Extender (CX Service) API. .DESCRIPTION Wrapper function which performs a HTTP DELETE with an optional JSON Payload against the currently connected vCloud Extender (CX Service) API. .PARAMETER URI The URI to make the API DELETE Request against .PARAMETER Data JSON Payload to add to the DELETE request to the API URI .EXAMPLE Invoke-CXServiceAPIDelete -Uri "https://vcdextender.pigeonnuggets.com/mobility/mgmt/security/trustedcertificates/0000928-a098182-9818271821/" Perfoms a HTTP DELETE against the URI https://vcdextender.pigeonnuggets.com/mobility/mgmt/security/trustedcertificates/0000928-a098182-9818271821/ .NOTES NAME: Invoke-CXServiceAPIDelete AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-13 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $URI, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string] $Data ) # First check if there is a connection to if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Setup Authentication Headers for the API call to retireve the data from CX Service $AuthenticationHeaders = Out-CXServiceAuthenticationHeader try{ $Request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI -Method Delete -Headers $AuthenticationHeaders -Body $Data -ContentType "application/json" if($Request.Content -ne $null){ ConvertFrom-Json $Request.Content } } catch { throw "An error occured attempting to make a HTTP Delete against $URI" } } function Watch-TaskCompleted(){ <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet monitors a running task and returns True when the task completes. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet monitors a running task and returns True when the task completes .PARAMETER Task A PSObject containing a Task object returned by an API POST call .PARAMETER Timeout Optionally the timeout in seconds before the cmdlet should terminate if the task has not completed. Default is 180 seconds. .EXAMPLE Watch-TaskCompleted -Task $RemoveTask -Timeout 180 Monitors the task in the object $RemoveTask for a maximum of 60 seconds and returns True when the task completes .NOTES NAME: Watch-TaskCompleted AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-06-14 STATE: Alpha (Testing) #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [PSObject] $Task, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateRange(0,3600)] [int] $Timeout = 180 ) $boolTaskComplete = $false Do { [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/wp/tasks/" + $Task.taskId $objTaskStatus = Invoke-CXServiceAPIGet -URI $URI # Write debug message Write-Debug $objTaskStatus Write-Progress -Activity "Task: $($Task.taskName) (Task Id: $($Task.taskId))" -PercentComplete $($objTaskStatus.taskStatus.progress) if($objTaskStatus.taskStatus.state -eq "FINISHED"){ $boolTaskComplete = $true if($objTaskStatus.taskStatus.result -ne "SUCCESS"){ throw "An error occured execuitng task $($Task.taskName) with Task Id $($Task.taskId). Errors: $($objTaskStatus.errorDetails)" Break } } $Timeout-- Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } Until (($Timeout -eq 0) -or $boolTaskComplete) if(($Timeout -eq 0) -and !$boolTaskComplete){ throw "A timeout occured waiting for the task $($Task.taskName) with Task Id $($Task.taskId) to complete." } $boolTaskComplete } #endregion #endregion #region:CX-Service-Security function Get-CXServiceCertificateChain(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the currently installed Certificate Chain used by the CX Service. .DESCRIPTION Returns the currently installed Certificate Chain used by the CX Service. .EXAMPLE Get-CXServiceCertificateChain Returns the currently installed Certificate Chain used by the CX Service. .NOTES NAME: Get-CXServiceCertificateChain AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-13 #> if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/security/certificatechain" Invoke-CXServiceAPIGet -URI $URI } function Install-CXServiceCertificateChain(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Replaces the currently installed certificate used by the CX Service. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet replaces the currently installed certificate used by the CX Service. VERY Important Notes: 1) Replacing the certificate requires the Mobility Service to be restarted for changes to take effect. 2) Changing the certificate after deployment will break the trust established between components. If replacing the CX Cloud Service Certificate all tenant connections will stop working until they update there trusted certificates on-premise. Further all CCM and CCE components will stop functioning until the trusted certificate store is updated. It is recommended that if third-party certificates are to be deployed that they are installed immediately after deployment and before any components are deployed. 3) The certificate and/or its chain must specify an OCSP responder .PARAMETER PEMCertificate PEM Encoded X.509 Server Certificate .PARAMETER PEMPrivateKey PEM Encoded RSA Private Key for the Certificate (without a password) .PARAMETER PEMCertificateChain A collection of PEM Encoded X.509 Certificates of any Intermediate that is the issuer of the Certificate and the Root CA Certificate. If the Server Certificate is Self-Signed this value is not required. Each Intermediate/CA certificate should be in a seperate file .EXAMPLE Install-CXServiceCertificateChain -PEMCertificate (Get-Content .\serverCertificate.pem | Out-String) -PEMPrivateKey (Get-Content .\serverCertificate.key | Out-String) -PEMCertificateChain (Get-Content .\RootCAChain.pem | Out-String) Installs a new certificate to the connected CX Service stored in the file "serverCertificate.pem". The Private Key for the certificate is stored in a file serverCertificate.key without a password and the CA certificate (with no intermediates) in PEM encoding is installed in RootCAChain.pem .EXAMPLE Install-CXServiceCertificateChain -PEMCertificate (Get-Content .\serverCertificate.pem | Out-String) -PEMPrivateKey (Get-Content .\serverCertificate.key | Out-String) -PEMCertificateChain ((Get-Content .\RootCAChain.pem | Out-String),(Get-Content .\InternmediateCA.pem | Out-String)) Installs a new certificate to the connected CX Service stored in the file "serverCertificate.pem". The Private Key for the certificate is stored in a file serverCertificate.key without a password and the CA certificate and an intermediates in PEM encoding is installed in RootCAChain.pem .NOTES NAME: Install-CXServiceCertificateChain AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-13 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $PEMCertificate, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $PEMPrivateKey, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string[]] $PEMCertificateChain ) # Check if connected if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Warn the users that this is dangerous Write-Warning "This cmdlet overwrites the currently installed certificate on the connected CX Service. This will cause any tenant connections, CCE and CCM connections to become untrusted and stop functioning. Please proceed with caution/during an organised and planned maintenance window." -WarningAction Inquire # Create the JSON Data Payload $objCertificateChain = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objCertificateChain | Add-Member Note* pemCertificate $PEMCertificate $objCertificateChain | Add-Member Note* pemPrivateKey $PEMPrivateKey $objCertificateChain | Add-Member Note* pemCertificateChain $PEMCertificateChain # Perform a HTTP PUT against the API Service [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/security/certificatechain" Invoke-CXServiceAPIPut -Uri $URI -Data ($objCertificateChain | ConvertTo-JSON) Write-Warning "The change will not take effect until the Mobility Service is restarted on the CX Appliance." } function Get-CXServiceTrustedCertificates(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the details of Certificates currently installed in the Trusted Certificate Store for the CX Service. .DESCRIPTION Returns the details of Certificates currently installed in the Trusted Certificate Store for the CX Service. .EXAMPLE Get-CXServiceCertificateChain Returns the details of Certificates currently installed in the Trusted Certificate Store for the CX Service. .EXAMPLE Get-CXServiceTrustedCertificates -CertificateThumbprint "BD:13:D8:8D:8A:92:75:8A:D3:D8:1A:F1:EF:EA:C5:70:17:6D:89:E4" Returns the details of the Certificate currently installed in the Trusted Certificate Store for the CX Service with the Thumbprint "BD:13:D8:8D:8A:92:75:8A:D3:D8:1A:F1:EF:EA:C5:70:17:6D:89:E4" .NOTES NAME: Get-CXServiceTrustedCertificates AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-13 #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "ByThumbprint")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $CertificateThumbprint, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "ById")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $CertificateId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "ByHost")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $CertificateHost ) if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/security/trustedcertificates" $TrustedCertificates = Invoke-CXServiceAPIGet -URI $URI if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ById"){ $TrustedCertificates | ?{$_.certId -eq $CertificateId} } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByThumbprint"){ $TrustedCertificates | ?{$_.thumbprint -eq $CertificateThumbprint} } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByHost"){ $TrustedCertificates | ?{$CertificateHost -in $_.allowedIPsAndHosts} } else { $TrustedCertificates } } function Add-CXServiceTrustedCertificate(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Adds an X.509 Server Certificate or CA Chain for a dependent service (CCM, CCE, vCenter, vCloud) into the Trusted Certificate Store for the appliance. .DESCRIPTION Adds an X.509 Server Certificate or CA Chain for a dependent service (CCM, CCE, vCenter, vCloud) into the Trusted Certificate Store for the appliance. .PARAMETER PEMCertificate PEM Encoded X.509 Server Certificate .PARAMETER AllowedIPsAndHosts A collection of host IP addresses that expected to use this certificate .PARAMETER Accessibility The Accessibility Mode (SOME_HOSTS), (HOST_NAME_OR_IP_MATCHES_CERTICIATE)? .EXAMPLE Add-CXServiceTrustedCertificate -PEMCertificate (Get-Content "D:\Certificates\vcdextender.pem" | Out-String) -AllowedIPsAndHosts ("","") Adds a new Server Certificate from file D:\Certificates\vcdextender.pem to the Trusted Certificate Store which can be used by hosts "" and "" .EXAMPLE Add-CXServiceTrustedCertificate -CACertificate -PEMCertificate (Get-Content "D:\Certificates\vcdextender-CAChain.pem" | Out-String) Adds a new Server Certificate from the file D:\Certificates\vcdextender-CAChain.pem to the Trusted Certificate Store. .NOTES NAME: Add-CXServiceTrustedCertificate AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-13 #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="ServerCertificate")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ParameterSetName = "CACertificate")] [switch] $CACertificate, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = "ServerCertificate")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = "CACertificate")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $PEMCertificate, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = "ServerCertificate")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string[]] $AllowedIPsAndHosts, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "ServerCertificate")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $Accessibility = "SOME_HOSTS" ) # First calculate the SHA256 Certificate thumbprint for the provided PEM Certificate [string]$SHA256Thumbprint = Get-SHA2CertificateThumbprint -PEMCertificate $PEMCertificate # Check if connected if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Check a Certificate already exists with the same thumbprint in the Store $MatchedCertificate = Get-CXServiceTrustedCertificates | ?{$_.sha256Thumbprint -eq $SHA256Thumbprint} if($MatchedCertificate.Count -ne 0){ Write-Warning "A certificate with the same thumbprint is already present in the Trusted Certificate Store. This cmdlet overwrites the currently installed certificate on the connected CX Service. This may cause any tenant connections, CCE and CCM connections to become untrusted and stop functioning. Please proceed with caution/during an organised and planned maintenance window." -WarningAction Inquire # Need to first remove the existing certificate references Remove-CXServiceTrustedCertificate -CertificateId $MatchedCertificate.certId } if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "CACertificate"){ # Create the JSON Data Payload $objCertificate = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objCertificate | Add-Member Note* pemCertificate $PEMCertificate $objCertificate | Add-Member Note* thumbprint $SHA256Thumbprint $objCertificate | Add-Member Note* ca $True } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ServerCertificate"){ # Create the JSON Data Payload $objCertificate = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objCertificate | Add-Member Note* pemCertificate $PEMCertificate $objCertificate | Add-Member Note* allowedIPsAndHosts $AllowedIPsAndHosts $objCertificate | Add-Member Note* accessibility $Accessibility $objCertificate | Add-Member Note* thumbprint $SHA256Thumbprint } # Perform a HTTP POST against the API Service [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/security/trustedcertificates" Invoke-CXServiceAPIPOST -Uri $URI -Data ($objCertificate | ConvertTo-JSON) } function Remove-CXServiceTrustedCertificate(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes an X.509 Server Certificate or CA Chain for a dependent service (CCM, CCE, vCenter, vCloud) from the Trusted Certificate Store for the appliance. .DESCRIPTION Removes an X.509 Server Certificate or CA Chain for a dependent service (CCM, CCE, vCenter, vCloud) from the Trusted Certificate Store for the appliance. .PARAMETER CertificateThumbprint The SHA256 Thumbprint of the X.509 Server Certificate to remove .PARAMETER CertificateId The Certificate Id of the X.509 Server Certificate to remove .EXAMPLE Remove-CXServiceTrustedCertificate -CertificateId "55736fa0-0a80-4e8c-acfc-9cd6976cd372" Removes the certificate from the trusted store with the Certificate Id of 55736fa0-0a80-4e8c-acfc-9cd6976cd372 .EXAMPLE Remove-CXServiceTrustedCertificate -CertificateThumbprint "58b476a3b8a72ed977713892c0cb54b542c1f670" Removes the certificate from the trusted store with the Certificate Thumbprint of 58b476a3b8a72ed977713892c0cb54b542c1f670 .NOTES NAME: Remove-CXServiceTrustedCertificate AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-13 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "ByThumbprint")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $CertificateThumbprint, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "ById")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $CertificateId ) # Check if connected if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Next confirm that the certificate provided exists if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ById"){ $MatchedCertificate = Get-CXServiceTrustedCertificates -CertificateId $CertificateId } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByThumbprint"){ $MatchedCertificate = Get-CXServiceTrustedCertificates -CertificateThumbprint $CertificateThumbprint } if($MatchedCertificate.Count -eq 0){ throw "A certificate matching the input critera does not currently exist in the Trusted Certificate Store. Please verify the ID or Thumbprint provided and try this action again." } else{ # Contstruct the API call to remove the certificate [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/security/trustedcertificates/" + $MatchedCertificate.certId Invoke-CXServiceAPIDelete -Uri $URI } } #endregion #region:Management-vCenter function Get-CXServicevCenter(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the configuration of the currently configured Management vCenter for the vCloud Extender Cloud Service or Connector Service .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the configuration of the currently configured Management vCenter for the vCloud Extender deployment. This is the vCenter where all CX Appliances are deployed. This cmdlet can be executed against a CX Cloud Service or a Cloud Connector Service .EXAMPLE Get-CXServicevCenter Returns the configured vCenter properties (if any exist) .NOTES NAME: Get-CXServicevCenter AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-13 #> if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/vc" $vCenter = Invoke-CXServiceAPIGet -URI $URI $vCenter } function Add-CXServicevCenter(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Configures the Management vCenter for the the currently connected vCloud Extender Cloud Service or Connector Service .DESCRIPTION Configures the Management vCenter for the the currently connected vCloud Extender Cloud Service or Connector Service .PARAMETER Name The display name of the vCenter Server .PARAMETER Address The FQDN or IP address of the vCenter Server .PARAMETER Username The Username (with Administrative Rights) to use for the vCenter Server .PARAMETER Password The Password for the User .PARAMETER LookupServiceURL The URI to the Lookup Service (eg. https://vcenter.fqdn/lookupservice/sdk") .EXAMPLE Add-CXServicevCenter -Name "LABVCSA1" -Address "labvc1.pigeonnuggets.com" -Username "administrator@vsphere.pigeonnuggets.com" -Password "Password" -LookupServiceURL "https://labvc1.pigeonnuggets.com/lookupservice/sdk" Adds a new Management vCenter "LABVCAS1" with the FQDN "labvc1.pigeonnuggets.com" as the Management vCenter using the credentials and the Lookup Service URL specified .NOTES NAME: Add-CXServicevCenter AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $Address, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $Username, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $Password, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $LookupServiceURL ) if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Check if this is configured already if((Get-CXServicevCenter) -ne $null){ throw "A Management vCenter is already configured, multiple management VCs can't be added. Please configure it using the Set-CXServicevCenter cmdlet." } else { # Create the JSON Data Payload $objManagementvCenter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objManagementvCenter | Add-Member Note* type "vcenter" $objManagementvCenter | Add-Member Note* name $Name $objManagementvCenter | Add-Member Note* url ("https://" + $Address + ":443") # Create the credentials object $objVCCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objVCCred | Add-Member Note* username $Username $objVCCred | Add-Member Note* password $Password $objManagementvCenter | Add-Member Note* adminUser $objVCCred $objManagementvCenter | Add-Member Note* infraManagerType "VCENTER_SERVER" $objManagementvCenter | Add-Member Note* lookupServiceUrl $LookupServiceURL $objManagementvCenter | Add-Member Note* ip $Address # Perform a HTTP POST against the API Service [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/vc" Invoke-CXServiceAPIPOST -Uri $URI -Data ($objManagementvCenter | ConvertTo-JSON) } } function Set-CXServicevCenter(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Updates the properties of the Management vCenter for the the currently connected vCloud Extender Cloud Service or Connector Service .DESCRIPTION Updates the properties of the Management vCenter for the the currently connected vCloud Extender Cloud Service or Connector Service .PARAMETER Name The Name of the vCenter Server .PARAMETER Address The FQDN or IP address of the vCenter Server .PARAMETER Username The Username (with Administrative Rights) to use for the vCenter Server .PARAMETER Password The password for the specified SSO user .PARAMETER LookupServiceURL The URI to the Lookup Service (eg. https://vcenter.fqdn/lookupservice/sdk") .EXAMPLE Set-CXServicevCenter -Name "VC2" -Password "Password!123" Updates the vCenter Display Name to VC2 for the Management vCenter .EXAMPLE Set-CXServicevCenter -Name "VC2" -Address "labvc2.pigeonnuggets.com" -Password "Password!123" Updates the vCenter Display Name to VC2 and the address to labvc2.pigeonnuggets.com for the Management vCenter .NOTES NAME: Set-CXServicevCenter AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $Address, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $Username, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $Password, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $LookupServiceURL ) # First check that a Management vCenter is configured if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } $ManagementvCenter = Get-CXServicevCenter if(($ManagementvCenter) -eq $null){ throw "The Management vCenter is currently not configured. Please configure it using the Add-CXServicevCenter cmdlet." } else { # Check which parameters were provided and update the object with the new values if(!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name))){ $ManagementvCenter.name = $Name } if(!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Address))){ $ManagementvCenter.url = $Address } if(!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Username))){ $ManagementvCenter.adminUser.username = $Username } if(!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LookupServiceURL))){ $ManagementvCenter.lookupServiceUrl = $LookupServiceURL } $ManagementvCenter.adminUser.password = $Password } # Perform a HTTP PUT against the API Service [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/vc" Invoke-CXServiceAPIPut -Uri $URI -Data ($ManagementvCenter | ConvertTo-JSON) } #endregion #region:CCE function Get-CXServiceCCE(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a list of Registered CCE (Cloud Continuity Engines) registered against the CX Service .DESCRIPTION Returns a list of Registered CCE (Cloud Continuity Engines) registered against the CX Service .PARAMETER EntityId The EntityId .PARAMETER Name The Name of the CCE .EXAMPLE Get-CXServiceCCE Returns all CCE objects registered against the CX Service .EXAMPLE Get-CXServiceCCE -EntityId "8aed4131-5da4-48b0-a7d8-b5492a196455" Returns the CCE object with the Id "8aed4131-5da4-48b0-a7d8-b5492a196455" .EXAMPLE Get-CXServiceCCE -Name "LABCXREPAPL1" Returns the CCE object with the Name "8aed4131-5da4-48b0-a7d8-b5492a196455" .NOTES NAME: Get-CXServiceCCE AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "ById")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $EntityId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name ) if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/wp/replicators/" $CCEReplicators = Invoke-CXServiceAPIGet -URI $URI if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ById"){ $CCEReplicators | ?{$_.entityId -eq $EntityId} } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByName"){ $CCEReplicators | ?{$_.entityName -eq $Name} } else { $CCEReplicators } } function Remove-CXServiceCCE(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a Registered CCE (Cloud Continuity Engines) registered against the CX Service .DESCRIPTION Removes a Registered CCE (Cloud Continuity Engines) registered against the CX Service .PARAMETER Name The Name of the CCE to remove from the System .PARAMETER EntityId The EntityId of the CCE to remove from the System .EXAMPLE Remove-CXServiceCCE -Name "LABCXREPAPL1" Removes the CCE appliance with the name LABCXREPAPL1 .EXAMPLE Remove-CXServiceCCE -EntityId "LABCXREPAPL1" Removes the CCE appliance with the Entity Id of 8aed4131-5da4-48b0-a7d8-b5492a196455 from the system .NOTES NAME: Remove-CXServiceCCE AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = "ById")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $EntityId ) # Check if connected if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Next confirm that the CCE provided exists if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ById"){ $CCE = Get-CXServiceCCE -EntityId $EntityId } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByName"){ $CCE = Get-CXServiceCCE -Name $Name } if($CCE -eq $null){ throw "A CCE Replicator matching the input critera could not be found. Please verify the ID or Name provided and try this action again." } else{ # Contstruct the API call to remove the CCE Appliance /mgmt/wp/replicators/Id/uninstall [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/wp/replicators/" + $CCE.EntityId + "/uninstall" $objRemovalTask = Invoke-CXServiceAPIDelete -Uri $URI $objTaskComplete = Watch-TaskCompleted -Task $objRemovalTask -Timeout 300 } } function Add-CXServiceCCE(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Deploys a new Cloud Continuity Engine (CCE) to the Management vCenter of the currently connected vCloud Extender installation. .DESCRIPTION Deploys a new Cloud Continuity Engine (CCE) to the Management vCenter of the currently connected vCloud Extender installation. .PARAMETER Name The VM Name of the CCE .PARAMETER DatacenterName The vCenter Datacenter Name where the CCE will be deployed. Value is case-sensative .PARAMETER ClusterName The vCenter Cluster Name where the CCE will be deployed. Value is case-sensative .PARAMETER DataStoreName The vCenter Datastore Name where the CCE will be deployed. Value is case-sensative .PARAMETER EnableSSH If enabled SSH will be enabled on the CCE Default: $False .PARAMETER NetworkName The vCenter Port Group Name where the CCE will be connected. Value is case-sensative. .PARAMETER IPAddress The IPv4 static IP address for the CCE .PARAMETER Gateway The IPv4 Gateway for the network interface .PARAMETER Netmask The IPv4 Network Mask for the network interface .PARAMETER RootPassword The Root Password for the CCE appliance .PARAMETER DNS A collection of DNS Server IPv4 addresses for the interface. .EXAMPLE Add-CXServiceCCE -Name "LABREPAPL1" -DatacenterName "DC1" -ClusterName "NUCs" -DataStoreName "vsanDatastore" -EnableSSH $true -NetworkName "Lab" -IPAddress "" -Gateway "" -NetMask "" -RootPassword "password" -DNS ("","") Deploys a new CCE Appliance with the name LABREPAPL1 to vCenter Datacenter DC1 (HA Cluster NUCs) on the vsanDatastore. SSH will be enabled and the machine will be connected to the Lab network with static IP of and a Root Password of password. .NOTES NAME: Add-CXServiceCCE AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $DatacenterName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $ClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $DataStoreName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [bool] $EnableSSH=$false, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $NetworkName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateScript({Test-ValidIPString -IPAddress $_ })] [string] $IPAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateScript({Test-ValidIPString -IPAddress $_ })] [string] $Gateway, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateScript({Test-ValidIPString -IPAddress $_ })] [string] $Netmask, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $RootPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateScript({Test-ValidIPString -IPAddress $_ })] [string[]] $DNS ) if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # TO DO: Check if an appliance already exists with the same properties (ie. Virtual Machine name etc.) # Check if the Management vCenter has been configured $ManagementvCenter = Get-CXServicevCenter if($ManagementvCenter -eq $null){ throw "The Management vCenter has not yet been configured for the connected CX Cloud Service. Please configure a Management vCenter and try again." } # Construct the JSON Payload for the new CCE $objCCEService = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* name $Name $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* dataCenterName $DatacenterName $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* dataStoreName $DataStoreName $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* enableSSH $EnableSSH $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* clusterName $ClusterName $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* infraManagerId $ManagementvCenter.id # Create the NIC configuration object $objCCEServiceNIC = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objCCEServiceNIC | Add-Member Note* dns $DNS $objCCEServiceNIC | Add-Member Note* networkName $NetworkName $objCCEServiceNIC | Add-Member Note* ipAddress $IPAddress $objCCEServiceNIC | Add-Member Note* gateway $Gateway $objCCEServiceNIC | Add-Member Note* netMask $Netmask $objCCEServiceNIC | Add-Member Note* mode "STATIC" $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* nic $objCCEServiceNIC $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* guestPassword $RootPassword # Perform a HTTP POST against the API Service [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/wp/replicators/install?trust=true" $createCCETask = Invoke-CXServiceAPIPOST -Uri $URI -Data ($objCCEService | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 4) $objTaskComplete = Watch-TaskCompleted -Task $createCCETask -Timeout 300 } function Set-CXServiceCCE(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the proxy (external) endpoint address and port for the Cloud Continuity Engine (CCE). .DESCRIPTION Sets the proxy (external) endpoint address and port for the Cloud Continuity Engine (CCE). .PARAMETER Name The Name of the CCE .PARAMETER PublicIPAddress The IPv4 Public IP Address that the CCE is accessible via. .PARAMETER PublicHostName The Publicly Resovlable Address of the CCE. This is used for constructing the external API URI .PARAMETER Port The TCP Port for the CCE LWD Proxy Service. Default: 44045 .EXAMPLE Set-CXServiceCCE -Name "LABREPAP1" -PublicIPAddress "" Sets the Public IP address for the CCE with the name LABREPAP1 to on Port 44045 .NOTES NAME: Set-CXServiceCCE AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = "SetPublicEndpoint")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = "SetPublicEndpoint")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $PublicIPAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "SetPublicEndpoint")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $PublicHostName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "SetPublicEndpoint")] [int] $Port=44045 ) # First test if we are connected if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Next attempt to retrieve the CCM $CCEService = Get-CXServiceCCE -Name $Name if($CCMService.Count -eq 0){ throw "Unable to find a CCE registered against this CX Cloud Service with the Name $Name. Please verify and try again." } # Check what is being updated if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "SetPublicEndpoint"){ if($PublicHostName -ne $null){ $PublicURL = $PublicHostName + ":" + $Port } else { $PublicURL = $PublicIPAddress + ":" + $Port } # Create the JSON Data Payload $objPublicIPConfiguration = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objPublicIPConfiguration | Add-Member Note* url $PublicURL $objPublicIPConfiguration | Add-Member Note* lwdIpAddress $PublicIPAddress $objPublicIPConfiguration | Add-Member Note* lwdPort $Port # Perform a HTTP POST against the API Service [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/wp/replicators/" + $CCEService.entityId + "/publicendpoint" Invoke-CXServiceAPIPost -Uri $URI -Data ($objPublicIPConfiguration | ConvertTo-JSON) } } function Enable-CXServiceCCE(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Activates the Cloud Continunity Engine (CCE) .DESCRIPTION Sets up the connection to the Resource vCenter for the CCE and registers it as managed by the CCM. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the CCE Appliance .PARAMETER AppliancePassword The new Root Password to set for the CCE Appliance .PARAMETER LookupServiceURI The URI to the Lookup Service for the Resource vCenter (eg. https://vcenter.fqdn/lookupservice/sdk") .PARAMETER ResourcevCenterSSOUser The SSO Username (with Administrative Rights) to use for the Resource vCenter Server .PARAMETER ResourcevCenterSSOPassword The Password for the SSO Username defined in ResourcevCenterSSOUser .PARAMETER PublicEndpointURI The Publicly Resovlable Address of the CCE. This is used for constructing the external API URI .EXAMPLE Enable-CXServiceCCE -Name "LABREPAPL1" -AppliancePassword "Password!123" -LookupServiceURI "https://labvc1.pigeonnuggets.com/lookupservice/sdk" -ResourcevCenterSSOUser "administrator@vsphere.pigeonnuggets.com" -ResourcevCenterSSOPassword "Password!123" -PublicEndpointURI "" Activates the CCE LABREPAPL1 against the Resource vCenter and sets the Public Endpoint as "" .NOTES NAME: Enable-CXServiceCCE AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $AppliancePassword, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string] $LookupServiceURI, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string] $ResourcevCenterSSOUser, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string] $ResourcevCenterSSOPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string] $PublicEndpointURI ) # First test if we are connected if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Next attempt to retrieve the CCM $CCEService = Get-CXServiceCCE -Name $Name if($CCEService -eq $null){ throw "Unable to find a CCE registered against this CX Cloud Service with the Name $Name. Please verify and try again." } else { # Only configure if it has not already been configured if($CCEService.configured -eq $false){ # Create the JSON Data Payload $objCCEService = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* oldRootPassword "password" $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* newRootPassword $AppliancePassword $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* lsUrl $LookupServiceURI $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* ssoUser $ResourcevCenterSSOUser $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* ssoPassword $ResourcevCenterSSOPassword $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* description "replicator" $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* owner "*" $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* site "cloud" $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* id $CCEService.entityId $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* isActivated $False $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* configured $False $objCCEService | Add-Member Note* confirmPassword $AppliancePassword # Perform a HTTP POST against the API Service [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/wp/replicators/" + $CCEService.entityId + "/configure?trust=true" $taskConfigurReplictor = Invoke-CXServiceAPIPOST -Uri $URI -Data ($objCCEService | ConvertTo-JSON) } else { Write-Warning "The CCE is already marked as configured, no changes will be made to Resource vCenter configuration." } # Next set the Public IP Endpoint $URIAddressPart = $PublicEndpointURI.Split(":")[0] $URIPort = $PublicEndpointURI.Split(":")[1] $PublicEndpoint = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $PublicEndpoint | Add-Member Note* url $LookupServiceURI $PublicEndpoint | Add-Member Note* lwdIpAddress $URIAddressPart $PublicEndpoint | Add-Member Note* lwdPort $URIPort [string] $SetPublicEndpointURI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/wp/replicators/" + $CCEService.entityId + "/publicendpoint" $taskPublicURIConfig = Invoke-CXServiceAPIPOST -Uri $SetPublicEndpointURI -Data ($PublicEndpoint | ConvertTo-JSON) # Finally Register with the CCM $CCMRegistration = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $CCMRegistration | Add-Member Note* lsUrl $LookupServiceURI $CCMRegistration | Add-Member Note* ssoUser $ResourcevCenterSSOUser $CCMRegistration | Add-Member Note* ssoPassword $ResourcevCenterSSOUser $CCMRegistration | Add-Member Note* id $CCEService.entityId $CCMRegistration | Add-Member Note* isActivated $false $CCMRegistration | Add-Member Note* configured $true [string] $CCERegistrationURI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/wp/replicators/" + $CCEService.entityId + "/register" Invoke-CXServiceAPIPOST -Uri $CCERegistrationURI -Data ($PublicEndpoint | ConvertTo-JSON) } } #endregion #region:CCM function Get-CXServiceCCM(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a list of Registered CCM (Cloud Continuity Managers) registered against the CX Service .DESCRIPTION Returns a list of Registered CCM (Cloud Continuity Managers) registered against the CX Service .PARAMETER EntityId The EntityId .PARAMETER Name The Name of the CCM .EXAMPLE Get-CXServiceCCM Returns all CCM objects registered against the CX Service .EXAMPLE Get-CXServiceCCM -EntityId "8aed4131-5da4-48b0-a7d8-b5492a196455" Returns the CCM object with the Id "8aed4131-5da4-48b0-a7d8-b5492a196455" .EXAMPLE Get-CXServiceCCM -Name "LABCXREP1" Returns the CCM object with the Name "8aed4131-5da4-48b0-a7d8-b5492a196455" .NOTES NAME: Get-CXServiceCCM AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "ById")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $EntityId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name ) if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/wp/managers/" $CCMManagers = Invoke-CXServiceAPIGet -URI $URI if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ById"){ $CCMManagers | ?{$_.entityId -eq $EntityId} } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByName"){ $CCMManagers | ?{$_.entityName -eq $Name} } else { $CCMManagers } } function Add-CXServiceCCM(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Deploys a new Cloud Continuity Manager (CCM) to the Management vCenter of the currently connected vCloud Extender installation. .DESCRIPTION Deploys a new Cloud Continuity Manager (CCM) to the Management vCenter of the currently connected vCloud Extender installation. .PARAMETER Name The VM Name of the CCM .PARAMETER DatacenterName The vCenter Datacenter Name where the CCM will be deployed. Value is case-sensative .PARAMETER ClusterName The vCenter Cluster Name where the CCM will be deployed. Value is case-sensative .PARAMETER DataStoreName The vCenter Datastore Name where the CCM will be deployed. Value is case-sensative .PARAMETER EnableSSH If enabled SSH will be enabled on the CCM Default: $False .PARAMETER NetworkName The vCenter Port Group Name where the CCM will be connected. Value is case-sensative. .PARAMETER IPAddress The IPv4 static IP address for the CCM .PARAMETER Gateway The IPv4 Gateway for the network interface .PARAMETER Netmask The IPv4 Network Mask for the network interface .PARAMETER RootPassword The Root Password for the CCM appliance .PARAMETER DNS A collection of DNS Server IPv4 addresses for the interface. .EXAMPLE Add-CXServiceCCM -Name "LABREP1" -DatacenterName "DC1" -ClusterName "NUCs" -DataStoreName "vsanDatastore" -EnableSSH $true -NetworkName "Lab" -IPAddress "" -Gateway "" -NetMask "" -RootPassword "password" -DNS ("","") Deploys a new CCM Appliance with the name LABREP1 to vCenter Datacenter DC1 (HA Cluster NUCs) on the vsanDatastore. SSH will be enabled and the machine will be connected to the Lab network with static IP of and a Root Password of password. .NOTES NAME: Add-CXServiceCCM AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $DatacenterName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $ClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $DataStoreName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [bool] $EnableSSH=$false, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $NetworkName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateScript({Test-ValidIPString -IPAddress $_ })] [string] $IPAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateScript({Test-ValidIPString -IPAddress $_ })] [string] $Gateway, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateScript({Test-ValidIPString -IPAddress $_ })] [string] $Netmask, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $RootPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateScript({Test-ValidIPString -IPAddress $_ })] [string[]] $DNS ) if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Check if a CCM already exists (there can be only one per deployment) if((Get-CXServiceCCM) -ne $null){ throw "A Cloud Continunity Manager (CCM) has already been configured. Only one CCM can be configured for each CX Cloud Service." } # Check if the Management vCenter has been configured $ManagementvCenter = Get-CXServicevCenter if($ManagementvCenter -eq $null){ throw "The Management vCenter has not yet been configured for the connected CX Cloud Service. Please configure a Management vCenter and try again." } # Construct the JSON Payload for the new CCM $objCCMService = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objCCMService | Add-Member Note* name $Name $objCCMService | Add-Member Note* dataCenterName $DatacenterName $objCCMService | Add-Member Note* dataStoreName $DataStoreName $objCCMService | Add-Member Note* enableSSH $EnableSSH $objCCMService | Add-Member Note* clusterName $ClusterName $objCCMService | Add-Member Note* infraManagerId $ManagementvCenter.id # Create the NIC configuration object $objCCMServiceNIC = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objCCMServiceNIC | Add-Member Note* dns $DNS $objCCMServiceNIC | Add-Member Note* networkName $NetworkName $objCCMServiceNIC | Add-Member Note* ipAddress $IPAddress $objCCMServiceNIC | Add-Member Note* gateway $Gateway $objCCMServiceNIC | Add-Member Note* netMask $Netmask $objCCMServiceNIC | Add-Member Note* mode "STATIC" $objCCMService | Add-Member Note* nic $objCCMServiceNIC $objCCMService | Add-Member Note* guestPassword $RootPassword # Perform a HTTP POST against the API Service [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/wp/managers/install?trust=true" $createCCMTask = Invoke-CXServiceAPIPOST -Uri $URI -Data ($objCCMService | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 4) $objTaskComplete = Watch-TaskCompleted -Task $createCCMTask -Timeout 300 } function Remove-CXServiceCCM(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a Registered CCM (Cloud Continuity Manager) registered against the CX Service .DESCRIPTION Removes a Registered CCM (Cloud Continuity Manager) registered against the CX Service .PARAMETER Name The Name of the CCM to remove from the System .PARAMETER EntityId The EntityId of the CCM to remove from the System .EXAMPLE Remove-CXServiceCCM -Name "LABCXREP1" Removes the CCM appliance with the name LABCXREP1 .EXAMPLE Remove-CXServiceCCM -EntityId "LABCXREP1" Removes the CCM appliance with the Entity Id of 8aed4131-5da4-48b0-a7d8-b5492a196455 from the system .NOTES NAME: Remove-CXServiceCCM AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = "ById")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $EntityId ) # Check if connected if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Next confirm that the CCM that we are targeting exists if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ById"){ $CCM = Get-CXServiceCCM -EntityId $EntityId } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByName"){ $CCM = Get-CXServiceCCM -Name $Name } if($CCM -eq $null){ throw "A CCM Manager matching the input critera could not be found. Please verify the ID or Name provided and try this action again." } else{ # Contstruct the API call to remove the CCM DELETE [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/wp/managers/" + $CCM.EntityId + "/uninstall" $objRemovalTask = Invoke-CXServiceAPIDelete -Uri $URI $objTaskComplete = Watch-TaskCompleted -Task $objRemovalTask -Timeout 300 } } function Enable-CXServiceCCM(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Activates the Cloud Continunity Manager (CCM) .DESCRIPTION Sets the password for the appliance, sets the Public IP address that the appliance will be contacted from extermally (NAT Address) and sets the Manager ready for new CCE connections. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the CCM to Activate .PARAMETER Password The new root password for the appliance .PARAMETER PublicIP The Publicly Routable IP address that will be used for the CCM .PARAMETER PublicPort The TCP Port externally that the CCM will accept connections from (Default is 8044) .EXAMPLE Enable-CXServiceCCM -Name "LABREP1" -Password "Pa$$w0rd!" -PublicIP "" -PublicPort 8044 Activates the CCM LABREP1 setting the root password to Pa$$w0rd! and also sets the Public address that the CCM will accept connections from to .NOTES NAME: Enable-CXServiceCCM AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Password, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $PublicIP, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [int] $PublicPort=8044 ) # First test if we are connected if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Next attempt to retrieve the CCM $CCMService = Get-CXServiceCCM -Name $Name if($CCMService.Count -eq 0){ throw "Unable to find a CCM registered against this CX Cloud Service with the Name $Name. Please verify and try again." } else { # Create the JSON Data Payload $objCCMService = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objCCMService | Add-Member Note* oldRootPassword "password" $objCCMService | Add-Member Note* newRootPassword $Password $objCCMService | Add-Member Note* confirmPassword $Password # Perform a HTTP POST against the API Service [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/wp/managers/" + $CCMService.entityId + "/configure?trust=true" Invoke-CXServiceAPIPOST -Uri $URI -Data ($objCCMService | ConvertTo-JSON) # Next set Public IP address if it was provided # Create the JSON Data Payload $objPublicIPConfiguration = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objPublicIPConfiguration | Add-Member Note* url $CCMService.apiURL $objPublicIPConfiguration | Add-Member Note* ipAddress $PublicIP $objPublicIPConfiguration | Add-Member Note* port $PublicPort # Perform a HTTP POST against the API Service [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mgmt/wp/managers/" + $CCMService.entityId + "/publicendpoint" Invoke-CXServiceAPIPost -Uri $URI -Data ($objPublicIPConfiguration | ConvertTo-JSON) } } #endregion #region:Cloud-Resoruces function Get-CXServiceVCDConfiguration(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the currently registered vCloud Director registered against the CX Service .DESCRIPTION Returns the currently registered vCloud Director registered against the CX Service and the assosiated Resoruce vCenter objects .EXAMPLE Get-CXServiceVCDConfiguration Returns the vCloud Director objects registered against the CX Service .NOTES NAME: Get-CXServiceVCDConfiguration AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mm/sites" $vCloudInstances = Invoke-CXServiceAPIGet -URI $URI # Check if anything was returned if($vCloudInstances -ne $null){ # Next we need to query for the Resoruce vCenters that are associated with the Site $colResourcevCenter = Get-CXServiceVCDResourcevCenter -InfraConnectorId $vCloudInstances.infraConnectorId $vCloudInstances | Add-Member Note* ResourcevCenters $colResourcevCenter } # Create an object to return to the caller $vCloudInstances } function Get-CXServiceVCDResourcevCenter(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the Resource vCenter details for Resource vCenters registered against a provided vCloud Director Site .DESCRIPTION Returns the Resource vCenter details for Resource vCenters registered against a provided vCloud Director Site .PARAMETER InfraConnectorId The InfraConnectorId of the Resource vCenter Site .PARAMETER Name The Name of the Resource vCenter .EXAMPLE Get-CXServiceVCDResourcevCenter -InfraConnectorId "bade10f4-bb71-41a3-8331-c1ce50375edd" Returns the all Resoruce vCenter objects for the site with the Id "8aed4131-5da4-48b0-a7d8-b5492a196455" .EXAMPLE Get-CXServiceVCDResourcevCenter -Name "LABVCSA1" Returns the Resoruce vCenter object with the Name "LABVCSA1" .NOTES NAME: Get-CXServiceVCDResourcevCenter AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = "ById")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $InfraConnectorId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name ) if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Find the vCenter if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ById"){ [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mm/mgmt/sites/" + $InfraConnectorId + "/vcs/resource" $colResourcevCenter = Invoke-CXServiceAPIGet -URI $URI $colResourcevCenter } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByName"){ $vCloudInstances = Get-CXServiceVCDConfiguration $colResourcevCenter = ($vCloudInstances.ResourcevCenters | ?{$_.Name -eq $Name}) if($colResourcevCenter -eq $null){ throw "A Resoruce vCenter with the specified Name $Name cannot be found." } else{ $colResourcevCenter } } } function Enable-CXServiceVCDResourcevCenter(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Registers or updates an existing registration of a Resource vCenter for the vCloud Director Site with vCloud Extender .DESCRIPTION Registers or updates an existing registration of a Resource vCenter for the vCloud Director Site with vCloud Extender .PARAMETER Name The Name of the Resource vCenter .PARAMETER LookupServiceUrl The URI to the Lookup Service (eg. https://vcenter.fqdn/lookupservice/sdk") .PARAMETER Username The vSphere SSO Username (with administrative permissions) to connect with .PARAMETER Password The Password for the vSphere SSO User. .EXAMPLE Enable-CXServiceVCDResourcevCenter -Name "LABVCSA1" -LookupServiceUrl "https://labvc1.pigeonnuggets.com:443/lookupservice/sdk" -Username "administrator@vsphere.pigeonnuggets.com" -Password "Password" Registers the Resouce vCenter with the name LABVCSA1 using the provided Lookup Service and credentials. .EXAMPLE Enable-CXServiceVCDResourcevCenter -Name "LABVCSA1" -LookupServiceUrl "https://labvc2.pigeonnuggets.com:443/lookupservice/sdk" -Username "administrator2@vsphere.pigeonnuggets.com" -Password "Password" Updates the existing registration of the Resouce vCenter with the name LABVCSA1 with a new Lookup Service URI of https://labvc2.pigeonnuggets.com:443/lookupservice/sdk and a username of administrator2@vsphere.pigeonnuggets.com .NOTES NAME: Enable-CXServiceVCDResourcevCenter AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $LookupServiceUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Username, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Password ) if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Find the vCenter $vCenter = Get-CXServiceVCDResourcevCenter -Name $Name if($vCenter.IsEnabled -eq $false){ Write-Warning "The vCenter is currently already enabled. This cmdlet will update the registration. Do you wish to continue?" -WarningAction Inquire # Update the properties only $vCenter.lookupServiceUrl = $LookupServiceUrl $vCenter.adminUser.username = $Username $vCenter.adminUser.password = $Password } else { # Add the Lookup Service to the Object and update the username and password $vCenter | Add-Member Note* lookupServiceUrl $LookupServiceUrl $vCenter.adminUser.username = $Username $vCenter | Add-Member Note* type "vcenter" $vCenter.adminUser | Add-Member Note* password $Password } # Construct the JSON Payload and perform a HTTP PUT against the API Service [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mm/mgmt/sites/" + $vCenter.siteId + "/vcs/resource/" + $vCenter.Id + "?trust=true" Invoke-CXServiceAPIPut -Uri $URI -Data ($vCenter | Select type,id,name,url,adminUser,managedObjRef,infraManagerType,instanceUuid,siteId,lookupServiceUrl | ConvertTo-JSON) } function Add-CXServiceVCDConfiguration(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Configures the vCloud Director instance for the vCloud Extender Cloud Service. .DESCRIPTION Configures the vCloud Director instance for the vCloud Extender Cloud Service. .PARAMETER Address The FQDN or IP address of the vCloud Director Cell. .PARAMETER SiteName A Site Name for the deployment .PARAMETER Username A user with administrator permissions on the System Org (eg. administrator) .PARAMETER Password The password for the user. .EXAMPLE Add-CXServiceVCDConfiguration -Address "vcd.pigeonnuggets.com" -SiteName "Berlin" -Username "administrator" -Password "Password!" Adds the vCloud Director cell/farm vcd.pigeonnuggets.com with a Site Name of "Berlin" using the credentials for the default System Administrator account. .NOTES NAME: Add-CXServiceVCDConfiguration AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Address, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $SiteName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Username, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Password ) # First test if we are connected if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment)){ Break } # Next check if vCloud Site is not already registered to the CX Cloud Service $vCloudConfiguration = Get-CXServiceVCDConfiguration if($vCloudConfiguration -ne $null){ Write-Warning "A vCloud Director instance is already registered to this CX Cloud Service. Only one registration is permitted per CX Cloud Service." } else { # Create the JSON Data Payload $objVCDService = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objVCDService | Add-Member Note* ipAddress $Address $objVCDService | Add-Member Note* name $SiteName $objVCDService | Add-Member Note* orgName "System" $objVCDService | Add-Member Note* userName $Username $objVCDService | Add-Member Note* password $Password $objVCDService | Add-Member Note* targetInfraType "VCD" # Perform a HTTP POST against the API Service [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mm/sites?trust=true" Invoke-CXServiceAPIPost -Uri $URI -Data ($objVCDService | ConvertTo-JSON) } } function Remove-CXServiceVCDConfiguration(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the currently configured vCloud Director instance from the configuration. .DESCRIPTION Removes the currently configured vCloud Director instance from the configuration. .EXAMPLE Remove-CXServiceVCDConfiguration Removes the currently configured vCloud Director from the configuration (and the assosiated Resource vCenter) .NOTES NAME: Remove-CXServiceVCDConfiguration AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2018-05-22 #> if(!(Test-CXServiceEnvironment -RequiredDeploymentType "cx-cloud-service")){ Break } # Retrieve the current configuration $vCloudConfiguration = Get-CXServiceVCDConfiguration if($vCloudConfiguration.Count -eq 0){ Write-Warning "There is currently no vCloud Director registered to this CX Cloud Service. No changes have been made." } else { # Warn the users that this is dangerous Write-Warning "This cmdlet removes the vCloud Director configuration from the CX Service Deployment. Are you sure you wish to continue." -WarningAction Inquire [string] $URI = $global:DefaultCXServer.ServiceURI + "/mm/sites/" + $vCloudConfiguration.InfraConnectorId $objDeleteResult = Invoke-CXServiceAPIDelete -URI $URI # TO DO: With the $objDeleteResult; track the progress of the running task } } #endregion