Sublime Text - Virtualenv ========================= Manage your virtualenvs directly from Sublime Text __3__. ## Disclaimer: Not Maintained **I cannot maintain this project anymore since I stopped using Sublime Text. If you're interested on taking over reach out and we can discuss.** ## Features - __Reusable build system__. Execute code with a virtualenv without editing your paths manually. - __Virtualenv search__. Finds virtualenvs in the open folders or _anywhere_ in your system. - __Activation/Deactivation__. Select or disable the current virtualenv easily. - __Create and delete virtualenvs__. With target python selection. Supports both the standard [virtualenv][] package and the built-in [venv][pyvenv] module from Python 3.3. - __Integration with other packages__. SublimeREPL. ## Support Only Sublime Text 3. Tested in Linux and Windows but it should work in OS X as well. ## Installation Install through Package Control as usual: 1. Open command palette through the menu or with `Ctrl+Shift+P`. 2. Select `Package Control: Install Package`. 3. Search _Virtualenv_ and press enter. Detailed instructions [here][packageControl]. ## Usage #### Code Execution Enable the `Python + Virtualenv` build system through the `Tools -> Build System` menu and execute with `Ctrl+B`. If you do not have any other custom Python builds defined, `Automatic` should work too. The build system works with or without an activated virtualenv, so it can be used as default build for Python. #### Activate Search `Virtualenv: Activate` in the command palette and select the desired virtualenv. #### Deactivate The command `Virtualenv: Deactivate` is available when a virtualenv is activated. #### Creating a virtualenv Choose `Virtualenv: New` (or `Virtualenv: New (venv)` for built-in virtualenv), type a destination path and select a python binary. The new virtualenv will be activated automatically. #### Deleting a virtualenv Use the command `Virtualenv: Remove`, choose a virtualenv and confirm. #### Integrations Launch a Python REPL using the current virtualenv with the command `Virtualenv: SublimeREPL - Python`. ## Settings The list of default settings is available through `Preferences -> Package Settings -> Virtualenv -> Default`. Do not modify the default settings as you will lose all the changes if the package is updated. You should override the necessary settings in `Package Settings -> Virtualenv -> User` instead. #### executable The executable used for virtualenv creation. Defaults to `python -m virtualenv`, assuming that virtualenv is installed on the default python prefix. Depending on your setup you might want to change this to something like: `virtualenv`, `virtualenv-3.3`, `python3 -m virtualenv`, etc. #### virtualenv_directories A list of directory paths searched for virtualenvs. By default, includes [virtualenvwrapper][]'s `WORKON_HOME`. `~/.virtualenvs` in Linux and OS X, and `~\Envs` in Windows ([virtualenvwrapper-win][]). There is a shortcut command for quickly adding a virtualenv directory to your settings: `Virtualenv: Add directory`. #### extra_paths Additional paths searched for python binaries. It might be useful in case of portable python installations. Defaults to none. ## Advanced The current virtualenv path is stored in the project settings and can be edited manually if the project has been saved to a `*.sublime-project` file. Extending or customizing the build system should be possible. Just set `"target": "virtualenv_exec"` in your build system definition, or import and inherit from `Virtualenv.commands.VirtualenvExecCommand`. More information on Sublime Text's build systems [here][buildSystems]. ## Future plans Just some ideas for possible improvements. - Integration with more packages. Paths for [SublimeCodeIntel][]? - _Brother_ package for `pip` commands. [packageControl]: "Package Control" [buildSystems]: "Sublime Text build systems" [virtualenv]: "virtualenv" [virtualenvwrapper]: "virtualenvwrapper" [virtualenvwrapper-win]: "virtualenvwrapper-win" [pyvenv]: "pyvenv" [SublimeREPL]: "SublimeREPL" [SublimeCodeIntel]: "SublimeCodeIntel"