v2.0 (12/08/2023) - Updated emulationstation to add Update Games List option to gamelist menu - Updated emulationstation to add the ability to sort systems alphabetically (Thanks to Froist for adding this capability) - Updated emulationstation to not show hidden folders and their content in system folders (Thanks to Manfred282 for the request and testing) - Updated emulationstation to not show DLC content for PSP (Thanks to Manfred282 for the request and testing) - Updated emulationstation to add the ability to scan the ports folder on boot or not (Thanks to Metrograde for reporting the m8 headless project issue and testing) - Updated buttonmon.sh to add support for detecting X, Y, L1, L2, R1, and R2 buttons - Updated Quick Mode to add the ability to delete a corrupted auto save state by holding R1 while booting into a quick mode game - Updated osk and msgbox to default to Lat7-TerminusBold20x10 console font if a odroid go 2 input is found for any reason - Updated keys.gptk in /opt/inttools to set L1 and R1 to Page Up and Page Down respectively - Updated NetworkManager to 1.44.2 - Updated wpa_supplicant.service to make use of wpa_supplicant.conf file - Updated Wifi setup script to fix console font - Updated 8821cs.conf file - Fixed restore default settings scripts for GZdoom and LZdoom (Thanks to Wilderness for reporting the issue) - Added solution to automatically restore audio on reboot if /home/ark/.asoundrc file is missing or empty to address potential no audio issues - Added Sameboy retroarch emulator for Game Boy and Game Boy color - Added wpa_supplicant.conf to allow wpa_cli to scan for networks - Added Backup and Restore ArkOS settings options to BaRT - Added Adhoc Netplay support for retroarch and retroarch32 - Just hold the X button after launching a retroarch or retroarch32 based game from Emulationstation then pick host or client mode See the FAQ available from the ArkOS wiki (http://arkos.hopto.me) for your unit for more info on this feature. - Added Game Share feature for retroarch and retroarch32 from the Adhoc Netplay session menu See the FAQ available from the ArkOS wiki (http://arkos.hopto.me) for your unit for more info on this feature. v2.0 (12/15/2023) - Added enterprise 64/128 and videoton tvc emulator (Thanks to slaminger for the suggestion) - Added enterprise 64/128 and videoton tvc images to nes-box theme (Thanks to Jetup13 for the theme update) - Fixed emulationstation not showing folders that contain a period in the name but is not at the beginning of the folder name (Thanks to kane159 for reporting the issue) - Fixed plymouth ArkOS version changing font during boot up v2.0 (12/22/2023) - Updated emulationstation to include performance governor control settings per system and per game - Updated emulationstation to fix the games counter including hidden games in the count (Thanks to EnsignRutherford for reporting the issue and confirming the fix) - Updated perfmax scripts to support performance governor control settings from emulationstation - Updated quickmode scripts to accomodate governor control changes and BaRT v2.0 (01/27/2024) - Updated ArkOS Browser by filebrowser to version 2.27.0 - Updated Amiberry standalone to 5.6.5 - Updated Wifi script to fix exit and relaunch screen corruption bug - Updated adhoc netplay script to fix exit and relaunch screen corruption bug - Updated emulationstation to fix an icon and locale language related problem and another minor cleanup for governors (Thanks to ljhmd0825 for the find and fix) - Updated scummvm.sh to support starting ScummVM games without needing drilling down into sub folders (Thanks to EnsignRutherford for the script update) - Updated scan for new games script for ScummVM to place the created .scummvm files into the root scummvm subfolder (Thanks to EnsignRutherford for the suggestion) - Updated solarus.sh to use a different symlink for saves to not inflate the count of games for the Solarus system in Emulationstation (Thanks to EnsignRutherford for reporting the issue) - Updated speak_bat_life.sh to speak the current performance governor if R2 is held down while initiating the speak battery life key combo or during the speaking of the current battery life. - Updated libretro scummvm.ini file to point to roms/bios/scummvm folder by default instead of to /home/ark/.config/retroarch/system - Updated Switch to SD2 script to update retroarch system location in scummvm.ini - Fixed governor setting for virtualjaguar system - Added Palm OS (Mu) emulator - Added Radioshack TRS-80 (CoCo3) support (Thanks to EnsignRutherford for the suggestion and setup) - Thanks to Ciaran Anscomb for creating the XRoar emulator and responding to inquiries about the emulator. - Updated Nes-Box theme to add art for Radioshack TRS-80 (Thanks to EnsignRutherford) - Added uae4arm core option for Retroarch emulator in emulationstation - Added missing stark_surface_fill shader files for ScummVM Standalone (Thanks to eth3real for reporting the issue) - Added gui-icons.dat, residualvm.zip, shaders.dat and translations.dat for libretro scummvm - Added .chd and .CHD as supported extensions for PSP - Added .7z and .7Z as supported extensions for Nintendo DS - Added PPSSPP-2021 (standalone-2021) emulator build with fps patch - May help with better performance on some psp games - Added ability to use the FN key for R35s units (Thanks to Aeolus and Hack Around for pointing to the solution) v2.0 (01/27/2024-1) - Fixed Switch to SD2 script for RG351V, RG351MP, and R35s units v2.0 (02/04/2024) - Added script that facilitates using both SD Cards for roms storage. Go to Options -> Advanced -> Switch to SD2 for Roms, Run the script and wait for it to finish. There should be a new item available at Options -> Advanced -> Read from SD1 and SD2 for Roms run it and it will restart Emulation Station and now show all roms from both cards. (Thanks to: christianhaitian for pointing out how to do it and kc234567890 for making the initial config that makes this possible for all systems.) - Changed Update.sh to Update using ArkOS-R3XS-Updater instead of the main repo so users can just update using the script for future releases. v2.0 (02/06/2024) - Reapplied fix for mupen64plus standalone-rice. - Fixed key daemons for standalone emulators. v2.0 (02/23/2024) - Added Videopac support (Thanks to EnsignRutherford for the suggestion) - Added additional missing supported extensions for Commodore 8 bit systems (Thanks to vonmillhausen for the detailed research and list) - Added ipf support for Amiga (Thanks to gameforcecadet for the suggestion) - Added exit hotkey daemon for ECWolf standalone emulator (Thanks to EnsignRutherford for the suggestion) - Added Yabasanshiro as an additional selectable retroarch core for Sega Saturn (Thanks to mrplow for the suggestion) - Fixed standalone-duckstation script to allow holding the A button for creating per game custom settings for the standalone duckstation emulator - Fixed standalone-duckstation settings now being able to load with single sd card setups - Fixed mednafen movie recordings so they are saved to the movies folder (Thanks to kane159 for the report) - Fixed mednafen standalone controls (Thanks to AeolusUX for the report) - Removed edit metadata for options section (Thanks to dani7959 for reporting the issue) - Updated USB DAC control script - Updated PPSSPP standalone emulator to 1.17.1 - Updated XRoar standalone emulator to 1.5.3 - Updated Retroarch and Retroarch32 to 1.17 - Updated retroarch and retroarch32 launch scripts to allow dosbox-pure and gpsp cores for local netplay - Updated launching of scripts for the Options section to show stderr and not just stdout (Thanks to SirNate0 for the suggestion) v2.0 (02/23/2024) -Added J2ME Support (Thanks to Joanilson and Jamerson) v2.0 (03/29/2024) - Updated n64.sh launch script to more broadly account for various devices - Updated singe.sh launch script to use an alternate sdl2 for singe (ALG) games (Thanks to MBRetrocade6894 for reporting the issue) - Updated Retroarch and Retroarch32 to 1.18(f549875) - Updated retroarch and retroarch32 audio and video filters - Updated XRoar standalone emulator to 1.5.5 - Updated older PortMaster installs to address a possible update bug (Thanks to kloptops for this fix) - Removed RGB30 related items accidentally added from the 02232024 update - Added geolith libretro emulator for Neo Geo (Thanks to Slaminger for the suggestion) - This emulator is more accurate than fbneo and fbalpha and allows the ability to load .neo rom files instead of cumbersome arcade roms of a particular version - Added .neo and .NEO extension support for Neo Geo - Added DoubleCherryGB libretro emulator for GameBoy and GameBoy Color (Thanks to Slaminger for the suggestion) - This emulator allows for emulating up to 4 or more GameBoy units - Added stella libretro emulator for Atari 2600 (Thanks to xkenx70 for the suggestion) - Added Apple2 support (Thanks to slayer666 for script and recommendation) v2.0 (03/30/2024) - Fixed missing saves and savestates issue from Retroarch and Retroarch32 1.18 update - Related to this commit which has now reverted: https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/commit/338c9a4fe441899e98c95ab082e18ddb5f931e49 - Fixed ppsspp 1.17.1 gui (Thanks to AmberElec for the patch) - Updated apple2.sh script to fix some minor issues (Thanks to Slayer366 for the fixes) - Reactivated imageshift function by christian. Copy all your logos into a BMPs (case sensitive) folder on your fat32 boot partition then it should change to a different logo on every boot. v2.0 (04/02/2024) - Hotfix for es_systems.cfg and dual sd card script. v2.0 (04/11/2024) - Added support for using GIF for Launch Images - Added ability to Change Time (Thanks to Rolen47) - Your device MUST NOT be connected to the internet for the time and date changes to stay because the time is automatically corrected when connected to the internet. - Further fixes to the es_systems.cfg and dual sd card script. (Re-adding of J2ME thanks for Joanilson for reminding me) - Changed "Change LED to Green" script to "Change LED to Blue". - Fixed Restore PPSSPP, GZdoom, LZdoom scripts to accomodate the R3XS. - Replaced kernel drivers for all wireless devices. (Thanks to AmberELEC) v2.0 (04/24/2024) - Added Libretro MESS as an additional emulator for Apple 2 (Thanks to Zomugoff and BCosmo for the suggestion) - Added input tester tool (Thanks to CavemanJoe for the suggestion) (Thanks to Michele Righi for SDL2-Controller-Tester) - Added inactivity auto suspend capability - Enable and set the timeout (in minutes) for auto suspend via the Start Menu>Advanced section. - Updated apple2.sh script to fix filenames with parentheses and braces (Thanks to BCosmo for the fixes) - Updated linapple to stop joystick log messages - Updated ScummVM Standalone to 2.8.1 - Updated Mednafen standalone to 1.32.1 - Updated Emulationstation to add the ability to adjust and disable auto suspend - Updated Emulationstation to change folder icon from star to right arrow to differentiate from favorited games (Thanks to lauren7ino for the suggestion) - Fixed ppsspp-2021 gui (Thanks to AmberElec for guidance) - Added es_systems.cfg.dual that has been deleted last update - Revert some wireless drivers that are working for ArkOS before v2.0 (05/24/2024) - Updated SDL to - Updated Mupen64plus Standalone - Updated Hypseus-singe to 2.11.2 - Updated FileBrowser to version 2.30.0 - Updated Emulationstation to correct some spelling issues (Thanks to lauren7ino for the find) - Updated gamecontrollerdb.txt for inttools - Updated Wifi.sh script to correct some issues - Fixed issue where the second SD card that is setup for use for JELOS and maybe ROCKNIX may have their contents deleted if used with ArkOS - Added ability to change game loading image to a scraped marquee, thumb or image if available for the game. (Thanks to leon for the idea) - Just go to the Start>UI Settings>Game Loading Image and select default (for the default ArkOS loading image), marquee, image, or thumb option. - Make sure Game Loading Image Mode is set to PIC - Added ability to use an alternate SDL2 version for Portmaster games - Just use the Change Ports SDL tool located in the Options>Advanced section - Reverted Back to old wifi drivers from the last stable one. - ScummVM launch is being prevented from last update so setting it to executable to fix. - Re-installed freeglut for Yabasanshiro. - Revamped how gif images are used as launchimage according to latest arkos update and added ability to use mp4 as launch animation. -Add the launch animations to /roms/launchimages/ folder as loading.gif and loading.mp4 respectively. v2.0 (06/27/2024) - Updated Retroarch and Retroarch32 to 1.19.1 (e51a316) - Updated Emulationstation to fix not being able to show content in a subfolder named Sports (Thanks to evanation for reporting the issue) - Updated ondemand cpu governor up_threshold and sampling_down_factor to 85 and 150 respectively to smooth out game play when using this governor (Thanks to chronoreverse for the tip) - Updated N64 to add support for 7z and zip files - Fixed being able to set a performance governor for Atari ST emulation - Fixed Retroarch and Retroarch32 missing reboot and shutdown options (Thanks to Swift Outlaw for reporting the issue) - Fixed ALG no longer launching since last update - Fixed Update Games Lists option returns to corrupt game list for fade transition (Thanks to Zomgugoff for reporting the issue and confirming the fix) - Added Ardens libretro core as an addittional core for Arduboy - Added Japanese translation for Emulationstation (Thanks to alhumbra for the translation) - Added the ability to hide extensions per system (Thanks to Batocera for the solution) - While in a system, press the start button then go to UI Settings then go to Theme Configuration then File Extensions - Updated mupen64plus.ini file to latest. - Added the ability to use the dpad as analog sticks for mupen64plus - Added 5 new layouts for Drastic (Thanks to kane159 for making this possible) - Only two layouts is allowed for the screen switcher so you have to select two layouts from /roms/nds/bg/optional/ folder and put two on your /roms/nds/bg/ folder. v2.0 (07/04/2024) - Fixed Emulationstation slow loading when many ports are installed - Fixed game count when extensions are filtered - Added FBNeo xtreme amped libretro core for various arcade systems where libretro fbneo core is available (Thanks to KMFDManic for the modification and recommendation) - May improve performance on rk3566 devices with certain CAVE games like Deathsmile and Mushihime-sama. For Deathsmile, set Blitter Delay to 128 in Core Options>Dip Switches. v2.0 (07/31/2024) - Updated French translation for Emulationstation (Thanks to chronoss09) - Updated Korean translation for Emulationstation (Thanks to ljhmd0825) - Updated Portuguese translation for Emulationstation (Thanks to lauren7ino) - Updated Spanish translation for Emulationstation (Thanks to AmadeusGraves) - Updated Emulationstation to fix Gamelist View Style option "video" not being translatable (Thanks to ljhmd0825 for the fix) - Added Sharp-Shimmerless-Shader for retroarch and retroarch32 (Thanks to Woohyun-Kang for creating this shader and providing permission to distribute it)(Thanks to Ganimoth for suggesting it for inclusion in ArkOS) - Added ChimeraSNES retroarch core for SNES (Thanks to cobaltgit for the suggestion) - Fixed Microvision emulation display being cut off (Thanks to ZoranLain for reporting this issue) v2.0 (08/23/2024) - Added piemu emulator for Aquaplus P/ECE emulation (Thanks to sakamoto-neko for the suggestion and AmberElec for the execution script) - Added emuscv libretro core emulator for Epoch Super Cassette Vision (Thanks to sakamoto-neko for the suggestion) - Added smsplus-gx libretro core for Sega Master System and Sega Game Gear - Added hatariB libretro core as an additional emulator for Atari ST (Thanks to Slayer366 for the suggestion) - Added etos192us.img GPL licensed bios file for hatarib libretro core. (Thanks to EmuTOS) - https://emutos.sourceforge.io/ - Added minivmac libretro core for Apple Macintosh emulation (Thanks to 6800legacy for the suggestion) - Added Aquaplus P/ECE system to NES-Box theme(Thanks to Jetup13) - Added Super Cassette Vision system to NES-Box theme(Thanks to Jetup13) - Added support for .hdv and .HDV for Apple II (Thanks to AP2K94 for the suggestion)(Thanks to Slayer366 for guidance on adding support for this) - Requires using Applewin standalone emulator - Updated singe.sh script to support game.commands file (Thanks to Rhikki for the suggestion) (Thanks to Dirtbagxon for the script modification) - Updated Fake-08 standalone emulator - Updated wifi script to add ability to set country for Wifi use - May help improve wifi performance - Fixed Backup and Restore ArkOS settings function in BaRT - Fixed Restore Drastic script to accomodate the R3XS v2.0 (08/23/2024-1) - Fixed Wifi.sh Script Permissions impacted by changes in the last update. - Fixed Read from Both SD1 and SD2 for ROMS Script impacted by changes in the last update. v2.0 (09/27/2024) - Updated SDL to - Updated Change Ports SDL tool to support SDL - Updated singe.sh script to include -texturestream setting to improve performance with newer SDL - Updated daphne.sh script to include -texturestream setting to improve performance with newer SDL - Updated arkos_ap_mode.sh to fix failure state handling - Updated Restore ArkOS Settings tool to fix some missing settings like Tap to Power Off (Thanks to lauren7ino for reporting the issue) - Updated Backup ArkOS Settings tool to fix backing up timezone setting (Thanks to lauren7ino for reporting the issue) - Updated Emulationstation to add scraping support for Vircon32 - Updated Emulationstation to add Loading Image delay feature when using Game Loading Image in Pic mode (Thanks to Zomugoff for the idea) - Updated perfmax and perfnorm scripts to support Loading image delay feature - Updated XRoar emulator to version 1.6.5 - Optimized hostapd.conf to improve local netplay performance - Changed netplay check frame setting to 10 to reduce desync issues for rk3326 devices (Thanks to FIRE FIRE FIRE for reporting the issue) - Added ability to restore (reenable) joystick control for ECWolf standalone emulator. - Added support for PuzzleScript (Thanks to silliness is no laughing matter for the mention of this core) - Added support Vircon32 (Thanks to thenanox for the recommendation) - Added PuzzleScript system to NES-Box theme(Thanks to Jetup13) - Added Vircon32 system to NES-Box theme(Thanks to Jetup13) - Added .m3u and .M3U as supported extensions for Amiga and AmigaCD32 (Thanks to lauren7ino for the suggestion) - Added ability to add alternative control scheme for standalone Mupen64plus including on per game basis. - In the n64 games folder, a controls subfolder will be created after the initial run of a game. Within that controls folder should be a Sample.ini file. This file contains the currently assigned default controls for mupen64plus. To change that default control setup, just copy Sample.ini to Default.ini within the controls subfolder and make your control changes there. To do it on a per game basis, copy Sample.ini to yourgamename.ini within the controls subfolder and make your changes there. If your game's file name is called Paper Mario.z64, the custom control file name will need to be Paper Mario.ini for the custom control to be picked up. v2.0 (09/29/2024) - Fixed builtin controller issue with SDL2 to - All R3XS Devices now uses a single image. -You can select which device you're on using by Browsing on to Options>DeviceType> and then select your device type to set the proper controller configurations for standalone emulators. -This also works as a reset for the default controller configuration depending on the device. - An experimental local (offline) update option will be added starting from the next update to take into account people without network connections. v2.0 (10/25/2024) - Updated Emulationstation to exculde menu.scummvm from being scraped (Thanks to lauren7ino for reporting the issue) - Updated Hypseus-singe to 2.11.3 - Some assigned buttons for this emulator have changed. See the global assigned hotkey section in the FAQ for your respective device for more info. v2.0 (11/27/2024) - Updated exfat kernel module - Updated GZDoom to 4.13.1 - Updated XRoar to 1.7.2 - Updated PPSSPP Standalone to 1.18.1 - Updated Mupen64Plus Standalone - Fixed ScummVM Standalone saving issue for single SD card setups - Disabled blinking cursor when entering and exiting Emulationstation (RK3326 Units Only!) (Thanks to Jason Grieves for the request) - Added ability to flip the volume buttons function (Thanks to charly74 for the suggestion) - The experimental local (offline) update would be added in the future still ironing out details