Last updated: 03/07/2024. This file only reports known downtime. This file will be updated to reflect downtime. Latest entries at the bottom. Yes, GitHub is about code, but since they are reliable, I use them for NODs (Notices of Downtime) on 27/09/2023, there was downtime due to machine being moved and battery coming loose on 15/09/2023, there was roughly 8 mins of downtime due to wifi switched off when... trying to turn oven breaker off / mobile backup on 18/09/2023, there was about 1 min downtime while Tor updated, restarted, and got back online. DDoS mitigation is also set, just in case. on 21/10/2023, the chat went PHP 500 coz I misplaced some brackets and didn't test immediately after editing on 23/10/2023, the wifi disconnected for 1 min due to breaker tripping, ending 8 days of router uptime Worse, the onionsite went offline for 1 hour, returning with degraded performance for 8 hours! on 29/10/2023, the onion site somehow became unreachable, Tor was restarted and it fixed it (maybe 2 hours) >>>>>Records: 40 days since reboot, router is 15 days :) on 05/11/2023, there was a few mins of chat downtime due to pcntl_alarm(5) being too powerful for my chat script on 08/11/2023, 12m downtime, the machine needed restart due to half-crash when accessing file properties :| on 12/11/2023, 14m downtime, a semi-planned restart to protect against hours of downtime after USB disconnect also wifi was red (errored) briefly, idk why (note: usb is still healthy) on 13/11/2023, I used ufw, it had an error, and it made my site unreachable for 8 hours (fixed in person) on 15/11/2023, the router restarted, I only knew thru the config panel on 22/11/2023, there was 30m downtime due to onion changing, and I didn't change it! on 24/11/2023, there was 39m of the same thing, and after so many Tor restarts and permission/key (re)fixing, PHP was restarted and it was fixed on 27/11/2023, there was network interruptions as the computer was transitioned to wifi, as well as some malicious (insider) sabotage, but not just for the sake of causing downtime to the site. on 06/12/2023, there was 10-32 mins of limited access to my site (intermittent network timeouts). Some days later, no visitors arrived for a 12 hour period, suggesting unknown downtime or failure to share site (probably the latter) on 10/12/2023, there was 5-10 mins of downtime due to insider network sabotage (wish I could prevent future attacks) >>>> As of last update: 28 days since server reboot, router is few hrs on 13/12/2023, there was overnight downtime due to bad onion keys, restored from backup. The IP has changed a few days later on 16/12/2023, there was 1m downtime for switching networks on 22/12/2023, there was 30 mins downtime due to I/O error after 40 days uptime on 26/12/2023, there was 10m downtime due to internal reasons over wifi. I probably missed another downtime note on 04/01/2024, there was 1m downtime to switch networks to wifi, from hotspot on 07/01/2024, there was 14m downtime from typing "sudo cat /dev/watchdog" in the terminal, coz I didn't know better on 08/01/2024, there was a few hours of chat unreachability due to an autoreplaced Documents... added a long term patch to 0.php to fix it (My own FoxyReplace filter) on 21/01/2024, and possibly other days, occasional downtime due to PHP 500 while coding updates on 24/01/2024, there was 1m or so of downtime due to memory filling, Ctrl + Alt + Esc crosshairs fixed it tho. on 25/01/2024, there were multiple Tor updates that caused small downtime on 03/02/2024, potential downtime due to 0.2s USB disconnect, yesterday 1m memory fill too! on 04/02/2024, potential downtime, screen flashing too on 05/02/2024, there was onion downtime due to 0.2s USB disconnect, as well as 14m total downtime to setup stuff again There were many other episodes of downtime, from 3 router failures taking the site offline, to an SD card failure before the replacement could arrive! Tor updates have taken the onion offline for a few minutes... many times, and there have been near crashes which froze even the site a few months ago. As of June, I remember 3 restarts, at the 32 day mark (3 days uptime as of writing this), 69 day mark (lol yes... though several Tor restarts and even PHP timeouts) and one probably under 40 days... Downtime will always be a fact of hosting... it is just minimising it which makes the site appear 24/7 Aera23 :)