{ "homepage" : "https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/voidtotem", "1.16.5" : { "voidtotem-1.16.5-1.0.0" : "Initial release", "voidtotem-1.16.5-1.1.0" : "Additions:\n- curios compatibility (a slot for the totem)\n- visible effects for all players around the player who was saved with the totem\nTweaks and code improvements", "voidtotem-1.16.5-1.1.1" : "Fixed bugs:\n- player can't be killed by /kill command when void totem equipped\n- if totem in curios slot and hand, 2 totems were removed", "voidtotem-1.16.5-1.2.0" : "Additions:\n- a config to just need to have the totem anywhere in your inventory\n- version support for 1.16-3-1.16.5\n\nImproved and commented code", "voidtotem-1.16.5-1.3.0" : "Additions:\n- a new advancement fired when you use a void totem to save you from death\n- a config to disable the tooltip for the void totem and to disabled the end city treasure\n- end city treasure loot for the void totem\n\nImproved code and small tweaks", "voidtotem-1.16.5-1.4.0" : "Changes:\n- better teleportation by saving the last block pos to nbt\n\nsmall fixes and tweaks" }, "1.15.2" : { "voidtotem-1.15.2-1.0.0" : "Initial release for 1.15.2" }, "promos" : { "1.16.5-latest" : "voidtotem-1.16.5-1.4.0", "1.16.5-recommended" : "voidtotem-1.16.5-1.4.0", "1.15.2-latest" : "voidtotem-1.15.2-1.0.0", "1.15.2-recommended" : "voidtotem-1.15.2-1.0.0" } }