AitSad GitHub Organization Code of Conduct

At AitSad, we are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive community. We value diversity and strive to create an environment where everyone feels respected and valued. As such, we expect all members of our GitHub organization to adhere to the following code of conduct. ## Our Principles 1. **Be respectful**: Treat all members of the organization with respect, regardless of their background, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristic. Do not engage in any behavior that could be considered discriminatory, including but not limited to, derogatory comments or slurs. 2. **Be inclusive**: Foster an environment where everyone feels included and valued. Encourage participation from all members and ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute. 3. **Be collaborative**: Work together in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration. Share ideas and expertise, and be willing to help others when they need it. 4. **Be accountable**: Take responsibility for your actions and their impact on others. Be willing to learn from your mistakes and apologize if necessary. 5. **Be transparent**: Be open and transparent in your communication with other members of the organization. Share information freely and be willing to engage in constructive feedback. ## Unacceptable Behaviour The following behaviors are considered unacceptable and will not be tolerated in our organization: - Harassment or discrimination of any kind, including but not limited to, verbal or physical abuse, derogatory comments or slurs, or any other behavior that creates a hostile or offensive environment. - Intimidation, bullying, or any other behavior that is intended to create fear or discomfort. - Inappropriate or offensive language, images, or other content. - Disrespectful or disruptive behavior during meetings or other events. - Any behavior that violates the law or the GitHub terms of service. ## Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior - Issue a warning to the individual. - Suspend the individual's membership in the organization. - Remove the individual from the organization. In extreme cases, we may also report the behavior to law enforcement. ## Reporting Violations If you believe that a member of our organization has violated this code of conduct, please report the behavior to the organization administrator. All reports will be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly. ## Privacy and Confidentiality We respect the privacy and confidentiality of all members of our organization. We ask that you do not share any confidential information outside of the organization without the proper authorization. We believe that by adhering to this code of conduct, we can create a welcoming and inclusive community that encourages collaboration, innovation, and growth. We ask all members of our organization to take this code of conduct seriously and to work together to create a positive and respectful environment for everyone. The following version of AitSad is under public doamin, you can copy it into your organization. AitSad is a small branch of a massive deprecated BS Consortium, which survied till Aitzaz Imtiaz's 6 April,2023 last stay at BSTR-B