# / ================================================= \ # | This is the Bukkit messages file of Parties | # \ ================================================= / # # For any problem be sure to: # - Read the entire documentation on: https://alessiodp.com/docs/parties # - Join our Discord for further help: https://discord.alessiodp.com # # / =============================== \ # | PARTIES MESSAGES | # \ =============================== / parties: # [Special tags] # => %version% = New version found # => %thisversion% = Version installed update-available: "&9New version of Parties found: %version% (Current: %thisversion%)" # [Special tags] # => %config% = The configuration file name that is outdated configuration-outdated: "&cThe configuration file '%config%' of Parties is outdated!" common-messages: invalid-command: "&cInvalid command" configuration-reloaded: "&aConfiguration reloaded" not-in-party: "&cYou are not in a guild" already-in-party: "&cYou are already in a guild!" party-not-found: "&cThe guild %party% doesn't exist" party-full: "&cThe guild is full!" player-not-found: "&cThe player %player% has not been found" player-not-in-party: "&c%player% is not in a guild" options: enabled: '&aEnabled' disabled: '&cDisabled' toggled-on: '&aOn' toggled-off: '&cOff' word-yes: '&aYes' word-no: '&cNo' empty: '&8Empty' none: '&8None' syntax: wrong-message: '&cWrong syntax: Type &7/%syntax%' color: 'color' description: 'desc' experience: 'experience' kills: 'kills' home: 'home' members: 'members' message: 'message' motd: 'motd' name: 'name' nickname: 'nickname' online-members: 'online_members' order: 'order' page: 'page' party: 'guild' password: 'password' permission: 'permission' player: 'player' rank: 'rank' tag: 'tag' permissions: # [Special tags] # => %permission% = Missing permission no-permission: "&cYou do not have access to that command" no-permission-in-party-general: "&cYour guild rank do not have access to that command" no-permission-in-party-rank: "&cYou need to be %rank_name% to perform that command" out-party: "Out guild" list: player-online-format: "&b%player%" player-offline-format: "&7%player%" player-separator: "&7, " player-empty: "&7Nobody" player-unknown: "&6Someone" missing-value: "&7Miss" # Define the format of Parties chat messages formats: party-chat: "&b[Guild] %player_rank_chat% %player%&r&7: &b%message%" spy: party-chat: "&7[SPY] [%party%] %player%: %message%" broadcast: "&7[SPY] [%party%]: %message%" # / =============================== \ # | MAIN COMMANDS MESSAGES | # \ =============================== / main-commands: accept: no-request: "&cYou have not pending request" no-exists: "&cThe request doesn't exist anymore" multiple-requests: "&cChoose the request that you want accept:" multiple-requests-party: '[{"text":"%party%","color":"aqua"},{"text":" - Click here to accept","color":"gray","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/%run_command% %party%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Accept the request","color":"gold"}]}}}]' multiple-requests-player: '[{"text":"%player%","color":"aqua"},{"text":" - Click here to accept","color":"gray","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/%run_command% %player%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Accept the request","color":"gold"}]}}}]' chat: enabled: "&aChat set to guild" disabled: "&aChat set to public" create: created: '[{"text":"You have created the guild %party%.\n","color":"aqua","bold":true},{"text":"Type ","color":"aqua","bold":false},{"text":"/guild invite","color":"gray","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/guild invite "}},{"text":" to invite your friend.","color":"aqua"}]' created-fixed: "&b&lYou have created the fixed guild %party%" name-already-exists: "&cThe guild name %party% already exists, choose a different name" name-too-long: "&cThe guild name is too long!" name-too-short: "&cThe guild name is too short!" invalid-name: "&cInvalid characters. Use: a-Z or 0-9." censored: "&cThe guild name contains censored words!" delete: deleted: "&aGuild %party% deleted" deleted-silently: "&aGuild %party% deleted silently" broadcast: "&6&lYour guild has been deleted" deny: no-request: "&cYou have not pending request" no-exists: "&cThe request doesn't exist anymore" multiple-requests: "&cChoose the request that you want deny:" multiple-requests-party: '[{"text":"%party%","color":"aqua"},{"text":" - Click here to deny","color":"gray","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/%run_command% %party%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Deny the request","color":"gold"}]}}}]' multiple-requests-player: '[{"text":"%player%","color":"aqua"},{"text":" - Click here to deny","color":"gray","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/%run_command% %player%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Deny the request","color":"gold"}]}}}]' ignore: start-ignore: "&7Ignoring %party% invites" stop-ignore: "&7You stopped ignoring %party%" ignore-list: header: "&b&lList ignored guilds:" party-prefix: "&c" separator: "&7, " empty: "&7None" info: content-own-party: - "&b============ &l%party%'s Info &r&b============" - "&b&lDescription&7: %desc%" - "&bLeader&7: %list_rank_leader%" - "&bMods&7: %list_rank_moderator%" - "&bMembers&7: %list_rank_member%" - "&bOnline players&7: %members_online_total%" content-other-party: - "&b============ &l%party%'s Info &r&b============" - "&b&lDescription&7: %desc%" - "&bLeader&7: %list_rank_leader%" - "&bMods&7: %list_rank_moderator%" - "&bMembers&7: %list_rank_member%" - "&bOnline players&7: %members_online_total%" invite: sent: "&bYou invited %player% in your guild" player-invited: '[{"text":"&b%player% has invited you to the guild %party%.\n&bDo you want "},{"text":"&a&laccept","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild accept %party%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"&6Accept the invitation"}]}}},{"text":" &bor "},{"text":"&c&ldeny","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild deny %party%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"&6Deny the invitation"}]}}},{"text":"&b?\n&bYou can use &7/guild &bto choose."}]' accept: broadcast: "&b&l%player% joined the guild" accepted: "&aYou accepted the guild invite" receipt: "&a%player% accepted your invite" deny: broadcast: "" denied: "&aYou denied the guild invite" receipt: "&a%player% denied your invite" timeout: no-response: "&7%player% didn't accept the guild invite" timeout: "&7You didn't accept the guild invite to %party%" revoke: sent-revoked: "&7Revoked invite sent to %player%" player-invite-revoked: "&7Invite received from %party% has been revoked" cooldown: global: "&cYou need to wait %seconds% seconds before invite another player" individual: "&cYou need to wait %seconds% seconds before invite again the same player" on-leave: "&cYou need to wait %seconds% seconds before invite this player" player-offline: "&cYou can invite only online players" player-no-permission: "&c%player% doesn't have the permission to join" player-in-party: "&c%player% is already in a guild" already-invited: "&c%player% was already invited" invite-yourself: "&cYou cannot invite yourself" failed: "&cFailed to invite the player %player%" kick: sent: "&aYou kicked %player% from the guild!" player-kicked: "&bYou have been kicked from %party%" broadcast: "&b&l%player% has been kicked from the guild" broadcast-disband: "&b&lThe guild has been disbanded because the leader got kicked" broadcast-leader-changed: "&b&lThe new leader is %player%" broadcast-leave-server: "&b&l%player% has been kicked from the guild" player-higher-rank: "&cYou cannot kick your superior!" player-not-in-party: "&c%player% is not in your guild" players-conflict: # [Special tags] # => %username% = The name of the player # => %rank% = The rank # => %list_players% = List of each player # => %number% = The number of the player # => %lastloginapi_last_logout_date% = The last logout date (See LastLoginAPI plugin) content: - "&cWe have found some players with that name:" - "%list_players%" - "&cUse '&7/guild kick &c' to kick the right player" player: '{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"[%number%] ","color":"gray"},{"text":"%username%","color":"gold"},{"text":" [","color":"gray"},{"text":"%party%","color":"aqua"},{"text":"]: last login %lastloginapi_last_logout_date%","color":"gray"}],"clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild kick %username% %number%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"Kick this player","color":"gold"}}}' leave: left: "&b&lYou left the guild %party%" broadcast: "&b&l%player% left the guild" party-disbanded: "&6&lThe guild has been disbanded because the leader left" leader-changed: "&b&lThe leader left the guild, the new leader is %player%" p: # [Special tags] # => %seconds% = Remaining time in seconds cooldown: "&cYou still have to wait %seconds% seconds" censored: "&cThe message contains censored words!" muted: "&cYou are muted!" rank: # [Special tags] # => %rank_name% = Rank wrote by the player changed: "&a%player% rank changed into %rank_name%" broadcast: "" wrong-rank: "&cRank '%rank_name%' doesn't exist!" same-rank: "&c%player% is already %rank_name%!" low-rank: "&cYou cannot edit players with an equivalent or higher rank than yours!" to-higher-rank: "&cYou cannot promote to a rank equivalent or higher than yours!" full: "&cRank %rank_name% reached the maximum number of players" fixed-leader: "&cYou cannot make someone a leader of a fixed guild!" demote-leader: "&cYou cannot demote the guild leader" changing-yourself: "&cYou cannot change your own rank!" player-not-in-party: "&c%player% is not in your guild" players-conflict: # [Special tags] # => %username% = The name of the player # => %rank% = The rank # => %list_players% = List of each player # => %number% = The number of the player # => %lastloginapi_last_logout_date% = The last logout date (See LastLoginAPI plugin) content: - "&cWe have found some players with that name:" - "%list_players%" - "&cUse '&7/guild rank &c' to change rank of the right player" player: '{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"[%number%] ","color":"gray"},{"text":"%username%","color":"gold"},{"text":" [","color":"gray"},{"text":"%party%","color":"aqua"},{"text":"]: last login %lastloginapi_last_logout_date%","color":"gray"}],"clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild rank %username% %rank% %number%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"Change rank of this player","color":"gold"}}}' rename: # [Special tags] # => %old% = Old party name renamed: "&aThe guild %old% has been renamed into %party%" broadcast: "&6Your guild has been renamed into %party%!" # [Special tags] # => %seconds% = Remaining time in seconds cooldown: "&cYou have to wait %seconds% seconds!" spy: enabled: "&7Now you are a spy!" disabled: "&7You are no longer a spy" version: # [Special tags] # => %version% = Parties version # => %newversion% = Latest Parties version # => %platform% = Platform of the plugin (e.g. Bukkit, BungeeCord) updated: "&b&lParties &b%version% &7(%platform%) - Developed by &6AlessioDP" outdated: "&b&lParties &b%version% &7(%platform%) - Developed by &6AlessioDP\n&aNew version found: &2%newversion%" # / =============================== \ # | ADDITIONAL COMMANDS MESSAGES | # \ =============================== / additional-commands: ask: sent: "&aJoin request sent to %party%" received: '[{"text":"&b%player% want to join your guild.\n&bDo you want "},{"text":"&a&laccept","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild accept %player%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"&6Accept the request"}]}}},{"text":" &bor "},{"text":"&c&ldeny","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild deny %player%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Deny the invitation","color":"gold"}]}}},{"text":"&b?\n&bYou can use &7/guild %player% &bto choose."}]' accept: broadcast: "&b&l%player% joined the guild" accepted: "&aYou accepted the ask request" receipt: "&a%party% accepted your ask request" deny: broadcast: "" denied: "&aYou denied the %player% ask request" receipt: "&a%party% denied your ask request" timeout: no-response: "&7%party% didn't accept the ask request" cooldown: # [Special tags] # => %seconds% = Remaining time in seconds global: "&cYou need to wait %seconds% seconds before ask to another guild" individual: "&cYou need to wait %seconds% seconds before ask to the same guild" claim: claimed: "&aGranted permission to the guild" removed: "&aRemoved permission to the guild" no-manager: "&cYou need to be the manager of the claim" claim-no-exists: "&cClaim not found" allowed-permissions: "&cPermissions: trust, container & access" color: info: "&bYour guild color is: %color_code%%color_command%" empty: "&bYour guild doesn't have a color" changed: "&bGuild color changed into %color_command%" removed: "&bGuild color removed" broadcast: "" # Syntax of %available_colors% available-colors: color: "%color_command%" separator: ", " wrong-color: "&cColor not found. You can select: %available_colors%" debug: bungeecord: sent: "&bSent a debug BungeeCord request into the network" server-players: "&cThere must be at least 1 player in the server" sync: "Parties is synced correctly" not-sync: "Parties is NOT synced correctly" config: header: '&b================== &lDebug Config &r&b==================' text: - "&bOutdated config/parties/messages:&7 %outdated_config%&7/%outdated_parties%&7/%outdated_messages%" - "&bStorage&7: %storage%" - "&bRanks&7: %ranks%" rank-format: '&f%name%&7[%level%]' rank-separator: '&7, ' exp: header: '&b=================== &lDebug Exp &r&b===================' text: - "&bExp system&7: %exp%" - "&bEarn from mobs: %earn%" - "&bMode&7: %mode%" - "%mode_options%" mode-options: progressive: "&bProgressive start&7: %start%\n&bFormula&7: '%formula%'" fixed: "&bFixed repeat&7: %repeat%&bLevels&7: %levels%" party: header: '&b================== &lDebug Guild &r&b==================' text: - "&bID&7: %id%" - "&bName/tag&7: %name%&7/%tag%" - "&bLeader&7: %leader%" - "&bNumber members/online&7: %members%&7/%members_online%" - "&bDescription&7: %description%" - "&bMOTD size/homes/kills&7: %motd_size%&7/%homes%&7/%kills%" - "&bPassword/protection/follow/open&7: %password%&7/%protection%&7/%follow%&7/%open%" - "&bColor set/active/dynamic&7: %color%&7/%color_active%&7/%color_dynamic%" - "&bExperience&7: %experience%" player: header: '&b================== &lDebug Player &r&b==================' text: - "&bUUID&7: %uuid%" - "&bName&7: %name%" - "&bRank&7: %rank%" - "&bGuild&7: %party%" - "&bChat/spy/muted&7: %chat%&7/%spy%&7/%muted%" - "&bProtection bypass&7: %protection_bypass%" player-offline: "&cThe player '%player%' must be online" desc: changed: "&bGuild description changed" removed: "&bGuild description removed" broadcast: "" invalid-chars: "&cInvalid characters. Use: a-Z or 0-9. Min 3 and max 16 chars." censored: "&cThe description contains censored words!" exp: # [Special tag] # => %exp% = Experience gained gained-experience: "&bGained %exp% guild experience for killing the mob" level-up: "&bGuild leveled up to %experience_level%" follow: toggle-on: "&aNow your guild members will follow your leader" toggle-off: "&aYour guild members will not follow your leader anymore" home: teleported: "&7Teleported to the guild home" # [Special tags] # => %seconds% = Time of delay in seconds teleport-in: "&7You will be teleported in %seconds% seconds..." teleport-cancelled: "&7Teleport cancelled" teleport-waiting: "&cYou are already waiting for the teleport!" no-home: "&cThere isn't a home yet" # [Special tags] # => %seconds% = Remaining time in seconds cooldown: "&cYou have to wait %seconds% seconds!" must-select-home: "&cYou must select a valid home" invalid-home: "&cThe selected home doesn't exist" valid-homes: "&bList of valid homes:" # [Special tags] # Any value related to home: %name%, %world%, %server%, %x%, %y%, %z%, %pitch% & %yaw% valid-home-line: '[{"text":"&b%name%","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild home %name%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"&aClick to teleport"}]}}}]' join: joined: "&aYou joined the guild %party%" player-joined: "&b&l%player% joined in the guild" open-close: opened: "&bThe guild is now open" closed: "&bThe guild is now closed" already-open: "&cThe guild is already open" already-closed: "&cThe guild is already closed" cooldown: "&cYou have to wait %seconds% seconds!" cannot-join: "&cYou cannot join this guild" failed: "&cFailed to open the guild" password: wrong-password: "&cWrong password!" list: # [Special tags] # => %index% = The party index # => %number% = Number of online parties # => %page% = Current page of the list # => %maxpages% = Total pages header: "&b============ &lOnline Guilds List &r&b============" footer: "&b================ &lPage %page% of %maxpages% &r&b================" no-one: "&7No one" format-party: '[{"text":"&b%party%","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild info %party%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"&aShow info"}]}}},{"text":" &7[&6Online %members_online_total%&7] %desc%"}]' invalid-order: '&cInvalid order type' motd: changed: "&bGuild MOTD changed" removed: "&bGuild MOTD removed" broadcast: "" content: - "&bGuild MOTD:" - "&b%motd%" invalid-chars: "&cInvalid characters. You can also use '. , /'. Min 3 and max 100 chars." censored: "&cThe MOTD contains censored words!" mute: toggle-on: "&7You have disabled notifications!" toggle-off: "&7You have enabled notifications!" nickname: own: changed: "&bYou changed your nickname into %player_nickname%" removed: "&bYou removed your own nickname" no-permission: "&cYou cannot change your own nickname" others: changed: "&bChanged nickname of %player% into %player_nickname%" # Special tags: # => %nickname% = The target player nickname # Tags are parsed for sender target-changed: "&b%player% changed your nickname into %nickname%" removed: "&bRemoved nickname of %player%" target-removed: "&b%player% removed your nickname" no-permission: "&cYou cannot change other player nicknames" show: own: "&bYour nickname is %player_nickname%" own-none: "&bYou do not have any nickname" other: "&bThe nickname of %player% is %player_nickname%" other-none: "&b%player% does not have any nickname" invalid-chars: "&cInvalid characters. You can also use '. , /'. Min 3 and max 16 chars." censored: "&cThe nickname contains censored words!" password: changed: "&aGuild password changed" removed: "&aGuild password removed" broadcast: "" invalid-chars: "&cInvalid characters. Use: a-Z or 0-9. Min 1 and max 16 chars." protection: toggle-on: "&aNow your guild is protected by friendly fire" toggle-off: "&aYour guild is not protected anymore by friendly fire" protected: "&cYou can't hit your guildmates" warn-on-attack: "&c%player% tried to hit %victim%!" sethome: changed: "" removed: "&bGuild home removed" removed-none: "&cNo guild home found" broadcast: "&aThe guild has a new home!" # [Special tags] # => %seconds% = Remaining time in seconds cooldown: "&cYou have to wait %seconds% seconds!" max-homes: "&cYou reached the maximum number of homes" tag: changed: "&bGuild tag changed" removed: "&bGuild tag removed" broadcast: "" invalid-chars: "&cInvalid characters. Use: a-Z or 0-9. Min 3 and max 10 chars." censored: "&cThe tag contains censored words!" already-used: "&c The tag %tag% is already used" teleport: teleporting: "&7Teleporting your guild here!" player-teleported: "&bTeleported to %player%" # [Special tags] # => %seconds% = Time of delay in seconds player-teleport-in: "&7You will be teleported in %seconds% seconds" player-teleport-cancelled: "&7Teleport cancelled" # [Special tags] # => %seconds% = Remaining time in seconds cooldown: "&cYou have to wait %seconds% seconds!" accept-request: sent: "&aTeleport request sent to the guild" received: '[{"text":"&bDo you want to be teleported to %player%? "},{"text":"&a&lYes","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild accept %player%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"&6Accept the request"}]}}},{"text":" &bor "},{"text":"&c&lno","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild deny %player%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Deny the invitation","color":"gold"}]}}},{"text":"&b?\n&bYou can use &7/guild %player% &bto choose."}]' denied: "&7You denied the teleport request of %player%" vault: # [Special tags] # => %price% = Price of the command no-money: ask: "&cYou don't have enough money to send a join request [%price%$]" claim: "&cYou don't have enough money to perform a claim [%price%$]" color: "&cYou don't have enough money to perform the color command [%price%$]" create: "&cYou don't have enough money to create a guild [%price%$]" desc: "&cYou don't have enough money to set the description [%price%$]" follow: "&cYou don't have enough money to enable follow [%price%$]" home: "&cYou don't have enough money to use the home command [%price%$]" join: "&cYou don't have enough money to join a guild [%price%$]" motd: "&cYou don't have enough money to set the MOTD [%price%$]" nickname: "&cYou don't have enough money to set the nickname [%price%$]" password: "&cYou don't have enough money to set the password [%price%$]" protection: "&cYou don't have enough money to enable protection [%price%$]" rename: "&cYou don't have enough money to rename the guild [%price%$]" sethome: "&cYou don't have enough money to set the home [%price%$]" tag: "&cYou don't have enough money to set the tag [%price%$]" teleport: "&cYou don't have enough money to perform a teleport [%price%$]" confirm: warn-onbuy: '[{"text":"&aCommand %cmd% costs %price%$.\n"},{"text":"&2&lClick here to confirm","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/guild confirm"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"&6Pay the command"}]}}},{"text":" &aor type &7/guild confirm &ato use it"}]' confirmed: "&aPerforming the command." no-cmd: "&cThere is no command to confirm" # / =============================== \ # | OTHER MESSAGES | # \ =============================== / other: follow: # [Special tags] # => %world% = New world following-world: "&7Following %player% in %world%" fixed-parties: default-join: "&bYou entered into %party%" join-leave: server-join: "&b%player% is online!" server-leave: "&7%player% is offline!" # / =============================== \ # | HELP MESSAGES | # \ =============================== / help: header: "&b================= &lGuild Help %page%/%maxpages% &r&b=================" footer: "" perform-command: 'Perform the command' console-help: header: 'You can only perform these commands:' command: ' > %command% - %description%' # [Special tags] # => %syntax% = Command syntax # => %description% = Description # => %run_command% = Command run syntax # => %perform_command% = Perform command message main: commands: help: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' accept: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' chat: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' create: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' delete: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' deny: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' ignore: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' info: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' invite: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' kick: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' leave: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' p: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' rank: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' reload: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' rename: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- %description%","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/%run_command% "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"&6%perform_command%"}}}' spy: '{"text":"&b/%syntax% &7- 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