Read Rspec ---------------- ### Motivation ``` Sometimes we work on a large projects with huge rspec files, and before write some code, is required to understand what is going on there, and for that we don't need to know how it's implemented, but just what is implemented. ``` Installation ------------- ### Package Control 1. Install Sublime Package Control 2. From inside Sublime Text, open Package Control's Command Pallet: CTRL SHIFT P (Windows, Linux) or CMD SHIFT P on Mac. 3. Type `install package` and hit Return. A list of available packages will be displayed. 4. Type `ReadRspec` and hit Return. The package will be downloaded to the appropriate directory. Usage ------------ **Method 1** - Type `cmd+k cmd+r` (mac) / `ctrl+k ctrl+r` (linux and windows) **method 2** - Open command pallet and search for `rspec: read` as the demo below Demo ---- ![](docs/demo.gif) TODO -------------- [ ] - Find a better name (this name is hard to find) [ ] - Adds folding capability [ ] - Expand for other languages