# GitHub Sublime Theme ![GithHub Sublime Theme](https://raw.github.com/AlexanderEkdahl/github-sublime-theme/master/screenshot.png) ## Installation ### Using [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net) Open `Tools -> Command Palette...`. Search for `Package Control: Install Package` and click enter. Wait for the available packages to show up and then search for `GitHub Color theme`. Click enter and the theme should be installed. ### Using Git Locate your Sublime Text 2 `Packages` directory by using the menu item `Preferences -> Browse Packages...`. While inside the `Packages` directory, clone the theme repository using the command below: git clone https://github.com/AlexanderEkdahl/github-sublime-theme.git ### Download Manually * Download the files using the GitHub .zip download option * Unzip the files * Copy the folder to your Sublime Text 2 `Packages` directory ## Activating the color theme `Preferences -> Color Scheme -> GitHub`. ## Bonus Options If you want even more GitHub likeness you can add the following to your user settings { "font_size": 12.2, "font_face": "Courier", "font_options": ["subpixel_antialias"], "line_padding_bottom": 1, "line_padding_top": 1 } ## Contributing All contributions are welcome. Ruby, Haskell and HTML highlighting are almost identical to the GitHub highlighting.