var rule = 30 var iterations = 10000 var countOperations = 0 var profile = { "StandardIterationsEffort": 0, "LookupTableEffort": 0, "SkipStepIterationsEffort": 0, "StandardIterationsTime": 0, "LookupTableTime": 0, "SkipStepIterationsTime": 0 } var stepSize = 5 // Find higher order rules for current row + n // Call the function for (n, rule, generations) where n is the number of generations to look behind, and generations determines the number of generations of automata output to look within // Generate iterations the old fashioned way for profiling var standardInput = "1" var standardOutput = [] profile.StandardIterationsTime = standardOutput.push(standardInput) for (var standardIterations = 0; standardIterations < iterations; standardIterations ++) { standardInput = nextGeneration(standardInput, rule) standardOutput.push(standardInput) } profile.StandardIterationsTime = - profile.StandardIterationsTime profile.StandardIterationsEffort = countOperations countOperations = 0; profile.LookupTableTime = // Generate iterations using higher order steps (n+stepSize) var higherOrderRules = findHigherOrderRules(stepSize, rule) console.log(higherOrderRules) profile.LookupTableTime = - profile.LookupTableTime // Reset operation count (for profiling) profile.LookupTableEffort = countOperations; countOperations = 0; var skipStepsInput = "1" var skipStepsOutput = [] profile.SkipStepIterationsTime = skipStepsOutput.push(skipStepsInput) for (var skipStepsIterations = 0; skipStepsIterations < (iterations / stepSize); skipStepsIterations ++) { skipStepsInput = generateNthRow(skipStepsInput, stepSize, higherOrderRules) skipStepsOutput[skipStepsIterations] = skipStepsInput } profile.SkipStepIterationsTime = - profile.SkipStepIterationsTime profile.SkipStepIterationsEffort = countOperations countOperations = 0 console.log("Last row standard", standardOutput[standardOutput.length-1]) console.log("Last row step size 5", skipStepsOutput[skipStepsOutput.length-1]) console.log(profile) // Generate input row + n function generateNthRow(input, n, higherOrderRules) { nextRow = "" input = input.padStart(n*2 + input.length,"0").padEnd(n * 4 + input.length,"0") for (var i = 0; i < input.length - n*2; i ++) { var matchedPattern = higherOrderRules[input.substr(i,n*2+1)]; nextRow += matchedPattern[matchedPattern.length-1] countOperations ++ } return nextRow } // Returns a cellular automata rule "n", as an array of patterns matches with output values function getRule(n) { var sequence = parseInt(n).toString(2).padStart(8,"0"); return ["111", "110","101","100","011","010","001","000",].map(function(currentValue, index, arr) { return [currentValue, sequence[index]] }) } // Calculates the next generation of the given input using the specified rule array function nextGeneration(input, rule) { rule = getRule(rule) // create a placeholder for the next step var nextStep = "".padStart(input.length + 2, "0") input = input.padStart(input.length + 1,"0").padEnd(input.length + 2,"0") for (var i = 0; i < nextStep.length; i++) { countOperations++ // generate p + q + r var match = (i > 0 ? input[i - 1] : 0) + (input[i]) + (i < nextStep.length - 1 ? input[i + 1] : 0) var nextValue = 0; rule.forEach(function(value) { if (value[0] == match) { nextStep = nextStep.substr(0, i) + value[1] + nextStep.substr(i + 1); } }) } return nextStep } // Generate n generations of specified rules function getGenerations(number, rule) { var currentGeneration = "1"; var generations = [] for (var i = 0; i < number; i++){ generations.push(currentGeneration.padStart(number + i, "0").padEnd(number*2-1, "0")) currentGeneration = nextGeneration(currentGeneration, rule) } return generations } // Figure out which other rules would generate the next step for the specified rules function findHigherOrderRules(n, rule) { var ruleOrders = {} // Calculate rule orders descending from n to 1 for (var currentOrder = n; currentOrder >= 1; currentOrder --) { var patternWidth = currentOrder * 2 + 1 // Width of rule pattern to calculate iteration+n var patternCount = Math.pow(2, patternWidth) // The number of patterns in this rule order for (var patternNumber = 0; patternNumber < patternCount; patternNumber++) { var pattern = patternNumber.toString(2).padStart(patternWidth, "0") var nextOrder = nextGeneration(pattern, rule).substr(2, patternWidth -2) ruleOrders[pattern] = [nextOrder] } } // Fan out the rules for (var i = 0; i < n-1; i++) { for (var key in ruleOrders) { countOperations++ if (typeof ruleOrders[ruleOrders[key][0]] != "undefined" && ruleOrders[ruleOrders[key][0]].hasOwnProperty(i)) ruleOrders[key].push(ruleOrders[ruleOrders[key][0]][i]) } } return ruleOrders }