name: "WebAssembly" scopeName: "source.webassembly" fileTypes: ["wast", "wat"] firstLineMatch: """(?x) # Hashbang ^\\#!.*(?:\\s|\\/|(?<=!)\\b) (?:wasm(?:3|time|-interp|-shell)?|wast) (?:$|\\s) | # Modeline (?: # Emacs -\\*-(?i:[ \\t]*(?=[^:;\\s]+[ \\t]*-\\*-)|(?:.*?[ \\t;]|(?<=-\\*-))[ \\t]*mode[ \\t]*:[ \\t]*) (?i:wasm|was?t|web[-_]?assembly) (?=[ \\t;]|(?]?[0-9]+|m)?|[ \\t]ex)(?=:(?=[ \\t]*set?[ \\t][^\\r\\n:]+:)|:(?![ \\t]*set?[ \\t])) (?:(?:[ \\t]*:[ \\t]*|[ \\t])\\w*(?:[ \\t]*=(?:[^\\\\\\s]|\\\\.)*)?)*[ \\t:] (?:filetype|ft|syntax)[ \\t]*= (?i:wasm|was?t|web[-_]?assembly) (?=$|\\s|:) ) """ patterns: [{ # Interpreter directive name: "comment.line.hashbang.webassembly" begin: "\\A(#!)" end: "$" beginCaptures: 1: name: "punctuation.definition.comment.hashbang.webassembly" }, include: "#main"] repository: main: patterns: [ {include: "#comment-line"} {include: "#comment-block"} {include: "#expression"} {include: "#instructions"} {include: "#type"} {include: "#number"} {include: "#name"} {include: "#string"} {include: "#optional-immediate"} ] # ;; Single-line comment "comment-line": name: "comment.line.semicolon.webassembly" begin: ";;" end: "$" beginCaptures: 0: name: "punctuation.definition.comment.webassembly" # (; Multi-line ;) "comment-block": name: "comment.block.semicolon.webassembly" begin: "\\(;" end: ";\\)" beginCaptures: 0: name: "punctuation.section.comment.begin.webassembly" endCaptures: 0: name: "punctuation.section.comment.end.webassembly" patterns: [include: "#comment-block"] # S-expression expression: patterns: [{ name: "meta.expression.$2.webassembly" begin: "(\\()(\\w+)(?=[\\s()]|$|;;)" end: "\\)" beginCaptures: 1: name: "punctuation.section.expression.begin.webassembly" 2: patterns: [include: "#main"] endCaptures: 0: name: "punctuation.section.expression.end.webassembly" patterns: [include: "#main"] },{ name: "meta.expression.webassembly" begin: "\\(" end: "\\)" beginCaptures: 0: name: "punctuation.section.expression.begin.webassembly" endCaptures: 0: name: "punctuation.section.expression.end.webassembly" patterns: [include: "#main"] }] # Instruction keywords instructions: patterns: [{ # Control instructions name: "keyword.control.instruction.$1.webassembly" match: """(?x) \\b ( block | br(?:_if|_table|_on_(?:cast|data|func|i31|null))? | call(?:_indirect|_ref)? | catch_all | catch | delegate | else | end | if | loop | nop | rethrow | return(?:_call(?:_indirect|_ref)?)? | then | throw | try | unreachable | unwind ) (?=[\\s()]|$|;;)""" },{ # Numeric and SIMD instructions name: "$1.webassembly" match: """(?x) \\b ( (f32|f64) \\. ( (?<=f32.) (demote_f64|reinterpret_i32) | (?<=f64.) (promote_f32|reinterpret_i64) | abs | add | atomic (?:\\.\\w+)++ | ceil | const | convert_i(32|64)_[su] | copysign | div | eq | floor | [gl][et] | load | max | min | mul | nearest | neg? | ne | sqrt | store | sub | trunc ) | (i32|i64) \\. ( (?<=i32.) (reinterpret_f32|wrap_i64) | (?<=i64.) (extend_i32_[su]|extend32_s|load32_[su]|reinterpret_f64|store32) | add | and | atomic (?:\\.\\w+)++ | clz | const | ctz | div_[su] | eqz? | eq | extend(8|16)_s | [gl][et]_[su] | load(8|16)_[su] | load | mul | ne | x?or | popcnt | rem_[su] | rot[lr] | shl | shr_[su] | store(8|16)? | sub | trunc_(sat_)?f(32|64)_[su] ) | v128 \\. ( andnot | and | any_true | atomic (?:\\.\\w+)++ | bitselect | const | load((8|16)_lane|(32|64)_(lane|zero)|(8|16|32|64)_splat|(8x8|16x4|32x2)_[su])? | not | x?or | store((8|16|32|64)_lane)? ) | (f32x4|f64x2) \\. ( (?<=f32x4.) (convert_i32x4_[su]|demote_f64x2_zero) | (?<=f64x2.) (convert_low_i32x4_[su]|promote_low_f32x4) | abs | add | ceil | div | eq | (extract|replace)_lane | floor | [gl][et] | p?max | p?min | mul | nearest | neg? | splat | sqrt | sub | trunc ) | i8x16 \\. ( abs | (?:add|sub)_sat_[su] | add | all_true | avgr_u | bitmask | eq | extract_lane_[su] | [gl][et]_[su] | load_splat | max_[su] | min_[su] | narrow_i16x8_[su] | neg? | ne | popcnt | replace_lane | shl | shr_[su] | shuffle | splat | sub | swizzle ) | i16x8 \\. ( abs | (?:add|sub)_sat_[su] | add | all_true | avgr_u | bitmask | eq | ext(add_pairwise|(end|mul)_(high|low))_i8x16_[su] | extract_lane_[su] | [gl][et]_[su] | load8x8_[su] | load_splat | max_[su] | min_[su] | mul | narrow_i32x4_[su] | neg? | ne | q15mulr_sat_s | replace_lane | shl | shr_[su] | splat | sub ) | i32x4 \\. ( abs | add | all_true | bitmask | dot_i16x8_s | eq | ext(add_pairwise|(end|mul)_(high|low))_i16x8_[su] | extract_lane | [gl][et]_[su] | load16x4_[su] | load_splat | max_[su] | min_[su] | mul | neg? | ne | replace_lane | shl | shr_[su] | splat | sub | trunc_sat_f32x4_[su] | trunc_sat_f64x2_[su]_zero ) | i64x2 \\. ( abs | add | all_true | bitmask | eq | ext(end|mul)_(high|low)_i32x4_[su] | extract_lane | [gl][et]_s | load32x2_[su] | load_splat | mul | neg? | ne | replace_lane | shl | shr_[su] | splat | sub ) ) (?=[\\s()]|$|;;) """ captures: 1: patterns: [{ name: "punctuation.separator.method.period.webassembly" match: "\\." }] },{ # Old(?) numeric instructions match: "\\b([if](?:32|64)(\\.)\\w+)(/)([if](?:32|64))" captures: 1: name: "$1.webassembly" 2: name: "punctuation.separator.method.period.webassembly" 3: name: "punctuation.separator.method.slash.webassembly" 4: patterns: [include: "#type"] },{ # Everything else name: "$1.webassembly" match: """(?x) \\b ( (array|struct) (\\. (len|new(_default)?_with_rtt|get_[su]|[gs]et))? | (current|grow)_memory | data\\.drop | drop | elem\\.drop | field | i31 \\. (new|get_[su]) | ([gs]et|tee)_(local|global) | global\\.[gs]et | local\\.([gs]et|tee) | memory\\.(atomic\\.(notify|wait32|wait64)|copy|fill|grow|init|size) | ref(\\.([ai]s_(data|func|i31|non_null)|cast|eq|func|is_null|null|test))? | rtt(\\.(canon|sub))? | select | table\\.(copy|fill|get|grow|init|set|size) ) (?=[\\s()]|$|;;)""" captures: 1: patterns: [{ name: "punctuation.separator.method.period.webassembly" match: "\\." }] },{ # Declarations name: "storage.type.$1.webassembly" match: """(?x) \\b ( anyfunc | data | declare | element | elem | export | extern | func | global | import | item | local | memory | module | mut | offset | param | result | start | table | type ) (?=[\\s()]|$|;;)""" },{ # WAST script name: "support.function.scripting.webassembly" match: """(?x) \\b ( assert_exhaustion | assert_invalid | assert_malformed | assert_return (?:_(?:arithmetic|canonical)_nan)? | assert_trap | assert_unlinkable | binary | input | invoke | get | output | quote | ref\\.extern | ref\\.host | register | script ) (?=[\\s()]|$|;;)""" captures: 1: patterns: [{ name: "punctuation.separator.method.period.webassembly" match: "\\." }] }] # $foo - Index label name: name: "" match: "(\\$)[-A-Za-z0-9_.+*/\\\\^~=<>!?@#$%&|:'`]+" captures: 1: name: "punctuation.definition.variable.webassembly" # Numeric value number: patterns: [{ # NaN constant with payload name: "constant.language.nan.with-payload.webassembly" match: "(?