# Github - Getting Started ## Create a new account First of all, you need access [https://github.com](https://github.com). ```javascript //Declare global variable GDGLOBAL["SITE"] = 'github'; //Access url get('https://github.com/'); //Take Screenshot of actual state takeScreenshot(); ``` After this, you'll need create account, if you don't have, if you have, jump for next topic. To create new account, click on 'Sign Up' or fill in the form's fields. ```javascript //Take screenshot of css selectors, with no crop and with outline takeScreenshotOf(['a.site-header-actions-btn:nth-child(1)','.home-hero-signup'],false,true); //Click in button 'sign out' click('a.site-header-actions-btn:nth-child(1)'); //Take screenshot of actual state takeScreenshot(); //Sleep for 500ms, if u need wait page load sleep(500); //Fill in css selector with text fillIn('#user_login','PutYourUserName'); fillIn('#user_email','yourEmail@email.com'); fillIn('#user_password','SuperSecretPassword'); //Print text on markdown file console.print('_PS:_ If you agreeing with '+GDGLOBAL["SITE"]+ ' terms, you can click on "Create an account"'); takeScreenshotOf('#signup_button',false,true); ``` ## Search things Github is a repository of so many codes and others things. You can search for a specific repository, person, wiki and etc, using 'Search Github' and write what you want. ```javascript get('https://github.com/'); fillIn('.header-search-input','Welbert Serra'); takeScreenshotOf('.header-search-input',false,true); //Submit form submit('.js-site-search-form'); //Wait for element load wait('div.column:nth-child(1)'); takeScreenshot(); ``` In this page, we have a extra information. Like: ```javascript //takeScreenshotOf with crop and height ajust takeScreenshotOf('div.column:nth-child(1)',true,false,'30%'); console.print('We can filter using Repositories, Code, Issues, Wikis and Users (_In this case, i wanted to search myself_)') click('a.menu-item:nth-child(5)'); sleep(1500); takeScreenshot(); ```