import time from functools import partial import numpy as np import ray from PIL import Image IMGPATH = r'mandelbrot.jpg' @ray.remote def mandelbrot(width_px: int, height_px: int, location_re: np.float128, location_im: np.float128, zoom_level: np.float128, max_iterations: int, width_px_min: int, width_px_max: int) -> np.ndarray: std_dtype = np.float128 # datatype to be used for calculations mandelbrot_size_re = std_dtype(3.5) / zoom_level # horizontal (real) extent of the image in the complex plane # vertical (imaginary) extent of the image in the complex plane mandelbrot_size_im = mandelbrot_size_re * std_dtype(height_px)/std_dtype(width_px) # Initialize result array. Only the first of the values in fill_value (the hue) will be changed later. # The other two (saturation and brightness) remain constant. color = np.full(shape=(width_px_max - width_px_min, height_px, 3), dtype=np.uint8, fill_value=[0, 255, 255]) c_re_min = std_dtype(location_re - 0.5*mandelbrot_size_re) c_im_min = std_dtype(location_im - 0.5*mandelbrot_size_im) c_re_increment = std_dtype(mandelbrot_size_re/width_px) c_im_increment = std_dtype(mandelbrot_size_im/height_px) for screen_x in range(width_px_min, width_px_max): for screen_y in range(height_px): c_re = c_re_min + c_re_increment*screen_x c_im = c_im_min + c_im_increment*screen_y z_re = 0 z_im = 0 i = 0 while (z_re * z_re + z_im * z_im <= 2) and (i < max_iterations): tmp = z_re * z_re - z_im * z_im + c_re z_im = 2 * z_re * z_im + c_im z_re = tmp i += 1 # Use the smooth color algorithm for nice fluid color effects. # The result is a color angle in the HSL color system. For later processing with pillow, this angle is # expressed as a value from 0 to 255. if z_re*z_re + z_im*z_im > 1: color[screen_x - width_px_min, screen_y, 0] = np.uint8((i + 1 - np.log2(abs(np.log2(z_re*z_re + z_im*z_im, dtype=std_dtype))) * 255/max_iterations)) else: color[screen_x - width_px_min, screen_y, 0] = np.uint8(i * 255 / max_iterations) if 10 >= (color[screen_x - width_px_min, screen_y, 0] % 245): color[screen_x - width_px_min, screen_y, 2] = color[screen_x - width_px_min, screen_y, 0] % 245 return color def start_px(width_px: int, no_workers: int, worker_index: int) -> int: (factor, remainder) = np.divmod(width_px, no_workers) return worker_index*factor + min(worker_index, remainder) @ray.remote def mandelbrot_parallel(width_px: int, height_px: int, location_re: np.float128, location_im: np.float128, zoom_level: np.float128, max_iterations: int, no_slices: int) -> np.ndarray: mandelbrot_preconf = partial(mandelbrot.remote, width_px=width_px, height_px=height_px, location_re=location_re, location_im=location_im, zoom_level=zoom_level, max_iterations=max_iterations) slices_start = [start_px(width_px=width_px, no_workers=no_slices, worker_index=i) for i in range(no_slices + 1)] workload = [mandelbrot_preconf(width_px_min=slices_start[i], width_px_max=slices_start[i + 1]) for i in range(no_slices)] results = ray.get(workload) return np.concatenate(results, axis=0) if __name__ == '__main__': ray.init(address='auto') location_re = -0.743643887037158704752191506114774 location_im = 0.131825904205311970493132056385139 start = time.time() img_asarray = ray.get(mandelbrot_parallel.remote(width_px=900, height_px=600, location_re=location_re, location_im=location_im, zoom_level=100, max_iterations=400, no_slices=450)) print(f'execution with Ray: {time.time() - start:.1f} seconds.') ray.shutdown() img = Image.fromarray(obj=img_asarray.transpose(1, 0, 2), mode='HSV').convert(mode='RGB', colors=32768)