Build type: Monthly Device: Google Pixel 7 Pro (cheetah) Device maintainer: Pyrtle93 ==================== 08-31-2023 ==================== * initial AlphaDroid stable build * Some pixel goodies are not included, will be in next release ===================== 10-11-2023 ===================== * Fixed permissioncontroller issue * Rebased trees to los * Added an option to choose between aosp/google battery graph * Dropped lineage charging as were using googles adaptive charging * Updated fingerprint to latest for A13 * Added an option to set min/max refresh rate * Added an option for smooth display * Fixed search not showing up in settings * All pixel features are working now such as now playing, clear calling, adaptive sound, battery share, quick tap, adaptive charging, adaptive connectivity, live caption & live translate * Fixed device health f/c * Added increased touch sensitivity * Updated kernel to latest Kiri * Enabled bouncer user switcher style on lockscreen * Other improvements under the hood ===================== 10-19-2023 ===================== * Fixed gcam f/c * Fixed hold for me & direct my call * Fixed no default sound for phone/alarm * Some QS footer updates * Port statusbar brightness control * Refactor PixelProps * Increased default qs header size from 110 to 130 * Other Misc improvements/updates