import os import subprocess as sp import getpass password=getpass.getpass("Enter your password : ") pwd="arth" if password!="arth": print("INCORRECT PASSWORD. TRY AGAIN ") exit() print("CORRECT PASSWORD. PLZ COUNTINE: ") def hadoop(): while True: os.system("clear") os.system("tput setaf 5") print("\t\t\t\t HADOOP") print("\t\t\t =================") os.system('date') os.system("tput setaf 7") print("\t ====================================================") os.system("tput setaf 3") print(""" [WARNING]: Please ensure that you have already installed hadoop and jdk sofware. Press 1: To use as a Client Press 2: To use as a Namenode Press 3: To use as a Datanode Press 4: To exit from hadoop menu. """) os.system("tput setaf 7") print("\t ====================================================") os.system("tput setaf 2") ch=input("Enter your choice:") os.system("tput setaf 3") ch=int(ch) if ch==1: print("""You have to put ip address,block size,replication number in core-site.xml file. So I am opening the file....Plz enter""") input("Enter for editing the file:") os.system("vi /etc/hadoop/core-site.xml") os.system("hadoop dfsadmin -report") print("If you can see the report, you are ready to use HDFS cluster....") os.system("tput setaf 5") os.system("clear") print(""" Press 1: To upload a file Press 2: To remove the file Press 3: To read the file Press 4: To go back to hadoop menu """) ch=input("Enter your choice:") ch=int(ch) if ch==1: filename=input("Enter the filename with ext. :") os.system("hadoop fs -put {} /".format(filename)) elif ch==2: filename=input("Enter the filename with ext. :") os.system("hadoop fs -rm /{} ".format(filename)) elif ch==3: filename=input("Enter the filename with ext. :") os.system("hadoop fs -cat /{} ".format(filename)) elif ch==4: continue else: print("WRONG CHOICE") elif ch==2: print("Before starting the namenode you have to edit the core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml files.So plz edit these....") input("Press enter for edit core-site.xml file....") os.system("vi /etc/hadoop/core-site.xml") input("Press enter for edit hdfs-site.xml file....") os.system("vi /etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml") print("Plz create the folder you entered in hdfs-site.xml file") os.system("tput setaf 7") folder=input("Enter the folder name:") os.system("mkdir /{}".format(folder)) os.system("hadoop namenode -format") print("Starting namenode .......") os.system(" start namenode") input("Press enter for checking the service is started or not") os.system("jps") os.system("hadoop dfsadmin -report") elif ch==3: print("Before starting the datanode you have to edit the core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml files.So plz edit these....") input("Press enter for edit core-site.xml file....") os.system("vi /etc/hadoop/core-site.xml") input("Press enter for edit hdfs-site.xml file....") os.system("vi /etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml") print("Plz create the folder you entered in hdfs-site.xml file") os.system("tput setaf 7") folder=input("Enter the folder name:") os.system("mkdir /{}".format(folder)) print("Starting namenode .......") os.system(" start datanode") input("Press enter for checking the service is started or not") os.system("jps") os.system("hadoop dfsadmin -report") elif ch==4: return else: print("WRONG OPTION") os.system("tput setaf 2") input("Press enter for continue") def package(): while True: os.system("clear") os.system("tput setaf 5") print("\t\t\t PACKAGE STORE") print("\t\t\t =================") os.system('date') os.system("tput setaf 7") print("\t ====================================================") os.system("tput setaf 3") print(""" Press 1: To install any package Press 2: To uninstall Press 3: To install python modules Press 4: To uninstall python modules Press 5: To check the all python modules Press 6: To install a third-party downloaded software Press 7: To check all the installed softwares. Press 8: To clear the package cache Press 9: To start or stop any service. Press 10: To exit from package menu. """) os.system("tput setaf 7") print("\t ====================================================") os.system("tput setaf 2") ch=input("Enter your choice:") os.system("tput setaf 3") ch=int(ch) if ch==1: package=input("Enter the package name:") os.system("yum install {}".format(package)) elif ch==2: package=input("Enter the package name:") os.system("yum uninstall {}".format(package)) elif ch==3: package=input("Enter the module name:") os.system("pip3 install {}".format(package)) elif ch==4: package=input("Enter the module name:") os.system("pip3 uninstall {}".format(package)) elif ch==5: os.system("pip3 list") elif ch==6: print("[WARNING] : Make sure you already download the software.") package=input("Enter the complete package name:") os.system("rpm -ivh {}".format(package)) elif ch==7: os.system("rpm -q -a") elif ch==8: os.system("yum clean packages") elif ch==9: servicename=input("Enter the service name:") state=input("Choose the state of the servie(start/stop/enable/disable):") print(f"Your service {servicename} is going to be {state}.") os.system("systemctl {} {}".format(state,servicename)) elif ch==10: return else: print("WRONG OPTION") os.system("tput setaf 2") input("Press enter for continue") def network(): while True: os.system("clear") os.system("tput setaf 5") print("\t\t\t\t NETWORK") print("\t\t\t ======================") os.system('date') os.system("tput setaf 7") print("\t ====================================================") os.system("tput setaf 3") print(""" Press 1: To ping with other system Press 2: To display ip Press 3: To capture network packets Press 4: To check occupied ports Press 5: To get the ip address of any web Press 6: To remote login to other system Press 7: To upload any file via SSH Press 8: To download any file via SSH Press 9: To go back to menu program """) os.system("tput setaf 7") print("\t ====================================================") os.system("tput setaf 2") ch=input("Enter your choice:") os.system("tput setaf 3") ch=int(ch) if ch ==1: ip=input("Enter the ip address you want to ping..") os.system("ping -c 5 {}".format(ip)) elif ch==2: os.system("ifconfig") elif ch==3: cardname=input("Enter the network card name (enp0s3/eth0/others):") port=input("Enter the port number on which you want to capture:") os.system("tcpdump -i {} port {} -n".format(cardname,port)) elif ch==4: os.system("netstat -tnlp") elif ch==5: website=input("Enter the website to see ip of site:") os.system("nslookup {}".format(website)) elif ch==6: ip=input("Enter the ip of the system you want to login:") user=input("Enter the username of remote system:") os.system("ssh {}@{} ".format(user,ip)) elif ch==7: filename=input("Enter the file with location.e.g.(/path/of/file/file.txt):") ip=input("Enter the ip of the remote system:") remoteposition=input("Enter the path where you want to upload(e.g./root/):") os.system("scp {} {}:{} ".format(filename,ip,remoteposition)) elif ch==8: filename=input("Enter the file with location where you want to save.e.g.(/path/of/file/file.txt):") ip=input("Enter the ip of the remote system:") remoteposition=input("Enter the path where where you want to download(e.g./root/):") os.system("scp {} {}:{} ".format(ip,remoteposition,filename)) elif ch==9: return else: print("WRONG OPTION") os.system("tput setaf 2") input("Press enter for continue") def local(): while True: os.system("clear") os.system("tput setaf 5") print("\t\t\t System automation by python") print("\t\t\t ======================") os.system('date') os.system("tput setaf 7") print("\t ====================================================") os.system("tput setaf 3") print(""" Press 1: To display the date Press 2: To display the calender Press 3: To display the RAM info Press 4: To clear the cache memory Press 5: To add a new user Press 6: To remove the user Press 7: To start firefox Press 8: To change the password of any user. Press 9: To check number of CPU's. Press 10: To go back to menu. """) os.system("tput setaf 7") print("\t ====================================================") os.system("tput setaf 2") ch=input("Enter your choice:") os.system("tput setaf 3") ch=int(ch) if ch==1: os.system("date") elif ch==2: os.system("cal") elif ch==3: os.system("free -m") elif ch==4: os.system("echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches") elif ch==5: user_name=input("Enter the new username") os.system("useradd {}".format(user_name)) elif ch==6: user_name=input("Enter the new username") os.system("userdel {}".format(user_name)) elif ch==7: os.system("firefox") elif ch==8: user=input("Enter the user name to change password:") os.system("passwd {}".format(user)) elif ch==9: os.system("lscpu") elif ch==10: return else: print("option not supported") os.system("tput setaf 2") input("Enter for continue...") def docker(): while True: def list_container(): return sp.getoutput("docker ps -a") def list_images(): return sp.getoutput("docker images") def pull_image(): image_name=input("Enter the image name:") return sp.getoutput("docker pull {} ".format(image_name)) def start_cont(): os_name=input("Enter the container name:") image_name=input("Enter the image name:") return sp.getoutput("docker run -dit --name {} {}".format(os_name,image_name)) def stop_cont(): os_name=input("Enter the container name:") return sp.getoutput("docker stop {}".format(os_name)) def restart_cont(): os_name=input("Enter the container name:") return sp.getoutput("docker start {}".format(os_name)) os.system("clear") os.system("tput setaf 5") print("\t\t\t Docker automation by python") print("\t\t\t ======================") os.system('date') os.system("tput setaf 7") print("\t ====================================================") os.system("tput setaf 3") print(""" Press 1: To list container Press 2: To list images Press 3: To pull images from docker hub Press 4: To start a new container Press 5: To stop the container Press 6: To restart the container Press 7: To go back to menu """) os.system("tput setaf 7") print("\t ====================================================") os.system("tput setaf 2") ch=input("Enter your choice:") os.system("tput setaf 3") ch=int(ch) if ch==1: o1=list_container() print(o1) elif ch==2: o2=list_images() print(o2) elif ch==3: o3=pull_image() print(o3) elif ch==4: o4=start_cont() print(o4) elif ch==5: o5=stop_cont() print(o5) elif ch==6: o6=restart_cont() print(o6) elif ch==7: return else: print("option not supported") os.system("tput setaf 2") input("Enter for continue") def lvm(): while True: def disk_info(): return sp.getoutput("fdisk -l") def make_part(): disk_name = input("Enter the complete disk name for e.g. /dev/sdb: ") return os.system("fdisk {} ".format(disk_name)) def part_info(): d_name = input("Enter the disk name:") return os.system("fdisk -l {}".format(d_name)) def format_part(): part=input("Enter the partition name(e.g. /dev/sdb1): ") return os.system("mkfs.ext4 {}".format(part)) def mount(): folder_name=input("Enter the folder name on which you want to mount the partition. ") part_name = input("Enter the formatted partition full name: ") return os.system("mount {} {}".format(part_name,folder_name)) def umount(): folder_name=input("Enter the folder name on which you want to unmount the partition. ") part_name = input("Enter the partition full name: ") return os.system("umount {} {}".format(part_name,folder_name)) def details(): return os.system("df -h") def resizing(): print("Before resizing the partition,please make sure that you already unmount the partition.") part_name=input("Enter the unmounted partition name:") size = input("Enter the desired size of partition [e.g. 3G](should be less than max size of the disk):") def create_pv(): disk_name=input("Enter the disk name :") return os.system("pvcreate {}".format(disk_name)) def disp_pv(): disk_name=input("Enter the disk name :") return os.system("pvdisplay {}".format(disk_name)) def create_vg(): pv1=input("Enter 1st PV name:") pv2=input("Enter 2nd PV name:") vg=input("Enter the name of the VG:") return os.system("vgcreate {} {} {}".format(pv1,pv2,vg)) def disp_vg(): vg=input("Enter the VG name:") return os.system("vgdisplay {}".format(vg)) def create_lv(): size=input("Enter the size of the Logical volume(e.g. 8G):") vg=input("Enter the name of the VG:") lv=input("Enter the name of the Logical volume:") return os.system("lvcreate --size {} --name {} {}".format(size,lv,vg)) def disp_lv(): lv=input("Enter the name of the Logical volume:") vg=input("Enter the name of the VG:") return os.system("lvdisplay {}/{}".format(vg,lv)) def extend_size(): lv=input("Enter the name of the Logical volume:") size=input("How much size you want to extend(e.g. 8G):") os.system("lvextend --size +{} {}".format(size,lv)) os.system("resize2fs {}".format(lv)) def reduce_size(): lv=input("Enter the name of the Logical volume:") size=input("How much size you want to reduce(e.g. 8G):") os.system("lvreduce --size {} {}".format(size,lv)) os.system("resize2fs {}".format(lv)) def reback(): return os.system("clear") os.system("tput setaf 5") print("\t\t\t LVM automation by python") print("\t\t\t ======================") os.system('date') os.system("tput setaf 7") print("\t ====================================================") os.system("tput setaf 3") print(""" Press 1: To get all the harddisks information. Press 2: To create partition. Press 3: To get all partitions information in one disk. Press 4: To format the partition. Press 5: To mount the partition to the directory. Press 6: To unmount the partition. Press 7: To get details of size and mount point of the disk. Press 8: To resize the partition(Partition should be unmounted) Press 9: To create Physical volume(PV). Press 10: To display PV information. Press 11: To create Volume Group(VG). Press 12: To display VG information. Press 13: To create logical volume(LV). Press 14: To display LV information. Press 15: To extend the size of LV's. Press 16: To reduce the size of LV's. Press 17: To go back. """) os.system("tput setaf 7") print("\t ====================================================") os.system("tput setaf 2") ch=input("Enter your choice:") os.system("tput setaf 3") ch=int(ch) if ch==1: o1=disk_info() print(o1) elif ch==2: o2=make_part() print(o2) elif ch==3: o3=part_info() print(o3) elif ch==4: o4=format_part() print(o4) elif ch==5: o5=mount() print(o5) elif ch==6: o6=umount() print(o6) elif ch==7: o7=details() print(o7) elif ch==8: o8=resizing() print(o8) elif ch==9: create_pv() elif ch==10: disp_pv() elif ch==11: create_vg() elif ch==12: disp_vg() elif ch==13: create_lv() elif ch==14: disp_lv() elif ch==15: extend_size() elif ch==16: reduce_size() elif ch==17: return else: print("option not supported") os.system("tput setaf 2") input("Enter for continue") def aws(): os.system("clear") os.system("aws configure") while True: os.system("clear") os.system("tput bold") os.system("tput smul") print("AWS") os.system("tput sgr0") os.system("tput rmul") print("""\nPress a: create a key pair Press b: ec2 Press c: ebs Press d: Security Group Press e: S3 bucket Press f: Exit to main menu""") dc=input("Enter your choice : ") if dc=='a': key=input("Enter your key name:") os.system("aws create-key-pair --key-name {}".format(key)) elif dc=='b': print("""\nPress a: Launching_ec2 Press b: Describe_ec2 Press c: Stoping_ec2 Press d: Starting_ec2 Press e: Terminating_ec2 Press f: Exit to AWS menu""") ec=input("Enter your choice : ") if ec == 'a' : ec2_image=input("Enter image id : ") print("Instance types \n t2.nano \t t2.micro \t t2.small \t t2.medium ") ec2_type=input("Enter instance type : ") ec2_security=input("Enter security group id : ") os.system("aws ec2 describe-key-pairs") ec2_key=input("Enter key name : ") ec2_count=input("Enter number of instances : ") os.system("aws ec2 run-instances --security-group-ids {} --instance-type {} --image-id {} --key-name {} --count {}".format(ec2_security,ec2_type,ec2_image,ec2_key,ec2_count)) elif ec== 'b' : os.system("aws ec2 describe-instances") elif ec == 'c' : s_ec2=input("Enter the instance id :") os.system("aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids {}".format(s_ec2)) elif ec == 'd' : s_ec2=input("Enter the instance id :") os.system("aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids {}".format(s_ec2)) elif ec == 'e' : s_ec2=input("Enter the instance id :") os.system("aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids {}".format(s_ec2)) elif ec == 'f': continue else : print("please enter correct optionn..") elif dc == 'c' : print("""\nPress a: Create_ebs-Storage Press b: Describe_ebs Press c: Attaching_ebs Press d: Detach ebs Press e: Deleting_ebs Press f: Exit to AWS menu""") ebs=input("Enter your choice : ") if ebs == 'a' : size=input("Enter the size of the volume :") os.system("aws ec2 create-volume --volume-type gp2 --size {} --availability-zone ap-south-1a".format(size)) elif ebs == 'b': os.system("aws ec2 describe-volumes") elif ebs == 'c': v_id=input("Enter the id of the volume") e_id=input("Enter the id of the intance") os.system("aws ec2 attach-volume --volume-id {} --instance-id {} --device /dev/sdh".format(v_id,e_id)) elif ebs == 'd': v_id=input("Enter the volume id : ") os.system("aws ec2 detach-volume --force --volume-id {}".format(v_id)) elif ebs == 'f': continue else : return elif dc == 'd': print("""\nPress a: Create Security Group Press b: Describe Security Group Press c: delete Security Group Press d: Exit to AWS menu""") sg=input("Enter your choice : ") if sg == 'a' : name=input("Enter the name of the security group :") des=input("Enter description of the security group :") os.system("aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name {} --description {}".format(name,des)) elif sg == 'b': s_id=input("Enter the Security Group id :") os.system("aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-id {}".format(s_id)) elif sg == 'c': s_id=input("Enter the Security Group id :") os.system("aws ec2 delete-security-group --group-id {}".format(s_id)) elif sg == 'd': continue else : return elif dc == 'e': print("""\nPress a: Creating s3 bucket Press b: uploding content to s3 Press c: delete bucket Press d: Exit to AWS menu""") s3=input("Enter your choice : ") if s3 == 'a' : b_name=input("Enter your bucket name : ") os.system("aws s3 mb s3://{} --region ap-south-1".format(b_name)) elif s3 == 'b': location=input("Enter the location of the file :") bucket=input("Enter the bucket name :") img=input("Enter the image name") os.system("aws s3 cp /{} s3://{}/{} --acl public-read".format(location,bucket,img)) elif s3 == 'c': bucket=input("Enter the bucket name :") region=input("Enter the region :") os.system("aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket {} --region {}".format(bucket,region)) elif s3 == 'd': continue elif dc == 'f': return else: os.system("""echo "$(tput setaf 1) $(tput blink) WRONG CHOICE!!! $(tput sgr0) $(tput setaf 7)" """) input("Press Enter to continue...") def menu(): os.system("clear") os.system("tput setaf 5") print("\t\t\t Automation by python") print("\t\t\t ======================") os.system('date') os.system("tput setaf 7") print("\t ====================================================") os.system("tput setaf 3") print(""" Press 1: To docker related tasks Press 2: To lvm Press 3: To aws related tasks Press 4: To local operating system Press 5: To networking related Press 6: To software and service related tasks Press 7: To hadoop related tasks Press 8: to exit """) os.system("tput setaf 7") print("\t ====================================================") os.system("tput setaf 2") ch=input("Enter your choice:") os.system("tput setaf 3") ch=int(ch) if ch==1: docker() elif ch==2: lvm() elif ch==3: aws() elif ch==4: local() elif ch==5: network() elif ch==6: package() elif ch==7: hadoop() elif ch==8: os.system("tput setaf 7") exit() else: print("WRONG CHOICE") while True: os.system("clear") menu() os.system("tput setaf 2") input("press enter for continue:") os.system("tput setaf 7")