// ==UserScript== // @name Mangadex IPFS Shim // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1.1 // @description attempts to load images from IPFS instead of Mangadex // @author Amaranx // @match https://mangadex.org/chapter/* // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @license MIT // @homepage https://github.com/Amaranx/github-ipfs-shim // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ipfs-http-client/dist/index.min.js // @require https://unpkg.com/is-ipfs/dist/index.min.js // @require https://unpkg.com/cids/dist/index.min.js // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/wolfy87-eventemitter@5.2.9/EventEmitter.min.js // ==/UserScript== const CID = window.Cids const isIpns = window.isIPFS //change depending on local API endpoint const nodeSettings = { host: '', protocol: 'http', port: 5001, } const ipfs = window.IpfsHttpClient(nodeSettings) const ipnsHead = 'QmepGawfUvLmxo43bLEbNWoeHhmtEMUuQLzs3ViBapcjDP' var ipfsURL = undefined function loadPage(mfsPath) { return new Promise(async function(resolve, reject) { try{ const chunks = [] for await (const chunk of ipfs.files.read(mfsPath)) { chunks.push(chunk) } let blob = new Blob(chunks, { type: "image/*" }); resolve(URL.createObjectURL(blob)) } catch(e) { reject(e) } }) } function addPage(mfsPath, url) { console.log('adding file to ipfs', mfsPath, url ) GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: url, responseType: 'blob', onload: async function (data) { await ipfs.files.write(mfsPath, data.response, {parents:true, create:true, flush:true}) return loadPage(mfsPath) //console.log(ipfs.files.stat(mfsPath, {hash:true})) }, onerror: function (data) { //alert('A page-download failed. Check the console for more details.'); console.error(data); } }); } const EventEmitter = window.EventEmitter //this is a copy of class ReaderPageModel extends EventEmitter { constructor(number, chapterId, url, ipnsUrl) { super() this._number = number this._chapter = chapterId this._state = ReaderPageModel.STATE_WAIT this._error = null this._url = url this._ipnsUrl = ipnsUrl // this._url = `https://mangadex.org/data/36887d7cffd1443feff080aa2cb416b4/M${number}.png` this._progress = 0 this._image = new Image() this.addImageListeners() } get number() { return this._number } get chapter() { return this._chapter } get image() { return this._image } get progress() { return this._progress } get waiting() { return this.state === ReaderPageModel.STATE_WAIT } get loading() { return this.state === ReaderPageModel.STATE_LOADING } get loaded() { return this.state === ReaderPageModel.STATE_LOADED } get hasError() { return this.state === ReaderPageModel.STATE_ERROR } get isDone() { return this.loaded || this.hasError } get error() { return this._error } get state() { return this._state } set state(v) { this._state = v //console.log('trigger', this.number, this.stateName) this.trigger('statechange', [this]) } get stateName() { switch(this.state) { case 0: return 'wait' case 1: return 'loading' case 2: return 'loaded' case 3: return 'error' } } load(breakCache = false) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { if (!breakCache && this.isDone) { return resolve(this) } else { if (!this.loading) { //console.log('loading img', this._ipnsUrl) this._error = null //ADD let ipfsPage = await loadPage(this._ipnsUrl).catch((e) => { if(e.message === 'file does not exist'){ return addPage(this._ipnsUrl, this._url) } else { console.error(e) } }) //console.log('page', this._ipnsUrl) //SCRIPT CHANGES THIS //this._image.src = this._url + (breakCache ? `?t=${Date.now()}` : '') this._image.src = ipfsPage//'https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmQS1rqmjYfDWwLwRzHtEuGcpRBqDEYCS3BSVDNqdn78i8?filename=fucking-funny.png' this.state = ReaderPageModel.STATE_LOADING } this.once('statechange', () => { switch(this.state) { case ReaderPageModel.STATE_LOADED: return resolve(this) case ReaderPageModel.STATE_ERROR: return reject(this) } }) } }) } addImageListeners() { const _errorHandler = () => { this._error = new Error(`Image #${this.number} failed to load.`) this.state = ReaderPageModel.STATE_ERROR } const _loadHandler = () => { this.state = ReaderPageModel.STATE_LOADED //SCRIPT CHANGES THIS try { this._image.decode() } catch(e) {} } this._image.addEventListener('error', _errorHandler) this._image.addEventListener('load', _loadHandler) } reload(breakCache = false) { return this.load(this.hasError || breakCache) } static get STATE_WAIT() { return 0 } static get STATE_LOADING() { return 1 } static get STATE_LOADED() { return 2 } static get STATE_ERROR() { return 3 } } function _createPageCache(chapter) { for (let [i, page] of this._pageCache) { page.off() } this._pageCache.clear() this._preloadSet.clear() this._preloading = false for (let pg = 1; pg <= chapter.totalPages || 0; ++pg) { //SCRIPT CHANGES THIS const url = this.settings.dataSaver ? chapter.imageURL(pg).replace('/data/', '/data-saver/') : chapter.imageURL(pg) let ipnsUrl = '/Mangadex/' + this._chapter._data.hash + new URL(chapter.imageURL(pg).replace('/data/', '')).pathname //TODO replace const page = new ReaderPageModel(pg, chapter.id, url, ipnsUrl) this._pageCache.set(pg, page) page.on('statechange', (page) => { switch(page.state) { case ReaderPageModel.STATE_LOADING: return this.trigger('pageloading', [page]) case ReaderPageModel.STATE_LOADED: return this.trigger('pageload', [page]) case ReaderPageModel.STATE_ERROR: return this.trigger('pageerror', [page]) } }) } } let waitForIpfsLink = async() => { console.info("waiting for ipfs instance"); while(typeof ipfsURL === undefined){ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5)); } } // http://docs.ipfs.io.ipns.localhost:8080/reference/api/http/#api-v0-add // '' //ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["https://mangadex.org", "", "https://webui.ipfs.io"]' //TODO: store upload date to check if a new chapter version is out //TODO: add per file hash? (async function () { 'use strict'; for await (const name of ipfs.name.resolve(ipnsHead)) { console.info('found ipfs instance', name) ipfsURL = name } let loadReader = async() => { console.info("waiting to inject"); while(!unsafeWindow.hasOwnProperty("reader")){ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5)); } return unsafeWindow.reader } let loadChapterInfo = async() => { while(reader.model.chapter === null){ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5)); } console.info("chapter info retreived"); return reader.model.chapter } const reader = await loadReader() reader.model._createPageCache = _createPageCache console.info("injected"); let info = loadChapterInfo() //console.log(info) })();