# Change Log ## Version 0.26.0 _(2024-08-17)_ - Fix iagnostic position when parsing undefined symbol. - Improve handle error in data provider. - Don't apply CROSS join operator if one of the tables is empty. - Update docs for new Data provider design. - Remove un needed code for remove hidden selection after engine. - Support exponentiation operator. - Optimize the calling of data provider if table is empty. - Implement Select ... INTO OUTFILE. - Support INTO OUTFILE Terminated options and enclosed. - Implement Select ... into dumpfile feature. - Improve error messages when use options with dumpfile. ## Version 0.25.0 _(2024-07-09)_ - Support JOIN more than two tables togther in same query. - Handle hidden selection with multi tables. - Support query `datetime` from diffs table. - Implement LEFT, RIGHT, INNER and CROSS JOINS operation. - Implement JOIN predicate using `ON` keyword. - Simplifiy the DataProvider Design. - Implement Bitwise `xor` operator. - Change XOR operator to match postgresql. - Implement `ARRAY_SHUFFLE` Array function. - Implement `ARRAY_POSITION` Array Function. - Implement `ARRAY_DIMS` Array Function. - Support `Infinity` and `NaN` values. - Support `OUTER` keyword. ## Version 0.24.0 _(2024-06-21)_ - Fix passing global variable value to function call. - Support slice with default start and end and optimize it. - Implement PostgreSQL `DISTINCT ON` operator. - Support `GROUP BY` one or more expression. - Improve the parse and performance of `DESCRIBE` query. - Support PostgreSQL boolean values literals. - Support query `parents_count` of commit. - Support query `committer_name` and `committer_email` of commit. - Rename `name` and `email` to `author_name` and `author_email` of commit. - Support `commit_conventional` function in gitql application. - Support implicit casting in `WHERE` statement. - Support implicit casting in `HAVING` statement. ## Version 0.23.0 _(2024-06-13)_ - Fix resolving return type of function with Dynamic and depend on Variant types. - Fix Projection check for symbols after select statement. ## Version 0.22.1 _(2024-06-12)_ - Hot fix type checker if eval expression without table. ## Version 0.22.0 _(2024-06-12)_ - Allow using column native name in condition after alias it - Implement Slice expression for Collection `[start : end]`. - Implement Slice expression for Collection with optional start and end. - Fix calling function without table name. - Improve projection columns type checker ## Version 0.21.0 _(2024-06-07)_ - Implement `bit_and` and `bit_or` Aggregation function. - Implement Array literal and Index expression. - Implement Index expression for Multi dimensions arrays. - Implement Index expression and fix exception handling. - Implement `array_length` Array function. - Fix runtime exception handling. ## Version 0.20.0 _(2024-05-31)_ - Make `COUNT()` aggregation argument to be `Option`. - Replace `lazy_static` crate by `std::sync::OnceLock`. - Migrate to gix `0.63.0`. - Fix hidden selection in group by statement. - Implement `GROUP_CONCAT` Aggregation function. - Catching function argument with undefined type. - Update Regex expression implementation to not converted to call. - Introduce `gitql-core` and `gitql-std` to allow dynamic std. - Implement `BIN` Text function. - Implement `bool_and` and `bool_or` aggregation functions. ## Version 0.19.1 _(2024-05-19)_ - Fix Count aggregation function parameter type. ## Version 0.19.0 _(2024-05-18)_ - Improve the structure of the parser. - Support string literal with single quotes. - Improve the Type checker to allow mix of optional and varargs parameters. - Implement `UUID` general function. - Implement `STR` TExt function. ## Version 0.18.0 _(2024-04-26)_ - Support unicode in the tokenizer. - Migrate to latest chrono and make clippy happy. - Support query branch last active date as `updated` column. - Update `gix` version to `0.62.0`. ## Version 0.17.0 _(2024-04-05)_ - Implement `RAND` Math functions. - Implement `REGEXPR` expression. - Implement `NOT REGEXPR` expression. - fix: Diagnostic position for invalid table name. - Update `gix` version to `0.61.0`. ## Version 0.16.0 _(2024-03-15)_ - Fix Implicit casting with variant type. - Support `DIV` and `MOD` keywords. - Implement `REGEXP_INSTR`, `REGEXP_LIKE`, `REGEXP_REPLACE` and `REGEXP_SUBSTR` Regex function. - Implement `DATE`, `MINUTE`, `MONTH`, `LAST_DAY` Date functions. - Implement `WEEKOFYEAR`, `WEEKDAY`, `YEARWEEK` Date functions. - Update `gix` version to `0.60.0`. ## Version 0.15.0 _(2024-03-01)_ - implement 'describe table_name' to show fields and types of a table. - Add mysql like `show tables` statement to list all available tables. - Implement `DAYOFWEEK`, `DAYOFMONTH` and `DAYOFYEAR` Date functions. - Implement `QUARTER`, `YEAR` and `TO_DAYS` Date function. - Implement `QUOTENAME` String function. - Fix Parsing function without right paren at the end ## Version 0.14.0 _(2024-02-16)_ - Implement DataProvider interface to allow custom data. - Implement Data Schema component to allow custom data schema. - Improve `ROUND` implementation to supports decimal places. - Implement `MOD` function. - Implement Dynamic DataType to be calculated depending on other types. ## Version 0.13.0 _(2024-01-25)_ - Make `SING` function accept Int or Float type. - Implement `CONCAT_WS` Text function. - Fix Minus unary operator for f64. - Implement exporting data as `JSON`, `CSV`. - Implemnet `DAY` Date function - Fix not reporting diagnostic when date or time format has number out of range. - Perform projection operator before export as `JSON`, `CSV`. - Fix the order of parsing prefix unary with binary expression. - Handle passing 0 tokens to the parser. ## Version 0.12.0 _(2024-01-13)_ - Change GitQLObject structure to get more speedup and keep values sorted. - Supports `LIMIT OFFSET` shorthand inspired by MySQL. - Implement `HOUR` Date functions. - Implement `STRCMP` Text Function. - Implement `GREATEST`, `LEAST` General function. - Implement `ISDATE` Date function. - Optimize `in` expression in case of empty list. - Add Support for `NOT IN` expression. - Report error if user write un expected content after valid statement. - Fix Date and DateTime incorrect equals #71. - Allow `BETWEEN` to work with any type. - Fix ArithmeticExpression expr_type if any side is float. ## Version 0.11.0 _(2023-12-29)_ - Support Assignment expressions `@name := value`. - Allow Assignment expressions to store aggregation value. - Allow lazy evaluate any expression that has aggregation value. - Prevent assign aggregation value to global variable with SET statement. - Support creating identifier using backticks. - Support `Either` type in the type system. - Support `Optional` type in the type system. - Support `Varargs` type in the type system. - Implement `ACOS`, `ATAN`, `ATN2` and `SIGN` Math functions. - Implement `CHARINDEX` Text function. - Implement `DAYNAME`, `MONTHNAME` Date functions. - Update `CONCAT` Text function to accept 2 or more Text values. - Support Aggregation `MAX`, `MIN` to work with different types. - Support Implicit Type casting for Function arguments. - Revamp GQLError to a new Diagnostic representation. - Migrate to Gix v0.57.0. - Update `CONCAT` function to work with any value type. ## Version 0.10.0 _(2023-12-08)_ - Migrate from `git2` to `gix`. - Implement `ASIN` function. - Implement `TAN` function. - Use current directory as repository path if no path is passed. - Implement `--query | -q` flat to run a single query without repl mode. - Support receiving input from a pipe or file redirection. - Support consuming `;` at the end of query main statement. - Support User defined variables. - Suppoer `:=` operator. ## Version 0.9.0 _(2023-11-25)_ - Preallocate the attributes hash with row length. - Fix Clippy comments and setup CI for Lint and Format. - Implement `typeof` function. - Implement `ROUND` function. - Make Identifiers case-insensitive. - Support `<=>` operator. - Implement `SIN` function. - Implement `COS` function. - Support Implicit casting Text to Time. - Support Implicit casting Text to Date. - Support Implicit casting DateTime to Text. ## Version 0.8.0 _(2023-11-10)_ - Support `GLOB` keyword. - Support `DISTINCT` keyword. - Make sure `SELECT *` used with specific table. - Migrate from Prettytables-rs to comfy-table for render tables. - Support optional Pagination with user custom page size. - Support `<>` Operator. - Implement `PI` function. - Implement `FLOOR` function. ## Version 0.7.2 _(2023-10-26)_ - Support `NULL` keyword. - Implement `ISNULL` function. - Implement `ISNUMERIC` function. - Handle crash for undefined symbol as argument at runtime. ## Version 0.7.1 _(2023-09-26)_ - Implement `NOW` function. - Fix handling grouping with aggregations. - Print Date and DateTime with formats. ## Version 0.7.0 _(2023-09-22)_ - Support `Like` Expression. - Remote un needed Check expression. - Support order by any expression. - Ignore input if its empty or new line. - Update Git2 version from `0.17.1` to `0.18.0`. - Implement 20 Text Functions #13 by @Lilit0x and @tbro. ## Version 0.6.0 _(2023-09-06)_ - Support `<<` and `>>` overflow. - Fix reporting error with out of index position. - Implement `Case` expression. - Support bang equal != for comparisons. - Improve error message for unexpected token. - Support negative numbers. - Add repository path as a field for data all tables. - Make function name case-insensitive. - Support Text `reverse` function. - Support Text `replicate` function. - Support Text `ltrim`, `rtrim` function. - Select the same field twice. - Optimize engine to work on one repo only if table name is empty. - Fix merging empty groups. - Add custom error message for invalid use of `asc` and `desc`. - Fix resolving symbols. - Fix name alias for non symbols. - Fix name alias for aggregation function. - Use aggregation function after select statement. - Don't allow using aggregation in where statement. - Fix hidden selections. - Alias the same name twice. - Fix evaluate function before argument. ## Version 0.5.0 _(2023-08-23)_ - Split the project into multi crates. - Support query from multi repositories. - Add CLI flag to enable/disable reporting analysis. - Report error when `WHERE` or `HAVING` condition is not boolean. - Introduce Runtime exceptions. - Report runtime exception for divide by zero. - Report runtime exception for reminder by zero. - Report runtime exception for right and left shift overflow. ## Version 0.4.1 _(2023-07-19)_ - Prevent crash and report more error messages. - Make sure select statement is used before any other statement. - Make sure having is used after group by expression. ## Version 0.4.0 _(2023-07-14)_ - Support hex decimal number format. - Support binary decimal number format. - Support octal decimal number format. - Support Aggregations function without selecting the field. - Support Merging group if it only select aggregations. - Implement Aggregation functions `avg`. - Improve render performance. - Allow calling aggregation function with upper or lower cases. ## Version 0.3.0 _(2023-07-07)_ - Implement Aggregation functions `count`, `max`, `min`, `sum`. - Implement insertions, deletations, file changes for diffs table. - Remove un needed dependencies #4. - Publish the project on crates.io. - Create docs website. - Support Number expression. - Support Arithmetics operators. - Support Bitwise operators. - Support selecting commit id ## Version 0.2.0 _(2023-06-27)_ - Support Aggregation Functions. - Select number of commits for each branch. - Add column alias name. - Add Group by statement. - Add Having statement. - Support order by Ascending and Descending. - Introduce simple type system with error messages. - Report error messages for transformations. - Allow engine to reorder the commands. - Print output in table format. ## Version 0.1.0 _(2023-06-16)_ - First release of GQL.