try: # Modules from string import ascii_letters, digits from random import shuffle, choices from os import system, mkdir, _exit from threading import Thread, Lock from os.path import exists, join from sys import maxsize from json import dumps from time import sleep from re import match import datetime import requests # Standard Variables user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" default_headers = {"User-Agent":user_agent,"Accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8","Accept-Language":"en-US,en;q=0.9","Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate, br"} z, g, b, r, w, o, y, q = '\033[0m', '\033[1;32m', '\033[1;34m', '\033[1;91m', '\033[1;97m', '\033[38;5;208m', '\033[38;2;255;255;0m', '\033[38;2;255;255;204m' db, proxy_type = "", '' done_threads, r_space = 0, ' ' * 15 threading_speed = 0.150 threading = True # CLI Functions def em(text): print(f"{r_space}{w}[\033[1;31m!{w}] {text}{r},{w} Terminating Process{r}.\n{z}"); exit(1) def im(text): return input(f"{r_space}{w}[{q}?{w}] {text+q}:{z}").replace(' ', '').lower() def tm(text): print(f"{r_space}{w}[{b}@{w}] {text}") def cm(text): print(f"{r_space}{w}[{y}*{w}] {text}") def pm(text): print(f"{r_space}{w}[{g}+{w}] {text}") def rm(text): print(f"{r_space}{w}[{r}-{w}] {text}") # Get Proxy List Function def get_proxy_list(): global proxy_type proxy_type = im(f"Proxy Type ({o}1.{w} Socks4, {o}2.{w} Socks5)") if proxy_type in ['2', "socks5"]: db_proxy_list = db+"socks5" cm("Proxy Type (Socks5)") else: db_proxy_list = db+"socks4" cm("Proxy Type (Socks4)") proxy_type = "socks4" cm("Requesting a Proxy List...") for attempt in range(5): try: resp_all_proxy_lists = requests.get(db_proxy_list, headers=default_headers) if resp_all_proxy_lists.status_code == 200: all_proxy_lists = resp_all_proxy_lists.text.splitlines() shuffle(all_proxy_lists) for db_proxy_list in all_proxy_lists: resp_proxy_list = requests.get(db_proxy_list, headers=default_headers) if resp_proxy_list.status_code == 200: proxy_list = resp_proxy_list.text.splitlines() pm(f"{str(len(proxy_list))} Proxies Achieved") return proxy_list em("Failed to Achieve a Proxy List") elif attempt == 4: em("Failed to Achieve a Proxy List") except requests.exceptions.Timeout: continue except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: em("Check Your Internet Connection") # Generate fake tokens function def generate_tokens(): x_csrftoken = "".join(choices(ascii_letters + digits, k=32)) x_asbd_id = "".join(choices(digits, k=6)) return [x_csrftoken, x_asbd_id] # Return Yes or No Function By Bool Function def yn(_): if _:return "Yes" return "No" # Saving general info function def save_general_info(folder_name, info, username): general_file_content = f"《═══════════════》{username}《═══════════════》\n" general_file_content += "Original Profile Picture ☠ «"+info["profile_pic_url_hd"]+'»\n\n' general_file_content += "Full Name ☠ «"+info["full_name"]+'»\n' if info["category_name"] != None: general_file_content += "Category ☠ «"+info["category_name"]+'»\n' general_file_content += "Bio ☠ «"+info["biography"].replace('\n', "\\n")+'»\n\n' general_file_content += "Posts ☠ «"+str(info["edge_owner_to_timeline_media"]["count"])+'»\n' general_file_content += "Followers ☠ «"+str(info["edge_followed_by"]["count"])+'»\n' general_file_content += "Following ☠ «"+str(info["edge_follow"]["count"])+'»\n\n' if len(info["bio_links"]) > 0: link_num = 1 general_file_content += "Bio Links ↯\n" for link in info["bio_links"]: general_file_content += f"\t{str(link_num)}.\n"; link_num += 1 general_file_content += "\t\t☠ «"+link["title"]+'»\n' general_file_content += "\t\t☠ «"+link["lynx_url"]+'»\n' general_file_content += "\t\t☠ «"+link["url"]+'»\n' general_file_content += "\t\t☠ «"+link["link_type"]+'»\n' general_file_content += "\n" general_file_content += "Private Account ☠ «"+yn(info["is_private"])+'»\n' general_file_content += "Verified Account ☠ «"+yn(info["is_verified"])+'»\n' general_file_content += "Recent Account ☠ «"+yn(info["is_joined_recently"])+'»\n' general_file_content += "Professional Account ☠ «"+yn(info["is_professional_account"])+'»\n' general_file_content += "Supervised User ☠ «"+yn(info["is_supervised_user"])+'»\n' if len(info["pronouns"]) > 0: general_file_content += "\nPronouns ↯\n" for pronoun in info["pronouns"]: general_file_content += "\t☠ «"+pronoun+'»\n' general_file_content += "\n" general_file_content += "Business Account ☠ «"+yn(info["is_business_account"])+'»\n' if info["is_business_account"]: general_file_content += "Contact Method ☠ «"+info["business_contact_method"]+'»\n' general_file_content += "E-mail ☠ «"+info["business_email"]+'»\n' general_file_content += "Phone ☠ «"+info["business_phone_number"]+'»\n' general_file_content += "\nID ☠ «"+info["id"]+'»\n' with open(join(folder_name, username+"-general.txt"), 'w') as file_general: file_general.write(general_file_content) file_general.close() # Save posts function def save_posts(folder_name, info, username): posts_file_content, post_num = '', 0 posts = info["edge_owner_to_timeline_media"]["edges"] for postx in posts: post_num += 1 post = postx["node"] posts_file_content += f"《═══════════════》{str(post_num)}《═══════════════》\n" if post["__typename"] == "GraphImage": post_type = "Image"; media_src = post["display_url"] elif post["__typename"] == "GraphVideo": post_type = "Video"; media_src = post["video_url"] elif post["__typename"] == "GraphSidecar": post_type = "Carousel"; media_src = post["edge_sidecar_to_children"]["edges"] else: post_type = "Unknown" posts_file_content += "Post Type ☠ «"+post_type+"»\n" posts_file_content += "Posted on ☠ «"+str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(post["taken_at_timestamp"]))+"»\n" if post["__typename"] != "GraphSidecar": posts_file_content += "Original Media ☠ «"+media_src+"»" else: media_num = 0 posts_file_content += "\nOriginal Media ↯" for media in media_src: media = media["node"] media_num += 1 posts_file_content += f'\n\t{media_num}.' if media["__typename"] == "GraphVideo": posts_file_content += f"\n\t\t☠ «Video»" posts_file_content += f'\n\t\t☠ «'+media["video_url"]+"»" elif media["__typename"] == "GraphImage": posts_file_content += f"\n\t\t☠ «Image»" posts_file_content += f'\n\t\t☠ «'+media["display_url"]+"»" if media["accessibility_caption"] != None: posts_file_content += f'\n\t\t☠ «'+media["accessibility_caption"]+"»" posts_file_content += '\n' posts_file_content += "\nShare URL ☠ «"+""+post["shortcode"]+"»" try: posts_file_content += "\nCaption ☠ «"+post["edge_media_to_caption"]["edges"][0]["node"]["text"]+"»" except:None if post["accessibility_caption"] != None: posts_file_content += "\nAccessibility Caption ☠ «"+post["accessibility_caption"]+"»" if post["location"] != None: posts_file_content += "\nLocation ☠ «"+post["location"]["name"]+"»" if len(post["edge_media_to_tagged_user"]["edges"]) != 0: tagged_num = 0 posts_file_content += "\n\nTagged ↯" for tagged_user in post["edge_media_to_tagged_user"]["edges"]: tagged_num += 1 tagged_user = tagged_user["node"]["user"] posts_file_content += f'\n\t{tagged_num}.' posts_file_content += f'\n\t\t☠ «'+tagged_user["username"]+"»" posts_file_content += f'\n\t\t☠ «'+tagged_user["id"]+"»" posts_file_content += f'\n\t\t☠ «'+tagged_user["profile_pic_url"]+"»" posts_file_content += '\n' if post_num != info["edge_owner_to_timeline_media"]["count"]: posts_file_content += "\n\n\n" else: posts_file_content += '\n' with open(join(folder_name, username+"-posts.txt"), 'w') as file_posts: file_posts.write(posts_file_content) file_posts.close() # Save related profiles function def save_related_profiles(folder_name, info, username): related_profiles_file_content, rp_num = '', 0 related_profiles = info["edge_related_profiles"]["edges"] for rp in related_profiles: rp = rp["node"] rp_num += 1 related_profiles_file_content += f"《═══════════════》{str(rp_num)}《═══════════════》\n" related_profiles_file_content += f"Username ☠ «"+rp["username"]+"»\n" related_profiles_file_content += f"Full Name ☠ «"+rp["full_name"]+"»\n" related_profiles_file_content += f"Profile Picture ☠ «"+rp["profile_pic_url"]+"»\n" related_profiles_file_content += f"Private Account ☠ «"+yn(rp["is_private"])+"»\n" related_profiles_file_content += f"Verified Account ☠ «"+yn(rp["is_verified"])+"»\n" if rp != related_profiles[-1]["node"]: related_profiles_file_content += '\n' with open(join(folder_name, username+"-related_profiles.txt"), 'w') as file_related_profiles: file_related_profiles.write(related_profiles_file_content) file_related_profiles.close() # Get Profile By Username Thread Function def get_profile_by_username_thread(proxy, username, lock): global done_threads, threading TOKENS = generate_tokens() resp = requests.get( ""+username, headers = { "sec-ch-prefers-color-scheme": "dark", "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin", "x-csrftoken": TOKENS[0], "x-asbd-id":TOKENS[1], "x-ig-app-id": "936619743392459", "x-ig-www-claim": "0", "x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest", "Referer": ""+username+"/", "Referrer-Policy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin" }, proxies = {proxy_type:proxy} ); done_threads += 1 if resp.status_code == 200: resp_json = resp.json()["data"]["user"] if resp_json == None: Thread(target=em, args=["User Not Found"], daemon=True).start() _exit(1) resp_sorted_json = dict(sorted(resp_json.items())) content = dumps(resp_sorted_json, indent=4).replace("\\u0026", '&') folder_name = username+"-instakilo" threading = False for x in range(maxsize): if x!=0:folder_name = username+"-instakilo("+str(x)+")" if exists(folder_name) == False: with lock: mkdir(folder_name) file_json = open(join(folder_name, username+"-json.json"), 'w') file_json.write(content+'\n') file_json.close() save_general_info(folder_name, resp_json, username) if resp_json["edge_owner_to_timeline_media"]["count"] != 0 and resp_json["is_private"] == False: save_posts(folder_name, resp_json, username) if len(resp_json["edge_related_profiles"]["edges"]) != 0: save_related_profiles(folder_name, resp_json, username) pm("Saved as `"+folder_name+'`'); print() _exit(0) elif resp.status_code == 404: Thread(target=em, args=["User Not Found"], daemon=True).start() _exit(1) # Get Profile By Username Thread Function def get_profile_by_id_thread(proxy, id, lock): global done_threads resp = requests.get( r"{%22user_id%22:%22"+id+r"%22,%22include_chaining%22:false,%22include_reel%22:true,%22include_suggested_users%22:false,%22include_logged_out_extras%22:false,%22include_highlight_reels%22:false,%22include_related_profiles%22:false}", proxies={proxy_type:proxy} ) if resp.status_code == 200: try: with lock: pm(resp.json()["data"]["user"]["reel"]["user"]["username"]); print() _exit(0) except: Thread(target=em, args=["User Not Found"], daemon=True).start() _exit(1) elif resp.status_code == 404: Thread(target=em, args=["User Not Found"], daemon=True).start() _exit(1) # Get Profile By Username Function def start_threading(method, username_or_id, proxies): global threading cm("Threading...") lock = Lock() for proxy in proxies: if threading: if method == "username": T = Thread(target=get_profile_by_username_thread, args=[proxy, username_or_id, lock]) else: T = Thread(target=get_profile_by_id_thread, args=[proxy, username_or_id, lock]) T.daemon = True T.start() sleep(threading_speed) else: while 1: None pm("Done Threading") while len(proxies) != done_threads: None em("Mission Failed") # Main system("clear||cls"); print("""\n\t:::: :: :: :: \n\t :: :: :: :: \n\t :: :: :: :: :: \n\t :+ :+ : +:+ :+:+ :+: +: +: :+ :+ :+: \n\t +: +:+:+ +: +: +: +: +: +:+:+ +: +:+:+ \n\t +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +# +# \n\t +# +# +# +# +# +#+# +# +# +# +# +# +# \n\t #+ #+ #+ #+ #+ #+ #+ #+ #+ #+ #+ #+ #+ #+ \n\t#### ## ## ### ### #### ## ## ## ## ###\n\033[0m""".replace(':', "\033[38;2;255;182;193m:").replace('+', "\033[38;2;255;105;180m+").replace('#', "\033[38;2;255;20;147m#")) tm("Github (An0r3w)") tm("E-mail (") method = im(f"Method ({o}1.{w} Username, {o}2.{w} ID)") if method in ['1', "username"]: username = im("Username") if match(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9._]{1,30}$", username): pm("Valid Username") proxies = get_proxy_list() start_threading("username", username, proxies) else: em("Invalid Username") elif method in ['2', "id"]: id = im("ID") if match(r"^\d+$", id): pm("Valid ID") proxies = get_proxy_list() start_threading("id", id, proxies) else: em("Invalid ID") else: em("Invalid Input") # Exit Handler except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): print("\n\033[1;31mGoodbye!.\033[0m")