" Plugin for distict between TAB and SPACE character " " Maintainer: JoungKyun.Kim " Projects: https://github.com/AnNyung/VIM_plugins " Bug Report: https://github.com/AnNyung/VIM_plugins/issues " Revision: r2 2019/09/05 " " INSTALL " Put tabdistinct.vim in vim plugin directory($VIM/vimfiles/plugin) or " your plugin directory(~/.vim/plugin). " " USAGE " on command mode, toggle with "_" key. " Avoid reloading {{{ if exists('loaded_tab_distinct') finish endif let loaded_tab_distinct = 1 " }}} map _ :call TabDistinct () let s:ToggleDistinct = 0 function! TabDistinct () if !exists("g:syntax_on") || g:syntax_on == 0 echo "Tab distinct: nothigng because of Syntax off" return 0 endif if s:ToggleDistinct == 0 hi SpecialKey ctermbg=blue guibg=blue ctermfg=blue guifg=blue set list listchars=tab:ยทยท let s:ToggleDistinct = 1 echo "Tab distinct:tab bgcolor turun on" else set nolist let s:ToggleDistinct = 0 echo "Tab distinct:tab bgcolor turun off" endif endfunc " " Local variables: " tab-width: 4 " c-basic-offset: 4 " indent-tabs-mode nil " End: " vim: filetype=vim si et sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 fdm=marker: "