import ArcType from "../Core/ArcType.js"; import Cartesian3 from "../Core/Cartesian3.js"; import Color from "../Core/Color.js"; import createGuid from "../Core/createGuid.js"; import Credit from "../Core/Credit.js"; import defaultValue from "../Core/defaultValue.js"; import defined from "../Core/defined.js"; import DeveloperError from "../Core/DeveloperError.js"; import Event from "../Core/Event.js"; import getFilenameFromUri from "../Core/getFilenameFromUri.js"; import PinBuilder from "../Core/PinBuilder.js"; import PolygonHierarchy from "../Core/PolygonHierarchy.js"; import Resource from "../Core/Resource.js"; import RuntimeError from "../Core/RuntimeError.js"; import HeightReference from "../Scene/HeightReference.js"; import VerticalOrigin from "../Scene/VerticalOrigin.js"; import topojson from "../ThirdParty/topojson.js"; import BillboardGraphics from "./BillboardGraphics.js"; import CallbackProperty from "./CallbackProperty.js"; import ColorMaterialProperty from "./ColorMaterialProperty.js"; import ConstantPositionProperty from "./ConstantPositionProperty.js"; import ConstantProperty from "./ConstantProperty.js"; import DataSource from "./DataSource.js"; import EntityCluster from "./EntityCluster.js"; import EntityCollection from "./EntityCollection.js"; import PolygonGraphics from "./PolygonGraphics.js"; import PolylineGraphics from "./PolylineGraphics.js"; function defaultCrsFunction(coordinates) { return Cartesian3.fromDegrees(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2]); } const crsNames = { "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84": defaultCrsFunction, "EPSG:4326": defaultCrsFunction, "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326": defaultCrsFunction, }; const crsLinkHrefs = {}; const crsLinkTypes = {}; let defaultMarkerSize = 48; let defaultMarkerSymbol; let defaultMarkerColor = Color.ROYALBLUE; let defaultStroke = Color.YELLOW; let defaultStrokeWidth = 2; let defaultFill = Color.fromBytes(255, 255, 0, 100); let defaultClampToGround = false; const sizes = { small: 24, medium: 48, large: 64, }; const simpleStyleIdentifiers = [ "title", "description", // "marker-size", "marker-symbol", "marker-color", "stroke", // "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "fill", "fill-opacity", ]; function defaultDescribe(properties, nameProperty) { let html = ""; for (const key in properties) { if (properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (key === nameProperty || simpleStyleIdentifiers.indexOf(key) !== -1) { continue; } const value = properties[key]; if (defined(value)) { if (typeof value === "object") { html += `${key}${defaultDescribe(value)}`; } else { html += `${key}${value}`; } } } } if (html.length > 0) { html = `${html}
`; } return html; } function createDescriptionCallback(describe, properties, nameProperty) { let description; return function (time, result) { if (!defined(description)) { description = describe(properties, nameProperty); } return description; }; } function defaultDescribeProperty(properties, nameProperty) { return new CallbackProperty( createDescriptionCallback(defaultDescribe, properties, nameProperty), true ); } //GeoJSON specifies only the Feature object has a usable id property //But since "multi" geometries create multiple entity, //we can't use it for them either. function createObject(geoJson, entityCollection, describe) { let id =; if (!defined(id) || geoJson.type !== "Feature") { id = createGuid(); } else { let i = 2; let finalId = id; while (defined(entityCollection.getById(finalId))) { finalId = `${id}_${i}`; i++; } id = finalId; } const entity = entityCollection.getOrCreateEntity(id); const properties =; if (defined(properties)) { = properties; let nameProperty; //Check for the simplestyle specified name first. const name = properties.title; if (defined(name)) { = name; nameProperty = "title"; } else { //Else, find the name by selecting an appropriate property. //The name will be obtained based on this order: //1) The first case-insensitive property with the name 'title', //2) The first case-insensitive property with the name 'name', //3) The first property containing the word 'title'. //4) The first property containing the word 'name', let namePropertyPrecedence = Number.MAX_VALUE; for (const key in properties) { if (properties.hasOwnProperty(key) && properties[key]) { const lowerKey = key.toLowerCase(); if (namePropertyPrecedence > 1 && lowerKey === "title") { namePropertyPrecedence = 1; nameProperty = key; break; } else if (namePropertyPrecedence > 2 && lowerKey === "name") { namePropertyPrecedence = 2; nameProperty = key; } else if (namePropertyPrecedence > 3 && /title/i.test(key)) { namePropertyPrecedence = 3; nameProperty = key; } else if (namePropertyPrecedence > 4 && /name/i.test(key)) { namePropertyPrecedence = 4; nameProperty = key; } } } if (defined(nameProperty)) { = properties[nameProperty]; } } const description = properties.description; if (description !== null) { entity.description = !defined(description) ? describe(properties, nameProperty) : new ConstantProperty(description); } } return entity; } function coordinatesArrayToCartesianArray(coordinates, crsFunction) { const positions = new Array(coordinates.length); for (let i = 0; i < coordinates.length; i++) { positions[i] = crsFunction(coordinates[i]); } return positions; } const geoJsonObjectTypes = { Feature: processFeature, FeatureCollection: processFeatureCollection, GeometryCollection: processGeometryCollection, LineString: processLineString, MultiLineString: processMultiLineString, MultiPoint: processMultiPoint, MultiPolygon: processMultiPolygon, Point: processPoint, Polygon: processPolygon, Topology: processTopology, }; const geometryTypes = { GeometryCollection: processGeometryCollection, LineString: processLineString, MultiLineString: processMultiLineString, MultiPoint: processMultiPoint, MultiPolygon: processMultiPolygon, Point: processPoint, Polygon: processPolygon, Topology: processTopology, }; // GeoJSON processing functions function processFeature(dataSource, feature, notUsed, crsFunction, options) { if (feature.geometry === null) { //Null geometry is allowed, so just create an empty entity instance for it. createObject(feature, dataSource._entityCollection, options.describe); return; } if (!defined(feature.geometry)) { throw new RuntimeError("feature.geometry is required."); } const geometryType = feature.geometry.type; const geometryHandler = geometryTypes[geometryType]; if (!defined(geometryHandler)) { throw new RuntimeError(`Unknown geometry type: ${geometryType}`); } geometryHandler(dataSource, feature, feature.geometry, crsFunction, options); } function processFeatureCollection( dataSource, featureCollection, notUsed, crsFunction, options ) { const features = featureCollection.features; for (let i = 0, len = features.length; i < len; i++) { processFeature(dataSource, features[i], undefined, crsFunction, options); } } function processGeometryCollection( dataSource, geoJson, geometryCollection, crsFunction, options ) { const geometries = geometryCollection.geometries; for (let i = 0, len = geometries.length; i < len; i++) { const geometry = geometries[i]; const geometryType = geometry.type; const geometryHandler = geometryTypes[geometryType]; if (!defined(geometryHandler)) { throw new RuntimeError(`Unknown geometry type: ${geometryType}`); } geometryHandler(dataSource, geoJson, geometry, crsFunction, options); } } function createPoint(dataSource, geoJson, crsFunction, coordinates, options) { let symbol = options.markerSymbol; let color = options.markerColor; let size = options.markerSize; const properties =; if (defined(properties)) { const cssColor = properties["marker-color"]; if (defined(cssColor)) { color = Color.fromCssColorString(cssColor); } size = defaultValue(sizes[properties["marker-size"]], size); const markerSymbol = properties["marker-symbol"]; if (defined(markerSymbol)) { symbol = markerSymbol; } } let canvasOrPromise; if (defined(symbol)) { if (symbol.length === 1) { canvasOrPromise = dataSource._pinBuilder.fromText( symbol.toUpperCase(), color, size ); } else { canvasOrPromise = dataSource._pinBuilder.fromMakiIconId( symbol, color, size ); } } else { canvasOrPromise = dataSource._pinBuilder.fromColor(color, size); } const billboard = new BillboardGraphics(); billboard.verticalOrigin = new ConstantProperty(VerticalOrigin.BOTTOM); // Clamp to ground if there isn't a height specified if (coordinates.length === 2 && options.clampToGround) { billboard.heightReference = HeightReference.CLAMP_TO_GROUND; } const entity = createObject( geoJson, dataSource._entityCollection, options.describe ); entity.billboard = billboard; entity.position = new ConstantPositionProperty(crsFunction(coordinates)); const promise = Promise.resolve(canvasOrPromise) .then(function (image) { billboard.image = new ConstantProperty(image); }) .catch(function () { billboard.image = new ConstantProperty( dataSource._pinBuilder.fromColor(color, size) ); }); dataSource._promises.push(promise); } function processPoint(dataSource, geoJson, geometry, crsFunction, options) { createPoint(dataSource, geoJson, crsFunction, geometry.coordinates, options); } function processMultiPoint( dataSource, geoJson, geometry, crsFunction, options ) { const coordinates = geometry.coordinates; for (let i = 0; i < coordinates.length; i++) { createPoint(dataSource, geoJson, crsFunction, coordinates[i], options); } } function createLineString( dataSource, geoJson, crsFunction, coordinates, options ) { let material = options.strokeMaterialProperty; let widthProperty = options.strokeWidthProperty; const properties =; if (defined(properties)) { const width = properties["stroke-width"]; if (defined(width)) { widthProperty = new ConstantProperty(width); } let color; const stroke = properties.stroke; if (defined(stroke)) { color = Color.fromCssColorString(stroke); } const opacity = properties["stroke-opacity"]; if (defined(opacity) && opacity !== 1.0) { if (!defined(color)) { color = material.color.getValue().clone(); } color.alpha = opacity; } if (defined(color)) { material = new ColorMaterialProperty(color); } } const entity = createObject( geoJson, dataSource._entityCollection, options.describe ); const polylineGraphics = new PolylineGraphics(); entity.polyline = polylineGraphics; polylineGraphics.clampToGround = options.clampToGround; polylineGraphics.material = material; polylineGraphics.width = widthProperty; polylineGraphics.positions = new ConstantProperty( coordinatesArrayToCartesianArray(coordinates, crsFunction) ); polylineGraphics.arcType = ArcType.RHUMB; } function processLineString( dataSource, geoJson, geometry, crsFunction, options ) { createLineString( dataSource, geoJson, crsFunction, geometry.coordinates, options ); } function processMultiLineString( dataSource, geoJson, geometry, crsFunction, options ) { const lineStrings = geometry.coordinates; for (let i = 0; i < lineStrings.length; i++) { createLineString(dataSource, geoJson, crsFunction, lineStrings[i], options); } } function createPolygon(dataSource, geoJson, crsFunction, coordinates, options) { if (coordinates.length === 0 || coordinates[0].length === 0) { return; } let outlineColorProperty = options.strokeMaterialProperty.color; let material = options.fillMaterialProperty; let widthProperty = options.strokeWidthProperty; const properties =; if (defined(properties)) { const width = properties["stroke-width"]; if (defined(width)) { widthProperty = new ConstantProperty(width); } let color; const stroke = properties.stroke; if (defined(stroke)) { color = Color.fromCssColorString(stroke); } let opacity = properties["stroke-opacity"]; if (defined(opacity) && opacity !== 1.0) { if (!defined(color)) { color = outlineColorProperty.getValue().clone(); } color.alpha = opacity; } if (defined(color)) { outlineColorProperty = new ConstantProperty(color); } let fillColor; const fill = properties.fill; const materialColor = material.color.getValue(); if (defined(fill)) { fillColor = Color.fromCssColorString(fill); fillColor.alpha = materialColor.alpha; } opacity = properties["fill-opacity"]; if (defined(opacity) && opacity !== materialColor.alpha) { if (!defined(fillColor)) { fillColor = materialColor.clone(); } fillColor.alpha = opacity; } if (defined(fillColor)) { material = new ColorMaterialProperty(fillColor); } } const polygon = new PolygonGraphics(); polygon.outline = new ConstantProperty(true); polygon.outlineColor = outlineColorProperty; polygon.outlineWidth = widthProperty; polygon.material = material; polygon.arcType = ArcType.RHUMB; const holes = []; for (let i = 1, len = coordinates.length; i < len; i++) { holes.push( new PolygonHierarchy( coordinatesArrayToCartesianArray(coordinates[i], crsFunction) ) ); } const positions = coordinates[0]; polygon.hierarchy = new ConstantProperty( new PolygonHierarchy( coordinatesArrayToCartesianArray(positions, crsFunction), holes ) ); if (positions[0].length > 2) { polygon.perPositionHeight = new ConstantProperty(true); } else if (!options.clampToGround) { polygon.height = 0; } const entity = createObject( geoJson, dataSource._entityCollection, options.describe ); entity.polygon = polygon; } function processPolygon(dataSource, geoJson, geometry, crsFunction, options) { createPolygon( dataSource, geoJson, crsFunction, geometry.coordinates, options ); } function processMultiPolygon( dataSource, geoJson, geometry, crsFunction, options ) { const polygons = geometry.coordinates; for (let i = 0; i < polygons.length; i++) { createPolygon(dataSource, geoJson, crsFunction, polygons[i], options); } } function processTopology(dataSource, geoJson, geometry, crsFunction, options) { for (const property in geometry.objects) { if (geometry.objects.hasOwnProperty(property)) { const feature = topojson.feature(geometry, geometry.objects[property]); const typeHandler = geoJsonObjectTypes[feature.type]; typeHandler(dataSource, feature, feature, crsFunction, options); } } } /** * @typedef {Object} GeoJsonDataSource.LoadOptions * * Initialization options for the load method. * * @property {String} [sourceUri] Overrides the url to use for resolving relative links. * @property {GeoJsonDataSource.describe} [describe=GeoJsonDataSource.defaultDescribeProperty] A function which returns a Property object (or just a string). * @property {Number} [markerSize=GeoJsonDataSource.markerSize] The default size of the map pin created for each point, in pixels. * @property {String} [markerSymbol=GeoJsonDataSource.markerSymbol] The default symbol of the map pin created for each point. * @property {Color} [markerColor=GeoJsonDataSource.markerColor] The default color of the map pin created for each point. * @property {Color} [stroke=GeoJsonDataSource.stroke] The default color of polylines and polygon outlines. * @property {Number} [strokeWidth=GeoJsonDataSource.strokeWidth] The default width of polylines and polygon outlines. * @property {Color} [fill=GeoJsonDataSource.fill] The default color for polygon interiors. * @property {Boolean} [clampToGround=GeoJsonDataSource.clampToGround] true if we want the geometry features (polygons or linestrings) clamped to the ground. * @property {Credit|String} [credit] A credit for the data source, which is displayed on the canvas. */ /** * A {@link DataSource} which processes both * {@link|GeoJSON} and {@link|TopoJSON} data. * {@link|simplestyle-spec} properties will also be used if they * are present. * * @alias GeoJsonDataSource * @constructor * * @param {String} [name] The name of this data source. If undefined, a name will be taken from * the name of the GeoJSON file. * * @demo {@link|Cesium Sandcastle GeoJSON and TopoJSON Demo} * @demo {@link|Cesium Sandcastle GeoJSON simplestyle Demo} * * @example * const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer'); * viewer.dataSources.add(Cesium.GeoJsonDataSource.load('../../SampleData/ne_10m_us_states.topojson', { * stroke: Cesium.Color.HOTPINK, * fill: Cesium.Color.PINK, * strokeWidth: 3, * markerSymbol: '?' * })); */ function GeoJsonDataSource(name) { this._name = name; this._changed = new Event(); this._error = new Event(); this._isLoading = false; this._loading = new Event(); this._entityCollection = new EntityCollection(this); this._promises = []; this._pinBuilder = new PinBuilder(); this._entityCluster = new EntityCluster(); this._credit = undefined; this._resourceCredits = []; } /** * Creates a Promise to a new instance loaded with the provided GeoJSON or TopoJSON data. * * @param {Resource|String|Object} data A url, GeoJSON object, or TopoJSON object to be loaded. * @param {GeoJsonDataSource.LoadOptions} [options] An object specifying configuration options * * @returns {Promise.} A promise that will resolve when the data is loaded. */ GeoJsonDataSource.load = function (data, options) { return new GeoJsonDataSource().load(data, options); }; Object.defineProperties(GeoJsonDataSource, { /** * Gets or sets the default size of the map pin created for each point, in pixels. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource * @type {Number} * @default 48 */ markerSize: { get: function () { return defaultMarkerSize; }, set: function (value) { defaultMarkerSize = value; }, }, /** * Gets or sets the default symbol of the map pin created for each point. * This can be any valid {@link|Maki} identifier, any single character, * or blank if no symbol is to be used. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource * @type {String} */ markerSymbol: { get: function () { return defaultMarkerSymbol; }, set: function (value) { defaultMarkerSymbol = value; }, }, /** * Gets or sets the default color of the map pin created for each point. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource * @type {Color} * @default Color.ROYALBLUE */ markerColor: { get: function () { return defaultMarkerColor; }, set: function (value) { defaultMarkerColor = value; }, }, /** * Gets or sets the default color of polylines and polygon outlines. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource * @type {Color} * @default Color.BLACK */ stroke: { get: function () { return defaultStroke; }, set: function (value) { defaultStroke = value; }, }, /** * Gets or sets the default width of polylines and polygon outlines. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource * @type {Number} * @default 2.0 */ strokeWidth: { get: function () { return defaultStrokeWidth; }, set: function (value) { defaultStrokeWidth = value; }, }, /** * Gets or sets default color for polygon interiors. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource * @type {Color} * @default Color.YELLOW */ fill: { get: function () { return defaultFill; }, set: function (value) { defaultFill = value; }, }, /** * Gets or sets default of whether to clamp to the ground. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ clampToGround: { get: function () { return defaultClampToGround; }, set: function (value) { defaultClampToGround = value; }, }, /** * Gets an object that maps the name of a crs to a callback function which takes a GeoJSON coordinate * and transforms it into a WGS84 Earth-fixed Cartesian. Older versions of GeoJSON which * supported the EPSG type can be added to this list as well, by specifying the complete EPSG name, * for example 'EPSG:4326'. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource * @type {Object} */ crsNames: { get: function () { return crsNames; }, }, /** * Gets an object that maps the href property of a crs link to a callback function * which takes the crs properties object and returns a Promise that resolves * to a function that takes a GeoJSON coordinate and transforms it into a WGS84 Earth-fixed Cartesian. * Items in this object take precedence over those defined in crsLinkHrefs, assuming * the link has a type specified. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource * @type {Object} */ crsLinkHrefs: { get: function () { return crsLinkHrefs; }, }, /** * Gets an object that maps the type property of a crs link to a callback function * which takes the crs properties object and returns a Promise that resolves * to a function that takes a GeoJSON coordinate and transforms it into a WGS84 Earth-fixed Cartesian. * Items in crsLinkHrefs take precedence over this object. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource * @type {Object} */ crsLinkTypes: { get: function () { return crsLinkTypes; }, }, }); Object.defineProperties(GeoJsonDataSource.prototype, { /** * Gets or sets a human-readable name for this instance. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource.prototype * @type {String} */ name: { get: function () { return this._name; }, set: function (value) { if (this._name !== value) { this._name = value; this._changed.raiseEvent(this); } }, }, /** * This DataSource only defines static data, therefore this property is always undefined. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource.prototype * @type {DataSourceClock} */ clock: { value: undefined, writable: false, }, /** * Gets the collection of {@link Entity} instances. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource.prototype * @type {EntityCollection} */ entities: { get: function () { return this._entityCollection; }, }, /** * Gets a value indicating if the data source is currently loading data. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource.prototype * @type {Boolean} */ isLoading: { get: function () { return this._isLoading; }, }, /** * Gets an event that will be raised when the underlying data changes. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource.prototype * @type {Event} */ changedEvent: { get: function () { return this._changed; }, }, /** * Gets an event that will be raised if an error is encountered during processing. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource.prototype * @type {Event} */ errorEvent: { get: function () { return this._error; }, }, /** * Gets an event that will be raised when the data source either starts or stops loading. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource.prototype * @type {Event} */ loadingEvent: { get: function () { return this._loading; }, }, /** * Gets whether or not this data source should be displayed. * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource.prototype * @type {Boolean} */ show: { get: function () { return; }, set: function (value) { = value; }, }, /** * Gets or sets the clustering options for this data source. This object can be shared between multiple data sources. * * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource.prototype * @type {EntityCluster} */ clustering: { get: function () { return this._entityCluster; }, set: function (value) { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!defined(value)) { throw new DeveloperError("value must be defined."); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); this._entityCluster = value; }, }, /** * Gets the credit that will be displayed for the data source * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource.prototype * @type {Credit} */ credit: { get: function () { return this._credit; }, }, }); /** * Asynchronously loads the provided GeoJSON or TopoJSON data, replacing any existing data. * * @param {Resource|String|Object} data A url, GeoJSON object, or TopoJSON object to be loaded. * @param {GeoJsonDataSource.LoadOptions} [options] An object specifying configuration options * * @returns {Promise.} a promise that will resolve when the GeoJSON is loaded. */ GeoJsonDataSource.prototype.load = function (data, options) { return preload(this, data, options, true); }; /** * Asynchronously loads the provided GeoJSON or TopoJSON data, without replacing any existing data. * * @param {Resource|String|Object} data A url, GeoJSON object, or TopoJSON object to be loaded. * @param {GeoJsonDataSource.LoadOptions} [options] An object specifying configuration options * * @returns {Promise.} a promise that will resolve when the GeoJSON is loaded. */ GeoJsonDataSource.prototype.process = function (data, options) { return preload(this, data, options, false); }; function preload(that, data, options, clear) { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!defined(data)) { throw new DeveloperError("data is required."); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); DataSource.setLoading(that, true); options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT); // User specified credit let credit =; if (typeof credit === "string") { credit = new Credit(credit); } that._credit = credit; let promise = data; let sourceUri = options.sourceUri; if (typeof data === "string" || data instanceof Resource) { data = Resource.createIfNeeded(data); promise = data.fetchJson(); sourceUri = defaultValue(sourceUri, data.getUrlComponent()); // Add resource credits to our list of credits to display const resourceCredits = that._resourceCredits; const credits = data.credits; if (defined(credits)) { const length = credits.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { resourceCredits.push(credits[i]); } } } options = { describe: defaultValue(options.describe, defaultDescribeProperty), markerSize: defaultValue(options.markerSize, defaultMarkerSize), markerSymbol: defaultValue(options.markerSymbol, defaultMarkerSymbol), markerColor: defaultValue(options.markerColor, defaultMarkerColor), strokeWidthProperty: new ConstantProperty( defaultValue(options.strokeWidth, defaultStrokeWidth) ), strokeMaterialProperty: new ColorMaterialProperty( defaultValue(options.stroke, defaultStroke) ), fillMaterialProperty: new ColorMaterialProperty( defaultValue(options.fill, defaultFill) ), clampToGround: defaultValue(options.clampToGround, defaultClampToGround), }; return Promise.resolve(promise) .then(function (geoJson) { return load(that, geoJson, options, sourceUri, clear); }) .catch(function (error) { DataSource.setLoading(that, false); that._error.raiseEvent(that, error); throw error; }); } /** * Updates the data source to the provided time. This function is optional and * is not required to be implemented. It is provided for data sources which * retrieve data based on the current animation time or scene state. * If implemented, update will be called by {@link DataSourceDisplay} once a frame. * * @param {JulianDate} time The simulation time. * @returns {Boolean} True if this data source is ready to be displayed at the provided time, false otherwise. */ GeoJsonDataSource.prototype.update = function (time) { return true; }; function load(that, geoJson, options, sourceUri, clear) { let name; if (defined(sourceUri)) { name = getFilenameFromUri(sourceUri); } if (defined(name) && that._name !== name) { that._name = name; that._changed.raiseEvent(that); } const typeHandler = geoJsonObjectTypes[geoJson.type]; if (!defined(typeHandler)) { throw new RuntimeError(`Unsupported GeoJSON object type: ${geoJson.type}`); } //Check for a Coordinate Reference System. const crs =; let crsFunction = crs !== null ? defaultCrsFunction : null; if (defined(crs)) { if (!defined( { throw new RuntimeError(" is undefined."); } const properties =; if (crs.type === "name") { crsFunction = crsNames[]; if (!defined(crsFunction)) { throw new RuntimeError(`Unknown crs name: ${}`); } } else if (crs.type === "link") { let handler = crsLinkHrefs[properties.href]; if (!defined(handler)) { handler = crsLinkTypes[properties.type]; } if (!defined(handler)) { throw new RuntimeError( `Unable to resolve crs link: ${JSON.stringify(properties)}` ); } crsFunction = handler(properties); } else if (crs.type === "EPSG") { crsFunction = crsNames[`EPSG:${properties.code}`]; if (!defined(crsFunction)) { throw new RuntimeError(`Unknown crs EPSG code: ${properties.code}`); } } else { throw new RuntimeError(`Unknown crs type: ${crs.type}`); } } return Promise.resolve(crsFunction).then(function (crsFunction) { if (clear) { that._entityCollection.removeAll(); } // null is a valid value for the crs, but means the entire load process becomes a no-op // because we can't assume anything about the coordinates. if (crsFunction !== null) { typeHandler(that, geoJson, geoJson, crsFunction, options); } return Promise.all(that._promises).then(function () { that._promises.length = 0; DataSource.setLoading(that, false); return that; }); }); } /** * This callback is displayed as part of the GeoJsonDataSource class. * @callback GeoJsonDataSource.describe * @param {Object} properties The properties of the feature. * @param {String} nameProperty The property key that Cesium estimates to have the name of the feature. */ export default GeoJsonDataSource;