#SurroundWith This is a plugin for the code editor Sublime Text 2 and 3. It adds a 'surround with' ability to Sublime like Eclipse has. #Installation ## Using Package Control Install the [wbond Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/ "https://sublime.wbond.net/") - Open the console of Sublime Text - Run "Package Control: Install Package" - Search for SurroundWith ## Using Git - Browse the subfolder Data\Packages of your Sublime Text installation - Clone the repository - git clone git://github.com/Andr3as/Sublime-SurroundWith.git ## Alternative - Download the [zip archive](https://nodeload.github.com/Andr3as/Sublime-SurroundWith/zip/master) - Extract it into an "SurroundWith" sub-directroy in Data\Packages of your Sublime Text installation #Basic Use - Select the text which should be surrounded - Run the command (see below) ##Default Hotkeys - Ctrl-Alt-D - div - Ctrl-Alt-U - do-while loop - Ctrl-Alt-I - if clause - Ctrl-Alt-E - if-else clause - Ctrl-Alt-F - for loop - Ctrl-Alt-T - try-catch block - Ctrl-Alt-W - while loop ##Example ####Before ![Before](http://andrano.de/SurroundWith/img/example3.jpg "Before") ####After ![After](http://andrano.de/SurroundWith/img/example4.jpg "After") ###More Information [http://andrano.de/SurroundWith](http://andrano.de/SurroundWith "More Information")