Shukur's Cyber Chronicles

Building CTF Challenges and Teaching Participants

Welcome back to Shukur's Cyber Chronicles! In this episode of our digital saga, I take you behind the scenes of an exhilarating journey where I had the privilege to build a Capture The Flag (CTF) challenge for Learning with Jane (LwJ) – an experience that not only challenged my peers but also brought a great deal of learning and fun.

The Genesis of the CTF Challenge

In collaboration with the talented building team at LwJ, I embarked on the adventure of crafting a CTF challenge outside of the regular class sessions. This was not just a challenge; it was a brainchild of meticulous planning and a deep understanding of what resonated with my fellow mates.

A Balancing Act

Creating a CTF challenge is a delicate balancing act, where the difficulty level should neither be too hard to discourage participants nor too easy to lack excitement. Here's how I added value:

  • Providing feedback on the potential difficulty levels of various tasks, drawing from our classroom learnings.
  • Helping to fine-tune the balance between challenge and accessibility.

CTF-03: The Challenge That Tested Limits

As the challenge unfolded, all eyes were on CTF-03, a level that was deemed nearly impossible to crack manually due to its complexity. The buzz among participants was electric, with theories and strategies flying around.

The Unnamed Hero

Then emerged an unnamed hero, a brave soul who vowed to conquer CTF-03 manually, refusing to take the scripting route that others deemed necessary. The air was thick with anticipation as we all watched, hearts in our mouths, wondering if the impossible could indeed become possible.


As I pen down this chapter of Shukur's Cyber Chronicles, the CTF event remains the talk of the town, with tales of the unnamed hero becoming a legend in the corridors of LwJ. Will the unnamed hero conquer the insurmountable CTF-03? Only time will tell, as the halls of Learning with Jane echo with whispers of strategies, scripts, and the undying spirit of challenge.

Stay tuned for more updates on this thrilling journey, where perseverance meets intelligence, and where every click could lead to victory or despair. Until next time, keep challenging, keep learning!