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CC0) /graphics/backgrounds/gullinburst.png (drawing by Tanja Nov) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/backgrounds/gullinburst_profile.png (drawing by Tanja Nov) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/backgrounds/gullinburst_small.png (drawing by Tanja Nov) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/backgrounds/wyrm.png (drawing by Tanja Nov) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/backgrounds/wyrm_profile.png (drawing by Tanja Nov) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/backgrounds/wyrm_small.png (drawing by Tanja Nov) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/backgrounds/wyrmsun.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/backgrounds/wyrmsun_sepia.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/backgrounds/yale.png (drawing by Tanja Nov) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/backgrounds/yale_profile.png (drawing by Tanja Nov) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/backgrounds/yale_small.png (drawing by Tanja Nov) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/celtic/farm.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/dwarven/barracks.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/dwarven/barracks_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/dwarven/dock.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/dwarven/dock_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/elven/barracks.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/elven/barracks_snow.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/elven/farm.png (by Kwaliti and Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/elven/farm_snow.png (by Kwaliti and Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/elven/fortress.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/elven/fortress_snow.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/elven/smithy.png (by Artyom Brullov) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/elven/stronghold.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/elven/stronghold_snow.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/elven/town_hall.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/elven/town_hall_snow.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/gaulish/town_hall.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/germanic/barracks.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/germanic/barracks_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/germanic/dock.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/germanic/dock_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/germanic/smithy.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/germanic/smithy_snow.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/goblin/spider_pit.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/latin/dock.png (by Kwaliti, Jinn and Wildfire Games) (licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/buildings/latin/dock_snow.png (by Kwaliti, Jinn and Wildfire Games) (licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/buildings/latin/market.png (by Jinn and Wildfire Games) (licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/cavern_entrance.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/cavern_entrance_brown.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/cavern_entrance_brown_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/cavern_entrance_brown_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/cavern_entrance_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/cavern_entrance_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/cavern_entrance_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/coal_deposit.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/coal_deposit_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/coal_mine_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/copper_deposit.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/copper_deposit_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/copper_mine.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/copper_mine_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/dirt_road.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/gold_deposit.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/gold_deposit_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/gold_deposit_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/gold_mine.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/gold_mine_light.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/gold_mine_rail.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/gold_mine_rail_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/gold_mine_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/gold_mine_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/gryphon_nest.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/iron_deposit.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/iron_deposit_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/iron_mine.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/iron_mine_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/mercenary_camp.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/mercenary_camp_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/mithril_deposit.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/mithril_deposit_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/mithril_mine_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/settlement_construction_site.png (by Jinn and Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/settlement_site.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/settlement_site_snow.png (by Jinn and Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/silver_deposit.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/silver_deposit_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/silver_mine_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/yale_cave_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/neutral/yale_hunting_lodge_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/noba/tribal_camp.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/norse/great_temple.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) 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Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/sites/minor_building_construction_site.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/sites/minor_building_site.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/barracks.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/barracks_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/castle_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/catapult_tower_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/church_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/dock_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/farm_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/guard_tower_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/market_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/masons_shop_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/smithy.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/smithy_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/smithy_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/stables_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/stronghold_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/town_hall_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/university_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/teutonic/watch_tower_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/troll/barracks.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/troll/farm.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/troll/lumber_mill.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/troll/smithy.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/buildings/troll/town_hall.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/iron_asteroid.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/iron_barren_moon.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/iron_barren_world.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/star.png (by https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/, Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC-BY 4.0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/star_blue.png (by https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/, Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC-BY 4.0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/star_blue_white.png (by https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/, Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC-BY 4.0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/star_brown.png (by https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/, Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC-BY 4.0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/star_extra_1.png (by https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/, Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC-BY 4.0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/star_extra_2.png (by https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/, Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC-BY 4.0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/star_extra_3.png (by https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/, Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC-BY 4.0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/star_extra_4.png (by https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/, Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC-BY 4.0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/star_orange.png (by https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/, Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC-BY 4.0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/star_red.png (by https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/, Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC-BY 4.0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/star_white.png (by https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/, Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC-BY 4.0) /graphics/celestial_bodies/star_yellow_white.png (by https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/, Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC-BY 4.0) /graphics/cursors/dwarven/dwarven_gauntlet.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/dwarven/dwarven_gauntlet_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/dwarven/dwarven_gauntlet_extra_2.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/dwarven/dwarven_gauntlet_extra_3.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/dwarven/dwarven_gauntlet_extra_4.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/dwarven/dwarven_gauntlet_extra_5.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/dwarven/dwarven_gauntlet_extra_6.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/dwarven/dwarven_gauntlet_extra_7.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/dwarven/dwarven_gauntlet_extra_8.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/dwarven/dwarven_gauntlet_extra_9.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/dwarven/dwarven_gauntlet_extra_10.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/germanic/germanic_hand.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/gnome/gnomish_glove.png (by Vladislav "iDreamRunner") (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/goblin/goblin_gauntlet.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/teutonic/teutonic_gauntlet.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/arrow_E.png (by the Bos Wars Team) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/cursors/arrow_N.png (by the Bos Wars Team) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/cursors/arrow_NE.png (by the Bos Wars Team) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/cursors/arrow_NW.png (by the Bos Wars Team) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/cursors/arrow_S.png (by the Bos Wars Team) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/cursors/arrow_SE.png (by the Bos Wars Team) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/cursors/arrow_SW.png (by the Bos Wars Team) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/cursors/arrow_W.png (by the Bos Wars Team) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/cursors/cross.png (by Rick Elliot) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/cursors/green.png (by the Bos Wars Team) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/cursors/magnifying_glass.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/cursors/red.png (by the Bos Wars Team) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/cursors/small_green_cross.png (by the Bos Wars Team) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/cursors/yellow.png (by the Bos Wars Team) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/academy.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/academy_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/academy_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/ballista_tower.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/ballista_tower_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/ballista_tower_extra_1_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/ballista_tower_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/ballista_tower_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/cannon_tower.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/cannon_tower_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/cannon_tower_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/citadel.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/citadel_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/citadel_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/guard_tower.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/guard_tower_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/guard_tower_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/lumber_mill.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/lumber_mill_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/lumber_mill_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/market.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/market_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/market_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/masons_shop.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/masons_shop_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/masons_shop_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/mushroom_farm.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/mushroom_farm_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/mushroom_farm_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/sentry_tower.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/sentry_tower_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/sentry_tower_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/smithy.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/smithy_shadow.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/smithy_snow.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/stronghold.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/stronghold_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/stronghold_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/temple.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/temple_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/temple_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/town_hall.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/town_hall_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/town_hall_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/wall.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/yale_hunting_lodge.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/yale_hunting_lodge_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/yale_pen.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/yale_pen_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/buildings/yale_pen_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/annalist.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/arcanister.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/baglur.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/ballista_bolt_1.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/ballista_bolt_2.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/ballista_bolt_3.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/battle_axe.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/boots.png (by igoku and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/broad_axe.png (by Ransom.00 and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/durstorn.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/durin.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/dwarven_axefighter.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/dwarven_axefighter_black_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/dwarven_axefighter_blond_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/dwarven_axefighter_brown_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/dwarven_axefighter_gray_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/dwarven_scout.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/dwarven_scout_blond_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/dwarven_scout_blond_hair_braided_beard.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/dwarven_scout_braided_beard.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/dwarven_scout_gray_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/dwarven_scout_gray_hair_braided_beard.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/dwarven_steelclad.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/dwarven_steelclad_black_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/dwarven_steelclad_blond_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) 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under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/pathfinder_blond_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/pathfinder_gray_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/patrol_land.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/return_goods.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/rugnur.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/rugnur_older.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/runemaster.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/runesmith.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/runesmiths_hammer.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/runesmiths_hammer_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/sentinel.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/sentinel_open_mouth.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/shield_1.png (by igoku and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/shield_2.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/shield_3.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/shield_3_extra_1.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/shield_3_extra_2.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/skilled_miner.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/stalwart.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/surghan_mercenary_axefighter.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/surghan_mercenary_steelclad.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/surghan_mercenary_thane.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/thane.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/thane_black_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) 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under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/yale_lord.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/yale_lord_black_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/yale_lord_blond_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/yale_lord_brown_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/yale_lord_gray_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/icons/yale_lord_orange_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/items/dwarven_helmet.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/dwarf/items/round_shield.png (by b_o and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/dwarf/units/helmets/steelclad_helmet.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/dwarf/units/helmets/witness_tiara.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/dwarf/units/shields/heater_shield.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) 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GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/dwarf/units/yale_rider_red_hair_brown_fur.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/dwarf/units/yale_rider_red_hair_gray_fur.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/elf/icons/elven_swordsman.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/elf/icons/kvasir.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/elf/units/elf_body_warrior.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/elf/units/elf_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/elf/units/swordsman.png (by Gregor-Mack and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/english/buildings/lumber_mill.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/english/buildings/lumber_mill_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ettin/icons/ettin.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ettin/units/ettin.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/frankish/icons/cleric.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/frankish/icons/cleric_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/frankish/icons/sigibert.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/buildings/carpenters_shop.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/buildings/carpenters_shop_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/buildings/carpenters_snow.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/buildings/farm.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/buildings/farm_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/buildings/farm_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/buildings/farm_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/buildings/market.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/buildings/market_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) 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Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/buildings/temple_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/buildings/town_hall.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/buildings/town_hall_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/buildings/town_hall_snow.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/icons/archer.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/icons/arrow.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/icons/barbed_arrow.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/icons/broad_sword.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/icons/bronze_lur.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/icons/bronze_shield.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/icons/chieftain.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) 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under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/icons/warrior_gray_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/icons/warrior_red_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/icons/wooden_oblong_shield.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/items/bronze_lur.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/units/archer.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/archer_blond_hair.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/archer_gray_hair.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/broad_bronze_sword.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/bronze_helmet.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/bronze_shield.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/builder.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/builder_red_hair.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/coat.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/coat_left_arm.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/coat_right_arm.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/coat_warrior.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/militia.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/old_man.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/priest.png (by b_o and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/transport_ship.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/units/transport_ship_water.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/germanic/units/warrior.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/warrior_bronze_shield.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/warrior_brown_hair.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/warrior_brown_hair_bronze_shield.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/warrior_gray_hair.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/warrior_gray_hair_bronze_shield.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/warrior_red_hair.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/warrior_red_hair_bronze_shield.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/worker.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/worker_with_gold.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/germanic/units/worker_with_lumber.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/gnome/buildings/barracks.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/buildings/barracks_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/buildings/farm.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/buildings/farm_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/buildings/town_hall.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/buildings/town_hall_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/book.png (by Jesse Crider) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/boots.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/boots_fur.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/coinage.png (by Jesse Crider) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/derro_cleric.png (by Jesse Crider) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/derro_coinage.png (by Jesse Crider) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/derro_cultist.png (by Jesse Crider) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/derro_magister.png (by Jesse Crider) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/derro_rust_rider.png (by Jesse Crider) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/derro_writing.png (by Jesse Crider) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/duelist.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/duelist_gray_hair.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/herbal_cure.png (by J. W. Bjerk and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/gnome/icons/herbalist.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/master_at_arms.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/master_at_arms_gray_hair.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/patrol_land.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/patrol_land_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/patrol_land_extra_2.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/portent.png (by J. W. Bjerk and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/gnome/icons/recruit.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/recruit_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/recruit_gray_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/spearman.png (by Jesse Crider) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/thrusting_sword_1.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/thrusting_sword_1_extra_1.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/icons/thrusting_sword_1_extra_2.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/gnome/units/gnomish_caravan.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/gnome/units/gnomish_caravan_extra_1.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/gnome/units/gnomish_herbalist.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/gnome/units/gnomish_recruit.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/gnome/units/gnomish_worker.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/gnome/units/gnomish_worker_with_gold.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/gnome/units/gnomish_worker_with_lumber.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/academy.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/academy_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/cannon_tower.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/cannon_tower_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/catapult_tower.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/catapult_tower_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/dock.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/dock_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/farm.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/farm_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/fortress.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/fortress_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/goblin_banner.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/guard_tower.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/guard_tower_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/lumber_mill.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/lumber_mill_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/market.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/market_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/masons_shop.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/masons_shop_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/mess_hall.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/mess_hall_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/smithy.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/smithy_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/stronghold.png (modified from Exidelo's Goblin Town Hall) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/stronghold_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/temple.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/temple_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/town_hall.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/town_hall_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/wall.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/watch_tower.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/buildings/watch_tower_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/agniss.png (by Jesse Crider and Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/barbarian.png (by Jinn, b_o and Exidelo) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/icons/broad_sword.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/coinage.png (by Jesse Crider and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/dremac_paarsins.png (by Jesse Crider and Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/embossed_shield.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/embossed_shield_extra_1.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/flag_black_skull_on_white.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/flag_blue_skull_on_light_blue.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/flag_brown_skull_on_red.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/flag_green_skull_on_purple.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/flag_orange_skull_on_teal.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/flag_purple_skull_on_green.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/flag_red_skull_on_yellow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/gathaarl.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/glider.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/goblin_archer.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/goblin_assassin.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/gunpowder_infantry.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/ioun.png (by Jesse Crider and Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/long_sword.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/magnate.png (by Jesse Crider and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/marrow_goblin_worker.png (by Jesse Crider) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/militia.png (by Jesse Crider and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/orza_chahax.png (by Jesse Crider and Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/patrol.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/return_goods.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/rimmed_shield.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/rimmed_shield_extra_1.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/shadowstalker.png (by Jesse Crider and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/shaman.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/short_sword.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/stand_ground.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/warlord.png (by Jinn, b_o and Exidelo) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/icons/warlord_mauler.png (by Jesse Crider) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/icons/wooden_shield.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/units/glider.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/goblin_archer.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/goblin_archer_unarmed_secondary_attack.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/goblin_spearman.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/goblin_spearman_no_shield.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/goblin_swordsman.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/goblin_thief.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/goblin_war_machine.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/goblin_worker.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/goblin_worker_spiky_hair.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/goblin_worker_with_gold.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/goblin_worker_with_gold_spiky_hair.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/goblin_worker_with_lumber.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/goblin_worker_with_lumber_spiky_hair.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/gunpowder_infantry.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/rogue.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/shaman.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/spider_rider.png (by Jinn, b_o and Gregor-Mack) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/goblin/units/transport_ship.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/units/transport_ship_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/units/transport_ship_water.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/units/transport_ship_water_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/units/warship.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goblin/units/warship_water.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goth/icons/horse_lord_beardless.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goth/icons/horse_lord_black_hair.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goth/icons/horse_lord_blond_hair.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goth/icons/horse_lord_brown_hair.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goth/icons/horse_lord_gray_hair.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goth/icons/horse_lord_orange_hair.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goth/icons/horse_rider_black_hair.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goth/icons/horse_rider_blond_hair.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goth/icons/horse_rider_brown_hair.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goth/icons/horse_rider_gray_hair.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goth/icons/horse_rider_hairless.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/goth/icons/horse_rider_orange_hair.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/human/units/chainmail_mounted.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/human/units/human_body.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/human/units/human_body_warrior.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/human/units/human_left_arm.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/human/units/human_left_arm_shield.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/human/units/human_right_arm.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/human/units/human_right_hand.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/human/units/human_shadow.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/human/units/leather_shoes_mounted.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/human/units/pants.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/human/units/pants_mounted.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/human/units/shoes.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/human/units/spear.png (by 2D-Retroperspectives) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/air_mastery.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/deadly_precision.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/dodge.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/dragonslayer.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/dwarfslayer.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/eagle_eye.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/earth_mastery.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/elfslayer.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/fire_mastery.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/gnomeslayer.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/goblinslayer.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/humanslayer.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/mace_mastery.png (by Vladislav "iDreamRunner" and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/riding_mastery.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/abilities/water_mastery.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/buildings/hut.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/commands/dwarven/stand_ground.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/commands/anchor.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/commands/attack_ground.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/commands/build_basic_structure.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/commands/cancel.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/commands/cancel_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/commands/cancel_extra_2.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) 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Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/deities/vanir/frey_extra_4.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/deities/vanir/frey_extra_5.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/deities/vanir/frey_extra_6.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/deities/vanir/frey_extra_7.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/deities/vanir/frey_extra_8.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/deities/vanir/frey_extra_9.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/deities/vanir/frey_extra_10.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/deities/vanir/frey_extra_11.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/deities/vanir/frey_extra_12.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/icons/deities/vanir/freyja.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) 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under the CC0) /graphics/interface/icons/grain.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/interface/icons/iron.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/interface/icons/iron_ore.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/interface/icons/labor.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/interface/icons/labor_small.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/interface/icons/leather.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/interface/icons/lumber.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/interface/icons/paper.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/interface/icons/prestige.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/interface/icons/prestige_small.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/interface/icons/question_mark.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/interface/icons/research.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/interface/icons/research_small.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) 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(licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/kobold/units/kobold_footpad_blue_scales.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/kobold/units/kobold_footpad_purple_scales.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/kobold/units/kobold_footpad_red_scales.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/kobold/units/kobold_footpad_thrusting_sword.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/kobold/units/kobold_footpad_yellow_scales.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/latin/buildings/barracks.png (by Jinn and Wildfire Games) (licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/latin/buildings/barracks_shadow.png (by Jinn and Wildfire Games) (licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/latin/buildings/farm.png (by Jinn and Wildfire Games) (licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/latin/buildings/farm_shadow.png (by Jinn and Wildfire Games) (licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/latin/buildings/fortress.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/latin/buildings/fortress_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/latin/buildings/fortress_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/latin/buildings/forum.png (by Jinn and Wildfire Games) (licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/latin/buildings/forum_shadow.png (by Jinn and Wildfire Games) (licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/latin/buildings/smithy.png (by Jinn and Wildfire Games) (licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/latin/buildings/smithy_shadow.png (by Jinn and Wildfire Games) (licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/latin/buildings/stables.png (by Jinn and Wildfire Games) (licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/latin/buildings/stables_shadow.png (by Jinn and Wildfire Games) (licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/latin/icons/centurion.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) 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2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/missiles/big_fire.png (by Mikodrak and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/missiles/big_fire_extra_1.png (by Mikodrak and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/missiles/bullet.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/missiles/cannon_ball.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/missiles/catapult_flaming_rock.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/missiles/catapult_sandstone_rock.png (by Vladislav "iDreamRunner") (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/missiles/dart.png (by b_o) (modified from the graphics found here: http://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-crawl-32x32-tiles) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/missiles/dwarven_ballista_bolt.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/missiles/explosion.png (by StumpyStrust and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/missiles/flaming_arrow.png (by Vladislav "iDreamRunner" and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/missiles/flaming_dwarven_ballista_bolt.png (by Vladislav "iDreamRunner" and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/missiles/flaming_goblin_arrow.png (by Vladislav "iDreamRunner" and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/missiles/flaming_throwing_axe.png (by Vladislav "iDreamRunner" and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/missiles/goblin_arrow.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/missiles/gobtoss.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/missiles/green_cross.png (by the Bos Wars Team) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/missiles/javelin.png (by Gregor-Mack) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/missiles/lightning.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/missiles/lightning_impact.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/missiles/magic.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/missiles/metal_arrow.png (by b_o) (modified from the graphics found here: http://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-crawl-32x32-tiles) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/missiles/red_cross.png (by the Bos Wars Team) (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/missiles/rock_shard.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/missiles/siege_projectile_impact.png (by Cuzco and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/missiles/slime_glob.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/missiles/small_fire.png (by Mikodrak and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/missiles/throwing_axe.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/missiles/throwing_dagger.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/missiles/wood_arrow.png (by b_o) (modified from the graphics found here: http://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-crawl-32x32-tiles) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) 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(licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/diamond_rock_2.png (by Jinn and Kriss7475) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/diamond_rock_3.png (by Jinn and Kriss7475) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/diamond_rock_4.png (by Jinn and Kriss7475) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/emerald_deposit.png (by Jinn and Kriss7475) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/emerald_mine.png (by Jinn and Kriss7475) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/emerald_rock_1.png (by Jinn and Kriss7475) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/emerald_rock_2.png (by Jinn and Kriss7475) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/emerald_rock_3.png (by Jinn and Kriss7475) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/emerald_rock_4.png (by Jinn and Kriss7475) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/emerald_rock_small_1.png (by Jinn and Kriss7475) (licensed under the CC0) 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(licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/tree_stump_2.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/tree_stump_3.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/tree_stump_4.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/tree_stump_5.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/wood_pile_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/wood_pile_2.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/wood_pile_3.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/wood_pile_4.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/yale_cave.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/yale_cave_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/yale_hunting_lodge.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/buildings/yale_hunting_lodge_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/bed.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/bones.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/chair.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/fern.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/fern_swamp_1.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/fern_swamp_2.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/fern_swamp_3.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/fern_swamp_4.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/floor_decoration.png (by b_o) (modified from the tiles found here: http://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-crawl-32x32-tiles) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/flowers.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/flowers_swamp_1.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/flowers_swamp_2.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/flowers_swamp_3.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/inner_wall_decoration.png (by b_o) (modified from the tiles found here: http://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-crawl-32x32-tiles) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/large_flower_1.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/large_flower_2.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) 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and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_9.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_10.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_11.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_12.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/log.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/miasma.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/mushroom.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/mushrooms.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/outer_wall_decoration.png (by b_o) (modified from the tiles found here: http://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-crawl-32x32-tiles) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/roaming_fog.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/shelf.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/small_rocks.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/stalagmites.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/table.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/twigs.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/volcanic_crater.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/wyrm_skeleton.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/wyrm_skeleton_horned.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/yale_excrement.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/yale_excrement_extra_1.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/decorations/yale_excrement_green.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/icons/adelobasileus.png (by Mrmo Tarius and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/amulet.png (by Vladislav "iDreamRunner") (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/anvil.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/axe_mastery.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/barkskin.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/barkskin_extra_1.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/bat.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/blessing.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) 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(licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/icons/gryphon_white_feathers.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/gun_mastery.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/gunpowder.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/halberd.png (by Vladislav "iDreamRunner") (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/healing.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/healing_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/heater_shield.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/horse.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/horse_trained.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/inspire.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/inspire_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/leadership.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) 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Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/precise_shot.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/precision.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/printing_press.png (by Mrmo Tarius) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/puncture.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/puncture_extra_1.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/regeneration.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/right_arrow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/ring.png (by Vladislav "iDreamRunner") (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/sailing.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/salvage.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/sandblast.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/scale_mail.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) 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(by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/sword_mastery_bronze.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/terror.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/terror_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/throwing_mastery.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/toughness.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/unicorn.png (by Mrmo Tarius and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/unicorn_extra_1.png (by Mrmo Tarius and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/unload.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/water_elemental.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/wolf.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/wool.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/icons/wyrm.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) 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(licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/barrel_2.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/barrel_3.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/boots.png (by Vladislav "iDreamRunner") (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/items/bow.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/items/caltrops.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/carrots.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/cheese.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/chest.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/christmas_hat.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/items/clothing.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/items/club.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/items/crown.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/double_axe.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/goblet.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/gold_coins.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/gold_sack.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/gryphon_feather.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/key.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/leather_armor.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/items/plate_mail.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/items/potion_blue.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/potion_green.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/potion_orange.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/potion_purple.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/potion_red.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/potion_teal.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/sack.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/scepter.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/trap.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/items/wyrm_heart.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/units/bat.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/bee.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) 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(licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/fly_extra_1.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/frog.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/frog_blue.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/frog_brown.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/frog_purple.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/frog_red.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/frog_teal.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/frog_yellow.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/giant_spider.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/units/gnomish_goblin_and_kobold_corpses.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) 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CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/human_corpse.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/neutral/units/rat.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/rat_black_fur.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/rat_light_gray_fur.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/rat_light_gray_fur_short_tail.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slime_baby.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slime_baby_blue.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slime_baby_brown.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slime_baby_red.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slime_baby_teal.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slime_big.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slime_small.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slime_small_blue.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slime_small_brown.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slime_small_red.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slime_small_teal.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slug.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slug_blue.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slug_brown.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slug_player_color.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slug_purple.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slug_teal.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slug_violet.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/slug_yellow.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/snail.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/snail_blue_purple_shell.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/snail_green_purple_shell.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/snail_green_teal_shell.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/snail_purple_blue_shell.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) 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/graphics/neutral/units/wyrm_red_scales.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/wyrm_yellow_scales.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/yale.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/yale_gray_brown_fur.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/yale_gray_fur.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/yale_white_fur.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/neutral/units/yale_young.png (by b_o and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/norse/buildings/barracks.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/buildings/dock.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/buildings/farm.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/buildings/lumber_mill.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/buildings/market.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/buildings/smithy.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/buildings/temple.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/buildings/town_hall.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/buildings/watch_tower.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/icons/heimdall.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/icons/hel.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/icons/heroic_swordsman.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/icons/loki.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/icons/odin.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/icons/shield_wall.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/icons/svinfylking.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/icons/swordsman.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/icons/thor.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/icons/tyr.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/icons/veteran_swordsman.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/units/longship.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/units/longship_water.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/norse/units/swordsman.png (by Gregor-Mack, b_o and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/norse/units/veteran_swordsman.png (by Gregor-Mack, b_o and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/orc/icons/sea_orc.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/orc/icons/shaman.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/orc/icons/spearthrower.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/orc/icons/warrior.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/resource_icons/jewelry.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/resource_icons/labor_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/resource_icons/phlogiston.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/resource_icons/phlogiston_vial.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/resource_icons/population/population.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/resource_icons/population/priests.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/resource_icons/population/priests_extra_1.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/resource_icons/population/priests_extra_2.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/resource_icons/population/priests_extra_3.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/resource_icons/population/priests_extra_4.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/resource_icons/population/sailors.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/resource_icons/population/soldiers.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/russian/icons/warrior_varangian_era.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/russian/units/warrior_varangian_era.png (by Gregor-Mack and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/suebi/icons/marbod.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/suebi/units/suebi_shield.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/overland/dark_plains.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/overland/ocean.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/overland/plains.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/overland/scrub_forest.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/border.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/border_old.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/cave_floor.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/cave_wall.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/cliff.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/cliff_mask.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/deep_space.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/deep_water.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/desert_sand.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/dirt.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/dirt_extra_1.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/dirt_road.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/dry_grass.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/dry_mud.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/dry_mud_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/dungeon_wall.png (by b_o) (modified from the tiles found here: http://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-crawl-32x32-tiles) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/terrain/dwarven_wall.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/fairlimbed_tree.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/terrain/flamefood_tree.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/flamefood_tree_snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/floor.png (by b_o) (modified from the tiles found here: http://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-crawl-32x32-tiles) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/terrain/ford.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/ford_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/galaxy.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/goblin_wall.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/gold_pile.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/terrain/grass.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/gray_shallow_water.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/ice.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/limestone_rock.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/mud.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/norse_wooden_wall.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/pine_tree.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/terrain/pine_tree_autumn.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/terrain/pine_tree_snow.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/terrain/railroad.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/road.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/rock.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/rockbound_cave_floor.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/rug.png (by b_o) (modified from the tiles found here: http://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-crawl-32x32-tiles) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/terrain/semi_dry_grass.png (by Exidelo and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/shallow_water.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/snow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/space.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/terrain/teuton_wall.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/castle.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/castle_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/catapult_tower.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/catapult_tower_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/church.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/church_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/dock.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/dock_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/farm.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/farm_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/guard_tower.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/guard_tower_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/market.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/market_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/masons_shop.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/masons_shop_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/stables.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/stables_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/stronghold.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/stronghold_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/town_hall.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/town_hall_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/university.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/university_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/wall.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/wall_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/watch_tower.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/buildings/watch_tower_shadow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/austrian_musketeer.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/cleric_2.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/conrad_the_red.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/flag_five_black_birds_on_purple.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/flag_five_blue_birds_on_orange.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/flag_five_orange_birds_on_black.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/flag_five_purple_birds_on_green.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/flag_five_red_birds_on_yellow.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/flag_five_white_birds_on_red.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/flag_blue_lion_on_yellow.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/flag_cyan_lion_on_red.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/flag_green_lion_on_orange.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/flag_green_lion_on_purple.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/flag_habsburg.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/flag_old_austria.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/flag_red_lion_on_green.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/flag_yellow_lion_on_cyan.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/hand_cannon.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) 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/graphics/teuton/icons/saxon_swordsman_red_hair.png (by Jinn and Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/spatha.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/spatha_extra_1.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/spearman.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/veteran_saxon_swordsman.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/veteran_saxon_swordsman_black_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/veteran_saxon_swordsman_blond_hair.png (by Jinn and Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/icons/veteran_saxon_swordsman_brown_hair.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/items/hand_cannon.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/austrian_musketeer.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/austrian_musketeer_extra_1.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/catapult.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/chainmail.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/chainmail_left_arm.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/chainmail_right_arm.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/cherusci_shield.png (by Vladislav "iDreamRunner") (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/cherusci_shirt.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/cherusci_shirt_left_arm.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/cherusci_shirt_right_arm.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/cleric.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/cleric_2.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/iron_helm.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/kogge.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/kogge_water.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/leather_shoes.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/long_iron_sword.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/minecart.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/minecart_coal_layer.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/minecart_copper_layer.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/minecart_gold_layer.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/minecart_iron_layer.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/minecart_silver_layer.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/minecart_no_player_color.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/minecart_with_coal.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/minecart_with_copper.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/minecart_with_gold.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/minecart_with_iron.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/minecart_with_silver.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/old_man.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/ritter.png (by badbuckle and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/robe.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/robe_left_arm.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/robe_right_arm.png (by Jinn and b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/saxon_shield.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/saxon_shield_no_teamcolor.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/teuton/units/saxon_swordsman.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/teuton/units/scepter.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/cave/neutral/buildings/hole.png (by b_o) (modified from Exidelo's volcanic crater) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/tilesets/cave/terrain/cave.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/cave/terrain/rock.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/dungeon/neutral/decorations/door_left.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/tilesets/dungeon/neutral/decorations/door_right.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/tilesets/dungeon/terrain/dungeon.png (by b_o and Jinn) (floor, rug and wall tiles modified from the tiles found here: http://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-crawl-32x32-tiles) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/tilesets/fairlimbed_forest/terrain/fairlimbed_tree.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/tilesets/forest/terrain/deciduous_tree_autumn.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/tilesets/forest/terrain/forest.png (by b_o and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/tilesets/forest/terrain/grass_and_dirt.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/forest/terrain/pine_tree.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/forest/terrain/pine_tree_autumn.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/tilesets/forest/terrain/pine_tree_summer.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/tilesets/forest/terrain/rock.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/forest/terrain/water.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/swamp/terrain/rock.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/swamp/terrain/swamp.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/capital.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/dwarf_barracks.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/dwarf_settlement.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/germanic_barracks.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/germanic_settlement.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/gnome_barracks.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/gnome_settlement.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/goblin_barracks.png (by Jinn and Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/goblin_settlement.png (by Jinn and Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/hero.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/kal_karthan_settlement.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_copper.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_copper_player_color.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_gold.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_gold_player_color.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_gold_mountains.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_gold_mountains_player_color.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_grain_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_grain_2.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_grain_3.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_grain_4.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_lumber.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_lumber_conifer_forest.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_mushrooms_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_mushrooms_2.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_mushrooms_3.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_mushrooms_4.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_mushrooms_hills.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_mushrooms_mountains.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_silver.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_silver_player_color.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_stone.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_building_stone_mountains.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/resource_not_worked.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/sites/teuton_settlement_masonry.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_east_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_east_2.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_inner.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_north_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_north_2.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_northeast_inner_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_northeast_outer_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_northeast_outer_2.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_northeast_southwest_inner_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_northwest_inner_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_northwest_outer_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_northwest_outer_2.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_northwest_southeast_inner_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_south_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_south_2.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_southeast_inner_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_southeast_outer_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_southeast_outer_2.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/conifer_forest/conifer_forest_southwest_inner_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) 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(licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/dark_plains_5.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/dark_plains_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_east_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_inner.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_north_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_northeast_inner_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_northeast_inner_southwest_inner_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_northeast_outer_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_northwest_inner_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_northwest_inner_southeast_inner_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_northwest_outer_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_outer_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_outer_2.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_outer_3.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_outer_4.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_outer_5.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_outer_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_south_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_southeast_inner_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/hills/hills_southeast_outer_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) 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Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/world/terrain/scrub_forest_4.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/tilesets/fogofwar.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/troll/units/corpse.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/troll/units/warrior.png (by Jinn and Gregor-Mack) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/troll/units/worker.png (by Jinn and Gregor-Mack) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/fonts/small.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/modifiers/book.png (by Mrmo Tarius) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/modifiers/book_extra_1.png (by Mrmo Tarius) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/modifiers/book_extra_2.png (by Mrmo Tarius) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/modifiers/diploma.png (by Mrmo Tarius) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/modifiers/diploma_extra_1.png (by Mrmo Tarius) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/modifiers/courthouse.png (by Mrmo Tarius) (licensed under the CC0) 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CC0) /graphics/ui/resources/grain.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/resources/housing.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/resources/indoors.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/resources/iron.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/resources/labor.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/resources/late_night.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/resources/leather.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/resources/lumber.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/resources/mana.png (licensed under the GPL 2.0) /graphics/ui/resources/midday.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/resources/midnight.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/resources/mithril.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/resources/morning.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/resources/mushrooms.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) 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(licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/status_effects/quest.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/status_effects/regeneration.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/status_effects/scouting.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/status_effects/slow.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/status_effects/stun.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/status_effects/terror.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/status_effects/wither.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/bar_frame.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/command_button_frame.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/icon_frame.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/icon_frame_pressed.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/infopanel_frame.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/ui/progress_bar.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/construct/clay_golem.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/dwarven/geomancer.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/elven/worker.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/elven/worker_with_gold.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/elven/worker_with_lumber.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/fauna/bears/black_bear.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/fauna/bears/brown_bear.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/fauna/bears/polar_bear.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/fauna/wyrms/boitata.png (by b_o and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/units/fauna/wyrms/boitata_extra_1.png (by b_o and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/units/fauna/wyrms/boitata_extra_2.png (by b_o and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/units/fauna/wyrms/boitata_extra_3.png (by b_o and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/units/fauna/wyrms/boitata_green_scales.png (by b_o and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/units/gnoll/corpse.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/gnoll/corpse_dark_fur.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/gnoll/warrior.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/gnoll/warrior_dark_fur.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/hobgoblin/corpse.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/hobgoblin/warrior.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/orc/corpse.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/orc/sea_orc.png (by Gregor-Mack) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/orc/spearthrower.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/suebi/swordsman.png (by b_o) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/units/suebi/swordsman_with_shield.png (by b_o and Jinn) (licensed under the GPL 2.0 and the CC-BY-SA 3.0) /graphics/units/teutonic/kogge_extra_1.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/teutonic/workship.png (by Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/undead/skeleton_warrior.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/western/footman.png (by Gregor-Mack and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/western/peasant.png (by Gregor-Mack and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/western/peasant_loaded.png (by Gregor-Mack and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/aether_transport.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/aether_warship.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/aether_workship.png (by Kwaliti and Jinn) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/cannon.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/units/cannon_attack.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/welsh/icons/longbow.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/welsh/icons/longbow_2.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0) /graphics/welsh/icons/longbow_3.png (by Exidelo) (licensed under the CC0)