''' AceProxy configuration script Edit this file. ''' import logging import acedefconfig from aceclient.acemessages import AceConst class AceConfig(acedefconfig.AceDefConfig): # ---------------------------------------------------- # Ace Stream Engine configuration # ---------------------------------------------------- # # Spawn Ace Stream Engine automatically acespawn = False # Ace Stream cmd line (use `--log-file filepath` to write log) # Autodetect for Windows acecmd = "acestreamengine --client-console" # Ace Stream API key # You probably shouldn't touch this acekey = 'n51LvQoTlJzNGaFxseRK-uvnvX-sD4Vm5Axwmc4UcoD-jruxmKsuJaH0eVgE' # Ace Stream Engine host # Change this if you use remote Ace Stream Engine # Remember that by default Ace Stream Engine listens only # Local host, so start it with --bind-all parameter acehost = '' # Ace Stream Engine port (autodetect for Windows) aceport = 62062 # Ace Stream age parameter (LT_13, 13_17, 18_24, 25_34, 35_44, 45_54, # 55_64, GT_65) aceage = AceConst.AGE_18_24 # Ace Stream sex parameter (MALE or FEMALE) acesex = AceConst.SEX_MALE # Ace Stream Engine startup timeout # On Windows Ace Engine refreshes acestream.port file only after loading GUI # Loading takes about ~10 seconds and we need to wait before taking port out of it # Set this to 0 if you don't use proxy at startup or don't need to wait # Only applies to Windows systems acestartuptimeout = 10 # Ace Stream Engine connection timeout aceconntimeout = 5 # Ace Stream Engine authentication result timeout aceresulttimeout = 5 # # ---------------------------------------------------- # AceProxy configuration # ---------------------------------------------------- # # HTTP Server host httphost = '' # HTTP Server port httpport = 8000 # Read the video input stream in chunks of the following size readchunksize = 8192 # Cache the following number of the tailing chunks readcachesize = 1000 # If started as root, drop privileges to this user. # Leave empty to disable. aceproxyuser = '' # Enable firewall firewall = False # Firewall mode. True for blackilst, False for whitelist firewallblacklistmode = False # Network ranges. Please don't forget about comma in the end # of every range, especially if there is only one. firewallnetranges = ( '', '', ) # Maximum concurrent connections (video clients) maxconns = 10 # # ---------------------------------------------------- # VLC configuration # ---------------------------------------------------- # # Use VideoLAN VLC Media Player # I strongly recommend to use VLC, because it lags a lot without it # And multiple clients can't watch one stream without it. # That's Ace Stream Engine fault. # To use this, you should install VLC first # And run it with: # vlc -I telnet --clock-jitter 0 --network-caching 500 --telnet-pass admin vlcuse = False # Use AceStream player that comes with engine # If true than proxy will detect a path to ace_player.exe and ace_player.exe will be spawned # It also will not check if vlc.exe is running, it will watch over ace_player.exe process # This option applies only for Windows systems # If set to true, you need to edit vlccmd like this: # ace_player.exe -I telnet --clock-jitter -1 --network-caching -1 --sout-mux-caching 2000 --telnet-password admin # to point ace_player.exe, not vlc.exe!!! vlcuseaceplayer = False # Spawn VLC automaticaly vlcspawn = False # VLC cmd line (use `--file-logging --logfile=filepath` to write log) # Please use the full path to executable for Windows, for example - C:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe vlccmd = "vlc -I telnet --clock-jitter -1 --network-caching -1 --sout-mux-caching 2000 --telnet-password admin --telnet-port 4212" # VLC spawn timeout # Adjust this if you get error 'Cannot spawn VLC!' vlcspawntimeout = 5 # VLC host vlchost = '' # VLC telnet interface port vlcport = 4212 # VLC streaming port (you shouldn't set it in VLC itself) vlcoutport = 8081 # VLC telnet interface password vlcpass = 'admin' # Pre-access (HTTP) VLC parameters # You can add transcode options here # Something like #transcode{acodec=mpga,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100} vlcpreaccess = '' # VLC muxer. You probably want one of these streamable muxers: # ts, asf, flv, ogg, mkv # You can use ffmpeg muxers too, if your VLC is built with it # ffmpeg{mux=NAME} (i.e. ffmpeg{mux=mpegts}) # VLC's ts muxer sometimes can work badly, but that's the best choice for # now. vlcmux = 'ts' # Force ffmpeg INPUT demuxer in VLC. Sometimes can help. vlcforceffmpeg = False # Stream start delay for dumb players (in seconds) # !!! # PLEASE set this to 0 if you use VLC # !!! # # ---------------------------------------------------- # Transcoding configuration # ---------------------------------------------------- # Enable/disable transcoding transcode = False # Dictionary with a set of transcoding commands. Transcoding command is an # executable commandline expression that reads an input stream from STDIN # and writes a transcoded stream to STDOUT. The commands are selected # according to the value of the 'fmt' request parameter. For example, the # following url: # http://loclahost:8000/channels/?type=m3u&fmt=mp2 # contains the fmt=mp2. It means that the 'mp2' command will be used for # transcoding. You may add any number of commands to this dictionary. transcodecmd = dict() # transcodecmd['100k'] = 'ffmpeg -i - -c:a copy -b 100k -f mpegts -' # transcodecmd['mp2'] = 'ffmpeg -i - -c:a mp2 -c:v mpeg2video -f mpegts -qscale:v 2 -'.split() # transcodecmd['mkv'] = 'ffmpeg -i - -c:a copy -c:v copy -f matroska -'.split() # transcodecmd['default'] = 'ffmpeg -i - -c:a copy -c:v copy -f mpegts -'.split() # ---------------------------------------------------- # Transcoding configuration for HLS # ---------------------------------------------------- # If you use acestream engine ver >= 3.1.5 and vlcuse=True # proxy automaticaly switch to HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) instead of HTTP Progressive Download # You can use this settings for audio transcoding. This option applies only for Live-stream # --------------------------------------------------- # Transcode All audio to AAC transcode_audio = 0 # Transcode MP3 (use only when transcode_audio=1) transcode_mp3 = 0 # Transcode only AC3 to AAC (use only when transcode_audio=0) transcode_ac3 = 0 # ---------------------------------------------------- videodelay = 0 # Obey PAUSE and RESUME commands from Engine # (stops sending data to client, should prevent annoying buffering) # !!! # PLEASE set this to False if you use VLC # !!! videoobey = False # Stream send delay after PAUSE/RESUME commands (works only if option # above is enabled) # !!! # PLEASE set this to 0 if you use VLC # !!! videopausedelay = 0 # Seek back feature. # Seeks stream back for specified amount of seconds. # Greatly helps fighing AceSteam lags, but introduces # video stream delay. # Set it to 30 or so. # Works only with the newest versions of AceEngine! videoseekback = 0 # Delay before closing Ace Stream connection when client disconnects # In seconds. videodestroydelay = 0 # Pre-buffering timeout. In seconds. videotimeout = 40 # # Some video players (mostly STBs and Smart TVs) can generate dummy requests # to detect MIME-type or something before playing which Ace Stream handles badly. # We send them 200 OK and do nothing. # We add their User-Agents here fakeuas = ('Mozilla/5.0 IMC plugin Macintosh', ) # # Some video players have very short timeout and can disconnect from the proxy # before the headers sent. # We send them 200 OK and MPEG MIME-type right after connection has been initiated fakeheaderuas = ('HLS Client/2.0 (compatible; LG NetCast.TV-2012)', 'Mozilla/5.0 (DirectFB; Linux armv7l) AppleWebKit/534.26+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/534.26+ LG Browser/5.00.00(+mouse+3D+SCREEN+TUNER; LGE; 42LM670T-ZA; 04.41.03; 0x00000001;); LG NetCast.TV-2012 0' ) # Logging configuration # # Log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) loglevel = logging.DEBUG # Log message format logfmt = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(threadName)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(name)s| %(message)s' # Log date format logdatefmt='%d.%m %H:%M:%S' # Full path to a log file logfile = None # This method is used to detect fake requests. Some players send such # requests in order to detect the MIME type and/or check the stream availability. @staticmethod def isFakeRequest(path, params, headers): useragent = headers.get('User-Agent') if not useragent: return False elif useragent in AceConfig.fakeuas: return True elif useragent == 'Lavf/55.33.100' and not headers.has_key('Range'): return True elif useragent == 'GStreamer souphttpsrc (compatible; LG NetCast.TV-2013) libsoup/2.34.2' and headers.get('icy-metadata') != '1': return True