# Angular-io-Code Main repository for Angular-io-Code Color Theme # Purpose The purpose of the organization Angular-io-Code is to provide color theme 100% alike to the one used in and from Angular.io for all major cross platform text editors. # Credits The original theme is the one stored in this repository. It was made with (http://tmtheme-editor.herokuapp.com) and we appreciate the project TmTheme-Editor. For more info visit (https://github.com/aziz/tmTheme-Editor). We want to thank to (https://github.com/aziz/tmTheme-Editor), the creator of theme used at https://angular.io and (https://angular.io) itself beacuse they are the reason for creation of Angular-io-Code theme. # Mismatch If you find any mismatch from angular.io's theme plase make a new Issue or new Pull Request to this repository not to any other repository part of our organization. # Pull Request - Edit (http://tmtheme-editor.herokuapp.com/#!/editor/theme/Angular-io-Code) - Compare with (https://angular.io) - Save localy - Download - Make a Pull Request # Enjoy the coding experience! # We hope we bring you the same coding experience as browsing at (https://angular.io)! # We <3 Angular! # Screenshot ![Screenshot](theme.png)