OBO-Edit 2.3.1 21:12:2022 13:13 Product.ontology 1.2 caripark definition ATO Cattle Slim ATO Chicken Slim ATO Pig Slim ATO Sheep Slim subset_property has_alternative_id database_cross_reference has_exact_synonym has_narrow_synonym has_obo_format_version has_obo_namespace has_related_synonym in_subset Product.ontology is_a is a Product.ontology part_of part_of caripark 2013-04-23T11:03:58Z Product.ontology ID:0000000 <new term> true Any measurable or observable characteristic of a product produced by or obtained from the body of an agricultural animal or bird maintained for use and profit. LPT:1000701 Product.ontology LPT:0000001 livestock product trait Any measurable or observable characteristic of a product produced by or obtained from the body of an agricultural animal or bird maintained for use and profit. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of the alpha fraction of the casein phosphoprotein. caripark 2011-10-21T11:11:08Z Product.ontology LPT:0000002 milk alpha-casein content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of the alpha fraction of the casein phosphoprotein. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the visually perceived hue of the nutrient store of the egg that is surround by a vitelline membrane. caripark 2011-10-21T11:23:46Z ATOL:0001889 Product.ontology LPT:0000003 egg yolk color Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the visually perceived hue of the nutrient store of the egg that is surround by a vitelline membrane. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to relative heaviness of the skeletal tissue in the lower hindlimb of a bird, consisting of the tibia and the surrounding muscle and skin. caripark 2011-10-21T11:25:56Z Product.ontology LPT:0000004 drumstick bone weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to relative heaviness of the skeletal tissue in the lower hindlimb of a bird, consisting of the tibia and the surrounding muscle and skin. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose trimmed from the outside of the cut from the upper portion of the front leg. caripark 2011-10-21T11:38:12Z Product.ontology LPT:0000005 shoulder external fat weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose trimmed from the outside of the cut from the upper portion of the front leg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance from side to side of the body of an animal following slaughter and removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. caripark 2011-10-21T03:40:24Z Product.ontology LPT:0000006 dressed carcass width Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance from side to side of the body of an animal following slaughter and removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C20H40O2) present in meat. caripark 2011-10-21T03:49:20Z meat arachidic acid content meat eicosanoic acid content Product.ontology meat arachidic acid percentage meat eicosanoic acid percentage LPT:0000007 meat fatty acid C20:0 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C20H40O2) present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-6 unsaturated fatty acid (C20H32O2), with four carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. caripark 2011-10-21T03:56:04Z meat arachidonic acid content Product.ontology meat arachidonic acid percentage LPT:0000008 meat fatty acid cis-5,8,11,14-C20:4 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-6 unsaturated fatty acid (C20H32O2), with four carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a fifteen-carbon backbone. caripark 2011-10-25T09:52:43Z milk pentadecanoic acid content milk pentadecylic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000009 milk fatty acid C15:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a fifteen-carbon backbone. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a twenty-four-carbon backbone. caripark 2011-10-25T09:57:49Z milk tetracosanoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000010 milk fatty acid C24:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a twenty-four-carbon backbone. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated, omega-3 fatty acid with a twelve-carbon backbone and one double bond. caripark 2011-10-25T10:45:50Z milk lauroleic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000011 milk fatty acid C12:1(n-3) content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated, omega-3 fatty acid with a twelve-carbon backbone and one double bond. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in meat; the carbon chain has only one double or triple carbon-carbon bond. caripark 2011-10-25T11:08:12Z Product.ontology LPT:0000012 meat monounsaturated fatty acid content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in meat; the carbon chain has only one double or triple carbon-carbon bond. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-5, monounsaturated fatty acid (C14H26O2) present in meat. caripark 2011-10-25T11:16:29Z meat myristoleic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000013 meat fatty acid cis-9-C14:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-5, monounsaturated fatty acid (C14H26O2) present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-3, unsaturated fatty acid (C20H30O2), with five carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. caripark 2011-10-25T01:32:41Z meat eicosapentaenoic acid content meat fatty acid C20:5 n-3 content Product.ontology LPT:0000014 meat fatty acid C20:5(n-3) content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-3, unsaturated fatty acid (C20H30O2), with five carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the back of certain species. caripark 2011-10-25T01:43:31Z Product.ontology LPT:0000015 loin weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the back of certain species. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an unsaturated fatty acid (C22H36O2), with four carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. caripark 2011-10-25T03:37:47Z meat docosatetraenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000016 meat fatty acid C22:4 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an unsaturated fatty acid (C22H36O2), with four carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an unsaturated fatty acid (C22H34O2), with five carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. caripark 2011-10-25T03:37:47Z meat docosapentaenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000017 meat fatty acid C22:5 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an unsaturated fatty acid (C22H34O2), with five carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an unsaturated fatty acid (C22H32O2), with six carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. caripark 2011-10-25T03:37:47Z meat docosahexaenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000018 meat fatty acid C22:6 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an unsaturated fatty acid (C22H32O2), with six carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an unsaturated fatty acid (C20H34O2), with three carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. caripark 2011-10-25T03:55:56Z meat dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid content meat homolonolenic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000019 meat fatty acid C20:3 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an unsaturated fatty acid (C20H34O2), with three carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in meat; the carbon chain has two or more double or triple carbon-carbon bonds. caripark 2011-10-25T03:59:36Z Product.ontology LPT:0000020 meat polyunsaturated fatty acid content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in meat; the carbon chain has two or more double or triple carbon-carbon bonds. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the movement-producing contractile tissue of an animal, following slaughter and removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. caripark 2011-10-26T08:32:17Z Product.ontology LPT:0000021 dressed carcass muscle weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the movement-producing contractile tissue of an animal, following slaughter and removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the skeletal tissue of an animal following slaughter and removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. caripark 2011-10-26T08:32:17Z Product.ontology LPT:0000022 dressed carcass bone weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the skeletal tissue of an animal following slaughter and removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the fat trimmed from the surface of the loin. caripark 2011-10-26T08:33:39Z Product.ontology LPT:0000023 loin external fat weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the fat trimmed from the surface of the loin. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the muscles in the cut from the back of certain species. caripark 2011-10-26T08:36:13Z longissimus dorsi weight longissimus muscle weight Product.ontology LPT:0000024 loin muscle weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the muscles in the cut from the back of certain species. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the cut from the upper portion of the front leg. caripark 2011-10-26T09:17:58Z Product.ontology LPT:0000025 shoulder fat weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the cut from the upper portion of the front leg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to qualities of the egg (an ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings) that involve perception by the senses. caripark 2011-10-26T10:05:48Z ATOL:0002070 Product.ontology LPT:0000026 egg organoleptic trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to qualities of the egg (an ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings) that involve perception by the senses. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue of an animal following slaughter and removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. caripark 2011-10-26T10:24:42Z Product.ontology LPT:0000027 dressed carcass fat weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue of an animal following slaughter and removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the cut from the back of certain species. caripark 2011-10-26T10:37:29Z Product.ontology LPT:0000028 loin fat weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the cut from the back of certain species. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the skeletal tissue in the cut from the upper portion of the front leg. caripark 2011-10-26T10:41:54Z Product.ontology LPT:0000029 shoulder bone weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the skeletal tissue in the cut from the upper portion of the front leg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of moisture in meat. caripark 2011-10-26T10:43:27Z ATOL:0001668 meat moisture content Product.ontology LPT:0000030 meat water content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of moisture in meat. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a seventeen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-10. caripark 2011-10-26T10:57:39Z milk cis-10-heptadecenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000031 milk fatty acid cis-10-C17:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a seventeen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-10. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-11. caripark 2011-10-26T11:12:58Z milk cis-11-octadecenoic acid content milk cis-vaccenic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000032 milk fatty acid cis-11-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-11. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the skeletal tissue in the part of a bird consisting of the femur and surrounding muscle and skin. caripark 2011-10-26T11:29:03Z Product.ontology LPT:0000033 thigh bone weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the skeletal tissue in the part of a bird consisting of the femur and surrounding muscle and skin. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-11. caripark 2011-11-09T03:23:17Z meat cis-vaccenic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000034 meat fatty acid cis-11-C18:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-11. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of a monounsaturated fatty acid with a seventeen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-10. caripark 2011-11-09T03:27:14Z meat cis-10-heptadecenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000035 meat fatty acid cis-10-C17:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of a monounsaturated fatty acid with a seventeen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-10. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of polyunsaturated fatty acids in which the first unsaturated bond is in the third position from the omega carbon. caripark 2011-11-09T03:42:47Z Product.ontology LPT:0000036 meat omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of polyunsaturated fatty acids in which the first unsaturated bond is in the third position from the omega carbon. MeSH:D015525 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C15H30O2) present in meat. caripark 2011-11-09T03:47:48Z meat pentadecanoic acid content meat pentadecylic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000037 meat fatty acid C15:0 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C15H30O2) present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of any/all isomers of linoleic acid in which the double bonds are conjugated (double bonds alternate with single bonds); found especially in meat and dairy products derived from ruminants. caripark 2011-11-09T04:02:50Z Product.ontology LPT:0000038 meat conjugated linoleic acid content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of any/all isomers of linoleic acid in which the double bonds are conjugated (double bonds alternate with single bonds); found especially in meat and dairy products derived from ruminants. MeSH:D044243 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the cut from the hind leg of the pig. caripark 2011-11-09T04:08:36Z Product.ontology LPT:0000039 ham fat weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the cut from the hind leg of the pig. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the cut from the back of certain species. caripark 2011-11-17T02:25:40Z Product.ontology LPT:0000040 loin size trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the cut from the back of certain species. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut of beef spanning the sixth through twelfth ribs. caripark 2011-11-18T09:17:39Z Product.ontology rib weight LPT:0000041 rib cut weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut of beef spanning the sixth through twelfth ribs. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the cut from the hind leg of the pig. caripark 2011-11-18T09:51:03Z Product.ontology LPT:0000042 ham size trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the cut from the hind leg of the pig. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance between the surfaces of the external layer of fat on the ham. caripark 2011-11-18T10:27:05Z Product.ontology LPT:0000043 ham fat thickness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance between the surfaces of the external layer of fat on the ham. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the perceived intensity of the smell of an egg. caripark 2011-11-18T11:16:13Z Product.ontology LPT:0000044 egg odor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the perceived intensity of the smell of an egg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the degree of elasticity or flexibility of the outermost protective covering of the egg. caripark 2011-11-18T12:40:55Z ATOL:0002122 Product.ontology LPT:0000045 egg shell stiffness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the degree of elasticity or flexibility of the outermost protective covering of the egg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of this estrogenic hormone, C18H22O2, in muscle or its associated fat. caripark 2011-11-18T01:29:14Z Product.ontology LPT:0000046 meat estrone content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of this estrogenic hormone, C18H22O2, in muscle or its associated fat. ISBN:978-0440237013 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of an ester of glucose with phosphate attached to carbon atom 6. caripark 2011-11-18T01:37:51Z Product.ontology LPT:0000047 meat glucose-6-phosphate content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of an ester of glucose with phosphate attached to carbon atom 6. ISBN:978-0440237013 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. caripark 2011-12-14T01:14:43Z Product.ontology LPT:0000048 dressed carcass size trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. caripark 2011-12-14T01:21:48Z Product.ontology LPT:0000049 dressed carcass composition trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of skeletal tissue in the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. caripark 2011-12-14T01:26:59Z Product.ontology LPT:0000050 dressed carcass bone content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of skeletal tissue in the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of adipose tissue in the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. caripark 2011-12-14T02:01:27Z Product.ontology LPT:0000051 dressed carcass fat content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of adipose tissue in the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to relative heaviness of the skeletal tissue in the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. caripark 2011-12-14T01:30:18Z Product.ontology LPT:0000052 dressed carcass bone percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to relative heaviness of the skeletal tissue in the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of muscle tissue in the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. caripark 2011-12-14T01:56:46Z Product.ontology LPT:0000053 dressed carcass muscle content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of muscle tissue in the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. caripark 2011-12-14T02:02:51Z Product.ontology LPT:0000054 dressed carcass fat percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to relative heaviness of the muscle tissue in the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. caripark 2011-12-14T01:58:56Z Product.ontology LPT:0000055 dressed carcass muscle percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to relative heaviness of the muscle tissue in the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to an anatomical structure which is a subpart of the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. caripark 2011-12-14T02:30:18Z Product.ontology LPT:0000056 dressed carcass subdivision trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to an anatomical structure which is a subpart of the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance between the surfaces of the muscle layer in the cut of beef spanning the sixth through twelfth ribs. caripark 2011-12-14T02:38:21Z Product.ontology rib thickness LPT:0000057 rib cut thickness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance between the surfaces of the muscle layer in the cut of beef spanning the sixth through twelfth ribs. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the lower hindlimb of a bird, consisting of the tibia and the surrounding muscle and skin. caripark 2011-12-14T02:52:58Z Product.ontology LPT:0000058 drumstick trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the lower hindlimb of a bird, consisting of the tibia and the surrounding muscle and skin. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the cut of beef spanning the sixth through twelfth ribs. caripark 2011-12-14T02:55:20Z Product.ontology LPT:0000059 rib cut trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the cut of beef spanning the sixth through twelfth ribs. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the lower hindlimb of a bird, consisting of the tibia and the surrounding muscle and skin, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. caripark 2011-12-14T02:56:47Z Product.ontology LPT:0000060 drumstick percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the lower hindlimb of a bird, consisting of the tibia and the surrounding muscle and skin, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the cut obtained from the underside of the pig. caripark 2011-12-14T03:40:16Z Product.ontology LPT:0000061 belly trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the cut obtained from the underside of the pig. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the cut from the upper portion of the front leg. caripark 2011-12-14T03:44:57Z Product.ontology LPT:0000062 shoulder trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the cut from the upper portion of the front leg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the cut from the hind leg of the pig. caripark 2011-12-15T09:38:14Z Product.ontology LPT:0000063 ham trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the cut from the hind leg of the pig. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the cut from the hind leg of the pig. caripark 2011-12-15T09:40:25Z Product.ontology LPT:0000064 ham composition trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the cut from the hind leg of the pig. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the cut from the back of certain species. caripark 2011-12-15T10:07:54Z Product.ontology LPT:0000065 loin trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the cut from the back of certain species. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the back of certain species, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. caripark 2011-12-15T10:09:40Z loin yield Product.ontology LPT:0000066 loin percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the back of certain species, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the cut from the back of certain species. caripark 2011-12-15T10:16:16Z Product.ontology LPT:0000067 loin composition trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the cut from the back of certain species. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the cut obtained from the underside of the pig. caripark 2011-12-15T10:17:52Z Product.ontology LPT:0000068 belly size trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the cut obtained from the underside of the pig. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the cut obtained from the underside of the pig. caripark 2011-12-15T10:18:04Z Product.ontology LPT:0000069 belly composition trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the cut obtained from the underside of the pig. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the hind leg of the pig, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. caripark 2011-12-15T10:30:50Z Product.ontology LPT:0000070 ham percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the hind leg of the pig, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the cut from the upper portion of the front leg. caripark 2011-12-15T10:34:15Z Product.ontology LPT:0000071 shoulder size trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the cut from the upper portion of the front leg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the cut from the upper portion of the front leg. caripark 2011-12-15T10:34:15Z Product.ontology LPT:0000072 shoulder composition trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the cut from the upper portion of the front leg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the upper portion of the front leg, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. caripark 2011-12-15T10:37:16Z shoulder yield Product.ontology LPT:0000073 shoulder percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the upper portion of the front leg, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the lower hindlimb of a bird, consisting of the tibia and the surrounding muscle and skin. caripark 2011-12-15T10:38:27Z Product.ontology LPT:0000074 drumstick size trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the lower hindlimb of a bird, consisting of the tibia and the surrounding muscle and skin. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the lower hindlimb of a bird, consisting of the tibia and the surrounding meat and skin. caripark 2011-12-15T10:38:27Z Product.ontology LPT:0000075 drumstick composition trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the lower hindlimb of a bird, consisting of the tibia and the surrounding meat and skin. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the cut from the hind leg of the pig, expressed as a percentage of ham weight. caripark 2011-12-15T10:43:23Z Product.ontology LPT:0000076 ham fat percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the cut from the hind leg of the pig, expressed as a percentage of ham weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut obtained from the underside of the pig, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. caripark 2011-12-15T10:45:16Z Product.ontology LPT:0000077 belly percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut obtained from the underside of the pig, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the muscle tissue in the cut obtained from the underside of the pig, expressed as a percentage of belly weight. caripark 2011-12-15T10:45:48Z Product.ontology belly meat percentage LPT:0000078 belly muscle percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the muscle tissue in the cut obtained from the underside of the pig, expressed as a percentage of belly weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the skeletal tissue in the cut from the upper portion of the front leg, expressed as a percentage of shoulder weight. caripark 2011-12-15T10:57:18Z Product.ontology LPT:0000079 shoulder bone percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the skeletal tissue in the cut from the upper portion of the front leg, expressed as a percentage of shoulder weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the cut from the upper portion of the front leg, expressed as a percentage of shoulder weight. caripark 2011-12-15T10:57:18Z Product.ontology LPT:0000080 shoulder fat percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the cut from the upper portion of the front leg, expressed as a percentage of shoulder weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the upper portion of the front leg, with fat and bone removed, expressed as a percentage of shoulder weight. caripark 2011-12-15T10:57:18Z Product.ontology LPT:0000081 shoulder muscle percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the upper portion of the front leg, with fat and bone removed, expressed as a percentage of shoulder weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the part of a bird consisting of the femur and surrounding muscle and skin. caripark 2011-12-15T11:02:16Z Product.ontology LPT:0000082 thigh trait (poultry) Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the part of a bird consisting of the femur and surrounding muscle and skin. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the muscle tissue surrounding the femur of a bird, expressed as a percentage of thigh weight or carcass/body weight. caripark 2011-12-15T11:04:46Z Product.ontology LPT:0000083 thigh muscle percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the muscle tissue surrounding the femur of a bird, expressed as a percentage of thigh weight or carcass/body weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the part of a bird consisting of the femur and surrounding muscle and skin. caripark 2011-12-15T11:05:39Z Product.ontology LPT:0000084 thigh composition trait (poultry) Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the part of a bird consisting of the femur and surrounding muscle and skin. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the cut(s) of meat comprising the hind limb(s). caripark 2011-12-15T11:41:23Z Product.ontology LPT:0000085 leg trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the cut(s) of meat comprising the hind limb(s). VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut(s) of meat comprising the hind limb(s). caripark 2011-12-15T11:42:50Z Product.ontology LPT:0000086 leg weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut(s) of meat comprising the hind limb(s). VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut(s) of meat comprising the hind limb(s), expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. caripark 2011-12-15T11:42:50Z Product.ontology LPT:0000087 leg percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut(s) of meat comprising the hind limb(s), expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of muscle tissue in the cut(s) of meat comprising the hind limb(s). caripark 2011-12-15T11:42:50Z Product.ontology LPT:0000088 leg muscle weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of muscle tissue in the cut(s) of meat comprising the hind limb(s). VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the cut(s) of meat comprising the hind limb(s). caripark 2011-12-15T11:44:53Z Product.ontology LPT:0000089 leg size trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the cut(s) of meat comprising the hind limb(s). VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the cut containing the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. caripark 2011-12-15T11:45:35Z Product.ontology LPT:0000090 breast trait (poultry) Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the cut containing the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the combined pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. caripark 2011-12-15T12:04:35Z breast weight Product.ontology LPT:0000091 total breast muscle weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the combined pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the combined pectoralis major and pectoralis minor, expressed as a percentage of carcass/body weight. caripark 2011-12-15T12:04:35Z Product.ontology LPT:0000092 total breast muscle percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the combined pectoralis major and pectoralis minor, expressed as a percentage of carcass/body weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the larger muscle of the breast. caripark 2011-12-15T12:04:35Z fillet weight Product.ontology LPT:0000093 pectoralis major weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the larger muscle of the breast. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the smaller muscle of the breast. caripark 2011-12-15T12:04:35Z tender weight tenderloin weight Product.ontology LPT:0000094 pectoralis minor weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the smaller muscle of the breast. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the larger muscle of the breast, expressed as a percentage of carcass/body weight. caripark 2011-12-15T03:13:15Z Product.ontology LPT:0000095 pectoralis major percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the larger muscle of the breast, expressed as a percentage of carcass/body weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the smaller muscle of the breast, expressed as a percentage of carcass/body weight. caripark 2011-12-15T03:13:15Z Product.ontology LPT:0000096 pectoralis minor percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the smaller muscle of the breast, expressed as a percentage of carcass/body weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the cut(s) of meat comprising the hind limb(s). caripark 2011-12-20T12:24:01Z Product.ontology LPT:0000097 leg composition trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the cut(s) of meat comprising the hind limb(s). VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of fat-storing cells/tissue present within skeletal muscle. caripark 2012-03-27T03:06:14Z VT:0010044 marbling Product.ontology LPT:0000098 intramuscular fat content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of fat-storing cells/tissue present within skeletal muscle. PMID:17705816 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of fat-storing tissue present between the muscles. caripark 2012-03-27T03:14:26Z VT:1000465 Product.ontology LPT:0000099 intermuscular fat content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of fat-storing tissue present between the muscles. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C10H20O2) present in meat. caripark 2012-03-29T11:03:37Z meat capric acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000100 meat fatty acid C10:0 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C10H20O2) present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of a monounsaturated fatty acid with a fifteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-10. caripark 2012-03-29T11:09:45Z meat cis-10-pentadecenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000101 meat fatty acid cis-10-C15:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of a monounsaturated fatty acid with a fifteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-10. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C12H24O2) present in meat. caripark 2012-03-29T11:14:07Z meat dodecanoic acid content meat lauric acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000102 meat fatty acid C12:0 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C12H24O2) present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the forelimb of a bird, consisting of the humerus, radius, ulna, and metacarpus, and all associated muscle and skin. caripark 2012-03-29T12:48:52Z Product.ontology LPT:0000103 wing trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the forelimb of a bird, consisting of the humerus, radius, ulna, and metacarpus, and all associated muscle and skin. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the forelimb of a bird, consisting of the humerus, radius, ulna, and metacarpus, and all associated muscle and skin, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. caripark 2012-03-29T12:49:33Z Product.ontology LPT:0000104 wing percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the forelimb of a bird, consisting of the humerus, radius, ulna, and metacarpus, and all associated muscle and skin, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to both physiological and chemical properties of meat (muscle and associated fat and connective tissue, post-exsanguination). caripark 2012-10-17T03:11:23Z ATOL:0000065 Product.ontology LPT:0000105 meat physiochemical trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to both physiological and chemical properties of meat (muscle and associated fat and connective tissue, post-exsanguination). ATOL:0000065 ISBN:9780702027888 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ability of meat to conduct electrical current. caripark 2012-10-17T03:14:31Z ATOL:0000066 Product.ontology LPT:0000106 meat conductivity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ability of meat to conduct electrical current. VT:1000436 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the degree of hotness or coldness of meat. caripark 2012-10-17T03:18:35Z ATOL:0000067 Product.ontology LPT:0000107 meat temperature Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the degree of hotness or coldness of meat. ISBN:978-0440237013 caripark 2012-11-19T04:03:09Z Product.ontology LPT:0000108 drumstick muscle-to-bone ratio caripark 2012-11-19T04:04:53Z Product.ontology LPT:0000109 thigh muscle-to-bone ratio caripark 2012-11-19T04:05:32Z Product.ontology LPT:0000110 dressed carcass muscle-to-bone ratio caripark 2013-03-11T02:19:54Z Product.ontology LPT:0000111 wool trait caripark 2013-03-11T02:25:20Z Product.ontology LPT:0000112 wool fiber trait caripark 2013-03-11T02:25:20Z Product.ontology LPT:0000113 wool fleece trait caripark 2013-03-11T02:27:41Z Product.ontology LPT:0000114 wool fiber curvature caripark 2013-03-11T02:27:41Z Product.ontology LPT:0000115 wool fiber diameter caripark 2013-03-11T02:29:59Z Product.ontology LPT:0000116 wool staple length caripark 2013-03-11T02:29:59Z Product.ontology LPT:0000117 wool staple strength caripark 2013-03-11T02:29:59Z Product.ontology LPT:0000118 fleece weight caripark 2013-03-11T02:31:44Z Product.ontology LPT:0000119 clean fleece weight caripark 2013-03-11T02:31:44Z Product.ontology LPT:0000120 greasy fleece weight caripark 2013-03-11T02:59:14Z Product.ontology LPT:0000121 dressed carcass muscle-to-fat ratio Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the body of an animal following slaughter and removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet, expressed as a percentage of body weight at slaughter. caripark 2013-03-11T03:00:26Z Product.ontology LPT:0000122 dressing percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the body of an animal following slaughter and removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet, expressed as a percentage of body weight at slaughter. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-12. caripark 2013-04-23T11:04:24Z Product.ontology LPT:0000123 meat fatty acid cis-12-C18:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-12. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount present in meat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at either C-6 or C-9. caripark 2013-04-23T12:43:16Z Product.ontology LPT:0000124 meat fatty acid trans-6/9-C18:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount present in meat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at either C-6 or C-9. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of this metallic element in meat. caripark 2014-02-05T10:40:26Z Product.ontology LPT:0000125 meat iron content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of this metallic element in meat. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of this metallic element in meat. caripark 2014-02-05T10:40:53Z Product.ontology LPT:0000126 meat zinc content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of this metallic element in meat. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the entire cut containing the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor, including skin and bone. caripark 2014-03-18T11:21:34Z Product.ontology LPT:0000127 breast weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the entire cut containing the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor, including skin and bone. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the breast muscle, bone, and skin, expressed as a percentage of carcass/body weight. caripark 2014-03-18T11:25:09Z Product.ontology LPT:0000128 breast percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the breast muscle, bone, and skin, expressed as a percentage of carcass/body weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the taste persisting in the mouth after the sampled egg is no longer present. caripark 2014-07-18T02:17:20Z Product.ontology LPT:0000129 egg aftertaste trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the taste persisting in the mouth after the sampled egg is no longer present. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 amount of clean wool that remains after scouring, expressed as a percentage of greasy fleece weight. caripark 2014-07-22T03:56:04Z clean wool yield Product.ontology LPT:0000130 fleece yield amount of clean wool that remains after scouring, expressed as a percentage of greasy fleece weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the time required to obtain a fixed curd firmness. caripark 2014-07-22T04:17:33Z ATOL:0000299 curd firming rate Product.ontology LPT:0000131 coagulated milk firming rate Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the time required to obtain a fixed curd firmness. ATOL:0000299 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C13H26O2) present in meat. caripark 2014-07-23T03:19:22Z meat tridecanoic acid content meat tridecylic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000132 meat fatty acid C13:0 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C13H26O2) present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount present in meat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-15. caripark 2014-07-23T03:23:50Z Product.ontology LPT:0000133 meat fatty acid trans-15-C18:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount present in meat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-15. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount present in meat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-12. caripark 2014-07-23T03:24:43Z Product.ontology LPT:0000134 meat fatty acid trans-12-C18:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount present in meat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-12. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of polyunsaturated fatty acids in which the first unsaturated bond is in the sixth position from the omega carbon. caripark 2014-07-23T03:28:08Z Product.ontology LPT:0000135 meat omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of polyunsaturated fatty acids in which the first unsaturated bond is in the sixth position from the omega carbon. MeSH:D043371 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C24H48O2) present in meat. caripark 2014-07-23T04:29:57Z meat lignoceric acid content meat tetracosanoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000136 meat fatty acid C24:0 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C24H48O2) present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the cut from the back of certain species, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. caripark 2014-07-23T04:36:07Z Product.ontology LPT:0000137 loin fat percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the cut from the back of certain species, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance between the surfaces of the adipose tissue on the cut from the back of certain species. caripark 2014-07-23T04:37:51Z Product.ontology LPT:0000138 loin fat thickness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance between the surfaces of the adipose tissue on the cut from the back of certain species. VTO:CP caripark 2014-07-24T11:34:36Z Product.ontology LPT:0000139 ham bone-to-muscle ratio The proportion or amount in milk of a cobalt-containing coordination compound produced by intestinal microorganisms and also found in soil and water. caripark 2014-07-24T02:15:54Z milk vitamin B 12 content milk vitamin B12 content Product.ontology LPT:0000140 milk vitamin B-12 content The proportion or amount in milk of a cobalt-containing coordination compound produced by intestinal microorganisms and also found in soil and water. MeSH:D014805 caripark 2014-07-24T03:27:03Z Product.ontology LPT:0000141 dressed carcass water content caripark 2014-07-24T03:27:49Z Product.ontology LPT:0000142 dressed carcass protein content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (C18H30O2), with three carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. caripark 2014-07-24T03:42:50Z meat C18:3 n-6 content meat gamma-linolenic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000143 meat fatty acid cis-6,9,12-C18:3 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (C18H30O2), with three carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a monounsaturated fatty acid (C22H42O2) present in meat. caripark 2014-07-24T03:45:57Z Product.ontology LPT:0000144 meat fatty acid C22:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a monounsaturated fatty acid (C22H42O2) present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of adipose tissue in the cut of beef spanning the sixth through twelfth ribs. caripark 2014-07-29T09:58:00Z Product.ontology LPT:0000145 rib cut fat content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of adipose tissue in the cut of beef spanning the sixth through twelfth ribs. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the cut(s) of meat comprising the hind limb(s). caripark 2014-07-31T09:51:18Z Product.ontology LPT:0000146 leg fat weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the adipose tissue in the cut(s) of meat comprising the hind limb(s). VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk of the components remaining after removal of water and fat (protein, lactose, minerals, vitamins). caripark 2014-07-31T10:02:48Z Product.ontology LPT:0000147 milk non-fat solids content The proportion or amount in milk of the components remaining after removal of water and fat (protein, lactose, minerals, vitamins). VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of minerals in the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. caripark 2014-07-31T02:11:54Z dressed carcass mineral content Product.ontology LPT:0000148 dressed carcass ash content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of minerals in the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the two-dimensional extent of the adipose tissue on the cut obtained from the underside of the pig. caripark 2014-07-31T02:19:52Z Product.ontology LPT:0000149 belly fat area Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the two-dimensional extent of the adipose tissue on the cut obtained from the underside of the pig. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the degree of function or response of these calcium-dependent cysteine proteases present in meat. caripark 2014-07-31T03:19:32Z Product.ontology LPT:0000150 meat calpain activity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the degree of function or response of these calcium-dependent cysteine proteases present in meat. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the body of an animal following slaughter and removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet, as well as adipose tissue. caripark 2014-07-31T03:27:43Z Product.ontology LPT:0000151 dressed carcass fat-free weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the body of an animal following slaughter and removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet, as well as adipose tissue. VTO:CP caripark 2014-07-31T03:32:28Z Product.ontology LPT:0000152 dressed carcass fat-to-muscle ratio Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of a compound in which a carbonyl group is bonded to one hydrogen atom and to one R group. caripark 2014-07-31T03:45:44Z Product.ontology LPT:0000153 meat aldehyde content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of a compound in which a carbonyl group is bonded to one hydrogen atom and to one R group. CHEBI:17478 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance between the surfaces of the cut obtained from the underside of the pig. caripark 2014-08-05T08:45:21Z Product.ontology LPT:0000154 belly thickness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance between the surfaces of the cut obtained from the underside of the pig. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of the physical or functional supporting tissue of the body, a major constituent of which is an extracellular matrix of ground substance, protein fibers, and structural glycoproteins. caripark 2014-08-05T08:55:38Z Product.ontology LPT:0000155 meat connective tissue content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of the physical or functional supporting tissue of the body, a major constituent of which is an extracellular matrix of ground substance, protein fibers, and structural glycoproteins. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in connective tissue of macromolecules consisting of long sequences of amino acids in peptide linkage. caripark 2014-08-05T09:35:46Z Product.ontology LPT:0000156 connective tissue protein content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in connective tissue of macromolecules consisting of long sequences of amino acids in peptide linkage. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of a polypeptide substance comprising about one third of the total protein in mammalian organisms; the major protein of the white fibers of connective tissue, cartilage, and bone. caripark 2014-08-05T03:12:26Z Product.ontology LPT:0000157 meat collagen content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of a polypeptide substance comprising about one third of the total protein in mammalian organisms; the major protein of the white fibers of connective tissue, cartilage, and bone. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 MeSH:D003094 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the post-mortem increase in muscle stiffness that occurs as a result of rigor mortis. caripark 2014-09-05T02:36:48Z Product.ontology LPT:0000158 meat stiffening trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the post-mortem increase in muscle stiffness that occurs as a result of rigor mortis. ISBN:978-0124649705 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the part of a bird consisting of the femur and surrounding muscle and skin. caripark 2014-10-13T01:44:51Z Product.ontology LPT:0000159 thigh size trait (poultry) Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the part of a bird consisting of the femur and surrounding muscle and skin. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the part of a bird consisting of the femur and surrounding muscle and skin, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. caripark 2014-10-13T01:48:04Z Product.ontology LPT:0000160 thigh percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the part of a bird consisting of the femur and surrounding muscle and skin, expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a monounsaturated fatty acid (C18H34O2), with a trans double bond at C-16 position, present in meat. caripark 2014-11-20T01:58:35Z meat trans-16-octadecenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000161 meat fatty acid trans-16-C18:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a monounsaturated fatty acid (C18H34O2), with a trans double bond at C-16 position, present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid (C18H32O2), with two carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. caripark 2014-11-20T02:02:32Z Product.ontology LPT:0000162 meat fatty acid trans-11,cis-15-C18:2 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid (C18H32O2), with two carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the ham with bone, skin, and fat removed, expressed as a percentage of total ham weight. caripark 2015-01-20T11:08:40Z Product.ontology LPT:0000163 ham muscle percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the ham with bone, skin, and fat removed, expressed as a percentage of total ham weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the cut containing the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. caripark 2015-02-03T12:47:25Z Product.ontology LPT:0000164 breast size trait (poultry) Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the cut containing the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the cut containing the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. caripark 2015-02-03T12:48:11Z Product.ontology LPT:0000165 breast composition trait (poultry) Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of the cut containing the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the muscle tissue surrounding the tibia of a bird, expressed as a percentage of carcass/body weight. caripark 2015-02-03T01:23:13Z Product.ontology LPT:0000166 drumstick muscle percentage Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the muscle tissue surrounding the tibia of a bird, expressed as a percentage of carcass/body weight. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C21H42O2) present in meat. caripark 2015-03-24T11:18:50Z meat heneicosanoic acid content meat heneicosylic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000167 meat fatty acid C21:0 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C21H42O2) present in meat. VTO:CP the frequency of waves/bends in a wool staple. caripark 2015-09-15T11:06:39Z Product.ontology LPT:0000168 wool crimp the frequency of waves/bends in a wool staple. http://www.woolwise.com/woolcrc/The_Wool_Press/October_1997/2.html Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount present in meat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-9. caripark 2016-06-17T10:05:53Z Elaidic acid content trans-9-Octadecenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000169 meat fatty acid trans-9-C18:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount present in meat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-9. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a thirteen-carbon backbone. caripark 2016-12-01T10:42:53Z ATOL:0000253 milk tridecanoic acid content milk tridecylic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000170 milk fatty acid C13:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a thirteen-carbon backbone. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a ten-carbon backbone and cis double bond at C-9. caripark 2018-06-12T13:36:14Z Product.ontology LPT:0000171 milk fatty acid cis-9-C10:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a ten-carbon backbone and cis double bond at C-9. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone and cis double bond at C-9. caripark 2018-06-12T13:59:54Z milk cis-9-eicosenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000172 milk fatty acid cis-9-C20:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone and cis double bond at C-9. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of a polyunsaturated, omega-6 fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone. caripark 2018-06-12T14:02:14Z milk cis-8,11,14-eicosatrienoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000173 milk fatty acid cis-8,11,14-C20:3 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a polyunsaturated, omega-6 fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a sixteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-9. caripark 2018-06-12T14:22:28Z milk palmitelaidic acid content milk trans-9-hexadecenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000174 milk fatty acid trans-9-C16:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a sixteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-9. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-16. caripark 2018-06-12T14:37:02Z milk trans-16-octadecenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000175 milk fatty acid trans-16-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-16. VTO:CP caripark 2018-06-12T14:55:03Z Product.ontology LPT:0000176 milk trans fatty acid content true The proportion or amount in milk fat of unsaturated fatty acids in which all double bonds are in the cis configuration. caripark 2018-06-12T15:03:28Z Product.ontology LPT:0000177 milk cis fatty acid content The proportion or amount in milk fat of unsaturated fatty acids in which all double bonds are in the cis configuration. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk of acetone, one of the ketone bodies produced during ketoacidosis. caripark 2021-09-08T09:34:29Z Product.ontology LPT:0000178 milk acetone content The proportion or amount in milk of acetone, one of the ketone bodies produced during ketoacidosis. MeSH:D000096 The proportion or amount in milk of a salt or ester of citric acid, an intermediate of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. caripark 2021-09-08T09:56:56Z Product.ontology LPT:0000179 milk citrate content The proportion or amount in milk of a salt or ester of citric acid, an intermediate of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/citrate The proportion or amount in milk of the heavy metal trace element with atomic symbol Cu. caripark 2021-09-08T10:08:26Z VT:0010710 Product.ontology LPT:0000180 milk copper content The proportion or amount in milk of the heavy metal trace element with atomic symbol Cu. MeSH:D003300 The proportion or amount in milk of this nonmetallic element of the halogen group, which is especially important in thyroid hormone synthesis. caripark 2021-09-08T10:12:19Z VT:0010824 Product.ontology LPT:0000181 milk iodine content The proportion or amount in milk of this nonmetallic element of the halogen group, which is especially important in thyroid hormone synthesis. MeSH:D007455 The proportion or amount in milk of this metallic element that is an essential constituent of hemoglobins, cytochromes, and iron-binding proteins. caripark 2021-09-08T10:13:43Z VT:0010711 Product.ontology LPT:0000182 milk iron content The proportion or amount in milk of this metallic element that is an essential constituent of hemoglobins, cytochromes, and iron-binding proteins. MeSH:D007501 The proportion or amount in milk of a trace element (atomic symbol Mn) which is a cofactor in many enzymes. caripark 2021-09-08T10:15:19Z VT:0010712 Product.ontology LPT:0000183 milk manganese content The proportion or amount in milk of a trace element (atomic symbol Mn) which is a cofactor in many enzymes. MeSH:D008345 The proportion or amount in milk of a micronutrient that protects intracellular structures against oxidative damage but it toxic in large amounts. caripark 2021-09-08T15:24:19Z VT:0010713 Product.ontology LPT:0000184 milk selenium content The proportion or amount in milk of a micronutrient that protects intracellular structures against oxidative damage but it toxic in large amounts. MeSH:D012643 The proportion or amount in milk of this element that is found in cysteine and methionine. caripark 2021-09-08T15:29:38Z VT::0010808 Product.ontology LPT:0000185 milk sulfur content The proportion or amount in milk of this element that is found in cysteine and methionine. MeSH:D013455 The proportion or amount in milk of this metallic element that forms an essential part of many enzymes and plays an important role in protein synthesis and cell division. caripark 2021-09-08T15:31:45Z VT:0010714 Product.ontology LPT:0000186 milk zinc content The proportion or amount in milk of this metallic element that forms an essential part of many enzymes and plays an important role in protein synthesis and cell division. MeSH:D015032 The proportion or amount in milk of the phosphate of choline. caripark 2021-09-08T15:47:47Z Product.ontology LPT:0000187 milk phosphocholine content The proportion or amount in milk of the phosphate of choline. CHEBI:18132 The proportion or amount in milk of vitamin B2. caripark 2021-09-08T15:51:13Z Product.ontology LPT:0000188 milk riboflavin content The proportion or amount in milk of vitamin B2. CHEBI:17015 The proportion or amount of energy in milk; may be based on a combination of fat, protein, lactose, ash, and water content. caripark 2021-11-29T11:05:17Z Product.ontology LPT:0000189 milk energy content The proportion or amount of energy in milk; may be based on a combination of fat, protein, lactose, ash, and water content. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a fourteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-9. caripark 2021-11-30T16:13:00Z milk myristelaidic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000190 milk fatty acid trans-9-C14:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a fourteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-9. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk of all isomers of the fatty acid with an 18-carbon backbone and 1 double bond. caripark 2021-11-30T16:15:38Z milk octadecenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000191 milk fatty acid C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk of all isomers of the fatty acid with an 18-carbon backbone and 1 double bond. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk of all isomers of the fatty acid with a 17-carbon backbone and 1 double bond. caripark 2021-12-16T10:30:48Z milk heptadecenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000192 milk fatty acid C17:1 The proportion or amount in milk of all isomers of the fatty acid with a 17-carbon backbone and 1 double bond. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of a fatty acid with an 18-carbon backbone, cis double bonds C-9 and C-15, and a trans double bond at C-11. caripark 2021-12-16T10:33:37Z milk cis-9,trans-11,cis-15-octadecatrienoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000193 milk fatty acid cis-9,trans-11,cis-15-C18:3 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a fatty acid with an 18-carbon backbone, cis double bonds C-9 and C-15, and a trans double bond at C-11. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk of a fatty acid with an 18-carbon backbone and cis double bonds at C-6, 9, 12, and 15. caripark 2021-12-16T10:39:34Z milk cis-6,9,12,15-octadecatetraenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000194 milk fatty acid cis-6,9,12,15-C18:4 content The proportion or amount in milk of a fatty acid with an 18-carbon backbone and cis double bonds at C-6, 9, 12, and 15. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of a fatty acid with a 22-carbon backbone and cis double bonds at C-7,10, 13, and 16. caripark 2021-12-16T10:48:16Z milk cis-7,10,13,16-docosatetraenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000195 milk fatty acid cis-7,10,13,16-C22:4 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a fatty acid with a 22-carbon backbone and cis double bonds at C-7,10, 13, and 16. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-12. caripark 2021-12-16T11:16:35Z milk trans-12-octadecenoic acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000196 milk fatty acid trans-12-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-12. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk of the glycerol phosphate ester of a phosphocholine. caripark 2022-12-19T15:47:44Z Product.ontology LPT:0000197 milk glycerophosphocholine content The proportion or amount in milk of the glycerol phosphate ester of a phosphocholine. CHEBI:36313 The proportion or amount in milk of butyric acid substituted in the beta or 3 position. It is one of the ketone bodies produced in the liver. caripark 2022-12-20T09:30:13Z milk 3-hydroxybutyrate content milk 3-hydroxybutyric acid content milk beta-hydroxybutyric acid content Product.ontology LPT:0000198 milk beta-hydroxybutyrate content The proportion or amount in milk of butyric acid substituted in the beta or 3 position. It is one of the ketone bodies produced in the liver. MeSH:D020155 Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of milk. Product.ontology LPT:0004047 milk composition trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of milk. MGI:smb VTO:CP caripark 2012-10-17T11:38:11Z ATOL:0002071 Product.ontology LPT:0010001 egg color trait caripark 2012-10-17T11:38:11Z ATOL:0002077 Product.ontology LPT:0010002 egg flavor trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of alpha-lactalbumin, an enzyme that catalyzes lactose synthesis in mammary epithelial cells. caripark 2012-10-17T11:39:54Z ATOL:0000541 ATOL:0002079 Product.ontology milk alpha-lactalbumin concentration LPT:0010003 egg albumen flavor trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of alpha-lactalbumin, an enzyme that catalyzes lactose synthesis in mammary epithelial cells. ATOL:0000541 VTO:CP VTO:INRA caripark 2012-10-17T11:39:54Z ATOL:0002078 Product.ontology LPT:0010004 egg yolk flavor trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the total volume of milk produced by the mammary gland. caripark 2009-11-30T12:14:20Z Product.ontology LPT:0010007 total milk volume trait true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the total volume of milk produced by the mammary gland. VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the volume of milk obtained following machine milking, when the udder is manipulated to release milk trapped below the level of the teat. caripark 2009-11-30T12:21:38Z Product.ontology LPT:0010008 stripping milk volume trait true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the volume of milk obtained following machine milking, when the udder is manipulated to release milk trapped below the level of the teat. VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the volume of milk remaining in the mammary gland following machine milking and hand or machine stripping. caripark 2009-11-30T12:21:38Z Product.ontology LPT:0010009 residual milk volume trait true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the volume of milk remaining in the mammary gland following machine milking and hand or machine stripping. VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ratio of the weight of an egg to the weight of an equal volume of water. caripark 2009-12-03T11:08:53Z Product.ontology LPT:0010015 egg specific gravity trait true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ratio of the weight of an egg to the weight of an equal volume of water. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical makeup or arrangement of milk. caripark 2010-05-27T09:37:59Z ATOL:0000547 milk structural trait Product.ontology LPT:0010020 milk structure trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical makeup or arrangement of milk. ATOL:0000547 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the yield obtained after processing to remove the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. caripark 2009-12-14T12:47:38Z Product.ontology LPT:0010026 Parts removed during processing vary by species: Cattle: head, hide, digestive tract, internal organs, legs (from knee/hock down) Pig: head, hair, toenails, digestive tract, internal organs Chicken: head, neck, feathers, digestive tract, internal organs, feet Sheep: head, hide, digestive tract, internal organs, hooves (from epiphyseal plate of metacarpal or break/spool joint down) dressed carcass yield true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the yield obtained after processing to remove the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. VTO:CP The total amount of milk fat produced. caripark 2009-12-14T04:00:02Z Product.ontology LPT:0010027 milk fat yield The total amount of milk fat produced. VTO:CP The total amount of milk protein produced. caripark 2009-12-14T04:02:02Z Product.ontology LPT:0010028 milk protein yield The total amount of milk protein produced. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the total amount in milk of alpha-lactalbumin, an enzyme that catalyzes lactose synthesis in mammary epithelial cells. caripark 2009-12-15T08:42:38Z Product.ontology LPT:0010029 milk alpha-lactalbumin yield Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the total amount in milk of alpha-lactalbumin, an enzyme that catalyzes lactose synthesis in mammary epithelial cells. VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the function of or processes in an ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings. caripark 2010-03-19T11:07:06Z Product.ontology LPT:0010099 egg physiology trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the function of or processes in an ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the first secretion of the mammary gland before milk production; provides energy and passive immunity to newborn offspring. caripark 2010-05-19T03:36:39Z ATOL:0000590 Product.ontology LPT:0010256 colostrum trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the first secretion of the mammary gland before milk production; provides energy and passive immunity to newborn offspring. ATOL:0000590 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of proteins that function as a primary mechanism for protection against disease present in the first secretion of the mammary gland before milk production. caripark 2010-05-19T03:47:57Z ATOL:0000591 Product.ontology LPT:0010257 colostrum immunoglobulin content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of proteins that function as a primary mechanism for protection against disease present in the first secretion of the mammary gland before milk production. ATOL:0000591 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of milk fat. caripark 2010-05-19T04:15:04Z ATOL:0000595 Product.ontology LPT:0010261 milk fat composition trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of milk fat. ATOL:0000595 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the amount of colostrum produced, the first secretion of the mammary gland before milk production. caripark 2010-05-20T03:30:45Z Product.ontology LPT:0010264 colostrum yield true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the amount of colostrum produced, the first secretion of the mammary gland before milk production. VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the number of somatic cells (leukocytes and epithelial cells) present in colostrum. caripark 2010-05-20T03:34:56Z ATOL:0000597 Product.ontology LPT:0010265 colostrum somatic cell count Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the number of somatic cells (leukocytes and epithelial cells) present in colostrum. ATOL:0000597 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of beta-lactoglobulin, which may bind retinol; this milk constituent is allergenic. caripark 2010-05-20T04:06:39Z ATOL:0000598 Product.ontology milk beta-lactoglobulin concentration LPT:0010266 milk beta-lactoglobulin content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of beta-lactoglobulin, which may bind retinol; this milk constituent is allergenic. ATOL:0000598 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of whey acidic protein (WAP), a major protein of whey in rodents and rabbits (as well as marsupials), which belongs to the four disulfide core family. caripark 2010-05-20T04:09:37Z ATOL:0000599 Product.ontology milk WAP content milk whey acidic protein concentration LPT:0010267 milk whey acidic protein content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of whey acidic protein (WAP), a major protein of whey in rodents and rabbits (as well as marsupials), which belongs to the four disulfide core family. ATOL:0000599 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of lactoferrin, a globular multifunctional protein with antimicrobial activity; part of innate defense. caripark 2010-05-20T04:09:37Z ATOL:0000600 Product.ontology milk lactoferrin concentration LPT:0010268 milk lactoferrin content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of lactoferrin, a globular multifunctional protein with antimicrobial activity; part of innate defense. ATOL:0000600 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of any substance, usually a peptide or steroid, that has a specific metabolic regulatory effect on the activity or behavior of cells expressing a receptor for the hormone. caripark 2010-05-21T09:27:13Z ATOL:0000601 Product.ontology colostrum hormone concentration LPT:0010269 colostrum hormone content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of any substance, usually a peptide or steroid, that has a specific metabolic regulatory effect on the activity or behavior of cells expressing a receptor for the hormone. MGI:MP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of members of the hormone family that includes estrogens, progesterone, glucocorticoids, and androgens. caripark 2010-05-21T09:59:08Z ATOL:0000602 Product.ontology colostrum steroid concentration LPT:0010270 colostrum steroid content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of members of the hormone family that includes estrogens, progesterone, glucocorticoids, and androgens. ATOL:0000602 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of the peptide hormone secreted by white adipocytes and believed to regulate food intake and energy balance. caripark 2010-05-21T09:59:08Z ATOL:0000603 Product.ontology colostrum leptin concentration LPT:0010271 colostrum leptin content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of the peptide hormone secreted by white adipocytes and believed to regulate food intake and energy balance. MGI:MP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of the hormone that stimulates milk secretion. caripark 2010-05-21T09:59:08Z ATOL:0000604 Product.ontology colostrum prolactin concentration LPT:0010272 colostrum prolactin content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of the hormone that stimulates milk secretion. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of any factors which promote cell proliferation. caripark 2010-05-21T09:59:08Z ATOL:0000605 Product.ontology colostrum growth factor concentration LPT:0010273 colostrum growth factor content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of any factors which promote cell proliferation. ATOL:0000605 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount of dry weight (mass of solids) in milk. caripark 2010-05-21T10:43:34Z ATOL:0000714 milk solids content Product.ontology LPT:0010274 milk dry matter content The proportion or amount of dry weight (mass of solids) in milk. ATOL:0000714 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of any substance, usually a peptide or steroid, that has a specific metabolic regulatory effect on the activity or behavior of cells expressing a receptor for the hormone. caripark 2010-05-21T11:21:36Z ATOL:0000607 Product.ontology hormones in milk milk hormone concentration LPT:0010275 milk hormone content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of any substance, usually a peptide or steroid, that has a specific metabolic regulatory effect on the activity or behavior of cells expressing a receptor for the hormone. MGI:MP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of members of the hormone family that includes estrogens, progesterone, glucocorticoids, and androgens. caripark 2010-05-21T11:26:27Z ATOL:0000608 Product.ontology milk steroid concentration LPT:0010276 milk steroid content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of members of the hormone family that includes estrogens, progesterone, glucocorticoids, and androgens. ATOL:0000608 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of the peptide hormone secreted by white adipocytes and believed to regulate food intake and energy balance. caripark 2010-05-21T11:26:27Z ATOL:0000609 Product.ontology milk leptin concentration LPT:0010277 milk leptin content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of the peptide hormone secreted by white adipocytes and believed to regulate food intake and energy balance. ATOL:0000609 MGI:MP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of any factors which promote cell proliferation. caripark 2010-05-21T11:26:27Z ATOL:0000611 Product.ontology milk growth factor concentration LPT:0010279 milk growth factor content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of any factors which promote cell proliferation. ATOL:0000611 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of casein, the predominant phosphoprotein in milk. caripark 2010-05-21T12:20:10Z ATOL:0000612 Product.ontology milk casein concentration LPT:0010280 accounts for nearly 80% of the protein in cow's milk and cheese milk casein content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of casein, the predominant phosphoprotein in milk. ATOL:0000612 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of the most abundant casein in the milk of ruminants and rabbits. caripark 2010-05-21T12:27:38Z ATOL:0000613 Product.ontology milk alpha-S1-casein concentration LPT:0010281 milk alpha-S1-casein content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of the most abundant casein in the milk of ruminants and rabbits. ATOL:0000613 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of alpa-S2-casein, a minor form of casein. caripark 2010-05-21T12:27:38Z ATOL:0000614 Product.ontology milk alpha-S2-casein concentration LPT:0010282 milk alpha-S2-casein content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of alpa-S2-casein, a minor form of casein. ATOL:0000614 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of kappa-casein, a casein which plays a crucial role in micellar structure; its concentration determines micellar size. caripark 2010-05-21T12:27:38Z ATOL:0000615 Product.ontology milk kappa-casein concentration LPT:0010283 milk kappa-casein content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of kappa-casein, a casein which plays a crucial role in micellar structure; its concentration determines micellar size. ATOL:0000615 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of the beta fraction of the casein phosphoprotein in milk. caripark 2010-05-21T12:27:38Z ATOL:0000716 Product.ontology milk beta-casein concentration LPT:0010284 milk beta-casein content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of the beta fraction of the casein phosphoprotein in milk. ATOL:0000716 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount of this element in milk. caripark 2010-05-21T02:13:16Z ATOL:0000617 Product.ontology milk nitrogen milk nitrogen concentration LPT:0010285 milk nitrogen content The proportion or amount of this element in milk. ATOL:0000617 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the total amount in milk of lactose, which is the major sugar found in colostrum and milk; it is composed of a molecule of glucose and a molecule of galactose. caripark 2010-05-21T02:22:29Z ATOL:0000618 lactose yield Product.ontology LPT:0010286 milk lactose yield Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the total amount in milk of lactose, which is the major sugar found in colostrum and milk; it is composed of a molecule of glucose and a molecule of galactose. ATOL:0000618 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of lactose, the major sugar found in colostrum and milk; it is composed of one molecule of glucose and one molecule of galactose. caripark 2010-05-21T02:24:28Z ATOL:0000619 Product.ontology milk lactose concentration LPT:0010287 milk lactose content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of lactose, the major sugar found in colostrum and milk; it is composed of one molecule of glucose and one molecule of galactose. ATOL:0000619 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of any inorganic substance that has importance in body functions. caripark 2010-05-21T02:44:27Z ATOL:0000620 Product.ontology milk mineral concentration LPT:0010288 milk mineral content The proportion or amount in milk of any inorganic substance that has importance in body functions. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 VTO:INRA The total amount in milk of any inorganic substance that has importance in body functions. caripark 2010-05-21T02:55:44Z ATOL:0000621 Product.ontology LPT:0010289 milk mineral yield The total amount in milk of any inorganic substance that has importance in body functions. ATOL:0000621 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of this metallic element. caripark 2010-05-21T02:58:45Z ATOL:0000622 Product.ontology milk calcium concentration LPT:0010290 milk calcium content The proportion or amount in milk of this metallic element. ATOL:0000622 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of this metallic element. caripark 2010-05-21T03:03:34Z ATOL:0000623 Product.ontology milk potassium concentration LPT:0010291 milk potassium content The proportion or amount in milk of this metallic element. ATOL:0000623 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of this metallic element. caripark 2010-05-21T03:03:34Z ATOL:0000624 Product.ontology milk sodium concentration LPT:0010292 milk sodium content The proportion or amount in milk of this metallic element. ATOL:0000624 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of this nonmetallic element which occurs naturally in phosphates. caripark 2010-05-21T03:03:34Z ATOL:0000625 Product.ontology milk phosphorus concentration LPT:0010293 milk phosphorus content The proportion or amount in milk of this nonmetallic element which occurs naturally in phosphates. ATOL:0000625 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of any binary compound of chlorine. caripark 2010-05-21T03:03:34Z ATOL:0000626 Product.ontology milk chloride concentration LPT:0010294 milk chloride content The proportion or amount in milk of any binary compound of chlorine. ATOL:0000626 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of this metallic element. caripark 2010-05-21T03:03:34Z ATOL:0000627 Product.ontology milk magnesium concentration LPT:0010295 milk magnesium content The proportion or amount in milk of this metallic element. ATOL:0000627 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the subjective scoring scale ranging from no flavor to intense flavor. caripark 2010-05-21T03:35:40Z ATOL:0000628 Product.ontology LPT:0010296 milk flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the subjective scoring scale ranging from no flavor to intense flavor. ATOL:0000628 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the milk scoring scale ranging from no odor to intense odor. caripark 2010-05-21T03:35:40Z ATOL:0000629 Product.ontology LPT:0010297 milk odor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the milk scoring scale ranging from no odor to intense odor. ATOL:0000629 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the arrangement of the components that form the physical structure of milk. caripark 2010-05-21T03:35:40Z ATOL:0000630 Product.ontology LPT:0010298 milk texture trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the arrangement of the components that form the physical structure of milk. ATOL:0000630 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the color of milk. caripark 2010-05-21T03:41:11Z ATOL:0000631 Product.ontology LPT:0010299 milk color Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the color of milk. ATOL:0000631 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective reflective measure of milk color along the red to green color scale; typically measured by a colorimeter. caripark 2010-05-24T08:29:41Z ATOL:0000632 Product.ontology LPT:0010300 milk color redness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective reflective measure of milk color along the red to green color scale; typically measured by a colorimeter. ATOL:0000632 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective milk color variable for lightness/darkness, based on the amount of light reflected off the surface of the milk; typically measured by a colorimeter. caripark 2010-05-24T08:29:41Z ATOL:0000633 Product.ontology LPT:0010301 milk color reflectivity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective milk color variable for lightness/darkness, based on the amount of light reflected off the surface of the milk; typically measured by a colorimeter. ATOL:0000633 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective reflective measure of milk color along the yellow to blue color scale; typically measured by a colorimeter. caripark 2010-05-24T08:29:41Z ATOL:0000634 Product.ontology LPT:0010302 milk color yellowness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective reflective measure of milk color along the yellow to blue color scale; typically measured by a colorimeter. ATOL:0000634 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in milk fat; they are saturated and unsaturated. caripark 2010-05-24T09:11:45Z Product.ontology LPT:0010303 milk fatty acid content The proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in milk fat; they are saturated and unsaturated. MeSH:D005227 The proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in milk fat; the carbon chain contains only single carbon-carbon bonds. caripark 2010-05-24T09:17:14Z Product.ontology LPT:0010304 milk saturated fatty acid content The proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in milk fat; the carbon chain contains only single carbon-carbon bonds. MeSH:D005227 The proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in milk fat; the carbon chain has one or more double or triple carbon-carbon bonds. caripark 2010-05-24T09:18:07Z Product.ontology LPT:0010305 milk unsaturated fatty acid content The proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in milk fat; the carbon chain has one or more double or triple carbon-carbon bonds. MeSH:D005231 The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a four-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T09:22:09Z ATOL:0000638 milk butyric acid content Product.ontology milk butyric acid concentration milk butyric acid percentage milk fatty acid C4:0 concentration milk fatty acid C4:0 percentage LPT:0010306 milk fatty acid C4:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a four-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000638 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a five-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T09:22:09Z ATOL:0000635 Product.ontology milk fatty acid C5:0 concentration milk fatty acid C5:0 percentage LPT:0010307 milk fatty acid C5:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a five-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000635 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a six-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T09:22:09Z ATOL:0000640 milk caproic acid concentration milk caproic acid content Product.ontology milk caproic acid percentage milk fatty acid C6:0 concentration milk fatty acid C6:0 percentage LPT:0010308 milk fatty acid C6:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a six-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000640 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a seven-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T09:22:09Z ATOL:0000641 Product.ontology milk fatty acid C7:0 concentration milk fatty acid C7:0 percentage LPT:0010309 milk fatty acid C7:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a seven-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000641 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with an eight-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T09:22:09Z ATOL:0000642 milk caprylic acid concentration milk caprylic acid content Product.ontology milk caprylic acid percentage milk fatty acid C8:0 concentration milk fatty acid C8:0 percentage LPT:0010310 milk fatty acid C8:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with an eight-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000642 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a nine-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T09:22:09Z ATOL:0000643 Product.ontology milk fatty acid C9:0 concentration milk fatty acid C9:0 percentage LPT:0010311 milk fatty acid C9:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a nine-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000643 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a ten-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T09:22:09Z ATOL:0000644 milk capric acid content Product.ontology milk capric acid concentration milk capric acid percentage milk fatty acid C10:0 concentration milk fatty acid C10:0 percentage LPT:0010312 milk fatty acid C10:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a ten-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000644 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with an eleven-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T09:22:09Z ATOL:0000645 milk undecanoic acid content milk undecylic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid C11:0 concentration milk fatty acid C11:0 percentage LPT:0010313 milk fatty acid C11:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with an eleven-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000645 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a twelve-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T09:22:09Z ATOL:0000646 milk lauric acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid C12:0 concentration milk fatty acid C12:0 percentage milk lauric acid concentration milk lauric acid percentage LPT:0010314 milk fatty acid C12:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a twelve-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000646 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a fourteen-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T10:13:36Z ATOL:0000647 milk myristic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid C14:0 concentration milk fatty acid C14:0 percentage milk myristic acid concentration milk myristic acid percentage LPT:0010315 milk fatty acid C14:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a fourteen-carbon backbone. ATOL0000647:<new dbxref> ATOL:0000647 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a sixteen-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T10:15:41Z ATOL:0000648 milk palmitic acid percentage Product.ontology milk fatty acid C16:0 concentration milk fatty acid C16:0 percentage milk palmitic acid concentration milk palmitic acid content LPT:0010316 milk fatty acid C16:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a sixteen-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000648 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a seventeen-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T10:15:41Z ATOL:0000649 milk margaric acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid C17:0 concentration milk fatty acid C17:0 percentage milk margaric acid concentration milk margaric acid percentage LPT:0010317 milk fatty acid C17:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a seventeen-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000649 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T10:15:41Z ATOL:0000650 milk stearic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid C18:0 concentration milk fatty acid C18:0 percentage milk stearic acid concentration milk stearic acid percentage LPT:0010318 milk fatty acid C18:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000650 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T10:15:41Z ATOL:0000651 milk arachidic acid content milk eicosanoic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid C20:0 concentration milk fatty acid C20:0 percentage LPT:0010319 milk fatty acid C20:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000651 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a twenty-two-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T10:15:41Z ATOL:0000652 milk docosanoic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid C22:0 concentration milk fatty acid C22:0 percentage LPT:0010320 milk fatty acid C22:0 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a saturated fatty acid with a twenty-two-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000652 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of unsaturated fatty acids containing at least one double bond in the trans configuration. caripark 2010-05-24T10:40:54Z Product.ontology milk trans fatty acid concentration milk trans fatty acid percentage LPT:0010321 milk trans fatty acid content The proportion or amount in milk fat of unsaturated fatty acids containing at least one double bond in the trans configuration. MeSH:D044242 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of unsaturated fatty acids in which the first unsaturated bond is in the third position from the omega carbon (C18:3, n-3; C20:5, n-3; C22:6, n-3). caripark 2010-05-24T10:40:54Z ATOL:0000654 Product.ontology milk omega-3 fatty acid concentration milk omega-3 fatty acid percentage LPT:0010322 milk omega-3 fatty acid content The proportion or amount in milk fat of unsaturated fatty acids in which the first unsaturated bond is in the third position from the omega carbon (C18:3, n-3; C20:5, n-3; C22:6, n-3). MeSH:D015525 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of unsaturated fatty acids in which the first unsaturated bond is in the sixth position from the omega carbon (C18:2, n-6; C18:3, n-6; C20:2, n-6; C20:3, n-6; C20:4, n-6; C22:2, n-6; C22:4, n-6; C22:5, n-6). caripark 2010-05-24T10:40:54Z ATOL:0000655 Product.ontology milk omega-6 fatty acid concentration milk omega-6 fatty acid percentage LPT:0010323 milk omega-6 fatty acid content The proportion or amount in milk fat of unsaturated fatty acids in which the first unsaturated bond is in the sixth position from the omega carbon (C18:2, n-6; C18:3, n-6; C20:2, n-6; C20:3, n-6; C20:4, n-6; C22:2, n-6; C22:4, n-6; C22:5, n-6). MeSH:D043371 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of any/all isomers of linoleic acid in which the double bonds are conjugated (double bonds alternate with single bonds); found especially in meat and dairy products derived from ruminants. caripark 2010-05-24T10:40:54Z milk CLA concentration Product.ontology milk CLA content milk CLA percentage milk conjugated linoleic acid concentration milk conjugated linoleic acid percentage LPT:0010324 milk conjugated linoleic acid content The proportion or amount in milk fat of any/all isomers of linoleic acid in which the double bonds are conjugated (double bonds alternate with single bonds); found especially in meat and dairy products derived from ruminants. MeSH:D044243 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of a polyunsaturated, omega-6 fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone. caripark 2010-05-24T11:11:14Z ATOL:0000657 milk fatty acid C18:2(n-6) concentration milk linoleic acid concentration Product.ontology milk fatty acid C18:2(n-6) content milk fatty acid C18:2(n-6) percentage milk fatty acid cis-9,cis-12-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid cis-9,cis-12-C18:2 percentage milk linoleic acid content milk linoleic acid percentage LPT:0010325 milk fatty acid cis-9,cis-12-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of a polyunsaturated, omega-6 fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone. ATOL:0000657 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a fourteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-9. caripark 2010-05-24T11:19:21Z ATOL:0000658 milk myristoleic acid concentration milk myristoleic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-9-C14:1 concentration milk fatty acid cis-9-C14:1 percentage milk myristoleic acid percentage LPT:0010326 milk fatty acid cis-9-C14:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a fourteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-9. ATOL:0000658 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a sixteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-11. caripark 2010-05-24T12:39:39Z ATOL:0000659 Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-11-C16:1 concentration milk fatty acid cis-11-C16:1 percentage LPT:0010327 milk fatty acid cis-11-C16:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a sixteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-11. ATOL:0000659 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a seventeen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-9. caripark 2010-05-24T12:39:39Z ATOL:0000660 milk cis-9-heptadecenoic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-9-C17:1 concentration milk fatty acid cis-9-C17:1 percentage LPT:0010328 milk fatty acid cis-9-C17:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a seventeen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-9. ATOL:0000660 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-11. caripark 2010-05-24T12:39:39Z ATOL:0000661 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-11-C18:1 concentration milk fatty acid trans-11-C18:1 percentage milk vaccenic acid concentration milk vaccenic acid content milk vaccenic acid percentage LPT:0010329 milk fatty acid trans-11-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-11. ATOL:0000661 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-4. caripark 2010-05-24T12:39:39Z ATOL:0000662 milk trans-4-octadecenoic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-4-C18:1 concentration milk fatty acid trans-4-C18:1 percentage LPT:0010330 milk fatty acid trans-4-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-4. ATOL:0000662 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-5. caripark 2010-05-24T12:39:39Z ATOL:0000663 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-5-C18:1 concentration milk fatty acid trans-5-C18:1 percentage LPT:0010331 milk fatty acid trans-5-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-5. ATOL:0000663 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at either C-6 or C-8. caripark 2010-05-24T12:39:39Z ATOL:0000664 milk fatty acid trans-6-8-C18:1 content milk trans-6/8=octadecenoic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-6-8-C18:1 concentration milk fatty acid trans-6-8-C18:1 percentage LPT:0010332 milk fatty acid trans-6/8-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at either C-6 or C-8. ATOL:0000664 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-9. caripark 2010-05-24T12:39:39Z ATOL:0000665 milk trans-9-octadecenoic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-9-C18:1 concentration milk fatty acid trans-9-C18:1 percentage LPT:0010333 milk fatty acid trans-9-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-9. ATOL:0000665 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-10. caripark 2010-05-24T12:39:39Z ATOL:0000666 milk trans-10-octadecenoic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-10-C18:1 concentration milk fatty acid trans-10-C18:1 percentage LPT:0010334 milk fatty acid trans-10-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at C-10. ATOL:0000666 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at either C-13 or C-14. caripark 2010-05-24T12:39:39Z ATOL:0000667 milk fatty acid trans-13/14-C18:1 content Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-13-14-C18:1 concentration milk fatty acid trans-13-14-C18:1 percentage milk fatty acid trans-13/14-C18:1 concentration milk fatty acid trans-13/14-C18:1 percentage LPT:0010335 milk fatty acid trans-13-14-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a trans double bond at either C-13 or C-14. ATOL:0000667 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and either a cis double bond at C-14 or a trans double bond at C-16. caripark 2010-05-24T01:28:26Z Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-14/trans-16-C18:1 concentration milk fatty acid cis-14/trans-16-C18:1 percentage LPT:0010336 milk fatty acid cis-14/trans-16-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and either a cis double bond at C-14 or a trans double bond at C-16. VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-11. caripark 2010-05-24T01:28:26Z Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-11-C18:1 concentration milk fatty acid cis-11-C18:1 percentage LPT:0010337 milk fatty acid cis-11-C18:1 content true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-11. VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-12. caripark 2010-05-24T01:28:26Z ATOL:0000669 milk cis-12-octadecenoic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-12-C18:1 concentration milk fatty acid cis-12-C18:1 percentage LPT:0010338 milk fatty acid cis-12-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-12. ATOL:0000669 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-13. caripark 2010-05-24T01:28:26Z ATOL:0000670 Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-13-C18:1 concentration milk fatty acid cis-13-C18:1 percentage LPT:0010339 milk fatty acid cis-13-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-13. ATOL:0000670 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-15. caripark 2010-05-24T01:28:26Z ATOL:0000671 Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-15-C18:1 concentration milk fatty acid cis-15-C18:1 percentage LPT:0010340 milk fatty acid cis-15-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-15. ATOL:0000671 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a cis double bond at C-9, and a trans double bond at C-13. caripark 2010-05-24T01:44:34Z ATOL:0000672 Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-9,trans-13-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid cis-9,trans-13-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010341 milk fatty acid cis-9,trans-13-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a cis double bond at C-9, and a trans double bond at C-13. ATOL:0000672 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a cis double bond at C-9, and a trans double bond at C-12. caripark 2010-05-24T01:44:34Z ATOL:0000673 Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-9,trans-12-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid cis-9,trans-12-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010342 milk fatty acid cis-9,trans-12-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a cis double bond at C-9, and a trans double bond at C-12. ATOL:0000673 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a cis double bond at C-12, and a trans double bond at C-9. caripark 2010-05-24T01:44:34Z ATOL:0000674 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-9,cis-12-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-9,cis-12-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010343 milk fatty acid trans-9,cis-12-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a cis double bond at C-12, and a trans double bond at C-9. ATOL:0000674 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-9 and C-12. caripark 2010-05-24T01:44:34Z ATOL:0000675 milk trans-9,trans-12-octadecadienoic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-9,trans-12-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-9,trans-12-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010344 milk fatty acid trans-9,trans-12-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-9 and C-12. ATOL:0000675 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-9 and C-14. caripark 2010-05-24T01:44:34Z ATOL:0000676 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-9,trans-14-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-9,trans-14-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010345 milk fatty acid trans-9,trans-14-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-9 and C-14. ATOL:0000676 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a trans double bond at C-11, and a cis double bond at C-15. caripark 2010-05-24T01:44:34Z ATOL:0000677 milk trans-11,cis-15-octadecadienoic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-11,cis-15-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-11,cis-15-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010346 milk fatty acid trans-11,cis-15-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a trans double bond at C-11, and a cis double bond at C-15. ATOL:0000677 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-11 and C-15. caripark 2010-05-24T01:44:34Z ATOL:0000678 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-11,trans-15-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-11,trans-15-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010347 milk fatty acid trans-11,trans-15-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-11 and C-15. ATOL:0000678 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and cis double bonds at C-9 and C-11. caripark 2010-05-24T02:18:24Z ATOL:0000679 Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-9,cis-11-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid cis-9,cis-11-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010348 milk fatty acid cis-9,cis-11-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and cis double bonds at C-9 and C-11. ATOL:0000679 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a cis double bond at C-9, and a trans double bond at C-11. caripark 2010-05-24T02:18:24Z ATOL:0000680 milk rumenic acid content milkcis-9,trans-11-octadecadienoic acid content Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-9,trans-11-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid cis-9,trans-11-C18:2 percentage milk rumenic acid concentration milk rumenic acid percentage LPT:0010349 milk fatty acid cis-9,trans-11-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a cis double bond at C-9, and a trans double bond at C-11. ATOL:0000680 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a cis double bond at C-12, and a trans double bond at C-14. caripark 2010-05-24T02:18:24Z ATOL:0000681 Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-12,trans-14-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid cis-12,trans-14-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010350 milk fatty acid cis-12,trans-14-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a cis double bond at C-12, and a trans double bond at C-14. ATOL:0000681 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a trans double bond at C-7, and a cis double bond at C-9. caripark 2010-05-24T02:18:24Z ATOL:0000682 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-7,cis-9-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-7,cis-9-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010351 milk fatty acid trans-7,cis-9-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a trans double bond at C-7, and a cis double bond at C-9. ATOL:0000682 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a trans double bond at C-8, and a cis double bond at C-10. caripark 2010-05-24T02:18:24Z ATOL:0000683 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-8,cis-10-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-8,cis-10-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010352 milk fatty acid trans-8,cis-10-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a trans double bond at C-8, and a cis double bond at C-10. ATOL:0000683 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a trans double bond at C-9, and a cis double bond at C-11. caripark 2010-05-24T02:18:24Z ATOL:0000684 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-9,cis-11-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-9,cis-11-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010353 milk fatty acid trans-9,cis-11-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a trans double bond at C-9, and a cis double bond at C-11. ATOL:0000684 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a trans double bond at C-10, and a cis double bond at C-12. caripark 2010-05-24T02:18:24Z ATOL:0000685 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-10,cis-12-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-10,cis-12-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010354 milk fatty acid trans-10,cis-12-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a trans double bond at C-10, and a cis double bond at C-12. ATOL:0000685 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a trans double bond at C-11, and a cis double bond at C-13. caripark 2010-05-24T02:47:15Z ATOL:0000686 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-11,cis-13-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-11,cis-13-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010355 milk fatty acid trans-11,cis-13-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a trans double bond at C-11, and a cis double bond at C-13. ATOL:0000686 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a trans double bond at C-12, and a cis double bond at C-14. caripark 2010-05-24T02:47:15Z ATOL:0000687 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-12,cis-14-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-12,cis-14-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010356 milk fatty acid trans-12,cis-14-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone, a trans double bond at C-12, and a cis double bond at C-14. ATOL:0000687 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-7 and C-9. caripark 2010-05-24T02:47:15Z ATOL:0000688 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-7,trans-9-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-7,trans-9-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010357 milk fatty acid trans-7,trans-9-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-7 and C-9. ATOL:0000688 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-8 and C-10. caripark 2010-05-24T02:47:15Z ATOL:0000689 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-8,trans-10-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-8,trans-10-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010358 milk fatty acid trans-8,trans-10-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-8 and C-10. ATOL:0000689 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-9 and C-11. caripark 2010-05-24T02:47:15Z ATOL:0000690 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-9,trans-11-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-9,trans-11-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010359 milk fatty acid trans-9,trans-11-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-9 and C-11. ATOL:0000690 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-10 and C-12. caripark 2010-05-24T02:47:15Z ATOL:0000691 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-10,trans-12-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-10,trans-12-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010360 milk fatty acid trans-10,trans-12-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-10 and C-12. ATOL:0000691 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-11 and C-13. caripark 2010-05-24T02:47:15Z ATOL:0000692 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-11,trans-13-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-11,trans-13-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010361 milk fatty acid trans-11,trans-13-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-11 and C-13. ATOL:0000692 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-12 and C-14. caripark 2010-05-24T02:47:15Z ATOL:0000693 Product.ontology milk fatty acid trans-12,trans-14-C18:2 concentration milk fatty acid trans-12,trans-14-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010362 milk fatty acid trans-12,trans-14-C18:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and trans double bonds at C-12 and C-14. ATOL:0000693 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone and cis double bond at C-8. caripark 2010-05-24T03:28:22Z ATOL:0000694 Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-8-C20:1 concentration milk fatty acid cis-8-C20:1 percentage LPT:0010363 milk fatty acid cis-8-C20:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone and cis double bond at C-8. ATOL:0000694 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone and cis double bond at C-11. caripark 2010-05-24T03:28:22Z ATOL:0000695 Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-11-C20:1 concentration milk fatty acid cis-11-C20:1 percentage LPT:0010364 milk fatty acid cis-11-C20:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone and cis double bond at C-11. ATOL:0000695 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated, omega-6 fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone and four double bonds. caripark 2010-05-24T03:28:22Z ATOL:0000696 milk fatty acid C20:4 n-6 concentration Product.ontology milk arachidonic acid content milk fatty acid C20:4 n-6 content milk fatty acid C20:4 n-6 percentage milk fatty acid C20:4(n-6) concentration milk fatty acid C20:4(n-6) percentage LPT:0010365 milk fatty acid C20:4(n-6) content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated, omega-6 fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone and four double bonds. ATOL:0000696 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated, omega-3 fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone and five double bonds. caripark 2010-05-24T03:28:22Z ATOL:0000697 milk eicosapentaenoic acid content milk fatty acid C20:5 n-3 concentration Product.ontology milk fatty acid C20:5 n-3 content milk fatty acid C20:5 n-3 percentage milk fatty acid C20:5(n-3) concentration milk fatty acid C20:5(n-3) percentage LPT:0010366 milk fatty acid C20:5(n-3) content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated, omega-3 fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone and five double bonds. ATOL:0000697 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated, omega-3 fatty acid with a twenty-two-carbon backbone and five double bonds. caripark 2010-05-24T03:43:23Z ATOL:0000701 milk fatty acid C22:5 n-3 concentration Product.ontology milk fatty acid C22:5 n-3 content milk fatty acid C22:5 n-3 percentage milk fatty acid C22:5(n-3) concentration milk fatty acid C22:5(n-3) percentage LPT:0010367 milk fatty acid C22:5(n-3) content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated, omega-3 fatty acid with a twenty-two-carbon backbone and five double bonds. ATOL:0000701 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated, omega-3 fatty acid with a twenty-two-carbon backbone and six double bonds. caripark 2010-05-24T03:43:23Z ATOL:0000698 milk fatty acid C22:6 n-3 concentration milk fatty acid C22:6 n-3 content Product.ontology milk fatty acid C22:6 n-3 percentage milk fatty acid C22:6(n-3) concentration milk fatty acid C22:6(n-3) percentage LPT:0010368 milk fatty acid C22:6(n-3) content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated, omega-3 fatty acid with a twenty-two-carbon backbone and six double bonds. ATOL:0000698 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated, omega-3 fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and three double bonds. caripark 2010-05-24T03:43:23Z ATOL:0000699 milk linolenic acid concentration Product.ontology milk fatty acid C18:3 n-3 concentration milk fatty acid C18:3 n-3 content milk fatty acid C18:3 n-3 percentage milk fatty acid C18:3(n-3) concentration milk fatty acid C18:3(n-3) percentage milk linolenic acid content milk linolenic acid percentage LPT:0010369 milk fatty acid C18:3(n-3) content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated, omega-3 fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and three double bonds. ATOL:0000699 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone and two double bonds. caripark 2010-05-24T03:51:22Z ATOL:0000651 Product.ontology milk fatty acid C20:2 concentration milk fatty acid C20:2 percentage LPT:0010370 milk fatty acid C20:2 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a twenty-carbon backbone and two double bonds. ATOL:0000651 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-9. caripark 2010-05-24T03:54:00Z Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-9-C18:1 concentration milk fatty acid cis-9-C18:1 percentage milk oleic acid concentration milk oleic acid content milk oleic acid percentage LPT:0010371 milk fatty acid cis-9-C18:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with an eighteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-9. VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a sixteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-9. caripark 2010-05-24T03:54:00Z ATOL:0000702 milk palmitoleic acid concentration Product.ontology milk fatty acid cis-9-C16:1 concentration milk fatty acid cis-9-C16:1 percentage milk palmitoleic acid content milk palmitoleic acid percentage LPT:0010372 milk fatty acid cis-9-C16:1 content The proportion or amount in milk fat of an unsaturated fatty acid with a sixteen-carbon backbone and a cis double bond at C-9. ATOL:0000702 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in milk fat; the carbon chain has only one double or triple carbon-carbon bond. caripark 2010-05-24T03:59:27Z Product.ontology LPT:0010373 milk monounsaturated fatty acid content The proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in milk fat; the carbon chain has only one double or triple carbon-carbon bond. VTO:CP The proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in milk fat; the carbon chain has two or more double or triple carbon-carbon bonds. caripark 2010-05-24T03:59:27Z Product.ontology LPT:0010374 milk polyunsaturated fatty acid content The proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in milk fat; the carbon chain has two or more double or triple carbon-carbon bonds. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the total amount in milk of calcium, a metallic element. caripark 2010-05-26T10:26:16Z Product.ontology LPT:0010375 milk total calcium content true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the total amount in milk of calcium, a metallic element. VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of calcium not linked to casein micelles; may be in an associated form (with citrate, inorganic phosphate, or chloride) or a free/ionic form. caripark 2010-05-26T10:52:07Z ATOL:0000706 Product.ontology milk soluble calcium concentration LPT:0010376 milk soluble calcium content The proportion or amount in milk of calcium not linked to casein micelles; may be in an associated form (with citrate, inorganic phosphate, or chloride) or a free/ionic form. ATOL:0000706 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of unlinked/unassociated calcium in ionic form. caripark 2010-05-26T10:52:07Z ATOL:0000707 milk ionic calcium concentration Product.ontology milk free calcium concentration milk ionic calcium content LPT:0010377 milk free calcium content The proportion or amount in milk of unlinked/unassociated calcium in ionic form. ATOL:0000707 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of the calcium linked to casein micelles. caripark 2010-05-26T10:52:07Z ATOL:0000708 Product.ontology milk colloidal calcium concentration LPT:0010378 milk colloidal calcium content The proportion or amount in milk of the calcium linked to casein micelles. ATOL:0000708 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the number of cells originating from the mammary epithelium present in milk. caripark 2010-05-26T12:26:48Z ATOL:0000268 Product.ontology LPT:0010379 milk epithelial cell count Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the number of cells originating from the mammary epithelium present in milk. ATOL:0000268 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of a carotenoid that is the most common precursor to vitamin A. caripark 2010-05-26T01:12:38Z ATOL:0000709 milk beta-carotene content Product.ontology milk beta carotene concentration milk beta-carotene concentration LPT:0010380 milk beta carotene content The proportion or amount in milk of a carotenoid that is the most common precursor to vitamin A. ISBN:0-8036-0655-9 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of this molecule, glycerol esterified at each of its three hydroxyl groups by a fatty acid. caripark 2010-05-26T01:25:32Z milk triacylglycerol concentration Product.ontology milk triacylglycerol content milk triglyceride concentration LPT:0010382 milk triglyceride content The proportion or amount in milk of this molecule, glycerol esterified at each of its three hydroxyl groups by a fatty acid. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of these precursors to steroid hormones and bile salts; also components of plasma membranes. caripark 2010-05-26T01:28:32Z ATOL:0000712 Product.ontology milk cholesterol concentration LPT:0010383 milk cholesterol content The proportion or amount in milk of these precursors to steroid hormones and bile salts; also components of plasma membranes. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of a compound formed by the combination of cholesterol and a fatty acid. caripark 2010-05-26T01:49:37Z ATOL0000713:<new xref> ATOL:0000713 Product.ontology milk cholesterol ester concentration LPT:0010384 milk cholesterol ester content The proportion or amount in milk of a compound formed by the combination of cholesterol and a fatty acid. ATOL:0000713 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of glycerol with two esterified acyl moieties. caripark 2010-05-26T01:49:37Z ATOL:0000714 Product.ontology milk diacylglycerol concentration LPT:0010385 milk diacylglycerol content The proportion or amount in milk of glycerol with two esterified acyl moieties. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of glycerol with an acyl moiety esterified to position 1 or 2; an intermediate in the degradation and synthesis of lipids. caripark 2010-05-26T01:49:37Z ATOL:0000715 Product.ontology milk monoacylglycerol concentration LPT:0010386 milk monoacylglycerol content The proportion or amount in milk of glycerol with an acyl moiety esterified to position 1 or 2; an intermediate in the degradation and synthesis of lipids. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of the fat derivatives in which one fatty acid has been replaced by a phosphate group. caripark 2010-05-26T01:49:37Z ATOL:0000716 Product.ontology milk phospholipid concentration LPT:0010387 milk phospholipid content The proportion or amount in milk of the fat derivatives in which one fatty acid has been replaced by a phosphate group. ATOL:0000716 VTO:CP VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of compounds containing more than one phenol group. caripark 2010-05-26T01:49:37Z ATOL:0000717 Product.ontology milk polyphenol concentration LPT:0010388 milk polyphenol content The proportion or amount in milk of compounds containing more than one phenol group. ATOL:0000717 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of one of the three predominant proteins in the milk fat globule membrane. caripark 2010-05-26T02:42:38Z ATOL:0000718 milk BTN concentration Product.ontology milk BTN content milk butyrophilin concentration LPT:0010389 milk butyrophilin content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of one of the three predominant proteins in the milk fat globule membrane. ATOL:0000718 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of one of the three predominant proteins in the milk fat globule membrane. caripark 2010-05-26T02:42:38Z ATOL:0000719 milk XOR concentration Product.ontology milk XOR content milk xanthine oxidoreductase concentration LPT:0010390 milk xanthine oxidoreductase content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of one of the three predominant proteins in the milk fat globule membrane. ATOL:0000719 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of one of the three predominant proteins in the milk fat globule membrane. caripark 2010-05-26T02:42:38Z ATOL:0000720 milk ADPH concentration Product.ontology milk ADPH content milk adipophilin concentration LPT:0010391 milk adipophilin content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of one of the three predominant proteins in the milk fat globule membrane. ATOL:0000720 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of a cell-surface associated mucin protein. caripark 2010-05-26T02:55:09Z ATOL:0000721 milk MUC1 concentration Product.ontology milk MUC1 content milk mucin 1 concentration LPT:0010392 milk mucin 1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of a cell-surface associated mucin protein. ATOL:0000721 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of this integral membrane protein. caripark 2010-05-26T03:16:10Z milk cluster of differentiation concentration milk thrombospondin receptor concentration Product.ontology milk CD36 molecule concentration milk cluster of differentiation content milk thrombospondin receptor content LPT:0010393 milk CD36 molecule content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of this integral membrane protein. VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the supramolecular structure formed by the association of different caseins in suspension in milk. caripark 2010-05-27T09:53:05Z ATOL:0000723 Product.ontology LPT:0010394 milk casein micelle size Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of the supramolecular structure formed by the association of different caseins in suspension in milk. ATOL:0000723 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of native droplets in milk, surrounded by a specific biological membrane. caripark 2010-05-27T09:55:44Z ATOL:0000724 Product.ontology LPT:0010395 miik fat globule size trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of native droplets in milk, surrounded by a specific biological membrane. ATOL:0000724 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of this integral membrane protein. caripark 2010-05-26T03:24:19Z ATOL:0000725 Product.ontology milk stomatin concentration LPT:0010396 milk stomatin content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of this integral membrane protein. ATOL:0000725 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of this integrin-binding protein found in milk fat globules. caripark 2010-05-26T03:31:59Z milk lactadherin concentration Product.ontology milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 protein concentration milk lactadherin content LPT:0010397 milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 protein content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of this integrin-binding protein found in milk fat globules. VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of a fibrinolytic enzyme derived from the precursor plasminogen. caripark 2010-05-26T03:55:58Z ATOL:0000726 Product.ontology milk plasmin concentration LPT:0010398 milk plasmin content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in milk of a fibrinolytic enzyme derived from the precursor plasminogen. ISBN:0-8036-0655-9 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of the chief end product of nitrogen metabolism in mammals. caripark 2010-05-26T03:59:27Z ATOL:0000727 Product.ontology milk urea concentration LPT:0010399 milk urea content The proportion or amount in milk of the chief end product of nitrogen metabolism in mammals. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 VTO:INRA The proportion or amount in milk of an alkaline gas formed by decomposition of nitrogen-containing substances such as proteins and amino acids. caripark 2010-05-26T03:59:27Z ATOL:0000728 Product.ontology LPT:0010400 milk ammonia content The proportion or amount in milk of an alkaline gas formed by decomposition of nitrogen-containing substances such as proteins and amino acids. ISBN:0-8036-0655-9 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance across the center of native droplets in milk, surrounded by a specific biological membrane. caripark 2010-05-27T10:02:26Z Product.ontology LPT:0010401 milk fat globule diameter trait true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance across the center of native droplets in milk, surrounded by a specific biological membrane. VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the amount of exposed area on the surface of native droplets in milk, surrounded by a specific biological membrane. caripark 2010-05-27T10:02:26Z Product.ontology LPT:0010402 milk fat globule surface area trait true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the amount of exposed area on the surface of native droplets in milk, surrounded by a specific biological membrane. VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ability of milk to undergo processing into other dairy products. caripark 2010-05-27T02:22:17Z ATOL:0000731 Product.ontology LPT:0010403 milk technological trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ability of milk to undergo processing into other dairy products. ATOL:0000731 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the time between the introduction of rennet or lactic acid in the milk and the development of the first particles of coagulated milk. caripark 2010-05-27T02:23:54Z ATOL:0000732 Product.ontology LPT:0010404 milk coagulation time Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the time between the introduction of rennet or lactic acid in the milk and the development of the first particles of coagulated milk. ATOL:0000732 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the hardness of milk after it has become a soft semisolid. caripark 2010-05-27T02:23:54Z ATOL:0000733 curd firmness Product.ontology LPT:0010405 coagulated milk firmness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the hardness of milk after it has become a soft semisolid. ATOL:0000733 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the time required to obtain butter from milk. caripark 2010-05-27T02:23:54Z ATOL:0000734 Product.ontology LPT:0010406 milk churning time Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the time required to obtain butter from milk. ATOL:0000734 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the property of milk to resist coagulating when heated to a high temperature. caripark 2010-05-27T02:23:54Z ATOL:0000735 Product.ontology LPT:0010407 milk heat stability Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the property of milk to resist coagulating when heated to a high temperature. ATOL:0000735 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative acidity or alkalinity of milk, as measured by the concentration of hydrogen ion. caripark 2010-05-27T02:23:54Z ATOL:0000736 Product.ontology LPT:0010408 milk pH Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative acidity or alkalinity of milk, as measured by the concentration of hydrogen ion. ATOL:0000736 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the resistance of milk to being deformed by either shear stress or extensional stress. caripark 2010-05-27T02:44:23Z ATOL:0000737 Product.ontology LPT:0010409 milk viscocity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the resistance of milk to being deformed by either shear stress or extensional stress. ATOL:0000737 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to qualities of milk that involve perception by the senses. caripark 2010-05-27T04:15:35Z ATOL:0000738 Product.ontology LPT:0010410 milk organoleptic trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to qualities of milk that involve perception by the senses. ATOL:0000738 VTO:CP VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatics that are brown and create a rounded, full-bodied impression. caripark 2010-05-27T04:32:32Z ATOL:0000739 Product.ontology LPT:0010411 milk brown flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatics that are brown and create a rounded, full-bodied impression. ATOL:0000739 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatic that is sour, cheesy, and slightly buttery, reminiscent of baby vomit. caripark 2010-05-27T04:32:32Z ATOL:0000740 Product.ontology LPT:0010412 milk butyric acid flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatic that is sour, cheesy, and slightly buttery, reminiscent of baby vomit. ATOL:0000740 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatics associated with cardboard or paper packaging. caripark 2010-05-27T04:32:32Z ATOL:0000741 Product.ontology LPT:0010413 milk cardboard flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatics associated with cardboard or paper packaging. ATOL:0000741 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the combination of brown flavor notes and aromatics associated with heated milk. caripark 2010-05-27T04:32:32Z ATOL:0000742 Product.ontology LPT:0010414 milk cooked flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the combination of brown flavor notes and aromatics associated with heated milk. ATOL:0000742 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the general term for the aromatics associated with products made from cow's milk. caripark 2010-05-27T04:32:32Z ATOL:0000743 Product.ontology LPT:0010415 milk overall dairy flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the general term for the aromatics associated with products made from cow's milk. ATOL:0000743 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatics associated with dairy fat. caripark 2010-05-27T04:32:32Z ATOL:0000744 Product.ontology LPT:0010416 milk dairy fat flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatics associated with dairy fat. ATOL:0000744 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatics associated with fresh dairy products. caripark 2010-05-27T04:32:32Z ATOL:0000745 Product.ontology LPT:0010417 milk dairy sweet flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatics associated with fresh dairy products. ATOL:0000745 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the slightly nutty, grainy milk aromatics associated with silage, dry alfalfa, and/or various grains. caripark 2010-05-27T04:32:32Z ATOL:0000746 Product.ontology LPT:0010418 milk feed flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the slightly nutty, grainy milk aromatics associated with silage, dry alfalfa, and/or various grains. ATOL:0000746 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the combination of milk sour aromatics associated with somewhat fermented dairy/cheesy notes that may include sauerkraut or green vegetation such as soured hay or decomposed grass. caripark 2010-05-27T04:32:32Z ATOL:0000747 Product.ontology LPT:0010419 milk fermented flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the combination of milk sour aromatics associated with somewhat fermented dairy/cheesy notes that may include sauerkraut or green vegetation such as soured hay or decomposed grass. ATOL:0000747 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the milk aromatic characterized by lack of flavor/richness; watery. caripark 2010-05-27T04:32:32Z ATOL:0000748 Product.ontology LPT:0010420 milk flat flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the milk aromatic characterized by lack of flavor/richness; watery. ATOL:0000748 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the sweet, light, slightly perfuming milk aromatics associated with flowers. caripark 2010-05-28T12:16:45Z ATOL:0000749 Product.ontology LPT:0010421 milk floral flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the sweet, light, slightly perfuming milk aromatics associated with flowers. ATOL:0000749 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the brown aromatics that are musty, dusty, or malty; may include sweet, sour, and slightly fermented. caripark 2010-05-28T12:16:45Z ATOL:0000750 Product.ontology LPT:0010422 milk grainy flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the brown aromatics that are musty, dusty, or malty; may include sweet, sour, and slightly fermented. ATOL:0000750 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatics associated with green vegetation that may include green, bitter notes. caripark 2010-05-28T12:16:45Z ATOL:0000751 Product.ontology LPT:0010423 milk green flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatics associated with green vegetation that may include green, bitter notes. ATOL:0000751 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk flavor in which the overall rounded dairy notes, commonly associated with fresh milk, are altered; a combination of changes in amount or interaction of such attributes as sweet, bitter, sour, dairy fat, butyric acid, and/or brown flavors. caripark 2010-05-28T12:16:45Z ATOL:0000752 Product.ontology LPT:0010424 milk lack of freshness flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk flavor in which the overall rounded dairy notes, commonly associated with fresh milk, are altered; a combination of changes in amount or interaction of such attributes as sweet, bitter, sour, dairy fat, butyric acid, and/or brown flavors. ATOL:0000752 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk flavor caused by light-catalyzed oxidation; characterized by aromatics that may be described as burnt feathers, slightly sour burnt protein, tallow, and/or medicinal; may include increased astringency or metallic mouth feel. caripark 2010-05-28T12:16:45Z ATOL:0000753 Product.ontology LPT:0010425 milk light-oxidized flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk flavor caused by light-catalyzed oxidation; characterized by aromatics that may be described as burnt feathers, slightly sour burnt protein, tallow, and/or medicinal; may include increased astringency or metallic mouth feel. ATOL:0000753 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the milk aromatic described as brown sweet, musty, and somewhat grainy. caripark 2010-05-28T12:16:45Z ATOL:0000754 Product.ontology LPT:0010426 milk malt flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the milk aromatic described as brown sweet, musty, and somewhat grainy. ATOL:0000754 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatics characteristic of antiseptic-like products. caripark 2010-05-28T12:16:45Z ATOL:0000755 Product.ontology LPT:0010427 milk medicinal flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatics characteristic of antiseptic-like products. ATOL:0000755 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the chemical-feeling factor on the tongue described as flat; associated with iron, copper, and/or silver spoons. caripark 2010-05-28T12:16:45Z ATOL:0000756 Product.ontology LPT:0010428 milk metallic flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the chemical-feeling factor on the tongue described as flat; associated with iron, copper, and/or silver spoons. ATOL:0000756 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the dry, dirt-like aromatic associated with dry brown soil. caripark 2010-05-28T12:42:05Z ATOL:0000757 musty/dusty flavor intensity in milk Product.ontology LPT:0010429 milk dusty flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the dry, dirt-like aromatic associated with dry brown soil. ATOL:0000757 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the humus-like aromatics that may or may not include damp soil, decaying vegetation, or cellar-like characteristics. caripark 2010-05-28T12:42:05Z ATOL:0000758 musty/earthy flavor intensity in milk Product.ontology LPT:0010430 milk earthy flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the humus-like aromatics that may or may not include damp soil, decaying vegetation, or cellar-like characteristics. ATOL:0000758 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the light aromatics associated with vegetable oil. caripark 2010-05-28T12:42:05Z ATOL:0000759 Product.ontology LPT:0010431 milk oily flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the light aromatics associated with vegetable oil. ATOL:0000759 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for an aromatic associated with plastic polyethylene containers or food stored in plastic. caripark 2010-05-28T12:42:05Z ATOL:0000760 Product.ontology LPT:0010432 milk plastic flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for an aromatic associated with plastic polyethylene containers or food stored in plastic. ATOL:0000760 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the basic taste sensation of which sucrose in water is typical. caripark 2010-05-28T12:42:05Z ATOL:0000761 Product.ontology LPT:0010433 milk sweet flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the basic taste sensation of which sucrose in water is typical. ATOL:0000761 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the brown, sweet aromatics and character commonly associated with vanilla. caripark 2010-05-28T12:42:05Z ATOL:0000762 Product.ontology LPT:0010434 milk vanilla flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the brown, sweet aromatics and character commonly associated with vanilla. ATOL:0000762 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the slightly pungent aromatic similar to those found in slightly fermented products, such as sour cream, buttermilk, and yogurt. caripark 2010-05-28T12:42:05Z ATOL:0000763 Product.ontology LPT:0010435 milk sour aromatics flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the slightly pungent aromatic similar to those found in slightly fermented products, such as sour cream, buttermilk, and yogurt. ATOL:0000763 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the fundamental taste factor of which citric acid in water is typical. caripark 2010-05-28T12:42:05Z ATOL:0000764 Product.ontology LPT:0010436 milk sour flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the fundamental taste factor of which citric acid in water is typical. ATOL:0000764 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for a non-specific, slightly sweet, brown, nut-like impression. caripark 2010-05-28T12:42:05Z ATOL:0000775 Product.ontology LPT:0010437 milk nutty flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for a non-specific, slightly sweet, brown, nut-like impression. ATOL:0000775 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the fundamental taste factor of which caffeine in water is typical. caripark 2010-05-28T12:42:05Z ATOL:0000794 Product.ontology LPT:0010438 milk bitter flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the fundamental taste factor of which caffeine in water is typical. ATOL:0000794 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the dry and puckering mouth feel associated with an alum solution in the mouth. caripark 2010-05-28T12:42:05Z ATOL:0000797 Product.ontology LPT:0010439 milk astringent flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the dry and puckering mouth feel associated with an alum solution in the mouth. ATOL:0000797 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the milk flavor linked to fat degradation in a fat-rich product. caripark 2010-05-28T12:57:43Z ATOL:0000798 Product.ontology LPT:0010440 milk rancid flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for the milk flavor linked to fat degradation in a fat-rich product. ATOL:0000798 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of the principal immunoglobulin in exocrine secretions. caripark 2010-07-22T03:19:50Z ATOL:0000592 Product.ontology LPT:0010441 colostrum immunoglobulin A content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of the principal immunoglobulin in exocrine secretions. ISBN:0-8036-0655-9 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of the major antibody for antitoxins, viruses, and bacteria; also activates complement. caripark 2010-07-22T03:19:50Z ATOL:0000593 Product.ontology LPT:0010442 colostrum immunoglobulin G content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of the major antibody for antitoxins, viruses, and bacteria; also activates complement. ISBN:0-8036-0655-9 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of an immunoglobulin formed during the early period of an immune response; also stimulates complement activity. caripark 2010-07-22T03:19:50Z ATOL:0000594 Product.ontology LPT:0010443 colostrum immunoglobulin M content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in colostrum of an immunoglobulin formed during the early period of an immune response; also stimulates complement activity. ISBN:0-8036-0655-9 VTO:INRA Any measurable or observable characteristic related to qualities of meat (muscle and associated fat and connective tissue, post-exsanguination) that involve perception by the senses. caripark 2010-08-10T12:43:21Z Product.ontology LPT:0010444 meat organoleptic trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to qualities of meat (muscle and associated fat and connective tissue, post-exsanguination) that involve perception by the senses. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical makeup or arrangement of meat (muscle and associated fat and connective tissue, post-exsanguination). caripark 2010-08-10T12:43:21Z Product.ontology LPT:0010445 meat structure trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical makeup or arrangement of meat (muscle and associated fat and connective tissue, post-exsanguination). VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings. caripark 2010-08-10T01:15:25Z ATOL:0001852 Product.ontology LPT:0010446 egg trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to muscle and associated fat and connective tissue, post-exsanguination. caripark 2010-08-10T01:17:58Z Product.ontology LPT:0010447 meat trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to muscle and associated fat and connective tissue, post-exsanguination. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to this secretion of the mammary glands for the nourishment of young. caripark 2010-08-10T01:19:32Z Product.ontology LPT:0010448 milk trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to this secretion of the mammary glands for the nourishment of young. ISBN:0-8036-0655-9 VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the total weight of trimmed retail cuts obtained from a carcass. caripark 2010-08-11T02:46:50Z Product.ontology LPT:0010449 retail product yield Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the total weight of trimmed retail cuts obtained from a carcass. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. caripark 2010-08-11T03:06:20Z Product.ontology LPT:0010450 Parts removed during processing vary by species: Cattle: head, hide, digestive tract, internal organs, legs (from knee/hock down) Pig: head, hair, toenails, digestive tract, internal organs Chicken: head, neck, feathers, digestive tract, internal organs, feet Sheep: head, hide, digestive tract, internal organs, hooves (from epiphyseal plate of metacarpal or break/spool joint down) dressed carcass trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the amount of milk produced by the mammary gland. mgi 2010-01-21T04:32:49Z Product.ontology LPT:0010451 milk volume trait true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the amount of milk produced by the mammary gland. MGI:smb Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of fat-soluble substances (molecules composed of carbon and hydrogen and are characteristically insoluble in water). caripark 2010-08-19T03:05:40Z ATOL:0001663 Product.ontology LPT:0010452 meat lipid content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of fat-soluble substances (molecules composed of carbon and hydrogen and are characteristically insoluble in water). VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of macromolecules consisting of long chains of amino acids in peptide linkage. caripark 2010-08-19T03:05:40Z ATOL:0001547 Product.ontology LPT:0010453 meat protein content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of macromolecules consisting of long chains of amino acids in peptide linkage. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of the testicular steroid androstenone detected in meat. caripark 2010-08-19T03:05:40Z Product.ontology LPT:0010454 meat androstenone content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of the testicular steroid androstenone detected in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons; they are saturated and unsaturated. caripark 2010-08-19T03:05:40Z Product.ontology LPT:0010455 meat fatty acid content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons; they are saturated and unsaturated. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of this tryptophan degradation product detected in meat. caripark 2010-08-19T03:05:40Z Product.ontology LPT:0010456 meat indole content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of this tryptophan degradation product detected in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of the compound produced from pyruvate by lactate dehydrogenase. caripark 2010-08-19T03:05:40Z Product.ontology LPT:0010457 meat lactate content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount in meat of the compound produced from pyruvate by lactate dehydrogenase. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of this element present in meat. caripark 2010-08-19T03:05:40Z Product.ontology LPT:0010458 meat nitrogen content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of this element present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of this tryptophan degradation product detected in meat. caripark 2010-08-19T03:05:40Z Product.ontology LPT:0010459 meat skatole content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of this tryptophan degradation product detected in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of cholesterol present in the lipid extracted from meat. caripark 2010-08-19T03:21:27Z Product.ontology LPT:0010460 meat cholesterol content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of cholesterol present in the lipid extracted from meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in meat; the carbon chain contains only single carbon-carbon bonds. caripark 2010-08-20T08:41:48Z Product.ontology LPT:0010461 meat saturated fatty acid content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in meat; the carbon chain contains only single carbon-carbon bonds. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in meat; the carbon chain has one or more double or triple carbon-carbon bonds. caripark 2010-08-20T08:41:48Z Product.ontology LPT:0010462 meat unsaturated fatty acid content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of organic, monobasic acids derived from hydrocarbons present in meat; the carbon chain has one or more double or triple carbon-carbon bonds. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C14H28O2) present in meat. caripark 2010-08-20T09:00:02Z meat myristic acid content Product.ontology meat fatty acid C14:0 concentration meat fatty acid C14:0 percentage LPT:0010463 meat fatty acid C14:0 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C14H28O2) present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C16H32O2) present in meat. caripark 2010-08-20T09:00:02Z meat palmitic acid content Product.ontology meat fatty acid C16:0 concentration meat fatty acid C16:0 percentage LPT:0010464 meat fatty acid C16:0 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C16H32O2) present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C17H34O2) present in meat. caripark 2010-08-20T09:00:02Z meat heptadecanoic acid content meat margaric acid content Product.ontology meat fatty acid C17:0 concentration meat fatty acid C17:0 percentage LPT:0010465 meat fatty acid C17:0 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C17H34O2) present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C18H36O2) present in meat. caripark 2010-08-20T09:00:02Z meat stearic acid content Product.ontology meat fatty acid C18:0 concentration meat fatty acid C18:0 percentage LPT:0010466 meat fatty acid C18:0 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a saturated fatty acid (C18H36O2) present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-3, polyunsaturated fatty acid (C18H30O2), with three carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. caripark 2010-08-20T09:16:29Z meat fatty acid C18:3 n-3 content meat linolenic acid content Product.ontology meat fatty acid C18:3 n-3 concentration meat fatty acid C18:3 n-3 percentage LPT:0010467 meat fatty acid C18:3(n-3) content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-3, polyunsaturated fatty acid (C18H30O2), with three carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an unsaturated fatty acid (C20H36O2), with two carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. caripark 2010-08-20T09:16:29Z muscle eicosadienoic acid content Product.ontology meat fatty acid C20:2 concentration muscle fatty acid C20:2 percentage LPT:0010468 meat fatty acid C20:2 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an unsaturated fatty acid (C20H36O2), with two carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a monounsaturated fatty acid (C20H38O2) present in meat. caripark 2010-08-20T09:16:29Z meat eicosenoic acid content meat gadoleic acid content Product.ontology meat fatty acid C20:1 concentration meat fatty acid C20:1 percentage LPT:0010469 meat fatty acid C20:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a monounsaturated fatty acid (C20H38O2) present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-6 unsaturated fatty acid (C18H32O2), with two cis carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. caripark 2010-08-20T09:16:29Z meat linoleic acid content Product.ontology meat fatty acid cis-9,cis-12-C18:2 concentration meat fatty acid cis-9,cis-12-C18:2 percentage LPT:0010470 meat fatty acid cis-9,cis-12-C18:2 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-6 unsaturated fatty acid (C18H32O2), with two cis carbon-carbon double bonds, present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-7, monounsaturated fatty acid (C16H30O2) present in meat. caripark 2010-08-20T09:16:29Z meat palmitoleic acid content Product.ontology meat fatty acid cis-9-C16:1 concentration meat fatty acid cis-9-C16:1 percentage LPT:0010471 meat fatty acid cis-9-C16:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of an omega-7, monounsaturated fatty acid (C16H30O2) present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a monounsaturated, omega-9 fatty acid (C18H34O2), present in meat. caripark 2010-08-20T09:16:29Z meat oleic acid content Product.ontology meat fatty acid cis-9-C18:1 percentage meat fatty cid cis-9-C18:1 concentration LPT:0010472 meat fatty acid cis-9-C18:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a monounsaturated, omega-9 fatty acid (C18H34O2), present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a monounsaturated fatty acid (C18H34O2), with a trans double bond at C-11 position, present in meat. caripark 2010-08-20T09:16:29Z meat 7-octadecenoic acid content meat trans-vaccenic acid content meat vaccenic acid content Product.ontology meat fatty acid trans-11-C18:1 concentration meat fatty acid trans-11-C18:1 percentage LPT:0010473 meat fatty acid trans-11-C18:1 content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of a monounsaturated fatty acid (C18H34O2), with a trans double bond at C-11 position, present in meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure, color or pattern of an ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings. caripark 2008-11-10T10:20:24Z Product.ontology LPT:1000015 egg morphology trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure, color or pattern of an ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings. VTO:CP The number of somatic cells (leukocytes and epithelial cells) present in milk; a high count is an indicator of mastitis. caripark 2008-11-10T01:29:25Z Product.ontology somatic cell score LPT:1000072 milk somatic cell count The number of somatic cells (leukocytes and epithelial cells) present in milk; a high count is an indicator of mastitis. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the color of meat. caripark 2008-11-10T01:40:23Z ATOL:0001017 Product.ontology LPT:1000104 meat color Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the color of meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the meat scoring scale ranging from no odor to intense odor. caripark 2008-11-10T01:40:23Z ATOL:0001046 Product.ontology LPT:1000106 meat odor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the meat scoring scale ranging from no odor to intense odor. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the arrangement of the components that form the physical structure of meat. caripark 2008-11-10T01:40:23Z ATOL:0001054 Product.ontology LPT:1000109 meat texture trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the arrangement of the components that form the physical structure of meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the body of an animal following slaughter and removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. caripark 2008-11-10T01:44:59Z ATOL:0001057 Product.ontology LPT:1000114 Parts removed during processing vary by species: Cattle: head, hide, digestive tract, internal organs, legs (from knee/hock down) Pig: head, hair, toenails, digestive tract, internal organs Chicken: head, neck, feathers, digestive tract, internal organs, feet Sheep: head, hide, digestive tract, internal organs, hooves (from epiphyseal plate of metacarpal or break/spool joint down) dressed carcass weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the body of an animal following slaughter and removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the amount of milk obtained over a given period of time from a lactating mammal. caripark 2008-11-10T02:40:37Z machine milk Product.ontology LPT:1000155 milk yield trait true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the amount of milk obtained over a given period of time from a lactating mammal. VTO:CP The proportion or amount of fat in milk. caripark 2008-11-10T02:43:21Z Product.ontology milk fat concentration milk fat percentage LPT:1000161 milk fat content The proportion or amount of fat in milk. VTO:CP The proportion or amount in milk of macromolecules consisting of long sequences of amino acids in peptide linkage. caripark 2008-11-10T02:45:00Z Product.ontology milk protein concentration milk protein percentage LPT:1000165 milk protein content The proportion or amount in milk of macromolecules consisting of long sequences of amino acids in peptide linkage. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the lower hindlimb of a bird, consisting of the tibia and the surrounding muscle and skin. caripark 2008-11-10T03:45:54Z Product.ontology LPT:1000225 drumstick weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the lower hindlimb of a bird, consisting of the tibia and the surrounding muscle and skin. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the muscle tissue surrounding the femur of a bird. caripark 2008-11-10T03:45:54Z Product.ontology LPT:1000234 thigh muscle weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the muscle tissue surrounding the femur of a bird. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the part of a bird consisting of the femur and surrounding muscle and skin. caripark 2008-11-10T03:45:54Z Product.ontology LPT:1000235 thigh weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the part of a bird consisting of the femur and surrounding muscle and skin. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the forelimb of a bird, consisting of the humerus, radius, ulna, and metacarpus, and all associated muscle and skin. caripark 2008-11-10T03:45:54Z Product.ontology LPT:1000237 wing weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the forelimb of a bird, consisting of the humerus, radius, ulna, and metacarpus, and all associated muscle and skin. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the muscle tissue surrounding the tibia of a bird. caripark 2008-11-10T03:56:45Z Product.ontology LPT:1000239 drumstick muscle weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the muscle tissue surrounding the tibia of a bird. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the height of the inner thick albumen (egg white) when an egg is broken onto a flat surface. caripark 2008-11-11T09:55:05Z Product.ontology LPT:1000253 egg albumen height Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the height of the inner thick albumen (egg white) when an egg is broken onto a flat surface. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance (egg white) surrounding the yolk of an egg. caripark 2008-11-11T09:55:05Z ATOL:0001882 Product.ontology LPT:1000254 egg albumen weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance (egg white) surrounding the yolk of an egg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the visually perceived hue of the outermost protective covering of an egg. caripark 2008-11-11T09:55:05Z ATOL:0001885 Product.ontology LPT:1000255 egg shell color Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the visually perceived hue of the outermost protective covering of an egg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the external form of the ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings. caripark 2008-11-11T09:55:05Z Product.ontology LPT:1000257 egg shape Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the external form of the ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to a measure of the force required to fracture the hard outermost covering of an egg. caripark 2008-11-11T09:55:05Z ATOL:0002119 Product.ontology LPT:1000258 egg shell strength Any measurable or observable characteristic related to a measure of the force required to fracture the hard outermost covering of an egg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance between the surfaces of the outermost protective covering of an egg. caripark 2008-11-11T09:55:05Z ATOL:0002121 Product.ontology LPT:1000259 egg shell thickness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance between the surfaces of the outermost protective covering of an egg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the rinsed and dried outermost protective covering of an egg. caripark 2008-11-11T09:55:05Z ATOL:0001881 Product.ontology LPT:1000260 egg shell weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the rinsed and dried outermost protective covering of an egg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the length of egg from end to end. caripark 2008-11-11T09:55:05Z Product.ontology LPT:1000263 long length of egg trait true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the length of egg from end to end. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the diameter of an ovum in combination with its protective outer coverings. caripark 2008-11-11T09:55:05Z ATOL:0001877 Product.ontology LPT:1000264 egg width Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the diameter of an ovum in combination with its protective outer coverings. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the nutrient store of the egg that is surround by a vitelline membrane. caripark 2008-11-11T09:55:05Z ATOL:0001883 Product.ontology LPT:1000266 egg yolk weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the nutrient store of the egg that is surround by a vitelline membrane. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the breast (pectoralis major and pectoralis minor) and wing meat; back muscle weight may or may not be included. caripark 2008-11-11T10:15:31Z Product.ontology LPT:1000269 white meat weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the breast (pectoralis major and pectoralis minor) and wing meat; back muscle weight may or may not be included. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the chromatic component of egg shell color from green to red. caripark 2008-11-11T10:15:31Z ATOL:0001886 Product.ontology LPT:1000270 egg shell redness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the chromatic component of egg shell color from green to red. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the luminance or lightness component of egg shell color. caripark 2008-11-11T10:15:31Z ATOL:0001887 Product.ontology egg shell lightness LPT:1000271 egg shell reflectivity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the luminance or lightness component of egg shell color. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the chromatic component of egg shell color from blue to yellow. caripark 2008-11-11T10:15:31Z ATOL:0001888 Product.ontology LPT:1000272 egg shell yellowness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the chromatic component of egg shell color from blue to yellow. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut obtained from the underside of the pig. caripark 2008-11-11T02:01:04Z Product.ontology LPT:1000408 belly weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut obtained from the underside of the pig. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance from end to end of the carcass, following removal of the head; often measured between the first or second cervical vertebra or the first rib and the pelvis. caripark 2008-11-11T02:01:04Z ATOL:0001543 Product.ontology LPT:1000411 dressed carcass length Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance from end to end of the carcass, following removal of the head; often measured between the first or second cervical vertebra or the first rib and the pelvis. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the upper portion of the front leg. caripark 2008-11-11T02:01:04Z Product.ontology LPT:1000422 shoulder weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the upper portion of the front leg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the major wholesale cuts, trimmed of fat. caripark 2008-11-11T02:01:04Z Product.ontology LPT:1000426 In the pig, there are four major wholesale cuts: ham, loin, Boston butt, and picnic shoulder. trimmed wholesale product weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the major wholesale cuts, trimmed of fat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of a perceived urine-like flavor in the meat or fat of some uncastrated male pigs. caripark 2008-11-11T03:29:36Z Product.ontology LPT:1000529 meat androstenone flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of a perceived urine-like flavor in the meat or fat of some uncastrated male pigs. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of a perceived manure-like flavor in the meat or fat of some uncastrated male pigs. caripark 2008-11-11T03:29:36Z Product.ontology LPT:1000533 meat skatole flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of a perceived manure-like flavor in the meat or fat of some uncastrated male pigs. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the meat scoring scale ranging from no flavor to intense flavor. caripark 2008-11-11T03:29:36Z ATOL:0001002 flavor score taste intensity Product.ontology LPT:1000539 meat flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the meat scoring scale ranging from no flavor to intense flavor. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective reflective measure of meat color along the red to green color scale; typically measured by a colorimeter. caripark 2008-11-11T03:33:19Z meat color a Product.ontology LPT:1000546 meat color redness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective reflective measure of meat color along the red to green color scale; typically measured by a colorimeter. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective reflective measure of meat color along the yellow to blue color scale; typically measured by a colorimeter. caripark 2008-11-11T03:33:19Z meat color b Product.ontology LPT:1000547 meat color yellowness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective reflective measure of meat color along the yellow to blue color scale; typically measured by a colorimeter. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective meat color variable for lightness/darkness, based on the amount of light reflected off the surface of the meat. caripark 2008-11-11T03:33:19Z light reflection meat color L meat color lightness reflectance value Product.ontology LPT:1000548 meat color reflectivity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective meat color variable for lightness/darkness, based on the amount of light reflected off the surface of the meat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of heme in which iron is in the ferric state in meat; provides pigmentation. caripark 2008-11-11T03:33:19Z ATOL:0000023 haematin pigmentation hematin pigmentation Product.ontology meat hematin concentration LPT:1000550 meat hematin content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of heme in which iron is in the ferric state in meat; provides pigmentation. ISBN:0-683-40008-8 VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the fat trimmed from the surface of the ham. caripark 2008-11-11T03:57:04Z VTO:CP Product.ontology LPT:1000560 ham external fat weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the fat trimmed from the surface of the ham. VTO:CP VTO:CP Cari Park, Iowa State University Curator Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the ham with bone, skin, and fat removed. caripark 2008-11-11T03:57:04Z ham meat weight Product.ontology LPT:1000561 ham muscle weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the ham with bone, skin, and fat removed. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the hind leg of the pig. caripark 2008-11-11T03:57:04Z Product.ontology LPT:1000563 ham weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the hind leg of the pig. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of an ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings. caripark 2008-12-17T08:24:20Z Product.ontology LPT:1000577 egg weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of an ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the subjective score describing the perceived intensity of the smell of cooked pork that has been trimmed of fat. caripark 2008-11-11T04:05:30Z smell intensity (meat) Product.ontology LPT:1000587 pork odor intensity (lean) Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the subjective score describing the perceived intensity of the smell of cooked pork that has been trimmed of fat. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the subjective score describing the perceived intensity of the smell of cooked fat removed from a cut of pork. caripark 2008-11-11T04:05:30Z smell intensity (fat) Product.ontology LPT:1000588 pork odor intensity (fat) Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the subjective score describing the perceived intensity of the smell of cooked fat removed from a cut of pork. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the subjective score describing the perceived intensity of the smell of cooked pork. caripark 2008-11-11T04:05:30Z Product.ontology LPT:1000592 pork odor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the subjective score describing the perceived intensity of the smell of cooked pork. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the evaluation of the total number of chews required to sufficiently break up meat before swallowing. caripark 2008-11-11T04:15:56Z chew score chewiness score Product.ontology LPT:1000602 meat chewiness trait true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the evaluation of the total number of chews required to sufficiently break up meat before swallowing. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the decrease in the weight of a cut of meat during cooking, mostly due to moisture loss. caripark 2008-11-11T04:15:56Z Product.ontology LPT:1000603 meat cooking loss trait true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the decrease in the weight of a cut of meat during cooking, mostly due to moisture loss. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the fluid lost from fresh, uncooked meat due to passive exudation. caripark 2008-11-11T04:15:56Z purge purge loss Product.ontology LPT:1000605 meat drip loss trait true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the fluid lost from fresh, uncooked meat due to passive exudation. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the subjective evaluation of meat/muscle firmness following chilling of a carcass. caripark 2008-11-11T04:15:56Z ATOL:0001667 Product.ontology LPT:1000608 meat firmness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the subjective evaluation of meat/muscle firmness following chilling of a carcass. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the evaluation of the amount of liquid released by a piece of meat during chewing. caripark 2008-11-11T04:15:56Z juiciness score Product.ontology LPT:1000609 meat juiciness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the evaluation of the amount of liquid released by a piece of meat during chewing. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ease with which meat is broken down during mastication or mechanical processing. caripark 2008-11-11T04:15:56Z ATOL:0001670 tenderness score Product.ontology LPT:1000618 meat tenderness Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ease with which meat is broken down during mastication or mechanical processing. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ability of meat to retain water during cutting, heating, grinding, pressing, and storage. caripark 2008-11-11T04:15:56Z ATOL:0001671 Product.ontology LPT:1000619 meat water holding capacity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ability of meat to retain water during cutting, heating, grinding, pressing, and storage. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative acidity or alkalinity of meat, as measured by the concentration of hydrogen ion. caripark 2009-04-01T03:49:05Z ATOL:0001684 Product.ontology LPT:1000685 meat pH Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative acidity or alkalinity of meat, as measured by the concentration of hydrogen ion. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure, color or pattern of the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding the yolk of an egg. caripark 2009-04-03T11:33:39Z Product.ontology egg white morphology LPT:1000695 egg albumen morphology trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure, color or pattern of the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding the yolk of an egg. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure, color or pattern of the outermost protective covering of an egg caripark 2009-04-03T11:33:39Z Product.ontology LPT:1000696 egg shell morphology trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure, color or pattern of the outermost protective covering of an egg VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure, color or pattern of the nutrient store of the egg that is surround by a vitelline membrane caripark 2009-04-03T11:33:39Z Product.ontology LPT:1000697 egg yolk morphology trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure, color or pattern of the nutrient store of the egg that is surround by a vitelline membrane VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance across the yolk when an egg is broken onto a flat surface caripark 2009-04-03T11:37:29Z ATOL:0001879 Product.ontology LPT:1000699 egg yolk diameter Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the distance across the yolk when an egg is broken onto a flat surface VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the vertical dimension at the highest point of the yolk when an egg is broken onto a flat surface caripark 2009-04-03T11:37:29Z Product.ontology LPT:1000700 egg yolk height Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the vertical dimension at the highest point of the yolk when an egg is broken onto a flat surface VTO:CP true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the upper portion of the front leg, with fat and bone removed caripark 2009-04-28T01:47:10Z Product.ontology LPT:1000709 shoulder muscle weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the upper portion of the front leg, with fat and bone removed VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of an anatomical structure which is a subpart of the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet caripark 2009-05-04T03:19:20Z Product.ontology LPT:1000714 dressed carcass subdivision size true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions of an anatomical structure which is a subpart of the body of an organism following removal of the head, digestive tract, internal organs, and possibly the hide and/or feet VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the bone in the ham. caripark 2009-05-06T09:06:13Z Product.ontology LPT:1000719 ham bone weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the bone in the ham. VTO:CP The total energy content of milk; may be based on a combination of fat, protein, lactose, ash, and water content. caripark 2009-05-06T11:33:11Z Product.ontology LPT:1000722 milk energy yield The total energy content of milk; may be based on a combination of fat, protein, lactose, ash, and water content. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the temperature of the dead body; may be measured either before or after processing to remove specific parts caripark 2009-05-07T09:43:03Z Product.ontology LPT:1000729 carcass temperature true Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the temperature of the dead body; may be measured either before or after processing to remove specific parts VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the length of the segment of a myofibril between two Z lines caripark 2009-05-07T02:45:53Z ATOL:0001690 Product.ontology LPT:1000742 sarcomere length Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the length of the segment of a myofibril between two Z lines ISBN:0-683-40008-8 VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the dorsal side of the pig, anterior to the third rib. caripark 2009-05-07T03:37:37Z Product.ontology LPT:1000744 neck weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut from the dorsal side of the pig, anterior to the third rib. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut obtained from the cheek of the pig. caripark 2009-05-07T03:46:46Z Product.ontology LPT:1000745 jowl weight Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative heaviness of the cut obtained from the cheek of the pig. VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of the distinctive flavor of pork in fat trimmed from a cut of cooked meat caripark 2009-05-20T10:48:06Z Product.ontology LPT:1000759 pork flavor intensity (fat) Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of the distinctive flavor of pork in fat trimmed from a cut of cooked meat VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of the distinctive flavor of pork in cooked meat that has been trimmed of fat caripark 2009-05-20T10:48:06Z Product.ontology LPT:1000760 pork flavor intensity (lean) Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of the distinctive flavor of pork in cooked meat that has been trimmed of fat VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of the distinctive flavor of beef in cooked meat caripark 2009-06-15T10:04:26Z Product.ontology LPT:1000765 beef flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of the distinctive flavor of beef in cooked meat VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of the distinctive flavor of pork in cooked meat caripark 2009-06-15T10:05:22Z Product.ontology LPT:1000766 pork flavor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of the distinctive flavor of pork in cooked meat VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the subjective score describing the perceived intensity of the smell of cooked beef caripark 2009-06-15T10:11:46Z Product.ontology LPT:1000767 beef odor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the subjective score describing the perceived intensity of the smell of cooked beef VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of a perceived urine-like odor in the meat or fat of some uncastrated male pigs caripark 2009-06-15T10:13:11Z Product.ontology LPT:1000768 meat androstenone odor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of a perceived urine-like odor in the meat or fat of some uncastrated male pigs VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of a perceived manure-like odor in the meat or fat of some uncastrated male pigs caripark 2009-06-15T10:14:09Z Product.ontology LPT:1000769 meat skatole odor intensity Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity of a perceived manure-like odor in the meat or fat of some uncastrated male pigs VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of meat (muscle and associated fat and connective tissue, post-exsanguination). caripark 2009-06-15T10:53:50Z Product.ontology LPT:1000770 meat composition trait Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the qualitative or quantitative makeup of meat (muscle and associated fat and connective tissue, post-exsanguination). VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of any or all inorganic substance(s) in meat caripark 2009-06-15T10:55:23Z ATOL:0001695 Product.ontology LPT:1000771 meat mineral content Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of any or all inorganic substance(s) in meat VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions or proportions of the ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings caripark 2009-06-25T11:24:30Z Product.ontology LPT:1000772 egg size Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the physical dimensions or proportions of the ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings VTO:CP Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the length from end to end of the ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings caripark 2009-06-25T11:25:10Z ATOL:0001876 Product.ontology LPT:1000773 egg length Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the length from end to end of the ovum in combination with its nutrient stores and protective outer coverings VTO:CP