### BloomR source ## TODO ## Complete commonilisation of Rmd components in Rmd's in BloomR.src/src/br-libs/ as for bloomr-time.Rmd ## In bloomr.init.R, eikonapir loading removes requestInfo from .GlobalEnv with a hack. Test it and then delete eikon.fallback() ## In bloomr.Rmd bdh always.display.ticker, dates.as.row.names and perhaps more relate to old java package. ## Custom polymode (bremacs-rmd-mode), temporary disabled, to be restored in br-setmode.el ## Repurpose tests and test data ## ## ## Usage: ## Source this file and run: ## makeBloomR("path/to/workDir") ## You will get the BloomR green installer in workDir ## ## Requirements: ## xml2 and curl packages. If missing, I try to download and install them. ## R should be able to connect to the Internet. ## .Platform$OS.type == "windows" ## ## Credits: ## R from https://www.r-project.org/ ## blpapi_java*.tar from http://www.openbloomberg.com/open-api/ ## TinyTeX https://yihui.org/tinytex/TinyTeX-1.zip ## peazip from http://sourceforge.net/projects/peazip ## ahkscript from http://ahkscript.org ## Nsis from nsis.sourceforge.net ## innoextract from http://constexpr.org/innoextract ## Icon set Simplicio CC 3.0 by Neurovit: http://neurovit.deviantart.com ## retrieved at https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/48750/direction_right_icon ## ### Globals ### ======= G <- new.env() ### Customisable globals ### Contribs ## Eikon G$eikonurl <- "https://github.com/ahmedmohamedali/eikonapir/archive/master.zip" G$eikonzip <- 'eikon' ## Ahkscript G$ahkurl <- "AutoHotkey/Ahk2Exe" # (on GitHub) G$ahkzip <- "ahk" ## Github project G$github <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AntonioFasano/BloomR/master" ## Packages to download. Case sensitive ## To learn about deps use: ## x <- available.packages(); x["ggplot2","Imports"]; x["ggplot2","Depends"] pks <- "knitr Rblpapi xts xml2 httr rmarkdown sodium httpuv" pks <- paste(pks, "XML plyr pbapply") # for read read.xlx ## All packs deps G$packlist <- pks rm(pks) ## BloomR infrastructure packages G$bloomrpacks <- c("secretR", "pcloudr", "elearnr") |> paste0(".tar.gz") ## Innoextract G$innourl <- "http://constexpr.org/innoextract/files" G$innozip <- 'innoextract' ## R G$rurl <- "https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/" G$rzip <- 'rmain' ## Emacs G$emacsurl <- "http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/windows/" G$emacszip <- "emacs" G$emacs.type <- "emacs.*?.zip$" # e.g. emacs-28.2.zip ## BR/Emacs packages G$bremacs.paks.repos <- c( # archives in Elisp lingo ## Order is relevant in case of multiple matches `stable-melpa` = "https://stable.melpa.org/", elpa = "https://elpa.gnu.org/", melpa = "https://melpa.org/") G$bremacs.paks <- c("ess", "poly-R", "bm") G$bremacs.paks.pinned <- NULL G$bremacs.paks.pinned <- c(ess = "melpa") # or NULL G$bremacs.paks.manual <- NULL # Manually (tar) linked with a descriptive .el file. prevailing on pinned. ## G$bremacs.paks.manual <- # list(NAME = c(tarurl = VALUE, descurl = VALUE), ...). See bremacs.pak.getdata.manual() ## ## list( ## ess = c(tarurl = "https://github.com/emacs-ess/ESS/archive/refs/tags/ESSRv1.8.tar.gz", ## descurl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emacs-ess/ESS/a1d177cb87bf96e34f58cd59854ddfb2a2957b39/lisp/ess.el" ## ), ## `ado-mode` = c(tarurl = "https://github.com/louabill/ado-mode/archive/refs/tags/", ## descurl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/louabill/ado-mode/5610074e29ce08631c5210f1873938c3bcd9cbde/lisp/ado-mode.el") ## ) G$bremacs.paks.tree <- NULL # BRemacs pack names, deps, etc G$bremacs.paks.order <- NULL # BRemacs pack setup order ## zst, used to unpack Mingw Aspell G$zstdgit <- "facebook/zstd" G$zstd <- "zst" ## Aspell G$aspell <- "aspell" G$aspellurl <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ScoopInstaller/Main/master/bucket/aspell.json" ## SourceForge items G$pzip <- "peazip" G$nsisurl <- 'portableapps' G$nsiszip <- 'nsis' ## Pandoc for Studio G$panurl <- "jgm/pandoc" # (on GitHub) G$panzip <- "pandoc" ## TeX distro G$texurl <- "https://yihui.org/tinytex/TinyTeX-1.zip" G$texzip <- "tinytex" ### Internal globals not intended to be customised. G$lastshell <- NULL # Output of last shell invocation G$curver <- NULL # The sam found in the file curver.txt ## Local paths G$work <- NULL # This is the build workdir, not to be confused wtih R getwd() G$downdir <- NULL # This is the downloads dir G$appname <- "apps" # BloomR application folder name, used by app.pt(). It's hardcoded at least in br-init.el, so don't change. G$branch <- NULL # Branch dir. The value can be "brCore" or "brEmacs" (for non-Core editions) G$me <- NULL # This file (automatically detected) G$prjdir <- NULL # The project directory, based on G$me G$frames <- sys.frames() # used to find G$me wihtout calling the build function G$tempmap <- NULL # Temporary Windows net drive, used by commands not supporting a detected UNC path G$workcpy <- NULL # A copy of G$work stored when a remap occures ## makeBloomR() arguments G$bremacs <- NULL G$studio <- NULL G$ndown <- 0 G$what <- NULL # What edition? If what !'core', then is.bremacs() TRUE G$builds <- NULL # Char vector of remaining builds to go G$github.local <- "" # Auto-set by makeBloomR() if gitsim=T, relative to the build workdir ## Path conventions ## Paths are normally related to G$work or G$downdir. ## Absolute paths are retrieved by means of work.pt() and down.pt(). ## Other *.pt functions return paths relative to special BloomR folders e.g. root.pt(). ## Primitive functions not using the *.pt functions use a foo_ template makeBloomR <- function( # Build BloomR work, # work dir path, absolute or relative to cur path downdir=NULL, # optional directory for assets download. It can't be a subidrectory `work`, nor end with a ":". tight=FALSE, # Reuse the downloads directory and build workdir ndown=2, # num of download attempts what='all', # what edition: all/core/lab/studio ## For debug/test: bundle='exe', # exe/zip/all/none make the related installer for distribution ask=TRUE, # asks if to overwrite the existent build workdir and installer deb=1:6, # defaults to 1:6 to execute all steps build steps, modify to debug, avoid with what=all gitsim=FALSE, # local path (abs. or relative) to simulate github downloads. reset=TRUE # Only set FALSE internally to allow multi-builds calls and keep globals ) { ## Get the local git project directory get.project() ## Set work dir if(!is.null(work) && !nzchar(work)) stop("Please, specify a work directory as first arg!") chk.colon(work) chk.zero.path(work) G$work <- work ## Set downloads dir if(!is.null(downdir)){ chk.colon(downdir) chk.zero.path(downdir) if(is.subdir_gen(downdir, work)) stop(downdir, "\n cannot be a subidrectory of\n", work, ".") } G$downdir <- if(is.null(downdir)) work.pt("!downloads") else downdir ## Set git dir G$github.local <- "" if(gitsim!=FALSE && nzchar(gitsim)) if (file.info(gitsim)$isdir) G$github.local <- gitsim else { stop(gitsim, "is not an existing dir")} ## Windows? if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") stop("Sorry, Bloomberg Terminal only exists for Windows and so BloomR.") ## Check for required packages if(!loadLib("curl")) return(1) if(!loadLib("xml2")) return(1) ## Parse Arguments editions <- c('all', 'core', 'lab', 'studio') if(length(what) > 1 || ! what %in% editions) stop(pv("'what' argument is not one in", sQuote(editions))) G$what <- what ## Don't touch the build history, if reset =FALSE if(reset) { G$builds <- what if(what == 'all') G$builds <- editions[-1] } ## We use a single branch directory for Lab and Studio. The former needs be bundled before adding Studio files G$branch <- ifelse(is.bremacs(), "brEmacs", "brCore") ## Parse residual arguments G$ndown <- ndown ## Step 1 if(1 %in% deb) { existMake( '', overwrite=!tight, ask, paste("working dir:\n", G$work)) existMake.dd('', overwrite=!tight, ask, paste("downloads dir:\n", G$downdir)) } ## Step 2 if(2 %in% deb) downloads(tight) ## Step 3 if(3 %in% deb) expand() ## Step 4 if(4 %in% deb) bloomrTree() ## Step 5 if(5 %in% deb) initScripts() ## Step 6 if(6 %in% deb) makeBundle(bundle, ask) ## Make additional builds. If what == 'all', during the Studio build several steps are skipped. See was.lab() G$builds <- G$builds[-1] # needs makeBloomR(reset=F) if(length(G$builds)) makeBloomR( work=work, downdir=downdir, tight=TRUE, ndown=ndown, bundle=bundle, ask=ask, what=what, reset =FALSE, # this will keep G$builds status deb=deb, gitsim=gitsim) } ### Editions' predicates is.multi <- function() G$what == 'all' get.edition <- function() G$builds[1] is.core <- function() get.edition() == 'core' is.lab <- function() get.edition() == 'lab' is.studio <- function() get.edition() == 'studio' is.bremacs <- function() is.lab() || is.studio() was.core <- function() is.multi() && is.bremacs() was.lab <- function() is.multi() && is.studio() ###== Main steps == ### Load CRAN packages loadLib <- function(lib){ if (!lib %in% rownames(installed.packages())){ repo <- getOption("repos")[["CRAN"]] if(repo=="@CRAN@") repo <- "http://cran.r-project.org" install.packages(lib, repos=repo) } if(success <- require(lib, character.only = TRUE)) return(success) message("\nUnable to load ", lib, " library") FALSE } ### Get components downloads <- function(tight){ overwrite <- !tight if(!was.core()) downloads.core(overwrite) if(is.bremacs() && !was.lab()) downloads.lab(overwrite) if(is.studio()) downloads.studio(overwrite) } downloads.core <- function(overwrite){ ## PeaZip cback <- function(){ url <- sfFirstInProject(G$pzip, '[[:digit:]]') #get release dir url <- sfFirstInUrl(url, "portable[^\"]*?windows") sfDirectLink(url) } download.nice(cback, G$pzip, overwrite, "Peazip files") ## innoextract cback <- function(){ dir <- web.greplink("innoextract-", pos=-1, G$innourl, abs=TRUE) web.greplink("\\.zip$", pos=0, dir, abs=TRUE) } download.nice(cback, G$innozip, overwrite, "Innoextract") ## R from <- web.greplink("R.+win\\.exe", pos=0, G$rurl, abs=TRUE) download.nice(from, G$rzip, overwrite, "main R files") ## NSIS cback <- function(){ url <- sfFirstInProject(G$nsisurl, G$nsiszip) url <- sfFirstInUrl(url, 'english\\.paf') sfDirectLink(url) } download.nice(cback, G$nsiszip, overwrite, "NSIS") ## CRAN packages existMake.dd("rlibs", overwrite=overwrite, ask=FALSE, "packages dir:") packs <- getDeps.format(G$packlist) for(pack in unique(packs)) # Loop over packs and download them download.nice(cran.geturl(pack), makePath("rlibs", pack), overwrite, pack) ## Eikon download.nice(G$eikonurl, G$eikonzip, overwrite, "Eikon files") ## ahkscript cback <- \() github.latest(G$ahkurl, "zip$") download.nice(cback, G$ahkzip, overwrite, "AutoHotkey") } downloads.lab <- function(overwrite){ ### BloomR Lab downloads ## Create BRemacs download folder existMake.dd("bremacs-libs", overwrite=overwrite, ask=FALSE, "BRemacs packages dir:") cback <- function(){ dir <- web.greplink("emacs-../", pos=-1, G$emacsurl, abs=TRUE) zip <- web.greplink(G$emacs.type, pos=-1, dir) p0(dir, zip) } download.nice(cback, G$emacszip, overwrite, "Emacs files") ## Elisp packages bremacs.pak.getrepos(overwrite) G$bremacs.paks.tree <- bremacs.pak.maketree() # G$bremacs.paks + deps paknames <- names(G$bremacs.paks.tree) pakurls <- bremacs.pak.tree.el("url") basenames <- bremacs.pak.tree.el("basename") existMake("bremacs-retar", overwrite=overwrite, ask=FALSE, "BRemacs retar dir:") # only used in case of compressed tars message(sprintf( "Melpa archive changes often. If you recycled it and get a package download error, try deleting \n%s", down.pt("melpa.el") )) for(pack in paknames){ # Loop over packs and download them from <- pakurls[pack] to <- makePath("bremacs-libs", basenames[pack]) download.nice(from, to, overwrite, pack) ## Remove compression and rename tar.gz, tgz retar(to, "bremacs-retar", pack) } ## zst cback <- \() github.latest(G$zstdgit, "win64.zip$") download.nice(cback, G$zstd, overwrite, "zst") ## Aspell (some libs are not used) existMake.dd(G$aspell, overwrite=overwrite, ask=FALSE, "Spell check dir") json <- readLines(G$aspellurl) regex <- "https://.+mingw64.+pkg.tar.zst" zsts <- regmatches(json, regexpr(regex, json)) for(zst in zsts) # Loop over zst files and download them download.nice(zst, makePath(G$aspell, basename(zst)), overwrite, basename(zst)) } downloads.studio <- function(overwrite){ ### BloomR Studio downloads ## Download TinyTeX distro download.nice(G$texurl, G$texzip , overwrite, "TinyTeX") ## Pandoc cback <- \() github.latest(G$panurl, "windows.+zip$") download.nice(cback, G$panzip, overwrite, "Pandoc") } ### Expand components expand <- function(){ if(!was.core()) expand.core() if(is.bremacs() && !was.lab()) expand.lab() if(is.studio()) expand.studio() } expand.core <- function(){ ## Peazip uzip(G$pzip, G$pzip, "Peazip binaries") ## innoextract uzip(G$innozip, G$innozip, "innoextract binaries") ## R files innoextract(G$rzip, G$rzip, "R files") ## NSIS files uzip.7z(G$nsiszip, G$nsiszip, "NSIS files") ## Eikon uzip(G$eikonzip, G$eikonzip, "Eikon binaries") ## CRAN packages message('\nExpanding packages', '...') from <- "rlibs" del.path("rlibs") ## Loop and extract packs for(pack in dir(down.pt(from))) uzip(makePath('rlibs', pack), 'rlibs', paste('R package', pack), delTarget=FALSE) ## ahkscript uzip(G$ahkzip, G$ahkzip, "ahkscript") } expand.lab <- function(){ ### Expand BloomR Lab uzip(G$emacszip, G$emacszip, "BRemacs files") #browser() ## zstd uzip(G$zstd, G$zstd, "zstd binaries") ## Aspell makeDir(G$aspell, "Spell check dir") for(zst in dir(down.pt(G$aspell))) { zstpt <- makePath(G$aspell, zst) tarpt <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(zstpt) # arg like *.tar.zst uzip.zx(zstpt, tarpt, zst) utar.ww(tarpt, makePath(G$aspell, "tars"), basename(tarpt), delTarget = FALSE) } } expand.studio <- function(){ ## Expand TinyTeX uzip(G$texzip, G$texzip, "TinyTeX distro") ## Expand Pandoc uzip(G$panzip, G$panzip, "Pandoc binaries") } bloomrTree <- function(){ ### Make BloomR directory tree ### Core components are needed by Lab and Studio too, and Lab's by Studio too. ### However, to save space/time Lab and Studio share a common `brEmacs' branch dir, ### i.e., in a multi-build, Studio recycles previous Lab `brEmacs' dir rather than build a new dir from scratch switch(get.edition(), core= bloomrTree.Core(), lab= { bloomrTree.Core() bloomrTree.brEmacs() }, studio={ ## For a Studio build, after a Lab build, we recycle the dir and skip else we go if (was.lab()){ messagev("This is a Studio Edition build, but a previous Lab Edition has been bundled,", "\nso we are recycling its branch folder.") bloomrTree.Studio() } else { bloomrTree.Core() bloomrTree.brEmacs() bloomrTree.Studio() } }) } bloomrTree.AddVersion <- function() { # Add and possible relpace version file (ver, build, edition) to tree ### Studio will replace the Lab version file, Lab will replace the Core file. download.git("curver.txt", "curver.txt") G$curver <- ver <- file.read("curver.txt")[1] edt <- paste(get.edition(), "edition") build <- makeBuildnum() file.write(p0(ver, "\n", build, "\n", edt), app.pt("bloomr.txt")) } bloomrTree.Core <- function() { ### Make BloomR Core tree ### All editions contain Core edition files, so this function output differs only in the name given to the build folder, which is ### G$branch, that is "brCore" or "brEmacs" (for non-Core editions) message("\nCreating BloomR tree") desc <- if(is.core()) "BloomR Core" else "Common BloomR Lab/Studio" existMake(G$branch, TRUE, FALSE, p0(desc, " root dir:")) makeDir(app.pt(), "BloomR app dir:") ## Add version file bloomrTree.AddVersion() ## Copy R and make site directory from <- p0(G$rzip , '/app') to <- app.pt("R") copy.dir(from, to, "main R files") makeDir(app.pt('R/site-library'), "BloomR library:") ## Copy libs message("\nAdding R libraries") lib.from <- 'rlibs' lib.to <- app.pt("R/library") for(lib in dir(work.pt(lib.from))){ message("Adding ", lib) from <- makePath(lib.from, lib) to <- makePath(lib.to, lib) copy.dir(from, to) } ## Install Eikon package message("Install Eikon API") ## In Windows R CMD invokes cmd.exe, which is incompatible with a UNC build workdir. ## So we'll use a local workdir when invoking it and absolute paths exe <- winwork.pt(app.pt('R/bin/R.exe')) from <- winwork.pt(p0(G$eikonzip,'/eikonapir-master')) to <- winwork.pt(app.pt('R/library')) to <- p0("--library=", to) cmd <- c(exe, "--no-site-file --no-environ --no-save --no-restore --quiet CMD INSTALL", from, to) shell.cd(cmd, wd="c:") # In Windows cmd.exe is invoked, so we need to set wd to a non-UNC path ## Install BloomR infrastructure packages message("Install BloomR infrastructure packages") existMake("rlibs-bloomr", TRUE, FALSE, "BloomR infrastructure packages dir:") exe <- winwork.pt(app.pt('R/bin/R.exe')) to <- winwork.pt(app.pt('R/library')) to <- p0("--library=", to) for(pack in G$bloomrpacks) { # Loop over packs and download them pack.relpath <- p0("res/", pack) download.git(pack.relpath, "rlibs-bloomr") from <- winwork.pt(makePath("rlibs-bloomr", pack)) cmd <- c(exe, "--no-site-file --no-environ --no-save --no-restore --quiet CMD INSTALL", from, to) shell.cd(cmd, wd="c:") # In Windows cmd.exe is invoked, so we need to set wd to a non-UNC path } ## Download docs message("\nDownloading BloomR help resources") download.git("README.html", root.pt("README.html")) download.git("LICENSE", root.pt("LICENSE.txt")) makeDir(root.pt("help"), "BloomR help directory:") download.git("src/xlx/xlx.help.html", root.pt("help/xlx.help.html")) download.git("src/xlx/xlx.help.pdf", root.pt("help/xlx.help.pdf")) download.git("reports/reporting.pdf", root.pt("help/reporting.pdf")) download.git("src/br-libs/bloomr-bbg.html", root.pt("help/bloomr-bbg.html")) download.git("src/br-libs/bloomr-bbg.pdf", root.pt("help/bloomr-bbg.pdf")) download.git("src/br-libs/bloomr-rmd.html", root.pt("help/bloomr-rmd.html")) download.git("src/br-libs/bloomr-rmd.pdf", root.pt("help/bloomr-rmd.pdf")) download.git("src/br-libs/bloomr-time.html", root.pt("help/bloomr-time.html")) download.git("src/br-libs/bloomr-time.pdf", root.pt("help/bloomr-time.pdf")) download.git("res/elearnr.pdf", root.pt("help/elearnr.pdf")) download.git("res/pcloudr.pdf", root.pt("help/pcloudr.pdf")) download.git("res/secretR.pdf", root.pt("help/secretR.pdf")) download.git("res/frontier.pdf", root.pt("help/frontier.pdf")) download.git("res/Bloomberg API Intro.pdf", root.pt("help/Bloomberg API Intro.pdf")) ## These docs are not uploaded on git, so they are added only with gitsim != FALSE if(nzchar(G$github.local)){ # Old temporary temp-help/ material, now mostly in res/ or auto-generated } ## Environment diagnostic message("\nAdding ED tools") makeDir(app.pt('ed'), "ED tools:") download.git("src/ed/core.cmd", app.pt("ed/core.cmd")) } bloomrTree.brEmacs <- function() { ### Make BRemacs directory tree bremacs <- app.pt("bremacs") existMake(bremacs, TRUE, FALSE, "BRemacs tree") ## Replace version file bloomrTree.AddVersion() ## Copy Emacs message("Copying main BRemacs files") from <- G$emacszip dirs <- c('bin', 'lib', 'libexec', 'share/emacs', 'share/icons', 'share/info', 'share/man') copy.glob(from, bremacs, dirs) ## === Download BRemacs lib files === ## makeDir(slisp.pt("bremacs"), "BRemacs library:") ## Filename list. If chhanged rubuild like that ## dir("src/bremacs/lib/", "\\.el$") brlib.files <- "br-init-dbg.el br-init.el br-keys.el br-menico.el br-recentf.el br-rnw.el br-setmodes.el br-simple-buffer-menu.el splith.svg splith.xpm" |> gsub("\n", "", x =_) |> strsplit(split= " +") |> unlist() |> Filter(nzchar, x=_) ## Ready to download BRemacs lib files d <- slisp.pt("bremacs") x <- sapply(brlib.files, function(f) download.git(makePath("src/bremacs/lib", f), makePath(d, f))) ## Download BRemacs early-init.el makeDir(app.pt("bremacs/.emacs.d"), "BRemacs init dir:") download.git("src/bremacs/lib/early-init.el", app.pt("bremacs/.emacs.d/early-init.el")) ## Environemnt diagnostic message("\nAdding ED tools") download.git("src/ed/bremacs.cmd", app.pt("ed/bremacs.cmd")) download.git("src/ed/bremacs-dbg.cmd", app.pt("ed/bremacs-dbg.cmd")) ## Run with log ## download.git("src/cs/run.cs", "run.cs") # currently evaluate in local src to keep a working git exe build.runtool() ## === Install local BRemacs packages === ## message("Installing local BRemacs packages") message("...this may take a bit") if(is.null(G$bremacs.paks.tree)) stop("'G$bremacs.paks.tree', to be populated during the download step, is NULL. The download step was not executed or something went wrong") tarpaths <- makePath(down.pt("bremacs-libs"), bremacs.pak.tree.el("basename")) G$bremacs.paks.order <- bloomrTree.brEmacs.pakorder() tarpaths.ord <- tarpaths[G$bremacs.paks.order] tarpaths.txt <- paste(lapply(tarpaths.ord, dquoteu), collapse = " ") package.user.dir <- normalizePath(work.pt(slisp.pt())) elisp.t <- " (let ((package-user-dir %s) (default-directory %s)) (require 'package) (mapc #'package-install-file (list %s))) " sprintf(elisp.t, dquoteu(package.user.dir), dquoteu(getwd()), tarpaths.txt) |> runsexp(log = "run.breamcs-paks.txt") ## debug ## tarpaths.txt <- paste(lapply(tarpaths.ord[1], dquoteu), collapse = " ") # just first pak ## runsexp(elisp, "dbg") message("\n\n*** Local BRemacs packages setup successfully completed ***\n\n") ## === Byte compile BRemacs packages === ## message("Starting byte-compilation...") message("...this may take a bit") ## (byte-recompile-directory DIR 0) recompile subdirs of DIR even if no elc is present ## Recompile builtin Emacs GNU files. Sometimes some are not message("Recompiling builtin packages") eldir.gnu <- normalizePath(work.pt(globpaths(bremacs, 'share/emacs/[0-9]*'))) sprintf("(byte-recompile-directory %s)", dquoteu(eldir.gnu)) |> # was: %s 0 Check COMPATIBILITY runsexp(log = "run.breamcs-gnu.txt") ## Compile our BRemacs libs. message("Recompiling BRemacs specific packages") eldir.site <- normalizePath(work.pt(slisp.pt())) eldir.bremacs <- normalizePath(work.pt(slisp.pt("bremacs"))) elisp.t <- " (let* ((default-directory %s) (bremacs-libs %s)) (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path) (byte-recompile-directory bremacs-libs 0)) " sprintf(elisp.t, dquoteu(eldir.site), dquoteu(eldir.bremacs)) |> runsexp(log = "run.breamcs-paks.txt", append = TRUE) ## For a debug .el file, its .elc would only add a layer of complexity debug.init <- slisp.pt("bremacs/br-init-dbg.elc") if(is.path(debug.init)) del.path(debug.init) else stop("Can't find debug init file\n", debug.init) ## Backup elc files elcs <- globpaths(slisp.pt("bremacs"), "*.elc") copy.bak(elcs) ## Recompile all site-lisp packs. ## `package-install-file' alredy does, so normally not needed eldir.site <- normalizePath(work.pt(slisp.pt())) elisp.t <- " (let* ((site-lisp %s) (default-directory site-lisp)) (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path) (byte-recompile-directory site-lisp 0)) " ## sprintf(elisp.t, dquoteu(eldir.site)) |> runsexp() # not usually used message("\n\n*** Byte-compilation completed ***\n\n") #browser() ## Aspell copy.dir(makePath(G$aspell, "tars/mingw64"), app.pt('bremacs/share/aspell'), "Aspell files...") } bloomrTree.brEmacs.pakorder <- function() { # Find Elisp pack setup order ### Output intended for G$bremacs.paks.order ## Recursive vitinst <- function(paknames, installed = NULL) { # simulate recursive the install for(pakname in paknames) { if(pakname %in% installed) next deps <- G$bremacs.paks.tree[[pakname]]$deps are.deps.installed <- if(length(deps)) deps %in% installed else TRUE deps.to.inst <- deps[!are.deps.installed] if(all(are.deps.installed)) { installed <- c(installed, pakname) } else { installed <- vitinst(c(deps.to.inst, pakname), installed) } } installed } ## Kick off recursive setup vitinst(names(G$bremacs.paks.tree)) } bloomrTree.Studio <- function() { ### We add the to the tree created by bloomrTree.brEmacs() the LaTeX related component ## Replace version file bloomrTree.AddVersion() makeStudio.addLatex() ## makeStudio.addPerl() makeStudio.addPandoc() } makeStudio.addLatex <- function() { ### Install LaTeX. Currently TinyTex ## Copy TinyTeX distro message("Adding LaTeX files") copy.glob(G$texzip, app.pt(), "tinytex") ## TeXLive installer path tlmgrpt <- makePath(app.pt(G$texzip), 'bin/windows/tlmgr.bat') if(!is.path(tlmgrpt)) stop("Unable to find executable:\n ", work.pt(tlmgrpt)) tlmgr <- \() pswork.pt(tlmgrpt) # parametric for of UNC remappting used in the past ## Set xetex fonts dir to local ## Check before and after with: texmf-var/fonts/conf/fonts.conf cmd <- paste(tlmgr(), "postaction install script xetex") shell.ps(cmd, winwork.pt("ps.tinytex.txt")) ## Do not wrap short (80 columns) log file lines cmd <- paste(tlmgr(), "conf texmf max_print_line 10000") shell.ps(cmd, winwork.pt("ps.tinytex.txt")) ## Set repo for updates to nearby cmd <- paste(tlmgr(), "option repository 'ctan'") shell.ps(cmd, winwork.pt("ps.tinytex.txt")) ## Updates might be necessary ## There is a luahbtex issue with a missing vcruntime140_1.dll ## BTW, the exclution does not prevent post-update buldint and ## hence an error cmd <- paste(tlmgr(), "update --self --all --exclude luahbtex") shell.ps(cmd, winwork.pt("ps.tinytex.txt")) ## Extra packages: bookmark needed for most reports, makeindex for ## R package manuals, and beamer is for slides extratex <- c("bookmark", "makeindex", "beamer") cmd <- pv(tlmgr(), "install", extratex) shell.ps(cmd, winwork.pt("ps.tinytex.txt")) ## Test they are there cmd <- paste(tlmgr() , "info --list --only-installed --data name") shell.ps(cmd, winwork.pt("ps.tinytex-paks.txt")) con <- file(work.pt("ps.tinytex-paks.txt"), "r", encoding = 'UTF-16') texpks <- readLines(con) close(con) fail.texpks <- !extratex %in% texpks if(any(fail.texpks)) stop("Failed to instal TeX packages:\n", pv(extratex[fail.texpks])) return() ### ============== ## More packs for minimal Rnw: palatino breakurl fpl mathpazo morepaks <- c("palatino", "breakurl", "fpl", "mathpazo") ## TODO: attempt to customise Tinytex paths Now PDF building ## functions add on the fly paths to system PATH and remove them ## on exit. Before fixing compare with tlmgr() above rscript <- makePath(app.pt("R"), 'bin/Rscript.exe') rscript <- winwork.pt(rscript) args <- "library('tinytex')" tinytex.dir <- work.pt(app.pt("tinytex")) ## Powershell call operator doesnt work with double quotes and backslash in shQuote(). This is a temp fix: usquote <- function(path) squoteu(normalizePath(path, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)) tinytex.dir.sh <- usquote(tinytex.dir) morepaks <- paste(sapply(morepaks, squoteu), collapse = ', ') args <- c(args, sprintf( "install_tinytex(dir = %s, version = 'daily', add_path = FALSE, extra_packages = c(%s))", tinytex.dir.sh, morepaks)) ## Find tlmgr for r_texmf tlmgr <- makePath(tinytex.dir, "bin/windows/tlmgr.bat") tlmgr <- usquote(tlmgr) args <- c(args, sprintf("options(tinytex.tlmgr.path = %s)", tlmgr)) ## Remove hard path. The alternative could be to copy files to texmf-local args <- c(args, "r_texmf('remove')") message("Executing:") message(rscript) messagev(args, s = "\n") qargs <- shQuote(pv(args, s="; ")) cmd <- paste(rscript, "-e", qargs) shell.ps(cmd, winwork.pt("ps.tinytex.txt")) ## Old MikTeX paks toinstall <- "upquote microtype parskip kvoptions ltxcmds kvsetkeys xurl bookmark infwarerr kvdefinekeys pdfescape hycolor letltxmacro auxhook intcalc etexcmds bitset bigintcalc rerunfilecheck uniquecounter geometry fancyvrb framed booktabs footnotehyper refcount gettitlestring" toinstall <- paste(toinstall, "pdfcrop") # required by intermediate commands } makeStudio.addPandoc <- function(){ # NOT USED ## Pandoc variables (msi wants abs path) pandir <- app.pt("pandoc") ## Create Pandoc dir existMake(pandir, TRUE, FALSE, "Pandoc dir:") globpaths(G$panzip, "/pandoc*") |> copy.dir(makePath(pandir, "/bin"), "Pandoc files") } makeStudio.addPerl <- function(){ message("Making Perl tiny") perlsource <- G$perlzip perldir <- app.pt("perl") perlbins <- makePath(perldir, "bin") perllibs <- makePath(perldir, "lib") existMake(perldir, TRUE, FALSE, "Adding Perl files") makeDir(perlbins) makeDir(perllibs) binpaths <- " libgcc_s_seh-1.dll libstdc++-6.dll libwinpthread-1.dll perl.exe perl532.dll " libpaths <- " auto Config.pm Config_git.pl Config_heavy.pl constant.pm Cwd.pm DynaLoader.pm Exporter Exporter.pm File Getopt overload.pm overloading.pm strict.pm vars.pm warnings warnings.pm Win32.pm XSLoader.pm " f <- function(string) sapply(strsplit(trimws(string), "\n")[[1]], trimws, USE.NAMES = FALSE) binpaths <-f(binpaths) libpaths <- f(libpaths) sbins <- sapply(binpaths, function(pth) makePath(perlsource, p0("perl\\bin\\", pth))) slibs <- sapply(libpaths, function(pth) makePath(perlsource, p0("perl\\lib\\", pth))) sapply(sbins, function(from) file.copy(work.pt(from), work.pt(perlbins))) sapply(slibs, function(from) file.copy(work.pt(from), work.pt(perllibs), recursive=TRUE)) } ###== Boot functions == initScripts <- function(){ ### Make R and BloomR etc files (configs such as Rprofile.site from PROF()) and the launchers ### Etc. files are currently the same for all the editions while launchers differ ## Test deb/what mismatch debug.mismatch() initScripts.etc() ## Make R bootstrapper launcher if(is.core()) makeLauncher.Core() ## brEmacs editons include also the Core edition, thus the launcher if(is.bremacs()) { makeLauncher.Core() makeLauncher.brEmacs() } } initScripts.etc <- function() { message("\nMaking etc/Rprofile.site and shared directory") ## Make new Rprofile.site and keep old p <- capture.output(PROF) # Get PROF function definition p <- p[-c(1, length(p))] # Remove "function {", "}" prof.new <- app.pt('R/etc/Rprofile.site') prof.nat <- app.pt('R/etc/Rprofile.native') ## Append with Unix line endings if(!is.file(prof.nat)){ prof.new <- work.pt(prof.new) prof.nat <- work.pt(prof.nat) file.copy(prof.new, prof.nat) con <- file(prof.new, open="ab") writeLines(text=p, con=con) close(con) } ## Get bloomr lib files including xlx.R from Github to <- app.pt("R/share/bloomr") makeDir(to,"BloomR share directory:") download.git("src/bloomr.init.R", app.pt("R/share/bloomr/bloomr.init.R")) ## download.git("src/bloomr.beta.R", app.pt("R/share/bloomr/bloomr.beta.R")) ## download.git("src/bloomr.api.R", app.pt("R/share/bloomr/bloomr.api.R")) download.git("src/bloomr.sys.R", app.pt("R/share/bloomr/bloomr.sys.R")) download.git("src/bloomr.test.R", app.pt("R/site-library/bloomr.test.R")) download.git("src/br-libs/bloomr-bbg.R", app.pt("R/share/bloomr/bloomr-bbg.R")) download.git("src/br-libs/bloomr-rmd.R", app.pt("R/share/bloomr/bloomr-rmd.R")) download.git("src/br-libs/bloomr-time.R", app.pt("R/share/bloomr/bloomr-time.R")) download.git("src/xlx/xlx.R", app.pt("R/share/bloomr/xlx.R")) ## Testdata to <- app.pt("R/share/bloomr/testdata") makeDir(to,"BloomR share directory:") download.git("src/testdata/testdata.high.R", app.pt("R/share/bloomr/testdata/testdata.high.R")) download.git("src/testdata/testdata.low.R", app.pt("R/share/bloomr/testdata/testdata.low.R")) ## Make personal dir with some sample files makeDir(root.pt('mybloomr'), "personal directory:") makeDir(root.pt('mybloomr/examples'), "personal directory:") download.git("res/semic.csv", root.pt("mybloomr/examples/semic.csv")) download.git("res/tickers.csv", root.pt("mybloomr/examples/tickers.csv")) download.git("res/tickers.eqt.csv", root.pt("mybloomr/examples/tickers.eqt.csv")) download.git("res/my-first-report.Rmd", root.pt("mybloomr/examples/my-first-report.Rmd")) download.git("res/tryme.R", root.pt("mybloomr/examples/tryme.R")) } makeLauncher.Core <- function(){ ### Make launcher of Core editions ## Boot string core.run <- " EnvSet, BLOOMR, %A_ScriptDir% EnvSet, HOME, %A_ScriptDir%\\mybloomr EnvSet, bloomr_branch, core Run, apps\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rgui.exe LANGUAGE=en " core.run <- gsub("%AppDir%", G$appname, core.run) makeLauncher_(core.run, "core") } makeLauncher.brEmacs <- function(){ ### Make launcher of Lab and Studio editions bremacs.run <- " EnvSet, BLOOMR, %A_ScriptDir% EnvSet, HOME, %A_ScriptDir%\\mybloomr EnvSet, bloomr_branch, bremacs Run, apps\\bremacs\\bin\\runemacs.exe --init-dir apps\\bremacs\\.emacs.d " bremacs.run <- gsub("%AppDir%", G$appname, bremacs.run) makeLauncher_(bremacs.run, "bremacs") } makeLauncher_ <- function(script.cont, edition){ ## Make boot file ahkdir <- work.pt(G$ahkzip) cat(script.cont, file=makePath(ahkdir, p0(edition, ".run"))) ## Get icon from GitHub icon <- if(edition=="core") "bloomr" else "bremacs" to <- makePath(G$ahkzip, p0(edition, ".ico")) download.git(makePath("res", p0(icon, ".ico")), to) ## Core icon is currently as setup icon too. It is named bloomr.ico, should it change style in the future from <- makePath(ahkdir, "core.ico") to <- makePath(ahkdir, "bloomr.ico") if(edition =="core") file.copy(from, to, overwrite=TRUE) exename <- switch( edition, core="bloomr-core.exe", bremacs = switch( get.edition(), lab = "bloomr-lab.exe", studio = { ## if it is a multi build, then we have the Lab launcher too, to delete (function(x) if(is.path(x)) del.path(x))(root.pt("bloomr-lab.exe")) "bloomr-studio.exe" } ) ) ## Make exe message("\nMaking executable: ", exename) wd <- normalizePath(ahkdir) run <- c("Ahk2Exe.exe", "/in", p0(edition, ".run"), "/icon", p0(edition, ".ico"), "/base \"Ahk2Exe.exe\"", "/out", exename ) shell.cd(run, wd=wd) ## Move exe from <- makePath(ahkdir, exename) to <- work.pt(root.pt(exename)) file.rename(from, to) } PROF <- function(){ #Keep this on separate line ### "etc/Rprofile.site" source (braces on separate lines) ## BloomR bootstrap ## ================ source(file.path(R.home("share"), "bloomr/bloomr.init.R")) ## end BloomR---------- } ### Exe and Zip distro makeBundle <- function(bundle, # 'exe'/'zip'/'all'/'none' ask ){ ### Create create exe, zip, both, or nothing ### Every bundle value not 'exe'/'zip'/'all' means 'none' ## Test deb/what mismatch debug.mismatch() if(bundle=='all' || bundle=='exe') makeInst(ask) if(bundle=='all' || bundle=='zip') makeZip(ask) } makeInst <- function(ask){ # not used since long message('\nCreating BloomR green installer') ## Set name (nsi name is "bloomr-setup.exe") to <- switch(get.edition(), core = "BloomR-Core", lab = "BloomR-Lab", studio = "BloomR-Studio") to <- p0(to, "_v", G$curver, "-setup.exe") if(is.path(to)) del.ask(to, ask, "already exists") del.path(to) download.git("bloomr.nsi", "bloomr.nsi") message('Creating green installer ', to, '\nThis may take a bit...') nsi <- 'bloomr.nsi' nexe <- p0(G$nsiszip,'/App/NSIS/makensis.exe') nsrc <- p0("/dSRCDIR=", G$branch) cmd <- c(winwork.pt(nexe), "/v2", nsrc, winwork.pt(nsi)) shell.cd(cmd) file.rename(work.pt("bloomr-setup.exe"), work.pt(to)) } makeZip <- function(ask){ message('\nCreating BloomR.zip') to <- switch(get.edition(), core = "BloomR-Core", lab = "BloomR-Lab", studio = "BloomR-Studio") to <- p0(to, "_v", G$curver, ".zip") if(is.path(to)) del.ask(to, ask, "already exists") del.path(to) from <- p0('./', G$branch, '/*') # In 7z ./ removes dir prefix from archive files zexe <- get7zbin() cmd <- paste(winwork.pt(zexe), "a", winwork.pt(to), winwork.pt(from)) ret <- system(cmd, intern=FALSE, wait =TRUE, show.output.on.console =FALSE, ignore.stdout=TRUE) if(ret) stop(paste('\n', cmd, '\nreported a problem')) } makeBuildnum <- function(){ ## today td <- format(Sys.time(), "Build %Y%m%d%H%M") ## days from 2015 diff <- as.numeric( as.POSIXct(Sys.time()) - as.POSIXct("2015/01/01") ) rnd <- round(diff, 2) * 100 # About 13 min rounding paste(td, rnd) } debug.mismatch <- function(){ # Test and stop on deb & what args inconsistence ### When you use step by step build via 'deb'", this function checks that 'what' matches previous steps wmess <- "\nEdition Mismatch! You are building %s, but %s refers to %s. Perhaps you are using a step by step build via 'deb' and 'what' does not match, or you are using 'deb' with what='all'." ver <- file.read(app.pt("bloomr.txt")) edt.file <- unlist(regmatches(ver, regexec("(core|lab|studio) +edition", ver, ignore.case = TRUE)))[2] edt.file <- paste(sub("(.)", "\\U\\1", edt.file, perl=TRUE), "Edition") edt.code <- paste(sub("(.)", "\\U\\1", get.edition(), perl=TRUE), "Edition") if(edt.code == edt.file) return() wmess <- sprintf(wmess, edt.code, app.pt("bloomr.txt"), edt.file) stop(wmess) } ### =============== ### == Utilities == ### =============== ### === Shell helpers === shell.cd <- function( ### Similar to system2(), but can set the process work dir, environment and it stops on errors cmdvec, # c(cmd, arg1,...) or c(cmd, agvec) ## cmdvec[1] is tested for exisitance and shQuoted if necessary wd=NULL, # optional work dir raw=FALSE, # if T, do not pretty format the output with pv echo=TRUE, # Echo to console via messagev evars=NULL # Named vector or list of environment variables to set (`NA` value to unset) ) { ## Currently the executable is tested without reference to PATH var. ## Review of R shell interfaces. ## 1. system() takes a single cmd string. In Linux prefixes it with "sh -c". ## 2. system2() wants cmd + args. In Linux it's a wrapper of system(), adding "2>&1" if stderr = T. ## 3. shell(), Win-only, wraps system(), by default prefixes passed cmd string with "cmd.exe /c". ## Don't invoke cmd.exe, as it breaks on UNC paths. Prefer PowerShell or direct calls to exes. ## The best seems x <- suppressWarnings(system2(cmd, ags, stdout=T, stderr=T)); attr(x, "status") ## In Linux also suppressWarnings(tryCatch(system(paste(cmdstring, "2>&1"), intern=TRUE))) ## Set temporary wd oldwd <- getwd() if(!is.null(wd)) setwd(wd) ## Test command exists cmdnq <- gsub("^[\"']|[\"']$", "", cmdvec[1]) # unquote (if shQuote was used) cmdnq <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(cmdnq)) # Sys.which and system2 don't work over Windows shares notfound <- ! nzchar(Sys.which(cmdnq)) ## Test Linux builtin linux <- .Platform$OS.type == "unix" if(notfound && linux){ cmdstring <- paste("builtin", cmdvec[1], "2>&1") out <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(system(cmdstring, intern=TRUE))) notfound <- attr(out, "status") > 0 } if(notfound) { G$lastshell <- list(cmdvec=cmdvec, output=out <- paste("There is no command:\n", cmdnq)) setwd(oldwd) stop(out, "\n(If the command requires args, make sure they are provided as (a) separate string(s) in the command vector.)", "\n\nSee G$lastshell for more.") } ## Environment variables if(!is.null(evars)) { if(any(!nzchar(names(evars)))) stop("In 'shell.cd(evars = ...)' not all elements are named") evars <- as.list(evars) is.na <- sapply(evars, is.na) evars[! is.na] -> setv evars[is.na] -> unsetv old.vars <- as.list(Sys.getenv(names(evars), unset = NA, names = TRUE)) is.na <- sapply(old.vars, is.na) old.vars[! is.na] -> old.setv old.vars[is.na] -> old.unsetv ## Set if(length(setv)) do.call("Sys.setenv", setv) Sys.unsetenv(names(unsetv)) ## Unset on.exit({ if(length(old.setv)) do.call("Sys.setenv", old.setv) Sys.unsetenv(names(old.unsetv)) }) } ## Execute out <- suppressWarnings(system2(cmdnq, cmdvec[-1], stdout=TRUE, stderr=TRUE)) setwd(oldwd) G$lastshell <- list(cmdvec=cmdvec, output=out) ## Stop on error ... if(!is.null(attr(out,"status"))) stop(paste(cmdvec[-1], collapse=" "), "\n returned:\n", tail(out, 2), "\n\nSee G$lastshell for more.") ## or return the required ouptut if(!raw) out <- pv(out, s='\n') if(echo) messagev(out) out } shell.ps <- function( ### Similar to shell(), but based on Powershell. tees stdout to file and console and stops on errors cmdstr, # command string outfile, # redirect file, should be quoted stop=TRUE, # stop on errors restream = NULL # stream in c(2:6, "*") redirected to 1. Dangerous ) { ### There is a bug in PS 5.1 (Win 10) and 2>&1 does not work for executables writing on stderr ### https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/3996 Emacs (message) writes to stderr, not print/princ ### https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_redirection ## $LASTEXITCODE is for executables and "-not $?" is for cmdlets cmdstr.tee <- if(is.null(restream)) sprintf("& %s | Tee-Object %s; exit ($LASTEXITCODE -le 1 -and -not $?)", cmdstr, outfile) else sprintf("& %s %s>&1 | Tee-Object %s; exit ($LASTEXITCODE -le 1 -and -not $?)", cmdstr, restream, outfile) ## Quotes in cmdstr.tee, before passing to PS, are removed so we quote again psline <- paste("powershell -NoProfile -command", shQuote(cmdstr.tee)) ## system doesn't like the UNC paths, which we do old.path <- setwd(Sys.getenv("TMP")) on.exit(setwd(old.path)) ret <- system(psline) if(ret) { msg <- sprintf( "The following PowerShell command had a nonzero exit:\n %s \nFor the error log see:\n %s", cmdstr, outfile) if(stop) stop(msg) else message(msg) } ret } shell.ps.alt <- function( # Not used ### Similar to shell.ps(), but exit code works for cmdlets only via -not $? cmdstr, # command string outfile # output log file ){ cmdstr.tee <- sprintf("%s | Tee-Object %s; exit -not $?", cmdstr, outfile) psline <- paste("powershell -NoProfile -command", shQuote(cmdstr.tee)) ret <- system(psline) if(ret){ msg <- sprintf( "The following PowerShell command had a nonzero exit:\n %s \nFor the error log see:\n %s", cmdstr, outfile) if(stop) stop(msg) else warning(msg) } ret } build.runtool <- function() { # build the run with log utility for Windows csc <- tail(Sys.glob("c:/windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v*/csc.exe"), 1) run.cs <- proj.pt("src/cs/run.cs") if(!file.exists(run.cs)) stop("Missing run source:\n", run.cs) file.copy(run.cs, work.pt("run.cs")) shell.cd(c(csc, "/out:run.exe", "run.cs"), wd = work.pt()) if(!is.path("run.exe")) stop("Failed compilation of run source:\n", run.cs) ## Backup copy.bak("run.exe") } ### === Website helpers === ## Generic website helpers web.greplink <- function(regexp, pos=0, url, abs=FALSE){ ### Grep links from URL and return 0=all, 1=first, -1=last ### abs: Return absolute or relative URL paths resp <- curl_fetch_memory(url) page <- read_html(resp$content) lnks <- xml_find_all(page, "//a") |> xml_attr("href") glinks <- grep(regexp, lnks, ignore.case=TRUE, value=TRUE) if(abs) glinks <- makePath(url, glinks) if(pos==1) return(glinks[1]) else if (pos==-1) return(tail(glinks,1)) else glinks } ## Github github.latest <- function( # Find the link to latest GitHub release owner.project, # "JonDoe/project" regex, # regex to filter links, e.g. "myapp.+zip$" first = TRUE # If T choose first link, else last ) { giturl <- makePath("https://api.github.com/repos", owner.project, "releases/latest") json <- rawToChar(curl_fetch_memory(giturl) $content) ## Our targets look like: "browser_download_url":"https://github.com/.../download/..." lnks <- regmatches(json, gregexpr("\"browser_download_url\":\"[^\"]+", json))[[1]] |> strsplit("\"") |> lapply(tail, 1) ## Apply user regex and choose first or last ht <- if(first) head else tail grep(regex, lnks, value = TRUE) |> ht(1) } ## SourceForge sfGetLink <- function (sfPage, regex) { # Find first link in SF "Files" tab matching regex page <- xml2::read_html(sfPage) lnks <- page |> xml_find_all("//a[span[@class='name']]") |> xml_attr("href") if(!length(lnks)) stop("Unable to find download links on\n", sfPage) matches <- grep(regex, lnks, value=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE) link <- if(length(matches)) matches[1] else stop("Unable to find required file version on\n", sfPage) domain <- "https://sourceforge.net" if(grepl(domain, link)) link else makePath(domain, link) } sfFirstInProject <- function ( # First item in SF PROJECT matching REGEX project, regex , quiet=FALSE) { if(!quiet) messagev('Searching project', project, 'on SF.net') url <- makePath("https://sourceforge.net/projects", project, "files") sfGetLink(url, regex) } sfFirstInUrl <- function (url, regex, quiet=FALSE) { # First item in SF URL matching REGEX ### Sometimes you have to click twice: the first time you get the URL ### to a subproject that you then use here. if(!quiet) messagev('Searching URL', url) sfGetLink(url, regex) } sfDirectLink <- function (# Get direct-download link for SF link. url, quiet=FALSE) { ### Follow the direct-download link if(!quiet) messagev('Find the best mirror for\n', url) hds <- curl_fetch_memory(url, new_handle(followlocation = FALSE))$header parse_headers(hds) |> grep("^location:", x=_, value = TRUE) |> strsplit(split = " ") |> unlist() |> tail(1) } ### old versions bases on XML sfFirstbyProject <- function (project, filtx, quiet=FALSE){ ### First SF project item matching regex filter (url made from prj name) if(!quiet) messagev('Searching last', project, 'version on SF.net') url <- p0("https://sourceforge.net/projects/", project, "/files/") ref <- "https://sourceforge.net" page <- download.html(url) url <- xpathSApply(htmlTreeParse(page, useInternalNodes=TRUE), "//a[span[@class='name']]", xmlGetAttr, "href") url <- grep(filtx, url, value=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE)[1] if(substr(url,1,1)=='/') url <- p0(ref, url)#relative to absolute return (url) } sfFirstbyUrl <- function (url, versionx, quiet=FALSE){ ### First SF url item matching regex filter (url given from prj name) if(!quiet) messagev('Searching for version', versionx, 'on\n', url) ref <- "https://sourceforge.net" if(substr(url,1,1)=='/') url <- p0(ref, url)#relative to absolute page <- download.html(url) url <- xpathSApply(htmlTreeParse(page, useInternalNodes=TRUE), "//a[span[@class='name']]", xmlGetAttr, "href") return (grep(versionx, url, value=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE)[1]) } sfDirLink <- function (url, quiet=FALSE){ ### Follow the direct-download link if(!quiet) messagev('Find best mirror for\n', url) ref <- "http://sourceforge.net" page <- download.html(url, refr=ref) url <- xpathSApply(htmlTreeParse(page, useInternalNodes=TRUE), "//a[@data-release-url]", xmlGetAttr, "data-release-url") return (url) } ## CRAN helper cran.geturl <- function(pack){ # Get CRAN Windows binaries relative to current release for a package ### Make sure the R release is current too ## CRAN links cranpage <- "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/" cranwin <- "https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/" ## Get package page url <- p0(cranpage, pack, "/index.html") page <- download.html(url) ## Get bin url: the first occurence on page is the dev version, second is release url <- regmatches(page, gregexpr("../../../bin/windows/contrib/.*?\\.zip", page))[[1]][2] url <- regmatches(url, regexec("contrib/.*?\\.zip", url)) p0(cranwin, url) } ## Elisp M/ELPA helpers bremacs.pak.getrepos <- function(overwrite) { # Download package archives ### In case of multiple matches, the order of G$bremacs.paks.repos is relevant archives <- G$bremacs.paks.repos lapply(seq_along(archives), \(j) { url <- makePath(archives[j], "packages/archive-contents") arch.name <- names(archives)[j] file <- makePath(arch.name, ext = "el") download.nice(url, file, overwrite, arch.name) }) ## Fix Elpa as one record per pack elpa.el <- down.pt("elpa.el") elpa <- paste(readLines(elpa.el), collapse = "\n") |> gsub("\n (", "\n\n (", x =_, fixed = TRUE) |> gsub("\n([^n])", "\\1", x =_) |> gsub("\t+", " ", x =_) |> strsplit("\n") |> unlist() write(elpa, elpa.el) } ## bremacs.pak.getrepos() bremacs.pak.getdata.repo <- function( # Find pack entry in archive files and parse it packname, pinned = NULL # or the name of the pinned archive ) { ### Requires downloading archives with bremacs.pak.getrepos() ### Find precedence depends on archive order in G$bremacs.paks.repos ### Dependency is always set to the last in-archive version (for easy duplicate removal) ### NB: if packname is both in G$bremacs.paks.manual and pinned, the first has priority ## Manage pinned archives archives <- if(is.null(pinned)) G$bremacs.paks.repos else G$bremacs.paks.repos[pinned] ## Point archives to files archives[] <- makePath(archives, "/") # add trailing '/' if missing arch.names <- names(archives) arch.files <- makePath(down.pt(), arch.names, ext = "el") ## Look for package regexp <- sprintf("^ \\(%s ", packname) for(j in seq_along(arch.files)) { arch.name <- arch.names[j] arch.url <- archives[arch.name] arch.file <- arch.files[j] record <- grep(regexp, readLines(arch.file), value = TRUE) if(length(record)) break } if(length(record) > 1) stop("More than one occurence of ", packname, " in\n", arch.files[j]) if(length(record) == 0) stop("No occurence of BRemacs package ", packname, " found") ## Convert Lisp version to dot format dot.ver <- function(version) gsub(" ", ".", version) ## Parse package record regexp <- p0("\\[\\(", "([^)]+)", "\\) *", "([^\"]+)") matches <- regmatches(record, regexec(regexp, record))[[1]] version <- matches[2] |> dot.ver() deps <- trimws(matches[3]) |> gsub("^\\(|\\)$", "", x =_) deps <- trimws(strsplit(deps, "))")[[1]]) |> strsplit("\\(") |> sapply(`[`, 2) |> trimws() deps <- Filter(\(el) "emacs" != el, deps) namever <- p0(packname, "-", version) url <- makePath(arch.url, "packages", namever, ext = "tar", nonames = TRUE) if(length(deps)) message("Found ", packname, " requirements: ", paste(deps, collapse = ", ")) list(packname = packname, version = version, deps = deps, archive = arch.file, url = url) } ## bremacs.pak.getdata.repo("poly-R") bremacs.pak.getdata.pinned <- function(packname) { # Like bremacs.pak.getdata.repo() bat use a specific pinned archive pinrepos <- G$bremacs.paks.pinned bremacs.pak.getdata.repo(packname, pinned = pinrepos[[packname]]) } bremacs.pak.getdata.manual <- function( # Parse descriptive elisp URL for a manually linked package set by G$bremacs.paks.manual packname ) { ### The descriptive package file linked by G$bremacs.paks.manual is normally PACKAGE.el or PACKAGE-mode.el ### Note that some packages simply do not expose info compatible with Elisp (package-buffer-info) and `package-desc' ### Look for package file with ";; Package-requires: " line and a similar version line descurl <- G$bremacs.paks.manual[[packname]] [['descurl']] tarurl <- G$bremacs.paks.manual[[packname]] [['tarurl']] ## A test url ## descurl <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gkowzan/alert-toast/master/alert-toast.el" elisp <- curl_fetch_memory(descurl)$content |> rawToChar() |> strsplit("\n") |> unlist() extract.all <- function(pattern, text) Filter(length, regmatches(text, regexec(pattern, text, ignore.case = TRUE))) extract.first <- function(pattern, text) extract.all(pattern, text)[[1]] extract.ff <- function(pattern, text) extract.first(pattern, text) |> head(2) |> tail(1) packname.found <- extract.ff("^;;;;*[[:blank:]]+(.+)\\.el[[:blank:]]+---", elisp) if(packname != packname.found) stop("Name found in description URL is inconsistent with package name '", packname, "':\n", descurl) version <- extract.ff(";;;*[[:blank:]]+(?:package-)?version:[[:blank:]]+(.+)$", elisp) depsline <- extract.ff(";;;*[[:blank:]]+package-requires:[[:blank:]]+(.+)$", elisp) # we assume just one deps <- gsub("^\\(|\\)$", "", depsline) deps <- strsplit(deps, "\\(")[[1]][-1] |> strsplit(' "') |> sapply(`[[`, 1) deps <- Filter(\(el) "emacs" != el, deps) if(length(deps)) message("Found ", packname, " requirements: ", paste(deps, collapse = ", ")) list(packname = packname, version = version, deps = deps, archive = descurl, url = tarurl) } ## list(`alert-toast` = ## c(tarurl = "https://github.com/gkowzan/alert-toast/archive/refs/tags/v1.0.0.tar.gz", ## descurl = ## "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gkowzan/alert-toast/96c88c93c1084de681700f655223142ee0eb944a/alert-toast.el") ## ) |> bremacs.pak.getdata.manual() bremacs.pak.getdata <- function(packname) { # Make pack desc via archives or manual URLs ### There are three types of packages: ### Archive-list based: looked for on pre-downloaded repos based on G$bremacs.paks.repos order ### Archive based pinned: looked for only on a specific repo set by G$bremacs.paks.pinned ### Manually linked: have a given tar URL and Elisp descrption URL ### Priorities are: Manual > Pinned > Archive-list plist <- ## Manually linked if(packname %in% names(G$bremacs.paks.manual)) { bremacs.pak.getdata.manual(packname) } # Archive based pinned else if(packname %in% names(G$bremacs.paks.pinned)) { bremacs.pak.getdata.pinned(packname) } # Archive-list based else bremacs.pak.getdata.repo(packname) ## Test that we have a tar to allow retar tar.match <- "\\.tar\\.gz$|\\.tgz$|\\.tar$" if(!grepl(tar.match, plist$url)) stop("Package URL does not end in '.tar', 'tgz' or 'tar.gz':\n", plist$url) ## Add filename and return plist$basename <- basename(plist$url) plist } bremacs.pak.maketree <- function() { # A recursive version of bremacs.pak.getdata, to make a list of with paks and deps L <- bremacs.pak.maketree_(G$bremacs.paks) names(L) <- sapply(L, `[[`, "packname") L[unique(names(L))] } ## G$bremacs.paks.tree <- bremacs.pak.maketree(G$bremacs.paks) bremacs.pak.maketree_ <- function(pakvec, aggrlist = NULL) { # bremacs.pak.maketree work horse L <- lapply(pakvec, bremacs.pak.getdata) deps <- unlist(lapply(L, `[[`, "deps")) L <- c(aggrlist, L) if(length(deps)) bremacs.pak.maketree_(deps, L) else L } bremacs.pak.tree.el <- # Extract element vector from G$bremacs.paks.tree function(elt) sapply(G$bremacs.paks.tree, `[[`, elt) ### === ELisp helpers === runsexp <- function(sexp, # a single SEXP to eval. Use progn or let for more items how = # 'prt' prints more output, 'dbg' returns the unevaluated sexp. c("run", "prt", "dbg"), log = NULL, # Tee output to a file relative to G$work append = FALSE, # if T, append to to log emacs.exe = # executable path. Note: This should not be not relative to G$work work.pt(app.pt("bremacs/bin/emacs.exe")) ) { ### Windows runemacs.exe doesn't stop (properly) R. This can be used to parallize, but it is risky. ### Recall to quote if you substitute paths in SEXP, e.g. sexp = sprintf(template, dquoteu(my.path)) ### With 'dbg' you can start the target with emacs -Q and execute the unescaped output with C-x C-e ### Unless the SEXP has explicit message/print evaluation does not return, hence you can try 'prt' ## Check args how <- how[1] how.legal <- c("run", "prt", "dbg") if(!how %in% how.legal) stop("'how' argument should be one of ", how.legal, " not\n", how[1]) if(!file.exists(emacs.exe)) stop("I can't file the Emacs executable\n", emacs.exe) ## 'how' deconding functions eval.dec <- " (defun ev (&rest hex-chars) (eval (car (read-from-string (apply 'string hex-chars))))) " eval.dec.prt <- " (defun ev (&rest hex-chars) (print (eval (car (read-from-string (apply 'string hex-chars)))))) " eval.dec.dbg <- " (defun ev (&rest hex-chars) (princ (apply 'string hex-chars))) " ## To avoid escape-hell Elisp code is raw-encoded encode.lisp <- function(code) { code <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", code, fixed = TRUE) paste0("#x", charToRaw( code), collapse = "")|> sprintf("(ev %s)", ... =_) } evfunc <- # choose how to decode if(how == "prt") eval.dec.prt else if(how == "dbg") eval.dec.dbg else eval.dec ## In Windows, at startup the env-var "emacs_dir" is set to Emacs setup dir. ## If R is running in BR/Emacs, to avoid side effects, we unset it this.emacs_dir <- Sys.getenv("emacs_dir") Sys.unsetenv("emacs_dir") # harmless in Linux as inexistent on.exit(Sys.setenv(emacs_dir = this.emacs_dir)) ## Encode elisp sexp sexp.enc <- encode.lisp(sexp) ## With run emacs do not use -batch, but with need to kill to close at the end of the task batch <- ifelse(basename(emacs.exe) == "emacs.exe", "-batch", "-kill") ## Make cmd string if(!is.path("run.exe")) stop("Run log tool missing:\n", work.pt("run.exe")) runbin <- winwork.pt("run.exe") args <- paste(batch, "-Q", "-eval", dquoteu(evfunc), "-eval", dquoteu(sexp.enc)) app.log <- ifelse(append, "-alog", "-log") log.arg <- if(is.null(log)) "-nolog" else paste(app.log, winwork.pt(log)) emacs.abs.q <- shQuote(normalizePath(emacs.exe)) ret <- system(paste(runbin, log.arg, emacs.abs.q, shQuote(args))) if(ret > 0) stop("The command had non-zero exit") } ## runsexp(log = winwork.pt("run.breamcs-paks.txt")) ## === Debug local setup package === ## elisp.delpak <- function( # Delete a package realted EMACS.EXE bin and PACKAGE.USER.DIR. For testing only emacs.exe, # The path of the Emacs binary relative to G$work package.user.dir, # e.g. work.pt('brEmacs/apps/bin/emacs.exe') package.name # e.g. "julia-mode" ) { elisp.t <- " (let ((package-user-dir %s) (package-to-delete (intern %s))) (when (package-installed-p package-to-delete) (package-delete (cadr (assq package-to-delete package-alist)) t))) " sprintf(elisp.t, dquoteu(package.user.dir), package.name) |> runsexp() } ## emacs.exe <- work.pt(makePath(bremacs, 'bin/emacs.exe')) ## package.user.dir <- normalizePath(work.pt(slisp.pt())) ## elisp.delpak(emacs.exe, package.user.dir, "julia-mode") ## Barebone for testing ## emacs.dir.old <- Sys.getenv("emacs_dir") ## Sys.unsetenv("emacs_dir") ## system(paste(dquoteu(normalizePath(emacs.exe)), ## "-batch -Q -eval \"(print (file-directory-p \\\"C:\\\\Program Files\\\"))\"")) ## Sys.setenv(emacs_dir = emacs.dir.old) ### === Download helpers === download.nice <- function(from, to, overwrite, desc=""){ ### Download relative to the build workdir with nice user info and overwrite management if(desc=="") desc <- sub('.+/', '', to) to <- down.pt(to) message("\nDownloading ", desc) if(is.path_(to)) { warn.path(to, "already exists.") if(!overwrite){ message("Skipping action to preserve existing download.") return() } } ## Execute from callback if(is.function(from)) from <- from() message("from:\n", from) ## Download ndown times and exit deleting file on errors for(i in 1:G$ndown) if(s <- !is.null(tryCatch( curl_download(from, to, quiet = FALSE), error = function(x) cat("\nCurl Error:", x$message, '\n')))) break if(!s){ unlink(to, force = TRUE) stop('\nDownload error') } } download.html <- function(url, refr=NULL){ ### Download html page with simple progress and stop on error h <- new_handle() handle_setopt(h, referer = refr) for(i in 1:G$ndown){ req <- curl_fetch_memory(url, handle=h) if(is200 <- req$status_code == 200) break } if(!is200) stop('\nRequest for page\n', url, '\ngave error ', req$status_code) rawToChar(req$content) } download.git <- function(file, to, overwrite=TRUE, desc=""){ ### Download (realtive to work.pt) from github or use local git dir ### Git dir can be set with makeBloomR(gitsim=...) and is shared via global var G$github.local if(!nzchar(desc)) desc <- file ## remote git if(!nzchar(G$github.local)) { from <- makePath(G$github, file) to.temp <- basename(tempfile(pattern = basename(to), tmpdir = down.pt())) download.nice(from, to.temp, overwrite=TRUE, desc) file.rename(down.pt(to.temp), work.pt(to)) ## local git } else { messagev('\nObtaining', desc, "\nfrom ", G$github.local) from <- makePath(G$github.local, file) # not relative to the build workdir if(!is.path_(from)) stop(from, "\nnot found in local Git repo:\n", G$github.local) to <- work.pt(to) file.copy(from, to, overwrite=TRUE) } } ### === File System === makePath.old <- function(parent, child){ ### Chain parent-child paths managing middle slashes ('/') ## You don't have to remember if you need to add or not that slash ## No trail for parent parent <- sub('/$', '', parent) parent <- sub('\\\\$', '', parent) ## No lead for child child <- sub('^/', '', child) child <- sub('^\\\\', '', child) ## Now file.path inputs is secure file.path(parent, child) } makePath <- function( # Extended version of base file.path() ..., # Each element is a character vector representing paths ext = "", # path-extension character vector, without dot suf = "", # like 'ext' but no dot is added. It is applied before ext, when both are used plat.sep = FALSE, # T: use platform specific path separator. F: use forword slash extra.seps = FALSE, # If T, remove unecessary path separators, e.g. a//b -> a/b nonames = FALSE, # If F, preserve names is all similar or only the longest vector is named http.fix = TRUE # Don't remove doubles for web output (http[s]:// ftp://) ) { ### For vector components we use the logic of paste, that is: ### makePath(c("a", "b"), 1:2, ext = "ext") -> c("a/1/ext", "b/2/ext") ### makePath(c("a", "b"), 1:2, ext = c("ex1", "ex1")) -> c("a/1/ex1", "b/2/ex2") ### 'extra.seps' does not affect 'suf' and 'ext' values, and Linux backslashes ## We don't want with an empty parent, e.g. ("", "path"), to get ## the absoulte path "/path" if(is.null(..1) || any(sapply(..1, void))) { pref <- ifelse(length(..1) > 1, "One or more elements of the", "The") stop(pref, " first argument can't be coerced to a non-zero string") } win <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows" ## Preserve names of '...' vectors if ## ... all names are equal (and valid) nms <- unique(lapply(list(...), names)) out.nms <- nms[[1]] is.unq <- length(nms) == 1 no.null <- all(!is.null(out.nms)) no.na <- all(!is.na(out.nms)) preser <- is.unq && no.null && no.na ## ... only longest `...` vector has non-null names if(!preser){ nms <- lapply(list(...), names) which.nn <- which(!sapply(nms, is.null)) max <- max(sapply(nms, length)) longest <- which(sapply(nms, length) == max) out.nms <- nms[[longest[1]]] preser <- length(unique(which.nn, longest)) == 1 && all(!is.na(out.nms)) # discard if any NA } ## Join as Unix p <- paste(..., sep = "/") ## Unixify if(win) p <- gsub("\\\\", "/", p) ## Uniquify (except initial UNC // ) if(!extra.seps) p <- gsub("(.)/+", "\\1/", p) ## Add suffix/es if(nzchar(suf)) p <- paste(p, suf, sep="") ## Add extension/s if(nzchar(ext)) p <- paste(p, ext, sep=".") ## Fix separators if(win && plat.sep) p <- gsub("/", "\\\\", p) ## Fix web address (add back the removed forward slash) p <- sub("^((http[s]?|ftp):/)([^/])", "\\1/\\3", p) ## Output with names if(nonames || !preser) out.nms <- NULL setNames(p, out.nms) } work.pt <- function(path=""){ ### Prefix path with the build workdir ### The build workdir is from global G$work if(is.null(G$work)) stop("`G$work' build workdir is not set!") if(is.abspath(path)) stop("The path you provided:\n", path, "\nis absolute, but it should be relative to:\n", G$work) makePath(G$work, path) } down.pt <- function(path=""){ ### Prefix path with downloads directory ### The downloads directory is set by global G$downdir if(!nzchar(G$downdir)) stop("`G$downdir' downloads directory is not set!") if(is.abspath(path)) stop("The path you provided:\n", path, "\nis absolute, but it should be relative to:\n", G$downdir) makePath(G$downdir, path) } proj.pt <- function(path=""){# Prefix path with the project directory ### The directory is from global G$prjdir and is automatically set by ### get.project() at startup if(is.abspath(path)) stop("The path you provided:\n", path, "\nis absolute, but it should be relative to:\n", G$prjdir) makePath(G$prjdir, path) } root.pt <- function(path="") { ### Prefix path with current branch name, i.e. "brEmacs", "brCore" ### Branch are the folder equivalent of editions, where Lab & Studio ### share the same "brEmacs" dir. As we work per branch, the current ### branch is the root of the project building in the current step. if(is.null(G$branch)) stop("You are asking for a branch-specific path:\n", path, "\n but a branch was not set for `G$branch'.") makePath(G$branch, path) } app.pt <- function(path=""){ ### Prefix path with BloomR apps path relative to the build workdir. ### The app directory is below the branch directory and its name is set by G$appname, e.g.: brStutio/programs x <- root.pt(G$appname) makePath(x, path) } slisp.pt <- function(dir=""){ ### Prefix dir path with BRemacs site-lisp path relative to the build workdir. x <- app.pt("bremacs/share/emacs/site-lisp") makePath(x, dir) } winwork.pt <- function(path){ ### Convert a Unix path, relative to the build workdir, to a shell-quoted absolute Windows path. path <- work.pt(path) path <- normalizePath(path, mustWork=FALSE) shQuote(path) } windown.pt <- function(path){ ### Convert a Unix path, relative to the downloads dir, to a shell-quoted absolute Windows path. path <- down.pt(path) path <- normalizePath(path, mustWork=FALSE) shQuote(path) } pswork.pt <- function(path){ ### Like winwork.pt, but use single quotes, convenient for PowerShell path <- work.pt(path) path <- normalizePath(path, mustWork=FALSE) squoteu(path) } is.path <- function(path){ # Path exists relative to the build workdir path <- work.pt(path) is.path_(path) } is.path_ <- function(path){ ## Test for a generic path existence. ### Not to be used by main code, but only by filesytem related functions path <- sub("/$", "", path) # R file.exists does'nt want a trailing "/" for a Windows directory file.exists(path) } is.file <- function(file){ # Path exists as a file relative to the build workdir is.path(file) && !dirtype_(file) } is.dir <- function(dir){ # Path exists as a dir relative to the build workdir is.path(dir) && dirtype_(dir) } is.empty <- function(dir){ ### Dir (relative to the build workdir) is empty ### Also: T, if does not exist; F, if is a file if(is.file(dir)) return (FALSE) is.empty_(dir) } is.empty_ <- function(dir){ # is.empty workhorse length(dir(work.pt(dir), all.files=TRUE, no..=TRUE)) ==0 } chk.file <- function(file, desc=""){ # Break if path relative to the build workdir not a file if(!is.path(file)) stop(file, "\nis not a valid path") if(is.dir(file)) stop(file, "\nis a directory") } chk.dir <- function(dir){ # Break if path relative to the build workdir not a dir if(!is.path(dir)) stop(dir, "\nis not a valid path") if(!is.dir(dir)) stop(dir, "is a file") } chk.colon <- function(path){ # Test a path does not end with a colon if(grepl(":$", path)) stop("In ", path, "\n ending with a colon (:) is ambiguous and not allowed as a directory.", "\nFor a USB drive root append a slash to it.") } chk.zero.path <- function(path) # Test a path is not an empty string if(!nzchar(path)) stop("To avoid overwriting source files, work and download dir can't be an empty string") chk.write <- function(path, over, desc="", stop=TRUE){ # Not Used!! ### Check if we can overwrite non-empty dir and possibly stop ### Empty dir are overwritten without prompt ### File is considered a non-empty dir if(nzchar(desc)) desc <- paste(desc, '\n') ## Ret if non-exisitng path if(!is.path(path)) return(TRUE) ## Stop/warn if dir is non-empty and no right to overwrite if(is.path(path) && !is.empty(path)){ if(over){ warn.p(path, "already exists")} else { if(stop) exit.p(path, desc, "already exists") warn.p(path, "already exists\nSkipping action!") return(FALSE) } } return(TRUE) } dirtype_ <- function(file){ # File relative to the build workdir is of type dir file.info(work.pt(file))$isdir } is.abspath <- function(path){ ### True if path is absolute ## Linix /path if (grepl("^/", path)) return(TRUE) ## Windows X:/ or X:\\ if (grepl("^[[:alpha:]]:(/|\\\\)", path)) return(TRUE) ## Tilde ~ if (grepl("^~", path)) return(TRUE) ## UNC \\\\path if (grepl("^\\\\\\\\", path)) return(TRUE) FALSE } makeDir <- function(dir, desc=""){ ### Create a dir relative to the build workdir with optional desc message and stop on errors ### The function invisibly returns dir if(nzchar(desc)) message("Creating ", desc ) del.path(dir) makeDir_(dir, desc) } makeDir_ <- function(dir, desc) { # makeDir FS helper fulldir <- work.pt(dir) dir.create(fulldir, showWarnings = FALSE) ## Unable to create? if(!is.path_(fulldir)) stop("\nUnable to create ", desc, "\n", dir) invisible(dir) } del.path <- function(path){ ### Delete path relative to the build workdir and break on fail if(!is.path(path)) return() del.path_(path) } del.path_ <- function(path){ # del.path workhorse path <- work.pt(path) unlink(path,recursive=TRUE, force=TRUE) # non-existent file is not an unlink failure if(is.path_(path)) { Sys.sleep(1.5) if(is.path_(path)) stop("\nUnable to access\n", path) } } del.ask <- function(path, ask, desc){ ### Warn on relative to the build workdir path existence. ### if ASK flag is set, ask for delete confirmation, else just notify ### Actual delete is not peformed here del.ask_(path, ask, desc) } del.ask_ <- function(path, ask, desc){ # del.ask workhorse path <- work.pt(path) del.ask.abs_(path, ask, desc) } del.ask.abs_ <- function(path, ask, desc){ ### Warn on path existence, relative to currpath. ### if ASK flag is et, ask for delete confirmation, else just notify warn.path(path, desc) ## Path warnings are better relative to currpath then the build workdir ## Confirmation not required if(!ask) { message("It will be deleted ...\n") return() } ## Require confirmation repeat{ ans <- toupper(readline("Delete it? (Y/n) : ")) if(ans=="Y" || ans=="N" || ans=="") break } if(ans=="N") stop("Stopped by user.") } copy.glob <- function(srcdir, destdir, subpaths){ ### Copy recursively the SUBPATHS vector of SOURCEDIR to DESTDIR. Paths should be relative to the build workdir ### SUBPATHS and SOURCEDIR can use globs, but SOURCEDIR must identify a single directory. ### If necessary, recursively create the ancestor directories of SUBPATHS ## Expand globs srcpaths.xpn <- globpaths(srcdir, subpaths, both=TRUE) # parent/children subdirs.xpn <- globpaths(srcdir, subpaths, both=FALSE) # children only ## Generate destinations to indentify ancestors to be created destpaths <- sapply(subdirs.xpn, function(sub) makePath(destdir, sub)) ## Create ancestors sapply(unique(dirname(destpaths)), function(dir) if(!is.dir(dir)){ message("Creating directory\n", dir) dir.create(work.pt(dir), recursive=TRUE)}) ## Perform copy rets <- sapply(seq_along(srcpaths.xpn), function(i) file.copy(work.pt(srcpaths.xpn[i]), work.pt(dirname(destpaths[i])), recursive = TRUE)) if(length(which(!rets))) stop(pv("Unable to write to the following destination/s:", destpaths[which(!rets)], s='\n')) } globpaths <- function( # Return parent/children resolving globs. Input and output dirs are relative to the build workdir. ### Parent is scalar and its expansion should be unique. Children is a vector and each expansion can generate multiple matches parent, # with globbing, but its expansion gives a single path children, # with globbing both=TRUE # return only resolved child, without parent, or both ){ as.vector( sapply(children, function(child) globpath_(parent, child, both=both), USE.NAMES = FALSE)) } globpath_ <- function( # globpaths() work horse, accepting a scalar child ### Return parent/child, resolving globs (not regex). Both dirs should refer to the build workdir, parent should expand to a unique path. parent, # with globbing, but its expansion gives a single path child, # with globbing both=TRUE # return only resolved child, without parent, or both ){ ## Can't normalize winslash = "/", as it won't work with UNC paths abswdir <- normalizePath(work.pt()) absprnx <- normalizePath(Sys.glob(work.pt(parent)), mustWork = FALSE) if(length(absprnx) > 1) stop("When solving parent/child globs, parent expansion should be unique, but there are ", length(absprnx), " parent expansions:\n", pv(absprnx, s='\n')) relglob <- work.pt(makePath(parent, child)) relxpns <- Sys.glob(relglob) if(!length(relxpns)) stop ("The following expression does not expand to an existing path:\n", relglob) absxpns <- sapply(relxpns, normalizePath, mustWork = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE) rempath <- ifelse(both, abswdir, absprnx) rempath <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", rempath, fixed=TRUE) # escape any backslashes for regexps relxpns <- sub(p0("^", rempath), "", absxpns) ## relxpns <- sub("^$", ".", relxpns) # empty paths are replaced with dot relxpns <- sub("^/", "", relxpns) # no leading slash sub("^\\\\", "", relxpns) # no leading backslash } make.relative <- function(path, relto, append = FALSE){ # NOT USED ### Return PATH relative to RELTO, if possible, or PATH. Both PATH and RELTO should be in turn relative to the the build workdir ### If APPEND, try to prefix PATH with RELTO. if(length(relto)>1) stop('You can only make a path relative to a single dir and yu specified the following ones:\n', pv(relto, s='\n')) if(is.file(relto)) stop("You are trying to make a path relative to:\n", relto, "\n, but this path exist as a file") abspath <- normalizePath(path, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE) absrelto <- normalizePath(relto, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE) if(grepl(p0('^', absrelto), abspath)) { rel <- sub(p0('^', absrelto), "", abspath) rel <- sub("^$", ".", rel) # if empty replaced with dot rel <- sub("^/", "", rel) # no leading slash if(append) makePath(relto, rel) else rel } else path } is.relative <- function(path, relto, append){ # NOT USED ### TRUE if PATH is relative to RELTO, if possible, or PATH. Both PATH and RELTO should be in turn relative to the build workdir abspath <- normalizePath(path, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE) absrelto <- normalizePath(relto, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE) outpath <- if(grepl(p0('^', absrelto), abspath)) { rel <- sub(p0('^', absrelto), "", abspath) rel <- sub("^$", ".", rel) # if empty replaced with dot rel <- sub("^/", "", rel) # no leading slash if(append) makePath(relto, rel) else rel } else path } copy.dir <- function(from, to, desc=""){ ### Copy FROM directory in TO parent and rename TO as FROM ### If TO dir exists delete it. FROM/TO are relative to the build workdir ### E.g: if from='a/b/x' and to='c/d/y', copies 'x' under 'c/d/' and renames the copied 'x' as 'y'. ### Warning: If the temp dir 'c/d/x' exists, an error is raised if(nzchar(desc)) message("\nAdding ", desc) if(!is.path(from)) stop("Cannot copy non-existing dir:\n", work.pt(from)) del.path(to) copy.dir_(from, to) } copy.dir_ <- function(from, to){ # copy.dir work horse from <- work.pt(from) to <- work.pt(to) tempdir <- makePath(dirname(to), basename(from)) if(dir.exists(tempdir)) stop("To creare\n", to, "\nI need to create\n", tempdir, "\nbut the latter already exists and cannot be overwritten") file.copy(from, dirname(to), recursive=TRUE) # this creates tempdir file.rename(tempdir, to) } copy.bak <- function(paths){ # Recursively copy PATHS vector to proj.pt(bin-back) overwriting destination ### PATHS are relative to G$work wpaths <- makePath(G$work, paths) file.copy(wpaths, proj.pt("bin-bak"), overwrite = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) } existMake.old <- function(dir, overwrite, ask, desc=""){ ### If dir relative to the build workdir does not exist make it, otherwise might ask and skip creation ### An empty-dir is considered non-existent. Note: if dir="", it is the build workdir ## Inform user with desc if any if(nzchar(desc)) message("\nCreating ", desc, '\n', dir) ## Not a dirty dir if(!is.path(dir) || is.empty(dir)){ makeDir(dir) return(invisible()) } ## Dirty, and not overwritable else if(!overwrite) message("Skipping action, due to 'tight = TRUE' argument!") ## Dirty, but overwritable else { del.ask(dir, ask, "exists non-empty") del.path(dir) makeDir(dir) } } existMake <- function(dir, overwrite, ask, desc=""){ ### If dir (relative to the build workdir) does not exist make it, otherwise might ask and maybe skip creation. ### An empty-dir is considered non-existent. Note: if dir="", it is the build workdir. existMake_(dir, overwrite=overwrite, ask=ask, desc=desc, use.downdir=FALSE) } existMake.dd <- function(dir, overwrite, ask, desc=""){ ### If dir (relative to the downloads dir) does not exist, make it, otherwise might ask and skip creation. ### An empty-dir is considered non-existent. Note: if dir="", it is the downloads dir. existMake_(dir, overwrite=overwrite, ask=ask, desc=desc, use.downdir=TRUE) } existMake_ <- function(dir, overwrite, ask, desc="", use.downdir=FALSE){ ### This is the workhorse for 'existMake', if use.downdir=FALSE, or for 'existMake.dd', if use.downdir=TRUE. ## Inform user with desc if any if(nzchar(desc)) message("\nCreating ", desc, '\n', dir) ## Who are we serving? dir <- if(use.downdir) down.pt(dir) else work.pt(dir) dir <- normalizePath(dir, mustWork = FALSE) emsg <- paste("\nUnable to access/create\n", dir) exist <- function() length(Sys.glob(dir)) # even if it is a file nondirty <- function() !length(Sys.glob(makePath(dir, "/*"))) # inexistent or empty delete <- function() unlink(dir, recursive=TRUE, force=TRUE) # missing's not a failure make <- function() dir.create(dir) isborn <- function() if(!exist()) stop(emsg) isdead <- function() if(exist()) { Sys.sleep(2) if(exist()) stop(emsg) } ## delete-check-make-check dcmc <- function(){ delete(); isdead(); make(); isborn() } ## Not a dirty dir if(nondirty()) dcmc() ## Dirty and not overwritable else if(!overwrite) message("Skipping action, due to 'tight = TRUE' argument!") ## Dirty but overwritable else{ del.ask.abs_(dir, ask, "exists non-empty") # ask if required dcmc() } } is.subdir_gen <- function(sub, par){ ### Is sub a subdir of par? Paths are absolute or getwd()-relative, rather than G$work par <- normalizePath(par, mustWork = FALSE) sub <- normalizePath(sub, mustWork = FALSE) prefix <- substr(par, 1, nchar(sub)) prefix == sub } file.read <- function( # Read file fpath # File path relative to the build workdir ) readLines(work.pt(fpath)) file.write <- function( # Write file text, fpath, # File path relative to the build workdir append =FALSE ) write(text, work.pt(fpath), append = append) get.project <- function() { # Identify the sourced script and its parent for G$me and G$prjdir ## The standard method is 'sys.frame(1)$ofile', but we deal with ## non-top-level source calls, e.g. a source() nested in function. maybe.script <- lapply(G$frames, \(frame) frame$ofile) |> unlist() if(length(maybe.script) > 1 || void(maybe.script)) stop("I am unable to identify the sourced script") maybe.dir <- dirname(maybe.script) ## The method is reliable, but we check that the project dir is a git ## dir and has the main build script proofs <- c(".git", "bloomr.build.R") %in% dir(maybe.dir, all.files = TRUE) if(!all(proofs)) stop("The file you sourced, identified as below, does not seem to come from the original BloomR project") G$me <- maybe.script G$prjdir <- maybe.dir } ### === UNC Paths === NOT USED any more #### Example use ## Remap G$work if it is a network UNC path to a new or existing net drive ## unc.replace(G$work, blamed.tool = "TinyTeX") ## G$work is remapped: e.g.: \\host\share\dir to Z:\dir ## Make your G$work related tasks and, when done: ## unc.mapdel.if() ## if Z: was created anew, it is removed, if alredy existed and was just recycled it will be left untouched. unc.replace <- function(unc.path, blamed.tool) { # Like unc._subs(), but with an informative message new.G.work <- unc._subs(unc.path) sprintf("%s \nis a UNC path, which is not supported by %s. The path was remapped as:\n%s", unc.path, blamed.tool, new.G.work) |> message() } unc.mapdel.if <- function() { # Delete UNC drive map, if necessary if(!is.null(G$tempmap)) unc.mapdel(G$tempmap) G$work <- G$workcpy message("Restored old UNC workdir\n", G$work) } unc.is <- function(path){ ### Check if a path is a UNC path apath <- normalizePath(path, mustWork=FALSE) grepl("^\\\\\\\\", apath) } unc.top <- function(uncpath){ ### Extract the top level dir from a UNC path (i.e. immediately below the server name) with no trailing slash ### To test if the path is UNC, use unc.is() apath <- normalizePath(uncpath, mustWork=FALSE) p0("\\", strsplit(apath, "\\\\+")[[1]][1:3], collapse="") } unc.hasmap <- function(uncpath){ ### Given unc.is(uncpath), test if the whole path or its top level dir is mapped to a network drive ### E.g. in \\server\share\long\path, \\server\share or \\server\share\long\path are mapped to Z: mps <- unc._maps() ## Test full uncpath <- normalizePath(uncpath) if(uncpath %in% mps$share) return(TRUE) ## Test top level top <- unc.top(uncpath) top %in% mps$share } unc.getmap <- function(uncpath){ ### Given uncpath unc.hasmap(), extract the first available mapped drive or NULL ### If a map to both full path and top level dir exists, prefer the full path ### Before extracting, test with unc.hasmap() mps <- unc._maps() ## Test full uncpath <- normalizePath(uncpath) if(length(pos <- grep(uncpath, mps$share, fixed=TRUE))) return(mps$drive[pos]) ## Test top level top <- unc.top(uncpath) if(length(pos <- grep(top, mps$share, fixed=TRUE))) mps$drive[pos] } unc.setmap <- function(uncpath){ ### Map a net share to a drive. Return a letter-colon or error and set G$tempmap ### Before using, test that !unc.hasmap(uncpath) share <- unc.top(uncpath) out <- system(paste("net use *", shQuote(share), "/persistent:no"), intern=TRUE) if(out[3] != "The command completed successfully.") stop("Unable to map ", share, " to a network") message(drv <- out[1]) dl <- regmatches(drv, regexpr(".:", drv)) (G$tempmap <- dl) } unc.mapdel <- function(drive){ ### Delete a mapped drive previously created as stored in G$tempmap mps <- unc._maps() pos <- grep(toupper(drive), mps$drive) share <- mps$share[pos] shell.cd(c("net", "use", drive, "/delete")) mps <- unc._maps() if(length(pos <- grep(toupper(drive), mps$drive))){ stop("I was unable to disconnect mapped drive ", toupper(drive), " from\n", share) } else { messagev("Mapped drive", toupper(drive), "was disconnected from", share) } G$tempmap <- NULL } unc._subs <- function(uncpath){ ### Replace all or part of the UNC path with a mapped drive ### If a mapped drive is found with unc.hasmap() is used, else a drive is mapped to uncpath top level dir ndrive <- if(unc.hasmap(uncpath)) unc.getmap(uncpath) else unc.setmap(uncpath) G$workcpy <- G$work G$work <- sub(unc.top(uncpath), ndrive, apath <- normalizePath(uncpath), fixed=TRUE) G$work } unc._maps <- function(){ ### A data.frame version of NET USE, where ()$drive, ()$share are resp. the mapped drive and the remote share wmicdir <- makePath(Sys.getenv("SystemRoot"), "System32/Wbem") netdrives <- shell.cd(c("wmic", "netuse get LocalName,RemoteName /format:csv"), wd = wmicdir, raw = TRUE) netdrives <- read.csv(text = netdrives) if(ncol(netdrives) == 1) netdrives <- as.data.frame(t(rep("", 3))) names(netdrives) = c('pc', 'drive', 'share') netdrives } ### === Extaction utils === uzip <- function(from, to, desc, delTarget=TRUE){ ### Unzip FROM and TO relative resp. to the downloads dir and the build workdir ### Stops on errors and inform used with a desc argument message('\nExpanding ', desc, '...') if(!file.exists(down.pt(from))) stop("Cannot find the file\n", down.pt(from)) if(delTarget) del.path(to) uzip_(from, to) } uzip_ <- function(from, to){ # uzip workhorse from <- down.pt(from) to <- work.pt(to) if(length(unzip(from, exdir= to))==0) stop('\nUnable to perform extraction') } utar <- function(from, to, desc, delTarget=TRUE) # like uzip() but untar utar_(from, to, desc, delTarget, "work") utar.ww <- function(from, to, desc, delTarget=TRUE) { # like utat(), but also FROM is relative to the build workdir ### For cases like tar.gz the second expansion is in from work dir utar_(from, to, desc, delTarget, "work") } utar_<- function(from, to, desc, delTarget=TRUE, parent) { # utar() and utar.ww() workhorse if(! parent %in% c("down", "work")) stop("'parent' arg should be 'down' or 'work'") this.pt <- if(parent == "down") down.pt else work.pt message('\nExpanding ', desc, '...') if(!file.exists(this.pt(from))) stop("Cannot find the file\n", this.pt(from)) if(delTarget) del.path(to) from <- this.pt(from) to <- work.pt(to) if(untar(from, exdir = to) != 0) stop('\nUnable to perform extraction') } retar <- function( ## Remove tar compression, if any (for elisp package setup) maybe.gz, retar.dir, packname) { ### Emacs (package-install-file ...) only wants plain tars. tgmatch <- "\\.tar\\.gz$|\\.tgz$" if(grepl(tgmatch, maybe.gz)) { ## Expand utar(maybe.gz, retar.dir, desc = paste(packname, "for retar")) ## Get the tar internal root (which beccomes the extracted dir) extr.dir <- basename(untar(down.pt(maybe.gz), list = TRUE)[1]) ## ... and retar sans <- sub(tgmatch, "", maybe.gz) # Remove ext tarfile <- down.pt(makePath(sans, ext = "tar")) if(!nzchar(tar <- Sys.which("tar"))) stop("A tar binary is not found on your system") shell.cd(c(tar, "-c", "-C", winwork.pt(retar.dir), "-f", dquoteu(tarfile), dquoteu(extr.dir))) G$bremacs.paks.tree[[packname]][["basename"]] <- basename(tarfile) message("Tar compression removed and package renamed as ", basename(tarfile)) } } uzip.7z <- function(from, to, desc, delTarget=TRUE){ # Like uzip(), but using the 7z binary provided by get7zbin() zexe <- get7zbin() if(is.path(to)) { message('\nDeleting exisiting ', desc) del.path(to) } message('\nExpanding (w/ 7zip) ', desc) message('This may take a bit ...') cmd <- paste(winwork.pt(to), windown.pt(from)) cmd <- p0(winwork.pt(zexe), ' x -aoa -r -o', cmd) ret <- system(cmd, intern=FALSE, wait =TRUE, show.output.on.console =FALSE, ignore.stdout=TRUE) if(ret) stop(paste('\n', cmd, '\nreported a problem')) } get7zbin <- function() # Get 7z.exe relative to the build workdir globpaths(G$pzip, "peazip_portable*/res/bin/7z/7z.exe") uzip.zx <- function(from, to, desc, delTarget=TRUE){ # Like uzip(), but using the zst binary provided by getzxbin() zexe <- getzxbin() if(is.path(to)) { message('\nDeleting exisiting ', desc) del.path(to) } message('\nExpanding (w/ zstd) ', desc) cmd <- paste(winwork.pt(zexe), '-d', windown.pt(from), '-o', paste(winwork.pt(to))) ret <- system(cmd, intern=FALSE, wait =TRUE, show.output.on.console =FALSE, ignore.stdout=TRUE) if(ret) stop(paste('\n', cmd, '\nreported a problem')) } getzxbin <- function() { # Get zstd.exe relative to the build workdir globpaths(G$zstd, "zstd*/zstd.exe") } innoextract <- function(from, to, desc, delTarget=TRUE){ exe <- getInnobin() if(is.path(to)) { message('\nDeleting exisiting ', desc) del.path(to) } message('\nExpanding (w/ innoextract) ', desc) message('This may take a bit ...') cmd <- c(winwork.pt(exe), windown.pt(from), "--output-dir", winwork.pt(to)) ret <- shell.cd(cmd, echo = FALSE) } getInnobin <- function(){ # Get 7z.exe relative to the build workdir makePath(G$innozip, "innoextract.exe") } ### === R dependencies === getDeps <- function(pnames){ ### Get recursively package depenecies/imports myCRAN <- "http://cran.r-project.org" ## Set package repository, unless already set repOpt <- getOption("repos") if(repOpt["CRAN"] == "@CRAN@") repOpt["CRAN"] <- myCRAN options(repos=repOpt) sort(unique(unlist(utils:::.make_dependency_list(pnames, available.packages(), recursive=TRUE)))) } getDeps.format <- function(packstring){ ### Format space separated package string and get packs+deps vector pnames <- strsplit(gsub('(^ +)|( +$)', '', packstring), split=' +')[[1]] unique(c(pnames, getDeps(pnames))) } getImports <- function(pnames, available=NULL){ ### Get recursively package imports ### NOT USED. Replaced by getDeps myCRAN <- "http://cran.r-project.org" ## Get available CRAN packages if(is.null(available)) { ## Set default repository (to install packaes) repOpt <- getOption("repos") if(repOpt["CRAN"] == "@CRAN@") repOpt["CRAN"] <- myCRAN options(repos=repOpt) available <- available.packages() } udeps <- unique(unlist(lapply(pnames, function(pname){ deps <- NA if(pname %in% rownames(available)){ deps <- available[pname,"Imports"] deps <- gsub("\\(.+?\\)", "", deps) deps <- gsub("\\n", "", deps) deps <- gsub(" +", "", deps) deps <- strsplit(deps, ",")[[1]] } if(!any(is.na(deps))) deps <- c(deps, getImports(deps, available)) }))) ## Remove initial setdiff(udeps, pnames) } ### === Messages === warn.path <- function(path, mess){ message("\n", path, "\n ", mess) } messagev <- function(..., s=" ") { # message() converting argument to a single vector and separating elements with `s' ## see also pv() message(pv(..., s=s)) } pv <- function(..., s=" ") { # paste() converting argument to a single vector and separating elements with `s' paste(c(...), collapse=s) } p0 <- paste0 # no more paste0 warn.p <- function(path, mess){ ### Exsisting paths warn messagev(" ", mess.p(path, mess)) } mess.p <- function(path, mess){ ### Exisintg paths p0("\n", path, "\n ", mess) } exit.p <- function(path, mess){ ### Exisintg paths stop stop(mess.p(path, mess)) } mess.down <- function(desc){ ### Generic download info for custom download messagev("\nDownloading", desc) } ### No fancy quotes errors for shell commands, but usually for paths you want shQuote to escape backslashes squoteu <- function( # Undirectional sQuote x) sQuote(x, q = FALSE) dquoteu <- function( # Undirectional dQuote x) dQuote(x, q = FALSE) unquote <- function( # Obvious x) gsub("^[\"']|[\"']$", "", x) void <- function(x) # Similar to !nzchar(var) but works if var is NA or NULL is.null(x) || is.na(x) || nchar(as.character(x)) == 0 linux.dbg <- function( # Some superficial linux debugging after sourcing this file workdir = "/tmp/bloomr.dbg", # or your last actual path branch = c("brEmacs", "brCore"), # defaults to branch[1] downdir = "/bloomr.down.dbg" # or your last actual path ) { library(curl); library(xml2) G$work <- workdir G$branch <- branch[1] dir.create(G$work, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE) G$downdir <- downdir dir.create(G$downdir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE) } if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") linux.dbg()