replicaCount: 3 app: # 0.2.3 image: antsinmyey3sjohnson/hazeltest@sha256:c5c1e2c9ffc6407c779badeca321c4144269de33b6038e2e2375a98ffa1fb3a2 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent httpPort: 8080 resources: requests: cpu: "500m" memory: "256M" limits: cpu: "1" memory: "512M" env: # Name of the Hazelcast cluster to connect to -- usually configured in Hazelcast by means of the "hazelcast.cluster-name" property hzCluster: "hazelcastplatform" # Can be IP addresses or Kubernetes services names # Accepts multiple comma-separated values ("service1,service2,service3") hzMembers: "hazelcastimdg.hazelcastplatform.svc.cluster.local:5701" # Set this to TRACE if you want to make the people running your IT department's logging platform very angry logLevel: INFO config: maptests: pokedex: # If set to 'false', the PokedexRunner will not be executed enabled: false # The runner will spawn one goroutine for each map numMaps: 5 # If set to 'true', each of the goroutines will use its own map name, thus effectively accessing its own map # In other words, if this is set to 'true', this PokedexRunner will use distinct maps in Hazelcast; if it is set # to 'false', the goroutines will access the same map # For the PokedexRunner, this will result in a higher number of maps, each containing a smaller number of keys # Note: Both the client ID and the currently active goroutine/number are still part of the map keys, so no matter how # the following two properties are set, different clients and goroutines within clients will not act on each other's keys appendMapIndexToMapName: true # If so to 'true', the PokedexRunner will append the ID of its Hazeltest instance to the map name such that it gets its own map in Hazelcast; # if set to 'false', then this PokedexRunner will share its maps with the maps created by PokedexRunners in other Hazeltest instances # Set this to 'false' if you would like to make all Hazeltest instances access the same map or maps appendClientIdToMapName: true # The number of test loops (e.g., ingest-read-delete) to execute in each map goroutine numRuns: 10000 mapPrefix: enabled: true # The prefix will be put in front of the map name as-is, so no additional underscores or other # characters will be added prefix: "ht_" # Using sleeps, the pace with which this runner interacts with Hazelcast can be slowed down sleeps: # Can be enabled to make the test loop sleep for the given duration after one batch of actions (e.g., "ingest x elements") has # finished, meaning the next action batch will start only after a sleep of betweenActionBatches: enabled: false durationMs: 200 # Can be enabled to make the test loop sleep for the given duration after each of the . One run consists of three actions (e.g. ingest-read-delete), # so use this setting to tell the test loop to sleep after having finished the last action of run and before commencing with the first action of run betweenRuns: enabled: true durationMs: 200 load: # Same as for PokedexRunner enabled: true # Same as for PokedexRunner numMaps: 10 # In contrast to the PokedexRunner, whose data set is limited by the number of Pokémon contained in the first-generation Pokédex (151), the LoadRunner can create # arbitrarily many entries, and the 'numEntriesPerMap' controls how many entries it will create numEntriesPerMap: 50 # The payload for each of the entries the LoadRunner creates is a random string, whose size in bytes is controlled by the 'payloadSizeBytes' property payloadSizeBytes: 5000000 # Same as for PokedexRunner appendMapIndexToMapName: false # Same as for PokedexRunner appendClientIdToMapName: false # Same as for PokedexRunner numRuns: 10000 # Same as for PokedexRunner mapPrefix: enabled: true prefix: "xx_" # All properties under this key work in exactly the same way as for the PokedexRunner. sleeps: betweenActionBatches: enabled: false durationMs: 200 betweenRuns: enabled: false durationMs: 200