using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using Windows.Devices.Gpio; namespace Windows_10_IoT_Core___UltraSonic_Distance_Mapper__UWP_.Library.Sensor { public class UltrasonicDistanceSensor { private GpioPin Pin_Trig, Pin_Echo; private Stopwatch _StopWatch; private double? _Distance; /// /// Available Gpio Pins. Refer: /// public enum AvailableGpioPin : int { /// /// Raspberry Pi 2 - Header Pin Number : 29 /// GpioPin_5 = 5, /// /// Raspberry Pi 2 - Header Pin Number : 31 /// GpioPin_6 = 6, /// /// Raspberry Pi 2 - Header Pin Number : 32 /// GpioPin_12 = 12, /// /// Raspberry Pi 2 - Header Pin Number : 33 /// GpioPin_13 = 13, /// /// Raspberry Pi 2 - Header Pin Number : 36 /// GpioPin_16 = 16, /// /// Raspberry Pi 2 - Header Pin Number : 12 /// GpioPin_18 = 18, /// /// Raspberry Pi 2 - Header Pin Number : 15 /// GpioPin_22 = 22, /// /// Raspberry Pi 2 - Header Pin Number : 16 /// GpioPin_23 = 23, /// /// Raspberry Pi 2 - Header Pin Number : 18 /// GpioPin_24 = 24, /// /// Raspberry Pi 2 - Header Pin Number : 22 /// GpioPin_25 = 25, /// /// Raspberry Pi 2 - Header Pin Number : 37 /// GpioPin_26 = 26, /// /// Raspberry Pi 2 - Header Pin Number : 13 /// GpioPin_27 = 27 } public UltrasonicDistanceSensor(AvailableGpioPin TrigPin, AvailableGpioPin EchoPin) { _StopWatch = new Stopwatch(); var gpio = GpioController.GetDefault(); Pin_Trig = gpio.OpenPin((int)TrigPin); Pin_Trig.SetDriveMode(GpioPinDriveMode.Output); Pin_Trig.Write(GpioPinValue.Low); Pin_Echo = gpio.OpenPin((int)EchoPin); Pin_Echo.SetDriveMode(GpioPinDriveMode.Input); } public double GetDistance() { var mre = new ManualResetEventSlim(false); //Send a 10µs pulse to start the measurement Pin_Trig.Write(GpioPinValue.High); mre.Wait(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0.01)); Pin_Trig.Write(GpioPinValue.Low); var time = PulseIn(Pin_Echo, GpioPinValue.High, 500); // multiply by speed of sound in milliseconds (34000) divided by 2 (cause pulse make rountrip) var distance = time * 17000; return distance; } private double PulseIn(GpioPin pin, GpioPinValue value, ushort timeout) { var sw = new Stopwatch(); var sw_timeout = new Stopwatch(); sw_timeout.Start(); // Wait for pulse while (pin.Read() != value) { if (sw_timeout.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeout) return 3.5; } sw.Start(); // Wait for pulse end while (pin.Read() == value) { if (sw_timeout.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeout) return 3.4; } sw.Stop(); return sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; } } }