// ==UserScript== // @name Mturk Engine // @namespace https://github.com/Anveio/mturk-engine/ // @version 1.8.3 // @description Earn money more efficiently on Amazon's Mechanical Turk work platform. // @author Anveio (Shovon Hasan) // @license MIT // @match https://worker.mturk.com/?mturkengine // @match https://www.mturk.com/?mturkengine // @require https://cdn.rawgit.com/Anveio/mturk-engine/c6a7856f53b2fde7fd1838db210e1f0ff91b17fd/build/mturk-engine.latest.raw.user.js?raw=true // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /** * After downloading this script visit https://worker.mturk.com/?mturkengine * * Mturk Engine is free and open source. Visit this project's github page at: https://github.com/Anveio/mturk-engine * There you can view the source code, post issues, submit changes, suggest features, and download the latest version. * Changelogs are available at: https://github.com/Anveio/mturk-engine/releases */