# AoikConsolePanelStartup A Sublime Text plugin to always show console panel at startup. Tested working with: - Sublime Text 2 - Sublime Text 3 ![Image](/screencast.gif) ## Table of Contents - [Setup](#setup) - [Setup via git](#setup-via-git) - [Usage](#usage) ## Setup ### Setup via git Clone this repository to Sublime Text's **Packages** directory (Preferences - Browse Packages...): ``` git clone https://github.com/AoiKuiyuyou/AoikConsolePanelStartup-SublimeText AoikConsolePanelStartup ``` Make sure the repository directory is renamed to **AoikConsolePanelStartup** (without the "-SublimeText" postfix), otherwise it may not work well. ## Usage Restart Sublime Text to see if it works. Settings can be adjusted at "Preferences - Package Settings - AoikConsolePanelStartup".