from x_zipper import Coordinates, PY, CSV, XTREE from contextlib import suppress import matplotlib import tkinter import os matplotlib.use('TkAgg', force=True) import matplotlib.pyplot as plot def gui(leds): # gather screen information screen_measurer = tkinter.Tk() dpi = screen_measurer.winfo_fpixels('1i') screen_height = screen_measurer.winfo_screenheight() # calculate a reasonable window size top = int(0.05 * screen_height) left = 200 height = int(0.75 * screen_height) width = int(0.75 * height) screen_measurer.update() screen_measurer.destroy() # set window parameters matplotlib.rcParams['toolbar'] = 'None' matplotlib.rc('grid', color='None') window = plot.figure(num='Christmas Tree Visualiser') window.canvas.manager.window.wm_geometry(f'+{left}+{top}') window.set_size_inches(width / dpi, height / dpi) window.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', lambda e: plot.close(window)) # create a plot graph = window.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') graph.view_init(elev=15, azim=5) window.patch.set_facecolor('#4c4a48') graph.set(fc='#4c4a48') graph.xaxis.pane.set_alpha(0) graph.yaxis.pane.set_alpha(0) graph.zaxis.pane.set_alpha(0) graph.set_xlabel('X', color='white', labelpad=-5) graph.set_ylabel('Y', color='white', labelpad=-5) graph.set_zlabel('Z', color='white', labelpad=5) min_x = min_y = min_z = max_x = max_y = max_z = None for led in leds: x, y, z = led['x'], led['y'], led['z'] if min_x is None or x < min_x: min_x = x if min_y is None or y < min_y: min_y = y if min_z is None or z < min_z: min_z = z if max_x is None or x > max_x: max_x = x if max_y is None or y > max_y: max_y = y if max_z is None or z > max_z: max_z = z graph.set(xlim3d=(min_x, max_x), ylim3d=(min_y, max_y), zlim3d=(min_z, max_z)) graph.set(xticks=[min_x, max_x], yticks=[min_y, max_y], zticks=[min_z, max_z]) graph.margins(x=0, y=0, z=0, tight=True) graph.tick_params(which='both', color='None', labelcolor='white') graph.tick_params(axis='both', pad=5) graph.tick_params(axis='z', pad=15) # plot the initial points graph.plot([p['x'] for p in leds], [p['y'] for p in leds], [p['z'] for p in leds], color=(0, 0, 0, 0.08)) graph.set_box_aspect([ub - lb for lb, ub in (getattr(graph, f'get_{a}lim')() for a in 'xyz')]) plot.tight_layout() return graph def draw(gui, leds, frame): # do not draw if the window was closed if not plot.fignum_exists(1): return # remove previously drawn points for dot in plot.gca().collections: dot.remove() # draw new points gui.scatter3D( [p['x'] for p in leds], [p['y'] for p in leds], [p['z'] for p in leds], c=[(color['r'], color['g'], color['b']) for color in frame['c']] ) plot.draw() plot.pause(frame['t']) def main(): state = 0 # calculate program state -> found extension files # exception on read if file not found xyz = Coordinates() try: state += 1 << 3 except EnvironmentError: xyz.make() # generate a fake tree if the real one not found xtree = XTREE() with suppress(EnvironmentError): state += 1 << 2 csv = CSV() with suppress(EnvironmentError): state += 1 << 1 py = PY(coordinates=xyz) # only compile python if going to preview it match state: case 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8: with suppress(EnvironmentError): state += 1 << 0 case _: pass # create other file formats # XTREE -> CSV (if CSV not present) if state & (1 << 2) and not state & (1 << 1): xtree.convert(CSV).write() state += 1 << 1 # CSV -> XTREE (if XTREE not present) elif state & (1 << 1) and not state & (1 << 2): xtree = csv.convert(XTREE).write() state += 1 << 2 # PY -> XTREE, CSV (if both not present) elif state == 9: xtree = py.convert(XTREE).write() xtree.convert(CSV).write() match state: # the conversions merge states 2 and 4 into 6 # 0 () fake tree, black LEDs # 6 (csv, xtree) -> 0 # 8 (coordinates) real tree, black LEDs case 0 | 6 | 8: # write a frame of black LEDs = [{'t': 1 / 30, 'c': [{'r': 0, 'g': 0, 'b': 0} for _ in]}] use = py # py file present # the conversions merge states 3 and 5 into 7 # 1 () fake tree, preview PY # 7 (csv, xtree) -> 1 case 1 | 7: use = py # coordinate file present # the conversions merge states 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 into 15 # 15 (py, csv, xtree) real tree, preview XTREE case _: use = xtree frame = 1 graph = gui( while plot.fignum_exists(1): if not frame < len( frame = 1 draw(graph,,[frame - 1]) frame += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # fix running by left click main()