#!/usr/bin/ruby # vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2: # # Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Christian Folini # See below for license information # # This is a script that extracts ModSec alerts out of an apache error log and # displays them in a terse report. # # The script is meant to be used together with the ModSecurity / Core Rule Set # tuning methodology described at netnea.com. # # Multiple options exist to tailor the report. When trying to # tune a modsecurity installation, the script can propose # rule exclusions or directives for the apache configuration, which # can be used to bypass the false positives reported by the script. # # Call with the option --help to get an usage overview. # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # LICENSE: GPL3 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 # of the License only. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to # Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TODO / FIXME # - Import Error-Log from file # - function tests # - List tag mode # - Handle rules where variables should be updated instead of exclusion rules # - Force flag to override the special handling of rules where a variable should be reconfigured # But do a standard rule exclusion instead # - Make sure all alert message types are understood and parsed # This depends on the operator # List of operators: # - rx # - streq # - ... # - default values for startup<->runtime, rule<->target, id<->tag<->msg # - env values for startup<->runtime, rule<->target, id<->tag<->msg # - Indicate PL with rule ids in comments # - Option to limit width of rule output. Line break # - change sort order of rules # - new interface: new modes # - selector (->only with runtime) # - path (+ optional: number of pathsegments) # - method # - user-agent # - referer # - selectors should be stackable # - Support for audit log # - Support for raw error message # - check all function descriptions (key items like input/output/return-value) # - support for alerts of whitelisting rules (Match of ... required) # - mockup tests of script # - naked call to script does not generate any output # - Expand metainfo support to multiple events input # - Expand advisory support to multiple events # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------- # INIT # ----------------------------------------------------------- require "optparse" require "date" require "json" require "pp" require 'open-uri' require "rubygems" params = Hash.new params[:verbose] = false params[:debug] = false MODE_STARTTIME = 1 MODE_RUNTIME = 2 RTMODE_RULE = 1 RTMODE_TARGET = 2 TEXT = 1 MARKDOWN = 2 BY_ID = 1 BY_TAG = 2 OUTPUT_TEXT = 1 OUTPUT_JSON = 2 RULEID_DEFAULT = 10000 ADVISORY_RULES = ["911100", "920360", "920370", "920380", "920390", "920400", "920410", "920420", "920430", "920440", "920450", "920480", "949110", "949111", "959100", "980120", "980130", "980140"] # These are rules that should not be handled with a rule exclusion but with an advisory instead. TRANSPOSE_RULES = ["920300", "921180", "930120", "931130", "932200"] # These are rules, where the parameter name has to be transposed to be used in a rule exclusion params[:filenames] = Array.new params[:output_format] = OUTPUT_TEXT params[:ruleid_file] = "/home/dune73/.ruleid" params[:metainformation] = false params[:advisory_format] = TEXT # Priority 1: user submitted base id # Priority 2: stored value on disk # Priority 3: RULEID_DEFAULT # Subsequent calls will increment the rule id # FIXME: not properly implemented yet Severities = { "NOTICE" => 2, "WARNING" => 3, "ERROR" => 4, "CRITICAL" => 5 } class Event attr_accessor :timestamp, :id, :unique_id, :ip, :msg, :data, :uri, :parameter, :orig_parameter, :hostname, :file, :line, :version, :tags, :advisory def initialize(timestamp, id, unique_id, ip, msg, data, uri, parameter, orig_parameter, hostname, file, line, version, tags, advisory) @timestamp = timestamp @id = id @unique_id = unique_id @ip = ip @msg = msg @data = data @uri = uri @parameter = parameter @orig_parameter = orig_parameter @hostname = hostname @file = file @line = line @version = version @tags = tags @advisory = advisory end def to_hash hash = {} instance_variables.each { |var| hash[var.to_s.delete('@')] = instance_variable_get(var) } hash end end # ----------------------------------------------------------- # SUB-FUNCTIONS (those that are specific to this script) # ----------------------------------------------------------- def import_files(filenames, params) # Purpose: Import files # Input : filename array # Output : none # Return : events array # Remarks: none events = Array.new() advisory = nil begin unless (check_stdin()) filenames.each do |filename| File.open(filename, "r") do |file| vprint("Reading file #{filename} ...", params) events.concat(read_file(file, params)) end end else vprint("Reading STDIN ...", params) events.concat(read_file(STDIN, params)) end rescue Errno::ENOENT => detail puts_error("File could not be opened. This is fatal. Aborting.", detail) exit 1 rescue => detail puts_error("Unknown error during file read. This is fatal. Aborting.", detail) exit 1 end if params[:verbose] puts("Events imported:") pp(events) end return events end def parse_event_from_string(str, params) # Purpose: Wrap read_file so that a string can be passed # Input : string, params # Output : none # Return : events array # Remarks: none file = StringIO.new(str) events = read_file(file, params) file.close return events end def get_advisory_ruleid(id, data, params) # Purpose: Return an advisory # Input : rule id (string) # Output : none # Return : advisory text # Remarks: none advisory = "" if id == "911100" advisory = < SecPcreMatchLimitRecursion ``` The default value recommended by ModSecurity is 1500. This is a very low value that can lead to a lot of errors as the one shown above. It's usually okay to raise this to 10,000 or 100,000 or even 500,000. But the higher you go, the higher the chance to be hit by a Regular Expression Denial of Service attack (ReDoS). The ModSecurity handbook has a section dedicated to this problem. You may want to look it up there. If you are running on the ModSecurity 3 release line (libModSecurity 3), then your options are more limited. This is because ModSecurity does not expose the PCRE match limits via configuration directives. You will have to recompile your webserver and ModSecurity with higher limits - or exclude the rule in question for the parameter(s) affected. However, C-Rex can not support you with this. EOF elsif id == "AUDITLOG" advisory = <` The folder needs to be existing and writeable by the webserver user. You need to fix this in order to get audit logs written. C-Rex can not support you with this. EOF elsif id == "AUDITLOGLibModSecurity3" advisory = <` The path needs to be existing and writeable by the webserver user. You need to fix this in order to get audit logs written. C-Rex can not support you with this. EOF else $stderr.puts "Rule id #{id} is unknown. We should not be here. Can not generate advisory text. This is fatal. Aborting." exit 1 end if (params[:advisory_format] == MARKDOWN) str = "### Advisory\n\n" str += "**This is not a rule exclusion. Do not paste this into your configuration.**\n\n" advisory = str + advisory advisory += "\n" else str = "ADVISORY\n--------\n\n" str += "***This is not a rule exclusion. Do not paste this into your configuration.***\n\n" advisory = str + advisory advisory += "\n" advisory = advisory.gsub("`", "").gsub("\n\n\n", "\n\n") end return advisory end def transpose_parameter(id, parameter, data, params) # Purpose: transpose a parameter name # Input : rule id (str), parameter name (str), data (str), script params hash # Output : debug output # Return : transposed parameter (str) # Remarks: none # Tests: none dprint("Original parameter name: #{parameter}, id: #{id}", params) if id == "920300" parameter = parameter.gsub(/^REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent/, "REQUEST_HEADERS:Accept") elsif id == "921180" # 921180 works on a TX parameter that is created in 921170. # There is a case to be made a true rule exclusion should therefore work # on 921170. However, given the alert happens on 921180, that would complicate # the code quite a bit and it might also puzzle the users. # # Therefore we actually leave the parameter as is. Yet we keep # 921180 here since it looks as if it would be a rule that is in # need of a transposition, then we can simply take the TX parameter # and build the rule id based on that. elsif id == "930120" # The architecture of the rule forces us to look at logdata # for the parameter # Interestingly, there are multiple versions of this rule around # * variant 1: Has TX as parameter, needs to be transposed to var in logdata # * variant 2: Everything OK if /^TX/ =~ parameter parameter = data.gsub(/^.* ARGS/, "ARGS").gsub(/: .*/, "") end elsif id == "931130" parameter = parameter.gsub(/^TX:rfi_parameter_/, "") elsif id == "932200" # 932200 in CRS up to 3.3.x does not bring any information about the original # parameter in the alert message. There is nothing we can do in that context. # However, in CRS v4, the rule works with a temporary variable and reports # the original parameter. # See https://github.com/coreruleset/coreruleset/pull/3409 # # The transposition rule tries to extract the right parameter name. # If that sticks to MATCHED_VAR if that does not work. var = data.gsub(/^.*within /, "").gsub(/: .*/, "") if (var.length > 0 and var != parameter) parameter = var end else puts_error("Transpose parameter called for a rule id that the script does not know how to transpose.", detail) exit 1 end dprint("Transposed parameter name: #{parameter}", params) return parameter end def read_file(file, params) # Purpose: Read file # Input : file handle # Output : none # Return : advisory text, events array # Remarks: none events = Array.new() def scan_line (line, key, default, params) begin return line.scan(/\[#{key} \"([^"]*)\"/)[0][0] rescue return default end end def scan_line_tags (line, params) tags = Array.new begin dprint("Starting to parse tags.", params) line.split("[tag ").drop(1).each do |item| if not /\[/.match(item) item.gsub!(/\].*/, "").gsub!(/"/, "") dprint(" Identified tag #{item}", params) tags << item else # last tag in the list needs special treatment, we need to make sure we don't get any garbled/cut short tags # first we split of the remainder of the line # then we run a series of gsubs, that cuts away broken tags # We attempt to save a tag when we have the closing quotes. If we lack those, we abandon it. So we never take a tag that # is cut short, but the closing bracket is optional for the final tag item = item.split("[hostname ")[0] item = item.gsub(/\ $/, "").gsub(/ta$/, "").gsub(/\]$/, "").gsub(/\[$/, "").gsub(/\ $/, "").gsub(/\]$/, "") if item.length > 2 and item[-1] == "\"" # This is the check for the terminating quotes item.gsub!(/"/, "") dprint(" Identified tag #{item}", params) tags << item end end end return tags rescue => detail puts_error("Problem parsing tags on input line: #{line}", detail) return tags end end def scan_ip (line, params) # Read custom parameters: ip begin ip = "" if line.scan(/\[client ([^\]]*)\]/).length > 0 tuple = line.scan(/\[client ([^\]]*)\]/)[0] if tuple[0] ip = tuple[0] end elsif line.scan(/ client: ([^,]*),/).length > 0 tuple = line.scan(/ client: ([^,]*),/)[0] if tuple[0] ip = tuple[0] end else dprint("Could not read IP address, using fallback value.", params) end rescue dprint("Failed reading IP address, using fallback value.", params) ip = "" end return ip end def scan_timestamp (line, params) # Read custom parameters: timestamp begin # The time stamp format proposed in the netnea tutorials is privileged. If it # this does not work, we use the date library and if that fails too, we # fall back to the epoch. item = line.scan(/(2[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6})/) if item.length > 0 timestamp = item[0][0] else # DateTime.parse has a size limit of 128 bytes, we assume the date is likely to be in the first 128 bytes timestamp = DateTime.parse(line[0,128]).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") end rescue dprint("Could not read timestamp address, using fallback value.", params) timestamp = "1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000" end return timestamp end def determine_parameter (id, orig_parameter, data, params) if TRANSPOSE_RULES.grep(id).count == 1 # If the rule is on the list of transpose rules, then # we have to transpose the parameter name in a certain # way depending on the rule in question. The transposed # parameter will replace the parameter and the original # parameter will be stored as original_parameter. dprint("Alerts points to rule where parameter has to be transposed. Executing transposition.", params) parameter = transpose_parameter(id, orig_parameter, data, params) else parameter = orig_parameter end return parameter end def parse_parameter (line) begin if /(ModSecurity:|\]\[\d\]) (Warning.|Access denied with)/.match(line) or /^Message: (Warning. Matched|Access denied with)/.match(line) or /^Matched \"Operator/.match(line) if /(Pattern match|Matched phrase)/.match(line) # Operators: pm, pmFromFile, strmatch, rx # example: standard operator results in: ModSecurity: Warning. Pattern match "^[\\\\d.:]+$" at REQUEST_HEADERS:Host. orig_parameter = line.scan(/ (at|against) "?(.*?)"?( required)?\.? \[file \"/)[0][1] elsif /detected (SQLi|XSS) using libinjection/.match(line) # Operators: detectSQLi, detectXSS # example: ModSecurity: Warning. detected SQLi using libinjection with fingerprint 's&1' [file ... [data "Matched Data: found within ARGS:sqli: ' or 1=1"] # The detectSQLi / detectXSS operator do not report the affected parameter by itself. Instead we need to fetch the parameter out of the logdata field. # This only works when the logdata format is consistent. # Right now, we use the format defined in CRS3 rule 942100. orig_parameter = line.scan(/\[data "Matched Data:.*found within ([^ ]*): /)[0][0] elsif /String match/.match(line) # Operators: beginsWith, contains, containsWord, endsWith, streq, within # example: ModSecurity: Warning. String match "/" at REQUEST_URI. [file ...] # example: ModSecurity: Warning. String match within "GET POST" at REQUEST_METHOD. [file ...] orig_parameter = line.scan(/String match (within )?".*" at (.*?)\.? \[file /)[0][1] elsif /Operator [A-Z][A-Z] matched/.match(line) # Operators: eq, ge, gt, le, lt # example: ModSecurity: Warning. Operator EQ matched 1 at ARGS. [file ...] orig_parameter = line.scan(/Operator [A-Z][A-Z] matched .* at ([^ ]*)\.? \[file /)[0][0].gsub(/\.$/, "") elsif /IPmatch(FromFile)?: ".*" matched at/.match(line) # Operators: ipMatch, ipMatchFromFile # example: ModSecurity: Warning. IPmatch: "" matched at REMOTE_ADDR. orig_parameter = line.scan(/IPmatch(FromFile)?: "[^"]*" matched at ([^ ]*)\.? \[file /)[0][1].gsub(/\.$/, "") elsif /Unconditional match in SecAction/.match(line) # Operators: unconditionalMatch # example: ModSecurity: Warning. Unconditional match in SecAction. [file ...] # The unconditionalMatch operator does not report the parameter that was involved in the rule # One would need to get it out of the logdata entry of the alert, but there is no # standard way of configuring that, so there is no convention to base ourselves upon. # Given the use of @unconditionalMatch is very rare, # we set the parameter to "UNKNOWN" orig_parameter = "UNKNOWN" elsif /Found \d+ byte\(s\) in .* outside range:/.match(line) # Operators: validateByteRange # example: ModSecurity: Warning. Found 9 byte(s) in REMOTE_ADDR outside range: 0. [file ... ] orig_parameter = line.scan(/Found \d+ byte\(s\) in ([^ ]*) outside range: /)[0][0] elsif /Invalid UTF-8 encoding/.match(line) # Operators: validateByteRange # example: ModSecurity: Warning. Invalid UTF-8 encoding: overlong character detected at ARGS:foo orig_parameter = line.scan(/overlong character detected at ([^ ]*)\. \[offset \"[0-9]\"\] \[file /)[0][0] elsif /Match of ".*" against ".*" required\./.match(line) # Operators: All negated operators (-> "!@xxx ...") # example: ModSecurity: Warning. Match of "rx ^(abc)$" against "ARGS:a" required. [file orig_parameter = line.scan(/ against "([^ ]*)" required\.? \[file /)[0][0] elsif /ModSecurity: Warning\. Matched "Operator /.match(line) # libModSecurity 3 # example: ModSecurity: Warning. Matched "Operator `ValidateByteRange' with parameter `38,44-46,48-58,61,65-90,95,97-122' against variable `ARGS:test' (Value: `/etc/passwd' ) [file orig_parameter = line.scan(/ against variable `([^ ]*)' \(Value: `/)[0][0] elsif /ModSecurity: Access denied with (Warning|code [45].*)\. Matched "Operator /.match(line) # libModSecurity 3 # example: ModSecurity: Warning. Matched "Operator `ValidateByteRange' with parameter `38,44-46,48-58,61,65-90,95,97-122' against variable `ARGS:test' (Value: `/etc/passwd' ) [file # example: ModSecurity: Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). Matched "Operator `Ge' with parameter `5' against variable `TX:ANOMALY_SCORE' (Value: `15' ) orig_parameter = line.scan(/ against variable `([^ ]*)' \(Value: `/)[0][0] elsif /^Matched "Operator /.match(line) orig_parameter = line.scan(/ against variable `([^ ]*)' \(Value: `/)[0][0] elsif /ModSecurity: Warning\. Invalid URL Encoding: /.match(line) orig_parameter = line.scan(/ at ([^ ]*)\. \[/)[0][0] else $stderr.puts "ERROR: Could not interpret alert message. Ignoring message: #{line}" end end rescue => detail puts_error("Error parsing alert message. This is fatal. Bailing out. Alert message: #{line}", detail) exit 1 end end def get_advisory (id, data, params) if ADVISORY_RULES.grep(id).count == 1 # If the rule is on the list of advisory rules, then # don't do a rule exclusion, but reconfigure CRS. # The advisory will explain how to do this for # every individual rule. dprint("Advisory rule identified, fetching text.", params) advisory = get_advisory_ruleid(id, data, params) end end def scan_parameter (line, id, params, events, timestamp, unique_id, ip, msg, data, uri, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags) # Parse the alert message to determine need for Advisory and to read parameter in alert if not /^Apache-Error:/.match(line) # ModSecurity 2.9 audit log carries Apache-Error messages that essentially duplicate # the ModSecurity alert message in the same log. We ignore the former to avoid # duplicates. The ModSecurity alert message does not carry the unique_id and the # hostname, though, so maybe better switch to the Apache-Error message. if /ModSecurity: (Warning|Access denied.*)\. /.match(line) or /\]\[\d\] (Warning. Matched|Access denied with code)/.match(line) or /^Message: (Warning\. [A-Z]|Access denied with)/.match(line) advisory = get_advisory(id, data, params) orig_parameter = parse_parameter(line) dprint("Line parsed successfully.", params) parameter = determine_parameter(id, orig_parameter, data, params) dprint("Finished parsing line. Adding event.", params) events << Event.new(timestamp, id, unique_id, ip, msg, data, uri, parameter, orig_parameter, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags, advisory) elsif /- Execution error - PCRE limits exceeded /.match(line) # e.g. ModSecurity: Rule 55cff957e738 [id "..."][file "/....conf"][line "471"] - Execution error - PCRE limits exceeded (-8): (null). dprint("PCRE error identified.", params) advisory = get_advisory_ruleid("PCRE", data, params) dprint("Finished parsing line. Adding event.", params) events << Event.new(timestamp, id, unique_id, ip, msg, data, uri, parameter, orig_parameter, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags, advisory) elsif /Audit log: Failed to create subdirectories: /.match(line) # e.g. ModSecurity: Audit log: Failed to create subdirectories: /.../20200121-1409 (Permission denied) dprint("Subdirectory creation error identified.", params) advisory = get_advisory_ruleid("AUDITLOG", data, params) dprint("Finished parsing line. Adding event.", params) events << Event.new(timestamp, id, unique_id, ip, msg, data, uri, parameter, orig_parameter, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags, advisory) elsif /modsecurity_rules_file" directive Failed to/.match(line) # libModSecurity3, typically failing to open audit log file # example: "modsecurity_rules_file" directive Failed to open file: /root/logs/modsec_audit.log in /opt/nginx/... dprint("Audit log open error identified.", params) advisory = get_advisory_ruleid("AUDITLOGLibModSecurity3", data, params) dprint("Finished parsing line. Adding event.", params) events << Event.new(timestamp, id, unique_id, ip, msg, data, uri, parameter, orig_parameter, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags, advisory) end end return advisory, parameter, orig_parameter, events end def dprint_event (timestamp, id, unique_id, ip, msg, data, parameter, orig_parameter, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags, advisory, params) if params[:debug] dprint("Event that has been added:", params) dprint(" timestamp: #{timestamp}", params) dprint(" id: #{id}", params) dprint(" unique_id: #{unique_id}", params) dprint(" ip: #{ip}", params) dprint(" msg: #{msg}", params) dprint(" data: #{data}", params) dprint(" parameter: #{parameter}", params) dprint(" orig_parameter: #{orig_parameter}", params) dprint(" hostname: #{hostname}", params) dprint(" eventfile: #{eventfile}", params) dprint(" eventline: #{eventline}", params) dprint(" version: #{version}", params) dprint(" tags: #{tags}", params) dprint(" advisory: #{advisory}", params) end end def scan_standard_parameters (item, params) # Read standard parameters id = scan_line(item, "id", "0", params) unique_id = scan_line(item, "unique_id", "no-id-found", params) msg = scan_line(item, "msg", "none", params) data = scan_line(item, "data", "none", params) uri = scan_line(item, "uri", "/", params) hostname = scan_line(item, "hostname", "unknown", params) eventfile = scan_line(item, "file", "none", params) eventline = scan_line(item, "line", "none", params) version = scan_line(item, "ver", "none", params) tags = scan_line_tags(item, params) return id, unique_id, msg, data, uri, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags end while ! file.eof? line = file.readline dprint("Line read: #{line}", params) if /^\w*#/.match(line) dprint("Line not relevant. Skipping.", params) next end if /^{"transaction":/.match(line) dprint("Assuming JSON input after test", params) hash = JSON.parse(line) if hash.key?("audit_data") # JSON ModSec v2 dprint("Assuming ModSecurity v2 audit input", params) hash["audit_data"]["error_messages"].each do |event| # For ModSec 2.9 JSON audit log format, we take the apache error log that # is copied into the audit log. It duplicates the ModSecurity message that # is also printed in this log, but on top of the latter, it also brings the # hostname and the unique_id for the alert. Unfortunately it also brings # a 2nd iteration of the item "file" pointing to apache_util.c. # # Notice how a single JSON line / record can carry multiple alert events, # so we loop over the "error_messages". id, unique_id, msg, data, uri, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags = scan_standard_parameters(event, params) dprint("Done parsing standard parameters", params) ip = scan_ip(line, params) if not hash["transaction"]["time"].nil? timestamp = hash["transaction"]["time"] else # This will probably result in the use of the fallback value 1970-01-01 timestamp = scan_timestamp(line, params) end advisory, parameter, orig_parameter, events = scan_parameter(event, id, params, events, timestamp, unique_id, ip, msg, data, uri, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags) if params[:debug] dprint_event(timestamp, id, unique_id, ip, msg, data, parameter, orig_parameter, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags, advisory, params) end end elsif hash["transaction"].key?("messages") # JSON ModSec v3 # This is a fully split json format that we can more or less map 1:1 # dprint("Assuming ModSecurity v3 JSON input", params) hash["transaction"]["messages"].each do |event| timestamp = hash["transaction"]["time_stamp"] id = event["details"]["ruleId"] unique_id = hash["transaction"]["unique_id"] ip = hash["transaction"]["client_ip"] uri = hash["transaction"]["request"]["uri"] msg = event["message"] data = event["details"]["data"] eventfile = event["details"]["file"] eventline = event["details"]["lineNumber"] version = event["details"]["ver"] tags = event["details"]["tags"] hostname = "Unknown (ModSecurity v3 JSON log format does not report hostname)" orig_parameter = parse_parameter(event["details"]["match"]) parameter = determine_parameter(id, orig_parameter, data, params) advisory = get_advisory(id, data, params) if params[:debug] dprint_event(timestamp, id, unique_id, ip, msg, data, parameter, orig_parameter, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags, advisory, params) end events << Event.new(timestamp, id, unique_id, ip, msg, data, uri, parameter, orig_parameter, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags, advisory) end else # unknown JSON format $stderr.puts "Logline is supposedly JSON, but could not be identified. Ignoring line.", line end else dprint("Assuming non-JSON input", params) id, unique_id, msg, data, uri, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags = scan_standard_parameters(line, params) dprint("Done parsing standard parameters", params) ip = scan_ip(line, params) timestamp = scan_timestamp(line, params) advisory, parameter, orig_parameter, events = scan_parameter(line, id, params, events, timestamp, unique_id, ip, msg, data, uri, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags) if params[:debug] dprint_event(timestamp, id, unique_id, ip, msg, data, parameter, orig_parameter, hostname, eventfile, eventline, version, tags, advisory, params) end end end dprint("Finished reading input.", params) return events end def build_uri_list(id, events) # Purpose: build an array of URIs out of an event list filtered for given rule id # Input : rule id, events array # Output : array with URIs # Return : none # Remarks: none # Tests: none uris = Array.new events.select{|h| h.id == id }.each do |h| if uris.grep(h.uri).length == 0 uris << h.uri end end uris.sort!{|x,y| x <=> y } return uris end def build_parameter_list(id, events) # Purpose: build an array of parameters out of an event list filtered for given rule id # Input : rule id, event object, events array # Output : parameter array # Return : none # Tests: none parameters = Array.new events.select{|h| h.id == id }.each do |h| if parameters.grep(h.parameter).length == 0 if not h.parameter.nil? # not quite sure why we can end up with a nil parameter here, but it happens parameters << h.parameter end end end parameters.sort!{|x,y| x <=> y } return parameters end def build_target_uri_list(id, events, params) # Purpose: build an array of parameters and paths out of an event list filtered for given rule id # Purpose: Build a list of path items # Input : rule id, events array # Output : none # Return : array with items # Remarks: none # Tests: none items = Array.new dprint("Building list with paths and parameters for this rule / event id:", params) events.select{|e| e.id == id }.each do |e| if e.parameter != "" num = items.select{|tuple| tuple[:parameter] == e.parameter && tuple[:uri] == e.uri}.length if num == 0 tuple = Hash.new tuple[:parameter] = e.parameter tuple[:uri] = e.uri tuple[:num] = 1 dprint(" Creating new tuple with parameter #{tuple[:parameter]} and uri #{tuple[:uri]}", params) items << tuple else tuple = items.select{|tuple| tuple[:parameter] == e.parameter && tuple[:uri] == e.uri}[0] dprint(" Raising number of occurrence of tuple with parameter #{tuple[:parameter]} and uri #{tuple[:uri]} to #{tuple[:num] + 1}", params) tuple[:num] = tuple[:num] + 1 end else dprint(" No argument found in event. Event can thus not be handled in this mode. Passing to next event.", params) end end items.sort!{|x,y| x[:parameter] <=> y[:parameter] } if params[:debug] puts "Items/tuples to be used for ignore rule with id #{id}:" pp items end return items end def display_individual_uris(id, uris, events, params) # Purpose: print a list of uris out of a list of events, filtered by a rule id # Input : rule id, uri array, events array # Output : report via stdout # Return : none # Remarks: none # Tests: 0100-startup-rule-byid.test OK str = "" str += "\n" str += "Individual paths:\n" uris.each do |uri| num = events.select{|h| h.id == id && h.uri == uri}.length hostnames = Array.new events.select{|h| h.id == id and h.uri == uri}.each do |h| if hostnames.grep(h.hostname).length == 0 hostnames << h.hostname end end if hostnames.length > 1 str += sprintf " %6d %s\t(multiple services: %s)\n", num.to_s, uri, hostnames.join(" ") else str += sprintf " %6d %s\t(service %s)\n", num.to_s, uri, hostnames[0] end end return str end def display_metainfo(event) # Purpose: print metainformation about an alert. This info will be used to accompany rule exclusion # Input : events array # Output : report via stdout # Return : none # Remarks: none # Tests: test_display_metainformation def display_metainfo_trim(str) if str.length > 77 str = str[0..77] + "..." end return str end if ! event.instance_of? Event # We are only accepting a single event as parameter return false end str = "" str += display_metainfo_trim(" # Based on following alert:") + "\n" str += display_metainfo_trim(" # //#{event.hostname}#{event.uri}") + "\n" str += display_metainfo_trim(" # timestamp: #{event.timestamp} id: #{event.unique_id}") + "\n" str += display_metainfo_trim(" # alert: #{event.id} #{event.data}") + "\n" str += display_metainfo_trim(" # ruleset/version: #{event.version}") + "\n" return str end def display_rule_exclusion_startup_rule_byid(id, event, events, params) # Purpose: print startup rule exclusion for rule selected by rule id # Input : rule id, event object, events array # Output : report via stdout # Return : none # Remarks: none # Tests: 0100-startup-rule-byid.test OK str = "" str += "# ModSec Rule Exclusion: #{event.id} : #{event.msg}\n" str += display_metainfo(event) if params[:metainformation] str += "SecRuleRemoveById #{event.id}\n" return str end def display_rule_exclusion_startup_rule_bytag(id, event, events, params) # Purpose: print startup rule exclusion for rules selected by rule tag # Input : rule id, event object, events array # Output : report via stdout # Return : none # Remarks: none # Tests: 0105-startup-rule-bytag.test OK str = "" event.tags.each do |tag| if tag == params[:tag] or params[:tag].nil? str += "# ModSec Rule Exclusion : #{event.id} via tag \"#{tag}\" (Msg: #{event.msg})\n" str += display_metainfo(event) if params[:metainformation] str += "SecRuleRemoveByTag #{escape_tag(tag)}\n" str += "\n" end end return str end def display_rule_exclusion_startup_target_byid(id, event, events, params) # Purpose: print startup rule exclusion for specific parameter in rule selected by rule id # Input : rule id, event object, events array # Output : report via stdout # Return : none # Tests: 0130-startup-target-byid.test OK str = "" parameters = build_parameter_list(id, events) if parameters.length == 0 or ( parameters.length == 1 and parameters[0] == "" ) str += "No parameter available to create ignore-rule proposal.\n" else str += "# ModSec Rule Exclusion: #{id} : #{event.msg}\n" str += display_metainfo(event) if params[:metainformation] parameters.each do |parameter| num = events.select{|h| h.id == id && h.parameter == parameter}.length if parameter != "" str += sprintf "SecRuleUpdateTargetById %6d \"!%s\"\n", id, parameter end end end return str end def display_rule_exclusion_startup_target_bytag(id, event, events, params) # Purpose: print startup rule exclusion for specific parameter in rules selected by tag # Input : rule id, event object, events array # Output : report via stdout # Return : none # Remarks: none # Tests: 0135-startup-target-bytag.test OK str = "" parameters = build_parameter_list(id, events) if parameters.length == 0 or ( parameters.length == 1 and parameters[0] == "" ) str += "No parameter available to create ignore-rule proposal.\n" else event.tags.each do |tag| if tag == params[:tag] or params[:tag].nil? str += "# ModSec Rule Exclusion: #{id} via tag #{tag}: (Msg: #{event.msg})\n" str += display_metainfo(event) if params[:metainformation] parameters.each do |parameter| num = events.select{|h| h.id == id && h.parameter == parameter}.length if parameter != "" str += "SecRuleUpdateTargetByTag #{escape_tag(tag)} \"!#{parameter}\"\n" end end str += "\n" end end end return str end def display_rule_exclusion_runtime_rule_byid(id, event, events, params) # Purpose: print runtime rule exclusion for rule selected by rule id # Input : rule id, event object, events array # Output : report via stdout # Return : none # Remarks: proposed exclusion rule uses the first URI in the list. Additional uris are listed separately. # This can be re-considered at a later moment # Tests: 0150-runtime-rule-byid.test OK str = "" uris = build_uri_list(id, events) str += "# ModSec Rule Exclusion: #{id} : #{event.msg}\n" str += display_metainfo(event) if params[:metainformation] str += "SecRule REQUEST_URI \"@beginsWith #{uris[0]}\" \"phase:1,nolog,pass,id:#{get_ruleid(params)},ctl:ruleRemoveById=#{id}\"\n" if params[:verbose] str += display_individual_uris(id, uris, events, params) end return str end def display_rule_exclusion_runtime_rule_bytag(id, event, events, params) # Purpose: print runtime rule exclusion for rules selected by rule tag # Input : rule id, event object, events array # Output : report via stdout # Return : none # Remarks: This displays multiple variants based on individual tags of the same event # Proposed exclusion rule uses the first URI in the list. Additional uris are listed separately. # This can be re-considered at a later moment # Tests: 0155-runtime-rule-bytag.test OK str = "" uris = build_uri_list(id, events) event.tags.each do |tag| if tag == params[:tag] or params[:tag].nil? str += "# ModSec Rule Exclusion : #{event.id} via tag \"#{tag}\" (Msg: #{event.msg})\n" str += display_metainfo(event) if params[:metainformation] str += "SecRule REQUEST_URI \"@beginsWith #{uris[0]}\" \"phase:1,nolog,pass,id:#{get_ruleid(params)},ctl:ruleRemoveByTag=#{escape_tag(tag)}\"\n" str += "\n" end end if params[:verbose] str += display_individual_uris(id, uris, events, params) end return str end def display_rule_exclusion_runtime_target_byid(id, event, events, params) # Purpose: print runtime rule exclusion for specific parameter in rule selected by rule id # Input : rule id, event object, events array # Output : report via stdout # Return : none # Remarks: none # Tests: 0180-runtime-target-byid.test OK str = "" str += "# ModSec Rule Exclusion: #{id} : #{event.msg}\n" str += display_metainfo(event) if params[:metainformation] items = build_target_uri_list(id, events, params) if items.length == 0 or ( items.length == 1 and items[0] == "" ) str += " No parameter available to create ignore-rule proposal. Please try and use different mode.\n" else items.each do |tuple| prefix = "" if params[:verbose] prefix = tuple[:num].to_s + " x " end str += sprintf "%sSecRule REQUEST_URI \"@beginsWith %s\" \"phase:1,nolog,pass,id:%d,ctl:ruleRemoveTargetById=%d;%s\"\n", prefix, tuple[:uri], get_ruleid(params), id, tuple[:parameter] end end return str end def display_rule_exclusion_runtime_target_bytag(id, event, events, params) # Purpose: print runtime rule exclusion for specific parameter in rules selected by rule tag # Input : rule id, event object, events array # Output : report via stdout # Return : none # Remarks: This displays multiple variants based on individual tags of the event # Tests: 0185-runtime-target-bytag.test OK str = "" parameters = Array.new events.select{|h| h.id == id }.each do |h| if parameters.grep(h.parameter).length == 0 parameters << h.parameter end end parameters.sort!{|x,y| x <=> y } items = build_target_uri_list(id, events, params) if parameters.length == 0 or ( parameters.length == 1 and parameters[0] == "" ) str += "No parameter available to create ignore-rule proposal. Please try and use different mode.\n" else items.each do |tuple| event.tags.each do |tag| if tag == params[:tag] or params[:tag].nil? str += "# ModSec Rule Exclusion: #{id} via tag #{tag}: (Msg: #{event.msg})\n" str += display_metainfo(event) if params[:metainformation] parameters.each do |parameter| num = events.select{|h| h.id == id && h.parameter == parameter}.length if parameter != "" str += sprintf "SecRule REQUEST_URI \"@beginsWith %s\" \"phase:1,nolog,pass,id:%d,ctl:ruleRemoveTargetByTag=%s;%s\"\n", tuple[:uri], get_ruleid(params), escape_tag(tag), tuple[:parameter] end end str += "\n" end end end end return str end def display_report(events, params) # Purpose: display report # Input : events array # Output : report via stdout # Return : none # Remarks: none str = "" vprint("Displaying report ...", params) ids = Array.new extids = Array.new dprint("Building list of relevant ids (that is the ids we will be displaying, this is not the same as the list of events):", params) events.each do |event| # only add id once for text output, but as many times as present for JSON if (ids.grep(event.id).length == 0 || params[:output_format] == OUTPUT_JSON) && ( event.id != "981176" && event.id != "981202" && event.id != "981203" && event.id != "981204" && event.id != "981205" && event.id != "980100" && event.id != "980110") # 981203/4/5 are the rules checking anomaly score in the end on CRS2. Ignoring those # 980100ff are the rules checking anomaly score in the end on CRS3. Ignoring those # FIXME: They should be handled by advisories dprint(" Adding event id #{event.id}", params) ids << event.id extids << { :id => event.id, :timestamp => event.timestamp } else # id is already part of id list dprint(" Ignoring event id #{event.id}", params) end end if params[:output_format] == OUTPUT_TEXT nil elsif params[:output_format] == OUTPUT_JSON str += "{\"items\":[" else puts_error("Output format unknown. This is fatal. Aborting.") exit 1 end extids.each do |ext| id = ext[:id] dprint("\nLoop over event ids (id = #{id}):", params) event = events.find {|e| e.id == id and e.timestamp = ext[:timestamp]} unless event.advisory.nil? if params[:output_format] == OUTPUT_JSON if str[-1] == "}" str += "," end str += { type: "advisory", parsed_event: event.to_hash }.to_json else str += event.advisory end else mystr = "" case params[:sr] when MODE_STARTTIME case params[:rt] when RTMODE_RULE case params[:ruleselector] when BY_ID # SecRuleRemoveById mystr += display_rule_exclusion_startup_rule_byid(id, event, events, params) when BY_TAG # SecRuleRemoveByTag" mystr += display_rule_exclusion_startup_rule_bytag(id, event, events, params) end when RTMODE_TARGET case params[:ruleselector] when BY_ID # SecRuleUpdateTargetById mystr += display_rule_exclusion_startup_target_byid(id, event, events, params) when BY_TAG # SecRuleUpdateTargetByTag mystr += display_rule_exclusion_startup_target_bytag(id, event, events, params) end end when MODE_RUNTIME case params[:rt] when RTMODE_RULE case params[:ruleselector] when BY_ID # SecRule ... ctl:ruleRemoveById mystr += display_rule_exclusion_runtime_rule_byid(id, event, events, params) when BY_TAG # SecRule .... ctl:ruleRemoveByTag mystr += display_rule_exclusion_runtime_rule_bytag(id, event, events, params) end when RTMODE_TARGET case params[:ruleselector] when BY_ID # SecRule ... ctl:ruleRemoveTargetById mystr += display_rule_exclusion_runtime_target_byid(id, event, events, params) when BY_TAG # SecRule ... ctl:ruleRemoveTargetByTag mystr += display_rule_exclusion_runtime_target_bytag(id, event, events, params) end end end if params[:output_format] == OUTPUT_TEXT str += mystr elsif params[:output_format] == OUTPUT_JSON if str[-1] == "}" str += "," end str += { type: "exclusion", exclusion: mystr.rstrip, parsed_event: event.to_hash }.to_json end end end if params[:output_format] == OUTPUT_TEXT nil elsif params[:output_format] == OUTPUT_JSON str += "]}" # hashes = events.collect{ |e| e.to_hash } # str = { type: "exclusion", exclusion: str.rstrip, parsed_event: hashes[0] }.to_json else puts_error("Output format unknown. This is fatal. Aborting.") exit 1 end return str end def escape_tag(item) # Purpose: Escape the "/" character in tags # Input : string # Output : string # Return : none # Remarks: none return item.gsub(/\//, "\\/") end def escape_msg(item) # Purpose: Replace space chars with dots # Input : string # Output : string # Return : none # Remarks: none return item.gsub(/\//, "\\/").gsub(/\ /, ".") end def get_ruleid(params) # Purpose: Determine the ruleid for a rule, save id in ruleid file (if any) # Input : none # Output : none # Return : string # Remarks: The ruleid is incremented # The ruleid is saved into the ruleid file if ruleid file is passed ruleid = params[:ruleid].to_s params[:ruleid] += 1 if params[:ruleid_file] begin File.open(params[:ruleid_file], "w") do |file| file.write(params[:ruleid].to_s + "\n") end rescue Errno::EACCES $stderr.puts "Could not write ruleid to file #{params[:ruleid_file]} due to a permission problem. Ignoring." rescue $stderr.puts "Could not write ruleid to file #{params[:ruleid_file]} due to an unknown problem. Ignoring." end end return ruleid end def check_integer(s) # Purpose: Check if string is positive integer # Input : string # Output : Error messages (if any) # Return : true: error, false: ok # Remarks: None if s.to_i.to_s != s return true end unless s.to_i > 0 return true end return false end def get_base_ruleid(params) # Purpose: Determine the initial ruleid # Input : parameter hash # Output : none # Return : integer # Remarks: Determine ruleid: # Priority 1: user submitted base id # Is either a filename pointing to a custom file with an integer value in it # Or an integer value # Priority 2: ENV variable # Priority 3: stored value in default file on disk # Priority 4: RULEID_DEFAULT # Scenarios: # - User does not submit anything, but default rule file exists # Resolution: Check for existence of file, check value in file, use it, # raise integer in file # - User does not submit anything, but default rule file does not exist # Resolution: Take RULEID_DEFAULT value # - User does not aubmit anyhting, but ENV variable is set # Resolution: Check env variable, use it # - User submits rule id # Resolution: Check rule id parameter, use it # - User submits filename # Resolution: Check for existence of file, check value in file, use it, # raise integer in file # FIXME: Write tests for this function. err = 0 ruleid = nil file = nil if params.has_key?(:ruleid_cli) # Priority 1 - User submitted base id on command line if File.exist?(params[:ruleid_cli]) file = params[:ruleid_cli] n = File.read(file).strip if check_integer(n) $stderr.puts "Error in ruleid parameter file (#{file}). Has to contain an integer above 0. This is fatal. Aborting." err = 1 else ruleid = n.to_i end else # parameter is not a file name, so has to be an integer value if check_integer(params[:ruleid_cli]) $stderr.puts "Error in ruleid parameter. Has to contain an integer above 0. This is fatal. Aborting." err = 1 else ruleid = params[:ruleid_cli].to_i end end elsif ENV['RULEID'] # Priority 2 - ENV variable n = ENV['RULEID'] if check_integer(n) $stderr.puts "Error in env variable RULEID (#{n}). Has to contain an integer above 0. This is fatal. Aborting." err = 1 else ruleid = n.to_i end elsif File.exist?(params[:ruleid_file]) # Priority 3 - Stored value in default file on disk file = params[:ruleid_file] n = File.read(file).strip if check_integer(n) $stderr.puts "Error in ruleid parameter file (#{file}). Has to contain an integer above 0. This is fatal. Aborting." err = 1 else ruleid = n.to_i end else # Priority 4 - DEFAULT VALUE ruleid = RULEID_DEFAULT end return err, ruleid, file end # ----------------------------------------------------------- # GENERIC SUB-FUNCTIONS (those that come with every script) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # def dump_parameters(params) # Purpose: Display parameters # Input : Parameter Hash # Output : Dump parameters to stdout # Return : none # Remarks: none str = "\n" str += "Parameter overview\n" str += "------------------\n" str += "verbose : #{params[:verbose]}\n" str += "debug : #{params[:debug]}\n" unless check_stdin() str += "files : #{params[:filenames].each do |x| x ; end}\n" else str += "files : [STDIN]\n" str += "startup/runtime : #{params[:sr]}\n" str += "rule/target : #{params[:rt]}\n" str += "byid/tag/msg : #{params[:ruleselector]}\n" str += "Output format : #{params[:output_format]}\n" end str += "\n\n" return str end def vprint(text, params) # Purpose: output text if global variable $verbose is set. # Input : String input # Output : stdout # Remarks: none if params[:verbose] puts text end end def dprint(text, params) # Purpose: output text if global variable $debug is set. # Input : String input # Output : stdout # Remarks: none if params[:debug] puts text end end def check_stdin () # Purpose: Check for access to STDIN # Input : none # Output : bool # Remarks: none if STDIN.tty? || STDIN.eof? # no stdin return false else # stdin return true end end def check_parameters(params) # Purpose: check parameters # Input : global variable params # Output : stderr in case there is a problem with one of the parameters # Return : true if there is an error with one of the parameters; or false in absence of errors # Remarks: None err_status = false # Check parameter :ruleid_cli: It is either an integer or a filename # Step 0: Check if parameter is present # Step 1: Check if integer # If yes: Check if above 0 # Step 2: Check if filename (check by testing if it exists) # If yes: Check if integer # If yes: Check if above 0 # Step 0 if params.has_key?(:ruleid_cli) # Step 1 if params[:ruleid_cli].to_i.to_s == params[:ruleid_cli] unless params[:ruleid_cli].to_i > 0 $stderr.puts "Error in ruleid parameter (#{params[:ruleid_cli]}). Has to be an integer above 0 or an existing filename. This is fatal. Aborting." err_status = true end else # Step 2 unless File.exist?(params[:ruleid_cli]) $stderr.puts "Error in ruleid parameter (#{params[:ruleid_cli]}). Has to be an integer above 0 or an existing filename. This is fatal. Aborting." err_status = true else # file exists. Need to read and check if value is OK n = File.read(params[:ruleid_cli]).strip if n == n.to_i.to_s unless n.to_i > 0 $stderr.puts "Error in ruleid parameter file (#{n}). The value stored in the file has to be an integer above 0. This is fatal. Aborting." err_status = true end else $stderr.puts "Error in ruleid parameter file (#{params[:ruleid_cli]}). Has to be an integer above 0. This is fatal. Aborting." err_status = true end end end end return err_status end def puts_error(msg, detail) # Purpose: Print error message # Input : string msg and detail exception object # Output : $stderr # Return : None # Remarks: There is a ruby exception class hierarchy. # See http://makandracards.com/makandra/4851-ruby-exception-class-hierarchy err_status = false $stderr.puts msg $stderr.puts "Error: #{detail.message}" if detail $stderr.puts "Backtrace:" if detail $stderr.puts detail.backtrace.join("\n") if detail $stderr.puts "--------------------------" end # ----------------------------------------------------------- # COMMAND LINE PARAMETER EXTRACTION # ----------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------------------------------- # MAIN # ----------------------------------------------------------- def main(params) begin parser = OptionParser.new do|opts| opts.banner = < detail puts_error("Invalid Option in command line parameter extraction. This is fatal. Aborting.", detail) exit 1 rescue => detail puts_error("Unknown error in command line parameter extraction. This is fatal. Aborting.", detail) exit 1 end vprint("Starting parameter checking.", params) exit 1 if (check_parameters(params)) err, params[:ruleid], params[:ruleid_file] = get_base_ruleid(params) exit 1 if err != 0 puts dump_parameters(params) if params[:verbose] or params[:debug] vprint("Starting main program.", params) events = import_files(params[:filenames], params) vprint("Starting display routine.", params) puts display_report(events, params) vprint("Finishing main program. Bailing out.", params) end if __FILE__==$0 main(params) end