# Sublime Upload to [JustPaste.me](http://justpaste.me) Plugin - A Sublime Text 2 plugin that uploads code snippets to [JustPaste.me](http://justpaste.me). Once uploaded, the link is immediately copied to your clipboard, ready to share with your friends! ## Installation 1. Via [**Package Control**](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control): Press ctrl + shift + p and Search for the package `Just Paste`. 1. [Download the plugin](https://github.com/Apathetic012/JustPaste/archive/v2.0.0.zip) and extract it to your **Packages** Directory ## Usage - Highlight a code or go to the file you want to upload its code - Either `right click > Submit Paste` or use the plugin-default keyboard shortcut `F1` to upload: - a snippet of highlighted code - the current file ![](http://i.imgur.com/cKYyndl.png) - Select which syntax to use - Link will be automatically copied to your clipboard ![](http://i.imgur.com/SUonN.png) ### Change keyboard shortcut Go to `Preferences > Key Bindings - User` and add the following line: { "keys": ["KEYBINDING"], "command": "submit_paste" }