Awesome AppImage

Lovingly crafted AppImage tools and resources. Follow me on Twitter.

# Awesome AppImage [![Awesome](]( [AppImage]( is a format to distribute applications to various mainstream Linux distributions. One app = one file! As the vibrant community around AppImage is growing, so is this list. ## Contents - [AppImage discovery](#appimage-discovery) - [App catalogs](#app-catalogs) - [App stores](#app-stores) - [App centers](#app-centers) - [App scrapers](#app-scrapers) - [AppImage consumption tools](#appimage-consumption-tools) - [Desktop integration](#desktop-integration) - [Updaters](#updaters) - [Package managers](#package-managers) - [AppImage developer tools](#appimage-developer-tools) - [Low-level tools](#low-level-tools) - [Build systems](#build-systems) - [Deployment tools for compiled applications](#deployment-tools-for-compiled-applications) - [Deployment tools for Python applications](#deployment-tools-for-python-applications) - [Deployment tools for Electron applications](#deployment-tools-for-electron-applications) - [Deployment tools for Windows applications](#deployment-tools-for-windows-applications) - [Deployment tools for Java applications](#deployment-tools-for-java-applications) - [Tools to convert from other package formats](#tools-to-convert-from-other-package-formats) - [QC tools](#qc-tools) - [Continuous integration](#continuous-integration) - [Libraries](#libraries) - [Templates](#templates) - [Resources](#resources) - [Specs](#specs) - [Documentation](#documentation) - [Tutorials](#tutorials) - [Articles](#articles) - [Videos](#videos) - [Books](#books) - [Blogs](#blogs) - [Courses](#courses) - [Community](#community) - [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous) - [Related](#related) - [Other awesome lists](#other-awesome-lists) ## AppImage discovery ### App catalogs - []( - Catalog of AppImages that passed an automated test, links to upstream download pages. ### App stores - []( - Downloadable AppImages, powered by []( - []( - Open store where creators can publish their libre products and creative content including AppImages. - [App Outlet]( - Universal app store that works with AppImages, Flatpaks and Snaps. - [Linux App Store]( - Universal app store for Linux applications in AppImage, Flatpak, and Snap formats (project abandoned). ### App centers - [NX Software Center]( - Portable Software Center for portable AppImage applications. ### App scrapers - [appimages.scraper]( - Search for AppImage releases over the web. - [AppImageRadar]( - Search for AppImage-related activity on GitHub using Travis CI. ## AppImage consumption tools ### Desktop integration - [go-appimaged]( - Optional daemon that integrates AppImages into the system (experimental). - [appimaged]( - Optional daemon that integrates AppImages into the system (deprecated). - [AppImageLauncher]( - Integrates into users' systems and establishes a single `~/Applications` directory, assisting the user to move AppImages into there, with support for updating and removing AppImages through apps launcher. - [appimage2desktop]( - Creates a desktop file and an icon in the system for an AppImage, nothing else. - [appimagehelper]( - Program for creating, deleting, controlling and organizing shortcuts to AppImage. - [LinuxPA]( - type launcher for Linux with AppImage support. ### Updaters - [AppImageUpdate]( - Official grapical application to update AppImages; command-line tool to update AppImages. - [AppImageUpdater]( - Simple updater for humans written in C++ and Qt. - [appimage-update]( - AppImage Update implementation written in Go. ### Package managers - [appimage-manager]( - Command-line tool for managing AppImages allowing to search, install, remove and update applications. - [bauh]( - Graphical user interface for managing Linux applications supporting AppImage, Arch (repositories/AUR), Flatpak, Snap and native Web applications. - [homebrew-appimage]( - Linuxbrew AppImage Formulae. - [AIPM]( - A Package Manager for AppImages. ## AppImage developer tools ### Low-level tools - [appimagetool]( - Converts AppDirs into AppImages. - [nix-bundle]( - Converts Nix derivations into AppImages. ### Build systems - [appimagecraft]( - Recipe based AppImage creation tool working from source. - [appimage-builder]( - Recipe based AppImage creation tool working from source. - [KDE Craft]( - Build system used by KDE that can produce AppImages and other formats. - [appimage-tooling]( - Ruby tooling to generate Appimages. ### Deployment tools for compiled applications - [go-appimagetool]( - Tool that deploys dependencies into AppDirs, and converts AppDirs into AppImages (experimental). - [linuxdeployqt]( - Deploys dependencies into AppDirs and creates AppImages; for Qt and other compiled applications. - [linuxdeploy]( - AppDir creation and maintenance tool using plugins. ### Deployment tools for Python applications - [python-appimage]( - Ready to use AppImage distributions of Python (can be modified to include your application). - [linuxdeploy-plugin-python]( - Bundle Python into an AppDir using a source distribution and linuxdeploy. - [linuxdeploy-plugin-conda]( - Bundle Python into an AppDir using a source distribution, Conda, and linuxdeploy. - [Briefcase]( - Convert Python project into a standalone native application, e.g., using AppImage. - [pycharm-appimage-support]( - Deploy Python project as an AppImage directly from the PyCharm IDE. ### Deployment tools for Electron applications - [electron-builder]( - Supports AppImage as an output format. ### Deployment tools for Windows applications - [wine32-deploy]( - Creates AppImages for 32-bit Windows applications that can run on 64-bit Linux systems without multilib installed. - [AppImage For WINE]( - WINE-based AppImages and LD_PRELOAD based patches to launch WINE from AppImages. ### Deployment tools for Java applications - [nbPackager]( - Packages NetBeans Platform Application with a JRE for AppImage, Linux, macOS and Windows. ### Tools to convert from other package formats - [pkg2appimage]( - Converts from deb, zip, tar.gz and other formats to AppImage using YAML recipes. - [appimage2pkg]( - Repack AppImage and make rpm/deb which does not require FUSE. - [flatpak2appdir]( - Turn Flatpak into AppDir which in turn can be turned into AppImage. - [make-portable]( - Deploys installed application to AppDir, uses strace to fetch all file system calls and copies all accessed files in to AppDir including glibc. - [AppImage cobbler]( - Python application that takes strace.log and turns it into a directory suited for an AppImage. - [Elements]( - Tool to generate single-file, runc-based AppImages using a minimal (~3 MB compressed) Alpine Linux rootfs. ### QC tools - []( - Automated test running on Travis CI to ensure that AppImages can run on the oldest still-supported Ubuntu LTS release. - [appimage-testsuite]( - AppImage testing environment based on Docker containers for various Linux distributions - [appimagelint]( - Tool to check AppImages for compatibility, best practices etc. ### Continuous integration - [Travis CI example]( - Travis CI example for producing AppImages using linuxdeployqt. - [build-appimage-action]( - GitHub Action for producing AppImages using appimage-builder. - [jniltinho/packages]( - example for producing AppImages using go-appimagetool. ### Libraries - [AppImageUpdaterBridge]( - Qt5 library and plugin for updating AppImages, can be embedded into applications. - [AppImageServices]( - D-Bus services providing a high-level interface over the AppImage manipulation libraries for file managers, software centers and other tools. - [libappimage]( - Implements functionality for dealing with AppImage files, written in C++ using Boost. - [libzsync-go]( - Zsync implementation written in Go that can be used to update AppImages. ### Templates - [Qt Desktop Template]( - Template for creating Qt Widgets desktop applications with AppImage generation using linuxdeployqt. - [qt-hello-world]( - Qt Hello World project for AppImage creation using appimage-builder. - [qt-qml-project-template-with-ci]( - Template for a Qt/QML application with batteries included: GitHub CI, automated GUI testing, automatic code-format checks and more. Compiles for Linux (AppImage), Mac, and Android. - [wxWidgetsTemplate]( - Cross-platform application template for wxWidgets C++, with pre-set files and IDE projects, supporting AppImage. - [Briefcase Linux AppImage Template]( - Cookiecutter template for building Python apps that will run under Linux, packaged as an AppImage. ## Resources ### Specs - [AppImageSpec]( - Official specification for the AppImage format. - [Desktop Entry Specification]( - Specification for the matadata used inside AppImages. ### Documentation - []( - Official AppImage documentation. - []( - Documentation of appimage-builder, includes tutorials, examples, and more. ### Tutorials - [Produce an AppImage that bundles everything with go-appimage]( - How to make an AppImage that bundles _all_ required libraries so that it should run not only on newer, but also on _older_ systems than the build system. ### Articles - [The Background Story of AppImage]( - Interview with the creator of AppImage, exlpaining the key ideas and motivations behind the concept. - [Flatpak, Snap and AppImage]( - Jesse Smith on DistroWatch about AppImage, Flatpak and Snap. - [Don't Install, Just Copy with klik]( - Article from 2005 that gives perspective on how AppImage started, relevant only for historical reasons now. ### Videos - [AppImage: Portable applications for Linux]( - Official AppImage introduction video by its founder . - [Comparing Linux Package Formats - Deb, Flatpak, AppImage, etc.]( - By Bryan Lunduke. - [AppImage: Universal Linux Apps, Overview and Thoughts]( - By Jeremy "Jay" LaCroix, LearnLinuxTV. - [AppImage system integration on Ubuntu using go-appimaged]( - New appimaged daemon from the go-appimage implementation. - [Integrate and Manage AppImages with AppImageLauncher]( - By Eric Adams. ### Books - [Mastering Qt 5]( - Contains a section on how to package and deploy Qt applications for Linux using linuxdeployqt. ### Blogs - [Planet AppImage]( - Blog Aggregator covering all things AppImage. - [TheAssassin Blog]( - Blog covering AppImage related topics by TheAssassin. - [AppImage Crafters Blog]( - Blog about AppImage creation an usage by azubieta. ### Courses ### Community - [#AppImage channel on Freenode]( - Chat where AppImage developers and users hang out, be prepared to stay in the channel for days if you don't get answers immediately. - []( - Official AppImage forum for users and application developers. - [Stack Overflow]( - Questions tagged `[appimage]` on Stack Overflow. - [r/AppImage/]( - AppImage subreddit. ### Miscellaneous - []( - Official AppImage landing page. - [AppImage wiki]( - Official AppImage wiki. - [AppImageZip]( - Experimental pure Rust implementation of the AppImage runtime that uses Zip as the backing file system image. ### Related - [Similar projects]( - Comparison to other packaging systems. ### Other awesome lists - [awesome-linuxdeploy]( - Awesome list on linuxdeploy. - [All Awesome Lists]( - All the Awesome lists on GitHub.