#!/bin/bash # Checks AppDir for maximum compatibility with AppImage best practices. # This might evolve into a more formal specification one day. set -e HERE="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")")" APPDIR="${1}" fatal () { echo "FATAL: $1" exit 1 } warn () { echo "WARNING: $1" } which desktop-file-validate >/dev/null if [ ! $? -eq 0 ] ; then fatal "desktop-file-validate is missing, please install it" fi if [ ! -e "${HERE}/excludelist" ] ; then fatal "excludelist missing, please install it" fi if [ ! -d "${APPDIR}" ] ; then fatal "${APPDIR} is no directory" fi if [ ! -e "${APPDIR}/AppRun" ] ; then fatal "AppRun is missing in ${APPDIR}" fi if [ ! -e "${APPDIR}/.DirIcon" ] ; then fatal ".DirIcon is missing in ${APPDIR}" fi DIR_ICON_MIME=$(mimetype $(readlink -f ${APPDIR}/.DirIcon) | awk '{print $2}') if [[ ! "$DIR_ICON_MIME" = "image/png" ]] ; then warn "Icon is not in PNG format. It should be so that it can be used as a thumbnail" fi if [ ! -x "${APPDIR}/AppRun" ] ; then fatal "AppRun is not executable" // This seems to generate false alarms? https://travis-ci.org/AppImage/AppImageHub/builds/266084511#L539 fi NUM_DESKTOP=$(ls "${APPDIR}"/*.desktop 2>/dev/null | wc -l) if [ ${NUM_DESKTOP} != 1 ] ; then fatal "No .desktop file or multiple desktop files present" fi num_keys_fatal () { while IFS='=' read key val do if [[ $key == \[*\] ]] ; then # in a new section; confirm we saw the key once in [Desktop Entry] if [[ "${raw_section}" == "[Desktop Entry]" ]] ; then local seen_key="seen__${section}__${1}" if [[ "${!seen_key}" != "1" ]] ; then fatal "Key $1 is not in .desktop file exactly once in section $raw_section" fi fi local raw_section=$key local section="${key//[\[\]\- ]/_}" elif [[ $key == "$1" ]] ; then local seen_key="seen__${section}__${key}" printf -v "$seen_key" %s "$(( $seen_key + 1 ))" fi done < "${APPDIR}"/*.desktop # in case there is only one section # check for existence of key in [Desktop Entry] local seen_key="seen__${section}__${1}" if [[ "${section}" == "[Desktop Entry]" && "${!seen_key}" != "1" ]] ; then fatal "Key $1 is not in .desktop file exactly once in section $raw_section" fi } desktop-file-validate "${APPDIR}"/*.desktop if [ ! $? -eq 0 ] ; then fatal "desktop-file-validate did not exit cleanly on the .desktop file" fi num_keys_warn () { while IFS='=' read key val do if [[ $key == \[*\] ]] ; then # in a new section; confirm we saw the key once in [Desktop Entry] if [[ "${raw_section}" == "[Desktop Entry]" ]] ; then local seen_key="seen__${section}__${1}" if [[ "${!seen_key}" != "1" ]] ; then warn "Key $1 is not in .desktop file exactly once in section $raw_section" fi fi local raw_section=$key local section="${key//[\[\]\- ]/_}" elif [[ $key == "$1" ]] ; then local seen_key="seen__${section}__${key}" printf -v "$seen_key" %s "$(( $seen_key + 1 ))" fi done < "${APPDIR}"/*.desktop # in case there is only one section # check for existence of key in [Desktop Entry] local seen_key="seen__${section}__${1}" if [[ "${section}" == "[Desktop Entry]" && "${!seen_key}" != "1" ]] ; then warn "Key $1 is not in .desktop file exactly once in section $raw_section" fi } # num_keys_fatal Name # This is not a valid test since [Desktop Action ...] sections can also have Name= # num_keys_fatal Exec # This is not a valid test since [Desktop Action ...] sections can also have Name= # e.g, https://github.com/CDrummond/cantata/blob/master/cantata.desktop.cmake num_keys_fatal Icon num_keys_fatal Categories # num_keys_warn Comment # Find the relevant appdata.xml file; # according to ximion, usr/share/appdata is a legacy path replaced by usr/share/metainfo APPDATA=$(ls "${APPDIR}"/usr/share/metainfo/*appdata.xml 2>/dev/null | head -n 1) # TODO: Handle more than one better if [ -z "$APPDATA" ] ; then APPDATA=$(ls "${APPDIR}"/usr/share/appdata/*appdata.xml 2>/dev/null | head -n 1) # TODO: Handle more than one better fi if [ -z "$APPDATA" ] ; then warn 'No appdata file present. Please provide one in the AppImage as per the instructions on https://www.freedesktop.org/software/appstream/docs/chap-Quickstart.html#sect-Quickstart-DesktopApps' else if [ ! -z $(which appstreamcli) ] ; then appstreamcli validate-tree "${APPDIR}" else echo "Skipping AppStream validation since appstreamcli is not on the \$PATH" fi fi BLACKLISTED_FILES=$(cat "${HERE}/excludelist" | sed '/^\s*$/d ; /^#.*$/d ; s/\s*#.*$//') for FILE in $BLACKLISTED_FILES ; do if [ ! -z $(find "${APPDIR}" -name $FILE) ] ; then warn "Blacklisted file $FILE found" fi done echo "Lint found no fatal issues" exit 0