Version 5.5: Removed: sample soup sorting by symmetry (now handled by vanilla Catagolue) Removed: word-wrap long apgcodes (now handled by vanilla Catagolue) Version 5.4: New: (basic) support for BSFKL rules. Version 5.3: New: support for isotropic Generations and LtL-Generations rules. Version 5.2: New: correct sample soups for the following symmetries: * AB_sha512_25p_Test * AB_sha512_75p_Test New: add separators to numbers on various pages. New: align numbers on various pages. Improved: word-wrap title/navlinks for very long rulestrings. Changed: only generate SOF for objects in binary rules. Changed: don't generate SOF for large objects. Bugfix: avoid crashing during SOF generation for large objects. Bugfix: also wrap long apgcodes on haul pages if images are shown. Bugfix: unbreak RLE generation for Generations rules. Bugfix: sample soup overlay for unnamed objects on haul pages Internal: move various helper functions to a common library script. Version 5.1: New: correct sample soups for the following symmetries: * MB_bad8x8_test * MB_dense1x8_test * MB_dense2x8_test Version 5.0: New: encode objects in SOF format. New: one-click search by SOF on Changed: escape name/apgcode for one-click searches. Version 4.9: New: correct sample soups for the following symmetries: * AB_D2_x_skewgutter_Test Version 4.8: New: correct sample soups for the following symmetries: * MB_C1_2x2_32x32_Test (=AB_C1_2x2_32x32_Test) Improved: also use sample soup overlay on haul pages. Improved: sort "inflated" symmetries next to their "base" symmetries. Improved: keep overly long symmetries from breaking the layout on object pages. Improved: keep long roots from breaking haul overview pages. Removed: don't display "official" symmetries in bold on rule overview pages anymore (this was implemented server-side). Bugfix: avoid spurious NaN's in AB_*_Test sample soups. Internal: begin preparing for non-standard universe topologies. Version 4.7: New: correct sample soups for the following symmetries: * 32x32 * AB_C1_2x2_32x32_Test New: display average objects/soup and soups/haul on census pages. New: display "official" symmetries in bold on rule overview pages. Changed: also include object and haul URLs in sample soup RLE. Version 4.6: New: correct sample soups for the following symmetries not handled by the server: * AB_1x256_Test * AB_2x128_Test * AB_4x64_Test * AB_256x256_Test * AB_sha512_16x32_Test * AB_sha512_20x20_Test * 1x256X2 * 1x256X2+1 New: add pattern comments with sample soup information to sample soup RLEs. Improved: merge consecutive $'s in RLE patterns. Internal: added Paul Johnston's SHA-512 script. Version 4.5: New: breadcrumbs navigation on census pages. New: display rule/symmetry/prefix in page titles. Version 4.4: New: RLE generation for Generations rules. Improved: Recognize and handle grandfathered rulenames (klife and tlife). Improved: Don't encode trailing dead cells in RLE patterns. Version 4.3: New: add pattern name (if available) and Catagolue URL to RLE. New: one-click search by object name (if known). Improved: increase maximum RLE pattern size to 250x250. Changed: Put RLE comments before pattern header. Bugfix: handle Generations and Larger than Life rules in RLE headers. Internal: don't hardcode Catagolue URL. Known issue: RLE generation for Generations rules is broken. Version 4.2: New: identify (some) objects from jslife-20121230. New: handle sample soups for apgluxe seeds (l_*). New: word-wrap long apgcodes on haul pages. Improved: use correct sample soup overlay border colors for all symmetries. Internal: added Angel Marin and Paul Johnston's SHA-256 script. Version 4.1: New: organize sample soup links into chunks (currently hardcoded to contain 5 links each). New: add titles to sample soup links. New: add links to sample soups to sample soup overlay (for e.g. copying/pasting). Version 4.0.1: Internal: Remove unused web_accessible_resources from manifest. Version 4.0: New: Handle sample soups for the new "SS" symmetry, generated by the new "hs 1.0" tool. Version 3.9: New: add ability to collapse/expand comments. New: always display apgcode, even if object is named. Bugfix: ensure extension runs if user searches for patterns. (Thanks Blinkerspawn for the bug report.) Version 3.8: New: Word-wrap long apgcodes. Bugfix: don't choke on patterns exceeding 40x40 bounding box. Improved: increase maximum RLE pattern size to 100x100. Improved: note truncated patterns in RLE comment. New: link to SVG images. New: add a close button to sample soup overlay. Version 3.7: New: one-click search by apgcode. Version 3.6: New: convert unordered lists on census overview page to ordered. New: long rulestrings do not break census overview page layout. Version 3.5: Bugfix: ensure sample soup overlay works if user uses http:// . Bugfix: limit sample soup overlay's height to accomodate smaller screens. (Thanks Scorbie for the bug reports.) Version 3.4: New: sample soup overlay can be dragged with the mouse. Version 3.3: Bugfix: REALLY ensure that sample soup overlay REALLY works in all cases. Version 3.2: Bugfix: ensure that sample soup overlay works in all cases. Version 3.1: New: link to containing hauls in sample soup overlay. New: "Select All" links for RLE code and sample soups. Version 3.0: New: display sample soups in an overlay. (Thanks Scorbie for the idea.) Version 2.3: Improved: breadcrumbs navigation now tries to follow symmetry if possible. Version 2.2: New: rudimentary breadcrumbs navigation. Version 2.1: Bugfix: correctly decode apgcodes containing multiple w's or x's. (Thanks Rich Holmes for the bug report.) Version 2.0: New: allow downloading objects as RLE. Version 1.2: New: link main rule/symmetry census pages in sample soup table. Version 1.1: Bugfix: only consider soup links in the "sample soup" section. Version 1.0: Initial release.