fromList <- function (input) { # source: # Same as original UpSetR::fromList()... # function creates an upset data frame where each column represents a sample and each row represents an observation. # Rows are values 0/1 for presence/absence of the observation within the sample. # the behavior of this function differs from UpSetR::fromList() in that this one preserves the names of the observations as row names in the final DF. # this is helpful for ComplexUpset plots so that the intersection bar charts can be colored by metadata associated with the observation. elements <- unique(unlist(input)) data <- unlist(lapply(input, function(x) { x <- as.vector(match(elements, x)) })) data[] <- as.integer(0) data[data != 0] <- as.integer(1) data <- data.frame(matrix(data, ncol = length(input), byrow = F)) data <- data[which(rowSums(data) != 0), ] names(data) <- names(input) # ... Except now it conserves your original value names! row.names(data) <- elements return(data) } read_gather <- function(path){ # read in output files from sourmash gather. # specifies each col type to facilitate binding. # coltypes can be mis-read when data is missing. library(readr) gather <- read_csv(path, col_types = "ddddddddcccddddcccdc") }