#!/bin/sh CHECK_HOST=warriorhq.archiveteam.org MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL=5 MAX_CHECK_INTERVAL=300 REPO_PREFIX=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ArchiveTeam/Ubuntu-Warrior/ BRANCH=master source /root/env.sh if [ -f /root/repo_prefix.txt ]; then REPO_PREFIX=`cat /root/repo_prefix.txt` fi if [ -f /root/branch.txt ]; then BRANCH=`cat /root/branch.txt` fi reset echo === Starting Archive Team Warrior === echo Checking Internet while true; do wget -q --spider https://$CHECK_HOST/ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Online!" break else SLEEP_TIME=$(($MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL + $RANDOM % $MAX_CHECK_INTERVAL)) echo "Unable to access the Internet" echo "Trying $CHECK_HOST again in $SLEEP_TIME seconds" sleep $SLEEP_TIME fi done echo "Pulling Latest scripts" if [ -f /root/startup.sh ]; then cp /root/startup.sh /root/startup.sh.bak fi while true; do rm -f /root/startup.sh /root/startup.sh-new wget -q ${REPO_PREFIX}${BRANCH}/startup.sh -O /root/startup.sh-new if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then mv /root/startup.sh-new /root/startup.sh echo "Done!" break else SLEEP_TIME=$(($MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL + $RANDOM % $MAX_CHECK_INTERVAL)) echo "Unable to download the startup script" echo "Trying again in $SLEEP_TIME seconds" sleep ${SLEEP_TIME} fi done chmod +x /root/startup.sh /root/startup.sh SLEEP_TIME=$(($MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL + $RANDOM % $MAX_CHECK_INTERVAL)) echo ==== Startup Script Failed, Restarting in $SLEEP_TIME seconds! ==== sleep $SLEEP_TIME