--[[ Rover QuickTune tunes the steering (aka turn rate) and speed controller gains for rovers and boats The script is designed to be used in Circle mode and updates the following parameters ATC_STR_RAT_P ATC_STR_RAT_I ATC_STR_RAT_D ATC_STR_RAT_FF ATC_SPEED_P ATC_SPEED_I ATC_SPEED_D CRUISE_SPEED CRUISE_THROTTLE See the accompanying rover-quiktune.md file for instructions on how to use --]] ---@diagnostic disable: param-type-mismatch ---@diagnostic disable: need-check-nil -- global definitions local MAV_SEVERITY = {EMERGENCY=0, ALERT=1, CRITICAL=2, ERROR=3, WARNING=4, NOTICE=5, INFO=6, DEBUG=7} local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 15 local PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX = "RTUN_" local PARAM_TABLE_SIZE = 11 -- bind a parameter to a variable function bind_param(name) local p = Parameter() assert(p:init(name), string.format("RTun: could not find %s parameter", name)) return p end -- add a parameter and bind it to a variable function bind_add_param(name, idx, default_value) assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, idx, name, default_value), string.format("RTun: could not add param %s", name)) return bind_param(PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name) end -- setup quicktune specific parameters assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX, PARAM_TABLE_SIZE), "RTun: could not add param table") --[[ // @Param: RTUN_ENABLE // @DisplayName: Rover Quicktune enable // @Description: Enable quicktune system // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled // @User: Standard --]] local RTUN_ENABLE = bind_add_param('ENABLE', 1, 1) --[[ // @Param: RTUN_AXES // @DisplayName: Rover Quicktune axes // @Description: axes to tune // @Bitmask: 0:Steering,1:Speed // @User: Standard --]] local RTUN_AXES = bind_add_param('AXES', 2, 3) --[[ // @Param: RTUN_STR_FFRATIO // @DisplayName: Rover Quicktune Steering Rate FeedForward ratio // @Description: Ratio between measured response and FF gain. Raise this to get a higher FF gain // @Range: 0 1.0 // @User: Standard --]] local RTUN_STR_FFRATIO = bind_add_param('STR_FFRATIO', 3, 0.9) --[[ // @Param: RTUN_STR_P_RATIO // @DisplayName: Rover Quicktune Steering FF to P ratio // @Description: Ratio between steering FF and P gains. Raise this to get a higher P gain, 0 to leave P unchanged // @Range: 0 2.0 // @User: Standard --]] local RTUN_STR_P_RATIO = bind_add_param('STR_P_RATIO', 4, 0.5) --[[ // @Param: RTUN_STR_I_RATIO // @DisplayName: Rover Quicktune Steering FF to I ratio // @Description: Ratio between steering FF and I gains. Raise this to get a higher I gain, 0 to leave I unchanged // @Range: 0 2.0 // @User: Standard --]] local RTUN_STR_I_RATIO = bind_add_param('STR_I_RATIO', 5, 0.5) --[[ // @Param: RTUN_SPD_FFRATIO // @DisplayName: Rover Quicktune Speed FeedForward (equivalent) ratio // @Description: Ratio between measured response and CRUISE_THROTTLE value. Raise this to get a higher CRUISE_THROTTLE value // @Range: 0 1.0 // @User: Standard --]] local RTUN_SPD_FFRATIO = bind_add_param('SPD_FFRATIO', 6, 1.0) --[[ // @Param: RTUN_SPD_P_RATIO // @DisplayName: Rover Quicktune Speed FF to P ratio // @Description: Ratio between speed FF and P gain. Raise this to get a higher P gain, 0 to leave P unchanged // @Range: 0 2.0 // @User: Standard --]] local RTUN_SPD_P_RATIO = bind_add_param('SPD_P_RATIO', 7, 1.0) --[[ // @Param: RTUN_SPD_I_RATIO // @DisplayName: Rover Quicktune Speed FF to I ratio // @Description: Ratio between speed FF and I gain. Raise this to get a higher I gain, 0 to leave I unchanged // @Range: 0 2.0 // @User: Standard --]] local RTUN_SPD_I_RATIO = bind_add_param('SPD_I_RATIO', 8, 1.0) --[[ // @Param: RTUN_AUTO_FILTER // @DisplayName: Rover Quicktune auto filter enable // @Description: When enabled the PID filter settings are automatically set based on INS_GYRO_FILTER // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled // @User: Standard --]] local RTUN_AUTO_FILTER = bind_add_param('AUTO_FILTER', 9, 1) --[[ // @Param: RTUN_AUTO_SAVE // @DisplayName: Rover Quicktune auto save // @Description: Number of seconds after completion of tune to auto-save. This is useful when using a 2 position switch for quicktune // @Units: s // @User: Standard --]] local RTUN_AUTO_SAVE = bind_add_param('AUTO_SAVE', 10, 5) --[[ // @Param: RTUN_RC_FUNC // @DisplayName: Rover Quicktune RC function // @Description: RCn_OPTION number to use to control tuning stop/start/save // @Values: 300:Scripting1, 301:Scripting2, 302:Scripting3, 303:Scripting4, 304:Scripting5, 305:Scripting6, 306:Scripting7, 307:Scripting8 // @User: Standard --]] local RTUN_RC_FUNC = bind_add_param('RC_FUNC', 11, 300) -- other vehicle parameters used by this script local INS_GYRO_FILTER = bind_param("INS_GYRO_FILTER") local GCS_PID_MASK = bind_param("GCS_PID_MASK") local RCMAP_ROLL = bind_param("RCMAP_ROLL") local RCMAP_THROTTLE = bind_param("RCMAP_THROTTLE") local RCIN_ROLL = rc:get_channel(RCMAP_ROLL:get()) local RCIN_THROTTLE = rc:get_channel(RCMAP_THROTTLE:get()) -- definitions local UPDATE_RATE_HZ = 40 -- this script updates at 40hz local AXIS_CHANGE_DELAY = 4.0 -- delay of 4 seconds between axis to allow vehicle to settle local PILOT_INPUT_DELAY = 4.0 -- gains are not updated for 4 seconds after pilot releases sticks local FLTD_MUL = 0.5 -- ATC_STR_RAT_FLTD set to 0.5 * INS_GYRO_FILTER local FLTT_MUL = 0.5 -- ATC_STR_RAT_FLTT set to 0.5 * INS_GYRO_FILTER local STR_RAT_FF_TURNRATE_MIN = math.rad(10) -- steering rate feedforward min vehicle turn rate (in radians/sec) local STR_RAT_FF_STEERING_MIN = 0.10 -- steering rate feedforward min steering output (in the range 0 to 1) local SPEED_FF_SPEED_MIN = 0.5 -- speed feedforward minimum vehicle speed (in m/s) local SPEED_FF_THROTTLE_MIN = 0.20 -- speed feedforward requires throttle output (in the range 0 to 1) -- get time in seconds since boot function get_time() return millis():tofloat() * 0.001 end -- local variables local axis_names = { "ATC_STR_RAT", "ATC_SPEED" } -- table of axis that may be tuned local param_suffixes = { "FF", "P", "I", "D", "FLTT", "FLTD", "FLTE" } -- table of parameters that may be tuned local params_extra = {"CRUISE_SPEED", "CRUISE_THROTTLE"} -- table of extra parameters that may be changed local last_axis_change = get_time() -- time (in seconds) that axis last changed local last_pilot_input = get_time() -- time pilot last provided RC input local tune_done_time = nil -- time that tuning completed (used for auto save feature) local axes_done = {} -- list of axes that have been tuned local filters_done = {} -- table recording if filters have been set for each axis local gcs_pid_mask_done = {} -- table recording if GCS_PID_MASK has been set for each axis local gcs_pid_mask_orig -- GCS_PID_MASK value before tuning started -- feed forward tuning related local variables local ff_throttle_sum = 0 -- total throttle recorded during speed FF tuning (divided by count to calc average) local ff_speed_sum = 0 -- total speed recorded during speed FF tuning (divided by count to calc average) local ff_speed_count = 0 -- number of speed and throttle samples taken during FF tuning local ff_steering_sum = 0 -- total steering input recorded during steering rate FF tuning (divided by count to calc average) local ff_turn_rate_sum = 0 -- total turn rate recorded during steering rate FF tuning (divided by count to calc average) local ff_turn_rate_count = 0 -- number of steering and turn rate samples taken during FF tuning local ff_last_warning = 0 -- time of last warning to user -- params dictionary indexed by name, such as "ATC_STR_RAT_P" local params = {} -- table of all parameters that may be tuned local params_axis = {} -- table of each parameter's axis (used for logging of the appropriate srate) local param_saved = {} -- table holding backup of each parameter's value from before tuning local param_changed = {} -- table holding whether each param's gain has been saved local need_restore = false -- true if any param's gain has been changed -- initialise params, params_axis and param_changed tables function init_params_tables() -- add parameters to params dictionary for _, axis in ipairs(axis_names) do for _, suffix in ipairs(param_suffixes) do local pname = axis .. "_" .. suffix params[pname] = bind_param(pname) params_axis[pname] = axis param_changed[pname] = false end end -- add extra parameters to param dictionary for _, extra_param_name in ipairs(params_extra) do params[extra_param_name] = bind_param(extra_param_name) params_axis[extra_param_name] = "ATC_SPEED" -- axis hard-coded to always be ATC_SPEED param_changed[extra_param_name] = false end end -- initialise all state variables so we are ready to start another tune function reset_axes_done() for _, axis in ipairs(axis_names) do axes_done[axis] = false filters_done[axis] = false gcs_pid_mask_done[axis] = false end tune_done_time = nil init_steering_ff() init_speed_ff() end -- get all current param values into param_saved dictionary function get_all_params() for pname in pairs(params) do param_saved[pname] = params[pname]:get() end end -- restore all param values from param_saved dictionary function restore_all_params() for pname in pairs(params) do if param_changed[pname] then params[pname]:set(param_saved[pname]) param_changed[pname] = false end end end -- save all param values to storage function save_all_params() for pname in pairs(params) do if param_changed[pname] then params[pname]:set_and_save(params[pname]:get()) param_saved[pname] = params[pname]:get() param_changed[pname] = false end end gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.NOTICE, "RTun: tuning gains saved") end -- setup filter frequencies function setup_filters(axis) if RTUN_AUTO_FILTER:get() > 0 then if axis == "ATC_STR_RAT" then adjust_gain(axis .. "_FLTT", INS_GYRO_FILTER:get() * FLTT_MUL) adjust_gain(axis .. "_FLTD", INS_GYRO_FILTER:get() * FLTD_MUL) end end filters_done[axis] = true end -- backup GCS_PID_MASK to value before tuning function save_gcs_pid_mask() gcs_pid_mask_orig = GCS_PID_MASK:get() end -- restore GCS_PID_MASK to value before tuning started function restore_gcs_pid_mask() GCS_PID_MASK:set(gcs_pid_mask_orig) end -- setup GCS_PID_MASK to provide real-time PID info to GCS during tuning function setup_gcs_pid_mask(axis) if axis == "ATC_STR_RAT" then GCS_PID_MASK:set(1) elseif axis == "ATC_SPEED" then GCS_PID_MASK:set(2) else gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.CRITICAL, string.format("RTun: setup_gcs_pid_mask received unhandled aixs %s", axis)) end gcs_pid_mask_done[axis] = true end -- check for pilot input to pause tune function have_pilot_input() if (math.abs(RCIN_ROLL:norm_input_dz()) > 0 or math.abs(RCIN_THROTTLE:norm_input_dz()) > 0) then return true end return false end -- get the axis name we are working on, or nil for all done function get_current_axis() local axes = RTUN_AXES:get() for i = 1, #axis_names do local mask = (1 << (i-1)) local axis_name = axis_names[i] if (mask & axes) ~= 0 and axes_done[axis_name] == false then return axis_names[i] end end return nil end -- get slew rate for an axis function get_slew_rate(axis) local steering_srate, speed_srate = AR_AttitudeControl:get_srate() if axis == "ATC_STR_RAT" then return steering_srate end if axis == "ATC_SPEED" then return speed_srate end gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.CRITICAL, string.format("RTUN: get_slew_rate unsupported axis:%s", axis)) return 0.0 end -- move to next axis of tune function advance_axis(axis) local now_sec = get_time() local prev_axis = get_current_axis() axes_done[axis] = true -- check for tune completion if prev_axis ~= nil and get_current_axis() == nil then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.NOTICE, string.format("RTun: Tuning DONE")) tune_done_time = now_sec end last_axis_change = now_sec end -- change a gain, log and update user function adjust_gain(pname, value) local P = params[pname] local old_value = P:get() need_restore = true param_changed[pname] = true P:set(value) write_log(pname) gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("RTun: adjusted %s %.3f -> %.3f", pname, old_value, value)) end -- log parameter, current gain and current slew rate function write_log(pname) local param_gain = params[pname]:get() local pname_axis = params_axis[pname] local slew_rate = get_slew_rate(pname_axis) logger:write("RTUN","SRate,Gain,Param", "ffN", slew_rate, param_gain, pname) end -- initialise steering ff tuning function init_steering_ff() ff_steering_sum = 0 ff_turn_rate_sum = 0 ff_turn_rate_count = 0 end -- run steering turn rate controller feedforward calibration -- ff_pname is the FF parameter being tuned -- returns true once the tuning has completed function update_steering_ff(ff_pname) -- get steering, turn rate, throttle and speed local steering_out, _ = vehicle:get_steering_and_throttle() local turn_rate_rads = ahrs:get_gyro():z() -- update user every 5 sec local now_sec = get_time() local update_user = false if (now_sec > ff_last_warning + 5) then update_user = true ff_last_warning = now_sec end -- calculate percentage complete local turn_rate_complete_pct = (ff_turn_rate_sum / math.pi * 2.0) * 100 local time_complete_pct = (ff_turn_rate_count / (10 * UPDATE_RATE_HZ)) * 100 local complete_pct = math.min(turn_rate_complete_pct, time_complete_pct) -- check steering and turn rate and accumulate output and response local steering_ok = steering_out >= STR_RAT_FF_STEERING_MIN local turnrate_ok = math.abs(turn_rate_rads) > STR_RAT_FF_TURNRATE_MIN if (steering_ok and turnrate_ok) then ff_steering_sum = ff_steering_sum + steering_out ff_turn_rate_sum = ff_turn_rate_sum + math.abs(turn_rate_rads) ff_turn_rate_count = ff_turn_rate_count + 1 if (update_user) then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("RTun: %s %.0f%% complete", ff_pname, complete_pct)) end else if update_user then if not steering_ok then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.WARNING, string.format("RTun: increase steering (%d%% < %d%%)", math.floor(steering_out * 100), math.floor(STR_RAT_FF_STEERING_MIN * 100))) elseif not turnrate_ok then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.WARNING, string.format("RTun: increase turn rate (%d deg/s < %d)", math.floor(math.deg(math.abs(turn_rate_rads))), math.floor(math.deg(STR_RAT_FF_TURNRATE_MIN)))) end end end -- check for completion of two rotations of turns data and 10 seconds if complete_pct >= 100 then local FF_new_gain = (ff_steering_sum / ff_turn_rate_sum) * RTUN_STR_FFRATIO:get() adjust_gain(ff_pname, FF_new_gain) -- set P gain if RTUN_STR_P_RATIO:get() > 0 then local pname = string.gsub(ff_pname, "_FF", "_P") adjust_gain(pname, FF_new_gain * RTUN_STR_P_RATIO:get()) end -- set I gain if RTUN_STR_I_RATIO:get() > 0 then local iname = string.gsub(ff_pname, "_FF", "_I") adjust_gain(iname, FF_new_gain * RTUN_STR_I_RATIO:get()) end return true end return false end -- initialise speed ff tuning function init_speed_ff() ff_throttle_sum = 0 ff_speed_sum = 0 ff_speed_count = 0 end -- run speed controller feedforward calibration -- ff_pname is the FF parameter being tuned -- returns true once the tuning has completed function update_speed_ff(ff_pname) -- get steering, turn rate, throttle and speed local _, throttle_out = vehicle:get_steering_and_throttle() local velocity_ned = ahrs:get_velocity_NED() if velocity_ned then speed = ahrs:earth_to_body(velocity_ned):x() end -- update user every 5 sec local now_sec = get_time() local update_user = false if (now_sec > ff_last_warning + 5) then update_user = true ff_last_warning = now_sec end -- calculate percentage complete local complete_pct = (ff_speed_count / (10 * UPDATE_RATE_HZ)) * 100 -- check throttle and speed local throttle_ok = throttle_out >= SPEED_FF_THROTTLE_MIN local speed_ok = speed > SPEED_FF_SPEED_MIN if (throttle_ok and speed_ok) then ff_throttle_sum = ff_throttle_sum + throttle_out ff_speed_sum = ff_speed_sum + speed ff_speed_count = ff_speed_count + 1 if (update_user) then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("RTun: %s %.0f%% complete", ff_pname, complete_pct)) end else if update_user then if not throttle_ok then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.WARNING, string.format("RTun: increase throttle (%d < %d)", math.floor(throttle_out * 100), math.floor(SPEED_FF_THROTTLE_MIN * 100))) elseif not speed_ok then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.WARNING, string.format("RTun: increase speed (%3.1f < %3.1f)", speed, SPEED_FF_SPEED_MIN)) end end end -- check for 10 seconds of data if complete_pct >= 100 then local cruise_speed_new = ff_speed_sum / ff_speed_count local cruise_throttle_new = (ff_throttle_sum / ff_speed_count) * 100 * RTUN_SPD_FFRATIO:get() adjust_gain("CRUISE_SPEED", cruise_speed_new) adjust_gain("CRUISE_THROTTLE", cruise_throttle_new) -- calculate FF equivalent gain (used for setting P and I below) local speed_ff_equivalent = (ff_throttle_sum / ff_speed_sum) * RTUN_SPD_FFRATIO:get(); -- set P gain if RTUN_SPD_P_RATIO:get() > 0 then local pname = string.gsub(ff_pname, "_FF", "_P") local P_new_gain = speed_ff_equivalent * RTUN_SPD_P_RATIO:get() adjust_gain(pname, P_new_gain) end -- set I gain if RTUN_SPD_I_RATIO:get() > 0 then local iname = string.gsub(ff_pname, "_FF", "_I") local I_new_gain = speed_ff_equivalent * RTUN_SPD_I_RATIO:get() adjust_gain(iname, I_new_gain) end return true end return false end -- initialisation init_params_tables() reset_axes_done() get_all_params() save_gcs_pid_mask() gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, "Rover quiktune loaded") -- main update function local last_warning = get_time() function update() -- exit immediately if not enabled if RTUN_ENABLE:get() <= 0 then return end if have_pilot_input() then last_pilot_input = get_time() end local sw_pos = rc:get_aux_cached(RTUN_RC_FUNC:get()) if not sw_pos then return end -- get output throttle local _, throttle_out = vehicle:get_steering_and_throttle() -- check switch position (0:low is stop, 1:middle is tune, 2:high is save gains if sw_pos == 1 and (not arming:is_armed() or (throttle_out <= 0)) and get_time() > last_warning + 5 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.CRITICAL, "RTun: must be armed and moving to tune") last_warning = get_time() return end if sw_pos == 0 or not arming:is_armed() then -- abort, revert parameters if need_restore then need_restore = false restore_all_params() restore_gcs_pid_mask() gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.CRITICAL, "RTun: gains reverted") end reset_axes_done() return end if sw_pos == 2 then -- save all params if need_restore then need_restore = false save_all_params() restore_gcs_pid_mask() end end -- if we reach here we must be tuning if sw_pos ~= 1 then return end -- return if we have just changed stages to give time for oscillations to subside if get_time() - last_axis_change < AXIS_CHANGE_DELAY then return end -- get axis currently being tuned axis = get_current_axis() -- if no axis is being tuned we must be done if axis == nil then -- check if params should be auto saved if tune_done_time ~= nil and RTUN_AUTO_SAVE:get() > 0 then if get_time() - tune_done_time > RTUN_AUTO_SAVE:get() then need_restore = false save_all_params() restore_gcs_pid_mask() tune_done_time = nil end end return end if not need_restore then -- we are just starting tuning, get current values get_all_params() end -- return immediately if pilot has provided input recently if get_time() - last_pilot_input < PILOT_INPUT_DELAY then return end -- check filters have been set for this axis if not filters_done[axis] then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("RTun: starting %s tune", axis)) setup_filters(axis) end -- check GCS_PID_MASK has been set for this axis if not gcs_pid_mask_done[axis] then setup_gcs_pid_mask(axis) end -- get parameter currently being tuned local pname = axis .. "_FF" -- feedforward tuning local ff_done if axis == "ATC_STR_RAT" then ff_done = update_steering_ff(pname) elseif axis == "ATC_SPEED" then ff_done = update_speed_ff(pname) else gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.CRITICAL, string.format("RTun: unsupported FF tuning %s", pname)) ff_done = true end if ff_done then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.NOTICE, string.format("RTun: %s tuning done", pname)) advance_axis(axis) end end -- wrapper around update(). This calls update() at 10Hz, -- and if update faults then an error is displayed, but the script is not -- stopped function protected_wrapper() local success, err = pcall(update) if not success then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.CRITICAL, "RTun: Internal Error: " .. err) -- when we fault we run the update function again after 1s, slowing it -- down a bit so we don't flood the console with errors --return protected_wrapper, 1000 return end return protected_wrapper, 1000/UPDATE_RATE_HZ end -- start running update loop return protected_wrapper()