</titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <p/> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <p/> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> </teiHeader> <head xmlns="tag:textalign.net,2015:ns"> <name xml:lang="eng">Word of Instruction, translated by Dysinger</name> <master-location href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Arithmeticus/TAN-Evagrius/master/nocpg06/nocpg06.eng.1990.dysinger.xml"/> <license which="by_4.0" licensor="kalvesmaki"/> <work which="Instr"/> <vocabulary> <IRI>tag:kalvesmaki.com,2014:tan-key:evagrius</IRI> <name>General keywords associated with the TAN collection for Evagrius of Pontus</name> <location href="../TAN-voc/evagrius.TAN-voc.xml" accessed-when="2022-01-07"/> </vocabulary> <source which="Dysinger 1990"/> <vocabulary-key> <person xml:id="kalvesmaki" which="Joel Kalvesmaki"/> </vocabulary-key> <file-resp who="kalvesmaki"/> <resp roles="editor" who="kalvesmaki"/> <change when="2022-01-25" who="kalvesmaki">Started file</change> <comment when="2022-01-25" who="kalvesmaki">I have opted for the Armenian as the basic reference system.</comment> <to-do/> </head> <text> <body xml:lang="en"> <div type="section" n="1"> <ab>Knowledge (gnosis) will not be fit for a senseless person; and a rock is unhonored in a gold ring.</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="4"> <ab>Children of the wise will not please a senseless person; a foolish man denies his own [children].</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="5"> <ab>A great deal of time will not give wisdom, and many ages will not give knowledge (gnosis).</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="3"> <ab>As the current of a river hard to lay hold of, so the greed of an unjust man is insatiable.</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="4"> <ab>A worm in the wood is a remembering-past-wrongs thought in its soul.</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="6"> <ab>If you would acquire love, you will receive the words of the wise and you will be eager for peace and you will not set at naught the fruits of their womb.</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="7"> <ab>An angry man will not see light and the unclean [man] will not attain it.</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="8"> <ab>The gentle man drinks water of truth; to the angry man will be given the water of falsehood.</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="9"> <ab>By every watchman, the wealth of the fathers is watched over, and do not be forgetful of the one who begot you.</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="10"> <ab>The sleepy slave loses the gold in his mantle, and the drunken man [loses] his life.</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="11"> <ab>See men like fledgling vultures rising up from their nests, and at the stench of death, coming back to earth again. </ab> </div> <div type="section" n="12"> <ab>The merciful man guards his wealth, while the arrogant loses even his clothes. </ab> </div> <div type="section" n="13"> <ab>Loving education you irritate your enemies, and seeking after wisdom you afflict them.</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="14"> <ab>Lawless sons scatter wealth, and the imprudent will not see the treasure of their fathers.</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="15"> <ab>The destruction of idols rejoices the just, while the same thing saddens the souls of the unjust.</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="16"> <ab>The poor share the branches of their riches, while the humble share out their wealth.</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="17"> <ab>A pursuing wolf tracks down the shepherd, and the spirit of lust [tracks down] those who fill their belly.</ab> </div> <div type="section" n="18"> <ab>The houses of the avaricious are filled with anger of beasts; and the birds of sadness will rest in them.</ab> </div> </body> </text> </TEI>