#!/bin/bash echo "running update" sudo apt-get -y update echo "downloading ark-deployer" git clone https://github.com/ArkEcosystem/ark-deployer.git echo "downloading nvm" curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.8/install.sh | bash echo "sourcing nvm and running install" . ~/.nvm/nvm.sh . ~/.profile . ~/.bashrc nvm install 8.9.1 sudo apt-get install -y jq #Variables for installations PUBLICIP="$(dig TXT +short o-o.myaddr.l.google.com @ns1.google.com | awk -F'"' '{ print $2}')" GLOBALIP="" CHAINNAME=MyTest DATABASENAME=ark_mytest CHAINTOKEN=MYTEST CHAINSYMBOL=MCT CHAINFORGERS=51 MAXVOTESPERWALLET=1 CHAINBLOCKTIME=8 CHAINTRANSPERBLOCK=50 REWARDSTART=75600 REWARDPERBLOCK=200000000 TOTALPREMINE=2100000000000000 echo "Beginning ark node installation" ~/ark-deployer/bridgechain.sh install-node --name $CHAINNAME --database $DATABASENAME --token $CHAINTOKEN --symbol $CHAINSYMBOL --node-ip $GLOBALIP --explorer-ip $PUBLICIP --forgers $CHAINFORGERS --max-votes $MAXVOTESPERWALLET --blocktime $CHAINBLOCKTIME --transactions-per-block $CHAINTRANSPERBLOCK --reward-height-start $REWARDSTART --reward-per-block $REWARDPERBLOCK --total-premine $TOTALPREMINE --autoinstall-deps --non-interactive echo "Start-node for the new bridgechain" ~/ark-deployer/bridgechain.sh start-node --name $CHAINNAME --non-interactive echo "installing explorer" ~/ark-deployer/bridgechain.sh install-explorer --name $CHAINNAME --token $CHAINTOKEN --node-ip $PUBLICIP --explorer-ip $PUBLICIP --skip-deps echo "Changing IP address in ~/ark-explorer/start-explorer.sh to the all IPs" sed -i "s/$PUBLICIP/$GLOBALIP/g" ~/ark-explorer/start-explorer.sh echo "Starting ark explorer" ~/ark-deployer/bridgechain.sh start-explorer echo "Ark explorer is now started at http://$PUBLICIP:4200 - Give it a couple of minutes to start up!"