{ "dgsGetPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetPosition", "description": "This function allows retrieval of a DGS element's current position, relative to its parent. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetPosition", "body": "dgsGetPosition(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:bool relative [}, ${3:bool isRelativeToScreen = false ]})" }, "dgsSetPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetPosition", "description": "This function sets the position of a DGS element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetPosition", "body": "dgsSetPosition(${1:element theElement}, ${2:float x}, ${3:float y}, ${4:bool relative [}, ${5:bool isCenterPosition = false ]})" }, "dgsSetParent": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetParent", "description": "This function is used for setting a DGS element as the parent of another DGS element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetParent", "body": "dgsSetParent(${1:element theElement}, ${2:element parent})" }, "dgsGetParent": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetParent", "description": "This function is used to determine the parent of a DGS element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetParent", "body": "dgsGetParent(${1:element theElement})" }, "dgsGetChild": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetChild", "description": "This function returns one of the child dgs elements of a given parent dgs element. The child dgs element is selected by its index (0 for the... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetChild", "body": "dgsGetChild(${1:element dgsParent}, ${2:int index})" }, "dgsGetChildren": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetChildren", "description": "This function returns all of the child dgs elements of a given parent dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetChildren", "body": "dgsGetChildren(${1:element dgsParent})" }, "dgsGetSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetSize", "description": "This function gets the size of a DGS element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetSize", "body": "dgsGetSize(${1:element theElement}, ${2:bool relative})" }, "dgsSetSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetSize", "description": "This function sets the dimensions (size) of a DGS element. It refers to the bounding box size for DGS elements. It does not make DGS element... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetSize", "body": "dgsSetSize(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:float width}, ${3:float height}, ${4:bool relative})" }, "dgsGetType": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetType", "description": "This function is used to retrieve the type of a dgs element, an element even a string/number/bool value. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetType", "body": "dgsGetType(${1:mixed theMixed})" }, "dgsSetLayer": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetLayer", "description": "This function allow us to set the render layer of a dgs element. This function only have effect on a non-parent dgs element unless the force... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetLayer", "body": "dgsSetLayer(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:string layer [}, ${3:bool forceDetatch = false ]})" }, "dgsGetLayer": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetLayer", "description": "This function allow us to set the render layer of a dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetLayer", "body": "dgsGetLayer(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsSetCurrentLayerIndex": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetCurrentLayerIndex", "description": "This function allow us to change the render layer index of a dgs element. This function will only act on the parent layer. For example: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetCurrentLayerIndex", "body": "dgsSetCurrentLayerIndex(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:integer index})" }, "dgsGetCurrentLayerIndex": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetCurrentLayerIndex", "description": "This function allow us to get the render layer index of a dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetCurrentLayerIndex", "body": "dgsGetCurrentLayerIndex(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsGetLayerElements": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetLayerElements", "description": "This function allow us to get all elements from a layer. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetLayerElements", "body": "dgsGetLayerElements(${1:string layer})" }, "dgsGetProperty": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetProperty", "description": "This function gets the value of a specific property of a DGS element. For a list of properties and their meaning, see the DGS properties pa... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetProperty", "body": "dgsGetProperty(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:string property})" }, "dgsSetProperty": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetProperty", "description": "This function sets the value of a specific property of a DGS element. For a list of properties and their meaning, see the DGS properties pa... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetProperty", "body": "dgsSetProperty(${1:element/table dgsElement}, ${2:string property}, ${3:mixed value [}, ${4:mixed arg1}, ${5:mixed arg2 ... ]})" }, "dgsSetPropertyInherit": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetPropertyInherit", "description": "This function sets the value of a specific property of a DGS element and affects its children. For a list of properties and their meaning, s... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetPropertyInherit", "body": "dgsSetPropertyInherit(${1:element/table dgsElement}, ${2:string property}, ${3:mixed value [}, ${4:mixed arg1}, ${5:mixed arg2 ... ]})" }, "dgsGetProperties": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetProperties", "description": "This function gets the values of secific properties or all the properties of a DGS element. For a list of properties and their meaning, see... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetProperties", "body": "dgsGetProperties(${1:element dgsElement [}, ${2:table properties ]})" }, "dgsSetProperties": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetProperties", "description": "This function sets the values of specific properties of a DGS element. For a list of properties and their meaning, see the DGS properties p... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetProperties", "body": "dgsSetProperties(${1:element/table dgsElement}, ${2:table properties})" }, "dgsGetVisible": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetVisible", "description": "This function determines if a DGS element is visible. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetVisible", "body": "dgsGetVisible(${1:element guiElement})" }, "dgsSetVisible": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetVisible", "description": "This function changes the visibility state of a DGS element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetVisible", "body": "dgsSetVisible(${1:element/table dgsElement}, ${2:bool state})" }, "dgsGetEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetEnabled", "description": "This function determines if a DGS element is enabled. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetEnabled", "body": "dgsGetEnabled(${1:element guiElement})" }, "dgsSetEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetEnabled", "description": "This function enables/disables a DGS element. A disabled DGS element can't be used, gets a gray aspect and doesn't receive any events. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetEnabled", "body": "dgsSetEnabled(${1:element/table dgsElement}, ${2:bool enabled})" }, "dgsGetPositionAlignment": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetPositionAlignment", "description": "This function returns the alignment of position from a specific DGS element | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetPositionAlignment", "body": "dgsGetPositionAlignment(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsSetPositionAlignment": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetPositionAlignment", "description": "This function to set the alignment of position of a specific DGS element | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetPositionAlignment", "body": "dgsSetPositionAlignment(${1:element dgsElement [}, ${2:string horizontalAlignment}, ${3:string verticalAlignment ]})" }, "dgsGetAlpha": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetAlpha", "description": "Alpha represents the transparency of a dgs element. This function allows retrieval of a dgs element's current alpha. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetAlpha", "body": "dgsGetAlpha(${1:element dgsElement [}, ${2:bool isAbsolute = false}, ${3:bool includeParent = false ]})" }, "dgsSetAlpha": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetAlpha", "description": "This changes the alpha level (the visibleness/transparency) of a DGS element | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetAlpha", "body": "dgsSetAlpha(${1:element theElement}, ${2:float alpha})" }, "dgsGetFont": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetFont", "description": "This function is used to get the current font that is used to draw text in DGS elements. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetFont", "body": "dgsGetFont(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsSetFont": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetFont", "description": "This function sets the font of a dgs element to be used when drawing text. a dgs font can be affected by dgsSetSystemFont | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetFont", "body": "dgsSetFont(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:mixed font})" }, "dgsGetText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetText", "description": "This function is used to get the text of DGS elements like edit boxes, labels, buttons etc. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetText", "body": "dgsGetText(${1:element guiElement})" }, "dgsSetText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetText", "description": "This function sets the text of a DGS element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetText", "body": "dgsSetText(${1:element DGS element}, ${2:string text})" }, "dgsGetPostGUI": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetPostGUI", "description": "This function gets the post gui state of a dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetPostGUI", "body": "dgsGetPostGUI(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsSetPostGUI": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetPostGUI", "description": "This function sets the post gui state of a dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetPostGUI", "body": "dgsSetPostGUI(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:bool postGUI})" }, "dgsGetInputEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetInputEnabled", "description": "This function is a replica of guiGetInputEnabled. In order to satisfy the needs of developers, the function exists here. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetInputEnabled", "body": "dgsGetInputEnabled()" }, "dgsSetInputEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetInputEnabled", "description": "This function is a replica of guiSetInputEnabled. In order to satisfy the needs of developers, the function exists here. Because DGS element... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetInputEnabled", "body": "dgsSetInputEnabled(${1:bool enabled})" }, "dgsGetInputMode": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetInputMode", "description": "This function is a replica of guiGetInputMode. In order to satisfy the needs of developers, the function exists here. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetInputMode", "body": "dgsGetInputMode(${1:})" }, "dgsSetInputMode": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetInputMode", "description": "This function is a replica of guiSetInputMode. In order to satisfy the needs of developers, the function exists here. DGS elements will also... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetInputMode", "body": "dgsSetInputMode(${1:string mode})" }, "dgsAttachToAutoDestroy": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsAttachToAutoDestroy", "description": "This function allows you to make a specific element destroy with a dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsAttachToAutoDestroy", "body": "dgsAttachToAutoDestroy(${1:element sourceElement}, ${2:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsDetachFromAutoDestroy": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsDetachFromAutoDestroy", "description": "This function allows you to stop the specific element from destroying with a dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsDetachFromAutoDestroy", "body": "dgsDetachFromAutoDestroy(${1:element sourceElement}, ${2:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsFocus": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsFocus", "description": "This function focuses a defocused DGS element. Used primarily for edit fields, memos, browser etc. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsFocus", "body": "dgsFocus(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsBlur": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsBlur", "description": "This function defocuses a focused DGS element. Used primarily for edit fields, memos, browser etc. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsBlur", "body": "dgsBlur(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsCreateFont": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateFont", "description": "This function creates a dx font element that can be used in dgsSetFont and stored in dgs. Successful font creation is not guaranteed, and ma... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateFont", "body": "dgsCreateFont(${1:string filepath [}, ${2:int size=9}, ${3:bool bold=false}, ${4:string quality=\"proof\" ]})" }, "dgsBringToFront": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsBringToFront", "description": "This function bring a dgs element to front. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsBringToFront", "body": "dgsBringToFront(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsMoveToBack": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMoveToBack", "description": "This function moves a DGS element to the very back of all other DGS elements. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMoveToBack", "body": "dgsMoveToBack(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsGetScreenSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetScreenSize", "description": "This function is a replica of guiGetScreenSize. In order to satisfy the needs of developers, the function exists here. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetScreenSize", "body": "dgsGetScreenSize()" }, "dgsGetCursorPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetCursorPosition", "description": "This function gets the position of the cursor and can be relative to a dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetCursorPosition", "body": "dgsGetCursorPosition(${1:[ element dgsElement}, ${2:bool relative ]})" }, "dgsGetMouseEnterGUI": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetMouseEnterGUI", "description": "This function gets the DGS Dx GUI element that the cursor is hovering on. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetMouseEnterGUI", "body": "dgsGetMouseEnterGUI(${1:})" }, "dgsGetMouseLeaveGUI": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetMouseLeaveGUI", "description": "This function gets the DGS Dx GUI element that the cursor has just left from. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetMouseLeaveGUI", "body": "dgsGetMouseLeaveGUI(${1:})" }, "dgsIsMouseWithinGUI": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsIsMouseWithinGUI", "description": "This function returns whether the mouse is in a specific dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsIsMouseWithinGUI", "body": "dgsIsMouseWithinGUI(${1:element/table withinElement})" }, "dgsSetSystemFont": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetSystemFont", "description": "This function creates a dx font element as default font stored in dgs. Successful font creation is not guaranteed, and may fail due to hardw... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetSystemFont", "body": "dgsSetSystemFont(${1:string filepath [}, ${2:int size=9}, ${3:bool bold=false}, ${4:string quality=\"proof\" ]})" }, "dgsGetSystemFont": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetSystemFont", "description": "This function gets the default dx font element in dgs. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetSystemFont", "body": "dgsGetSystemFont(${1:})" }, "dgsGetElementsInLayer": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetElementsInLayer", "description": "This function gets the dgs elements which don't have parents from a specific layer. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetElementsInLayer", "body": "dgsGetElementsInLayer(${1:[ string layer = \"center\" ]})" }, "dgsGetElementsFromResource": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetElementsFromResource", "description": "This function is used to get DGS elements which were created by other resources. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetElementsFromResource", "body": "dgsGetElementsFromResource(${1:[ resource res ]})" }, "dgsGetFocusedGUI": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetFocusedGUI", "description": "This function gets a dgs element that is focused at present. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetFocusedGUI", "body": "dgsGetFocusedGUI(${1:})" }, "dgsImportFunction": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsImportFunction", "description": "This function allows developers to import functions into his script. What we used to do is or With this function, We can When you load dgs... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsImportFunction", "body": "dgsImportFunction(${1:[ string functionName ]})" }, "dgsImportOOPClass": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsImportOOPClass", "description": "This function allows developers to import DGS OOP Class into his script. What we used to do is or with import function with OOP Class When... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsImportOOPClass", "body": "dgsImportOOPClass(${1:})" }, "dgsG2DLoadHooker": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsG2DLoadHooker", "description": "This function allows developers to load G2D hooker in script. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsG2DLoadHooker", "body": "dgsG2DLoadHooker(${1:})" }, "dgsSetRenderSetting": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetRenderSetting", "description": "This function allows developers to change DGS render settings. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetRenderSetting", "body": "dgsSetRenderSetting(${1:string settingName}, ${2:mixed value})" }, "dgsGetRenderSetting": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetRenderSetting", "description": "This function allows developers to get DGS render settings. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetRenderSetting", "body": "dgsGetRenderSetting(${1:string settingName})" }, "dgsSimulateClick": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSimulateClick", "description": "This function simulates a click without mouse clicking. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSimulateClick", "body": "dgsSimulateClick(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:string button})" }, "dgsGetRootElement": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetRootElement", "description": "This function gets the resource root element of dgs, just like guiRoot. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetRootElement", "body": "dgsGetRootElement(${1:})" }, "dgsAddMoveHandler": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsAddMoveHandler", "description": "This function can make dgs element movable like a window. Note: If applying move handler on dgs window, the original move handler will be re... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsAddMoveHandler", "body": "dgsAddMoveHandler(${1:element dgsElement [}, ${2:float x = 0}, ${3:float y = 0}, ${4:float width = 1}, ${5:float height = 1}, ${6:bool relativeX = true}, ${7:bool relativeY = true}, ${8:bool relativeW = true}, ${9:bool relativeH = true ]})" }, "dgsRemoveMoveHandler": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRemoveMoveHandler", "description": "This function removes move handler from dgs element. Note: You can not remove the built-in move handler of dgs window. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRemoveMoveHandler", "body": "dgsRemoveMoveHandler(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsIsMoveHandled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsIsMoveHandled", "description": "This function checks whether the move handler is added to the dgs element. Note: You can not check the built-in move handler of dgs window. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsIsMoveHandled", "body": "dgsIsMoveHandled(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsAddSizeHandler": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsAddSizeHandler", "description": "This function can make dgs element sizable like a window. Note: If applying size handler on dgs window, the original size handler will be re... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsAddSizeHandler", "body": "dgsAddSizeHandler(${1:element dgsElement [}, ${2:float left = 0}, ${3:float right = 0}, ${4:float top = 0}, ${5:float bottom = 0}, ${6:bool relativeLeft = true}, ${7:bool relativeRight = true}, ${8:bool relativeTop = true}, ${9:bool relativeBottom = true ]})" }, "dgsRemoveSizeHandler": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRemoveSizeHandler", "description": "This function removes size handler from dgs element. Note: You can not remove the built-in size handler of dgs window. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRemoveSizeHandler", "body": "dgsRemoveSizeHandler(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsIsSizeHandled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsIsSizeHandled", "description": "This function checks whether the size handler is added to the dgs element. Note: You can not check the built-in size handler of dgs window. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsIsSizeHandled", "body": "dgsIsSizeHandled(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsAttachElements": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsAttachElements", "description": "This function allows you to attach a specific dgs element to another dgs element. This will make something like dgsSetParent, but there will... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsAttachElements", "body": "dgsAttachElements(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:element attachTo}, ${3:int/float offsetX}, ${4:int/float offsetY}, ${5:int/float offsetW}, ${6:int/float offsetH [}, ${7:bool relativePos = false}, ${8:bool relativeSize = false ]})" }, "dgsDetachElements": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsDetachElements", "description": "This function allows you to detach a specific dgsElement from attached dgsElement | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsDetachElements", "body": "dgsDetachElements(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsElementIsAttached": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsElementIsAttached", "description": "This function allows you know whether the specific dgs element is attached to other dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsElementIsAttached", "body": "dgsElementIsAttached(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsSetMultiClickInterval": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetMultiClickInterval", "description": "This function sets the interval among (n) times clicks. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetMultiClickInterval", "body": "dgsSetMultiClickInterval(${1:int interval})" }, "dgsGetMultiClickInterval": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetMultiClickInterval", "description": "This function gets the interval among (n) times clicks. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetMultiClickInterval", "body": "dgsGetMultiClickInterval(${1:})" }, "dgsSetMouseStayDelay": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetMouseStayDelay", "description": "This function sets the delay time that from mouse stops moving and cursor stays at a DGS element to onDgsMouseStay event triggers. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetMouseStayDelay", "body": "dgsSetMouseStayDelay(${1:int interval})" }, "dgsGetMouseStayDelay": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetMouseStayDelay", "description": "This function gets the delay time that from mouse stops moving and cursor stays at a DGS element to onDgsMouseStay event triggers. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetMouseStayDelay", "body": "dgsGetMouseStayDelay(${1:})" }, "dgsCenterElement": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCenterElement", "description": "No info | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCenterElement", "body": "dgsCenterElement(${1:element dgsElement [}, ${2:bool remainX}, ${3:bool remainY ]})" }, "dgsSetElementKeeperEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetElementKeeperEnabled", "description": "This function only works with dgsImportFunction and dgsImportOOPClass This function will enable/disable DGS element keeper. What is DGS Elem... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetElementKeeperEnabled", "body": "dgsSetElementKeeperEnabled(${1:bool state})" }, "dgsGetElementKeeperEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetElementKeeperEnabled", "description": "This function only works with dgsImportFunction and dgsImportOOPClass This function gets whether current resource enables DGS element keeper... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetElementKeeperEnabled", "body": "dgsGetElementKeeperEnabled(${1:})" }, "dgsSetClickingSound": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetClickingSound", "description": "This function applies a clicking sound to a dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetClickingSound", "body": "dgsSetClickingSound(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:string soundPath})" }, "dgsGetClickingSound": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetClickingSound", "description": "This function gets the clicking sound that has already been applied. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetClickingSound", "body": "dgsGetClickingSound(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsSetClickingSoundVolume": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetClickingSoundVolume", "description": "This function changes the volume of the clicking sound to a dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetClickingSoundVolume", "body": "dgsSetClickingSoundVolume(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:float volume})" }, "dgsGetClickingSoundVolume": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetClickingSoundVolume", "description": "This function gets the volume of the clicking sound of a dgs element | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetClickingSoundVolume", "body": "dgsGetClickingSoundVolume(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsSetCustomCursorEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetCustomCursorEnabled", "description": "This function enables custom cursor of DGS. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetCustomCursorEnabled", "body": "dgsSetCustomCursorEnabled(${1:bool state})" }, "dgsGetCustomCursorEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetCustomCursorEnabled", "description": "This function gets whether the custom cursor of DGS is enabled or not. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetCustomCursorEnabled", "body": "dgsGetCustomCursorEnabled()" }, "dgsSetCustomCursorImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetCustomCursorImage", "description": "This function applys an image to a specific type. If leaving the parameters empty, DGS will apply the images from current style settings. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetCustomCursorImage", "body": "dgsSetCustomCursorImage(${1:[ string cursorType = nil}, ${2:material image = nil}, ${3:float rotation = 0.0}, ${4:table rotationCenter = { 0}, ${5:0 }}, ${6:table offset = { 0}, ${7:0 }}, ${8:float scale = 0.0 ]})" }, "dgsGetCustomCursorImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetCustomCursorImage", "description": "This function gets the image that has applied to a specific type. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetCustomCursorImage", "body": "dgsGetCustomCursorImage(${1:string cursorType})" }, "dgsSetCustomCursorSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetCustomCursorSize", "description": "This function changes the size of DGS custom cursor. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetCustomCursorSize", "body": "dgsSetCustomCursorSize(${1:float size})" }, "dgsGetCustomCursorSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetCustomCursorSize", "description": "This function gets the size of DGS custom cursor. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetCustomCursorSize", "body": "dgsGetCustomCursorSize(${1:})" }, "dgsGetCustomCursorType": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetCustomCursorType", "description": "This function gets the current type of cursor. This function also works when custom cursor is not enabled. Available cursor type are as foll... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetCustomCursorType", "body": "dgsGetCustomCursorType(${1:})" }, "dgsSetCustomCursorColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetCustomCursorColor", "description": "This function sets the color of DGS custom cursor. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetCustomCursorColor", "body": "dgsSetCustomCursorColor(${1:int color})" }, "dgsGetCustomCursorColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetCustomCursorColor", "description": "This function gets the color of DGS custom cursor. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetCustomCursorColor", "body": "dgsGetCustomCursorColor(${1:})" }, "dgsTranslationTableExists": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsTranslationTableExists", "description": "This function checks whether translation table exists | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsTranslationTableExists", "body": "dgsTranslationTableExists(${1:string name})" }, "dgsSetTranslationTable": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetTranslationTable", "description": "This function sets translation table. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetTranslationTable", "body": "dgsSetTranslationTable(${1:string name}, ${2:table translationTable})" }, "dgsAttachToTranslation": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsAttachToTranslation", "description": "This function attaches a single dgs element to a specfic translation table. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsAttachToTranslation", "body": "dgsAttachToTranslation(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:string name})" }, "dgsDetachFromTranslation": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsDetachFromTranslation", "description": "This function detaches dgs element from translation table. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsDetachFromTranslation", "body": "dgsDetachFromTranslation(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsSetAttachTranslation": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetAttachTranslation", "description": "This function allows following dgs element to attach to translation table when creating in the same resource. This is not client-global sett... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetAttachTranslation", "body": "dgsSetAttachTranslation(${1:string name})" }, "dgsGetTranslationName": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetTranslationName", "description": "This function gets translation table name that the dgs element use. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetTranslationName", "body": "dgsGetTranslationName(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsAnimTo": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsAnimTo", "description": "This function allow us to add animation to dgs elements. Change any property of dgs elements with animation effect. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsAnimTo", "body": "dgsAnimTo(${1:element/table dgsElement}, ${2:string propertyName}, ${3:mixed value}, ${4:string easing = \"Linear\"}, ${5:int duration [}, ${6:int delay = 0}, ${7:bool reverseProgress = false ]})" }, "dgsIsAniming": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsIsAniming", "description": "This function allow us to check whether the dgs element is being animated dgsAnimTo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsIsAniming", "body": "dgsIsAniming(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsStopAniming": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsStopAniming", "description": "This function allow us to stop the animation of dgs element by dgsAnimTo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsStopAniming", "body": "dgsStopAniming(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsMoveTo": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMoveTo", "description": "This function allow us to add animation to dgs elements. Change position of dgs elements with animation effect. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMoveTo", "body": "dgsMoveTo(${1:element/table dgsElement}, ${2:float x}, ${3:float y}, ${4:bool relative}, ${5:string easing = \"Linear\"}, ${6:float duration [}, ${7:int delay = 0 ]})" }, "dgsIsMoving": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsIsMoving", "description": "This function allow us to check whether the position of dgs element is being changed by dgsMoveTo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsIsMoving", "body": "dgsIsMoving(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsStopMoving": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsStopMoving", "description": "This function allow us to stop the position changing of dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsStopMoving", "body": "dgsStopMoving(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsSizeTo": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSizeTo", "description": "This function allow us to add animation to dgs elements. Change size of dgs elements with animation effect. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSizeTo", "body": "dgsSizeTo(${1:element/table dgsElement}, ${2:float w}, ${3:float h}, ${4:bool relative}, ${5:string easing = \"Linear\"}, ${6:float duration [}, ${7:int delay = 0 ]})" }, "dgsIsSizing": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsIsSizing", "description": "This function allow us to check whether the size of dgs element is being changed by dgsSizeTo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsIsSizing", "body": "dgsIsSizing(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsStopSizing": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsStopSizing", "description": "This function allow us to stop the size changing of dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsStopSizing", "body": "dgsStopSizing(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsAlphaTo": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsAlphaTo", "description": "This function allow us to add animation to dgs elements. Change alpha of dgs elements with animation effect. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsAlphaTo", "body": "dgsAlphaTo(${1:element/table dgsElement}, ${2:float targetAlpha}, ${3:string easing = \"Linear\"}, ${4:float duration [}, ${5:int delay = 0 ]})" }, "dgsIsAlphaing": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsIsAlphaing", "description": "This function allow us to check whether the alpha of dgs element is being changed by dgsAlphaTo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsIsAlphaing", "body": "dgsIsAlphaing(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsStopAlphaing": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsStopAlphaing", "description": "This function allow us to stop the alpha changing of dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsStopAlphaing", "body": "dgsStopAlphaing(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsAddEasingFunction": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsAddEasingFunction", "description": "This function allow us to add easing functions for DGS animation. And this can only be used with DGS. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsAddEasingFunction", "body": "dgsAddEasingFunction(${1:string name}, ${2:string functionStr})" }, "dgsRemoveEasingFunction": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRemoveEasingFunction", "description": "This function allow us to remove easing functions we created by dgsAddEasingFunction. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRemoveEasingFunction", "body": "dgsRemoveEasingFunction(${1:string name})" }, "dgsEasingFunctionExists": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEasingFunctionExists", "description": "This function checks whether the easing function exists (built-in easing functions and those who were created by dgsAddEasingFunction). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEasingFunctionExists", "body": "dgsEasingFunctionExists(${1:string name})" }, "dgs3DGetPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DGetPosition", "description": "This function returns the position of 3D element in the world. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DGetPosition", "body": "dgs3DGetPosition(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgs3DSetPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DSetPosition", "description": "This function sets the position of 3D element in the world. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DSetPosition", "body": "dgs3DSetPosition(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:float x}, ${3:float y}, ${4:float z})" }, "dgs3DGetInterior": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DGetInterior", "description": "This function gets the interior of the DGS 3D element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DGetInterior", "body": "dgs3DGetInterior(${1:element element3D})" }, "dgs3DSetInterior": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DSetInterior", "description": "This function sets the interior of the DGS 3D element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DSetInterior", "body": "dgs3DSetInterior(${1:element element3D}, ${2:int interior})" }, "dgs3DSetDimension": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DSetDimension", "description": "This function sets the dimension (-1~65535) of the DGS 3D Element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DSetDimension", "body": "dgs3DSetDimension(${1:element element3D}, ${2:int dimension})" }, "dgs3DGetDimension": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DGetDimension", "description": "This function gets the dimension (-1~65535) of the DGS 3D Element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DGetDimension", "body": "dgs3DGetDimension(${1:element element3D})" }, "dgsCreate3DInterface": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreate3DInterface", "description": "This function creates a 3d interface in the world. Where the 3d interface faces to can be adjusted by normal vector. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreate3DInterface", "body": "dgsCreate3DInterface(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float z}, ${4:float width}, ${5:float height}, ${6:int resolutionX}, ${7:int resolutionY [}, ${8:int color = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${9:float faceX = cameraX}, ${10:float faceY = cameraY}, ${11:float faceZ = cameraZ}, ${12:float distance = 100}, ${13:float rotation = 0 ]})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceGetBlendMode": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceGetBlendMode", "description": "This function allows yout to get the blend mode of dgs 3d interface. Learn More dxGetBlendMode | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceGetBlendMode", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceGetBlendMode(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceSetBlendMode": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceSetBlendMode", "description": "This function allows yout to change the blend mode of dgs 3d interface. Learn More dxSetBlendMode | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceSetBlendMode", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceSetBlendMode(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:string blendMode})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceGetFaceTo": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceGetFaceTo", "description": "This function gets the position that the DGS 3D interface faces to. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceGetFaceTo", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceGetFaceTo(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceSetFaceTo": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceSetFaceTo", "description": "This function sets the position that the DGS 3D interface faces to. >>>Note: If the DGS 3D interface is attached to an element, please use d... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceSetFaceTo", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceSetFaceTo(${1:element dgsElement [}, ${2:float x}, ${3:float y}, ${4:float z}, ${5:string relativeTo = \"self\" ]})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceGetResolution": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceGetResolution", "description": "This function returns the width and height of the render target of 3D interface. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceGetResolution", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceGetResolution(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceSetResolution": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceSetResolution", "description": "This function sets the width and height of render target of 3D interface. >>>Warning: Higher resolution takes more video memory!<<< | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceSetResolution", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceSetResolution(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:int width}, ${3:int height})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceSetRoll": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceSetRoll", "description": "This function sets the roll rotation of dgs 3d interface | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceSetRoll", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceSetRoll(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:float rollRotation})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceGetRoll": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceGetRoll", "description": "This function gets the roll rotation of dgs 3d interface | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceGetRoll", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceGetRoll(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceGetSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceGetSize", "description": "This function returns the width and height of 3D interface in the world. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceGetSize", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceGetSize(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceSetSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceSetSize", "description": "This function sets the width and height of 3D interface in the world. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceSetSize", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceSetSize(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:float width}, ${3:float height})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceIsAttached": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceIsAttached", "description": "This function checks whether the dgs 3d interface is attached to an element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceIsAttached", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceIsAttached(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceAttachToElement": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceAttachToElement", "description": "This function sets the attached offsets of the attached dgs 3d interface. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceAttachToElement", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceAttachToElement(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:element targetElement [}, ${3:float offX = offX}, ${4:float offY = offY}, ${5:float offZ = offZ}, ${6:float offFaceX = offFaceX}, ${7:float offFaceY = offFaceY}, ${8:float offFaceZ = offFaceZ ]})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceDetachFromElement": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceDetachFromElement", "description": "This function detaches dgs 3d interface. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceDetachFromElement", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceDetachFromElement(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceSetAttachedOffsets": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceSetAttachedOffsets", "description": "This function sets the attached offsets of the attached dgs 3d interface. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceSetAttachedOffsets", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceSetAttachedOffsets(${1:element dgsElement [}, ${2:float offsetX = offsetX}, ${3:float offsetY = offsetY}, ${4:float offsetZ = offsetZ}, ${5:float offsetFaceX = offsetFaceX}, ${6:float offsetFaceY = offsetFaceY}, ${7:float offsetFaceZ = offsetFaceZ ]})" }, "dgs3DInterfaceGetAttachedOffsets": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DInterfaceGetAttachedOffsets", "description": "This function gets the attached offsets of the attached dgs 3d interface. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DInterfaceGetAttachedOffsets", "body": "dgs3DInterfaceGetAttachedOffsets(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsCreate3DLine": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreate3DLine", "description": "This function creates a DGS 3D Line in the world. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreate3DLine", "body": "dgsCreate3DLine(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float z [}, ${4:float rx = 0}, ${5:float ry = 0}, ${6:float rz = 0}, ${7:float width = 1}, ${8:float color = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${9:float maxDistance = 80 ]})" }, "dgs3DLineAddItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DLineAddItem", "description": "This function adds an item into 3d line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DLineAddItem", "body": "dgs3DLineAddItem(${1:element line3D}, ${2:float startX}, ${3:float startY}, ${4:float startZ}, ${5:float endX}, ${6:float endY}, ${7:float endZ [}, ${8:float lineWidth = dgs3DLineWidth}, ${9:int lineColor = dgs3DLineColor}, ${10:bool isRelative = false ]})" }, "dgs3DLineRemoveItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DLineRemoveItem", "description": "This function removes an item from dgs 3d line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DLineRemoveItem", "body": "dgs3DLineRemoveItem(${1:element line3D}, ${2:int itemIndex})" }, "dgs3DLineSetItemPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DLineSetItemPosition", "description": "This function sets the position of the specified item of DGS 3D Line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DLineSetItemPosition", "body": "dgs3DLineSetItemPosition(${1:element line3D}, ${2:int index}, ${3:float x}, ${4:float y}, ${5:float z})" }, "dgs3DLineGetItemPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DLineGetItemPosition", "description": "This function gets the position of the specified item of DGS 3D Line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DLineGetItemPosition", "body": "dgs3DLineGetItemPosition(${1:element line3D}, ${2:int index})" }, "dgs3DLineSetItemWidth": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DLineSetItemWidth", "description": "This function sets the width of the specified item of DGS 3D Line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DLineSetItemWidth", "body": "dgs3DLineSetItemWidth(${1:element line3D}, ${2:int index}, ${3:float width})" }, "dgs3DLineGetItemWidth": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DLineGetItemWidth", "description": "This function gets the width of the specified item of DGS 3D Line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DLineGetItemWidth", "body": "dgs3DLineGetItemWidth(${1:element line3D}, ${2:int index})" }, "dgs3DLineSetItemColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DLineSetItemColor", "description": "This function sets the color of the specified item of DGS 3D Line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DLineSetItemColor", "body": "dgs3DLineSetItemColor(${1:element line3D}, ${2:int index}, ${3:int color})" }, "dgs3DLineGetItemColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DLineGetItemColor", "description": "This function gets the color of the specified item of DGS 3D Line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DLineGetItemColor", "body": "dgs3DLineGetItemColor(${1:element line3D}, ${2:int index})" }, "dgsCreate3DImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreate3DImage", "description": "This function creates a 3d image in the world ( such as nametag ). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreate3DImage", "body": "dgsCreate3DImage(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float z}, ${4:string/texture/nil image[}, ${5:int color = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${6:float scaleX = 1}, ${7:float scaleY = 1}, ${8:float maxDistance = 80 ]})" }, "dgs3DImageSetSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DImageSetSize", "description": "This function sets the size of the image of the 3d image when distance between camera and 3d image is 50 units. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DImageSetSize", "body": "dgs3DImageSetSize(${1:element image3D}, ${2:float width}, ${3:float height})" }, "dgs3DImageGetSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DImageGetSize", "description": "This function gets the size of the image of the 3d image when distance between camera and 3d image is 50 units. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DImageGetSize", "body": "dgs3DImageGetSize(${1:element image3D})" }, "dgs3DImageSetImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DImageSetImage", "description": "This function allows you to change the image in DGS 3d image element to another one. Note: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DImageSetImage", "body": "dgs3DImageSetImage(${1:element image3D}, ${2:element/string texture})" }, "dgs3DImageGetImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DImageGetImage", "description": "This function allows you to get the image from dgs 3d image element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DImageGetImage", "body": "dgs3DImageGetImage(${1:element image3D})" }, "dgs3DImageAttachToElement": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DImageAttachToElement", "description": "This function attaches 3D Image element to another element, so that the first one follows the second whenever it moves. If an attempt is ma... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DImageAttachToElement", "body": "dgs3DImageAttachToElement(${1:dgsElement the3DImageElement}, ${2:element theAttachToElement}, ${3:[ float xPosOffset = 0}, ${4:float yPosOffset = 0}, ${5:float zPosOffset = 0}, ${6:float xRotOffset = 0}, ${7:float yRotOffset = 0}, ${8:float zRotOffset = 0 ]})" }, "dgs3DImageIsAttached": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DImageIsAttached", "description": "This functions checks whether or not 3DImage element is attached to another element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DImageIsAttached", "body": "dgs3DImageIsAttached(${1:dgsElement element})" }, "dgs3DImageDetachFromElement": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DImageDetachFromElement", "description": "This function detaches attached 3DImageElement from another element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DImageDetachFromElement", "body": "dgs3DImageDetachFromElement(${1:element the3DImageElement}, ${2:[ element theAttachToElement ]})" }, "dgs3DImageGetNativeSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DImageGetNativeSize", "description": "This function gets the size of the texture that is loaded in DGS 3d image. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DImageGetNativeSize", "body": "dgs3DImageGetNativeSize(${1:element dgs3DImage})" }, "dgs3DImageSetUVPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DImageSetUVPosition", "description": "This function sets the UV positon of a DGS 3d image (Only available when there is a texture loaded in DGS 3d image). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DImageSetUVPosition", "body": "dgs3DImageSetUVPosition(${1:element dgs3DImage}, ${2:float UPos}, ${3:float VPos}, ${4:bool relative})" }, "dgs3DImageGetUVPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DImageGetUVPosition", "description": "This function gets the UV positon of a DGS 3d image (Only available when there is a texture loaded in DGS 3d image). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DImageGetUVPosition", "body": "dgs3DImageGetUVPosition(${1:element dgs3DImage}, ${2:bool relative})" }, "dgs3DImageSetUVSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DImageSetUVSize", "description": "This function sets the UV size of a DGS 3d image (Only available when there is a texture loaded in DGS 3d image). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DImageSetUVSize", "body": "dgs3DImageSetUVSize(${1:element dgs3DImage}, ${2:float UPos}, ${3:float VPos}, ${4:bool relative})" }, "dgs3DImageGetUVSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DImageGetUVSize", "description": "This function gets the UV size of a DGS 3d image (Only available when there is a texture loaded in DGS 3d image). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DImageGetUVSize", "body": "dgs3DImageGetUVSize(${1:element dgs3DImage}, ${2:bool relative})" }, "dgsCreate3DText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreate3DText", "description": "This function creates a 3d text in the world ( such as nametag ). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreate3DText", "body": "dgsCreate3DText(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float z}, ${4:string text [}, ${5:int color = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${6:dx-font/string font = nil}, ${7:float scaleX = 1}, ${8:float scaleY = 1}, ${9:float maxDistance = 80}, ${10:bool = colorcoded = false ]})" }, "dgs3DTextIsAttached": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DTextIsAttached", "description": "This function checks whether the DGS 3D Text is attached. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DTextIsAttached", "body": "dgs3DTextIsAttached(${1:element text3D})" }, "dgs3DTextAttachToElement": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DTextAttachToElement", "description": "This function attaches DGS 3D Text to an element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DTextAttachToElement", "body": "dgs3DTextAttachToElement(${1:element text3D}, ${2:element targetElement [}, ${3:float offsetX = 0}, ${4:float offsetY = 0}, ${5:float offsetZ = 0 ]})" }, "dgs3DTextDetachFromElement": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DTextDetachFromElement", "description": "This function detaches DGS 3D Text from the attached element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DTextDetachFromElement", "body": "dgs3DTextDetachFromElement(${1:element text3D})" }, "dgs3DTextSetAttachedOffsets": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DTextSetAttachedOffsets", "description": "This function sets the attached offsets of the attached DGS 3D Text | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DTextSetAttachedOffsets", "body": "dgs3DTextSetAttachedOffsets(${1:element text3D [}, ${2:float offsetX = 0}, ${3:float offsetY = 0}, ${4:float offsetZ = 0 ]})" }, "dgs3DTextGetAttachedOffsets": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgs3DTextGetAttachedOffsets", "description": "This function gets the attached offsets of the attached DGS 3D Text | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dgs3DTextGetAttachedOffsets", "body": "dgs3DTextGetAttachedOffsets(${1:element text3D})" }, "dgsCreateBrowser": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateBrowser", "description": "This function creates a browser handled and rendered by dgs. All of the functions of browser are available. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateBrowser", "body": "dgsCreateBrowser(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:bool relative [}, ${6:element parent = nil}, ${7:bool isLocal = false}, ${8:bool isTransparent = false}, ${9:float resolutionX = width}, ${10:float resolutionY = height}, ${11:int color = 0xFFFFFFFF ]})" }, "dgsCreateButton": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateButton", "description": "This function allows creation of a DGS Button, which is a clickable item as part of GUI. Notice: This is a function exported by DGS! | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateButton", "body": "dgsCreateButton(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:string text}, ${6:bool relative [}, ${7:element parent = nil}, ${8:int textColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${9:float scaleX = 1}, ${10:float scaleY = 1}, ${11:element normalImage = nil}, ${12:element hoveringImage = nil}, ${13:element clickedImage = nil}, ${14:int normalColor = 0xC80078C8}, ${15:int hoveringColor = 0xC8005AFF}, ${16:int clickedColor = 0xC8325A]})" }, "dgsButtonGetTextExtent": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsButtonGetTextExtent", "description": "This function returns the extent, or width, of the current text inside a DGS button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsButtonGetTextExtent", "body": "dgsButtonGetTextExtent(${1:element theButton})" }, "dgsButtonGetFontHeight": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsButtonGetFontHeight", "description": "This function returns the height of the font currently used in a DGS button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsButtonGetFontHeight", "body": "dgsButtonGetFontHeight(${1:element theButton})" }, "dgsButtonGetTextSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsButtonGetTextSize", "description": "This function retrieves the theoretical width and height (in pixels) of a certain piece of text of dgs button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsButtonGetTextSize", "body": "dgsButtonGetTextSize(${1:element theButton})" }, "dgsCreateCheckBox": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateCheckBox", "description": "This function creates a DGS Dx Check Box. Note: DGS Dx Check Box have 3 states.(checked: true; unchecked: false; indeterminate: nil) | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateCheckBox", "body": "dgsCreateCheckBox(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:string text}, ${6:bool selected}, ${7:bool relative [}, ${8:element parent = nil}, ${9:int textColor}, ${10:float scaleX = 1.0}, ${11:float scaleY = 1.0}, ${12:element normalUncheckedImage = nil}, ${13:element hoveringUncheckedImage = nil}, ${14:element clickedUnCheckedImage = nil}, ${15:int normalUnCheckedColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${16:int hoveringUnCheckedColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${17:int clickedUnCheckedColor = 0xFFB4B4B4}, ${18:element normalCheckedImage = nil}, ${19:element hoveringCheckedImage = nil}, ${20:element clickedCheckedImage = nil}, ${21:int normalCheckedColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${22:int hoveringCheckedColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${23:int clickedCheckedColor = 0xFFB4B4B4}, ${24:element normalIndeterminateImage = nil}, ${25:element hoveringIndeterminateImage = nil}, ${26:element clickedIndeterminateImage = nil}, ${27:int normalIndeterminateColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${28:int hoveringIndeterminateColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${29:int clickedIndeterminateColor = 0xFFB4B4B4 ]})" }, "dgsCheckBoxGetSelected": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCheckBoxGetSelected", "description": "This function gets a checkbox's selection state. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCheckBoxGetSelected", "body": "dgsCheckBoxGetSelected(${1:element theCheckbox})" }, "dgsCheckBoxSetSelected": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCheckBoxSetSelected", "description": "This function selects (ticks) or unselects a checkbox. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCheckBoxSetSelected", "body": "dgsCheckBoxSetSelected(${1:element theCheckbox}, ${2:bool state})" }, "dgsCheckBoxSetHorizontalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCheckBoxSetHorizontalAlign", "description": "This function sets the horizontal alignment of the text of a dgs check box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCheckBoxSetHorizontalAlign", "body": "dgsCheckBoxSetHorizontalAlign(${1:element checkBox}, ${2:string align})" }, "dgsCheckBoxGetHorizontalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCheckBoxGetHorizontalAlign", "description": "This function gets the horizontal alignment of a dgs check box.Valid alignment types are: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCheckBoxGetHorizontalAlign", "body": "dgsCheckBoxGetHorizontalAlign(${1:element checkBox})" }, "dgsCheckBoxSetVerticalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCheckBoxSetVerticalAlign", "description": "This function sets the vertical alignment of the text of a dgs check box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCheckBoxSetVerticalAlign", "body": "dgsCheckBoxSetVerticalAlign(${1:element checkBox}, ${2:string align})" }, "dgsCheckBoxGetVerticalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCheckBoxGetVerticalAlign", "description": "This function gets the vertical alignment of a dgs check box.Valid alignment types are: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCheckBoxGetVerticalAlign", "body": "dgsCheckBoxGetVerticalAlign(${1:element checkBox})" }, "dgsCheckBoxGetButtonSide": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCheckBoxGetButtonSide", "description": "This function gets the side of the button of a dgs check box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCheckBoxGetButtonSide", "body": "dgsCheckBoxGetButtonSide(${1:dgsCheckBox [}, ${2:string side = \"left\" ]})" }, "dgsCheckBoxSetButtonSide": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCheckBoxSetButtonSide", "description": "This function sets the side of the button of a dgs check box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCheckBoxSetButtonSide", "body": "dgsCheckBoxSetButtonSide(${1:dgsCheckBox [}, ${2:string side = \"left\" ]})" }, "dgsCheckBoxGetButtonAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCheckBoxGetButtonAlign", "description": "This function gets the alignment of the button of a dgs check box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCheckBoxGetButtonAlign", "body": "dgsCheckBoxGetButtonAlign(${1:dgsCheckBox})" }, "dgsCheckBoxSetButtonAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCheckBoxSetButtonAlign", "description": "This function sets the alignment of the button of a dgs check box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCheckBoxSetButtonAlign", "body": "dgsCheckBoxSetButtonAlign(${1:dgsCheckBox [}, ${2:string alignment = \"left\" ]})" }, "dgsCreateComboBox": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateComboBox", "description": "This function allows creation of a DGS ComboBox . | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateComboBox", "body": "dgsCreateComboBox(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:string caption}, ${6:bool relative [}, ${7:element parent = nil}, ${8:element itemHeight = 20}, ${9:int textColor = 0xFF000000}, ${10:float scaleX = 1}, ${11:float scaleY = 1}, ${12:element normalImage = nil}, ${13:element hoveringImage = nil}, ${14:element clickedImage = nil}, ${15:int normalColor = 0x0078C8C8}, ${16:int hoveringColor = 0xC8005AFF}, ${17:int clickedColor = 0xC8325AFA]})" }, "dgsComboBoxAddItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxAddItem", "description": "Adds an item to a combobox. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxAddItem", "body": "dgsComboBoxAddItem(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:string value})" }, "dgsComboBoxRemoveItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxRemoveItem", "description": "This function removes an item from a dgs combobox. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxRemoveItem", "body": "dgsComboBoxRemoveItem(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:int itemId})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetItemText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetItemText", "description": "This function changes the text of a dgs combobox item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetItemText", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetItemText(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:int itemId}, ${3:string/number text})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetItemText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetItemText", "description": "This function retrieves the text from a specific dgs combobox item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetItemText", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetItemText(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:int itemId})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetItemData": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetItemData", "description": "Returns true if set successfully, false if one of the arguments was invalid. This example displays a random item data from the combobox. Thi... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetItemData", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetItemData(${1:element combobox}, ${2:int itemIndex}, ${3:mixed data})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetItemData2": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetItemData2", "description": "Returns true if set successfully, false if one of the arguments was invalid. This example displays a random item data from the combobox. Thi... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetItemData", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetItemData(${1:element combobox}, ${2:int itemIndex}, ${3:mixed key}, ${4:mixed data})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetItemData": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetItemData", "description": "Returns the item data of the specified item, false otherwise. This example displays a random item data from the combobox. This function gets... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetItemData", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetItemData(${1:element combobox}, ${2:int itemIndex})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetItemData2": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetItemData2", "description": "Returns the item data of the specified item, false otherwise. This example displays a random item data from the combobox. This function gets... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetItemData", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetItemData(${1:element combobox}, ${2:int itemIndex}, ${3:mixed key})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetItemCount": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetItemCount", "description": "No info | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetItemCount", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetItemCount(${1:element comboBox})" }, "dgsComboBoxClear": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxClear", "description": "This function removes all the items from a dgs combobox. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxClear", "body": "dgsComboBoxClear(${1:element comboBox})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetSelectedItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetSelectedItem", "description": "This function sets the selected item from a dgs combobox. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetSelectedItem", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetSelectedItem(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:int itemIndex})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetSelectedItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetSelectedItem", "description": "This function returns the index of the selected dgs combobox item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetSelectedItem", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetSelectedItem(${1:element comboBox})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetItemColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetItemColor", "description": "This function changes the color of a comboBox item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetItemColor", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetItemColor(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:int item}, ${3:int color})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetItemColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetItemColor", "description": "This function get the color of a comboBox item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetItemColor", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetItemColor(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:int item})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetItemImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetItemImage", "description": "This function sets the image on a combo box item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetItemImage", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetItemImage(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:int itemIndex}, ${3:element texture [}, ${4:int color = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${5:float offsetX = 0}, ${6:float offsetY = 0}, ${7:float width}, ${8:float height}, ${9:bool relative ]})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetItemImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetItemImage", "description": "This function gets the image from a combo box item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetItemImage", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetItemImage(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:int itemIndex})" }, "dgsComboBoxRemoveItemImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxRemoveItemImage", "description": "This function remove the image from the combo box item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxRemoveItemImage", "body": "dgsComboBoxRemoveItemImage(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:int itemIndex})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetItemBackGroundImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetItemBackGroundImage", "description": "This function sets the background texture of a specific item of the combo box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetItemBackGroundImage", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetItemBackGroundImage(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:int itemIndex}, ${3:texture imageDefault}, ${4:texture imageHoving}, ${5:texture imageSelected})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetItemBackGroundImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetItemBackGroundImage", "description": "This function gets the background texture from a specific item of the combo box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetItemBackGroundImage", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetItemBackGroundImage(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:int itemIndex})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetItemBackGroundColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetItemBackGroundColor", "description": "This function sets the background color of a specific item of the combo box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetItemBackGroundColor", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetItemBackGroundColor(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:int itemIndex}, ${3:int imageDefault}, ${4:int imageHoving}, ${5:int imageSelected})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetItemBackGroundColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetItemBackGroundColor", "description": "This function gets the background color of a specific item of the combo box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetItemBackGroundColor", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetItemBackGroundColor(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:int itemIndex})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetItemFont": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetItemFont", "description": "This function changes the font of a dgs combobox item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetItemFont", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetItemFont(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:int itemId}, ${3:mixed font})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetState": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetState", "description": "This function gets the state of combo box ( true:Drop Down; false:Take Back ). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetState", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetState(${1:element comboBox})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetState": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetState", "description": "This function sets the state of combo box (true:Drop Down; false:Take Back). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetState", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetState(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:bool state})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetBoxHeight": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetBoxHeight", "description": "This function gets the height of the drop-down box of combo box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetBoxHeight", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetBoxHeight(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:bool relative})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetBoxHeight": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetBoxHeight", "description": "This function sets the height of the drop-down box of combo box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetBoxHeight", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetBoxHeight(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:float height}, ${3:bool relative})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetViewCount": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetViewCount", "description": "This function sets how many items will be viewed on the drop-down box of combo box. Note: After using this function you won't be able to cha... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetViewCount", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetViewCount(${1:element comboBox [}, ${2:int viewCount ]})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetViewCount": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetViewCount", "description": "This function gets the viewed items count of the drop-down box of combo box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetViewCount", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetViewCount(${1:element comboBox})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetScrollBar": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetScrollBar", "description": "This function gets the scroll bar of dgs combo box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetScrollBar", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetScrollBar(${1:element comboBox})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetScrollPosition", "description": "This function set scroll position of dgs combo box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetScrollPosition", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetScrollPosition(${1:element comboBox [}, ${2:float vertical = nil ]})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetScrollPosition", "description": "This function get scroll position of dgs combo box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetScrollPosition", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetScrollPosition(${1:element comboBox})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetCaptionText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetCaptionText", "description": "This function allows to change the caption of a DGS ComboBox. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetCaptionText", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetCaptionText(${1:element combobox}, ${2:string captain})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetCaptionText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetCaptionText", "description": "This function allows to get the caption of a DGS ComboBox. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetCaptionText", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetCaptionText(${1:element combobox})" }, "dgsComboBoxSetEditEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxSetEditEnabled", "description": "This function allows you to make combo box editable. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxSetEditEnabled", "body": "dgsComboBoxSetEditEnabled(${1:element comboBox}, ${2:bool enabled})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetEditEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetEditEnabled", "description": "This function allows you to get whether combobox editable. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetEditEnabled", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetEditEnabled(${1:element comboBox})" }, "dgsComboBoxGetText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsComboBoxGetText", "description": "This function gets the text from combo box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsComboBoxGetText", "body": "dgsComboBoxGetText(${1:element comboBox})" }, "dgsCreateCustomRenderer": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateCustomRenderer", "description": "This function creates a custom renderer that can be used in any texture required property of dgs elements, which is useful for creating cust... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateCustomRenderer", "body": "dgsCreateCustomRenderer(${1:[ string renderFunction ]})" }, "dgsCustomRendererSetFunction": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCustomRendererSetFunction", "description": "This function sets the render function of a dgs custom renderer. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCustomRendererSetFunction", "body": "dgsCustomRendererSetFunction(${1:element customRenderer}, ${2:string renderFunction})" }, "dgsCreateEdit": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateEdit", "description": "No info | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateEdit", "body": "dgsCreateEdit(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:string text}, ${6:bool relative [}, ${7:element parent = nil}, ${8:int textColor = FF000000}, ${9:float scaleX = 1}, ${10:float scaleY = 1}, ${11:element bgImage = nil}, ${12:int bgColor = 0xFFC8C8C8}, ${13:bool selectMode = false ]})" }, "dgsEditMoveCaret": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditMoveCaret", "description": "This function sets the current position of the caret (the text cursor) within the edit box by offsets. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditMoveCaret", "body": "dgsEditMoveCaret(${1:element theElement}, ${2:int indexoffset [}, ${3:bool selectText = false ]})" }, "dgsEditGetCaretPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditGetCaretPosition", "description": "This function gets the current position of the caret (the text cursor) within the edit box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditGetCaretPosition", "body": "dgsEditGetCaretPosition(${1:element theElement})" }, "dgsEditSetCaretPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditSetCaretPosition", "description": "This function sets the current position of the caret (the text cursor) within the edit box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditSetCaretPosition", "body": "dgsEditSetCaretPosition(${1:element theElement}, ${2:int index [}, ${3:bool selectText = false ]})" }, "dgsEditSetCaretStyle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditSetCaretStyle", "description": "This function is to set the caret style of dgs edit ( 0 is \"|\"; 1 is \"_\" ). Example(0): This is Text| Example(1): This is Text_ | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditSetCaretStyle", "body": "dgsEditSetCaretStyle(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:int style})" }, "dgsEditGetCaretStyle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditGetCaretStyle", "description": "This function is to get the caret style of dgs edit ( 0 is \"|\"; 1 is \"_\" ). Example(0): This is Text| Example(1): This is Text_ | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditGetCaretStyle", "body": "dgsEditGetCaretStyle(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsEditSetTextFilter": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditSetTextFilter", "description": "This function sets the text filter of edit text. Text Filter in edit means every character of the text should meet the requirement of the fi... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditSetTextFilter", "body": "dgsEditSetTextFilter(${1:element edit}, ${2:string filter})" }, "dgsEditGetMaxLength": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditGetMaxLength", "description": "This function gets the maximum text length that can be typed into an edit box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditGetMaxLength", "body": "dgsEditGetMaxLength(${1:element theElement})" }, "dgsEditSetMaxLength": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditSetMaxLength", "description": "This function sets the maximum text length that can be typed into an edit box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditSetMaxLength", "body": "dgsEditSetMaxLength(${1:element theElement}, ${2:int length})" }, "dgsEditSetReadOnly": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditSetReadOnly", "description": "This function allows you to set or remove read-only status for a dgs edit box. If read-only is set to true, the box is not editable. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditSetReadOnly", "body": "dgsEditSetReadOnly(${1:element edit}, ${2:bool status})" }, "dgsEditGetReadOnly": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditGetReadOnly", "description": "This function allows you to get read-only status for a dgs edit box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditGetReadOnly", "body": "dgsEditGetReadOnly(${1:element edit})" }, "dgsEditSetMasked": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditSetMasked", "description": "This function sets or removes masking (covering up the text being typed) for password text fields. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditSetMasked", "body": "dgsEditSetMasked(${1:element theElement}, ${2:bool status})" }, "dgsEditGetMasked": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditGetMasked", "description": "This function get the state of edit box masking (covering up the text being typed). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditGetMasked", "body": "dgsEditGetMasked(${1:element theElement})" }, "dgsEditSetUnderlined": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditSetUnderlined", "description": "This function sets underline to edit text. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditSetUnderlined", "body": "dgsEditSetUnderlined(${1:element edit}, ${2:bool state})" }, "dgsEditGetUnderlined": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditGetUnderlined", "description": "This function get whether the underline of edit is enabled or not. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditGetUnderlined", "body": "dgsEditGetUnderlined(${1:element edit})" }, "dgsEditSetHorizontalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditSetHorizontalAlign", "description": "This function sets the horizontal alignment of a dgs edit. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditSetHorizontalAlign", "body": "dgsEditSetHorizontalAlign(${1:element theEdit}, ${2:string align})" }, "dgsEditSetVerticalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditSetVerticalAlign", "description": "This function sets the vertical alignment of a dgs edit. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditSetVerticalAlign", "body": "dgsEditSetVerticalAlign(${1:element theEdit}, ${2:string align})" }, "dgsEditGetHorizontalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditGetHorizontalAlign", "description": "This function gets the horizontal alignment of a dgs edit.Valid alignment types are: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditGetHorizontalAlign", "body": "dgsEditGetHorizontalAlign(${1:element theEdit})" }, "dgsEditGetVerticalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditGetVerticalAlign", "description": "This function gets the vertical alignment of a dgs edit.Valid alignment types are: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditGetVerticalAlign", "body": "dgsEditGetVerticalAlign(${1:element theEdit})" }, "dgsEditSetAlignment": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditSetAlignment", "description": "This function sets both vertical and horizontal alignment of a dgs edit. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditSetAlignment", "body": "dgsEditSetAlignment(${1:element theEdit [}, ${2:string horizontalAlignment}, ${3:string verticalAlignment ]})" }, "dgsEditGetAlignment": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditGetAlignment", "description": "This function gets both vertical and horizontal alignment of a dgs edit. Horizontal Alignment: Vertical Alignment: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditGetAlignment", "body": "dgsEditGetAlignment(${1:element theEdit})" }, "dgsEditInsertText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditInsertText", "description": "This function deletes a part of text from the edit by index. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditInsertText", "body": "dgsEditInsertText(${1:element theElement}, ${2:int index}, ${3:string text})" }, "dgsEditDeleteText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditDeleteText", "description": "This function deletes a part of text from the edit by index. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditDeleteText", "body": "dgsEditDeleteText(${1:element theElement}, ${2:int startIndex}, ${3:int endIndex [}, ${4:bool noAffectCaret = false ]})" }, "dgsEditGetPartOfText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditGetPartOfText", "description": "This function returns a part of text from the edit by index. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditGetPartOfText", "body": "dgsEditGetPartOfText(${1:element theElement [}, ${2:int startIndex = 0}, ${3:int endIndex}, ${4:bool deleteText = false ]})" }, "dgsEditClearText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditClearText", "description": "This function clears the whole text of the edit. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditClearText", "body": "dgsEditClearText(${1:element theElement})" }, "dgsEditReplaceText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditReplaceText", "description": "This function replaces a part of text from the edit by index. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditReplaceText", "body": "dgsEditReplaceText(${1:element theElement}, ${2:int startIndex}, ${3:int endIndex}, ${4:string text [}, ${5:bool noAffectCaret = false ]})" }, "dgsEditSetTypingSound": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditSetTypingSound", "description": "This function applies a typing sound to a dgs edit. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditSetTypingSound", "body": "dgsEditSetTypingSound(${1:element dxEdit}, ${2:string soundPath})" }, "dgsEditGetTypingSound": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditGetTypingSound", "description": "This function gets the typing sound that has already been applied. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditGetTypingSound", "body": "dgsEditGetTypingSound(${1:element dxEdit})" }, "dgsEditSetTypingSoundVolume": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditSetTypingSoundVolume", "description": "This function changes the volume of the typing sound to a dgs edit. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditSetTypingSoundVolume", "body": "dgsEditSetTypingSoundVolume(${1:element edit}, ${2:float volume})" }, "dgsEditGetTypingSoundVolume": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditGetTypingSoundVolume", "description": "This function gets the volume of the typing sound of a dgs edit | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditGetTypingSoundVolume", "body": "dgsEditGetTypingSoundVolume(${1:element edit})" }, "dgsEditSetPlaceHolder": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditSetPlaceHolder", "description": "This function sets the place holder of a dgs edit. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditSetPlaceHolder", "body": "dgsEditSetPlaceHolder(${1:element theEdit}, ${2:string placeHolder})" }, "dgsEditGetPlaceHolder": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditGetPlaceHolder", "description": "This function gets the place holder of a dgs edit. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditGetPlaceHolder", "body": "dgsEditGetPlaceHolder(${1:element theEdit})" }, "dgsEditAddAutoComplete": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditAddAutoComplete", "description": "This function adds an auto complete string to edit box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditAddAutoComplete", "body": "dgsEditAddAutoComplete(${1:bool editBox}, ${2:string/table str [}, ${3:bool isSensitive = false}, ${4:bool isAdvanced = false ]})" }, "dgsEditRemoveAutoComplete": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditRemoveAutoComplete", "description": "This function removes the specific auto complete string from the dgs edit. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditRemoveAutoComplete", "body": "dgsEditRemoveAutoComplete(${1:element edit}, ${2:string autoCompleteText})" }, "dgsEditSetAutoComplete": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditSetAutoComplete", "description": "This function sets auto complete table to the dgs edit. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditSetAutoComplete", "body": "dgsEditSetAutoComplete(${1:element edit}, ${2:table autoCompleteTable})" }, "dgsEditGetAutoComplete": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditGetAutoComplete", "description": "This function gets auto complete table from the dgs edit. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditGetAutoComplete", "body": "dgsEditGetAutoComplete(${1:element edit})" }, "dgsEditAutoCompleteAddParameterFunction": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEditAutoCompleteAddParameterFunction", "description": "This function adds the advanced usage of dgs edit auto complete, which can be used as dynamic auto complete. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEditAutoCompleteAddParameterFunction", "body": "dgsEditAutoCompleteAddParameterFunction(${1:string parameterType}, ${2:string functionCode})" }, "dgsCreateDetectArea": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateDetectArea", "description": "This function creates a custom detect area for any kind of shapes. DGS Detect Area Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kxKI1epzWI | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateDetectArea", "body": "dgsCreateDetectArea(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:bool relative [}, ${6:element parent = nil ]})" }, "dgsGetDetectArea": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetDetectArea", "description": "This function gets the detectarea from a dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetDetectArea", "body": "dgsGetDetectArea(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsApplyDetectArea": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsApplyDetectArea", "description": "This function applies the detectarea to a dgs element as collider. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsApplyDetectArea", "body": "dgsApplyDetectArea(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:element detectArea})" }, "dgsRemoveDetectArea": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRemoveDetectArea", "description": "This function removes the detectarea from a dgs element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRemoveDetectArea", "body": "dgsRemoveDetectArea(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsDetectAreaSetFunction": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsDetectAreaSetFunction", "description": "This function set the detecting function of the detect area. For texture detecting function: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsDetectAreaSetFunction", "body": "dgsDetectAreaSetFunction(${1:element da}, ${2:string/texture detectingFnc})" }, "dgsDetectAreaSetDebugModeEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsDetectAreaSetDebugModeEnabled", "description": "This function set the debug mode of the detect area. For using non-texture based detecting function, it will generate the debug view itself. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsDetectAreaSetDebugModeEnabled", "body": "dgsDetectAreaSetDebugModeEnabled(${1:element da}, ${2:bool state})" }, "dgsDetectAreaGetDebugModeEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsDetectAreaGetDebugModeEnabled", "description": "This function get the debug mode of the detect area. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsDetectAreaGetDebugModeEnabled", "body": "dgsDetectAreaGetDebugModeEnabled(${1:element da})" }, "dgsSendDragNDropData": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSendDragNDropData", "description": "This function makes the possibility of transfering dynamic data between dgs elements by Drag&Drop, which is useful for inventory system. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSendDragNDropData", "body": "dgsSendDragNDropData(${1:mixed dragData [}, ${2:material preview = nil}, ${3:int previewColor = tocolor(255}, ${4:255}, ${5:255}, ${6:255})" }, "dgsRetrieveDragNDropData": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRetrieveDragNDropData", "description": "This function retrieves the Drag&Drop data that is holding on cursor. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRetrieveDragNDropData", "body": "dgsRetrieveDragNDropData(${1:[ bool retainData = false ]})" }, "dgsIsDragNDropData": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsIsDragNDropData", "description": "This function checks whether there is some data holding on cursor. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsIsDragNDropData", "body": "dgsIsDragNDropData(${1:})" }, "dgsCreateGridList": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateGridList", "description": "This function creates a grid list DGS element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateGridList", "body": "dgsCreateGridList(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:bool relative [}, ${6:element parent = nil}, ${7:float columnHeight = 20}, ${8:int bgColor = 0xFFD2D2D2}, ${9:int columnTextColor = 0xFF000000}, ${10:int columnColor = 0xFFDCDCDC}, ${11:int normalRowColor = 0xFFC8C8C8}, ${12:int hoveringRowColor = 0xFF969696}, ${13:int selectedRowColor = 0xFF00ACF2}, ${14:element bgImage = nil}, ${15:element columnImage = nil}, ${16:element normalRowImage = nil}, ${17:element hoveringRowImage = nil}, ${18:element selectedRowImage = nil]})" }, "dgsGridListClear": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListClear", "description": "This function clears all the data from a dgs grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListClear", "body": "dgsGridListClear(${1:element gridList [}, ${2:bool clearRow = true}, ${3:bool clearColumn = false ]})" }, "dgsGridListGetScrollBar": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetScrollBar", "description": "This function retrieves the scroll bars of a DGS grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetScrollBar", "body": "dgsGridListGetScrollBar(${1:element gridList})" }, "dgsGridListSetScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetScrollPosition", "description": "This function set scroll position of dgs grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetScrollPosition", "body": "dgsGridListSetScrollPosition(${1:element gridList[}, ${2:float vertical = nil}, ${3:float horizontal = nil ]})" }, "dgsGridListGetScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetScrollPosition", "description": "This function get scroll position of dgs grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetScrollPosition", "body": "dgsGridListGetScrollPosition(${1:element gridList})" }, "dgsGridListScrollTo": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListScrollTo", "description": "This function scrolls the grid list to the specific item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListScrollTo", "body": "dgsGridListScrollTo(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int row}, ${3:int column})" }, "dgsGridListSetHorizontalScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetHorizontalScrollPosition", "description": "This function is used to set the horizontal scroll position from a grid list | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetHorizontalScrollPosition", "body": "dgsGridListSetHorizontalScrollPosition(${1:element dgsGridList}, ${2:float position})" }, "dgsGridListGetHorizontalScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetHorizontalScrollPosition", "description": "This function is used to get the horizontal scroll position from a grid list | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetHorizontalScrollPosition", "body": "dgsGridListGetHorizontalScrollPosition(${1:element dgsGridList})" }, "dgsGridListSetVerticalScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetVerticalScrollPosition", "description": "This function is used to set the vertical scroll position from a grid list | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetVerticalScrollPosition", "body": "dgsGridListSetVerticalScrollPosition(${1:element dgsGridList}, ${2:float position})" }, "dgsGridListGetVerticalScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetVerticalScrollPosition", "description": "This function is used to get the vertical scroll position from a grid list | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetVerticalScrollPosition", "body": "dgsGridListGetVerticalScrollPosition(${1:element dgsGridList})" }, "dgsGridListResetScrollBarPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListResetScrollBarPosition", "description": "This function reset the position of vertical and horizontal scroll bars. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListResetScrollBarPosition", "body": "dgsGridListResetScrollBarPosition(${1:element gridList [}, ${2:bool remainVertical = false}, ${3:bool remainHorizontal = false ]})" }, "dgsGridListSetColumnRelative": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetColumnRelative", "description": "This function set whether the columns' length are relative . | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetColumnRelative", "body": "dgsGridListSetColumnRelative(${1:element gridList [}, ${2:bool relative = false}, ${3:bool transformColumn = true ]})" }, "dgsGridListGetColumnRelative": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetColumnRelative", "description": "This function get whether the columns' length are relative . | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetColumnRelative", "body": "dgsGridListGetColumnRelative(${1:element gridList})" }, "dgsGridListAddColumn": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListAddColumn", "description": "This function is used to create columns in grid lists. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListAddColumn", "body": "dgsGridListAddColumn(${1:element gridList}, ${2:string title}, ${3:float width [}, ${4:int insertPosition = nil}, ${5:string horizontalAlign = \"left\" ]})" }, "dgsGridListRemoveColumn": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListRemoveColumn", "description": "This allows you to delete columns that exist in grid lists. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListRemoveColumn", "body": "dgsGridListRemoveColumn(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int columnIndex})" }, "dgsGridListClearColumn": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListClearColumn", "description": "This function clears all the column data from a dgs grid list and doesn't remove row. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListClearColumn", "body": "dgsGridListClearColumn(${1:element gridList}, ${2:bool notResetSelectedItem}, ${3:bool notResetScrollBar})" }, "dgsGridListGetColumnCount": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetColumnCount", "description": "This function returns the number of columns in a dgs grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetColumnCount", "body": "dgsGridListGetColumnCount(${1:element gridList})" }, "dgsGridListGetColumnAllWidth": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetColumnAllWidth", "description": "This function is used to get the total width from 1 to specific column index of dgs gridlist. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetColumnAllWidth", "body": "dgsGridListGetColumnAllWidth(${1:element dgsGridlist}, ${2:int columnIndex [}, ${3:bool relative = false}, ${4:bool fastFind = false ]})" }, "dgsGridListGetColumnHeight": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetColumnHeight", "description": "This function is used to get the height of a dgs gridlist column. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetColumnHeight", "body": "dgsGridListGetColumnHeight(${1:element dgsGridlist})" }, "dgsGridListSetColumnHeight": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetColumnHeight", "description": "This function is used to set the height of a dgs gridlist column. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetColumnHeight", "body": "dgsGridListSetColumnHeight(${1:element dgsGridlist}, ${2:int height})" }, "dgsGridListGetColumnWidth": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetColumnWidth", "description": "This function is used to get the width of a dgs gridlist column. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetColumnWidth", "body": "dgsGridListGetColumnWidth(${1:element dgsGridlist}, ${2:int columnIndex [}, ${3:bool relative = false ]})" }, "dgsGridListSetColumnWidth": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetColumnWidth", "description": "This function is used to set the width of a dgs gridlist column. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetColumnWidth", "body": "dgsGridListSetColumnWidth(${1:element dgsGridlist}, ${2:int columnIndex}, ${3:float/int width [}, ${4:bool relative = false ]})" }, "dgsGridListAutoSizeColumn": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListAutoSizeColumn", "description": "This allows you to automatically size a column to display everything in it correctly, with the most minimal width. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListAutoSizeColumn", "body": "dgsGridListAutoSizeColumn(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int columnIndex [}, ${3:float additionalLength}, ${4:bool relative}, ${5:bool isByItem ]})" }, "dgsGridListGetColumnTitle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetColumnTitle", "description": "This function is used to get the column title of a dgs gridlist column. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetColumnTitle", "body": "dgsGridListGetColumnTitle(${1:element dgsGridlist}, ${2:int columnIndex})" }, "dgsGridListSetColumnTitle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetColumnTitle", "description": "This function is used to change the column title of a dgs gridlist column. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetColumnTitle", "body": "dgsGridListSetColumnTitle(${1:element dgsGridlist}, ${2:int columnIndex}, ${3:string title})" }, "dgsGridListGetColumnFont": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetColumnFont", "description": "This function is used to get the font of a dgs gridlist column. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetColumnFont", "body": "dgsGridListGetColumnFont(${1:element dgsGridlist}, ${2:int columnIndex})" }, "dgsGridListSetColumnFont": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetColumnFont", "description": "This function is used to set the font of a dgs gridlist column. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetColumnFont", "body": "dgsGridListSetColumnFont(${1:element dgsGridlist}, ${2:int columnIndex}, ${3:dx-font/string font [}, ${4:affectRow = false ]})" }, "dgsGridListSetColumnTextColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetColumnTextColor", "description": "This function changes the color of a gridlist column title. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetColumnTextColor", "body": "dgsGridListSetColumnTextColor(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int columnIndex}, ${3:int color})" }, "dgsGridListSetColumnTextColor2": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetColumnTextColor2", "description": "This function changes the color of a gridlist column title. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetColumnTextColor", "body": "dgsGridListSetColumnTextColor(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int columnIndex}, ${3:int r}, ${4:int g}, ${5:int b [}, ${6:int a = 255 ]})" }, "dgsGridListSetSortColumn": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetSortColumn", "description": "This function chooses which column to be sorted by ( Must works with dgsGridListSetSortFunction ). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetSortColumn", "body": "dgsGridListSetSortColumn(${1:element gridlist}, ${2:int sortedColumn})" }, "dgsGridListGetSortColumn": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetSortColumn", "description": "This function gets the column to be sorted by. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetSortColumn", "body": "dgsGridListGetSortColumn(${1:element gridlist})" }, "dgsGridListGetEnterColumn": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetEnterColumn", "description": "This function gets the column that the mouse hits from the specific grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetEnterColumn", "body": "dgsGridListGetEnterColumn(${1:element gridList})" }, "dgsGridListAddRow": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListAddRow", "description": "Adds a row to a grid list, and optionally add simple text items with your rows. Use dgsGridListSetItemText to add row headers. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListAddRow", "body": "dgsGridListAddRow(${1:element gridList [}, ${2:int pos}, ${3:int/string itemText1}, ${4:int/string itemText2}, ${5:...]})" }, "dgsGridListRemoveRow": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListRemoveRow", "description": "This allows you to delete rows that exist in grid lists. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListRemoveRow", "body": "dgsGridListRemoveRow(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex})" }, "dgsGridListClearRow": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListClearRow", "description": "This function clears all the row data from a dgs grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListClearRow", "body": "dgsGridListClearRow(${1:element gridList}, ${2:bool notResetSelectedItem}, ${3:bool notResetScrollBar})" }, "dgsGridListGetRowCount": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetRowCount", "description": "This function returns the number of rows in a dgs grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetRowCount", "body": "dgsGridListGetRowCount(${1:element gridList})" }, "dgsGridListGetRowBackGroundImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetRowBackGroundImage", "description": "This function gets the row background image from the grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetRowBackGroundImage", "body": "dgsGridListGetRowBackGroundImage(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex})" }, "dgsGridListSetRowBackGroundImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetRowBackGroundImage", "description": "This function sets the row background texture of the grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetRowBackGroundImage", "body": "dgsGridListSetRowBackGroundImage(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex}, ${3:texture imageDefault}, ${4:texture imageHoving}, ${5:texture imageSelected})" }, "dgsGridListSetRowBackGroundColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetRowBackGroundColor", "description": "This function sets the row background color of the grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetRowBackGroundColor", "body": "dgsGridListSetRowBackGroundColor(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex}, ${3:int colorDefault}, ${4:int colorHoving}, ${5:int colorSelected})" }, "dgsGridListGetRowBackGroundColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetRowBackGroundColor", "description": "This function gets the row background color from the grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetRowBackGroundColor", "body": "dgsGridListGetRowBackGroundColor(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex})" }, "dgsGridListSetRowAsSection": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetRowAsSection", "description": "This function sets whether the row is section. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetRowAsSection", "body": "dgsGridListSetRowAsSection(${1:element gridlist}, ${2:int row [}, ${3:bool enable = false}, ${4:bool enableClickAndSelect = false ]})" }, "dgsGridListGetRowSelectable": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetRowSelectable", "description": "This function gets whether the row is selectable. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetRowSelectable", "body": "dgsGridListGetRowSelectable(${1:element gridlist}, ${2:int row})" }, "dgsGridListSetRowSelectable": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetRowSelectable", "description": "This function sets whether the row is selectable, which has higer priority than dgsGridListSetItemSelectable. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetRowSelectable", "body": "dgsGridListSetRowSelectable(${1:element gridlist}, ${2:int row}, ${3:boolean state})" }, "dgsGridListGetRowHoverable": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetRowHoverable", "description": "This function returns whether the row is hoverable. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetRowHoverable", "body": "dgsGridListGetRowHoverable(${1:element gridlist}, ${2:int row})" }, "dgsGridListSetRowHoverable": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetRowHoverable", "description": "This function sets whether the row is hoverable, which has higer priority than dgsGridListSetItemHoverable. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetRowHoverable", "body": "dgsGridListSetRowHoverable(${1:element gridlist}, ${2:int row}, ${3:boolean state})" }, "dgsGridListSetItemColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetItemColor", "description": "This function changes the color of a gridlist item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetItemColor", "body": "dgsGridListSetItemColor(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex}, ${3:int columnIndex}, ${4:int/table color})" }, "dgsGridListSetItemColor2": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetItemColor2", "description": "This function changes the color of a gridlist item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetItemColor", "body": "dgsGridListSetItemColor(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex}, ${3:int columnIndex}, ${4:int r}, ${5:int g}, ${6:int b [}, ${7:int a = 255 ]})" }, "dgsGridListGetItemColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetItemColor", "description": "This function get the color of a gridlist item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetItemColor", "body": "dgsGridListGetItemColor(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex}, ${3:int columnIndex [}, ${4:bool notSplitColor = false ]})" }, "dgsGridListSetItemText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetItemText", "description": "This function changes the text of a gridlist item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetItemText", "body": "dgsGridListSetItemText(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex}, ${3:int columnIndex}, ${4:string text [}, ${5:bool isSection ]})" }, "dgsGridListGetItemText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetItemText", "description": "This function retrieves the text from a specific grid list item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetItemText", "body": "dgsGridListGetItemText(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex}, ${3:int columnIndex})" }, "dgsGridListSetItemFont": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetItemFont", "description": "This function changes the font of an item of a dgs grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetItemFont", "body": "dgsGridListSetItemFont(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex}, ${3:int columnIndex}, ${4:string/dx-font font})" }, "dgsGridListGetItemFont": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetItemFont", "description": "With this function you can retrieve the font of an item in a dgs grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetItemFont", "body": "dgsGridListGetItemFont(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex}, ${3:int columnIndex})" }, "dgsGridListSetItemData": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetItemData", "description": "Returns true if set successfully, false if one of the arguments was invalid. This example displays a random item data from the gridlist. Thi... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetItemData", "body": "dgsGridListSetItemData(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex}, ${3:int columnIndex}, ${4:var data})" }, "dgsGridListSetItemData2": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetItemData2", "description": "Returns true if set successfully, false if one of the arguments was invalid. This example displays a random item data from the gridlist. Thi... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetItemData", "body": "dgsGridListSetItemData(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex}, ${3:int columnIndex}, ${4:mixed key}, ${5:mixed data})" }, "dgsGridListSetItemImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetItemImage", "description": "This function sets the image on a grid list item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetItemImage", "body": "dgsGridListSetItemImage(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex}, ${3:int columnIndex}, ${4:element texture [}, ${5:int color = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${6:float offsetX = 0}, ${7:float offsetY = 0}, ${8:float width}, ${9:float height}, ${10:bool relative ]})" }, "dgsGridListGetItemImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetItemImage", "description": "This function gets the image from a grid list item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetItemImage", "body": "dgsGridListGetItemImage(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex}, ${3:int columnIndex})" }, "dgsGridListRemoveItemImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListRemoveItemImage", "description": "This function remove the image from the grid list item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListRemoveItemImage", "body": "dgsGridListRemoveItemImage(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowIndex}, ${3:int columnIndex})" }, "dgsGridListSelectItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSelectItem", "description": "This function is used to select single item by state. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSelectItem", "body": "dgsGridListSelectItem(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int row}, ${3:int column}, ${4:bool state})" }, "dgsGridListItemIsSelected": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListItemIsSelected", "description": "This function returns a bool value indicates whether the item is selected.(Different from dgsGridListGetSelectedItem, this function is alway... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListItemIsSelected", "body": "dgsGridListItemIsSelected(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int row}, ${3:int column})" }, "dgsGridListGetSelectedCount": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetSelectedCount", "description": "This function returns the amount of options selected in the specified dgs grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetSelectedCount", "body": "dgsGridListGetSelectedCount(${1:element gridList [}, ${2:int inRow = -1}, ${3:int inColumn = -1 ]})" }, "dgsGridListGetPreselectedItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetPreselectedItem", "description": "This function returns the row and colum indexes of the hovering item in a grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetPreselectedItem", "body": "dgsGridListGetPreselectedItem(${1:element gridList})" }, "dgsGridListGetSelectedItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetSelectedItem", "description": "This function returns the row and colum indexes of the selected item in a grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetSelectedItem", "body": "dgsGridListGetSelectedItem(${1:element gridList})" }, "dgsGridListSetSelectedItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetSelectedItem", "description": "This function selects an item from a grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetSelectedItem", "body": "dgsGridListSetSelectedItem(${1:element gridList}, ${2:int rowID}, ${3:[ int columnID}, ${4:bool scrollTo ]})" }, "dgsGridListGetSelectedItems": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetSelectedItems", "description": "This function returns the items selected in the specified dgs grid list. Note that the index of row and column start from 1, which is differ... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetSelectedItems", "body": "dgsGridListGetSelectedItems(${1:element gridList})" }, "dgsGridListSetSelectedItems": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetSelectedItems", "description": "This function selects multipile items in the specific dgs grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetSelectedItems", "body": "dgsGridListSetSelectedItems(${1:element gridList}, ${2:table items})" }, "dgsGridListGetItemSelectable": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetItemSelectable", "description": "This function gets whether the item is selectable. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetItemSelectable", "body": "dgsGridListGetItemSelectable(${1:element gridlist}, ${2:int row}, ${3:int column})" }, "dgsGridListSetItemSelectable": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetItemSelectable", "description": "This function sets whether the item is selectable, which has a lower priority than dgsGridListSetRowSelectable. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetItemSelectable", "body": "dgsGridListSetItemSelectable(${1:element gridlist}, ${2:int row}, ${3:int column}, ${4:boolean state})" }, "dgsGridListGetItemHoverable": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetItemHoverable", "description": "This function returns whether the item is hoverable. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetItemHoverable", "body": "dgsGridListGetItemHoverable(${1:element gridlist}, ${2:int row}, ${3:int column})" }, "dgsGridListSetItemHoverable": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetItemHoverable", "description": "This function sets whether the item is hoverable, which has a lower priority than dgsGridListSetRowHoverable. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetItemHoverable", "body": "dgsGridListSetItemHoverable(${1:element gridlist}, ${2:int row}, ${3:int column}, ${4:boolean state})" }, "dgsGridListSetSelectionMode": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetSelectionMode", "description": "This function sets the selection mode of a dgs gridlist. For example, the MTA server browser selects a whole row, while the Controls dialog... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetSelectionMode", "body": "dgsGridListSetSelectionMode(${1:element gridlist}, ${2:int mode})" }, "dgsGridListGetSelectionMode": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetSelectionMode", "description": "This function gets the selection mode of a dgs gridlist. For example, the MTA server browser selects a whole row, while the Controls dialog... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetSelectionMode", "body": "dgsGridListGetSelectionMode(${1:element gridlist})" }, "dgsGridListSetNavigationEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetNavigationEnabled", "description": "This function set the state of navigation of dgs grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetNavigationEnabled", "body": "dgsGridListSetNavigationEnabled(${1:element gridList}, ${2:bool state})" }, "dgsGridListGetNavigationEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetNavigationEnabled", "description": "This function get the state of navigation of dgs grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetNavigationEnabled", "body": "dgsGridListGetNavigationEnabled(${1:element gridList})" }, "dgsGridListSetMultiSelectionEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetMultiSelectionEnabled", "description": "This function changes the multi-selecting mode of the dgs grid list. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetMultiSelectionEnabled", "body": "dgsGridListSetMultiSelectionEnabled(${1:element gridlist}, ${2:bool state})" }, "dgsGridListGetMultiSelectionEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetMultiSelectionEnabled", "description": "This function checks whether the multi-selecting mode is enabled. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetMultiSelectionEnabled", "body": "dgsGridListGetMultiSelectionEnabled(${1:element gridlist})" }, "dgsGridListSetAutoSortEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetAutoSortEnabled", "description": "This function sets whether the auto sorting of grid list enabled. Auto Sorting means when the grid list have target sorting column and sorti... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetAutoSortEnabled", "body": "dgsGridListSetAutoSortEnabled(${1:element gridlist}, ${2:bool state})" }, "dgsGridListGetAutoSortEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetAutoSortEnabled", "description": "This function gets whether the auto sorting of grid list enabled. Auto Sorting means when the grid list have target sorting column and sorti... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetAutoSortEnabled", "body": "dgsGridListGetAutoSortEnabled(${1:element gridlist})" }, "dgsGridListSetSortFunction": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetSortFunction", "description": "This function sets and loads the specific and custom sorting function ( Must works with dgsGridListSetSortColumn ). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetSortFunction", "body": "dgsGridListSetSortFunction(${1:dgsElement gridlist}, ${2:string func})" }, "dgsGridListSetSortEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSetSortEnabled", "description": "This function sets whether the sort which activated by clicking the column of grid list enabled. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSetSortEnabled", "body": "dgsGridListSetSortEnabled(${1:element gridlist}, ${2:bool state})" }, "dgsGridListGetSortEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListGetSortEnabled", "description": "This function gets whether the sort which activated by clicking the column of grid list enabled. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListGetSortEnabled", "body": "dgsGridListGetSortEnabled(${1:element gridlist})" }, "dgsGridListSort": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGridListSort", "description": "This function forces the dgs gridlist to carry out sorting once ( Sorting function and sorted column must exist, or it will do nothing and r... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGridListSort", "body": "dgsGridListSort(${1:delement gridlist})" }, "dgsAttachToGridList": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsAttachToGridList", "description": "This function allows you to attach a specific dgs element to a dgs gridlist. This function will force to set the parent of dgs element to th... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsAttachToGridList", "body": "dgsAttachToGridList(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:element gridList}, ${3:int rowIndex}, ${4:int columnIndex})" }, "dgsDetachFromGridList": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsDetachFromGridList", "description": "This function allows you to detach a specific dgs element from a dgs gridlist. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsDetachFromGridList", "body": "dgsDetachFromGridList(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsCreateImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateImage", "description": "This function creates an image using image elements ( render target, texture element, shader and screen source and so on, even nothing just... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateImage", "body": "dgsCreateImage(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:element/string image = nil}, ${6:bool relative [}, ${7:element parent = nil}, ${8:int color = 0xFFFFFFFF ]})" }, "dgsImageSetImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsImageSetImage", "description": "This function allows you to change the image in DGS image element to another one. Note: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsImageSetImage", "body": "dgsImageSetImage(${1:element theElement}, ${2:element/string texture})" }, "dgsImageGetImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsImageGetImage", "description": "This function allows you to get the image from dgs image element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsImageGetImage", "body": "dgsImageGetImage(${1:element theElement})" }, "dgsImageSetUVSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsImageSetUVSize", "description": "This function sets the UV size of a DGS image (Only available when there is a texture loaded in DGS image). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsImageSetUVSize", "body": "dgsImageSetUVSize(${1:element dgsImage}, ${2:float UPos}, ${3:float VPos}, ${4:bool relative})" }, "dgsImageGetUVSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsImageGetUVSize", "description": "This function gets the UV size of a DGS image (Only available when there is a texture loaded in DGS image). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsImageGetUVSize", "body": "dgsImageGetUVSize(${1:element dgsImage}, ${2:bool relative})" }, "dgsImageSetUVPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsImageSetUVPosition", "description": "This function sets the UV positon of a DGS image (Only available when there is a texture loaded in DGS image). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsImageSetUVPosition", "body": "dgsImageSetUVPosition(${1:element dgsImage}, ${2:float UPos}, ${3:float VPos}, ${4:bool relative})" }, "dgsImageGetUVPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsImageGetUVPosition", "description": "This function gets the UV positon of a DGS image (Only available when there is a texture loaded in DGS image). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsImageGetUVPosition", "body": "dgsImageGetUVPosition(${1:element dgsImage}, ${2:bool relative})" }, "dgsImageGetNativeSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsImageGetNativeSize", "description": "This function gets the size of the texture that is loaded in DGS image. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsImageGetNativeSize", "body": "dgsImageGetNativeSize(${1:element dgsImage})" }, "dgsCreateMemo": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateMemo", "description": "This function creates a new DGS memo. This is a multiline edit box in which the user can input text. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateMemo", "body": "dgsCreateMemo(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:string text}, ${6:bool relative [}, ${7:element parent = nil}, ${8:int textColor = 0x000000FF}, ${9:int scaleX = 1}, ${10:int scaleY = 1}, ${11:element bgImage = nil}, ${12:int bgColor = 0xFFFFFFFF ]})" }, "dgsMemoMoveCaret": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoMoveCaret", "description": "This function sets the current position of the caret (the text cursor) within the memo by offsets. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoMoveCaret", "body": "dgsMemoMoveCaret(${1:element theElement}, ${2:int indexoffset [}, ${3:int lineoffset = 0}, ${4:bool selectText = false}, ${5:bool noChangeLine = false ]})" }, "dgsMemoSeekPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoSeekPosition", "description": "This function transform the position (index and line) correctly of the text in memo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoSeekPosition", "body": "dgsMemoSeekPosition(${1:element dxMemo}, ${2:int index}, ${3:int line [}, ${4:bool transformLine = true ]})" }, "dgsMemoGetScrollBar": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetScrollBar", "description": "This function gets two scroll bars of dgs memo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetScrollBar", "body": "dgsMemoGetScrollBar(${1:element memo})" }, "dgsMemoSetScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoSetScrollPosition", "description": "This function set scroll position of dgs memo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoSetScrollPosition", "body": "dgsMemoSetScrollPosition(${1:element memo [}, ${2:float vertical = nil}, ${3:float horizontal = nil ]})" }, "dgsMemoGetScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetScrollPosition", "description": "This function get scroll position of dgs memo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetScrollPosition", "body": "dgsMemoGetScrollPosition(${1:element memo})" }, "dgsMemoSetHorizontalScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoSetHorizontalScrollPosition", "description": "This function is used to set the horizontal scroll position from a memo | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoSetHorizontalScrollPosition", "body": "dgsMemoSetHorizontalScrollPosition(${1:element dgsMemo}, ${2:float position})" }, "dgsMemoGetHorizontalScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetHorizontalScrollPosition", "description": "This function is used to get the horizontal scroll position from a memo | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetHorizontalScrollPosition", "body": "dgsMemoGetHorizontalScrollPosition(${1:element dgsMemo})" }, "dgsMemoSetVerticalScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoSetVerticalScrollPosition", "description": "This function is used to set the vertical scroll position from a memo | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoSetVerticalScrollPosition", "body": "dgsMemoSetVerticalScrollPosition(${1:element dgsMemo}, ${2:float position})" }, "dgsMemoGetVerticalScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetVerticalScrollPosition", "description": "No info | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetVerticalScrollPosition", "body": "dgsMemoGetVerticalScrollPosition(${1:element dgsMemo})" }, "dgsMemoSetCaretPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoSetCaretPosition", "description": "This function sets the current position of the caret (the text cursor) within the memo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoSetCaretPosition", "body": "dgsMemoSetCaretPosition(${1:element theElement}, ${2:int index [}, ${3:int line = 0}, ${4:bool selectText = false}, ${5:bool noChangeLine = false ]})" }, "dgsMemoGetCaretPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetCaretPosition", "description": "This function gets the current position of the caret (the text cursor) within the memo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetCaretPosition", "body": "dgsMemoGetCaretPosition(${1:element theElement})" }, "dgsMemoSetCaretStyle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoSetCaretStyle", "description": "This function is to set the caret style of dgs memo ( 0 is \"|\"; 1 is \"_\" ). Example(0): This is Text| Example(1): This is Text_ | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoSetCaretStyle", "body": "dgsMemoSetCaretStyle(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:int style})" }, "dgsMemoGetCaretStyle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetCaretStyle", "description": "This function is to get the caret style of dgs memo ( 0 is \"|\"; 1 is \"_\" ). Example(0): This is Text| Example(1): This is Text_ | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetCaretStyle", "body": "dgsMemoGetCaretStyle(${1:element dgsElement})" }, "dgsMemoSetReadOnly": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoSetReadOnly", "description": "This function allows you to set or remove read-only status for a dgs memo. If read-only is set to true, the box is not editable. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoSetReadOnly", "body": "dgsMemoSetReadOnly(${1:element memo}, ${2:bool status})" }, "dgsMemoGetReadOnly": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetReadOnly", "description": "This function allows you to get read-only status for a dgs memo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetReadOnly", "body": "dgsMemoGetReadOnly(${1:element memo})" }, "dgsMemoGetPartOfText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetPartOfText", "description": "This function returns a part of text from the memo by index and line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetPartOfText", "body": "dgsMemoGetPartOfText(${1:element theElement [}, ${2:int startIndex = 0}, ${3:int startLine = 1}, ${4:int endIndex}, ${5:int endLine}, ${6:bool deleteText = false ]})" }, "dgsMemoAppendText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoAppendText", "description": "This function append the text to memo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoAppendText", "body": "dgsMemoAppendText(${1:element memo}, ${2:string text})" }, "dgsMemoDeleteText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoDeleteText", "description": "This function deletes a part of text from the memo by index and line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoDeleteText", "body": "dgsMemoDeleteText(${1:element theElement}, ${2:int fromindex}, ${3:int fromline}, ${4:int toindex}, ${5:int toline [}, ${6:bool noAffectCaret = false ]})" }, "dgsMemoInsertText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoInsertText", "description": "This function deletes a part of text from the memo by index and line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoInsertText", "body": "dgsMemoInsertText(${1:element theElement}, ${2:int index}, ${3:int line}, ${4:string text})" }, "dgsMemoClearText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoClearText", "description": "This function clears the whole text of the memo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoClearText", "body": "dgsMemoClearText(${1:element theElement})" }, "dgsMemoGetTextBoundingBox": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetTextBoundingBox", "description": "This function gets the bounding box of the text inside DGS Memo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetTextBoundingBox", "body": "dgsMemoGetTextBoundingBox(${1:element dgsMemo [}, ${2:bool excludePadding = false ]})" }, "dgsMemoSetTypingSound": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoSetTypingSound", "description": "This function applies a typing sound to a dgs memo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoSetTypingSound", "body": "dgsMemoSetTypingSound(${1:element dxMemo}, ${2:string soundPath})" }, "dgsMemoGetTypingSound": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetTypingSound", "description": "This function gets the typing sound that has already been applied. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetTypingSound", "body": "dgsMemoGetTypingSound(${1:element dxMemo})" }, "dgsMemoSetTypingSoundVolume": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoSetTypingSoundVolume", "description": "This function changes the volume of the typing sound to a dgs memo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoSetTypingSoundVolume", "body": "dgsMemoSetTypingSoundVolume(${1:element memo}, ${2:number volume})" }, "dgsMemoGetTypingSoundVolume": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetTypingSoundVolume", "description": "This function gets the volume of the typing sound of a dgs memo | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetTypingSoundVolume", "body": "dgsMemoGetTypingSoundVolume(${1:element memo})" }, "dgsMemoGetLineCount": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetLineCount", "description": "This function gets how many lines in the dgs memo | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetLineCount", "body": "dgsMemoGetLineCount(${1:element memo [}, ${2:bool forceStrongLine = false ]})" }, "dgsMemoSetWordWrapState": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoSetWordWrapState", "description": "This function sets the word wrap state of dgs memo | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoSetWordWrapState", "body": "dgsMemoSetWordWrapState(${1:element memo}, ${2:int/bool state})" }, "dgsMemoGetWordWrapState": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetWordWrapState", "description": "This function gets the word wrap state of dgs memo | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetWordWrapState", "body": "dgsMemoGetWordWrapState(${1:element memo})" }, "dgsMemoSetScrollBarState": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoSetScrollBarState", "description": "This function force the scroll bar of the memo to be enabled/disabled. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoSetScrollBarState", "body": "dgsMemoSetScrollBarState(${1:element memo [}, ${2:bool/nil verticalState = nil}, ${3:bool/nil horizontalState = nil ]})" }, "dgsMemoGetScrollBarState": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetScrollBarState", "description": "This function get the force state of the scroll bar of the memo | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetScrollBarState", "body": "dgsMemoGetScrollBarState(${1:element memo})" }, "dgsMemoSetMaxLength": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoSetMaxLength", "description": "This function sets the maximum text length that can be typed into a memo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoSetMaxLength", "body": "dgsMemoSetMaxLength(${1:element theElement}, ${2:int length})" }, "dgsMemoGetMaxLength": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMemoGetMaxLength", "description": "This function gets the maximum text length that can be typed into a memo. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMemoGetMaxLength", "body": "dgsMemoGetMaxLength(${1:element theElement})" }, "dgsCreateMenu": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateMenu", "description": "This function is for creating a DGS menu. DGS menu is invisible by default. To show menu, use dgsMenuShow. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateMenu", "body": "dgsCreateMenu(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:bool relative [}, ${6:element parent = nil ]})" }, "dgsCreateLabel": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateLabel", "description": "This function is for creating a new DGS label. A label is simply a piece of text that cannot be edited by the user. If you would like to ha... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateLabel", "body": "dgsCreateLabel(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:string text}, ${6:bool relative [}, ${7:element parent = nil}, ${8:int textColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${9:float scaleX = 1}, ${10:float scaleY = 1}, ${11:float shadowOffsetX = nil}, ${12:float shadowOffsetY = nil}, ${13:int shadowColor = nil}, ${14:string horizontalAlign = \"left\"}, ${15:string verticalAlign = \"top\"]})" }, "dgsLabelSetColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLabelSetColor", "description": "Returns true if the the color of the dgs label was successfully changed, false otherwise. This example creates a label with text \"Hello Worl... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLabelSetColor", "body": "dgsLabelSetColor(${1:element theElement}, ${2:int red}, ${3:int green}, ${4:int blue}, ${5:int alpha})" }, "dgsLabelSetColor2": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLabelSetColor2", "description": "Returns true if the the color of the dgs label was successfully changed, false otherwise. This example creates a label with text \"Hello Worl... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLabelSetColor", "body": "dgsLabelSetColor(${1:element theElement}, ${2:int color}, ${3:bool notSplitColor})" }, "dgsLabelGetColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLabelGetColor", "description": "This function gets the color of a label. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLabelGetColor", "body": "dgsLabelGetColor(${1:element theLabel [}, ${2:bool notSplit = false ]})" }, "dgsLabelSetHorizontalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLabelSetHorizontalAlign", "description": "This function sets the horizontal alignment of a dgs text label. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLabelSetHorizontalAlign", "body": "dgsLabelSetHorizontalAlign(${1:element theLabel}, ${2:string align [}, ${3:bool wordwrap = false ]})" }, "dgsLabelGetHorizontalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLabelGetHorizontalAlign", "description": "This function gets the horizontal alignment of a dgs text label.Valid alignment types are: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLabelGetHorizontalAlign", "body": "dgsLabelGetHorizontalAlign(${1:element theLabel})" }, "dgsLabelSetVerticalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLabelSetVerticalAlign", "description": "This function sets the vertical alignment of a dgs text label. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLabelSetVerticalAlign", "body": "dgsLabelSetVerticalAlign(${1:element theLabel}, ${2:string align})" }, "dgsLabelGetVerticalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLabelGetVerticalAlign", "description": "This function gets the vertical alignment of a dgs text label.Valid alignment types are: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLabelGetVerticalAlign", "body": "dgsLabelGetVerticalAlign(${1:element theLabel})" }, "dgsLabelGetTextExtent": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLabelGetTextExtent", "description": "This function returns the extent, or width, of the current text inside a DGS text label. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLabelGetTextExtent", "body": "dgsLabelGetTextExtent(${1:element theLabel})" }, "dgsLabelGetFontHeight": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLabelGetFontHeight", "description": "This function returns the height of the font currently used in a DGS text label. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLabelGetFontHeight", "body": "dgsLabelGetFontHeight(${1:element theLabel})" }, "dgsLabelGetTextSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLabelGetTextSize", "description": "This function retrieves the theoretical width and height (in pixels) of a certain piece of text of dgs label. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLabelGetTextSize", "body": "dgsLabelGetTextSize(${1:element theLabel})" }, "dgsCreateLine": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateLine", "description": "This function creates a DGS Line on the screen. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateLine", "body": "dgsCreateLine(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float w}, ${4:float h}, ${5:bool relative [}, ${6:element parent = nil}, ${7:float lineWidth = 1}, ${8:int color = 0xFFFFFFFF ]})" }, "dgsLineAddItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLineAddItem", "description": "This function adds an item into DGS Line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLineAddItem", "body": "dgsLineAddItem(${1:element line}, ${2:float startX}, ${3:float startY}, ${4:float endX}, ${5:float endY [}, ${6:float lineWidth = dgsLineWidth}, ${7:int lineColor = dgsLineColor}, ${8:bool relative = false ]})" }, "dgsLineRemoveItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLineRemoveItem", "description": "This function removes an item from DGS Line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLineRemoveItem", "body": "dgsLineRemoveItem(${1:element line}, ${2:int itemIndex})" }, "dgsLineSetItemPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLineSetItemPosition", "description": "This function sets the position of an item of dgs line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLineSetItemPosition", "body": "dgsLineSetItemPosition(${1:element line}, ${2:int index}, ${3:float startX = previousEndX}, ${4:float startY = previousEndY}, ${5:float endX}, ${6:float endY [}, ${7:float relative = false ]})" }, "dgsLineGetItemPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLineGetItemPosition", "description": "This function gets the position of an item of dgs line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLineGetItemPosition", "body": "dgsLineGetItemPosition(${1:element line}, ${2:int index})" }, "dgsLineSetItemWidth": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLineSetItemWidth", "description": "This function sets the width of an item of DGS Line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLineSetItemWidth", "body": "dgsLineSetItemWidth(${1:element line}, ${2:int index}, ${3:int width})" }, "dgsLineGetItemWidth": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLineGetItemWidth", "description": "This function gets the width of an item of DGS Line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLineGetItemWidth", "body": "dgsLineGetItemWidth(${1:element line}, ${2:int index})" }, "dgsLineSetItemColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLineSetItemColor", "description": "This function sets the color of an item of DGS Line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLineSetItemColor", "body": "dgsLineSetItemColor(${1:element line}, ${2:int index}, ${3:int color})" }, "dgsLineGetItemColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLineGetItemColor", "description": "This function gets the color of an item of DGS Line. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLineGetItemColor", "body": "dgsLineGetItemColor(${1:element line}, ${2:int index})" }, "dgsCreateProgressBar": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateProgressBar", "description": "This function creates a progress bar. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateProgressBar", "body": "dgsCreateProgressBar(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:bool relative [}, ${6:element parent = nil}, ${7:texture bgImage = nil}, ${8:int bgColor = nil}, ${9:texture indicatorImage = nil}, ${10:int indicatorColor = nil}, ${11:bool indicatorMode = false ]})" }, "dgsProgressBarGetProgress": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsProgressBarGetProgress", "description": "This function gets the progress of a progress bar as a percentage. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsProgressBarGetProgress", "body": "dgsProgressBarGetProgress(${1:progressBar theProgressbar})" }, "dgsProgressBarSetProgress": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsProgressBarSetProgress", "description": "This function sets the progress of a progress bar as a percentage. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsProgressBarSetProgress", "body": "dgsProgressBarSetProgress(${1:progressBar theProgressbar}, ${2:float progress})" }, "dgsProgressBarGetMode": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsProgressBarGetMode", "description": "This function gets bar image showing mode. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsProgressBarGetMode", "body": "dgsProgressBarGetMode(${1:element progressBar})" }, "dgsProgressBarSetMode": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsProgressBarSetMode", "description": "This function sets bar image showing mode. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsProgressBarSetMode", "body": "dgsProgressBarSetMode(${1:element progressBar}, ${2:bool mode})" }, "dgsProgressBarGetStyle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsProgressBarGetStyle", "description": "This function get style name from a progress bar. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsProgressBarGetStyle", "body": "dgsProgressBarGetStyle(${1:element progressbar})" }, "dgsProgressBarSetStyle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsProgressBarSetStyle", "description": "This function changes the style of a dgs progress bar. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsProgressBarSetStyle", "body": "dgsProgressBarSetStyle(${1:element progressbar}, ${2:string style [}, ${3:table settingTable ]})" }, "dgsCreateRadioButton": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateRadioButton", "description": "This function creates a radio button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateRadioButton", "body": "dgsCreateRadioButton(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:string text}, ${6:bool relative [}, ${7:element parent = nil}, ${8:int textcolor}, ${9:float scaleX = 1.0}, ${10:float scaleY = 1.0}, ${11:element normalUncheckedImage = nil}, ${12:element hoveringUncheckedImage = nil}, ${13:element clickedUnCheckedImage = nil}, ${14:int normalUnCheckedColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${15:int hoveringUnCheckedColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${16:int clickedUnCheckedColor = 0xFFB4B4B4}, ${17:element normalCheckedImage = nil}, ${18:element hoveringCheckedImage = nil}, ${19:element clickedCheckedImage = nil}, ${20:int normalCheckedColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${21:int hoveringCheckedColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${22:int clickedCheckedColor = 0xFFB4B4B4 ]})" }, "dgsRadioButtonGetSelected": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRadioButtonGetSelected", "description": "This function gets a radio button's selection state. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRadioButtonGetSelected", "body": "dgsRadioButtonGetSelected(${1:element RadioButton})" }, "dgsRadioButtonSetSelected": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRadioButtonSetSelected", "description": "This function selects or unselects a radio button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRadioButtonSetSelected", "body": "dgsRadioButtonSetSelected(${1:element RadioButton}, ${2:bool state})" }, "dgsRadioButtonSetHorizontalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRadioButtonSetHorizontalAlign", "description": "This function sets the horizontal alignment of the text of a dgs radio button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRadioButtonSetHorizontalAlign", "body": "dgsRadioButtonSetHorizontalAlign(${1:element radioButton}, ${2:string align})" }, "dgsRadioButtonGetHorizontalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRadioButtonGetHorizontalAlign", "description": "This function gets the horizontal alignment of a dgs radio button.Valid alignment types are: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRadioButtonGetHorizontalAlign", "body": "dgsRadioButtonGetHorizontalAlign(${1:element radioButton})" }, "dgsRadioButtonSetVerticalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRadioButtonSetVerticalAlign", "description": "This function sets the vertical alignment of the text of a dgs radio button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRadioButtonSetVerticalAlign", "body": "dgsRadioButtonSetVerticalAlign(${1:element radioButton}, ${2:string align})" }, "dgsRadioButtonGetVerticalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRadioButtonGetVerticalAlign", "description": "This function gets the vertical alignment of a dgs radio button.Valid alignment types are: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRadioButtonGetVerticalAlign", "body": "dgsRadioButtonGetVerticalAlign(${1:element radioButton})" }, "dgsRadioButtonGetButtonSide": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRadioButtonGetButtonSide", "description": "This function gets the side of the button of a dgs radio button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRadioButtonGetButtonSide", "body": "dgsRadioButtonGetButtonSide(${1:dgsRadioButton [}, ${2:string side = \"left\" ]})" }, "dgsRadioButtonSetButtonSide": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRadioButtonSetButtonSide", "description": "This function sets the side of the button of a dgs radio button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRadioButtonSetButtonSide", "body": "dgsRadioButtonSetButtonSide(${1:dgsRadioButton [}, ${2:string side = \"left\" ]})" }, "dgsRadioButtonGetButtonAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRadioButtonGetButtonAlign", "description": "This function gets the alignment of the button of a dgs radio button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRadioButtonGetButtonAlign", "body": "dgsRadioButtonGetButtonAlign(${1:dgsRadioButton})" }, "dgsRadioButtonSetButtonAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRadioButtonSetButtonAlign", "description": "This function sets the alignment of the button of a dgs radio button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRadioButtonSetButtonAlign", "body": "dgsRadioButtonSetButtonAlign(${1:dgsRadioButton [}, ${2:string alignment = \"left\" ]})" }, "dgsCreateScrollBar": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateScrollBar", "description": "This function allows creation of a DGS Scroll Bar. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateScrollBar", "body": "dgsCreateScrollBar(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:bool isHorizontal}, ${6:bool relative [}, ${7:element parent = nil}, ${8:element arrowImage = nil}, ${9:element troughImage = nil}, ${10:element cursorImage = nil}, ${11:int normalArrowColor = 0xAARRGGBB}, ${12:int hoveringArrowColor = 0xAARRGGBB}, ${13:int clickedArrowColor = 0xAARRGGBB}, ${14:int troughColor = 0xAARRGGBB}, ${15:int normalCursorColor = 0xAARRGGBB}, ${16:int hoveringCursorColor = 0xAARRGGBB}, ${17:int clickedCursorColor = 0xAARRGGBB ]})" }, "dgsScrollBarSetScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollBarSetScrollPosition", "description": "This function is used to set the scroll amount of a dgs scrollbar as a percentage. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollBarSetScrollPosition", "body": "dgsScrollBarSetScrollPosition(${1:element theScrollBar}, ${2:float amount [}, ${3:bool isGrade = false ]})" }, "dgsScrollBarGetScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollBarGetScrollPosition", "description": "This function gets the scroll amount of a dgs scrollbar as a percentage. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollBarGetScrollPosition", "body": "dgsScrollBarGetScrollPosition(${1:element theScrollBar [}, ${2:bool isGrade = false ]})" }, "dgsScrollBarSetGrades": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollBarSetGrades", "description": "This function allows you can use grades on dgs scroll bar. This can make scroll bar have steps when scrolling. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollBarSetGrades", "body": "dgsScrollBarSetGrades(${1:element scrollBar}, ${2:int grades [}, ${3:bool remainMultipler = false ]})" }, "dgsScrollBarGetGrades": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollBarGetGrades", "description": "This function gets the grade of scroll bar cursor. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollBarGetGrades", "body": "dgsScrollBarGetGrades(${1:element scrollBar})" }, "dgsScrollBarSetLocked": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollBarSetLocked", "description": "This function is used to lock/unlock the scroll bar to prevent scrolling. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollBarSetLocked", "body": "dgsScrollBarSetLocked(${1:element theScrollBar}, ${2:bool state})" }, "dgsScrollBarGetLocked": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollBarGetLocked", "description": "This function is used to get the lock state of the scroll bar. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollBarGetLocked", "body": "dgsScrollBarGetLocked(${1:element theScrollBar})" }, "dgsScrollBarSetCursorLength": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollBarSetCursorLength", "description": "This function sets the length of scroll bar cursor. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollBarSetCursorLength", "body": "dgsScrollBarSetCursorLength(${1:element scrollBar}, ${2:float size [}, ${3:bool relative]})" }, "dgsScrollBarGetCursorLength": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollBarGetCursorLength", "description": "This function gets the length of scroll bar cursor. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollBarGetCursorLength", "body": "dgsScrollBarGetCursorLength(${1:element scrollBar [}, ${2:bool relative ]})" }, "dgsScrollBarSetCursorWidth": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollBarSetCursorWidth", "description": "This function changes the width of cursor. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollBarSetCursorWidth", "body": "dgsScrollBarSetCursorWidth(${1:element scrollBar}, ${2:float width [}, ${3:bool relative ]})" }, "dgsScrollBarGetCursorWidth": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollBarGetCursorWidth", "description": "This function gets the width of cursor. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollBarGetCursorWidth", "body": "dgsScrollBarGetCursorWidth(${1:element scrollBar [}, ${2:bool relative ]})" }, "dgsScrollBarSetTroughWidth": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollBarSetTroughWidth", "description": "This function changes the width of trough. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollBarSetTroughWidth", "body": "dgsScrollBarSetTroughWidth(${1:element scrollBar}, ${2:float width [}, ${3:bool relative ]})" }, "dgsScrollBarGetTroughWidth": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollBarGetTroughWidth", "description": "This function gets the width of trough. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollBarGetTroughWidth", "body": "dgsScrollBarGetTroughWidth(${1:element scrollBar [}, ${2:bool relative ]})" }, "dgsScrollBarSetArrowSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollBarSetArrowSize", "description": "This function changes the size of arrow. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollBarSetArrowSize", "body": "dgsScrollBarSetArrowSize(${1:element scrollBar}, ${2:float size [}, ${3:bool relative ]})" }, "dgsScrollBarGetArrowSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollBarGetArrowSize", "description": "This function gets the size of arrow. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollBarGetArrowSize", "body": "dgsScrollBarGetArrowSize(${1:element scrollBar [}, ${2:bool relative ]})" }, "dgsCreateScrollPane": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateScrollPane", "description": "This creates a DGS scroll pane. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateScrollPane", "body": "dgsCreateScrollPane(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:bool relative [}, ${6:element parent = nil ]})" }, "dgsScrollPaneGetScrollBar": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollPaneGetScrollBar", "description": "This function gets two scroll bars of dgs scroll pane. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollPaneGetScrollBar", "body": "dgsScrollPaneGetScrollBar(${1:element scrollPane})" }, "dgsScrollPaneSetScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollPaneSetScrollPosition", "description": "This function set scroll position of dgs scroll pane. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollPaneSetScrollPosition", "body": "dgsScrollPaneSetScrollPosition(${1:element scrollPane[}, ${2:float vertical = nil}, ${3:float horizontal = nil ]})" }, "dgsScrollPaneGetScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollPaneGetScrollPosition", "description": "This function get scroll position of dgs scroll pane. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollPaneGetScrollPosition", "body": "dgsScrollPaneGetScrollPosition(${1:element scrollPane})" }, "dgsScrollPaneSetHorizontalScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollPaneSetHorizontalScrollPosition", "description": "This function is used to set the position of a horizontal scroll pane as a percentage. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollPaneSetHorizontalScrollPosition", "body": "dgsScrollPaneSetHorizontalScrollPosition(${1:element dgsScrollPane}, ${2:float position})" }, "dgsScrollPaneGetHorizontalScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollPaneGetHorizontalScrollPosition", "description": "This function is used to get the position of a horizontal scroll pane as a percentage. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollPaneGetHorizontalScrollPosition", "body": "dgsScrollPaneGetHorizontalScrollPosition(${1:element dgsScrollPane})" }, "dgsScrollPaneSetVerticalScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollPaneSetVerticalScrollPosition", "description": "This function is used to set the position of a vertical scroll pane as a percentage. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollPaneSetVerticalScrollPosition", "body": "dgsScrollPaneSetVerticalScrollPosition(${1:element dgsScrollPane}, ${2:float position})" }, "dgsScrollPaneGetVerticalScrollPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollPaneGetVerticalScrollPosition", "description": "This function is used to get the position of a vertical scroll pane as a percentage. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollPaneGetVerticalScrollPosition", "body": "dgsScrollPaneGetVerticalScrollPosition(${1:element dgsScrollPane})" }, "dgsScrollPaneSetScrollBarState": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollPaneSetScrollBarState", "description": "This function force the scroll bar of the scroll pane to be enabled/disabled. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollPaneSetScrollBarState", "body": "dgsScrollPaneSetScrollBarState(${1:element scrollPane [}, ${2:bool/nil verticalState = nil}, ${3:bool/nil horizontalState = nil ]})" }, "dgsScrollPaneGetScrollBarState": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsScrollPaneGetScrollBarState", "description": "This function get the force state of the scroll bar of the scroll pane | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsScrollPaneGetScrollBarState", "body": "dgsScrollPaneGetScrollBarState(${1:element scrollPane})" }, "dgsCreateSelector": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateSelector", "description": "This function allows creation of a DGS Selector. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateSelector", "body": "dgsCreateSelector(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:bool relative [}, ${6:element parent = nil}, ${7:int textColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${8:float scaleX = 1}, ${9:float scaleY = 1}, ${10:float shadowOffsetX = nil}, ${11:float shadowOffsetY = nil}, ${12:int shadowColor = nil ]})" }, "dgsSelectorAddItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSelectorAddItem", "description": "Adds an item to a selector. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSelectorAddItem", "body": "dgsSelectorAddItem(${1:element selector [}, ${2:string text ]})" }, "dgsSelectorRemoveItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSelectorRemoveItem", "description": "This function removes the selected item from a dgs selector. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSelectorRemoveItem", "body": "dgsSelectorRemoveItem(${1:element selector}, ${2:int item})" }, "dgsSelectorClear": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSelectorClear", "description": "This function removes all the items from a dgs selector. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSelectorClear", "body": "dgsSelectorClear(${1:element selector})" }, "dgsSelectorSetSelectedItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSelectorSetSelectedItem", "description": "This function sets the selected item from a dgs selector. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSelectorSetSelectedItem", "body": "dgsSelectorSetSelectedItem(${1:element selector}, ${2:int item})" }, "dgsSelectorGetSelectedItem": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSelectorGetSelectedItem", "description": "This function returns the index of the selected dgs selector item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSelectorGetSelectedItem", "body": "dgsSelectorGetSelectedItem(${1:element selector})" }, "dgsSelectorGetItemText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSelectorGetItemText", "description": "This function retrieves the text from a specific selector item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSelectorGetItemText", "body": "dgsSelectorGetItemText(${1:element selector}, ${2:int item})" }, "dgsSelectorSetItemText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSelectorSetItemText", "description": "This function changes the text of a dgs selector item. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSelectorSetItemText", "body": "dgsSelectorSetItemText(${1:element selector}, ${2:int itemId}, ${3:string/number text})" }, "dgsSelectorSetItemFont": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSelectorSetItemFont", "description": "This function changes the font of an item of a dgs selector. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSelectorSetItemFont", "body": "dgsSelectorSetItemFont(${1:element selector}, ${2:int itemId}, ${3:string/dx-font font})" }, "dgsAddStyle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsAddStyle", "description": "This function adds a style into dgs, which is needed for external resource. This function is unncessary if you load the style from DGS style... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsAddStyle", "body": "dgsAddStyle(${1:string styleName}, ${2:string stylePath [}, ${3:resource-data/string bindResource = resource ]})" }, "dgsLoadStyle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLoadStyle", "description": "This function loads an existing style into memory. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLoadStyle", "body": "dgsLoadStyle(${1:string styleName [}, ${2:resource-data/string bindResource = resource ]})" }, "dgsUnloadStyle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsUnloadStyle", "description": "This function unloads an existing style from memory. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsUnloadStyle", "body": "dgsUnloadStyle(${1:string styleName [}, ${2:resource-data/string bindResource = resource ]})" }, "dgsSetStyle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetStyle", "description": "This function applies a DGS style to DGS global or just inside a specific resource. If the style is added but not loaded, this funtion will... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetStyle", "body": "dgsSetStyle(${1:string styleName [}, ${2:resource-data/string bindResource = resource ]})" }, "dgsGetStyle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetStyle", "description": "This function get the using style name from DGS global or a specific resource. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetStyle", "body": "dgsGetStyle(${1:[ resource-data/string bindResource = resource ]})" }, "dgsGetLoadedStyleList": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetLoadedStyleList", "description": "This function get the loaded style list from DGS global or a specific resource. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetLoadedStyleList", "body": "dgsGetLoadedStyleList(${1:[ bool includeGlobal = false}, ${2:resource-data/string bindResource = resource ]})" }, "dgsGetAddedStyleList": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetAddedStyleList", "description": "This function get the added style list from DGS global or a specific resource. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetAddedStyleList", "body": "dgsGetAddedStyleList(${1:[ bool includeGlobal = false}, ${2:resource-data/string bindResource = resource ]})" }, "dgsGetValueFromStyle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetValueFromStyle", "description": "This function returns the value from a loaded style( current style if not specified ) from DGS global or a specific resource. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetValueFromStyle", "body": "dgsGetValueFromStyle(${1:string elementType}, ${2:string key [}, ${3:string styleName = dgsGetStyle(})" }, "dgsCreateSwitchButton": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateSwitchButton", "description": "This function allows creation of a DGS Switch Button, which is a clickable item as part of GUI. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateSwitchButton", "body": "dgsCreateSwitchButton(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height [}, ${5:string textOn = \"\"}, ${6:string textOff = \"\"}, ${7:bool state = false}, ${8:bool relative = false}, ${9:element parent = nil}, ${10:int textColorOn = 0x5AA0E6FF}, ${11:int textColorOff = 0x3C3C3CFF}, ${12:float scaleX = 1}, ${13:float scaleY = 1 ]})" }, "dgsSwitchButtonGetState": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSwitchButtonGetState", "description": "This function gets the state of switch button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSwitchButtonGetState", "body": "dgsSwitchButtonGetState(${1:element switchButton})" }, "dgsSwitchButtonSetState": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSwitchButtonSetState", "description": "This function sets the state of switch button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSwitchButtonSetState", "body": "dgsSwitchButtonSetState(${1:element switchButton}, ${2:bool state})" }, "dgsSwitchButtonSetText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSwitchButtonSetText", "description": "This function sets the text of switch button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSwitchButtonSetText", "body": "dgsSwitchButtonSetText(${1:element switchbutton}, ${2:string textOn}, ${3:string textOff})" }, "dgsSwitchButtonGetText": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSwitchButtonGetText", "description": "This function gets the text of switch button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSwitchButtonGetText", "body": "dgsSwitchButtonGetText(${1:element switchButton})" }, "dgsCreateTabPanel": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateTabPanel", "description": "This function allows creation of a DGS Tab Panel. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateTabPanel", "body": "dgsCreateTabPanel(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:bool relative [}, ${6:element parent = nil}, ${7:int tabHeight = 20}, ${8:element bgImage = nil}, ${9:int bgColor = 0xB4000000 ]})" }, "dgsCreateTab": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateTab", "description": "This function creates a tab on a pre-existing tab panel. A tab is a button as well as a 'dimension' that can be used to switch between infor... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateTab", "body": "dgsCreateTab(${1:string text}, ${2:element parent [}, ${3:int scaleX = 1}, ${4:int scaleY = 1}, ${5:int textColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${6:element bgImage = nil}, ${7:int bgColor = 0x000000C8}, ${8:element normalImage = nil}, ${9:element hoveringImage = nil}, ${10:element clickedImage = nil}, ${11:int normalColor = 282828B4}, ${12:int hoveringColor = 0x505050BE}, ${13:int clickedColor = 0X000000C8]})" }, "dgsGetSelectedTab": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetSelectedTab", "description": "This function returns the currently selected tab in the specified dgs tab panel. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetSelectedTab", "body": "dgsGetSelectedTab(${1:dgsElement tabPanel})" }, "dgsSetSelectedTab": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSetSelectedTab", "description": "This function is used to change the currently selected tab in the specified dgs tab panel. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSetSelectedTab", "body": "dgsSetSelectedTab(${1:dgsElement tabPanel}, ${2:dgsElement tab})" }, "dgsTabPanelGetTabFromID": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsTabPanelGetTabFromID", "description": "This function gets tab by the specific tab panel and tab id (start from 1). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsTabPanelGetTabFromID", "body": "dgsTabPanelGetTabFromID(${1:element tabpanel}, ${2:int ID})" }, "dgsTabPanelMoveTab": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsTabPanelMoveTab", "description": "This function moves the tab to a specific index. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsTabPanelMoveTab", "body": "dgsTabPanelMoveTab(${1:element tabpanel}, ${2:int from}, ${3:int to})" }, "dgsTabPanelGetTabID": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsTabPanelGetTabID", "description": "This function gets the index of the tab. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsTabPanelGetTabID", "body": "dgsTabPanelGetTabID(${1:element tab})" }, "dgsDeleteTab": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsDeleteTab", "description": "This function deletes a tab from a tab panel. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsDeleteTab", "body": "dgsDeleteTab(${1:element tabToDelete})" }, "dgsCreateWindow": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateWindow", "description": "This function is for creating a new DGS window. This provides a base for other dgs elements to be created within. However, windows do not... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateWindow", "body": "dgsCreateWindow(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:string text}, ${6:bool relative[}, ${7:int textColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${8:float titleHeight = 25}, ${9:element titleImage = nil}, ${10:int titleColor = 0xC8141414}, ${11:element image = nil}, ${12:int color = 0x96141414}, ${13:float borderSize = 5}, ${14:bool noCloseButton = false ]})" }, "dgsWindowSetSizable": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowSetSizable", "description": "This function enables or disables user resizing of a DGS window. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowSetSizable", "body": "dgsWindowSetSizable(${1:element theElement}, ${2:bool status})" }, "dgsWindowSetMovable": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowSetMovable", "description": "This function allows you to specify whether or not a user can move a DGS window. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowSetMovable", "body": "dgsWindowSetMovable(${1:element theElement}, ${2:bool status})" }, "dgsWindowGetSizable": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowGetSizable", "description": "This function allows you to check if a window is sizable. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowGetSizable", "body": "dgsWindowGetSizable(${1:element dgsWindow})" }, "dgsWindowGetMovable": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowGetMovable", "description": "This function allows you to check if a window is movable. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowGetMovable", "body": "dgsWindowGetMovable(${1:element dgsWindow})" }, "dgsCloseWindow": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCloseWindow", "description": "This function allows you to close a DGS window. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCloseWindow", "body": "dgsCloseWindow(${1:element theElement})" }, "dgsWindowSetCloseButtonEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowSetCloseButtonEnabled", "description": "This function enables/disables the window close button( show or hide ). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowSetCloseButtonEnabled", "body": "dgsWindowSetCloseButtonEnabled(${1:element window}, ${2:bool enabled})" }, "dgsWindowGetCloseButtonEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowGetCloseButtonEnabled", "description": "This function gets whether the window close button is enabled or not. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowGetCloseButtonEnabled", "body": "dgsWindowGetCloseButtonEnabled(${1:element window})" }, "dgsWindowSetCloseButtonSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowSetCloseButtonSize", "description": "This functions sets the dgs-dxwindow close(off) button size. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowSetCloseButtonSize", "body": "dgsWindowSetCloseButtonSize(${1:element dgsElement}, ${2:int width}, ${3:int height[}, ${4:bool relative]})" }, "dgsWindowGetCloseButtonSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowGetCloseButtonSize", "description": "This functions gets the size of dgs-dxwindow close(off) button. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowGetCloseButtonSize", "body": "dgsWindowGetCloseButtonSize(${1:element dgsElement [}, ${2:bool relative ]})" }, "dgsWindowGetCloseButton": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowGetCloseButton", "description": "This function allows you get the close button of window | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowGetCloseButton", "body": "dgsWindowGetCloseButton(${1:element dgsWindow})" }, "dgsWindowSetHorizontalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowSetHorizontalAlign", "description": "This function sets the horizontal alignment of the title text of a dgs window. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowSetHorizontalAlign", "body": "dgsWindowSetHorizontalAlign(${1:element window}, ${2:string align})" }, "dgsWindowSetVerticalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowSetVerticalAlign", "description": "This function sets the vertical alignment of the title text of a dgs window. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowSetVerticalAlign", "body": "dgsWindowSetVerticalAlign(${1:element window}, ${2:string align})" }, "dgsWindowGetHorizontalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowGetHorizontalAlign", "description": "This function gets the horizontal alignment of a dgs window.Valid alignment types are: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowGetHorizontalAlign", "body": "dgsWindowGetHorizontalAlign(${1:element window})" }, "dgsWindowGetVerticalAlign": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowGetVerticalAlign", "description": "This function gets the vertical alignment of a dgs window.Valid alignment types are: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowGetVerticalAlign", "body": "dgsWindowGetVerticalAlign(${1:element window})" }, "dgsWindowGetTextExtent": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowGetTextExtent", "description": "This function returns the extent, or width, of the current title text of a DGS window. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowGetTextExtent", "body": "dgsWindowGetTextExtent(${1:element theWIndow})" }, "dgsWindowGetFontHeight": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowGetFontHeight", "description": "This function returns the height of the font currently used in title text of a DGS window. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowGetFontHeight", "body": "dgsWindowGetFontHeight(${1:element theWindow})" }, "dgsWindowGetTextSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsWindowGetTextSize", "description": "This function retrieves the theoretical width and height (in pixels) of a certain piece of title text of dgs window. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsWindowGetTextSize", "body": "dgsWindowGetTextSize(${1:element theWindow})" }, "dgsCreateCircle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateCircle", "description": "This function creates a circle shader that can be used for dgs elements. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateCircle", "body": "dgsCreateCircle(${1:[ float outsideRadius = 0.5}, ${2:float insideRadius = 0.2}, ${3:float angle = 360}, ${4:int color = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${5:element texture = nil ]})" }, "dgsCircleSetRadius": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCircleSetRadius", "description": "This function set the outside/inside radius of the dgs circle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCircleSetRadius", "body": "dgsCircleSetRadius(${1:element circle}, ${2:float outsideRadius = 0.5}, ${3:float insideRadius = 0.2})" }, "dgsCircleGetRadius": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCircleGetRadius", "description": "This function gets the outside/inside radius from the dgs circle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCircleGetRadius", "body": "dgsCircleGetRadius(${1:element circle})" }, "dgsCircleSetTexture": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCircleSetTexture", "description": "This function applies a texture into dgs circle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCircleSetTexture", "body": "dgsCircleSetTexture(${1:element circle [}, ${2:element texture = nil ]})" }, "dgsCircleGetTexture": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCircleGetTexture", "description": "This function gets the texture from the dgs circle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCircleGetTexture", "body": "dgsCircleGetTexture(${1:element circle})" }, "dgsCircleSetColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCircleSetColor", "description": "This function sets the color of the dgs circle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCircleSetColor", "body": "dgsCircleSetColor(${1:element circle}, ${2:int color})" }, "dgsCircleGetColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCircleGetColor", "description": "This function gets the color of the dgs circle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCircleGetColor", "body": "dgsCircleGetColor(${1:element circle})" }, "dgsCircleSetDirection": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCircleSetDirection", "description": "This function sets the direction of dgs circle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCircleSetDirection", "body": "dgsCircleSetDirection(${1:element circle}, ${2:bool direction})" }, "dgsCircleGetDirection": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCircleGetDirection", "description": "This function gets the direction from dgs circle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCircleGetDirection", "body": "dgsCircleGetDirection(${1:element circle})" }, "dgsCircleSetAngle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCircleSetAngle", "description": "This function sets the angle of dgs circle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCircleSetAngle", "body": "dgsCircleSetAngle(${1:element circle}, ${2:float rotation})" }, "dgsCircleGetAngle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCircleGetAngle", "description": "This function gets the angle from dgs circle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCircleGetAngle", "body": "dgsCircleGetAngle(${1:element circle})" }, "dgsCircleSetRotation": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCircleSetRotation", "description": "This function sets the rotation of dgs circle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCircleSetRotation", "body": "dgsCircleSetRotation(${1:element circle}, ${2:float rotation})" }, "dgsCircleGetRotation": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCircleGetRotation", "description": "This function gets the rotation from dgs circle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCircleGetRotation", "body": "dgsCircleGetRotation(${1:element circle})" }, "dgsCircleSetTextureRotation": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCircleSetTextureRotation", "description": "This function changes the texture rotation of the dgs circle. Texture rotation will be affect by rotation dgsCircleSetRotation. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCircleSetTextureRotation", "body": "dgsCircleSetTextureRotation(${1:element circle}, ${2:float rotDegree [}, ${3:float rotCenterX = rotCenterX}, ${4:float rotCenterY = rotCenterY ]})" }, "dgsCircleGetTextureRotation": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCircleGetTextureRotation", "description": "This function gets the texture rotation from the dgs circle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCircleGetTextureRotation", "body": "dgsCircleGetTextureRotation(${1:element circle})" }, "dgsCreateQuad": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateQuad", "description": ">>>Warning: This feature requires pixel shader model 2_a<<< This function creates a quadrilateral shader that can be used for dgs elements. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateQuad", "body": "dgsCreateQuad(${1:table corners [}, ${2:int color = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${3:texture background = nil}, ${4:bool colorOverwritten = true ]})" }, "dgsCreateRoundRect": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateRoundRect", "description": "NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateRoundRect", "body": "dgsCreateRoundRect(${1:float radius}, ${2:bool relative [}, ${3:int color = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${4:texture background = nil}, ${5:bool colorOverwritten = true}, ${6:bool/int border = false}, ${7:float borderHorizontalThickness}, ${8:float borderVerticalThickness ]})" }, "dgsCreateRoundRect2": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateRoundRect2", "description": "NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateRoundRect", "body": "dgsCreateRoundRect(${1:table multiArguments [}, ${2:int color = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${3:texture background = nil}, ${4:bool colorOverwritten = true}, ${5:bool/int border = false}, ${6:float borderHorizontalThickness}, ${7:float borderVerticalThickness ]})" }, "dgsRoundRectSetTexture": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRoundRectSetTexture", "description": "This function sets the source texture of dgs rounded rectangle that will be cut into rounded rectangle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRoundRectSetTexture", "body": "dgsRoundRectSetTexture(${1:element rndRect}, ${2:texture sourceTexture})" }, "dgsRoundRectGetTexture": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRoundRectGetTexture", "description": "This function gets the texture that is used in rounded rectangle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRoundRectGetTexture", "body": "dgsRoundRectGetTexture(${1:element rndRect})" }, "dgsRoundRectSetRadius": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRoundRectSetRadius", "description": "This function sets the radius of the corner of the dgs rounded rectangle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRoundRectSetRadius", "body": "dgsRoundRectSetRadius(${1:element rndRect}, ${2:float radius [}, ${3:bool isRelative = true]})" }, "dgsRoundRectGetRadius": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRoundRectGetRadius", "description": "This function gets the radius of the corner of the dgs rounded rectangle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRoundRectGetRadius", "body": "dgsRoundRectGetRadius(${1:element rndRect})" }, "dgsRoundRectSetColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRoundRectSetColor", "description": "This function sets the color of the dgs rounded rectangle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRoundRectSetColor", "body": "dgsRoundRectSetColor(${1:element rndRect}, ${2:int color})" }, "dgsRoundRectGetColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRoundRectGetColor", "description": "This function gets the color of the dgs rounded rectangle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRoundRectGetColor", "body": "dgsRoundRectGetColor(${1:element rndRect})" }, "dgsRoundRectSetColorOverwritten": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRoundRectSetColorOverwritten", "description": "This function sets whether the color of rounded rectangle will overwrite the color of dx functions. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRoundRectSetColorOverwritten", "body": "dgsRoundRectSetColorOverwritten(${1:element rndRect}, ${2:bool isOverwritten})" }, "dgsRoundRectGetColorOverwritten": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRoundRectGetColorOverwritten", "description": "This function gets whether the color of rounded rectangle will overwrite the color of dx functions. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRoundRectGetColorOverwritten", "body": "dgsRoundRectGetColorOverwritten(${1:element rndRect})" }, "dgsRoundRectSetBorderThickness": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRoundRectSetBorderThickness", "description": "This function sets border thickness of an unfilled round rectangle. This function only works with unfilled round rectangle, make sure the ro... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRoundRectSetBorderThickness", "body": "dgsRoundRectSetBorderThickness(${1:element rndRect}, ${2:float horizontal [}, ${3:float vertical = horizontal ]})" }, "dgsRoundRectGetBorderThickness": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRoundRectGetBorderThickness", "description": "This function gets border thickness of an unfilled round rectangle. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRoundRectGetBorderThickness", "body": "dgsRoundRectGetBorderThickness(${1:element rndRect})" }, "dgsRoundRectGetBorderOnly": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRoundRectGetBorderOnly", "description": "This function gets whether the round rectangle is border only ( unfilled ). | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRoundRectGetBorderOnly", "body": "dgsRoundRectGetBorderOnly(${1:element rndRect})" }, "dgsCreateBlurBox": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateBlurBox", "description": ">>>Warning: This feature requires pixel shader model 2_a<<< This function creates a blur box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateBlurBox", "body": "dgsCreateBlurBox(${1:int resolutionX}, ${2:int resolutionY [}, ${3:texture sourceTexture = nil ]})" }, "dgsBlurBoxSetTexture": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsBlurBoxSetTexture", "description": "This function sets the source texture of dgs blur box that will be blurred. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsBlurBoxSetTexture", "body": "dgsBlurBoxSetTexture(${1:element blurbox [}, ${2:texture sourceTexture ]})" }, "dgsBlurBoxGetTexture": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsBlurBoxGetTexture", "description": "This function gets the texture that is used in blur box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsBlurBoxGetTexture", "body": "dgsBlurBoxGetTexture(${1:element blurbox})" }, "dgsBlurBoxSetResolution": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsBlurBoxSetResolution", "description": "This function changes blur box resolution. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsBlurBoxSetResolution", "body": "dgsBlurBoxSetResolution(${1:element blurBox}, ${2:int width}, ${3:int height})" }, "dgsBlurBoxSetIntensity": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsBlurBoxSetIntensity", "description": "This function sets blur box intensity. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsBlurBoxSetIntensity", "body": "dgsBlurBoxSetIntensity(${1:element blurBox}, ${2:float intensity})" }, "dgsBlurBoxSetLevel": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsBlurBoxSetLevel", "description": "This function sets blur box level. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsBlurBoxSetLevel", "body": "dgsBlurBoxSetLevel(${1:element blurBox}, ${2:int level})" }, "dgsBlurBoxGetResolution": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsBlurBoxGetResolution", "description": "This function gets resolution of a blur box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsBlurBoxGetResolution", "body": "dgsBlurBoxGetResolution(${1:element blurBox})" }, "dgsBlurBoxGetLevel": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsBlurBoxGetLevel", "description": "This function gets level of a blur box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsBlurBoxGetLevel", "body": "dgsBlurBoxGetLevel(${1:element blurBox})" }, "dgsBlurBoxGetIntensity": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsBlurBoxGetIntensity", "description": "This function gets intensity of a blur box. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsBlurBoxGetIntensity", "body": "dgsBlurBoxGetIntensity(${1:element blurBox})" }, "dgsBlurBoxSetFilter": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsBlurBoxSetFilter", "description": "This function applies a dgs shape plugin to a blurbox. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsBlurBoxSetFilter", "body": "dgsBlurBoxSetFilter(${1:element blurbox [}, ${2:shader shapePlugin]})" }, "dgsCreateCanvas": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateCanvas", "description": "This function creates a canvas that is used to draw multiple shaders. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateCanvas", "body": "dgsCreateCanvas(${1:element renderSource}, ${2:int width}, ${3:int height})" }, "dgsCreateChart": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateChart", "description": "This function creates a data chart. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateChart", "body": "dgsCreateChart(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float width}, ${4:float height}, ${5:string chartType}, ${6:bool relative [}, ${7:element parent = nil ]})" }, "dgsCreateColorPicker": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateColorPicker", "description": ">>>Warning: This feature requires pixel shader model 2_a<<< This function creates a dgs color picker plugin with RGB, HSL, HSV color mode. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateColorPicker", "body": "dgsCreateColorPicker(${1:string style}, ${2:float x}, ${3:float y}, ${4:float w}, ${5:float h}, ${6:bool relative [}, ${7:element parent = nil ]})" }, "dgsColorPickerSetColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsColorPickerSetColor", "description": "This function sets the color of the color picker. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsColorPickerSetColor", "body": "dgsColorPickerSetColor(${1:element colorPicker [}, ${2:int color1}, ${3:int color2}, ${4:int color3}, ${5:int alpha}, ${6:string colorType = \"RGB\" ]})" }, "dgsColorPickerGetColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsColorPickerGetColor", "description": "This function gets the color from the color picker. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsColorPickerGetColor", "body": "dgsColorPickerGetColor(${1:element colorPicker [}, ${2:string colorType = \"RGB\" ]})" }, "dgsBindToColorPicker": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsBindToColorPicker", "description": "This function allows the possibility to bind a dgs edit/label/component selector/scrollbar to a dgs color picker. The value will be automati... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsBindToColorPicker", "body": "dgsBindToColorPicker(${1:element boundSource}, ${2:element targetColorPicker}, ${3:string colorType}, ${4:string colorAttribute [}, ${5:bool isStatic = false}, ${6:bool isReversed = false ]})" }, "dgsUnbindFromColorPicker": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsUnbindFromColorPicker", "description": "This function allows the possibility to unbind a dgs edit/label/component selector/scrollbar from a dgs color picker. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsUnbindFromColorPicker", "body": "dgsUnbindFromColorPicker(${1:element boundSource})" }, "dgsColorPickerCreateComponentSelector": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsColorPickerCreateComponentSelector", "description": ">>>Warning: This feature requires pixel shader model 2_a<<< This function creates a dgs color picker component selector. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsColorPickerCreateComponentSelector", "body": "dgsColorPickerCreateComponentSelector(${1:float x}, ${2:float y}, ${3:float w}, ${4:float h}, ${5:bool isHorizontal}, ${6:bool relative [}, ${7:element parent ]})" }, "dgsColorPickerGetComponentSelectorValue": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsColorPickerGetComponentSelectorValue", "description": "This function gets the value in component selector ranges from 0 to 100. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsColorPickerGetComponentSelectorValue", "body": "dgsColorPickerGetComponentSelectorValue(${1:element componentSelector})" }, "dgsColorPickerSetComponentSelectorValue": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsColorPickerSetComponentSelectorValue", "description": "This function sets the value in component selector ranges from 0 to 100. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsColorPickerSetComponentSelectorValue", "body": "dgsColorPickerSetComponentSelectorValue(${1:element componentSelector}, ${2:float value})" }, "dgsCreateEffect3D": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateEffect3D", "description": "This function creates a 3d effect for scroll pane. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateEffect3D", "body": "dgsCreateEffect3D(${1:float rotateFactor})" }, "dgsEffect3DApplyToScrollPane": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEffect3DApplyToScrollPane", "description": "This function applies dgs effect 3d to a scroll pane. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEffect3DApplyToScrollPane", "body": "dgsEffect3DApplyToScrollPane(${1:element effect3d}, ${2:element scrollpane})" }, "dgsEffect3DRemoveFromScrollPane": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsEffect3DRemoveFromScrollPane", "description": "This function removes dgs effect 3d from a scroll pane if existing. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsEffect3DRemoveFromScrollPane", "body": "dgsEffect3DRemoveFromScrollPane(${1:element scrollpane})" }, "dgsCreateGradient": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateGradient", "description": "This function is for creating a gradient shader. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateGradient", "body": "dgsCreateGradient(${1:int colorFrom}, ${2:int colorTo [}, ${3:float rotation = 0 ]})" }, "dgsGradientSetColor": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGradientSetColor", "description": "This function sets the color of the dgs gradient plugin. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGradientSetColor", "body": "dgsGradientSetColor(${1:element gradShader}, ${2:int colorFrom}, ${3:int colorTo})" }, "dgsGradientSetColorOverwritten": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGradientSetColorOverwritten", "description": "This function sets whether the color of gradient will overwrite the color of dx functions. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGradientSetColorOverwritten", "body": "dgsGradientSetColorOverwritten(${1:element gradient}, ${2:bool isOverwritten})" }, "dgsGradientGetColorOverwritten": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGradientGetColorOverwritten", "description": "This function gets whether the color of gradient will overwrite the color of dx functions. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGradientGetColorOverwritten", "body": "dgsGradientGetColorOverwritten(${1:element gradient})" }, "dgsCreateMask": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateMask", "description": "This function creates a DGS mask. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateMask", "body": "dgsCreateMask(${1:texture sourceTexture}, ${2:texture/shader/string mask [}, ${3:table settings ]})" }, "dgsMaskGetTexture": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMaskGetTexture", "description": "This function gets the texture that is used as source texture of dgs mask. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMaskGetTexture", "body": "dgsMaskGetTexture(${1:element mask})" }, "dgsMaskSetTexture": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMaskSetTexture", "description": "This function sets the texture that is used as source texture of dgs mask. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMaskSetTexture", "body": "dgsMaskSetTexture(${1:element mask}, ${2:element texture})" }, "dgsMaskCenterTexturePosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMaskCenterTexturePosition", "description": "This function center the source texture of DGS mask. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMaskCenterTexturePosition", "body": "dgsMaskCenterTexturePosition(${1:element mask}, ${2:int w}, ${3:int h})" }, "dgsMaskAdaptTextureSize": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMaskAdaptTextureSize", "description": "This function adapt the size of the source texture of DGS mask. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMaskAdaptTextureSize", "body": "dgsMaskAdaptTextureSize(${1:element mask}, ${2:int w}, ${3:int h})" }, "dgsCreateMediaBrowser": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateMediaBrowser", "description": "This function is for creating a browser(CEF) which is coded to load Video/Audio/Image more convenient. Only Local Mode Available. Available... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateMediaBrowser", "body": "dgsCreateMediaBrowser(${1:int width}, ${2:int height}, ${3:bool transparent})" }, "dgsMediaLoadMedia": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMediaLoadMedia", "description": "This function is for loading Video/Audio/Image to a Media Browser (dgsCreateMediaBrowser) element. Available Media Format: Video: webm Audio... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMediaLoadMedia", "body": "dgsMediaLoadMedia(${1:element media}, ${2:string path}, ${3:string theType})" }, "dgsMediaGetMediaPath": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMediaGetMediaPath", "description": "This function returns file path of the media in the (dgsCreateMediaBrowser) element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMediaGetMediaPath", "body": "dgsMediaGetMediaPath(${1:element media})" }, "dgsMediaClearMedia": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMediaClearMedia", "description": "This function clears the media in the (dgsCreateMediaBrowser) element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMediaClearMedia", "body": "dgsMediaClearMedia(${1:element media})" }, "dgsMediaIsStreamMedia": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMediaIsStreamMedia", "description": "This function checks whether there is a media loaded by the media browser . | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMediaIsStreamMedia", "body": "dgsMediaIsStreamMedia(${1:element media})" }, "dgsMediaPlay": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMediaPlay", "description": "This function plays media in media browser. Please ensure media has been loaded into media browser before playing | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMediaPlay", "body": "dgsMediaPlay(${1:element multiMediaBrowser})" }, "dgsMediaPause": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMediaPause", "description": "This function pauses media in media browser. Available types: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMediaPause", "body": "dgsMediaPause(${1:element multiMediaBrowser})" }, "dgsMediaStop": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMediaStop", "description": "This function stops media in media browser. Available types: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMediaStop", "body": "dgsMediaStop(${1:element multiMediaBrowser})" }, "dgsMediaGetDuration": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMediaGetDuration", "description": "This function gets the duration of the loaded media. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMediaGetDuration", "body": "dgsMediaGetDuration(${1:element multiMediaBrowser})" }, "dgsMediaGetCurrentPosition": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMediaGetCurrentPosition", "description": "This function gets the position of the loaded media. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMediaGetCurrentPosition", "body": "dgsMediaGetCurrentPosition(${1:element multiMediaBrowser})" }, "dgsMediaGetLooped": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMediaGetLooped", "description": "This function gets whether the media browser is looped. Only Video/Audio support loop option. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMediaGetLooped", "body": "dgsMediaGetLooped(${1:element multiMediaBrowser})" }, "dgsMediaSetLooped": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsMediaSetLooped", "description": "This function sets whether the media in media browser is looped. Only Video/Audio support loop option. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsMediaSetLooped", "body": "dgsMediaSetLooped(${1:element multiMediaBrowser}, ${2:bool state})" }, "dgsCreateNineSlice": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateNineSlice", "description": "This function creates a nine-slice scaler. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateNineSlice", "body": "dgsCreateNineSlice(${1:element texture}, ${2:float gridXLeft}, ${3:float gridXRight}, ${4:float gridYTop}, ${5:float gridYBottom [}, ${6:bool relative = false ]})" }, "dgsNineSliceSetGrid": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsNineSliceSetGrid", "description": "This function changes the grid position of DGS nine slice plugin. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsNineSliceSetGrid", "body": "dgsNineSliceSetGrid(${1:element nineSlice [}, ${2:float gridXLeft}, ${3:float gridXRight}, ${4:float gridYTop}, ${5:float gridYBottom}, ${6:bool relative = false ]})" }, "dgsNineSliceGetGrid": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsNineSliceGetGrid", "description": "This function gets the grid position of DGS nine slice plugin. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsNineSliceGetGrid", "body": "dgsNineSliceGetGrid(${1:element nineSlice [}, ${2:relative = false ]})" }, "dgsCreateObjectPreviewHandle": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateObjectPreviewHandle", "description": ">>>Warning: This feature requires hardware MRT support ( You can also solve this problem by renewing your graphic card )<<< >>>Warning: This... | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateObjectPreviewHandle", "body": "dgsCreateObjectPreviewHandle(${1:element theElementToShow}, ${2:float rotX}, ${3:float rotY}, ${4:float rotZ [}, ${5:bool isSecRT = true]})" }, "dgsLocateObjectPreviewResource": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsLocateObjectPreviewResource", "description": "This function locates the object preview resource for DGS. Object Preview should be running. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsLocateObjectPreviewResource", "body": "dgsLocateObjectPreviewResource(${1:string name})" }, "dgsAttachObjectPreviewToImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsAttachObjectPreviewToImage", "description": "This function applies the object preview element to dgs image. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsAttachObjectPreviewToImage", "body": "dgsAttachObjectPreviewToImage(${1:element SOVElement}, ${2:element dgsImage})" }, "dgsRemoveObjectPreviewFromImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRemoveObjectPreviewFromImage", "description": "This function removes the object preview element from dgs image. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRemoveObjectPreviewFromImage", "body": "dgsRemoveObjectPreviewFromImage(${1:element dgsImage})" }, "dgsObjectPreviewGetHandleByID": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsObjectPreviewGetHandleByID", "description": "This function gets the DGS handled object prreview element by element ID. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsObjectPreviewGetHandleByID", "body": "dgsObjectPreviewGetHandleByID(${1:string elementID})" }, "dgsConfigureObjectPreview": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsConfigureObjectPreview", "description": "You need to insert this line into line 340 in 'c_main.lua of Object Preview: | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsConfigureObjectPreview", "body": "dgsConfigureObjectPreview(${1:})" }, "dgsPasteHandlerSetEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsPasteHandlerSetEnabled", "description": "This function enables/disables DGS Paste Handler. This paste handler will enable player to paste (ctrl+v) something with format. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsPasteHandlerSetEnabled", "body": "dgsPasteHandlerSetEnabled(${1:bool state})" }, "dgsPasteHandlerIsEnabled": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsPasteHandlerIsEnabled", "description": "This function gets whether the DGS Paste Handler is enabled or not. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsPasteHandlerIsEnabled", "body": "dgsPasteHandlerIsEnabled(${1:})" }, "dgsPasteHandlerSetFocused": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsPasteHandlerSetFocused", "description": "This function focus/blur DGS Paste Handler. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsPasteHandlerSetFocused", "body": "dgsPasteHandlerSetFocused(${1:bool state})" }, "dgsPasteHandlerIsFocused": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsPasteHandlerIsFocused", "description": "This function gets whether the DGS Paste Handler is focused or not. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsPasteHandlerIsFocused", "body": "dgsPasteHandlerIsFocused(${1:})" }, "dgsRequestQRCode": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRequestQRCode", "description": "This function uses the API from api.qrserver.com to create a QRCode and handled by DGS. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRequestQRCode", "body": "dgsRequestQRCode(${1:string dataString [}, ${2:int width = 128}, ${3:int height = 128 ]})" }, "dgsGetQRCodeLoaded": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetQRCodeLoaded", "description": "This function gets whether the DGS QRCode is loaded or not. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetQRCodeLoaded", "body": "dgsGetQRCodeLoaded(${1:element QRCode})" }, "dgsCreateRemoteImage": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateRemoteImage", "description": "This function creates a texture from URL, that can be used for dgsCreateImage. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateRemoteImage", "body": "dgsCreateRemoteImage(${1:string URL})" }, "dgsRemoteImageRequest": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRemoteImageRequest", "description": "This function loads image from a URL with existing dgs remote image. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRemoteImageRequest", "body": "dgsRemoteImageRequest(${1:element remoteImage}, ${2:string URL})" }, "dgsRemoteImageAbort": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRemoteImageAbort", "description": "This function aborts the request of remote image when it is downloading. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRemoteImageAbort", "body": "dgsRemoteImageAbort(${1:element remoteImage})" }, "dgsRemoteImageGetTexture": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsRemoteImageGetTexture", "description": "This function gets the texture of loaded dgs remote image. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsRemoteImageGetTexture", "body": "dgsRemoteImageGetTexture(${1:element remoteImage})" }, "dgsGetRemoteImageLoadState": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsGetRemoteImageLoadState", "description": "This function gets whether the DGS Remote Image is loaded or not. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsGetRemoteImageLoadState", "body": "dgsGetRemoteImageLoadState(${1:element imageTexture})" }, "dgsCreateSVG": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateSVG", "description": "Creates an svg from size (blank document), filepath or raw data , similar to svgCreate. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateSVG", "body": "dgsCreateSVG(${1:int width}, ${2:int height [}, ${3:string pathORrawData ]})" }, "dgsSVGGetRawDocument": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSVGGetRawDocument", "description": "Gets the raw xml data from an svg or an svg node. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSVGGetRawDocument", "body": "dgsSVGGetRawDocument(${1:mixed svgNode})" }, "dgsSVGGetDocument": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSVGGetDocument", "description": "Gets the underlying XML document from an SVG element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSVGGetDocument", "body": "dgsSVGGetDocument(${1:svg svgElement})" }, "dgsSVGCreateNode": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSVGCreateNode", "description": "This function create a node in svg document . | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSVGCreateNode", "body": "dgsSVGCreateNode(${1:xmlnode xmlNode}, ${2:string nodeType}, ${3:...})" }, "dgsSVGDestroyNode": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSVGDestroyNode", "description": "This function destroys a XML node from the XML node tree. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSVGDestroyNode", "body": "dgsSVGDestroyNode(${1:xmlnode theXMLNode})" }, "dgsSVGNodeSetAttribute": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSVGNodeSetAttribute", "description": "This function change single node attribute in svg document . | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSVGNodeSetAttribute", "body": "dgsSVGNodeSetAttribute(${1:xmlnode xmlNode}, ${2:string attributeName}, ${3:string value})" }, "dgsSVGNodeGetAttribute": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSVGNodeGetAttribute", "description": "This function change single node attribute in svg document . | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSVGNodeGetAttribute", "body": "dgsSVGNodeGetAttribute(${1:xmlnode xmlNode}, ${2:string attributeName})" }, "dgsSVGNodeSetAttributes": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSVGNodeSetAttributes", "description": "This function change svg xmlnode attributes value with formated. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSVGNodeSetAttributes", "body": "dgsSVGNodeSetAttributes(${1:xmlnode xmlNode}, ${2:table attributesWithValue})" }, "dgsSVGNodeGetAttributes": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsSVGNodeGetAttributes", "description": "This function gets xmlnode attributes value. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsSVGNodeGetAttributes", "body": "dgsSVGNodeGetAttributes(${1:xmlnode xmlNode [}, ${2:table attributes ]})" }, "dgsCreateToolTip": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsCreateToolTip", "description": "This function creates a tooltip as template that can be applied to any DGS elements. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsCreateToolTip", "body": "dgsCreateToolTip(${1:[ int textColor = 0xFFFFFFFF}, ${2:int bgColor = 0x80000000}, ${3:texture bgImage = nil ]})" }, "dgsTooltipApplyTo": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsTooltipApplyTo", "description": "This function applies a DGS tooltip to a DGS element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsTooltipApplyTo", "body": "dgsTooltipApplyTo(${1:element tooltip}, ${2:element targetElement}, ${3:string text [}, ${4:string/dx-font font = tooltipFont}, ${5:number maxWidth = tooltipMaxWidth ]})" }, "dgsTooltipRemoveFrom": { "scope": "lua", "prefix": "dgsTooltipRemoveFrom", "description": "This function removes tooltip from a DGS element. | URL: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DgsTooltipRemoveFrom", "body": "dgsTooltipRemoveFrom(${1:element targetElement})" } }