Syntax highlighting for cFos ml-files ===================================== ![alt text]( "Syntax highlighting for cFos ml-files preview") Simple yet effective Sublime Text and TextMate syntax highlighting for cFos ml-files Installation ------------ ### Sublime Text #### Package Control 1. Make sure you already have [Package Control][1] installed 2. Choose *Install Package* from the Command Palette (`Ctrl+Shift+P` on Windows and Linux, `⇧+⌘+P` on Mac OS) 3. Select *cFos ml syntax* and press `Enter` With [auto_upgrade][2] enabled, Package Control will keep all installed packages always up-to-date! #### Manual Installation 1. Download `Syntaxes` folder 2. *Browse Packages* from the Command Palette (`Ctrl+Shift+P` on Windows and Linux, `⇧⌘P` on OS X) 3. Copy `Syntaxes` folder to `Packages\User` ### TextMate *Note: cFos ml syntax wasn't tested in TextMate, but it should work as expected* 1. Download `.tmLanguage` files 2. Double-click it or drag and drop into TextMate Usage ----- * Use *.cfos.txt extension to make Sublime Text or TextMate open cFos ml-files with cFos ml-files syntax highlighting by default or * Enable it via `ctrl+shift+p` and typing `set syntax cfos ml-file` ### Unvalidated version To activate unvalidated version (which doesn't highlight syntax errors with red) * Call command promt (`ctrl+shift+p`) * Start typing `set syntax cfos ml-file unvalidated` * Press `Enter` Notes ----- Some themes do not have coloring for certain elemets. For example, Monokai Soda do not color entity elements, thus all escaping will be like plain text [1]: [2]: