import asyncio, json, random, requests, time, traceback, os rng = random.SystemRandom try: os.system('cls') OAuth = input("Go here and get a OAuth Token:\nPaste your token here: ") OAuth = "Bearer {}".format(OAuth) os.system('cls') Playlist = input("Paste your playlist URL here: ") Playlist = Playlist.split("/")[6].split("?")[0] try: url = "{}".format(Playlist) querystring = {"market":"GB"} headers = {'Accept': "application/json",'Content-Type': "application/json",'Authorization': OAuth} r=requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring).json() plc=int(r["tracks"]["total"]) except: print("Incorrect playlist/token information, check them and try again") quit() for i in range(plc): try: url = "{}/tracks".format(Playlist) x=rng().randrange(1, plc) payload = {"range_start":0,"range_length":1,"insert_before":x} headers = {'Accept': "application/json",'Content-Type': "application/json",'Authorization': OAuth} r=requests.request("PUT", url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers) x = json.loads(r.text) time.sleep(0.25) if r.status_code == 403: os.system('cls') print("Error: {}".format(x['error']['message'])) break os.system('cls') print("{} of {} songs randomised.".format(i,plc)) except Exception as e: time.sleep(5) pass #prevents errors due to exceeding rate-limits except Exception as e: print("Error: {}\n{}".format(e, traceback.format_exc()))